Water supply at home - how to properly bring water to a private house. Borehole water supply of the cottage

Engineering systems 01.06.2019
Engineering systems

Water is the source of life. She needs a person all the time. So when construction is underway country cottage water supply should be considered first. What does this issue involve?

First of all, you need to choose a connection scheme for a summer house, cottage or suburban area.

There are two types of water supply:

  • centralized;
  • autonomous (individual).

Centralized water supply.

This is the simplest and most convenient type of water supply. Such a connection eliminates the need for installation of specialized equipment and arrangement of the source. To connect you need:

  • the presence of a main pipeline in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe location of the house or land;
  • permission to connect a cottage, dacha or plot to the central water supply;
  • specifications for connecting a branch of a water supply system: here the connection point, water pressure will be determined, the depth of pipe laying, cost estimates for the work, installation sites for wells and valves will be indicated.

Except undoubted advantages this method also has its drawbacks. More precisely, the advantages in some cases are disadvantages.

If your outlet for the water supply of a cottage, dacha or suburban area is made of plastic pipes (PPR, PE, PVD), rust, pollution and suspension will still be present in the water, because. highway is made of metal materials(mainly steel). In addition, water is purified with chlorine, which greatly affects the subsequent quality.

The condition of the pipes of the central water supply, as a rule, leaves much to be desired. Utilities carry out fairly frequent repairs due to accidents and leaks. Accordingly, the supply of water to consumers may be interrupted for an indefinite period.

In the absence of a main pipeline, a cottage, cottage or plot is equipped with an autonomous water supply. This excludes the interference of other services in the process of water supply, but forces full responsibility for facilities and equipment.

In such a scheme, it is important correct selection source of the supplied resource. Water can be taken from:

  • well;
  • wells,
  • surface sources (river, lake).

For proper operation of the well, it is necessary state registration, but only after direct installation. Wells according to the method of arrangement are:

  • wooden- in this case, the well shaft is made of logs with a dense structure: oak, larch, pine;
  • stone- for the construction of such a mine, red burnt bricks are used, concrete blocks, stones; such wells are built with a shallow water (3-4 m);
  • from reinforced concrete rings- the most common and effective method; The depth of such a structure can reach 12 m.

Installation is carried out using construction equipment or manually. The location is determined individually depending on the conditions of the land. The main rule is the distance from the edge of the foundation to a distance of at least 5 m.

When the aquifer occurs at a depth of more than 15 m, it is advised to install wells. This construction is more expensive, but the water quality is much higher than that of samples from a well (with a water carrier 4-5 m deep). Wells are of two types:

  • "on the sand";
  • artesian well.

The first type is easier to arrange, but due to the possibility of frequent silting, it requires constant Maintenance. An artesian well is a more reliable source of water supply.

It is worth recognizing that a license is required for the construction and use of wells, which takes from 2 weeks to 2 months to obtain.

Open sources of water supply (river, lake).

In cases where centralized water supply is impossible, and autonomous water supply is too expensive, there is the possibility of water intake from rivers or lakes. It should be borne in mind that for cottages, summer cottages and plots, this option is not the best due to the need to equip sanitary zones around the source. This is a complex event with a set of required procedures, but the result is a high-quality resource for drinking needs. Otherwise, such water supply should be used only for technical use.

Dealing with the arrangement of bathrooms in new apartment, we tend to focus on the selection of sanitary ware and wall tiles. A completely different matter is the organization of water supply in a country house. Here to the spectrum design solutions a complex engineering puzzle is added, the solution of which begins at the site search stage.

Designers of water supply and sewerage systems always ask how many people will live in a house. Traditionally, the volume of water consumption is calculated on the basis of a consumption rate of 200 liters per person per day. However, the number of bathrooms and their location are determined not so much by the desire of customers (from their point of view, "convenience" in the bedroom is not superfluous), but by the features of the local topography and network capabilities. This means that it is necessary to start solving plumbing issues already at the site selection stage. It is usually enough to look at what sources of water supply your future neighbors use. There are only two options: centralized water supply or local sources (wells, wells, surface water intakes from nearby water bodies).

Comfort and water consumption

A person who has moved from an apartment to a cottage almost always notices that the water consumption has increased. First, in modern house, as a rule, not one bathroom. Even in democratic dachas, there are two of them today: on the ground floor and in the attic. And in cottages pretending to be more or less comfortable accommodation, design individual bathrooms for each bedroom. Secondly, on hot summer days, the average daily watering of a small garden and front lawn will require several cubic meters of water. Thirdly, what is a suburban household without a bath? And if there is a bath, I want a pool, at least an inflatable one, for 3-5 thousand liters ...

The owners of spacious plots tend to endure bath complex and a guest house outside the main building, which means that external and internal networks water supply and sewerage. Is it possible to tie them to the networks of the cottage, or will it be necessary to make an additional septic tank and a separate water supply system with water intake from the well? This question does not have a universal answer: everything, I repeat, depends on the relief, hydrogeology and the size of the site. With bindings of external points of water intake, it will be necessary to determine at the stage of hydrogeological survey.

Let's start designing: where does the water come from?

As part of the finished projects of cottages, there is rarely an engineering section, including the part devoted to the organization of water supply. It is too likely that they will have to be redone, because standard solutions does not happen here.

If the construction of a cottage is carried out on a territory that has the ability to connect to central networks, then at the local water supply organization you will receive technical conditions with diagrams for connecting water supply and sewage outlets. AT this document the depth of pipe laying is indicated, as well as the calculation estimated cost works and materials. The contract for connection to networks can be collective (for example, for a cottage settlement) or individual. In both cases, the supplier assumes an obligation to ensure the uninterrupted supply of water and its compliance with sanitary standards. With centralized water supply at the inlet, bulky equipment is not required: its set is limited to a water meter, a main coarse filter and a distribution manifold. But this approach can be ruinous if you use water in large volumes (for example, for irrigation). To reduce costs, you will have to take care of organizing a technical water supply for household needs. And here all the options are good: whether it is a pond fed by a stream flowing through the site, storage tanks or drainage wells, which receive storm sewer effluents.

Well or well?

If your option is a well or a well, you must remember that the line from the source of water intake to the house must be laid below the level of winter freezing of the soil (for different regions Russia is 1.2-1.7 m), and the lid of the well or the head of the well must be insulated.

You will have to dig or drill not where it is convenient, but where there is water. Exploratory drilling will help you choose a place, which will reveal the presence of large stones, quicksand, and most importantly, the depth of the aquifer. An invited hydrogeologist should not only find water, but write technical task, which will provide recommendations for the team: an open or closed way to pass the mine, the design of the bottom filter, the number and type of rings. Force a specialist to drill several wells at different points in the area and do not rush to let him go without receiving detailed information on the nature of soils and recommendations for the construction of a sewer septic tank.

Despite the fact that the main criterion for choosing a place for a well is the availability of water, it is desirable to take into account other factors. For example, distance from compost heaps, neighboring toilets, ditches and other potential pollutants, as well as proximity to water points (the closer - the less possible freezing points that require insurance with heating cables). Another point: the area around the well should not be flooded with melt water. Therefore, the well on the hill, despite the fact that in this case you will not be able to save on rings, the decision is reasonable.

Spring wells "on the sand" (with a depth of up to 20 m), as well as wells, are fed by groundwater, but have a smaller supply of water and are only suitable for areas with good aquifers.

Some country owners drill a well at the site of a future house or bath before construction begins. This is convenient: the water intake does not need to be insulated, and the water will flow directly into the house. But experts do not welcome such a decision, since the well is a one-time one. When it silts up, you will have to drill another one - and no longer under the roof. And large volumes of pumping water can lead to soil movements, and hence foundations.

Autonomous navigation: bottlenecks of local sources

If water supply is organized at the expense of local water resources the project becomes more complex. A bottleneck that limits the volume of water consumption may be a limited limit of the well (well), low throughput sewerage and the need for water treatment systems.

In the first case, the problem will have to be solved by embedding additional storage tanks in the water supply system. AT storage tank the supply of water necessary for everyday needs is maintained (it is pumped from a well or well during periods of limited water use, for example at night), while the automation should exclude overflows and the operation of the pump in dry running mode. But such containers are an extreme case. AT standard version after the main line enters the house, hydroaccumulator tanks are located. They are different sizes. The task of a small one (up to 24 liters) is to create pressure, smooth out its drops, eliminate water hammer and extend the life of pumping equipment. A capacity of 80-150 liters will allow you to have some supply of water in case of a sudden power outage: the user will have about a third of the above volume at his disposal to finish taking a shower or do the dishes.

It also happens like this: there is a lot of water in the well, but there is a problem with the disposal of wastewater. In such a situation, the volume treatment plant selected based on the number of residents. For example, one- or two-digit numbers in the names of "boxed" water treatment plants of different models usually indicate the estimated number of users. But if 1-2 people permanently live in the house, experts do not recommend installing a station designed for 8-12 people: with limited use microflora working on wastewater treatment will lack nutrition.

The volume of the classic anaerobic septic tank should be three times daily rate consumption (septic tank 1.5 m³ processes 500 l Wastewater per day). But the purchase of a more expensive and productive treatment plant does not always allow you to remove restrictions - after all, after clarification, wastewater is diverted to the relief. And if the absorbing capacity of the soil is insufficient, then there is nowhere for the effluents to go. The only solution is to limit consumption.

Finally, if the water quality is far from potable, bulky water treatment systems will be required. The main problem of water from wells is excessive mineralization, which is “cured” by the selection of filter elements, backfills and reagents. Water from surface sources or wells often contains bacteriological contamination, and its quality may vary throughout the year. Filter systems are also used here, and in some cases additional ultraviolet disinfection is recommended. All this equipment requires not only space for placement, but also regular maintenance.

Design stage: find a place

We conclude: the smaller the volume of production and the worse the quality of the water, the more space is occupied by additional equipment. If, with centralized water supply, the owner of the cottage can confine himself to a collector cabinet in the kitchen or bathroom, then in cases where a well or well is used as a water intake, it is advisable to provide a separate room for the water treatment unit.

Be prepared for the fact that the main elements of a comfortable and uninterrupted water supply will eat up from 2 to 4 square meters. m area. AT finished projects necessarily provided for separate rooms for a boiler room or boiler room, which allows you not to occupy precious meters in the bathrooms and in the kitchen with engineering equipment. Such a room should be ideally insulated, and it should contain not only pipes, valves and containers, but also electric power elements of control automation.

Expensive pleasure

Home water supply systems are one of the most voracious and unpredictable energy consumers. The project section "Power supply" in relation to engineering plumbing requires particularly pedantic calculations, because sometimes the actions of automation elements that control heating and pumping water can go beyond the specified scenarios.

For example, when you turn on the tap or press the button on the toilet flush tank, the lights in the house go out. It would seem, what is the connection? Straight. Suppose the water heater and the "warm floor" are turned on in the bathroom, and the operation of the pressure switch, which turns on the pump in the well, becomes the last straw that increases the load to the value at which the fuse is triggered.

And what about protection from a fool running out of the shower to see what clicked in the shield? For power supply pumping systems it is necessary to provide a separate line with its own fuse box, dry-running protection and an additional residual current device (RCD). At the same time, power electrical equipment should not be located in areas of high humidity in bathrooms.

Another problem is noisy pumping equipment. Even if the well is located next to the cottage, it is undesirable to place a pumping station in the house. For home plumbing with water supply from a well or well, systems with submersible pumps are preferred.

In spite of the frost, we pull the net

The design of internal water supply networks in the cottage also has nuances. Owners who operate houses only in summer are forced to maintain positive temperatures in them in winter, and sometimes only so that the pipes in the bathrooms do not freeze and burst. Usually this problem is solved by standby electric heating. But the specificity of suburban households in our area is such that in the most severe frosts, accidents most often occur in the power supply system.

Therefore, for a suburban water supply, the possibility of conservation for the winter will be useful. However, the more complex the system, the more areas in it that require attention. Utility room, in which power equipment, a water heater and water treatment systems are located, must be carefully insulated and insured against freezing with heating electrical appliances (convectors and cable " warm floors”), which automatically turn on when the temperature drops below +4 0С.

Separate kitchens and bathrooms need standby heating, although this is not a dogma. Designing plumbing for country house, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of draining water from all pipelines passing through the streets, as well as in rooms for which there is a risk of being left without heating. Therefore, drain valves are located at the lower points of the pipelines, and air valves at the upper points, to which you can connect air compressor or a car pump for pumping and removing water from pipes. It's troublesome, of course. But for summer kitchen, bathhouses or houses left unattended for several months, the possibility of “purging” pipes is a more reliable and profitable solution than constant electric heating. Although it is important to remember that not all models of pumping stations and electric water heaters have the ability to completely drain the water.

When designing a suburban water supply system, it makes sense to abandon the urban practice of walling pipes into walls, otherwise you will have to reach the leak points by breaking tiles or knocking down plaster. However, if the need to hide communications is due to design requirements, care must be taken to ensure that there are no threaded connections in unattended areas. The best option is not metal-plastics, but welded polypropylene pipes.

And last tip for today. If, in your absence, an accident still occurred in the cottage, the consequences of leaks are as unpleasant as in the apartment, with the only difference being that you will not flood your neighbors. Therefore, leaving home long time please depressurize the system and turn off the pumping equipment.

Text by Philip Urban

The initial stage of this process is to determine the water content of your site.

There are two main types of water location underground:

Sandy - sandy-gravel aquifer of the Quaternary and Cretaceous period (sandy);

Limestone - aquifers of the Carboniferous period.

Sandy depths :

Well 10–15 m,

Quaternary 15–30 m,

Cretaceous (over-Jurassic) 30–50 m.

limestone depths - from 30 to 230 m - are called artesian. In the Moscow region, the first artesian horizons lie unevenly:

South direction 30–60 m,

North direction 90–180 m,

West-east direction 60–90 m.

Large water flows are provided by wells with a depth of 20 to 200 meters, depending on the occurrence groundwater. surface water in ordinary wells are not able to cope with the task of providing water consumption up to 500 liters per hour. They are reliable with water consumption up to 100 liters per hour, but the sanitary quality of well water is naturally very low. Waste industrial enterprises reach even the deepest soil levels. Nitrates and nitrites, heavy metals, bacterial pollution - the source of many troubles for human health, get into water along with it.

A well in terms of total costs is much more expensive than a well, but the risk of getting low-quality water when right technology water treatment is minimal.

"Sandy" wells provide water country house having two points of water intake - a faucet in the kitchen and a faucet for watering. To provide a cottage with European level comfort, having several bathrooms, washing and dishwasher, swimming pool, requires an artesian well. The service life of a "sand" well is determined by the properties of structural materials and the professional level of installers and averages from 5 to 15 years. Water yield depends on the seasonal replenishment of the aquifer - during dry periods, the well may "dry up".

The state considers artesian waters a deposit and, accordingly, regulates their consumption by licensing such wells. Technologically competently constructed artesian well works uninterruptedly up to 50 years.

To ensure the purity of the opening and isolation of the used aquifer, a special design of the well is required. It must have a casing string necessary to prevent wall collapse when passing through unconsolidated deposits, as well as to isolate non-target aquifers. New special substances for isolation have appeared - compactonites, which are poured into the isolated section of the well in the form of tablets. Then, under the influence of water, they turn into an impermeable plastic mass, which forms a reliable plug at the entrance to the target horizon and does not give pollution. Internal pipes and materials contribute to the purity of the water consumed. Recently, durable PVC or HDPE plastics have been used. PVC pipes are light and strong, durable, not subject to corrosion. Ecological and hygienic cleanliness pvc pipes proven by relevant tests and requirements for food grade plastics.

Special drilling rigs carry out the process of drilling a well. Steel thick-walled pipes are inserted into the finished well. A deep pump with a diameter of 3-4 inches is immersed through them. The pressure pipeline from the pump comes to the surface and is led into the house. If a top part wells with an inlet pipe are deepened by 1.5–2 meters into the ground, then freezing of water in winter is excluded. To prevent groundwater from entering the well, a caisson is installed above the wellhead - a kind of well in the form of an underground metal camera, which serves for the convenience of operating the pump and maintaining the water supply system.

Further into the membrane tank, with a capacity of 100 to 500 liters, depending on the performance pumping device, located on the first floor of the house (basement), water enters through a coarse filter. This tank is needed to optimize the operation of the submersible pump by storing a supply of pressurized water. Water enters the open tap not from the pump, but under pressure from this tank. The life of the pump is increased because it operates in a mode that provides automatic switch on only at high water flow rates or when the pressure in the system drops to the lower set limit. At the same time, it pumps water into the tank until the pressure in it reaches its maximum value.

The drilling of the well will take from three to seven days, depending on its depth and complexity. Only a professional driller can determine where there is water underground. Consultation with specialists will help you choose the best option that will ensure the operation of the water supply system for a long, long time. The subsequent stages of work with the well: long-term pumping of water to assess its operational capabilities, a complete chemical analysis to conclude that the water meets the requirements of GOST. The owner must obtain a passport for a water-lifting installation indicating its main characteristics. This document is necessary both for local authorities and during the operation of repair and restoration work.

Individual wells can be divided into two types (conditionally): shallow and deep.

shallow well

Small wells are drilled, as a rule, on aquiferous sandy horizons at a depth of 15–35 meters. Drilling is carried out with augers, which in appearance represent the working part of a corkscrew.

Typical scheme of a shallow well:

Sealed head with lock and input-output for hose from the pump

Casing string (steel 20, diameter 127–159 mm, threaded connection)

Water level

Household submersible electric pump

Filter (mesh galloon weaving from of stainless steel, 52–72 holes per 1 sq.cm)

Settling tank with gravel

Aquifer (sand)

Waterproof (clay)

Seamless hot-rolled pipes (Steel 20) with a diameter of 127–159 mm are used as a casing string, the type of connection is threaded. The filter is a perforated steel pipe equipped with a stainless steel or brass galloon mesh No. 52, 56, 68. The well is operated using vibration pumps ("Kid", "Aquarius", etc.). Its productivity is 0.3–0.5 m3/hour. Due to their low yield, wells of this type not suitable for water supply and are mainly used for irrigation garden plots. However, sometimes they can be used for water supply of small country houses, while a filler tank is used. As a rule, water from such wells belongs to the technical category and is of little use for domestic needs and drinking. In addition, such water is characterized by high concentrations of iron, sometimes manganese.

deep well

For autonomous water supply the best option is an artesian well with a depth of more than 30 meters (limestone aquifers). Drilling in this case is carried out with flushing with more powerful rotary rigs and subsequent cementation of the annulus. As flushing fluids, environmentally friendly drilling fluids and additives to them are used, which have a quality certificate and exclude the possibility of contamination of the aquifers being opened. For cementation of the annulus, high-quality cement mixtures, providing reliable isolation and excluding the possibility of contamination from the surface of the exposed aquifers.

The output from a deep well can reach 5 m3/hour. By equipping it with appropriate water supply equipment, you can create a system of comfortable water consumption.

Pipes (Steel 20) with a diameter of 133 mm serve as a casing string, the so-called conductor. Directly in the interval of the aquifer, it is possible to install a perforated column.

There are several variations of the arrangement of wells. For example, ZAO Gidroinzhstroy, according to its technology, uses polyvinyl chloride pipes (PNDTU 273) with a wall thickness of 12 mm and a diameter of 135 mm as a production string, which meet the requirements for food grade plastics. In addition, the taste of water, unlike metal ones, is not affected.

A typical scheme for a deep well:

Casing string (conductor - steel 20, diameter 159–219 mm)

Production string (steel 20, diameter 133 mm, threaded connection)

Water level

Filter (open barrel 90 mm diameter)

Black clays (regional aquiclude)

Fractured limestone - aquifer

Lower aquiclude

The total price of work at the facility should include travel to the drilling site, work, cost of materials, pumping out and a guarantee for the drilled well up to several years.

industrial wells

An agreement for the drilling of operational industrial wells for centralized water supply is concluded only if the customer has a license for the right to use subsoil (water use), which is issued by the territorial management body of the subsoil fund and the subject of the Federation in whose territory drilling will be carried out . Drilling operations for centralized water supply are carried out strictly according to projects with a permit for drilling wells.

Depending on the location and geological conditions, industrial production wells are drilled with powerful drilling rigs such as the Podolsko-Myachkovskiy industrial aquifer or the Oksko-Protvinsky.

Materials and equipment

Security automatic control submersible pump, as mentioned above, is done using membrane tank, but it uses a pressure switch and a control system that, by interacting, are capable of and maintain a constant pressure in the system.

Water treatment systems

AT modern technology water supply, a number of devices have been implemented that allow solving almost any problems with water. All these complex systems can be called filters. They can be classified according to their application, that is, depending on the specific function.

The following properties of water require solution:

The presence of undissolved mechanical impurities;

The need to adjust the pH level;

Iron and manganese dissolved in water;


The presence of taste, smell, color;

bacteriological contamination.

Necessary filters and equipment:

Sedimentary filter;

Iron removal filter;


Salt dissolving tank;

Carbon filter;

UV sterilizer;

Training system drinking water.

Sedimentary systems :

Designed to remove mechanical particles, sand, suspensions, rust, as well as colloidal substances from water. To remove relatively large particles (over 20–50 microns), mesh or disk systems are used. The disadvantage is the relatively low dirt holding capacity. With severe water pollution or high productivity, they require frequent flushing. In these cases, it is advisable to use automated systems sleeping type. As a filtering medium, mainly dehydrated aluminosilicate is used, which provides filtration of particles from 20 microns. For finer cleaning, a backfill made of special ceramics is used.

pH corrector systems :

The need to adjust the pH level arises if it is necessary to combat corrosion, since water with both low (less than 6) and high (above 8) pH has an increased corrosive effect. On the other hand, to ensure optimal mode operation of water treatment systems, since certain types of filter media require a certain pH level for normal operation.

To change the pH level, fillings based on natural calcites are used, which, gradually dissolving, increase the pH. Dosed addition to water is also used chemical substances lowering the pH level.

Iron removal systems :

Systems of this class are mainly designed to remove iron and manganese from water, which are present there in a dissolved state. As a filter medium, various natural substances are used, including manganese dioxide (Birm, Filox, Greensand, etc.). Manganese dioxide serves as a catalyst for the oxidation reaction, in which iron and (or) manganese dissolved in water become insoluble and precipitate, which is retained in the filter medium layer and subsequently washed out into the drain during backwashing. In the process of oxidizing iron and manganese, some systems also effectively remove hydrogen sulfide dissolved in water. Some of the filter media require regeneration with potassium permanganate. At high concentrations of iron and (or) manganese, special techniques, contributing to their more intense oxidation. The most promising direction in this area is ozonation.

Softening systems :

An extensive class of devices designed to reduce water hardness. Thanks to the use of special backfills, systems of this type can have a complex effect and can also remove certain amounts of iron, manganese, nitrates, nitrites, sulfates, salts from water. heavy metals, organic compounds.

Activated carbon has long been used in water treatment to improve the organoleptic characteristics of water (eliminate foreign taste, odor, color). Due to its high adsorption capacity Activated carbon effectively absorbs residual chlorine, dissolved gases, organic compounds. However, since the accumulated organic matter is difficult to be removed from the coal during backwashing, a burst discharge of contaminants into the output line is possible. To prevent this phenomenon, the backfill of activated carbon requires periodic replacement. Currently, to increase the service life, activated carbon from coconut shells is used, the adsorption capacity of which is 4 times higher than that of coal obtained traditional methods(for example from birch wood). To combat biological growth, special coals with bacteriostatic additives are also used, as well as backwash systems.

UV sterilizers :

The most common method of combating bacteriological pollution (the presence of microbes and bacteria in water) is the irradiation of water with ultraviolet light. Radiation parameters are selected in such a way that almost complete water sterilization is guaranteed. As sterilizers of this type, special ultraviolet lamps are widely used, mounted in a rigid housing, inside which water flows, being exposed to ultraviolet radiation.

Drinking water treatment systems :

Reverse osmosis systems are currently the most progressive drinking water treatment systems. The water obtained with the help of such installations has excellent taste qualities and is close to melted glacial water in its properties. The key component of such a system is a semi-permeable membrane, the quality and material of which determines the degree of water purification, reaching 98–99%. To ensure normal operation, the system is equipped with preliminary cartridge filters, a pump, etc. depending on the parameters of the source water. Such systems are installed, as a rule, in the kitchen and are used only to obtain water used for nutritional goals. Commercial potable water treatment systems may also be used.

Selection of pumping equipment

One of the key mechanisms of borehole water supply is the pump. Deep well pumps are capable of lifting water from a depth of up to 300 m, while creating the necessary water pressure in the house with a flow rate of up to 15 m3 / hour. In this case, at sufficiently high costs, hydraulic accumulators with a capacity of 300 liters or more are used. The calculation and selection of equipment at the design stage of an autonomous water supply system is based on the initial data on the source of water supply. In the case of using a well, the main requirement for pumping equipment is reliability. Therefore, the pumps of leading Western companies have several degrees of protection: against "drying", power outages, small stones entering the water intake, etc.

In each case, the optimal pump option is selected, taking into account such parameters as the inner diameter casing pipe wells, the depth of the water surface, the required flow and pressure of water.

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To organize the water supply of a private house from a well, the equipment installation scheme must take into account daily water consumption, the depth of the aquifer, and the removal of the source from the cottage. The main problems of autonomous water supply are: the stabilization of pressure in pipes, the choice of pumping equipment, its placement at the mouth or inside the dwelling.

House water supply from a well

Features of water supply from a well

The main differences between a well and a well are the following nuances:

  • the possibility of taking water from several horizons - perch, sandy, artesian horizons;

  • reliable sealing of the mouth - to protect a small hole in the ground from debris, precipitation is much easier;

  • greater depths - more powerful volatile equipment is used, in case emergency shutdown electricity needs a backup generator;
  • a caisson - a pit with a depth of 1.5 - 2.5 m at the mouth is necessary for inserting a pressure line, which must be located below the freezing mark, for placing equipment.

Related article:

If you plan to supply a private house from a well, the scheme should take into account several factors:

  • operating mode- in dwellings of periodic use (cottage), heating is switched on sporadically, therefore it is necessary to provide for a slope for regular draining of fluid from all internal circuits (winter water supply);

  • source characteristics- only artesian wells have a maximum resource (50 years), the water from them almost does not require filtration, does not contain sand impurities that are harmful to deep / surface pumps;
  • operating conditions- depending on the ratio of well flow rate / daily water consumption, different schemes wiring so that there is enough water during peak hours;
  • source location- unlike a well, there is experience in operating wells inside the building (ground floor, underground), which simplifies maintenance, reduces the budget for the construction of a water supply system.

Useful advice! The purchase of filtration, special equipment (softeners, iron removers) without consulting a specialist, laboratory analysis of fluid from a well is a waste of money. In practical conditions, coarse and fine filters are sufficient.

Overview of options, schemes, pros and cons

The principle of home plumbing is extremely simple - a pump is installed in the well or on the surface, supplying liquid to the CHC, hot water systems, for irrigation. However, there are problems:

  • to maintain a stable pressure in the pipeline, the pump must operate constantly when any tap inside the house is opened, which causes increased equipment wear;
  • when there is a power outage, there is no water supply;
  • pump power may not be enough for several consumers;
  • pumping equipment must be placed somewhere.

Therefore, the scheme includes the elements:

  • source - a well "on sand" or an artesian type;
  • pump - deep centrifugal or surface;
  • caisson - a pit at the mouth for placing equipment, tie-ins of the pressure line below the level of soil freezing;
  • non-return valve - protects against spontaneous flow of water back into the well when the pumping equipment is turned off;
  • hydraulic accumulator - an expansion tank with membranes inside it that react to changes in pressure in the pressure line;
  • filtration equipment - performs the function of removing impurities to improve water quality;
  • automation systems - pressure switches, devices that control the presence of water inside the pump.

System elements

The budget option is the water supply of a private house from a well, the scheme of which includes a storage tank located at the highest point of the building (attic). The best option for most cottages, it becomes the use of a pumping station, which also includes a hydraulic accumulator.

If the well flow rate is insufficient during peak loads, it has a depth of more than 50 m, or is located far from the building, you will have to choose a two-stage scheme that has the maximum resource for construction and operation. only on the pressure line after the HC, otherwise the pump may fail if the cartridges become clogged.

tower system

With a tower water supply of a private house from a well, the scheme looks like:

  • pump - fills a container located in the attic, the volume of which is sufficient to provide all consumers during peak hours, water enters the taps, the boiler flows by gravity;
  • expansion tank - no additional equipment or equipped with a float switch, after filling the pump is turned off, as the liquid is consumed, the level decreases, the equipment turns on again.

it a budget option However, space is required for the tank, head/pressure in internal DHW circuits, cold water are not stable.

Pumping station

The scheme of the water supply system of a private house from a well with a pumping station is more convenient to use:

When the pressure in the pressure line decreases when the tap is opened, the relay is activated, the pump pumps water into the accumulator. After the membrane is stretched, the pump is turned off, the pressure in the cold water and hot water pipes equalizes independently.

Two-stage feed

If the power of the pumping station is not enough during the peak water flow, an expansion tank with a float switch is installed after it. The pump fills the tank, turns off, after the tank the next injection pump is mounted. The accumulator is installed after it in a similar way.

Thanks to expansion tank the flow rate of the system is increased to the required level.

Winter plumbing

The problem of draining water is relevant, not only during the periodic operation of the water supply system in the home, but also during repair work. Therefore, even in cottages of permanent residence, a winter water supply scheme is used.

To do this, all circuits of the system have a slope for gravity draining of the liquid. The non-return valve on the suction pipe prevents water from flowing back. In addition, the volume of the well does not allow draining a large number of liquids.

Therefore, in lower section the sewer pipe cuts into the system, during repair work or conservation of the water supply system between visits to the dacha in winter, the water is drained into or a separate shambo.

Related article:

Plumbing installation technology

After the daily water consumption has been calculated, a water supply scheme has been drawn up in a private house from a well and the pipe section, the characteristics of the pumping station have been selected, and installation is underway. The technology looks like:

  • source production - drilling a sand or artesian well inside the house or on the site, installation of a casing pipe;
  • construction of a caisson - a well at the mouth with a depth below the freezing mark, with a diameter sufficient to accommodate and maintain equipment, the upper part is covered with a hatch decorated in landscape design;
  • installation of equipment - pumping station, filters;

Do-it-yourself water supply for a private house

many owners land plots get confused, and as a result - find wrong advice and materials. This is due to the confusion of similar concepts such as a private house and dacha. In fact, the buildings are completely different purposes:

  • dacha - a summer house or a temporary building, not multi-storey, does not have special internal communications and complex system heating and plumbing, not intended for permanent residence. Often, a simple water supply with a submersible pump and a surface hose connection is used to supply water to the premises;
  • a private house is a permanent dwelling, it can be located in a village, outside the city or a cottage microdistrict. The building can have from one to four floors with a basement, each of which must be provided with water and heating. Therefore, the plumbing system will be much more complicated, and conventional scheme water supply of a private house from a well is not suitable.

The process of arranging an autonomous water supply system includes many stages, from planning to maintenance. In order for the water supply of a private house to be uninterrupted, of high quality and the system does not cause problems as a whole, it is necessary to think over every detail of the connection, develop an installation project and calculate the material.

Drawing up a preliminary connection structure should not be ignored, even if water is only led to the bathroom or kitchen. Having drawn up a detailed project, you can correctly calculate the materials and avoid problems during installation.

The water supply scheme should be developed taking into account:

  • number of points of water consumption;
  • estimated number of collectors;
  • boiler volume;
  • number of filters and pumps;
  • location and distance to each element of the water supply.

On the plan, it is necessary to mark the exact locations of consumers and appliances, as well as indicate the length of the pipeline through the premises of the dwelling.

The project should be drawn up on a single scale according to the measurements of the structure. And the more accurate it is, the faster you can determine how many materials you need to work.

There are two options for marking pipes:

  • consistent;
  • collector.

Features of a serial connection

The sequential method is suitable for small house with 2-3 tenants due to its low power. The principle of operation is as follows: water enters the building through the water supply, inside the building, a tee is mounted near each water intake point, which drains the liquid to the end consumer.

If several taps are in use at the same time, then the water pressure to the far tee will be weaker than to the near one.

Collector connection type

Collector scheme allows you to supply water to each point with the same pressure because the water pipes are diverted from the collector and branch out to all taps and mixers.

To lay lines in this way, more pipes will be required compared to a serial connection, but this is much more practical and convenient.

Development of a scheme and connection plan

A typical private house water supply scheme consists of the following components:

  • water source, that is, wells;
  • pump station or pump. With its help, the internal pipeline is connected to a well or other source;
  • a hydraulic accumulator to control the readings of the pressure level in the system;
  • stopcock to stop the water supply in case of leakage or scheduled repairs;
  • for dividing the flow of incoming water between domestic and technical (watering the garden, Summer shower etc.) needs, the use of a tee is necessary;
  • filtration systems, which are equipped with a pipe that drains water into the house, to purify the liquid from impurities;
  • a tee that separates the water flow into cold and heated water.

Further, the pipe for cold water is immediately connected to the corresponding manifold, and for hot water, first to the water heater (boiler, boiler). After that, both systems branch out throughout the building. Most often they are conducted together, with the exception of utility rooms, where in hot water not necessary.

Plumbing in a private house: how to choose and install pipes

The quality of the materials from which the pipes are made is of great importance for the water supply system, since the service life of the structure depends on them.

There are several types of pipes

  • Copper. They are characterized by high resistance to ultraviolet, corrosion, and bacteria. Easily tolerate pressure drops and high temperatures. Their disadvantage is their high cost.
  • Metal-plastic. Their base is made of aluminum, and the edges and core are covered with a polyethylene ball. The inner shell prevents rust and prevents dirt and mineral deposits from adhering, while the outer shell protects the product from impact. sun rays(when laying on the surface) and condensate. Such pipes can be deformed at high (95°C) and low (minus) temperatures, therefore, thermal insulation with a heating cable for outdoor systems is necessary.
  • Steel pipes- are strong but, despite it, are exposed to a rust. The installation process is laborious, since to connect the parts it is necessary to cut a thread on each element of the tube or fasten it by welding.
  • Polypropylene. They are most in demand because they are easy to install, do not oxidize, have reliable connections and can last over 50 years.

An important point is the selection of pipes by diameter, since the device and functioning of the water supply depends on it.

The dimensions (diameters) of pipes should be selected according to the length of the pipeline:

  • for a line longer than 30 m - 32 mm will do;
  • for pipelines of medium length (less than 30 m), 25 mm should be used;
  • for short wiring up to 10 m - 20 mm.

It is not difficult to conduct water supply to a private house using plastic pipes, but nevertheless, fasteners must be carried out according to a certain technology.

The following fittings are used as connecting elements-fittings: couplings, angles, tees, stopcocks, elbows and flange fasteners (it is better to prepare them in advance with a margin).

  1. Pipes are cut with special scissors (it will be convenient to use a KRAFTOOL pipe cutter) into pieces, taking into account the gaps for entering the fitting.
  2. Lay out on a hard surface in the order of assembly.
  3. To fix the parts with a felt-tip pen, the bonding points are marked.
  4. On polyfusion welding, a nozzle of the desired diameter is installed (under the pipe). The end is on her plastic pipe and fitting. The device warms up to 260-300 ° C (the heating time depends on the size of the tube and is indicated on the back of the welding box). Then both ends are removed and fixed at the same time. In this position, the pipe and fitting are held for 15-20 seconds until completely solidified.

To breed pipes in the premises begin from the place of water intake. First, a ball valve is placed between the mixer and the pipe, it makes it possible to shut off the water in case an accident occurs or repairs are needed. After that, the line is led to the collector.

Divide pipelines according to certain rules.

  • When installing pipes (to make them easier to repair), it is necessary to retreat 20-25 mm from the walls.
  • Installation of drainage taps is carried out with a slight inclination in the direction of the subsequent mixer or tap.
  • Water pipes are attached to the walls with clips that are attached to all corner mounts, in other zones - the gap between them is allowed from 1.5 to 2 meters.
  • To combine polypropylene pipes at an angle, Unidelta or other HDPE fittings and tees with identical diameters are used.

Source for water supply: which one to prefer

The water supply scheme of a private house can be implemented in several ways:

  • From the central highway;
  • From the well.

Connection to the central water supply requires permission from the relevant authority, and this is not always possible for private houses. If you decide to use this option, please note that the pressure in the central water supply has already been determined initially, and when using several devices at the same time, the water pressure in the far one will be lower than in the closer one. Therefore, try to place consumers as compactly as possible.

The well makes it possible to provide the site with water without the official permission of the state services, but this option is only suitable for seasonal use, therefore it is not suitable for permanent residences.

The water supply system of a private house from a well allows you to use water best quality than a well. But to lift it, you need good pressure, so you will have to use more powerful equipment, for example, the OPTIMA (Optima) 4SDm 3/18 1.5kW deep electric pump pumps liquid with a high sand content, filtering it without threatening the unit.

The water supply system of a private house: how to organize

Basically, pumping stations are used for arranging water supply. They are designed to pump water from a source directly into a system or tank. Additional water purification filters are also used.

The system includes:

  • pumps;
  • storage tanks;
  • hydraulic accumulators;
  • various water heaters (boilers, boilers, heating elements).

Place the complex closer to consumers, in the basement or ground floor. A pipe coming from the water intake is brought to it, with a fitting made of bronze or brass, with a diameter of 32 mm. Next, the drain drainage is connected in turn and check valve.

Then all the required components are connected using a connection, which is popularly called "American".

  1. A ball valve is connected to open / close the water supply.
  2. Next, a coarse filter is connected to remove coarse particles. Protects against rust and sand.
  3. After that, the pumping station system is equipped with a hydraulic tank or a hydraulic accumulator, including a pressure switch. But if the electric pump itself is in the well, and the special equipment is inside the building, you need to install the relay on the top of the pipe, and the tank on the bottom.
  4. Then an automation sensor is mounted to protect the pump from running dry and timely shutdown.
  5. The process ends with the installation of a fine (soft) filter.

Selection of a hydraulic accumulator for a pumping station

The hydraulic tank is a hermetic container with two sections. One holds water and the other holds air. With its help, the pressure in the system is continuously maintained, and, if necessary, the operation of the pump is regulated.

It is necessary to choose a container model in accordance with the number of residents and daily water consumption. Its volume can be from 25 to 500 liters. For example, Wester WAV 200 Top is designed for 200 liters of liquid, and Unipress is designed for 80 liters.


Do-it-yourself water treatment in a country house is quite possible without outside help and you don't have to hire professionals to do it. Follow the advice of experts, and there will be no problems during installation.

If you decide to entrust the work construction company, the recommendations of experts will help you control the actions of installers, independently draw up a water supply scheme for a private house and participate in the development of the project. As a result, this will help to avoid shortcomings in the work and related problems in the future.

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