The relics of mother alipia. Instructions and prophecies of the blessed mother Alipia Goloseevskaya, the Kyiv old woman, the holy fool for Christ's sake

The buildings 13.08.2022
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INSTRUCTIONS AND PROPHECIES OF THE Blessed MOTHER ALIPIA GOLOSEEVSKAYA, THE OLD STITSA OF KIEV, FOR THE SAKE OF CHRIST. FILM ABOUT MOTHER. During her lifetime, nun Alipia was considered a great Kyiv ascetic. The story of her life is full of incredible events and miracles, which believers talk about with rapture. The exact date of birth of Agapia Avdeeva (that was the name of the nun in the world) has not been established. According to some reports, she was born on March 3/16, 1905 in a pious peasant family in the village of Vysheley, Gorodishchensky district, Penza province.

But it is known that she lived in Kyiv for more than forty years, striking the pilgrims who visited the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra with the torments to which she doomed herself. According to eyewitnesses, for several years she lived in a deep ravine near the Lavra, in a hollow tree, where one could only be half-bent. Despite such hardships, she always looked neatly combed and dressed. They also say that she had a chance to visit fascist concentration camps. Sitting behind barbed wire, she prayed so earnestly for the rest of the prisoners that dozens of them left the dungeons unnoticed by guards and dogs. For each saved, the nun added a metal key, a bunch of which she wore around her neck. It was said that from the severity of these keys, non-healing wounds formed on Alipia's neck. In addition, the nun also possessed a special gift of foresight. She only had to look at him to know that a man was in danger. She also predicted the exact date of her death - October 30, 1988. And she asked to be buried in the Forest Cemetery. They knew the nun during her lifetime and as a healer. Having moved to the Goloseevsky district, Alipia sheltered a dozen cats in her tiny hut. It was believed that these animals took on the diseases of people who came to the nun. During the day, the blessed one had up to 60 visitors. Because, apparently, all her cats were very sick - lichen, lame. They say that one of the cats, curled up on the chest of the mistress, died overnight with her.

Alipia's gift of healing became even more evident after her death. There are many stories of people who recovered after visiting her grave. Every day, dozens of people come to the burial place of the nun, leaving notes "about health" and "for repose." And people's requests, they say, are read by Alipia herself. With the blessing of the Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, His Beatitude Vladimir, Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Ukraine, a chapel in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker was built on the site of the destroyed cell of the blessed. By the grace of God, His Beatitude Metropolitan Vladimir blessed the transfer of the remains of the nun Alipia (Avdeeva) to the monastery "Holy Intercession Goloseevskaya Pustyn", on the territory of which the mother lived, labored in the last years of her life. The uncovering of the holy relics of the old woman Alipia took place on the morning of May 5/18, 2006. Before the opening of the grave, Archimandrite Isaac served a memorial service for the dead. The brethren carefully removed the cross, dug up flowers from the blessed grave, and excavations began to the sound of Paschal and funeral hymns. They did not last long - a little more than an hour and passed very quietly and peacefully. There was probably no person at that moment who did not feel in his heart this special inner peace, "peace that transcends every mind." When they reached the tomb, all those present rallied around the grave. The remains of the nun Alipia were recovered. The coffin and monastic clothes of the blessed one turned out to be partially decayed. The wooden icons placed in the coffin and the monastic rosary are well preserved. There is also a jar of holy water. Accompanied by the police and an impressive escort of vehicles, the relics of the Goloseevskaya old woman returned to the revived monastery, on the ruins of which the nun Alipia lived for the last nine years of her life. When the relics were brought into the temple in honor of the icon of the Mother of God, called the "Life-Giving Spring", a cross appeared above it. On the same day there were two healings from oncological diseases. Since the transfer of the relics of the blessed one to the Goloseevsky Monastery, many healings from serious illnesses have been recorded. The honest remains of the nun Alipiya were buried in the tomb under the temple in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "Life-Giving Spring". Every day the tomb is visited by a huge number of people. On the days of the blessed memory, the number of visitors reaches 20 thousand people. People come from different parts of Ukraine, as well as from near and far abroad. To an empty well, as folk wisdom says, people do not go.

INSTRUCTIONS OF MOTHER ALIPIA: “When you feel bad or in some kind of need, come to the grave and tell me.” As a consolation, she said: “Nothing, God will help, God will manage everything!”. "And from the salary - God forbid." On reciting morning and evening prayers: “I am so stupid, so stupid! I stopped reading morning prayers. Read it and don't skip it. She gave instruction to future priests: “Take only what you are supposed to. Church money is coals burning on heads." “It is a sin to divorce a married man. You can't trample on the crown." The denunciation of those entering the monastery: “Yes, you don’t know how to obey! How are you going to the monastery? He wants to be a monk, but he does everything in his own way. Revelation of the plans of the enemy of the human race: “Good news, bad news - you need to be silent. And then he flies and scores cola, or even kills him to death. “He who feeds animals will not die of starvation. Killing animals is a sin. The soul is not wasted." "Don't judge the priest! You need to choose one priest and go to him.” “Never judge and you will be saved!” "Humble yourself! Humble yourselves and pray! Be silent, speak - I beg your pardon, and you will not die. “Be patient! Oh, how hard it will be - endure everything! Don't cry, but pray to God." An example of humility. The angry woman was rebuked: "You are as angry as I am." “It’s hard with people, but how hard it is without people! Hard, hard, hard! Different people come to me, but you see how I receive them. Do the same in your life." Shortly before her death, to the question of the spiritual children who had gathered with her: “To whom are you leaving us, Mother?” - answered: "I leave you to the Mother of God."

PROPHECIES OF MATUSH ALYPIA: Somehow they started talking about the Antichrist. I say: “Oh, how scary, what will happen?” Mother leaned towards me and said in a whisper: “Don't be afraid! The Mother of God will cover her own." Quarreling over housing: “Here you quarrel, swear for an apartment, disperse ... And there will be a time when there will be a lot of empty apartments, but there will be no one to live in them.” “In Kyiv, there are enough apartments for everyone, but whoever manages to take the land.” On the canonization of Tsar Nicholas II: “He is a saint. I saw him." Once, with a clear sky, looking to the west, she said: “Look - what a cloud is coming!” “Don’t make reserves, but from your salary you should have money for your burial.” Mother paid special attention to the topic of land - those who had houses in the villages, land, livestock were forbidden to sell, indicating that they still need a farm. She said about Chernobyl: “There will be a big explosion and many will die. No matter how people are harassed. On the night of April 26: "Lord, have mercy on babies, have mercy on the people!" Blessing to the troubled people in those days: "Baptize, eat everything, and everything will be fine." About the “patriarch” of Kiev Filaret: “Glorious, glorious, but he will die a peasant. This is how he will put his feet in all the churches, this is how he will put them!” And she walked across the room, stamping her feet widely. Temples will be taken away, there will be a split, the true church will be outraged. Priests will be persecuted and there will even be casualties. About the place where her house stood, and subsequently the chapel was built: "Here is a holy place." About Goloseevskaya Hermitage: "There will be a very large church and monastery here." Death prediction. Long before October 30, 1988, she asked the nun: - And what do you have? -Calendar. -Open, look October 30th. - Mother, Sunday. - Resurrection... And I thought deeply... Based on the materials of the book “ACQUIRED LOVE. Memories of the nun Alipia (Avdeyeva) from Goloseevskaya Hermitage” FILM ABOUT MATUSHKA “Servant of the Lord is faithful. Mother Alipia.

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Alipia Goloseevskaya performed many miracles, which people still tell each other about. The gift of her insight is so powerful that it is unlikely to be able to find similar examples. Many believers have recently been interested in Mother Alipia, how to ask for help from her and why do those in need turn to her? We will tell you about it in this article.

Blessed Alipia: biography

The exact date of Alipia's birth is unknown, it is only said that she was born around 1905. It happened in the Penza region, the God-abiding Avdeev family. In Orthodox baptism, the girl was given name Agafya.

Her mother was a kind person and constantly helped those in need. The father declared himself a faster and ate only crackers and a decoction of straw. These traditions were passed on to little Agafya. Until the end of her life, she observed a strict fast and consoled the burdened, the sick.

During the revolution of 1917, the parents were killed. The girl became a wanderer, having nothing but a cross, she went around many monasteries and only prayed for the salvation of the suffering. I spent the night on the street, ate what I found.

During the mass repressions, believers Agafya was imprisoned, where she spent 10 years. But even this did not break her faith in people, and here she constantly prayed for the salvation of her allies. She was miraculously released and returned to her wandering life.

During the Patriotic War, she was captured, from where she fled. By the will of fate, she was sheltered by a strange family. In the 1920s, Agafya took the veil as a nun at the mentor of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra and adopted pilgrimage . Every day she climbed into the hollow of a large tree and prayed there, eating only breadcrumbs. So she lived for 15 years, until the closing of the temple.

And again the nun lived here and there until she rented a room on Goloseevskaya Street. Already here people came to her with petitions for help. They also came to her in the Ascension Church, of which she became a parishioner. Here mother spent her last 9 years of her life. The old woman prepared healing ointments, they treated the sick with them. Despite such kindness and philanthropy, local authorities constantly pursued her and tried to demolish her cell.

Miracles of Mother Alipia

Alipia's miraculous gift manifested itself early. Here are some unexplained events archives and records testify:

  • Her release from prison was not planned by anyone, but she herself said that the Apostle Peter appeared and led her through the back door to the sea. She climbed the coastal rocks for 10 days, fell, got up and walked again. Thus, getting out under Novorossiysk.
  • Once, several people caught up with her on the road and told her that they were being pursued by bandits. Mother ordered them to hide in a haystack, and she herself began to pray for their protection. The bandits walked around the haystack, cursing and cursing, but found no one.
  • One woman told how she came to her stricken with an unknown ailment. Mother kneaded her ointment with prayers, and sentenced that she overeats all cancer cells. And so it happened. The woman was healed and lived a long life.
  • The most striking thing is Alipy's prediction of the Chernobyl disaster. Even 5 years before her, the old woman spoke about the huge collapse of the nuclear power plant.

According to numerous eyewitness accounts the nun amazed with the gift of healing and the effective power of prayer. Even in court cases, her prayer reduced the terms of unjustly convicted people.

Who really helped Alipiya Kyiv: reviews

  • Irina, 43 years old, Izhevsk:“I was diagnosed with a tumor of the uterus and the operation was denied to me because of a bad heart. After visiting the grave, Alipia appeared to me in a dream. A week later, my oncologist said that the tumor had shrunk, and a year later they were removed from disability.”
  • Olga, 34 years old, Krasnodar: “My legs hurt, and knots tied in my veins. Once I was doing a dressing and touched the knot, blood poured out of it. I sat on the floor and tried to stop the bleeding with a cotton swab, praying to Blessed Alipia. After praying, I removed the swab from the wound, but there was no more blood. An ambulance rang at the door, the doctors were surprised that such a strong venous bleeding passed by itself.
  • Elena, 52 years old, Rostov:“My husband could not find a job for a long time. Once a friend called me with her to the Forest Cemetery. I asked Svetlana to leave me alone at Alipiya's grave and prayed for her husband and his work. After 3 days, he found a job and got promoted almost immediately.”

Mother Alipia: how to ask her for help?

A Kyiv nun is approached with various requests: for medical treatment, for financial viability, for helping orphans or those who cannot have them. The main thing in any prayer is to keep pure thoughts and faith. There are only a few unspoken rules of treatment:

  1. When addressing, you do not need to pronounce the words out loud, read the prayer in a whisper or to yourself.
  2. Ask for forgiveness.
  3. It is necessary to pray, if possible, three times a day. But if you came to Mother's grave, then this will be enough. You can repeat it at home before the image.
  4. If you are asking for someone, think of that person, say their name.
  5. Don't forget to say thank you after asking.

Mother Alipia: how to get to her?

  • A special bus runs from the Goloseevskaya metro station to the monastery.
  • From the Kyiv Railway Station, the metro station "Vokzalnaya" we go to "Khreschatyk". We pass to the station "Maidan Nezalezhnosti" and get to the stop "GolosiÏvska".
  • On your car, you need to move along the avenue of the 40th anniversary of October to the hotel Goloseevskaya, where we turn onto the street of Heroes of Defense. We keep going until the turn onto General Radymtsev Street. There you will see signs to the monastery.
  • Also from the Railway Station there are minibuses No. 507 and No. 726 to the GolosiÏvska metro station.

On the territory of the monastery stands the Chapel of Mother Alipia, while the relics are located a little further near the Church of the Life-Giving Spring. To the right of him are the steps down, which will lead to the remains of the nun. People bring food, treats and everything they can with them. They leave all this on a table at the entrance - gifts for a Kyiv nun.

Many books have been written about her life, but there was no place in them to describe all the miraculous works of the old woman. She helped thousands of people get rid of various ailments and troubles. Now you know that Blessed Mother Alipia lived on earth, how to ask for help from an old woman, if sometimes there is no other way out.

Video on how to pray to Alipia

In this video, Father Saveliy will tell you how to pray to this saint, how to ask for help from Mother Alipia:

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    Mother Alicia Prayer

    September 28th 2013 –

    Blessed is private reading!

    Oh, our reverend mother Alipie! Pour out on us poor, weak and humiliated by your unchanging compassion and mercy, at least a small drop of bounty from the Lord of the Lord, accept in your intercession and intercession, from all troubles and severe diseases of freedom, ask forgiveness for our sins and raise us up, relaxed, with your prayers , do not allow us to die to the end, unworthy slaves (names), be a refuge for us, do not leave us inconsolable, may we all glorify the all-holy name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

    Oh, great praise to the Church of Christ, the city of Kyiv is walled and comforted, reverend mother Alipie! We fall down to you and pray to you - be our intercessor to Christ God, vigilant, as we believe, if you beg the Humanity God, everything will be given to you from the sea of ​​His goodness. And just as God is philanthropic, so you, imploring us sinners, will not despise our petition, for we ourselves do not have boldness due to the multitude of our sins.

    Your work, saint, is to intercede for sinners, it is God's work to have mercy on the desperate. Ask, reverend, to anyone according to his needs:

    In the illnesses of the existing, soon comfort and heal, as now in a multitude of healing you are doing - as if speaking dumb, seeing the blind, restoring the bones damaged from the bed of sickness. You can ask the Lord for everything, reverend, if you pray to Him for us.

    Tumors do not be fierce. Give a quick healing to those suffering from burns, as if you appeared to a sick boy at night, listening to his mother’s prayer. Thou didst show the great miracle of healing to the whole world.

    In these difficult days of the triumph of lawlessness and unrighteousness, offended and unjustly condemned, imprisoned in prison, envy, lies and self-interest for the sake of the persecuted, intercede for deliverance from slander and misfortune, as if the grace to intercede for them is purely given to you from the Lord.

    Good marriages bless and unite. Give safe permission to mothers who give birth, keeping them and their children from any harm. Hear the warm prayer of the parents, the sorrow for the weary children, so that their children will pass into the consciousness of the truth, avoiding the snares of the evil one, they will find eternal salvation. Accept prayers for the parents of their grieving children, so that by your prayers they will know the light of Christ's Gospel. So comfort the childless and give them the fruit of the womb, so that the new true Christians will present to the Lord with your blessing and maternal upbringing. To those who require your help in consummating a Christian marriage, send a companion of their lives blessed by the Lord, so that by your care Christ God will bring the service of a small church in a family union. Above all, grant peace, silence and unfeigned love, may we be true disciples of Christ.

    To those who have surrendered to the ailments of drunkenness and drug addiction and those who do not have the strength of the spirit, leave this soul-destroying iniquity, give strength of spirit and enlightenment of the mind, as if you appeared to a person, accept death from drunkenness to those who have it and your blessing healed from this ailment.

    Send the lonely and helpless with your prayers the invisible consolation from the Lord and the knowledge of the true love of Christ, may they lead us away, as our friends - saints and angels, invisibly observe us.

    Accept the petitions of the poor and the afflicted, and give them with your prayers unexpected care, as if they had thee benefactor in their earthly life.

    Cowardly, despairing in your life, be an ambulance comforter, as if you had saved your wife, in sorrow, who intended to destroy herself and the maiden, who was saved from harm in a fall from a height. Thou hast delivered their souls from the abyss of death.

    So, we pray to you, reverend, save from sudden death, as if you had preserved the youth unscathed, having received a terrible blow on the road.

    In teaching, pour out maternal help to those who are staying and give an increase in the mind, but in the difficult course of their teaching they remain without sorrow.

    In various everyday affairs, troubles and difficulties, give a speedy arrangement and a good end to this.

    Hear the prayers of those who mourn for those who are astray, who are outside the saving ark of the Orthodox Church, may the All-Good Lord save them by fate and bring them to the knowledge of His truth.

    Send down strength and fortitude to the soldiers in the performance of their godly service, may the Lord save them from all evil.

    Instruct those who are monastics the right to walk in the way of the Lord, strengthening them in ascetic labors and humbly carrying your cross, as you also labored for salvation in love for the Lord and His people.

    Give true standing in the Orthodox faith as a bishop and priest, so that the flock of Christ is shepherded faithfully and without hypocrisy, rightly ruling and walking without stumbling before the Lord.

    The head and authority of the wise people of our government, but in union with the Church, our country is in peace and silence.

    Open for us with your prayers the doors of God's mercy and deliver us from all evil. Grant us to escape the snares of the evil one. Pray, reverend, to the Merciful Lord for us penitents, may He forgive us our faults according to the multitude of His goodness. And even to the end, by your prayers, keep us uncondemned, but saved by your intercession and help, we will always send glory, praise, thanksgiving and worship to the One in the Trinity God, the Creator of all. Amen.

    Oh, our reverend mother Alipie!

    Be an intercessor for the departed servants of God, who have departed from this shore of temporary life and have not reached a quiet haven, as if you loved prayer for them, working during your holy life, every day - with the feat of offering alms for them. Your sacrifice has been offered, like fragrant incense before the Lord, and the Lord is your mercy, and brought out of hell many of the dead, delivered by your good deeds and prayer. We believe, because your love for the dead has not faded even now, therefore we fall down to you and ask: help our departed, give them your helping hand, see our tears and prayers, and faith, as you now stand before the throne of God Almighty, and pray for His reposed servants, who have fallen away from the love of the Father, but who are contrite in heart and unable to draw near to His light. Bring out their souls, filled with darkness, and warm with the light of the glory of God, which you shine like the most bright sun, may they not perish forever, but with your prayers they will pass from death to the stomach and reach a quiet haven in Heavenly Jerusalem, shamelessly appear at the Terrible Coming of the Heavenly King , as it is good and pleasing to God to pray for the souls of those who have departed, their names are not forgotten by the Lord, He hears His saints crying out to Him. Therefore, I sent you, mother Alipie, a fervent prayer book. We also pray to you: give to us during our departure, and also to the souls of the departed servants of God from the great wealth of your virtues, may we all glorify our God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, marvelous in His saints. Amen.

    Mother Alipia, pray to Christ God that our souls be saved!

    Prayer to Mother Alipia (short)

    Oh, our reverend mother Alipie!

    Pour out on us poor, weak and humiliated by your unchanging compassion and mercy, at least a small drop of bounty from the Lord of the Lord, accept in your intercession and intercession, from all troubles and severe diseases of freedom, ask forgiveness for our sins and raise us up, relaxed, with your prayers , do not allow us to die to the end, unworthy slaves (names), be a refuge for us, do not leave us inconsolable, may we all glorify the all-holy name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever.

    Mother Alipia - how to ask for help

    The Kyiv nun Matushka Alypia helped people during her lifetime, some just with advice, some with prayer, some needed shelter and food, some needed spiritual support. With any problem, one could come to the old woman, the doors of her cell were always open for those in need. After her death, and to this day, believers go to the grave of mother Alipia to ask for help and pray to the saint. They honor the old woman as an assistant in business, a mentor on the right path, a deliverer from death, etc. People believe that if you sincerely ask for help from Mother Alipia in your prayer, she will definitely help.

    How to ask for help from mother Alipia?

    People turn to mother Alipia with various requests, hoping to be heard, and according to numerous reviews, prayers help. They ask her for healing from serious illnesses, for finding housing, financial well-being, etc. Many are interested in exactly how to ask for help from Mother Alipia, if there are special prayers, or you can ask for help in your own words. There are several unspoken rules:

    1. During prayer, one should not be distracted, “hammer” one’s head with other thoughts.
    2. Before you start reading the prayer, ask for forgiveness for all your sins.
    3. You need to think about the person you are asking for help for.
    4. When saying a prayer, take your time, say it out loud or in a whisper.
    5. Your words for help must be heard, so read the prayer with "feeling", you should not pronounce the words in a monotone.
    6. Prayer should be read several times a day, preferably in the morning and at night before going to bed.
    7. After the prayer, thank mother Alipia.

    Of course, you can pray in different ways, the main thing is that your words be sincere, but there are also special prayers. For example, there is a short prayer to Mother Alipia, which helps to cope with serious illnesses:

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    The history of Christianity records the names of many saints who went into the desert, exhausting themselves with fasting or absolute silence. These are the ascetics of antiquity. But even in the 20th century, special examples of righteousness can be found. Among them is mother Alipia, a Kievan old woman, not yet a canonized saint.

    When the saints are near

    Increasingly, among believers, one can hear an innocent murmur: “There are no elders now ...” In the life of a modern person, there is no time and strength left for spiritual achievement and growth.

    Stories about saints who went into the desert or spent their lives in small caves and fervent prayer are increasingly being told as a beautiful story, far from modern life.

    Tired of the mundane - go, for example, to the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, the relics of more than 120 saints rest there. For many of them, these caves replaced luxurious houses and apartments. Prayer, bread and water, a cold and damp cave - what else does a monk need to save himself?

    But these saints lived approximately in the 12th-13th centuries. Everything is different now, modern man will object. And he will be right.

    But even in the XX-XXI centuries one can find examples of true holiness and ascetic life. A special place among them is Alipia Goloseevskaya, better known as Mother Alipia, an uncanonized saint of the 20th century.

    Very little is known about her life, but stories about healings through prayers to her mother are collected in more than one book.

    She survived the pogroms of the Red Guards, the repressions of the 1930s and prison, World War II, captivity and concentration camps, constant wandering and special spiritual feats. For such a life, God rewarded her with the gift of clairvoyance. She predicted events in the lives of many people, the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and the date of her own death.

    Godless power made her an orphan

    Mother Alipia was born around 1905 (according to other sources - in 1910) in the Penza province in a pious family. Her name in the world was Agafia Avdeeva.

    She spoke little of her parents. From her father, she inherited a love for fasting - Tikhon Sergeevich fasted so strictly that he ate only crackers and a decoction of straw. Mom, on the other hand, took care of the poor, even sending her daughter to take food to those in need before the holidays.

    Once the girl left the house to the neighbors, and when she returned, her parents were no longer alive. The house was visited by the Red Guards. But even when she was still a child, she prayed all night over the dead, read the Psalter. It was a turning point in 1918. From this time begins her journey of wandering. Then little Agathia traveled hundreds and thousands of kilometers, visited various holy places, which were especially diligently closed by the Soviet authorities.

    Apostle Peter in the biography of mother Alipia

    In the 1930s, like many believers, she ended up in prison. The people in the cells were waiting not for release, but for execution. When only three of them remained in one little room - Agafia and the priest with his son, the priest decided to serve a memorial service. For myself and my son. Agafier said that she would survive.

    Indeed, nothing less than a miracle happened. At night, the door was opened to the girl ... apostle peter and took her to the sea. No one can still say what kind of prison and what kind of sea it was, but from being imprisoned, mother Alipia left the experience of the special presence of God, the amazing help of the supreme apostle and numerous scars on her elbows, because she had to go 11 days and nights, without water and food, climbing the rocks.

    Instead of a cell - a hollow of an old tree

    During the Second World War, Agafia was captured, where she prayed a lot for captive women, who were waiting at home for children or infirm parents. Matushka led them behind the barbed wire, and once she herself left, crossed the front line and went to Kyiv.

    At that time, the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, closed by the Bolsheviks, was opened by the Germans, and here the wanderer Agafia found a place to serve. Her confessor was Father Kronid, who soon became the abbot of the monastery. Thanks to him, Agathia became Alipia - at the time of taking the tonsure, she was named in honor of the icon painter of the Caves - Saint Alipius.

    Father Kronid also blessed her for a special spiritual feat, which modern people have never even heard of. For three years the young nun lived in the hollow of a tree.

    Now imagine what it looked like: the fragile mother Alipia in the hollow of an old tree in the monastery courtyard. Here we are no longer talking about the fact that it is hard or uncomfortable to sleep - here it is even impossible to straighten up to your full height. And if you add weather conditions, harsh winters, wind and snow?

    Surely even experienced monks were not blessed for such feats, but the young nun, whom the apostle Peter himself led out of prison, was blessed. Only when it was unbearably cold was she allowed to warm herself in the corridor of the monastery building.

    The feat of foolishness and helping people

    After three years in the hollow, matushka Alipia was blessed on the path of foolishness. Foolish people were also called blessed, people of God, because they surrendered themselves into the hands of God so much that they completely cut off their will.

    Mother denied herself so much that she even spoke of herself in the masculine gender: I was, I saw, I served, I experienced ...

    She spoke to many people not directly, but with some kind of allegory or even, at first glance, complete alogisms. But the one to whom these words were addressed understood the meaning of the denunciation.

    For example, three guys came to her. To one of them the nun said: "It is a sin to marry." The young man was so shaken up. It turns out that he was tormented by the sin of Sodom.

    After the monastery was closed in the 1960s, she lived in a lonely house in the Goloseevsky forest and regularly visited the Ascension Church on Demeevka.

    To hide her spiritual gifts, she "pretended" to be insane. In winter and summer, she wore the same clothes (she always had a fur cap on her head).

    But at the same time she constantly prayed, wore chains, helped people. In order not to attract too much attention to herself, she did this either during the meal, or gave the patient a special ointment. Although, in fact, the prayer of the pious mother Alipia healed.

    She paid special attention to almsgiving, hospitality and prayer for the departed. In the house where she lived, many people gathered. Whenever possible, she accepted everyone, fed, and whoever needed it, even helped with money. She often went to the temple with bread, which she carried to the memorial service.

    Fulfilled prophecies of the Goloseevskaya old woman

    For such a sincere service to God and people, the Lord revealed a lot to mother Alipia. It is difficult to collect and describe all those cases when her words or actions concerned specific people. But there are also those events that influenced the lives of many. Some words are still a mystery or are waiting for their time.

    For example, the nun knew in advance about the Chernobyl disaster. Back in the winter of 1986, she repeated: “Woe is coming!”. She said she was on fire underground. But she could not describe the whole mechanism of the catastrophe in words, because she had a meager education - she knew how to read Russian and Church Slavonic.

    According to eyewitnesses, on April 25, the nun could not find a place for herself. She walked around the yard and prayed from the bottom of her heart: "God, have mercy on the people!" When information about the disaster was still carefully concealed, on April 26 she simply advised people to tightly close the windows.

    To protect food from radiation, she advised to overshadow it with the sign of the cross and read "Our Father" and "Our Virgin Mary ..."

    She pointed out to the sisters of the Florovsky Monastery in Kyiv the revival of yet another monastic monastery, the Goloseevskaya Hermitage. This was in 1988. And in 1993, the monastery began to be restored. In 2006, the relics of the old woman will be transferred to a chapel on the territory of the Goloseevskaya Hermitage.

    God also revealed to Mother Alipia the date of her death. As if by chance, she asked her cell attendant what day October 30, 1988 would be. As it turns out, Sunday. During her lifetime, the nun repeatedly stopped at this date.

    Incredible facts from the life of a nun

    When you read the life of nun Alipia Goloseevskaya, it is hard to believe that she lived in the 20th century and died only 28 years ago.
    It seems unthinkable to a modern person that one can live for three years not in a comfortable apartment, but in the hollow of an old tree. Or never have a passport and a residence permit. And this is in Soviet times!

    And my mother was against being photographed or, moreover, filmed on video. Therefore, only one photo of a nun and rare fragments of a video made by children have come down to our time.

    No one knows exactly when mother Alipia was born. But on October 30, on the day of her death, thousands of believers come to pray at the relics of the not yet canonized saint. Moreover, if the glorified saints have one day of remembrance, sometimes two, then the Goloseevsky old woman has as many as 12! Every 30th of every month. After all, believers who come to mother to thank for help or ask for prayer wanted it that way.

    Moreover, these requests are very different. The first receive healing in illnesses, the second - relief in financial matters, the third - the resolution of infertility ... Through the faith and prayers of the mother, miracles really happen.

    Some Orthodox compare it to Matrona of Moscow, even calling her the second Matrona or the Kyiv Matrona. This is evidence of the deepest popular recognition.

    Although in fact their life paths diverge in many ways. But there is also something in common. Both righteous women lived in the same godless era. Both were saved not in a deserted desert, but among people. The two righteous women were perspicacious, gave advice, and sometimes denounced those who came.

    Today, believers bring flowers and their sick prayers to both Saint Matrona and Mother Alipia. But what unites the two elders is love for God, sincere service, and what is called life in Christ.

    This film also tells about the life of old woman Alipia:

    Blessed old woman Alipia (Avdeeva) is one of the saints revealed in the 20th century, who supported the faithful with their prayers in a difficult godless period. St. Alipia was born (in the world she was called Agathia) in 1905 in the Penza province. Her parents were extremely pious, and raised their daughter in love for God. From childhood, Agathia's favorite pastimes were prayer and reading the Psalter. The girl was very laconic and loved solitude. The revolution of 1917 turned the life of Agafia upside down - in 1917, the Red Army soldiers shot her parents, and she was left an orphan. She herself miraculously survived, because at that time she was absent from home. A huge number of sorrows and trials were endured by Blessed Mother Alipia. At the age of 30, she was in prison for being a believer, during the war she ended up in a German concentration camp. Despite many trials, the prayer of Saint Alipia and her love and gratitude to God only intensified.

    Orthodox Prayers of Alipia performed miracles during their lifetime

    The saint accepted monasticism at the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. There, she undertook the feat of pilgrimage: in a huge hollow of a linden that grew on the territory of the Lavra, she stood day and night, in frost and heat, leaving only in cases. After the closure of the Lavra in 1961, St. Alipia again became homeless. After long wanderings, she came to the territory of the destroyed Goloseevsky monastery in Kyiv, where she settled for the rest of her life. Alipia's prayers became miraculous during her lifetime. Having heard about mother, visitors were drawn to her in an endless succession, and she accepted everyone, despite her extreme old age. Through the prayers of Alipia, the Lord performed many healings and other miracles. The blessed mother died on October 30, 1988. The relics of St. Alipia rest in the church in honor of the icon of the Mother of God the Life-Giving Spring in the Goloseevsky Monastery.

    Prayer to mother Alipia Goloseevskaya relieves sorrows, helps in everyday needs

    With what only sorrows people did not come to the blessed mother! Alipia prayed for everyone, and the Lord helped everyone through her prayers. Today, as in the life of Alipia, her prayers help to heal from oncology, infertility, hernias, bone diseases, and other serious diseases.

    Mother helps in finding work, finding housing, paying off debts and loans, although she herself has been a wanderer and unmercenary all her life. A huge number of healings take place near the shrine with its relics, and all of them are recorded in the temple book. Among other things, Alipia's prayers lead people to faith, increase their love for God and each other, and find a quick marriage.

    Listen to the powerful prayer of St. Alipia on video

    The text of a short prayer to mother Alipia for health and healing from diseases

    Oh, our reverend mother Alipie!

    Pour out on us poor, weak and humiliated by your unchanging compassion and mercy, at least a small drop of bounty from the Lord of the Lord, accept in your intercession and intercession, from all troubles and severe diseases of freedom, ask forgiveness for our sins and raise us up, relaxed, with your prayers , do not allow us to die to the end, unworthy slaves (names), be a refuge for us, do not leave us inconsolable, may we all glorify the all-holy name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

    The text of a long prayer to the holy mother Alipia Goloseevskaya for a happy marriage

    Oh, great praise to the Church of Christ, the city of Kyiv is walled and comforted, Reverend Mati Alipie!

    We fall to you and pray to you - be our intercessor to Christ God, vigilant, as we believe, if you will beg the Humanity God, everything will be given to you from the sea of ​​His goodness. And just as God is philanthropic, so you, imploring us sinners, will not despise our petition, for we ourselves do not have boldness due to the multitude of our sins.
    Your work, saint, is to intercede for sinners, it is God's work to have mercy on the desperate. Ask, reverend, to anyone according to his needs:

    In the illnesses of the existing, soon comfort and heal, as now in a multitude of healing you are doing - as if speaking dumb, seeing the blind, restoring those injured from the bed of sickness with bones. You can ask the Lord for everything, reverend, if you pray to Him for us.

    Tumors fierce do not exist. Give a quick healing to those suffering from burns, as if you appeared to a sick boy at night, listening to his mother’s prayer. Thou didst show the great miracle of healing to the whole world.
    In these difficult days of the triumph of lawlessness and unrighteousness, offended and unjustly condemned, imprisoned in prison, envy, lies and self-interest for the sake of the persecuted, intercede for deliverance from slander and misfortune, as if the grace to intercede for them has been purely given to you from the Lord.

    Good marriages bless and unite. Give safe permission to mothers who give birth, keeping their children from any harm. Hear the warm prayer of the parents, the sorrow for the weary children, so that their children will pass into the consciousness of the truth, avoiding the networks of the evil one, they will find eternal salvation. Accept prayers for the parents of their grieving children, so that through your prayers they will know the light of Christ's Gospel. So comfort the childless and give them the fruit of the womb, so that the new true Christians will present to the Lord with your blessing and maternal upbringing. To those who require your help in consummating a Christian marriage, send a companion of their lives blessed by the Lord, so that by your care Christ God will bring the service of a small church in a family union. Above all, grant peace, silence and unfeigned love, may we be true disciples of Christ.
    To those who have surrendered to the ailments of drunkenness and drug addiction and those who do not have the strength of the spirit, leave this soul-destroying iniquity, give strength of spirit and enlightenment of the mind, as if you appeared to a person, accepting death from drunkenness to those who have it and your blessing healed from this ailment.

    Send down with your prayers the invisible consolation from the Lord and the knowledge of the true love of Christ to the lonely and helpless, let them lead away, as our friends - saints and angels, invisibly observe us.

    Accept the petitions of the poor and the afflicted, and give them with your prayers unexpected care, as if they had thee benefactor in their earthly life.

    Cowardly, despairing in your life, be an ambulance comforter, as if you had saved your wife, in sorrow, who intended to destroy herself and the maiden, who was saved from harm in a fall from a height. Thou didst deliver the souls of their perilous abyss.
    So, we pray to you, reverend, save from sudden death, as if you had preserved the youth unscathed, having received a terrible blow on the road.

    Pour out motherly help in the teaching to those who arrive and give an increase in the mind, so that they remain without sorrow in the out-of-the-easy course of their teaching.

    In various everyday affairs, troubles and difficulties, give a speedy arrangement and a good end to this.
    Hear the prayers of those who mourn for those who are astray, who are outside the saving ark of the Orthodox Church, may the All-Good Lord save them by fate and bring them to the knowledge of His truth.

    Send down strength and fortitude to the soldiers in the performance of their godly service, may the Lord save them from all evil.
    Teach those who are monks the right to walk in the way of the Lord, strengthening them in ascetic labors and in the moderate bearing of your cross, as you also labored for salvation in love for the Lord and His people.

    Give a true standing in the Orthodox faith as a bishop and priest, so that the flock of Christ is shepherded faithfully and without hypocrisy, rightly ruling and walking without stumbling before the Lord.

    The head and authority of the wise people of our government, but in union with the Church, our country is in peace and silence.
    Open for us with your prayers the doors of God's mercy and deliver us from all evil. Grant us to escape the snares of the evil one. Pray, reverend, to the Merciful Lord for us penitents, may He forgive us our faults according to the multitude of His goodness. And even to the end, by your prayers, keep us uncondemned, but saved by your intercession and help, we will always send glory, praise, thanksgiving and worship to the One in the Trinity God, the Creator of all. Amen.

    My dears! I want to tell you about our Kyiv holy mother Alipia (Goloseevskaya). She is like Matronushka and like Ksenyushka, a tireless prayer book before the Lord for our souls.
    She died in 1989 in Kyiv on the territory of the then destroyed Goloseevsky Monastery. And those years when she lived there really was his color, his ever-extinguishing lamp.
    About the life of Matushka, her spiritual exploits in the name of Christ, her lifelong and posthumous miracles can be read on the website of the Goloseevsky Monastery and in books about the life of Matushka written by her spiritual children.
    I want to tell you about the miracle in my life that I have through the prayers of Mother Alipia - my family and my son, who will be 2 years old in a few days.
    A little over 3 years ago I learned about Mother. Although she is going to faith, although she is from Kiev, somehow the Lord did not lead me to her. At this time, I had a very close relationship with my husband, I already had 2 unsuccessful pregnancies and it seemed to me that my life was falling apart. At many shrines, I sought peace of mind. At many priests, I sought help and guidance. But I didn't find it.
    ... And so I ended up at the relics of my mother. For several hours I just sat on the bench under the icon and looked at the rakia with the relics and didn’t think about anything. One woman gave me an akathist and I began to read. Then one woman who looks after order in the temple told me about mother, about her warm hands, kind penetrating look and inexhaustible kindness, the power of faith and the power of prayer, a little about her life. This woman was the spiritual child of the mother and had the blessing to come to her several times a month for cleaning and cooking with some other women. I just listened and tears rolled from my eyes.
    She advised me to take a book about my mother and an akathist.
    I did so and began to read every page with rapture. By morning, the small book was read to the holes. And an unknown force carried me to Goloseevo.
    Every time at the relics, I hoped for insight and at least some kind of sign from my mother. How to live on? What to do? Where to look for support? Every time I left the temple, I looked closely and listened to everything that was happening around me, afraid to miss even the slightest sign, even the slightest clue. I looked for them outwardly, but I had all the clues inside - I began to pray differently and ask the Lord for other things.
    This was my first gift from my mother. Once, kneeling at the relics and talking to her as if she were alive, I felt an amazing warmth under my palms that came from cold granite. I leaned my cheek against the warmth. It was very nice. Then I got up and the warm scarf that was around my neck suddenly caught on something and reached for me. The woman who gave me the akathist on the first day said that a journey awaits me and said that I would order a prayer service for travelers. I left the scarf on the relics, and while I ordered a prayer service in the icon shop, my scarf found a new mistress. The woman was clearly one of the pilgrims, dressed modestly and not warm enough, and it was good that it was my scarf that would warm her!
    The trip took 10 days. This was my first pilgrimage. I already wrote about it here. And from there I returned with all the answers to all my questions. Yes, my problems have not been solved, but my attitude towards them has changed dramatically. I became spiritually stronger and I had the strength to fight and resist!
    Relations with her husband began to improve, and by the spring everything was completely fine. Even wonderful. I was happy. Throughout Lent, I went to Goloseevo and asked my mother about the most important thing - a child.
    Menses started on Easter. Just in time for the night shift. I knew that May would be a very difficult month and did not miss a single chance to get to Goloseevo. Every time a pregnant cat met me at the exit of the temple. I stroked her and mentally asked my mother to beg the Lord to give me a child. I purred kitty, caressed my legs. I read that mother loved cats, they lived in her house and she did not allow anyone to treat them rudely and offend them. On one of my visits, I found on a bench a small icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and gave it to the woman who keeps order. Suddenly someone forgot or lost will ask. And she told me that again I would go somewhere. And then I also found out that May 22 is the year of Nikolai. She smiled and ordered a prayer service for travelers.
    On May 16, my husband and I left Kyiv for western Ukraine on his work issues.
    May 22, just in time for the summer Nikolai, I found out that I was pregnant. Until the end of May, we traveled a lot and, most importantly, we visited Pochaev and the St. Anne's Spring in the Kremenets region. The only thing I asked the Lord was to bear the child and give birth to him healthy.
    Everywhere where I prayed, I wrote a memorial for my mother and her parents Sergius, Domna, Tikhon, Vassya, Euphemia, Pavel. How she asked us and how she commanded us. I knew that in gratitude at the throne of the Lord, she would pray for my needs.
    Returning to Kyiv, I immediately got into preservation. I was 6 weeks old and I was terribly afraid of losing my baby again. Mom brought us (me and another woman who was lying with me for preservation) oil (I smeared my tummy with it throughout my pregnancy) from mother’s lamp, crackers and water, and, if possible, went to pray at the relics.
    When they let me go home at 9 weeks old, the first thing I did was go to the monastery to my mother. Throughout my pregnancy, I had a threat of up to 20 weeks of miscarriage, up to 32 premature births. but I walked, prayed, asked, and never ceased to believe and trust in the will of the Lord. When I came to the relics, my son immediately perked up and said hello to his mother with kicks in rakia. I have always felt warmth from granite brandy in the abdomen.
    With God's help, I gave birth to a healthy little son myself at almost 40 weeks. Yes, after giving birth we had problems, but I am sure that through the prayers of Matushka we came across good doctors, kind and sympathetic people. And my son is a healthy and happy schilopop! Everything is fine in my family too, my husband and I live in love and harmony, we got married and are absolutely happy!!!
    Whenever possible, I go to my mother, tell people about her and her miracles in my life.
    Girls who have grief or pain in their souls, ask Mother Alipia for help, turn to her with all troubles, as if she were alive, and she will definitely not leave you without her prayer support.

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