Sample certificate for labor protection. Get a certificate of labor protection for specialists in a short time

reservoirs 21.07.2022

Occupational safety is a system for ensuring the safety of life and health of personnel in the performance of their duties. Companies should, at their own expense, organize training for employees, thereby improving labor efficiency. In addition, these activities allow training employees in first aid. The law establishes the period of validity of the labor protection certificate. More about this in the article.

The concept of a document

A labor protection certificate is issued to employees who have successfully passed the test after training. This document states:

  1. Name of the institution.
  2. Full name of the employee.
  3. Place of work.
  4. Job title.
  5. Seminar topic.
  6. Number of hours of training.
  7. Commission protocol number.
  8. Data on secondary certification.
  9. Chairman's signature.
  10. Exam date.

The expiration date of the labor protection certificate is also indicated there. After the expiration of this period, it is necessary to go through the training procedure again. This serves as the basis for issuing a new document.

Why and in what cases is it required?

The provision of a labor protection certificate indicates that the employee has received knowledge in the field of safety in the process of fulfilling his duties. This enhances certification, which is carried out in several stages:

  1. Creation of an expert group.
  2. Control of competence and qualification in the field of labor protection.
  3. Filling out the protocol.
  4. Create an identity.

The document serves as confirmation that the employee has successfully passed the test. Otherwise, he has a month to pass the exam and receive a certificate. In this case, the manager must remove the employee from his duties. Downtime is paid only when the training is not completed due to the company.


Every employee is required by law to take safety precautions. The costs are paid by the organization. If the activities were not carried out, then the performance of labor duties is impossible. This may be due to the negligence of the employer. The reasons are usually the following:

  1. The timing of the event is incorrect.
  2. Desire to save.
  3. Lack of compensation in the field of labor protection.

If a violation is detected at the company level, you need to act according to the following algorithm:

  1. Issuance of an order to release the employee until the violations are eliminated.
  2. Conducting training.
  3. Knowledge control.
  4. Registration of the certificate.

If there is a discrepancy discovered by the inspector during the inspection, an administrative penalty is imposed:

  1. Up to 100 thousand rubles - for organizations.
  2. Up to 20 thousand rubles. - officials.

The law establishes a different procedure for the implementation of training activities and the issuance of documents.

Procedure for persons of material production

To obtain a labor protection certificate for persons employed in material production, you need to go through the following steps:

  1. Acquaintance with the theory of labor protection in a certain area is carried out within a month after being hired, transferred from another position, as well as during the increase in the level of competence or the assignment of a new qualification.
  2. In hazardous and hazardous industries, an internship is conducted in the area of ​​​​the site where duties will be performed.
  3. The rules of training and certification correspond to the type of activity and are fixed by local acts of the institution, created on the basis of the law.
  4. Preparation for medical and diagnostic measures necessary in case of an accident or sudden illness is organized at least once a year.

Management area employees

Obtaining a certificate on labor protection and electrical safety is necessary for employees performing management functions, as well as those engaged in engineering, technical, economic activities. This is done according to the norms approved by law:

  1. In the first month after employment, training is carried out according to the volumes intended for the position. Training is provided as needed.
  2. The maximum break between planned activities is 3 years.
  3. The appointed person begins to perform duties after getting acquainted with his direct functions, internal documents of the institution.

Some employees need to be trained in a specialized structure. This also applies to employees who are associated with the preservation of the life support systems of the worker's body at work. They are:

  1. Leaders.
  2. Deputies.
  3. Engineering and technical workers.
  4. Teachers.
  5. Internship coordinators.
  6. Labor inspectors.
  7. Members of the certification committees.

Teaching structures must have a work permit, teachers, manuals and tools. If an institution has established a group for testing knowledge in the field of life, then management and employees whose duties are not related to labor protection can be trained in the organization itself.


Incoming persons or transferred to another position must pass:

  1. Instruction on their duties.
  2. Job training.

This is organized by the head or his representative. After that, the employee is issued a certificate. Even if the employee had to undergo training in another company, this does not relieve him of this obligation. Because the verification that follows this procedure is not secondary, a new identity is provided.

If an employee improved his qualifications in the company and did not go to a special center, he is provided with a certificate. The validity of the labor protection certificate is confirmed by the signature of the chairman and the seal of the institution.

The type of certificate is established by the Ministry of Labor and includes information about the stages passed by the employee. The document has been updated since March 2017, when a new labor protection standard came into effect. The difference is the series and number, which include:

  • Two Latin letters - the name of the country: 0 or 1 depends on who provided the certificate - the organizer or a special company.
  • Company TIN.
  • The last two digits of the year of issue.
  • Details of the protocol and the number of the certified person.

Usually, a photo is not required for a document. Some special papers are an exception. For example, a certificate of obtaining knowledge about safe methods and techniques in the field of work at height.

When is verification required?

Management and qualified employees need to regularly confirm their knowledge in the field of labor protection. Events are divided into planned and additional. An emergency procedure is possible in the following situations:

  1. The emergence of new rules.
  2. Using equipment that did not exist before.
  3. Transfer to another job.
  4. Detection of violations.
  5. After an accident or emergency.


If the validity period of the labor protection certificate has expired, then the employee cannot perform his duties. To fix this, 1 month is provided. If the audit is not carried out in a timely manner due to the company, then the employees receive a part of the salary. Otherwise, no payment will be made. The document must be received by all employees, including managers.

To get paper you need:

  1. Issue an order on the organization of the commission.
  2. Conduct a duty test.
  3. Fill out the protocol.
  4. Provide evidence.


What is the validity period of a work safety certificate? The standard period is 3 years. In some institutions, for example, Russian Railways, it is reduced for certain categories of workers. The validity period of the labor protection certificate can be reduced if a preliminary check is required.

An extraordinary check is required when transferring to another position or during a long absence from work. With the passage of a new event to test knowledge, new documents are issued to the staff. Therefore, the duration of the certificates may be different.

Document verification

How is the identity verified? Now there are many dubious companies in this area, and prices often do not work as they should. And since the centers do not post information about the passage of training, therefore, the check is performed using the old proven methods:

  1. An employer can request information from an educational institution about the performance of an employee attestation, and it must respond in a short time.
  2. Upon receipt of the certificate, the employee may require an extract from the protocol and a copy of the institution's license.
  3. If the offer is found on the web, then you should check the duration of the site and the duration of the work.
  4. The check is carried out according to the regalia indicated on a special page.
  5. You need to read the articles, regulations, you can call and ask questions. If the experts cannot answer the question, then it is hardly necessary to contact them.

Thus, the certificate gives the employee the right to participate in measures to provide staff, conduct labor activities. Special institutions can provide them. The head of the enterprise is responsible for the timeliness and correctness of registration.

Occupational safety is regulated by many regulations and relevant law. All subordinates are required to undergo a training course or briefing, depending on their position, in order to ensure safety at their particular production site and in general throughout the organization.

Representatives of certain production professions must undergo special training. This must be confirmed by relevant documents. How exactly and how to issue it, further in our article.

What does a certificate of verification of knowledge of labor protection requirements give?

The certificate confirms the fact of training and assimilation by the employee of the norms and conditions for the safety of activities (his work) at the enterprise and at the segment of work entrusted to him. Form - the established sample. It is available for sale in stationery departments and stores. Its issuance is regulated by the relevant Decree.

Certificate of verification of knowledge of labor protection requirements - validity period

The occupational health and safety knowledge test certificate is valid for three years. The certificate is issued after the first training course within thirty calendar days after employment. Further, every three years. If an employee changes his place of work, in a new place, if the established period has not expired after completing the last training (three years), he undergoes a new instruction, if he has changed his direction in the profession.

Also, a labor protection certificate should, of course, be with the labor protection inspector at the enterprise, and with the head. The presence of a certificate from the manager means that he also has an understanding of safety at the enterprise and the knowledge to ensure it.

Training can also be extraordinary for the following reasons:

  • Installation of new equipment at the enterprise;
  • Introduction of a new technological process;
  • At the request of the head;
  • When changing the safety inspector;
  • In the event of an accident at work.

It is issued either in training centers or at the enterprise. If it is issued on the spot, the organization must have a trained occupational safety specialist (inspector) who will further train the staff and confirm their knowledge.

How to fill out a certificate of knowledge of labor protection requirements?

A certificate in execution is a fairly simple document, but still requiring compliance with certain rules. The document consists of two parts. On the left side, there is a hat, on the right side - a place for marks about the passage of repeated briefings and training.
Fill out the certificate in order.

Left-hand side:

  • Enter the name of the organization (enterprise) - full and abbreviated in brackets.
    The serial number is assigned at the enterprise, it is taken from a special log of registration of certificates.
  • Further, we indicate the personal information about the employee - his full: Surname, Name and Patronymic, the name of the position held and the qualification category, the unit in which he works.
  • Data are entered on the course that the employee passed, its volume.
  • In the line where the number and date of the minutes of the meeting are indicated, the name of the enterprise is once again entered.
  • In the very bottom line of the left part of the certificate, the chairman of the commission certifies the certificate with his signature and its transcript, indicates the date of issue of the document and stamps it.
  • Right side: it is issued during repeated briefings, after three years.

A short version of the document header is filled in the top line - indicate the name of the employee, his place of work (department), position, indicating the professional rank. Next, enter data about the course of study: the name, the amount of information received in hours. The next line contains the details of the minutes of the meeting: its date and number. The last line is the signature of the certificate by the chairman of the commission, his full surname and initials, the date of execution of the document and the wet seal of the organization.

Form of certificate of knowledge of labor protection requirements

The form of the document is standard, adopted and approved by a special Decree of the Ministries of Labor and Education. Replacing the form with another is unacceptable. The company can buy them in a stationery store at a very affordable, symbolic price.

The sheet consists of two parts. Their structure is similar:

  • Header - indicate the details of the enterprise, the full name of the employee, his position and belonging to a particular unit. Assign a certificate number.
  • The main part - it indicates the name of the training program, its duration in hours (volume), data from the minutes of the commission meeting.
  • The final part is the assurance of knowledge by an authorized person - the chairman of the commission. Indicate his full name, signature, date of issue of the certificate, and certify with a seal.

Certificate of verification of knowledge on labor protection - form

The form is unified, approved by a normative act - the Decree. Consists of two parts. It is easy to fill out and does not require special skills.

According to the legislation, the employer is obliged not only to provide employees with safe working conditions, but also to conduct training on labor protection and test the acquired knowledge. Confirmation of the acquired knowledge of employees will be a certificate of verification of knowledge of labor protection requirements. But let's deal with everything in order.

Labor protection training

The procedure for training in labor protection was approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia / Ministry of Education of Russia dated 13.01.2003 No. 1/29. According to the procedure, labor protection training is mandatory for all company employees, including company managers.

Certain categories of employees must be trained and tested on special training programs directly at the enterprise itself or at an educational institution, training center and other organizations that have a license allowing them to carry out educational activities. Such employees include, in particular, company managers, specialists who deal with labor protection issues at the enterprise.

Other employees of the company have the right to receive knowledge and confirm their presence in the organization itself. The fact that the employee has passed the exam and has all the necessary knowledge confirms the issued certificate of knowledge testing on labor protection. In order to take exams for knowledge of labor protection, a special commission consisting of at least three people is created from among the employees who studied directly at the training centers.

This is followed by an “examination” that helps to ensure that the employees have mastered the acquired knowledge. Knowledge testing is carried out in a form that the employer will determine. Occupational safety certificates are obtained by employees who have completed training and “passed the exam” for knowledge of labor protection. At the same time, it does not matter in what form the exam was taken - the employer has the right to fix the chosen form with a local regulatory act. Most often, an oral form of passing an exam on pre-approved tickets or testing with the help of special software is used.

Occupational safety certificate form

The certificate form is given in Appendix No. 2 to the Order, approved. Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 1, Ministry of Education of Russia No. 29 dated January 13, 2003

The form of the labor protection certificate for workers contains the following information:

  • Full name of the company indicating the form of ownership;
  • Full name of the employee to whom the certificate was issued (full name);
  • The place where the employee works;
  • The position in which the employee works;
  • The name of the training program the employee has completed;
  • Duration of training completed;
  • Number of the minutes of the meeting of the commission for knowledge testing;
  • The date the protocol was drawn up;
  • Signature and transcript of the signature of the chairman of the training commission;
  • Print (if available).

Often there is a question about the presence of a seal on the certificate. Meanwhile, if the company or individual entrepreneur does not have a seal, then its absence on the certificate should not raise questions.

Validity period of the labor protection certificate

Managers and individual specialists of the company must confirm their knowledge of labor protection at least every three years. Thus, if we talk about the validity period of the labor protection certificate, it turns out that the maximum validity period of the document is 3 years. But in certain situations, the period may be shorter. So, an extraordinary test of knowledge of labor protection among employees should be carried out in the following cases:

  • When making changes to legislative acts that contain requirements for labor protection. At the same time, it is worth checking the knowledge that relates to these changes;
  • If an employee is transferred to another position or begins to perform new duties that require different knowledge, then before starting to perform new duties, he must confirm that he has the necessary knowledge by passing a test;
  • If new equipment is introduced, technological processes change, the employee must confirm that he has the necessary knowledge of labor protection when working, for example, on new equipment;
  • If an emergency or an accident occurred at the enterprise, and in addition, if repeated violations of labor protection requirements were discovered;
  • An extraordinary inspection can be carried out at the request of the employer, state supervision bodies, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection, etc.;
  • In the event of a break by the employee in the performance of their labor duties for more than 1 year.

In the cases listed above, a certificate of knowledge of labor protection requirements , will have a shorter duration.

The results of an extraordinary inspection are documented in a protocol in the form that is contained in Appendix No. 1 to the Procedure approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 1, the Ministry of Education of Russia No. 29 dated January 13, 2003. Employees who failed the exam (did not pass the knowledge test on labor protection) are required go through it again within a month.

The employer must take into account that in a situation where the employee does not have a certificate of knowledge testing, that is, he did not undergo training and did not prove the necessary knowledge, but despite this, the employer allowed him to perform his job duties, administrative responsibility is provided.

Compliance with labor protection regulations requires not only a comprehensive training of employees in the rules and requirements, but also a test of the acquired knowledge. All activities related to this issue are carried out solely at the expense of the employer. At the same time, their necessity is one of his main duties - according to the law, an employee cannot be allowed to work if he has not been familiarized with all the required instructions.

Organization of labor protection at the enterprise

Organization of labor protection at the enterprise is a step by step process. It includes a series of actions that are aimed at creating a system that controls labor activity. Particular attention is paid to the safety and health of employees, as well as reducing industrial risks in getting injuries and diseases.

Organization of safety at work includes several main steps:

  • service creation responsible for information and control over the safety of work processes;
  • development of an internal regulation establishing the procedure for the functioning of this service, as well as issuing an order on the distribution of responsibility;
  • drafting action plan to inform and test the knowledge of employees on labor protection.

The last point includes not only scheduled briefings, but also control over the competence of employees.

Checking knowledge and labor protection requirements

Depending on the specifics of production, testing of knowledge and labor protection requirements can be carried out in different forms. This may be an oral survey, filling out a questionnaire, performing an electronic test. Some positions, however, require more thorough certification, both written and practical, with the subsequent issuance of a certificate of knowledge testing on labor protection requirements. For example, employees employed at work with material production get acquainted with safety precautions in a few steps:

  • a general familiarization with the norms of the work process is carried out, it is carried out when hiring or transferring to a new position;
  • briefing is also carried out for a specific position, taking into account its specifics and responsibilities;
  • an internship period is established, especially when it comes to harmful and hazardous materials and substances;
  • behavior in emergencies is prescribed, as well as first aid in case of accidents.

For management positions, certification is carried out in accordance with the degree of their responsibility. At the same time, a number of employees must undergo training and certification only in specialized structures. These include:

  • managers and their deputies responsible for the safety of the work process;
  • engineers and technical staff whose tasks include analysis and control over the implementation of prescribed standards;
  • teachers, inspectors and members of attestation commissions.

Based on the results of the attestation passed, officials are issued an appropriate certificate on testing knowledge of labor protection requirements. This document is the actual permission for the employee to start performing his professional duties.

Registration of a certificate of verification of knowledge and labor protection requirements

Upon successful completion of the audit, the employee is issued a certificate. This form contains basic information about the activities carried out, the results of certification and the compliance of the specified person with the requirements of the position held.

Registration of a certificate of verification of knowledge and labor protection requirements is carried out in accordance with the approved model. It includes basic data on the certification, as well as on its subsequent repetitions. The validity period of this sample is determined by the internal standard of the enterprise. However, it is prescribed that it cannot exceed one year.

Since 2018, a number of changes have been made to the sample certificate of knowledge testing on labor protection requirements to bring this form in line with international standards. The main issue in this situation will be the design of the registration number and series of documents. The following data is taken into account:

  • country is indicated in two Latin letters;
  • further, the numbers 0 or 1 indicate who issued the document - respectively, the organizer of the training or a special attestation institution;
  • the TIN of the enterprise that issues this document is indicated;
  • the last two digits of the year in which the form was issued are also entered;
  • at the end, the protocol data and the serial number under which the employee was certified are written.

At the same time, some are wondering if a photograph is needed for such a certificate. Its presence is not required by law.

The completed sample consists of two parts that are glued to the hard cover. The latter is compiled in any form and may contain information about the company.

How to fill out a certificate of knowledge and labor protection requirements

Filling out the knowledge test certificate form is carried out in a few simple steps:

  • the full name of the enterprise is entered and, according to the journal for issuing such documents, a serial number is affixed;
  • data on the employee is entered - full name, department in which he works, position held;
  • the program according to which the training took place, its volumes are prescribed;
  • the details of the protocol according to which the certification took place;
  • the date, signature and seal of the chairman of the relevant commission shall be affixed.

Thus, the left side of the certificate is filled. The right one is filled in during the passage of repeated checks according to the same sample, indicating the current data.

What does a certificate of verification of knowledge on labor protection give?

The certificate of verification of knowledge on labor protection is the main document confirming the compliance of the specified person with job requirements. The fact of successful completion of certification shows the competence of the employee in matters of safe work.

Taking into account the legislative norms that directly prescribe the impossibility of taking office without familiarization with safety precautions and related regulations, such a certificate is an actual admission to work. Its presence indicates that this employee will not endanger himself and his colleagues.

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Occupational safety is one of the most important mechanisms for the successful operation of an enterprise. Since the labor potential of each employee depends on its proper organization, reducing injuries and improving safety at the enterprise, and the absence of penalties. And this, in turn, requires the availability of all necessary documents.

That is why our company "Bitreyd" offers private entrepreneurs and legal entities using hired labor to buy a labor protection certificate (a blank certificate form). We do not sell ready-made documents with signatures and seals. We sell goods that you will later use in your activities.

But before you make a purchase on the site of our organization, let's figure out what an OT certificate is and why you need it.

A labor protection certificate or a certificate of knowledge of labor protection requirements is a document that confirms the completion of training and testing on labor protection issues by its owner. It should be for all, without exception, employees of an enterprise or organization, regardless of the form of ownership.

During the inspection by the regulatory authorities (Federal State Labor Inspectorate), this labor protection certificate acts as a kind of guarantee that all personnel of the enterprise are familiar with the necessary labor protection requirements.

This state of affairs is regulated by many legislative and regulatory acts, in particular the Procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements, which was approved by the Decrees of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and entered into force on January 1, 2013.

In addition, according to Article 22 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, each employer who uses hired labor in his activities is obliged to provide his subordinates with safe working conditions, that is, he is obliged to train all employees in safe methods and techniques for performing work, to conduct various types of instruction in technology. safety and labor protection, as well as to issue personal protective equipment (personal and collective) in the prescribed manner.

Who needs an occupational health and safety certificate

According to Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the head of the enterprise does not have the right to allow employees to work who have not been properly trained and have not passed introductory and primary briefings, internships and knowledge testing on labor protection, and have not received an appropriate labor protection certificate. The responsibility for the implementation of all these activities lies directly with the head of the enterprise, as well as with a specialist (engineer) in labor protection. In case of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the above legislation, liability is provided on the part of officials and the enterprise. This may be the imposition of an administrative fine or the suspension of the economic activities of the organization for up to 90 days (Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). Training of personnel in the basics of labor protection can be carried out at the enterprise with or without interruption from work, or at a specialized training center that has all the necessary licenses and permits.

  • heads of enterprises, as well as their deputies,
  • chief specialists of technical and industrial enterprises, as well as their deputies,
  • persons who are responsible for the organization, management, control and technical supervision of the safe performance of work in the workplace,
  • heads and engineers of labor protection services, as well as persons who are entrusted with the duties of a labor protection specialist,
  • chairmen and members of commissions of enterprises that test knowledge of labor protection requirements,
  • heads and specialists of organizations that provide certain services in the field of labor protection to other organizations.

Training in labor protection issues is carried out in various forms and according to various programs approved by the organization that conducts the training. Programs are subject to review every three years.

Persons who have completed the training and successfully passed the test of knowledge of labor protection requirements receive an appropriate certificate of labor protection.

Registration of a certificate form for testing knowledge of labor protection requirements

The form and form of the labor protection certificate are established by law.

A blank certificate of labor protection has the form of a booklet of two pages in a hard cover of red or burgundy color with golden embossing.

On the first page of the crust on labor protection it is indicated:

  • full name of the institution that issued this certificate,
  • details of the employee to whom the certificate was issued,
  • the name of the enterprise where the specified person works,
  • occupational safety program, according to which the training was carried out, and the number of hours,
  • number and date of the minutes of the meeting of the commission that decided on the results of the knowledge test,
  • signature of the chairman of the commission,
  • organization seal.

A labor protection certificate that is not signed by the chairman of the commission and not certified by the seal of the training organization is invalid.

On the second page of the crust on labor protection, information on repeated examinations of knowledge is indicated.

Persons who have been trained in specialized centers and have an appropriate labor protection certificate can independently instruct the personnel of the enterprise.

Training of employees of the enterprise is carried out immediately after hiring and directly at the workplace by foremen (heads) of sections and teams.

At the enterprise, a commission must be created to test the knowledge of labor protection requirements, consisting of at least three people. All results are documented in an appropriate protocol. Persons who pass the test are issued certificates. The next inspection is carried out at least once every three years.

Thus, the organization of training of employees in safety and labor protection, the availability of OT certificates is an important part of the production process. Since all these measures are aimed at increasing the level of professional competence of employees of the enterprise in the field of labor protection, which is necessary to reduce the level of occupational risk, safe performance of work, prevention and reduction of the industrial injury rate at the enterprise.

Buy a certificate of knowledge of labor protection - a blank form

By ordering blank labor protection certificates from us, you will solve one of the existing problems. You will have documents of the established form, which you can issue to your subordinates. Placing an order will take you only a few minutes, and fast processing and delivery of goods, high-quality service and qualified employees who will answer all your questions will give you the pleasure of working with us.

In addition to buying papers on labor protection and other areas, you can train your specialists with all applicable regulations and provisions on safety and labor protection, the requirements for the proper organization of work aimed at ensuring staff productivity.

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