Facial features of the Negroid race. Characteristics of the three main races

Encyclopedia of Plants 08.09.2022
Encyclopedia of Plants


Negroid race- one of the great races of people.

The term "Negroid race" is often used to refer to all people with black or chocolate skin. Some researchers [ who?] refer the Negroid race to the equatorial (Negro-Australoid) race. A number of authors call representatives of the Negroid race Kongoids in order to distinguish them from representatives of other darkly pigmented African races: capoids, pygmies and Ethiopians. Anti-racist Elisabeth Martinez has proposed moving the term congoid to all representatives of the Negroid race, following the example of naming other races by geographical location. However, this word quickly became offensive, despite the fact that the goal was different.

Characteristic features

Characteristic: different height, elongated limbs (especially arms), dark skin, curly hair, wide flat nose, thick lips, prognathism. Distributed in sub-Saharan Africa.


Appeared around the 5th millennium BC. e. in the territories of the southern Sahara, and from there they settled central and southern Africa, displacing the pygmies and bushmen.


A black soldier in the Brazilian army.

Widespread in sub-Saharan Africa. Also common in Brazil, the West Indies, and the United States. They are also common in Russia - according to the Metis Foundation, over the years of Soviet assistance to developing countries, about 70 thousand blacks remained in it. According to the Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, about 40 thousand children were born from Negro-Russian marriages.

About blacks and racism

In his book, The History of Man, Professor Carlton S. Kuhn Carleton S. Coon) (former president of the American Anthropological Association) wrote that the weight of the average black brain is 1249 grams compared to 1380 grams - the weight of the average white brain, and that the average black brain volume is 1316 cc. cm., and a white man - 1481 cu. see He also found that the size and weight of the brain is greatest in white people.

Dr. Kuhn wrote that there is a big difference between the brain of a Negro and a white man. The anterior lobe of the Negro's brain is less developed than that of the white. Thus, their abilities in the areas of thinking, planning, communication and behavior are more limited than those of whites. Professor Kuhn also found that this part of the brain in blacks is thinner and has less convolutions on the surface than in white people, and the development of this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe brain in them stops at an earlier age than in whites, thereby limiting further intellectual development.

Dr. Kuhn is not alone in his conclusions. The following researchers in the years listed, using various experiments, showed a difference between blacks and whites ranging from 2.6% to 7.9% in favor of whites: Todd (1923), Pearl (1934), Simmons (1942) and Connolly (1950) . In 1980, Kang-cheng Ho and his assistants, working at the Case Western Institute of Pathology, determined that the brains of white men are 8.2% larger than the brains of black men, while the brains of white women are 8.1% larger than the brains of black women.

“From time immemorial, the Negroes have owned the African continent - wealth beyond the limits of poetic fantasies, lands crunching from diamonds under their feet. But they never raised a single diamond from the dust until a white man showed them its brilliant light. Mighty and obedient animals crowded their lands, but they did not even think of harnessing a wagon or sleigh. Hunters by necessity, they never made an axe, a spear or an arrowhead to keep after the moment of use. They lived like a herd of bulls, happy to nibble grass for an hour. On a land full of stone and wood, they did not bother to cut boards, carve at least one brick, or build a house not from sticks and clay. “And here is the evidence of the brain and twisted in it. A banana fell, ate and ok!

The color of the skin, which is also recognized by the velvety texture of the skin and a special smell, does not exist due to the presence of any special pigment, but due to the large amount of coloring matter in the Malpighian mucosa between the inner and outer layers of the skin. Excessive pigmentation is not limited to the skin, pigment spots are often found in internal organs such as the liver, spleen, etc. Other features found are modified excretory organs, a more pronounced venous system, and a smaller brain volume compared to the white race.

Of course, according to the above characteristics, the Negro should be attributed to a lower stage of evolutionary development than the white, and being closer in terms of kinship with the higher anthropoids (monkeys). These characteristics are: the length of the arms, the shape of the jaw, a heavy massive skull with large superciliary arches, a flat nose, depressed at the base, etc. Mentally, the Negro is inferior to the white "

Physiologists and anthropologists have stated [ who?] that the lag of blacks in IQ may be due to their general evolutionary lag - whites simply outstripped blacks in development by several thousand years. Therefore, whites have an average of 100 g more brain than blacks. In addition, the development of the brain in a black child is not the same as in a white one - at first, black children develop faster than white children in terms of motor and mental activity, but starting from the age of five, black children lag behind: the development of the frontal lobes responsible for logic and abstract thinking ends in them at an earlier age than whites. At the same time, these frontal lobes of blacks are less developed and have fewer convolutions than those of whites. (In young great apes, the development of the frontal lobes and motor activity is even faster than that of blacks, but also ends much earlier.) That is why, the researchers said [ who?], the Negroes never created a civilization, there were no Kants and Beethovens, Columbuses and Archimedes among them. It’s just that once the evolutionary branches of humanity diverged, no one is to blame…

Naturally, other interspecies differences have also accumulated. In particular, in an interview with The Independent and The Sunday Times newspapers in the fall of 2007, the Nobel laureate DNA discoverer James Watson voiced the conclusions of scientists about significant differences in the gene structures of people with different skin colors, indicating, in particular, differences in the intellectual abilities of Negroids and Caucasians. A genetic scientist said that in the next decade, genes that are responsible for differences in the level of human intelligence may be discovered.

see also


Photo galleries

  • Africa: photo gallery. This section of the photo gallery is dedicated to the indigenous population of the African continent.

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  • Wikipedia
  • Negroid race (Negroids)- is understood either as a synonym for a large equatorial race, or as an equatorial race within the African continent, or as a synonym for a small negro race. The inclusion here of the Negril and Khoisanoid races and the Equatorial races depends on this ... ... Physical Anthropology. Illustrated explanatory dictionary.

    The Grimaldi Negroids are a population of people of the Homo sapiens species, whose representatives had Negroid features and inhabited the territory of Europe in the Upper Paleolithic before the arrival of the Cro-Magnons. They were carriers of the Aurignacian culture. The beginning of the description of the race ... Wikipedia

    The Grimaldi Negroids are a population of people of the Homo sapiens species, whose representatives had Negroid features and inhabited the territory of Europe in the Upper Paleolithic before the arrival of the Cro-Magnons. They were carriers of the Aurignacian culture. The beginning of the description of the race ... Wikipedia

    The Grimaldi Negroids are a population of people of the Homo sapiens species, whose representatives had Negroid features and inhabited the territory of Europe in the Upper Paleolithic before the arrival of the Cro-Magnons. They were carriers of the Aurignacian culture. The beginning of the description of the race ... Wikipedia

    The Grimaldi Negroids are a population of people of the Homo sapiens species, whose representatives had Negroid features and inhabited the territory of Europe in the Upper Paleolithic before the arrival of the Cro-Magnons. They were carriers of the Aurignacian culture. The beginning of the description of the race ... Wikipedia

Millions of people live on our planet. Each has its own characteristics and original appearance. All people can be conditionally divided into races. In this case, these groups will differ in the main features, i.e., the color of the skin, eyes, hair. These differences are passed on from parents to children. They can change, but this process is very complex and lengthy.

The emergence of racial characteristics

Today there are only a few races. This is the Negroid race. They are the most numerous at present. In ancient times, their number was ten times greater.

The question of the appearance of races is akin to the question "where did people come from." Despite the achievements of science, these topics are still relevant and not fully elucidated. Many scientists are inclined to the version that the division into races occurred under the influence of climatic conditions. The peoples who once inhabited the continents were exposed to various external factors. For example, the dark skin color of the inhabitants of hot countries appeared as a result of constant exposure to the sun. The specific shape of the eyes of the Mongoloids protected from the steppe wind and sand.

Most of all, these changes were felt by the Negroid race. It is believed that the features of appearance were fixed at the very beginning of the existence of its representatives. They originally lived on the African continent. Other peoples could not penetrate these territories. They were hampered by vast distances, seas, oceans and mountain ranges. All this made possible the emergence of clear differences between people.

Negroid race: signs

Representatives of this race are distinguished by dark skin (brown or black), slender figure, long legs, curly dark hair, wide lips and nose, dark eyes. The Negroid race is divided into African and Oceanic (Papuans, Australians, Vedas, Melanesians). In the first case, people have practically no facial hair. In the second case, the beard and mustache grow profusely.

Today, many representatives of the Negroid race represent a significant part of the American population. They are the descendants of the Negroes who inhabited these places after the discovery of the continents.

Race mixing

Some time ago, each nation was dominated by representatives of any race. Currently, one can observe their mixing. For example, representatives of all races can live in one country. In addition, often the result of such mixing is the emergence of new racial types. For example, Russians are representatives of the Caucasian race. However, among them very often there are people with a narrow cut of the eyes and wide cheekbones. These are the consequences associated with mixing with

The Negroid race has spread to all continents. As a result, the Europeans appeared very and Because of this mixing, mulattos appeared, of which there are many on the American continent and Australia. Some peoples of America are mestizos. They inherited the features of both the Caucasoid race and the Mongoloid.

The emergence of new subspecies of races is possible today. In today's world, people have the ability to travel any distance, anywhere in the world. This provides an excellent opportunity to create a new, unique appearance of a person.

, Ya. Ya. Roginsky and M. G. Levin and other anthropologists). Modern research has shown that genetic differences between these two races are higher than between any of them and any other race, and some external similarity (dark skin color, eyes, hair, curly hair, etc.) is due to adaptation to similar living conditions .

In foreign literature, the term "Negroid" can be used to refer to the Negro race, which does not include Negrilli (Pygmies) and Khoisanoids. The American anthropologist K. S. Kuhn applied the term "Kongoids" to representatives of the Negroid race.

The Negroid race is distinguished by the following anthropological features:

In different parts of their range, Negroids can differ in body length, skin color, lip thickness, nose width and other features (curly hair remains the same common feature for all), morphologically, Negrills (with very short stature) and Khoisanoids (with more light skin, flattened face and epicanthus).

The main territory for the settlement of representatives of the Negroid race is Tropical Africa south of the Sahara. Negroids also make up a significant part of the population of Latin America, the West Indies and the USA - the Negroid population of these countries and regions form the descendants of slaves brought from Africa. The dominant population of the Negroid race is in the countries of Guiana, Jamaica, the Republic of Haiti and some other island states of the West Indies.

The composition of the Negroid race includes the Negro, Central African and South African minor races. Sometimes the South African race, whose main representatives are the Bushmen and Hottentots, is considered as one of the great human races. Also, in traditional classifications (for example, in the classification of V.V. Bunak), the Melanesian race, which is the east equatorial (oceanic) branch of the large Negroid race, is opposed to the west equatorial (African) branch with the Negro, Central African and South African races.

The Negro race is the main, most common variant of the large Negroid race, both in terms of numbers and the range it occupies. Representatives of the Negro minor race constitute the absolute majority in sub-Saharan Africa. Characteristic features of this race: very dark skin; dark eyes; black curly hair; the nose is very wide, with a flattened bridge; lips very thick; dolichocephaly; the face is low, strongly prognathous.

As part of the Negro race, several anthropological types are distinguished:

For each of the anthropological types, with the exception of the Sudanese, mixing with neighboring Negroid groups of other types or races is assumed: for the Central African type - mixing with representatives of the Negrill (Central African) race, for the South African type - mixing with Khoisanoids, for the Nilotic type - mixing with representatives of the Ethiopian races.

The Central African (pygmy, negrill) small race is common in the equatorial rainforests of Central Africa among the pygmies (negrilli). The characteristic features of this race include very short stature; slightly lighter skin color; small face and very bulging eyes; strong growth of beard, mustache and body hair; extremely wide and short nose with a flat bridge and often convex back; relatively thin lips.

Within the Central African race, two types are distinguished: western (Bakola, Babinga and Baka peoples in the Republic of the Congo, as well as the Aka people in the Central African Republic) and eastern (Mbuti peoples in the east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Twa in the DRC, Rwanda, Burundi and Uganda ). There is no consensus among researchers about their relationship and the time of formation of a consensus. Some anthropologists believe that the craniological differences between Western and Eastern Pygmies are stronger than their differences from neighboring Negro groups. In general, the western groups of pygmies have larger faces and are taller than the eastern pygmies.

In Central Africa, there are many populations with intermediate features between the Central African and Negro races.

The South African (capoid, Khoisanoid, Bushman) race is a variant of the large Negroid race, common in the arid regions of South Africa. Characteristic features of this race: short stature; rather flat face; a small lower jaw, due to which the face acquires a subtriangular shape; the nose is rather narrow with a very flat bridge; developed epicanthus; relatively light yellowish-brown skin; short spirally curled hair; steatopygia in women; very weak beard and mustache growth. Some of the features of the Khoisanoids, primarily the presence of the epicanthus, resemble Mongoloid features.

In ancient times, representatives of the South African race occupied more extensive territories, but were pushed south into arid regions as a result of the migrations of the Bantu peoples belonging to the Negro race. In the course of the settlement of the Bantu-speaking groups, the formation of two types of Khoisanoids may have occurred - Bushmen and Hottentot. The latter type is distinguished by greater massiveness and higher growth. It is assumed that the differences between the signs of the Hottentot type and the Bushman type were formed as a result of the mixing of the Hottentots with representatives of the Negro race, in addition, it is likely that the Hottentots borrowed cattle breeding from the Bantu peoples, due to which the ancient gatherers changed their lifestyle and type of food, which also affected their appearance.

Reliable finds that reveal kinship with the South African race also most likely date from the Holocene. Perhaps the formation of this type was influenced by isolation conditions during the glacial maximum between 25 and 16 thousand years ago, when most of the territory in southern Africa turned out to be arid and uninhabitable and cut off the northern African populations from the southern ones. A significant genetic difference between the Bushmen and Hottentots was the result of more active processes of gene drift that occurred among the Khoisanoids due to the small size of their populations, in contrast to, for example, the Australian Aborigines, who lived in isolation for a much longer time, but had less genetic differences. There is an assumption that the isolation of the Bushmen and Hottentots lasted a much longer period of time (about 75-60 thousand years).

There are several hypotheses regarding the origin of the Central African race. According to one of them, the pygmies are of ancient origin (formed more than 40 thousand years ago), and a fairly early division according to this hypothesis occurred among the pygmies into western and eastern groups (about 18 thousand years ago), while the mixing of western pygmies with those who came from the north negroids denied. According to another hypothesis, which also supports the ancient origin of the Pygmies, it is believed that the division into western and eastern groups occurred much later - from 5 to 3 thousand years ago. According to another hypothesis, it is assumed that the pygmies are populations that emerged from farmers about 4-5 thousand years ago and again switched to gathering, while the western groups arose almost at the same time as a result of the migration of eastern groups to the west and their subsequent miscegenation with groups of the Negro race. Some researchers put forward a version of the independent origin of the western and eastern groups of pygmies, which makes it possible, in their opinion, to single out not one, but two negrilli races.

Genetic studies give a special look at the origin of the Negroid races. Thus, it has been established that African populations are opposed to all other human groups combined. At the same time, Negroids do not form a unity, they represent several early isolated human lines. The descendants of one of these lines were all non-African groups of humanity - Caucasoids, Australoids and Mongoloids. Other African lines, in particular the Khoisanoids and Pygmies, are opposed not only to all other Negroid lines, but also to all other human groups on other continents combined.

It is characterized by dark skin and eyes, wavy or curly hair, a broad nose that protrudes little, transverse nostrils, full lips, and certain distinct features of the skull. The beard and mustache grow barely noticeable. All of these features are adaptive. For example, dark skin is less damaged by the rays of the sun, prevents the penetration of ultraviolet rays into the skin, and protects it from burns. Curly hair creates a dense felt hat that reliably protects the head from the sun's rays.

Mongoloid (Asian-American) race

It is characterized by swarthy or fair skin, straight, often hard hair, medium width of lips and nose, flattened face, strongly protruding cheekbones, relatively large face size, noticeable development of the "third eyelid". The most important adaptive features of the Mongoloid race are the deposition of fatty tissue on the face in children, narrow eye slits, and eyelid folds. All these signs in the past had an adaptive value from frostbite, wind, dust and sunlight that was reflected from the snow.

Caucasoid (Eurasian) race

It is characterized by light or dark skin, straight or wavy soft hair, well-developed facial hair in men (beard and mustache), a narrow protruding nose, thin lips, as well as certain distinct features of the skull. The most important adaptive feature of this race is the large size of the nasal cavity, which is associated with the need to create a kind of "chamber that heats" the cold air.

Almost all people in sub-Saharan Africa are of the Negroid race, which includes three minor races.

The Pygmies, who traditionally hunt and gather in the equatorial forests, represent the Negrillian race. They are distinguished by small stature (about 140 cm on average), thin lips and a wide nose. Representatives of the pygmy race are quite small.

The San (Bushmen) and the Koikoin (Hottentots) in South Africa form the Khoisan race. Their skin is lighter and wrinkled than that of Negroids, rather yellowish. Other features of the Khoisan are epicanthus (Mongolian eyelid), steatopygia; so called the body's tendency to form a thick fat layer on the hips and buttocks. Now the Khoisan are few in number and live mainly in Botswana, Namibia, southern Angola and Zambia, but once they occupied much larger territories - apparently, the entire southern half of Africa.

The most numerous of the Negroid minor races is the Negro. Its representatives are distinguished by dark skin and eyes, curly hair, wide noses with low bridges, thick lips. But within this race, the differences are also very great: for example, the peoples living in the upper reaches of the Nile are very tall, thin-boned, and have very dark skin; the inhabitants of the Guinean coast of West Africa are more squat and stocky ...

The inhabitants of Ethiopia, the Western Sudanese Fulbe people, as well as some peoples living on the southern border of the Sahara, are classified as a mixed Negroid-Caucasoid race. Madagascar is inhabited by Mongoloids from Southeast Asia, mixed with Negroids. Berbers and Arabs, who roam the Sahara and live along its southern border, belong to the Mediterranean variety of the Caucasoid race.

race Caucasoid Sub-Adriatic Falian

Caucasian race

Caucasoid race, subdivided into a number of types: Nordic, Atlanto-Baltic, Subadriatic, Fal, East-Baltic, Central-East-European, Mediterranean, Balkan-Caucasian, Front-Asian, Caspian, Indo-Afghan types.

nordic type

Widely distributed among the population of Northern Europe - northern Russians, Kashubians, Komi, northern Karelians, western Estonians, western Latvians, southwestern Finns, Swedes, most Norwegians, Germans of the northwestern regions of Germany, Dutch, English, Irish, northern French and etc.

Characteristic features: head index - mesodolichocephaly, body type - leptosomal, normosseous, height - high, hair structure - straight wavy, hair color - blond ash-blond golden blond blond dark blond, nape - convex, face - leptoprosopia, forehead - high, somewhat inclined, eye position - horizontal, eye section - characterized by a long section of the eyes, eye color - blue / gray, nose - long, narrow, straight, protruding, nose base - high, the tip of the nose is horizontal, sometimes raised, pointed, the lower jaw is deep, the lips are thin, the chin is narrow, angular, protruding, the growth of the beard and mustache is developed, the growth of hair on the body is normal, the skin is thin, white with a pinkish tint.

Atlanto-Baltic type

Distributed in the UK, Scandinavian countries, Latvia and Estonia. It is characterized by very light pigmentation of the skin, eyes and hair, long nose, mesokephaly, strong development of tertiary hairline, high growth.

Subadriatic (Norian) type

The type distinguished by some anthropologists, called the Sub-Adriatic (I. Deniker) or Norian, or Noric (the name was given by V. Lebzelter), from the Roman province of Norik, is close to the Dinaric type, the Balkan Caucasian race.

I. Deniker described this type as subbrachycephalic, less often brachycephalic, of medium height, with brown hair, an average height of about 166 cm and a head index of 82-84. It is distributed in Champagne, Franche-Comte, Luxembourg, in the Dutch province of Zeeland, the Rhine provinces, in the north of the Grand Duchy of Baden, in eastern Bavaria and in southeastern Bohemia; found among Slovenes, and in one part of Lombardy and the Venetian region.

K. Kuhn described the Noric type as a light brachycephalic with a flat occiput, often found in southern Germany and elsewhere in central Europe. He considered this type to be a Nordic type, brachycephalized with a Dinaric admixture.

Falsky type

Characteristics. The Falian race is characterized by the highest growth among Caucasians, a very hypersthenic (stocky) physique, mesodolichocephaly, broad shoulders, a wide massive lower jaw with a “strong-willed” chin, rather high cheekbones by European standards, a wide and low face, developed superciliary arches and an occipital protuberance, low rectangular eye sockets, gray or blue eyes and coarse, wavy blond hair of reddish hues.

Spreading. Characteristic of Westphalia (hence the name of the race); its representatives are also found in Scandinavia, mainly in southwestern Sweden, where the Ertebölle culture existed in antiquity. As you move further from the southwestern border inland, the percentage of people of this race decreases greatly.

East Baltic type

According to G. Günther's classification

G. Günther noted that in terms of body proportions the East Baltic race, these are broad-boned and short strong people. Men are characterized by large shoulder width. All parts of the body are rough and stocky: a wide, short neck, short arms and fingers, short thick calves, a heavy and large head.

The East Baltic race is short-headed and broad-faced; its skulls are coarser, bony, heavy and, above all, more angular than those of the East, they have more thickenings and tubercles. But most of all characteristic of the East Baltic race is the large facial part of the skull compared to the brain part. The cranial index is slightly smaller than in the Eastern race, the Eastern Baltic skulls are less short. The Eastern Baltic skull is more convex at the back of the head than the Eastern one. This skull has a wide forehead with tubercles, its width is especially noticeable in the upper part of the forehead.

In profile, the massiveness of the facial part, especially the lower jaw, is noticeable, even in women. The face is taller than that of the Eastern race. The angle of the lower jaw is greater than in other races, approaching a right angle. Forehead sloping back, but not as great as in the Nordic race. The bridge of the nose is flatter than in the Eastern race, but the nose protrudes more in the middle and lower parts. The bridge of the nose is concave, the nose is upturned at the bottom. The chin goes back and is even less pronounced than in the Eastern race. The forehead is flatter than that of the Eastern race and broad. Eyebrows slightly curved upwards. The distance between the inner corners of the eyes is relatively large. The nose usually has a rather wide and flat bridge of the nose and widens downwards a lot. The nostrils are mutually located at an obtuse angle. The lower part of the nose is more fleshy than in the Eastern race. The nose of the East Baltic race is more upturned than that of other European races, with the exception of the Sudeten.

The zygomatic bones are more massive than in other races, and are slightly inclined outwards downwards. The average facial index is 85. The lower jaw is massive and wide, short and high. The lower part of the face forms a triangle, the sides of which converge at the chin at a very obtuse angle. The width of the face in the cheek area is determined not by fat deposits, but by the width of the lower jaw. The folds from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth are strongly pronounced. The mouth is wider than in other European races, with the exception of the False.

The eyes appear small because of the relatively short and low slits that rise slightly at the outer ends. The skin is fair, with a gray tint that can become so strong that the skin is no longer perceived as light. This skin can also be "olive gray". Sunburn makes this skin only slightly darker. The hair on the head is coarse, blond, and usually has a gray tint. The Nordic race can be called golden-light, the Eastern Baltic - ashen-light. The color of the eyes is light, rarely actually blue, usually watery blue. Gray eyes are common.

According to G. Günter, the East Baltic race prevails in the northeast of Europe. The East Baltic race is strong in Finland, with the exception of the south and southwest, and in central and northwestern Russia, with the exception of the regions adjacent to the Baltic. The peoples of the Baltic have a strong East Baltic admixture.

mediterranean type

Characteristic features: characterized by various, often short stature, asthenic physique, as a rule, a tall face, dark or predominantly dark hair and almond-shaped eyes, more or less swarthy skin, a long nose, thicker lips than those of northern Caucasians and dolichocephaly.


Most of the population of the Iberian Peninsula (Spain), southwestern France, southern and central Italy, southern and eastern Greece, the Mediterranean islands, and North Africa. The representatives of the Mediterranean race were the Sumerians, carriers of the Capsian culture, as well as the Minoan civilization of the island of Crete.

Anterior Asian type

The original bearers of this type were Alarodii (ancient Sino-Caucasians). The type formed the basis of some types of the Indo-Iranian-Arabian branch (a mixture of Anterior Asians with proto-Mediterraneans, and in some areas with Mongoloids and Australoids). Described in 1911 by von Luschan. In many respects, the Anterior Asians are close to the Caucasians and Dinarians (Balkans), but differ in their small stature, the shape of the nose and the plane of the back of the head. Other names for this type: Armenoid, Alarodian, Syrian-Zagros, Semitic, Pontic-Zagros, Hittite (Anatolian), Assyrioid, Tauride. Deniker called this type Assyrioid and believed that it was characterized by a straight, narrow nose. The frequency of occurrence of a straight back of the nose has no geographic reference, this is due to the frequent miscegenation of Armenians and Jews with other peoples (mainly, if representatives of another people profess Judaism or Gregorianism, because often religious affiliation to a mono-ethnic religion is identified with ethnic). There are albinos, usually within the framework of the central cluster - Western Asian features plus blond hair and eyes. Some of the alternative names for the Anterior Asian type are used to designate related types, for example, the Assyrioid type, common among the Kurds and Assyrians, is less brachycephalic and has a straight, narrow nose. The Semitic-Arabian type is often referred to as Semitic.

For the peoples of the Near Asian type, the second blood type is characteristic.

Entire countries in Central and South America and other parts of the world are inhabited by peoples formed as a result of mixing the features of three large races at once - Mongoloid, Caucasoid and Negroid. A reliable classification of these groups has not yet been carried out, although such attempts have already been made by anthropologists. We can talk about the emergence of several mixed races at once literally over the past few centuries. And several more races can now be observed in the process of their formation!

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