The tilt of the earth towards the sun. Earth movements

landscaping 08.09.2022

The earth's axis of our planet in the northern vector is directed to the point where the star of the second magnitude, called the Polaris, is located in the tail

This star outlines a small circle on the celestial sphere with a radius of about 50 minutes of arc during the day.

In ancient times, they knew about the tilt of the earth's axis

A very long time ago, in the II century BC. e., the astronomer Hipparchus discovered that this point is mobile in the starry sky and slowly moves towards the movement of the Sun.

He calculated the rate of this movement at 1° per century. This discovery was called This move ahead, or the prelude to the equinox. The exact value of this movement, the constant precession, is 50 seconds per year. Based on this, a complete cycle along the ecliptic will be approximately 26,000 years.

Accuracy is important for science

Let's return to the question of the pole. Determining its exact position among the stars is one of the most important tasks of astrometry, which deals with measuring arcs and angles on the celestial sphere in order to determine the planets, proper movements and distances to the stars, as well as solving problems of practical astronomy that are important for geography, geodesy and navigation .

You can find the position of the pole of the world using photography. Imagine a long-focus photographic camera, implemented in the form of an astrograph, aimed motionlessly at a region of the sky near the pole. In such a photograph, each star will describe a more or less long arc of a circle with a single common center, which will be the pole of the world - the point where the rotation of the earth's axis is directed.

A little about the angle of the Earth's axis

The plane of the celestial equator, being perpendicular to the earth's axis, also changes its position, which causes the movement of the points of intersection of the equator with the ecliptic. In turn, the attraction of the equatorial displacement by the Moon tends to rotate the Earth in such a way that its equatorial plane intersects the Moon. But in this case, these forces act not on but on the masses that form the equatorial swelling of its ellipsoidal figure.

Imagine a sphere inscribed in the earth's ellipsoid, which it touches at the poles. Such a ball is attracted by the Moon and the Sun by forces directed towards its center. For this reason, the earth's axis remains unchanged. This attraction, acting on the equatorial bulge, tends to rotate the Earth in such a way that the equator and the object attracting it coincide, thus creating an overturning moment.

The Sun moves away from the equator twice during the year up to ± 23.5 °, and the removal of the Moon from the equator during the month reaches almost ± 28.5 °.

Children's toy spinning top reveals a little secret

If the Earth did not rotate, then it would tend to tilt, as if nodding, so that the equator would follow the Sun and Moon all the time.

True, due to the huge mass and inertia of the Earth, such fluctuations would be very insignificant, since the Earth would not have time to react to such a rapid change in direction. We are well acquainted with this phenomenon on the example of a child's spinning top. tends to overturn the top, but the centripetal force protects it from falling. As a result, the axis moves, describing a conical shape. And the faster the movement, the narrower the figure. The earth's axis behaves in the same way. This is a certain guarantor of its stable position in space.

The angle of the Earth's axis affects the climate

The Earth moves around the Sun in an orbit that is almost like a circle. Observation of the speed of stars located near the ecliptic represents that at any moment we are approaching some stars and moving away from the opposite ones in the sky at a speed of 29.5 kilometers per hour. The change of the seasons is the result of that. There is an inclination of the earth's axis to the plane of the orbit and is about 66.5 degrees.

Due to the small elliptical orbit, the planet is somewhat closer to the Sun in January than in July, but the difference in distance is not significant. Therefore, the effect on the receipt of heat from our star is hardly noticeable.

Scientists believe that the earth's axis is an unstable parameter of our planet. Studies show that the angle of inclination of the earth's axis with respect to the plane of its orbit in the past was different and changed periodically. According to the legends that have come down to us about the death of Phaethon, in the descriptions of Plato there is a mention of an axis shift at this terrible time by 28 °. This catastrophe took place over ten thousand years ago.

Let's fantasize a little and change the angle of the Earth

The current angle of the earth's axis with respect to the plane of the orbit is 66.5 ° and provides a not so sharp fluctuation in temperatures winter - summer. For example, if this angle were about 45°, what would happen at the latitude of Moscow (55.5°)? In May, under such conditions, the sun will reach the zenith (90°) and shift to 100° (55.5°+45°=100.5°).

With such an intense movement of the Sun, the spring period would pass much faster, and in May it would reach the peak of temperatures, as at the equator at maximum solstice. Then it would weaken slightly, as the sun, passing the zenith, would go a little further. Then it came back, passing the zenith again. For two months, in July and May, unbearable heat would be observed, about 45-50 degrees Celsius.

Now consider what would happen to winter, for example, in Moscow? After passing the second zenith, our luminary would have dropped to 10 degrees (55.5°-45°=10.5°) above the horizon in December. That is, with the approach of December, the sun would come out for a shorter period than now, rising low above the horizon. During this period, the sun would shine for 1-2 hours a day. Under such conditions, nighttime temperatures will drop below -50 degrees Celsius.

Every version of evolution has the right to life

As we can see, for the climate on the planet it is important at what angle the earth's axis. This is a fundamental phenomenon in the mildness of the climate and living conditions. Although, perhaps, under different conditions on the planet, evolution would have gone in a slightly different way, creating new types of animals. And life would continue to exist in its other diversity, and, perhaps, there would be a place for a “different” person in it.

The last days before the eviction of us, the last inhabitants of the planet, into eternity. At least read it in the last few days.

In 1882, the Rothschilds and the Jewish Sanhedrin "captured" the throne of the Roman leader of the heretics, the "Pope of Rome", and all and a lot of Catholic capital passed into the world cash desks of the Sanhedrin bankers, that is, the Jews seized the heretical Vatican. But Holy Russia stood in the way of the ancient serpent. It is clear that further the Rothschilds and the Jews, with the Vatican captured by them, rushed to war on our mother, the native Orthodox Russian Church with Masonic masses, possibly in the form of Catholic heretical ones, with the aim of establishing the reign of the Jewish Antichrist, the top ranks of which are the Rothschilds. It is clear that this was the fiercest attack of the Antichrist. The first of the four beasts in Daniel's book is a winged lion whose wings have been torn out. A lion with wings is the coat of arms of the false Romanov dynasty (the Orthodox Tsar Peter I was killed, criminal enemy impostors climbed in his place, a Dutch double and a Dutch Jew Marta Samulovna Rabe Skavronskaya, a servant, a “guest worker”, under the sign “Catherine I”. Ours the people rightly demanded the abdication of the throne of the traitor (secret enemy, the Jew and Freemason Nicholas II) and burned heretical books. People died en masse in executions, but refused to serve the masses that you are now serving in the Lubyanka project established by Stalin’s decree (a relative of Nicholas II) "ROC) Fascists (Satanists, remember the anaerobe) during the occupation of Hitler (a relative of the Rothschilds), in the occupied villages held services in temples. It is clear that it made sense for them to do this only if it was the same heretical antichrist satanic mass, probably like a Catholic , for refusing to serve which faithful shepherds and laity were brutally killed.
Further, our wounded, in the blood of the holy martyrs, resurrected from under the avalanches of lies and slander, our own mother, the Russian Orthodox Church (as it was called), and our own centuries-old Orthodox service.
I tried to heal the “wounds” inflicted by the Jews in our brutally murdered native Orthodox service with the help of a psalter, published first in 1681 “anointed with oil by the Holy One” by the Pious Tsar and Sovereign, Grand Duke Alexei Mikhailovich, Autocrat of All Russia and reprinted by the command of the “Most Pious, Most Autocratic, Great Sovereign EMPEROR of our All Russia Alexander Nikolaevich "" about the true word, hedgehog printed letters to print, to the salvation of the souls of the numerous Christian people, the Slovenian language, their great power, all the great Russia of the Moscow kingdom, and other states "
The words of the Lord Jesus Christ about the Jews ""They are both my enemies, even if they did not desire me, that the king would be over them, bring them and flog them before me" (Luke 19:27)
(This is from the Book of Hours, published by the order of Emperor Alexander Alexandrovich (father of Nicholas II), as they served in the Orthodox Church for many centuries, before the brutal command of Nicholas II (secret Jew and Freemason), and this text is also not entirely correct, there is part of the prayers of the Jews " taken out "(see the document with prayers, an explanatory note), and then the whole service and the country in general. But this is almost how our real Orthodox service actually looks. I indicate in brackets the words from an older book, the psalter of 1681, (published with “anointed with holy oil” by the Pious Tsar and Sovereign, Grand Duke Alexei Mikhailovich, Autocrat of all Russia ..., to the salvation of the souls of the numerous Christian people, the Slovenian language, their great power, all the great Russia of the Moscow kingdom, and other states ”there is no text of the service, but there are references and prayers from the services, “withdrawn” over time by the enemies of Christ and the Orthodox Church, and it says that it is impossible to change anything established by the holy fathers, this is not fair to God tie. The book of the prophet Daniel says that the abomination of desolation on the wing of the temple will be for ungodliness, and then the sanctuary will be cleansed. It is for these “withdrawals”, retreats, rudeness, for centuries of wickedness that the Lord punished us, in general, the entire Orthodox service of the Jews, Masons, and other antichrist trash “seized”, and heretical Masonic masses composed by the Jews 100 years ago serve in our churches – i.e. it is empty, there is no Orthodox service there. More St. The Apostle Paul spoke of the newly founded Orthodox Church, that the mystery of iniquity is already at work. And the devil attacked our Russian Orthodox Church from its very foundation, and to cleanse the sanctuary, to restore, of course, it would be good to completely in an unchanged form (without wickedness) that service, those charters that were under the holy reverends Anthony and Theodosius of the Kiev Caves, under Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh. I do not have such sources, but what I have, I cite, is already a step in their direction, the beginning of the cleansing of the sanctuary from the abomination of desolation).
In the original text, only the first letters in sentences are capitalized.
At first it is written like this:
"HOURS OF HOURS, WITH THE HOLY GOD, follow the order of the holy Jerusalem and holy monasteries"
Waking up from sleep, leave the bed, and rytsy:
Through the prayers of our holy fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us. Amen
Same (also) Trisagion. Holy Trinity: Our Father.
And real troparia, voice a:
Having risen from sleep, we fall down to you, Blessed, and we cry out to you more powerfully: Holy, Holy, Holy Thou God, have mercy on us through the Theotokos. Glory.
Thou didst raise me up from bed and sleep, O Lord, enlighten my mind and heart, and open my mouth, to sing to Thee, Holy Trinity: Holy, Holy, Holy God, have mercy on us the Mother of God. And now.
Suddenly the Judge will come, and every time the deeds will be exposed, but we call with fear at midnight: Holy, Holy, Holy God, have mercy on us, the Mother of God.
Lord have mercy, vi (12 times) And this prayer:
Having risen from sleep, I thank Thee, Holy Trinity, for the sake of many for the sake of Thy goodness and long-suffering, Thou didst not be angry with me, lazy and sinful, lower Thou didst destroy me with my iniquities: but Thou didst love mankind usually, and in unwillingness, lying, raised me up, in a hedgehog matron (emphasis on y), and glorify Thy power, and now enlighten my mental eyes, open my mouth, learn Thy words, and understand Thy commandments, and do Thy will, and sing Thee in confession of the heart, and sing of the All-holy name of Thy Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever (forever and ever, emphasis on o), amen.
Prayer is different:
Glory to Thee, the King, God Almighty, even by Thy divine and humane Providence, thou hast vouchsafed me a sinner and unworthy from sleep to rise, and receive the entrance of Thy holy house, accept the Lord and the voice of my prayer, as if Your holy and intelligent powers, and favor with a pure heart and spirit the humble bring you praise from my filthy lips: as if I were a fellow wise virgins, with the bright light of my soul, and I glorify Thee, in the Father and the Soul of the glorious God the Word.
Midnight Office ALL DAYS
Midnight start:
Beginning of Midnight. The priest says: Blessed be our God.
And we: Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.
Heavenly King, comforter, Soul of truth, who is everywhere and fills everything, the treasure of the good and the giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save our souls.
Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. Thrice.
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.
Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us: Lord, cleanse our sins: Lord, forgive our iniquities: Holy One, visit and seek our infirmities, for the sake of Your name.
Lord have mercy, three. Glory now.
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name, Thy Kingdom come: Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us our daily bread today, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors: and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.
Priest: as Yours is the Kingdom: The same (also) Lord have mercy, vi (i.e. 12 times). Glory, and now:
Come, let us worship our King God. Come, let us bow down and bow down to Christ, our King God. Come, let us worship and bow down to Christ Himself, the King and our God. Bows three.
And abie psalm n (50).
And abie psalm n (50).

Have mercy on me, God, according to Thy great mercy and according to the multitude of Thy mercies, cleanse my iniquity. Wash me most of all from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. For I know my iniquity, and my sin before me is taken out. I have sinned against you alone, and have done evil before you. As if you were justified in your words, and you won, when you judge Ty. Behold, I was conceived in iniquity, and in sins give birth to me, my mother. Behold, thou didst love the truth, Thy obscure and secret wisdom revealed to me. Sprinkle me with hyssop, and I shall be cleansed; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. Give joy and gladness to my ears: the bones of the humble will rejoice. Turn Your face away from my sins, and cleanse all my iniquities. Create a pure heart in me, O God, and renew a right spirit in my womb. Cast me not away from Your presence, and take not Your Holy Spirit from me. Reward me the joy of Your salvation, and strengthen me with a domineering spirit. I will teach the wicked in Your way, and the wicked will turn to You. Deliver me from the blood, O God, God of my salvation, my tongue will rejoice in Your righteousness. Lord, open my mouth, and my mouth will proclaim your praise. As if you wanted sacrifices, you would have given them: you do not favor burnt offerings. Sacrifice to God the spirit is contrite: the heart is contrite and humble, God will not despise. Please, O Lord, with Thy good pleasure Zion, and may the walls of Jerusalem be built. Then be pleased with the sacrifice of righteousness, the sacrifice and the burnt offering: then they will offer calves on Your altar.
The same (also) kathisma zi (i.e. 17). And at the end of her abie:
I believe in the One God the Father, the Almighty, the Creator of heaven and earth, visible to all and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Only Begotten, even from the Father born before all ages: Light from Light, God is true from God is true, begotten, uncreated, consubstantial with the Father, Whom all was. For us, man, and for our salvation, who descended from heaven, and became incarnate from the Holy Spirit and Mary the Virgin, and became human. Crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered, and was buried. And resurrected on the third day according to the scriptures. And ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of the Father. And the packs of the coming with glory, to judge the living and the dead, His Kingdom will have no end.
Second Cathedral:
And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, life-giving, who proceeds from the Father, who with the Father and with the Son is worshiped and glorified, who spoke the prophets. Into One Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. I confess one baptism for the remission of sins. I look forward to the resurrection of the dead: And the life of the age to come, amen.
Trisagion. Bows, g (3 times) Holy Trinity: Our Father: And abie the priest proclaims:
For Yours is the Kingdom: also this troparia, in voice and (voice 8):
Behold, the Bridegroom is coming at midnight, and blessed is the servant, but the vigilante will find him: he is not worthy of the pack, he will be found desponding. Watch over my soul, do not be weighed down with sleep, but you will not be given over to death, and shut up the Kingdom outside, but rise up, calling: Holy, Holy, Holy God, have mercy on us the Mother of God. Glory:
That terrible day thinking my soul, stay (emphasis on and) burning your light, enlightening with oil: do not weigh for when a voice comes to you, behold the bridegroom, watch over my soul, but do not slumber, and stay out of the interpreter like five virgins: but cheerfully wait, but anoint Christ with venerable oil, and the divine chamber of His glory will give you. And now, the Mother of God:
You are an invincible wall, affirmation of salvation, Virgin Mother of God, we pray: destroy the opposing councils, put your sadness to joy, protect your city, save the EMPEROR, pray for the world of the world: as you are, Mother of God, our hope
(as I wrote in the "texts of ancient Orthodox prayers", the very word "EMPEROR", and even in capital letters, when the entire text about the Lord the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, is written in continuous small text, is also wickedness, and resembles the desire of the Jews to arrange a satanic the Jewish kingdom on earth is like the Roman pagan empire, the kingdom of evil and will exalt itself over everything and over God and the holy, we don’t need this, we need the Kingdom of God. as in more ancient times, "king", and "servant of God", like us. Following the model of how the faithful Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich is called in the book published under him (in small letters it is written in addition to the name, the text of this prayer, apparently, should look like So:
We pray to you an invincible wall, affirmation of salvation, Virgin Mother of God: ruin the opposing councils, put your sadness to joy, protect your city, the servant of God, his own chosen and holy oil to the anointed Pious King and Sovereign, pray about the world of the world: like you are , Mother of God, our hope
Same, Lord have mercy, m (40 times)
And this prayer: Even for every time, and for every hour, in heaven and on earth, worshiped and glorified by Christ God, long-suffering, many-merciful, many-merciful, who love the righteous, and have mercy on sinners, who all call (emphasis on s) to salvation promises for the sake of future blessings: Lord Himself, accept ours at the hour of this prayer, and correct our belly to Your commandments, cleanse our souls, correct our thoughts, cleanse our thoughts, and deliver us from all sorrow, evil and disease, protect us with Your holy aggels, let us observe and instruct them with an army, we will achieve in the union of faith, and in the mind of your unapproachable glory: how blessed are you forever and ever. (forever and ever). Amen.
Lord have mercy, three times. Glory now:
The most honest cherubim and the most glorious seraphim without comparison, without the corruption of God the Word, who gave birth to the real Mother of God, we magnify Thee.
(one of the greatest wickedness has already been committed here, an attempt to “humiliate” the Mother of God, in the book of 1681 published under the pious Tsar “God’s servant was chosen by him with holy oil anointed” Alexei Mikhailovich, this prayer looks like this:
“The most honest Cherubim, and the most glorious verily (VERY) seraphim. Without the destruction of God the Word, we magnify thee who gave birth to the Mother of God, "Our Lady, the Most Holy Theotokos, is TRULY more glorious than the archangels, angels, cherubs and seraphim)
cherub and seraphim)
In the name of the Lord, bless the Father.
Priest: God have mercy on us, and bless us, shine Your face on us, and have mercy on us.
And if there is an alleluia, we make three great bows, saying this secretly holy Ephraim's prayer, dividing it into three parts:
Lord and master of my belly (my belly), do not give me the spirit of idleness, despondency, arrogance and idle talk. Bow. The spirit of chastity, humility, patience and love, grant me to Your servant. Bow. Yes, Lord the King, grant me to see my sins, and do not condemn my brother: for blessed art thou forever and ever, (forever and ever). Amen. Bow. Also small vi (12 bows), saying on each bow: God cleanse me a sinner. And again, follow the whole prayer: Lord and Master of my belly (my belly): and one great bow. This same prayer:
Master God, Father Almighty, Lord, the Only-Begotten Son Jesus Christ, and Holy Soul, one deity, one power, have mercy on me a sinner, and weigh them with fates, save me your unworthy servant: as blessed are you forever and ever (ever and ever), amen .
If there is no alleluia, it is left: Lord and Master of my belly (my belly); and tributes. And we say only: Master God, Father Almighty: And this prayer.
It is fitting to know that these prayers are spoken from q_go (from “how do you know_ the verb about”) the month of September, to the week of vay.
Basil the Great: Lord Almighty, God of strength and all flesh, living in the highest and looking down on the humble, testing hearts and wombs, and quick people are foreseeing, beginningless and everlasting light, he has no change, or overshadowing, himself immortal to the king , accept our prayers, even at the present time, boldly for your multitude of bounties, we create from filthy lips to you: and leave us our sins, even in deed and word and thought, sinned by us in knowledge or ignorance, and cleanse us from all filth of the flesh and spirit. and grant us with a cheerful heart, and with a sober thought, the whole night of this life, waiting for the coming of your bright and revealed day of your only-begotten son, the Lord and God, and the salvation of our Jesus Christ; and being lazy, but awake, and exalted in the work of the unearthed, and prepare for joy and the divine chamber of his glory with us, where the unceasing voice of the celebrating, and the inexpressible sweetness of those who see your face, inexpressible kindness. you are the true light, enlighten and illuminate every one, and all creation sings to you forever and ever, (forever and ever) amen.
The priest also raises his hand, saying the same: Bless thee, God on high, and the Lord of mercy, working with us, great and unexplored, glorious and terrible, they are innumerable: who gave us sleep for the repose of our infirmity, and our infirmity, and weakening labors of the laborious flesh. we give thanks to you, as if you did not destroy us with our iniquities: but you usually loved humanity, and in unwillingness you raised us lying in a hedgehog to glorify your power. the same we pray to your immeasurable goodness, enlighten our thoughts, eyes: and raise our minds from the heavy sleep of laziness: open our mouths and fulfill your praise, as if we could unswervingly sing and confess to you in all and from all the glorious God, the beginningless father , with your only begotten son, and all-holy, and good, and your life-giving spirit, now and forever and forever and ever (and forever and ever), amen.
Also, come, let's bow: three.
And three prostrations, and psalms:
Lift up my eyes to the mountains, from nowhere shall my help come. My help is from the Lord who created heaven and earth. Do not let your feet into confusion, below you will take a nap, save you. She will not sleep, save Israel below: the Lord will save you, the Lord will cover your right hand. In the days the sun will not burn you, below the moon at night. The Lord will keep you from all evil, the Lord will keep your soul. The Lord will keep your going in and your going out, from now to eternity.
Now bless the Lord, all the servants of the Lord, who stand in the temple of the Lord, in the courtyards (emphasis on o) of the house (emphasis on o) of our God. In the night, enter your hands into the holy place, and bless the Lord. God bless you from Zion, who made heaven and earth. Glory now:
Trisagion. Bows g (i.e. 3). Holy Trinity: Our Father: As your kingdom is:
And this troparia, a voice in:
Remember, Lord, how good your servant is, and if you have sinned in your life, forgive me: no one is sinless, only you, who can give rest to the departed.
Build humanely with the depth of wisdom, and give what is useful to all to one co-worker, rest, Lord, the souls of your servants: you put your hope in you, the creator and builder and our God. Glory, kontakion:
With the saints, rest in Christ, the souls of your servant, where there is no sickness, sorrow, no sighing, but endless life. And now, the Mother of God:
And now
Theotokos: bless you all give birth, Virgin Mother of God, for the incomprehensible Christ our God will be well pleased to be accommodated. blessed are we, thy intercession is rich: for night and night you pray for us, and the tabernacle of the kingdom is affirmed by your prayers. with that chanting cry, rejoice, gracious one, the Lord is with you.
Lord have mercy, vi (12 times) And this prayer:
Remember, Lord, in the hope of the resurrection of eternal life, the departed fathers and our brethren, and all who have died in piety and faith: and forgive them every sin, voluntary and involuntary, in word or deed, or in sin that they have sinned, and I have settled in places of light, cool in places, in places of peace, from nowhere (emphasis on the last e) any illness, sadness and sighing, where the light of your face haunts, and rejoices all your saints from time immemorial: grant them and us your kingdom and the communion of your inexpressible and eternal blessings , and your endless and blissful life is pleasure. you are the life, and the resurrection and rest of your departed servants, Christ our God, and we send glory to you with your father without beginning, and the most holy, and good, and life-giving spirit of yours, now and forever and forever and ever (forever and ever), Amen.
Glorious ever-virgin, mother of Christ God, bring our prayer to your son and our God, may our souls be saved by you.
My hope is my father, my son is my refuge, my cover is the holy spirit (emphasis on s), holy trinity, glory to you. Glory now. Lord have mercy, (thrice) bless
(In the Psalter of 1681, according to the charter, when reading the psalter, it is written to read kathisma and song, Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy, Lord bless (i.e. 2 times Lord have mercy and Lord bless), and it is said that the tradition of the charter of the saints of the father is impiety to God. And in the psalter of the Russian Orthodox Church in the same place "Lord have mercy. Three times. Bless", i.e. in the service, wickedness is possible in this place, it is possible that it was like in the psalter Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy, Lord bless (i.e. 2 Lord have mercy and God bless))
And the priest: Christ the true God: And it happens to be dismissed. And (further the word is illegible, erased) the usual petition. The priest says:
Let us pray for the Most Pious, Most Autocratic, Great Sovereign, our EMPEROR (name, written in yard letters in full ALEXANDER ALEKSANDROVICH), of all Russia.
And we: Lord have mercy often
About His wife, the Most Pious Sovereign, the EMPRESS (the name was also in yard letters in full, I can imagine how the Jews laughed when the Jew was called that and how our Orthodox people spat). About His Heir, the Blessed Sovereign and the Grand Duke (hereinafter the name of the enemy zhidish, one of the animals indicated in the book of the prophet Daniel, the Jew "Nicholas II") and about the entire reigning house.
(It is quite clear that the enemy cannot be the heir. This Alexander Alexandrovich had fun with the Jew, and because of their offspring of the Jew Nicholas II, the whole country is flooded with blood and tears for more than a century. The Lord Jesus Christ and Russia to the Orthodox throne is treason, and the Jewess and her offspring, and such an "EMPEROR" are subject to the death penalty, this is just an enemy attack.
I specifically printed the previous text as it is, with capital letters only the first in the paragraph, as in the original text. There is the Lord, and the Mother of God, and the Most Holy Trinity with a small letter, and the EMPEROR and his name (traitor, Judas) - in arshin letters. This is manifest wickedness and exaltation above everything that is called God and holiness in the temple of God. This was before Emperor Alexander Alexandrovich, they also wrote about other emperors. And this wickedness ended terribly. And you can see the absurdity and alienation, and hostility to Orthodoxy of the very word "EMPEROR". The Lord commanded us to pray "Our Father", there is the kingdom of God, you must first ask him. This means that there must be a king and a servant of God and the anointed of God, the Lord anoints on His Kingdom of God. In the book of 1681, under the real Orthodox Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, it is written like this - the king, the servant of God, the anointed and chosen one of God, in simple small letters, even the first letters in the name, like the entire text, are not higher than God. The word "king" has been removed. God's servant, the anointed one, wrote the Babylonian demonic word "EMPEROR" - and the servants of Satan, Jews with demonic enemy empires and bloody Jewish Babylon climbed up. And if this wickedness is eliminated, it will look like this, again I insert what the tsar was called from the book of 1681, maybe here the “abomination of desolation” will disappear, and the Lord will give us God's servant, chosen and anointed as Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh or Alexander Nevsky, who died a simple monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. I don’t think that they would write about themselves in yard letters EMPEROR in church books)
Let us pray for the servant of God, his own chosen one and the holy anointed with oil, the Pious Tsar and Sovereign and the Grand Duke (his name is Lord Jesus Christ You are all-powerful) of all Russia autocrat
About his wife, the Grand Duchess, the servant of God (name), etc.
About the Most Holy Governing Synod (also with a capital letter, despite the fact that in the original text the entire text is in exactly small letters, both the Lord Jesus Christ and the Mother of God are written with a small letter. Worthless in the temple of God is exalted above everything that is called God or Shrine, we correct wickedness )
About the Holy Governing Synod. About the prosperity and strengthening of the Christ-loving army. About our father, name, and all our brethren in Christ. About those who hate and love us. About those who are merciful and serve us. For those who commanded us unworthy to pray for them. About the deliverance of the captives. About departed fathers and our brethren. Oh in the sea floating. O lying in weakness. Let us also pray for the abundance of the fruits of the earth. And about every soul of Orthodox Christians. Let us appease the pious kings (everything is written correctly here, kings and with ordinary letters). Orthodox bishops and ktitors (emphasis on and) of this holy monastery. Our parents, and all the fathers who have departed before, and our brethren, who lie here and are Orthodox everywhere.
Primate: Rtsem and about ourselves.
Lord have mercy, three times. Through the prayers of our holy fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us.

Look, as if the sitz should be chanted all week at midnight.
It is appropriate to know, as in the holy mountain of Athos, according to the Lord, remember: the real troparia say:
Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us: bewildering any answer, we offer this prayer as the master of sin, have mercy on us. Glory:
(incredible wickedness, in fact, in the book of 1681 the text looks like this
Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us, bewildering any answer. We bring this prayer to you as the Lord of sin, YOUR SERVANTS. Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us. And everything is clear that the prayer of the Lord is brought by his sinful servants and ask for mercy. “Thy servants” have been removed, i.e. God, Satan sneaks into the temple of God, taking the form of an angel of light, which was further known)

Lord, have mercy on us, trusting in you, do not be angry with us, below (emphasis on e) remember our iniquities: but look now, as you are merciful, and deliver us from our enemies. For you are our God, and we are your people, all works by your hand, and we call on your name. And now.
Open the doors of mercy to us, blessed Mother of God, hoping for you, let us not perish, but let us be delivered from troubles by you: you are the salvation of the Christian race.
(the greatest wickedness, for which the terrible wrath of God befell us. See also “the document“ ancient Orthodox prayers ”. This prayer was written differently in 1681. Is it possible to arrange such wickedness in churches - to change and cancel prayers to the Mother of God? A myriad of intrigues of the Jews it has been against the Orthodox Church since 1681, and especially against the prayers to the Most Holy Lady of our Mother of God. The Jews, like that Athos, at the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos, rush at her. So that their hands are also torn off, and the snouts of animals, may the beast be killed and his whole body crushed and given to the fire. I write as it should be)
Open the doors of mercy to us, blessed Virgin Mary, hoping for you we will not perish, but let us be delivered from troubles by you. Thou art the salvation of the Christian race.
And the priest of the litany: God have mercy on us:
We also pray that this city will be saved, and this holy monastery: And the rest. Lord have mercy, m (i.e. 40 times). Exclamation: Hear us, God: Therefore, Glory now: and let go, and the other essence is prescribed.
Midnight Office ALL SATURDAYS
(Full Office on Saturdays)
Beginning with the god of the midnight service, the priest creates: Blessed be our God:
And we: Glory to you, our God, glory to you. Heavenly King: Trisagion. Holy Trinity: Our Father: As your kingdom is: Lord, have mercy, vi (12 times).
Come, let us bow: three times. The same psalm and (50th): Have mercy on me, God: Kathisma "zeta", (i.e. 9th), and at the end of it: I believe in one God: the Trisagion. Holy Trinity: Our Father:
And this troparia, the voice in: Uncreated nature, all the builder, open our mouth, as if we would proclaim your praise, crying out: holy, holy, holy God, have mercy on us with the Mother of God. Glory:
Higher powers imitating on the earth, we bring the victory song to you blessed: holy, holy, holy God, have mercy on us with the Mother of God. And now:
Thou didst raise me up from bed and sleep, O Lord, enlighten my mind and heart, and open my mouth, in which I sing the holy trinity: holy, holy, holy, Thou art God, have mercy on us with the Mother of God.
Lord have mercy on me (40 times). Izhe for all time: Lord have mercy, three times
Glory now: The most honest cherub: In the name of the Lord, bless the Father:
Priest: God, have mercy on us, and bless us: Master God, Father Almighty.
And the real prayer of Saint Eustratius, in cells:
Magnifying, I magnify you, Lord, as if you looked at my humility, and carry me closed in the hands of the enemy: but you saved my soul from the needs. and now, lord, may your hand cover me, and may your mercy come upon me, as if my soul is troubled, and it is painful in its origin, from my accursed and filthy body: yes, the once crafty comrade’s council will hide and shove me in the darkness, for the unknown and known in this life, the former sins of me. be merciful to me, lord, and may my soul not see the gloomy gaze of crafty demons: but may your bright and bright Aggels receive me. give glory to your holy name, and by your power elevate me to your divine court. sometimes sue me, so that the hand of the prince of this world will not accept me, if you cast me out a sinner into the depths of hell, but stand up, and be saved and an intercessor: bodily pain and this torment of fun are your servants. Lord, have mercy on my soul, defiled by the passions of this life, and accept it clean with repentance and confession, as if you are blessed forever and ever (forever and ever), amen. Same: Come, let us bow down: thrice. Lift up my eyes to the mountains: Now bless the Lord: Glory and now: Trisagion: Most Holy Trinity: and Our Father: For yours is the kingdom: And troparia:
Remember the Lord as good: With the depth of wisdom: Glory: With the saints, rest Christ: And now: Blessed are you all born, virgin Mother of God: Lord have mercy on you (12 times). Remember, Lord, in the hope of the resurrection:
All this is written in another midnight office (this is all written in another midnight office, in the usual one, at the end)
Release from the priest, and petitions, and so on.
Priest: Blessed be our God: And we say: Amen. Glory to you, our God, glory to you. King of heaven: Trisagion: Holy Trinity: Our Father: Priest: As your kingdom is: Lord have mercy, vi (12 times) Glory now: Come, let us bow down: three times. Psalm and (50th): Have mercy on me, God: And we speak the trinity canon of the present voice, and according to it, this is abie trinity:
It is worthy to eat as if in truth, glorify the God of the word, but the cherubim tremble and shake, and glorify the powers of heaven, who has risen three days from the tomb, we glorify Christ the life-giver with fear.
Let us all sing divinely with divine songs, the father, and the son, and the divine spirit, a trinitarian power, one kingdom and dominion.
To the south, all the earthly people sing, and glorify the powers of heaven, faithfully worshiped by all, a unit in essence, a trinity.
The Lord's (God's beginning is written) Cherubim, and the God-beginning without comparison the Seraphim, the inseparable Trinity in unity, we magnify thee, the existing Godhead.
I bow to the Father without beginning and God, with the beginningless word, with the spirit: an inseparable one united being, we honor the three-numbered unit with songs.
Your radiant lightning shine upon me, my God, the trinitarian almighty, and show me your house of impregnable glory, bright, and luminiferous, and unchanging.
Cherubim tremble and tremble, and glorify the Aggelian hosts, from the virgin inexpressibly incarnated Christ the life-giver, we glorify with fear. Same: Trisagion: Most Holy Trinity: Our Father: Pack your voice. Lord have mercy, m (40 times) Glory now: The most honest cherub: And the exclamation of the priest: God have mercy on us: And the prayer of the most holy trinity: Almighty and life-giving: And let go, and the usual petition. The same priest says to the litany: Let us pray for the most pious (about the Sovereign, see about the king in a simple full office): We: Lord, have mercy, in a meek and quiet voice.
And after the fulfillment of this, the primate says: Through the prayers of our holy fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us. We are: Amen.
(For the prayers of our holy fathers. Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy on us. Amen - this is how it was correctly pronounced in 1681, it is also impiety to pronounce these words not according to the charter of the holy fathers)

End of Midnight.
If there is a great fortecost, then bless the priest with the verb:
Trisagion. Holy Trinity: Our Father: Lord, have mercy on i (12 times). Glory, and now. Come, let us bow: three times, and two psalms. If not, with a blessing: Come, let us bow: g (3 times), and psalms. These psalms are spoken in the monasteries inertly, for the hedgehog to the priest the whole brethren.
The Lord will hear you on the day of sorrow, the name of the God of Jacob will protect you. Send help from the saint, and from Zion you will intercede. He will remember every thy sacrifice, and your burnt offering (AND ALL YOUR BURNINGS-1681) be fat. The Lord will give you according to your heart, and all your advice will be fulfilled. Let us rejoice in your salvation, and in the name of our Lord we will be exalted: the Lord will fulfill all your petitions. Now you will know that you have saved (YAKKO SPASL IS-1681) the Lord of his Christ: he will hear him from his holy heaven, the salvation of his right hand is in power. These are on chariots, and these are on horses (on KONIKH-1681): we will call on in the name of the Lord our God. Tii sleep bysha and fall, but we will rise and improve. Lord, save the king, and hear us, the next day we call on you (ON THE SAME DAY WE CALL YOU - 1681).
Lord, by your strength the king will rejoice, and over your salvation he will rejoice greatly. You gave him the desire of his heart, and you deprived him of the desires of his mouth. Yako prefaced him with a blessed blessing, put a crown on his head from an honest stone. Belly asked you to eat, and you gave him the longitude of days forever and ever (IN THE CENTURY OF THE CENTURY-1681). Great glory to him with your salvation, lay glory and magnificence on him (lay NAN-1681g). Like give him a blessing forever and ever (IN THE CENTURY OF THE CENTURY-1681), rejoice him with joy with your face. Like the king trusts in the Lord, and the mercy of the Most High will not move. May your hand turn into all your enemies, let your right hand turn into all those who hate you (without “yes”, just YOUR HAND WILL FIND ALL YOUR ENEMY, YOUR RIGHT WILL FIND ALL WHO HATE YOU - 1681g). As if you put them like a furnace of fire, at the time of your face: the Lord will crush me with his anger, and take away their fire. You will destroy their fruit from the earth, and their seed from the sons of men. As if having evaded the evil one, having thought of advice, they will not be able to compose them (NOT POSSIBLE -1681G). As if I (IH-1681G) put a backbone in your abundance, prepare their faces. Be exalted, Lord, by your strength, let us sing and sing to your strength.
Glory now: Trisagion: Most Holy Trinity: Our Father: As your kingdom is: And this troparia:
Save the Lord your people, and bless your property, victory to the Blessed EMPEROR, ours, name, bestowing on the opposition, and keeping your life with your cross.
Save the Lord your people and bless your legacy of victory to your servant of his own choice and the holy anointed pious tsar and sovereign, and the great prince (his name, Lord, you weigh) of all Russia, granting the autocrat to the resistance, and keeping your cross with your residence) Glory:

Ascend on the cross, by the will of your namesake new residence, grant your bounty to Christ God: rejoice with your power of our Blessed EMPEROR, giving him victories for comparisons, granting your property, the weapon of the world, an invincible victory.
(with the same remark about impious exaltation and about the prayer "Our Father" and the kingdom of God and the king, I insert more ancient and correct words and the Orthodox king
Ascended on the cross, by the will of your namesake new residence, grant your bounty to Christ God: rejoice with your strength, your servant, his chosen one and the holy anointed pious tsar and sovereign, and the great prince (his name is Lord Thou weigh) of all Russia, our autocrat, giving him victory on collaborators, I will grant your property, the weapon of the world, an invincible victory.) And now.
A terrible and shameless intercession, do not despise the good prayers of ours, all-singing Mother of God, affirm Orthodox residence: save our Blessed EMPEROR, name, you commanded him to reign, and give him victory from heaven, for you did not give birth to God, one blessed.
(with the same remark about impious exaltation and about the prayer "Our Father" and the kingdom of God and the king, I insert more ancient and correct words and the Orthodox king
Terrible and shameless intercession, do not despise the good prayers of ours, all-singing Mother of God, affirm the Orthodox residence: save the servant of God, his own chosen and holy anointed pious tsar and sovereign, and the great prince (his name is Lord You weigh) of all Russia, the autocrat, you commanded him reign, and give him victory from heaven, for you have not given birth to God, the only blessed one.)
Priest: God have mercy on us:
We also pray for our Most Pious, Most Autocratic, Great Sovereign, EMPEROR ALEXANDER ALEXANDROVICH of all Russia, and for His Spouse, the Most Pious Sovereign, EMPRESS MARIA FEODOROVNA. About His Heir, the Blessed Sovereign, Tsesarevich and Grand Duke NICHOLAS ALEXANDROVICH, and about the entire reigning house
(Nikolai’s mother was most likely a Jew, a Freemason, a foreigner (? Now there is no Internet to check), he himself was clearly a Jew, since no one could have committed such atrocities against the Orthodox Church and our country except for a secret Jew and a Freemason. And they wrote “God” "Mother of God" with a small letter, and the EMPEROR - arshin, without the words "servant of God", so they received for exaltation and wickedness. LORD JESUS ​​CHRIST, SON OF GOD, have mercy on us sinners. God commanded the prayer "Our Father" and there the Kingdom of God in heaven and on earth. Since the kingdom means the king. The kingdom of God means the king is the servant of God, and not higher than God, everything about the king in small simple letters should be written modestly, as in 1681. And without any demonic "empires, reichs, republics, presidencies, etc. We eliminate wickedness, insert more ancient and correct words about the Orthodox tsar - a slave, anointed and chosen by God.
We also pray for the servant of God, his own chosen one and the holy anointed pious king and sovereign, and the great prince (his name is Lord Jesus Christ You weigh) of all Russia, the autocrat, and for his wife, the pious empress, queen and grand duchess (name) About the heir him, the right-believing sovereign, the crown prince and the grand duke (name), and about the entire reigning house)
And others. Exclamation: For God is merciful and philanthropic: People: In the name of the Lord, bless the Father. Priest:
Glory to the holy and consubstantial: and so on. And we begin the Six Psalms, listening with all silence and tenderness: the committed brother, with reverence and the fear of God, says: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will towards men. Three.
O Lord, open my mouth, and my mouth will proclaim your praise. Two.
Lord, that having multiplied those who are afflicted by me, many rise up against me, many say to my soul: there is no salvation for him in his god. You are the Lord my intercessor, my glory, and lift up my head. I called with my voice to the Lord, and heard me from my holy mountain. Ah, I fell asleep and spah woke up, as if the Lord would intercede for me. I will not be afraid (NOT FEAR-1681) from those people around who attack me. Resurrect, Lord, save me, my God, as you struck (YOU Strike-1681) those who were at war with me in vain, the teeth of sinners (SINNER-1681) crushed you. The Lord's is salvation, and your blessing is upon your people.
I fell asleep and spah, wake up, as if the Lord would intercede for me.
Lord, do not rebuke me with your anger (REVIEW-1681g), punish me with your anger below (SHOW ME NEVER WITH YOUR ANGER-1681g). It’s like your arrows have undone in me (UNIZOSHA MI-1681g), and you have established your hand on me. There is no healing in my flesh from the face of your wrath, there is no peace in my bones, from the face of my sins. As if my iniquity exceeded my head, as if a heavy burden was burdened on me. Resurrect and bend down (BREAKING-1681) my wounds from the face of my madness. Suffered and sleaked (Suffered and Humbled-1681) to the end, complaining all day long. Like a ladviya filled with reproach, and there is no healing in my flesh. I was embittered, and resigned to the green: roars from the sighing of my heart. Lord, all my desire is before you, and my sighing is not hidden from you. My heart is troubled (BE CONFUSED-1681), leave me my strength, and the light of my eyes, and be with me. My friends and my sincere ones, straight to me approaching and stare. And my neighbors are far away (FROM THE FAR-1681g) I’ve lost, and those who seek my soul are in need: and those who seek evil to me, vain verbs, and flattering (AND FLATTERY-1681g) I will study all day long. I am as if deaf and not hearing, and as if you did not open (DO NOT OPEN-1681) your mouth. And as if a man did not hear (NOT HEARING -1681), and not in the mouth of his denunciations. As for the Lord, I hope, you hear my Lord my God. Yako rekh: Yes, once they will please me (JOY-1681) mine. And always move my feet, shouting at me. Like I’m ready for wounds and my illness is before I take it out. For I will proclaim my iniquity, and take care of my sin. But my enemies live, and become stronger than me, and multiply, hating the name without truth. Repaying me evil (EVIL-1681) pleasing, slandering me, chasing goodness. Do not leave me, my God, do not depart from me. Get out (VONMI - 1681) to help me, Lord of my salvation.
Don't leave me, my God, don't leave me. Get out (VONMI-1681) to help me, Lord of my salvation.
My God, my God, I will morning to you: my soul thirsts for you, since my flesh is a multitude to you, in the land is empty, and impassable, and without water. Taco in the holy appeared to you, to see your strength and your glory. As your mercy is better than the stomach, my lips will praise you. So I will bless you in my stomach, I will raise my hands in your name. As from fat and suit, may my soul be filled, and mouth (and oral - 1681) of joy will praise thee my mouth. As soon as I remember thee on my bed, I learned in the morning in the morning. As if you were (YAKKO BE-1681) my assistant, and in the blood of the krill (WING -1681) I will rejoice at yours. Prelpe (PRILPE -1681) my soul is for you, but your right hand is less pleasant. These, in vain, seeking my soul, will enter the underworld of the earth: they will betray themselves into the hands of weapons (INTO THE HANDS OF WEAPON-1681), parts will be fox. The king will rejoice in the Bose, everyone who swears by him will boast: as if the mouth of those who speak unrighteous has been blocked (NOT TRUTH-1681).
In the morning I studied in thee, as if you were (YAKO BE-1681) my assistant, and in the blood of the krill (WING-1681 (emphasis on y)), I will rejoice in yours. My soul clings to you, but your right hand is less pleasant.
Glory now. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, thank God. Three times without bows. Lord have mercy, three. Glory, and now: The priest says the prayers of the morning, standing unclean before the holy doors, secretly:
Lord God of my salvation, in the days (IN THE DAY - 1681) I called out and in the night before you. Let my prayer come before you, incline your ear to my prayer. For my soul is filled with evil, and my belly draw near to hell. He was brought with those descending (DESCENDING -1681) into the ditch, like a man without help, in the dead freedom. Like an ulcer sleeping in a tomb (IN THE Coffin-1681g), they (their SAME-1681g) did not remember who (TO THAT-1681g), and from your hand reject the former. Lay me in the ditch of the underworld, in the dark and shadows of death. Your fury is established on me, and all your waves are brought upon me (POINT ON MY-1681). Thou removed those whom I know from me, laying me an abomination to yourself. betrayed byh, and did not come out. My eyes are weary from poverty. I called to you, Lord, all day long; I raised my hands to you. Eating the dead work miracles (MIRACLES-1681), or (LI-1681) the doctors will resurrect and confess to you. Food is the story of who is in the tomb, your mercy, and your truth in perdition; Your food will be known in darkness (MIRACLES-1681), and your truth in the land of oblivion. And I, Lord, cry out to you (VOZVAKH-1681), and in the morning my prayer will precede you. For the Lord, deliver my soul (SOUL-1681) from me; turn your face (YOUR-1681) away from me; I am poor, and in labor from my youth. he lifted himself up (ASCENTED THE SAME (without “sya”) - 1681) humbled himself and became exhausted. Your wrath has come upon me, your fears have stirred me up. Bydos me like water, all day obsessed me together. Thou removed from me a friend and a sincere one, and those who are known to me from passions.
Lord, God of my salvation, in the days (IN THE DAY-1681) I cried out (VOST-1681) and in the night before you.
Let my prayer come before you, incline your ear to my prayer.
Bless my soul, Lord, and all my inner name is his holy name. Bless my soul, Lord, and do not forget all his rewards. Who cleanses all your iniquities. who heals all your ailments. Who redeems your belly from destruction. crowning you with mercy and bounties. Fulfilling your desire in good. be renewed like an eagle (ORLU-1681), your youth. Do alms (alms-1681), Lord, and the fate of all offended. The tale of the way is Moiseov, son of Israel (ISRAEL-1681) own desires. The Lord is generous and merciful, long-suffering, and many-merciful. Not completely angry, lower in the century (NOT IN THE CENTURY-1681) is at enmity. Not according to our iniquity did he create us to eat, lower according to sin (NOT MISTAKE -1681 (emphasis on the last “o”)), ours rewarded us. Like the height of heaven from the earth, the Lord affirmed his mercy on those who fear him. Eliko separates the east from the west, he removed our iniquity from us. As the father is generous to the sons, the Lord has mercy on those who fear him. As the knowledge of our creation, I will remember as the finger of Esma. A man is like grass, his days, like a green flower, tacos will fade. Like a spirit will pass (WILL PASS -1681 (emphasis on "o")) in it, and will not, and will not know its place by that. The mercy of the Lord is from age to age on those who fear him. And his righteousness is on the sons of sons, who keep his covenant, and remember his commandments, do I. The Lord has prepared his throne in heaven, and his kingdom possesses all. Bless the Lord, all the Aggels (ANGELS-1681) of him, who are mighty in strength, making his word, hear the voice of his words. Bless the Lord, all his strength, his servants who do his will. Bless the Lord all his deeds in every place of dominion (DOMINARY -1681) of him, bless my soul, Lord.
In every place of dominion (DOMINARY -1681) of him, bless my soul, Lord.
Lord, hear my prayer, inspire my prayer in your truth, hear me in your truth. And do not enter into judgment with your servant, for every living thing will not be justified before you. I am the enemy of my soul, I humbled my belly to eat in the ground. He planted me to eat in the dark like dead centuries (VEKU-1681), and my spirit is in me. my heart is confused (STUTS-1681) in me. Remember the days of old. learn from all your deeds, in creations (IN DELICHES -1681, emphasis on the first "e")) learn from your hand. Lift up my hands to you, my soul is like waterless land to you. Lord hear me soon, my spirit disappear. Turn not your face away from me, and I will be like those who go down into the pit. I hear, do me your mercy in the morning, as if on thee hopes. Tell me, Lord, the way, I will go, as if I have taken my soul (SOUL -1681) to you. Deliver me from my enemies, Lord, I have come running to you. Teach me to do your will, as you are my God. Your good spirit will guide me to the land of right. For the sake of your name, Lord, live me, with your righteousness, bring my soul out of sorrow. And consume my enemies by your mercy, and destroy all the aching souls of my soul, as I am your servant.
Hear me, O Lord, in thy righteousness, and enter not into judgment with thy servant. Hear me, O Lord, in thy righteousness, and enter not into judgment with thy servant. Your good spirit will guide me to the land of right. Glory now:
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, thank God. Thrice. The same litany (emphasis on a at the end) is spoken from the priest. And the abiye is sung to the voice of the troparion, the saint of the present day:
Lord God, and appear to us, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Verse a (1st): Confess to the Lord, for he is good, for his mercy is forever. Verse in (2nd): Having gone around, they went around me, and in the name of the Lord resisted them. Verse d (3rd): I will not die, but I will live, let us carry on the works of the Lord. Verse d (4th): The stone that builds it negligently, this was at the head of the corner, this was from the Lord, and it is wondrous in our eyes. (The stone of his negligent building, this was at the head of the corner (emphasis on the first y). From the Lord this was, and it is marvelous in our eyes - as it is written in a psalm of 1681, it was published at the direction of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, none, and especially such words cannot be changed categorically, this is the greatest wickedness to God, so the Lord has deprived us of a vineyard. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us sinners)

(further in the text, some letters are erased, instead of them I write _)
With the same verb, the troparion of the received feast, or the saint, and the resurrection of the received voice, are two and theotokos in the same voice. The Lord God sings: the canonarch departs, and stands in the middle of the temple_ with a frank head, and quietly speaks the above-written verses: he stands there, until the singing of the Mother of God begins. He also worships at the same place, and he worships with his face, and departs: he does this, and there is always an alleluia. And if there is an alleluia, or a great mtsa, instead of God, Lord, we sing the alleluia, three times, in the voice of a vocifer. The verses say this:
Verse a: From the night my spirit will wake up to you, O God: for (emphasis not e) the light of your command on earth.
Verse in: You who dwell on the earth learn the truth.
Verse d: people who are not punished will receive envy.
Verse e: Apply evil to them, Lord, apply evil to the glorious earth.
And abye are three voices, each one by one. We will also verse the psalter and sedals according to their order: and the fiftieth psalm, canons with versification. On "Oita" - e, i.e. the 9th song, we sing the song of the Most Holy Theotokos:
My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.
Like a contemplation of the humility of his servant, behold from now on they will please (BLAZHAT-1681) all give birth to me.
Yako create greatness for me strong, and holy is his name, and his mercy in the generations of generations (IN ROD AND ROD-1681) who are afraid (FEARING-1681) of him.
Create power with your muscle, squander their hearts with proud thought (THOUGHT-1681).
Depose the strong from the throne (FROM THE THRON-1681), and exalt the humble, fill the hungry with good things, and let the rich go to waste (AND THE RICH GO GOOD-1681)
He will accept his child Israel, remember mercy, as if he had spoken to our Father, Abraham and his seed, even to the age.
According to each verse we sing: The most honest cherub:
(Here I resurrect the original text of the prayer “It is worthy to eat” and the brutally murdered obligatory prayer “Every creature rejoices over you”, the obligatory prayer is often mentioned when reading the psalter as “it is worthy to eat”, they are often mentioned together in the book of 1681 of the Prayer to the Lord and The Mother of God cannot be changed and killed. Our Lady Mother of God is TRULY more glorious than seraphim, angel and archangel. Without any other words and truly "Every creature rejoices over you. Glory to you")
“It is worthy to eat as truly, bless Thee the Mother of God. Ever Blessed and Immaculate, and the Mother of our God. The most honest Cherubim, and the most glorious truly (VERY) seraphim. Without the destruction of the God of the Word, we magnify thee who gave birth, the present Mother of God. And bow to the ground.
Every creature rejoices in Thee, the Cathedral of the Archangel, and the human race. From the consecrated church, and verbal paradise, virginal praise. From her, God was incarnated and the baby was, even before our eternal God, for Thy throne was created, and Thy womb, more spacious than the heavens, was made to the Virgin. Every creature rejoices in Thee, glory to Thee. And bow to the ground. From the oktay voice, and, whether, tzi. (in Slovenian, numbers were denoted by letters. in Sunday service")
The same "Fita" (i.e. 9th) song of the canon. If there is a week, according to irimos: It is worthy to eat: if there is a week, or if there is no half-oil, according to the catabasia of the litany: Holy is the Lord our God. Thrice. And morning exapostilary. If there is a fortecost, with the verb they are luminous in the voice that has come. And yet neither, the exapostilary of the day, and the abie are laudable. If there is a week, or a sovereign holiday, or a saint, having a great doxology is sung to the site, Every (every -1681) breath, in the voice that has come.
Let every (every -1681) breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord from heaven, praise him in the highest. You deserve a song to God.
And another day, shite:
First face: Praise the Lord from heaven. You deserve a song to God. The same face: Praise the Lord from heaven, praise him in the highest. You deserve a song to God.
The second face: praise him all the angels (all the angels -1681) of him, praise him with all his strength. You deserve a song to God.
Praise him the sun and moon, praise him all the stars and light. Praise him, heavens of heavens, and even water above the heavens, let them praise the name of the Lord. Like that speech and bysha. that command, and it was created. I put it in the century, and in the century of the century, put the command and it does not go by. Praise the Lord from the earth, serpents and all the abyss. Fire, hail, snow, nakedness, the spirit is stormy, creating his word. Mountains and all hills. the tree is fruitful, and all the cedars. Beast, and all cattle. reptiles and feathered birds. The king of the land, and all the people. princes and all judges of the zemstia. Young men and virgins, elders with youths, let them praise the name of the Lord. as if ascending the name of that one. His confession on earth and in heaven, and the horn of his people will lift up. Song to all his reverends, sons of Israel (Israel-1681), people approaching him (approaching him-1681).
Sing a new song to the Lord, praise him in the church of the saints. May Israel rejoice in the one who created them. and the sons of Zion will rejoice in their king (O kings (emphasis on and at the end) -1681) of theirs. Let them praise his name in the face, in the tympanum and psalter (psalter (emphasis on s) -1681) and sing to him. It is as if the Lord is pleased with his people, and will exalt the meek to salvation. The reverends will be praised in glory, and they will rejoice in their lodges (lodges - 1681 (emphasis on o)) of their own. The exaltation of God is in their throats, and the swords are sharp on both sides in their hands. Work vengeance on the tongues, reproofs on the people. Bind the kings (king-1681) with their fetters, and with their glorious hand-made iron shackles.
From here we begin the stichera on “zelo”: Create judgment in them is written, This glory will be (this glory is - 1681) to all his reverends.
Praise God in his saints, praise him in the affirmation of his power (str.-1681g). On e: Praise him for his strength, praise him according to the multitude of his majesty (according to his great majesty - 1681). Praise him in the voice of the trumpet, praise him in the psalter (in the psalter - 1681) and the harp. Praise him in the tympanum and face, praise him in the strings and organ (in strings and organ, 1681). Praise him with cymbals of kindness, praise him with cymbals of exclamation. Let every (every - 1681) breath praise the Lord.
Asche there is a week, in stichera, Glory: stichera e (Izhitsa) Lskaya. And now, the real Mother of God:
Blessed be Thou virgin Mother of God, who incarnated from you hell, captivated by hell, calling, an oath is required, Eve is free, death is dead, and we are alive. With that chanting cry: blessed be Christ God, the benevolent taco, glory to you.
Glory to you who showed us the light.
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill towards men. We praise you, bless you, bow down to you, praise you, thank you great for your glory. Lord, King of Heaven, God Almighty Father, Lord, only begotten son, Jesus Christ, and holy soul. Lord God, lamb of God, son of the father (LOW), take away the sin of the world, have mercy on us: take away the sins of the world, accept our prayer: sit at the right hand of the father, have mercy on us. Like you are the only holy one, you are the only Lord, Jesus Christ, to the glory of God the father, amen.

Lord, on this day, without sin, be preserved for us. Blessed be the Lord, God of our fathers, and praised and glorified is your name forever, amen.
Lord, your mercy is upon us, as if we were relying on you.
Blessed art Thou, O Lord, teach me thy justification. Thrice.
Lord, Thou hast been a refuge for us forever and ever. Az reh: Lord, have mercy on me, heal my soul, for I have sinned against you.
Lord, I have come running to you, teach me to do your will, as you are my God: as you have a source of life, in your light we will see light. Try your mercy on the leaders of you.
Holy God, holy strong, holy immortal, have mercy on us. Thrice. Glory: and now:
Holy immortal, have mercy on us. In the same highest voice: Holy God, holy strong, holy immortal, have mercy on us. And at the end of the doxology, the priest does not say: as your kingdom is: as many say: but abie at the end of the Trisagion, with the verb of the dismissal that happened, and the Mother of God. If there is a week, we use the Sunday troparion. And in the first voice, r, e, s, these verbs:
Today there is salvation for the world, we sing to the one who has risen from the grave, and to the ruler of our life: having destroyed death by death, he will give us victory, and great mercy
In a voice v (“lead”), d (“good”), s (“very”), and (“like”) this verb: Risen from the grave, and torn the bonds of hell, destroyed the condemnation of death, Lord, all delivering from the nets of the enemy: revealing yourself to be your apostle, I sent you to preach, and by those your world gave you to the universe, one many-merciful.
But if there is forty days, or another day that does not have a great doxology: according to praise, Glory, and Now, the committed brother says:
Glory befits you, our God, and we send glory to you, father and son, and the holy spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever (forever and ever - 1681, emphasis on "o"). Amen.
Glory to you, who showed us the light. Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill towards men. We praise you, bless you, bow down to you, praise you, thank you, great for your glory. Lord the King of heaven, God Almighty Father, Lord, only begotten son, Jesus Christ, and holy soul. Lord God, lamb of God, son of the Father (The Eye is written), take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us: take away the sins of the world, accept our prayer: sit at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. Like you are the only holy one, the only Lord, Jesus Christ, to the glory of God the Father. Amen.
Every day I will bless you, and I will praise your name forever and ever.
Lord, Thou hast been a refuge for us forever and ever. Az reh: Lord, have mercy on me, heal my soul, for I have sinned against you. Lord, I have come running to you, teach me to do your will, as you are my God: as you have a source of life, in your light we will see light. Try your mercy on the leaders of you. Same:
Lord, grant us this day without sin. Blessed be the Lord God of our fathers, and praised and glorified is your name forever, amen.
Lord, your mercy is upon us, as if we were relying on you. Blessed art Thou, O Lord, teach me thy justification. blessed art thou, lord, enlighten me with thy justification. blessed be thou holy one, enlighten me with thy justification.
Lord, your mercy forever, do not despise the work of your hands: praise is due to you, singing is due to you, glory is due to you, father and son and holy spirit, father and son and holy spirit, now and forever and forever and ever, amen.
Priest: Let us fulfill our morning prayer to the Lord (it is written). The same octopus of the stichera, if there is no sovereign feast. Verse a: In the morning we will be filled with your mercy, Lord, and we will rejoice, and we will be glad: all our days we will rejoice, for the days in the lower humbled us, the summer in the lower we saw evil. And look upon thy servants, and upon thy works, and instruct their sons (emphasis on the first “s”).
Verse in: And wake up the lordship of the Lord our God on us, and correct the works of our hands on us, and correct the work of our hands.
Glory, and now: if you have. Also: It is good to confess to the Lord, and sing unto thee, O Most High: proclaim thy mercy in the morning, and thy truth every night.
Trisagion. According to Our Father: Priest: As your kingdom is: Troparion day. Glory, and now, the Theotokos. Priest of the litany: God have mercy on us: And so on. If there is a fortecost: It is good to confess: twice. Trisagion. According to Our Father: Priest: As your kingdom is: We say:
In the temple your glory is worthy, in heaven stand imaginary, bgoroditsa, the door of heaven, open the doors of your mercy. Same, Lord have mercy, m (40 times)
Glory, and now: The most honest cherub: In the name of the Lord, bless the father.
Priest: Blessed be Christ our God, always, now and forever and forever and ever (forever and ever - 1681, emphasis on "O", it is written everywhere, nowhere is "forever and ever"), amen.
And we say: Heavenly king, our faithful EMPEROR, name,
(obvious wickedness, the heavenly king in small letters, and the demonic word “emperor” (the servant of God is not written, i.e., maybe a slave of Satan, we don’t need it) arshins, a clear exaltation of demonic pride over God and the shrine. I cleanse the sanctuary, I write more ancient and true words about the king of the earth, the servant of God, in small letters, as in the prayer "Our Father" and as in 1681
Heavenly king, the faithful servant of God, his own chosen and holy oil anointed pious tsar and sovereign, and the great prince (his name is Lord Thou weigh) of all Russia autocrat)
strengthen, affirm the faith, tame tongues (emphasis on s), tame the world, save this holy monastery well: before the departed fathers and our brothers in the villages of the righteous, and accept us in repentance and confession, like a good and philanthropist.
Therefore, there are three great bows, saying in each bow the prayer of St. Ephraim:
Lord and master of my life:
Written at midnight:
In the book there is also "The Annunciation Troparion of All Weeks", "Sunday Troparion", "Following a Prayer Service".
No "packs and packs", etc. born, and never was until the terrible command of the Jew and Freemason Nicholas II. This is the heresy of the Jews, in the struggle against which many Orthodox people were martyred.
And yet, our truly Orthodox tsars and real Orthodox ancient pastors, in their zeal for the preservation of the Orthodox faith and care for the simplest and poorest Orthodox Christians, also took care of us, sinners, the current ones - deceived, robbed. Since the heretics of the Jews settled in the temples with heretical antichrist masses in which it is impossible to participate, I quote from that book of 1681 "The rule for those who do not know how to read and write." Serve everything as it should be yourself - both Matins and Midnight, and you can do things, and you won’t anger God, and you don’t have to spend money on Jewish “dishonor to God.”
The psalter in the Jewish heretical "Russian Orthodox Church" is mercilessly distorted, and the rule of how to read it too. Prayers after the psalms are completely different. The fact that the heretical Jewish “Orthodox Church” is generally not subject to reading is “impiety towards God”, like their Masonic heretical Antichrist masses - “services of the Jewish composition”

The change of seasons that makes us feel cold right now is actually extremely important for life on Earth. The seasons are the most important mechanism for maintaining the general temperature regime on the planet. The reason for this phenomenon is the inclination of the Earth's axis of rotation to the plane of the ecliptic. René Heller, collaborator, believes that astrobiology has not yet paid enough attention to this important fact when assessing the possible habitability of exoplanets.
"The tilt of the axis of rotation and the change of seasons is an important point in considering the habitability of an exoplanet, and so far it has been almost completely ignored," says Geller.
To fill this gap, Geller and his colleagues published two papers on the evolution of a planet's tilt axis under the influence of the gravitational field of a star and other planets. Their study showed that the tilt decreases over time, and this happens especially quickly for planets located in red dwarf habitable zones, and it is these potentially habitable planets that are the most. The inclination of the exoplanet's axis of rotation under such conditions falls so quickly that life simply does not have time to originate on such a planet. Gliese 581d, one of the best-known candidates for the existence of life, falls under this scenario.
However, there is also good news. For Earth-sized planets orbiting sun-like stars, it takes billions of years for the tilt to fall to dangerous levels. In such a situation is the planet Kepler-22b, the first Earth-like exoplanet in the habitable zone.
The inclination of the earth's axis of rotation to the plane of the ecliptic is now about 23.5 degrees, but its evolution on the geological time scale is still unknown. In general, this tilt, as well as rotation around its own axis (change of day and night) leads to the fact that the difference between the maximum and minimum temperatures on Earth is about 111 degrees. An impressive drop, but what happens if you remove the tilt of the Earth's axis?

When the tilt of the axis of rotation is less than 5 degrees, the equatorial regions will always receive maximum heat. At the same time, the poles will receive almost nothing: the sun's rays will simply "slide" off the surface of the Earth without heating it, while now the south pole is turned towards the Sun. As a result, a powerful temperature gradient is formed depending on the latitude. In such conditions, everything depends on luck. The planet could lose all of its atmosphere due to its heating over the equator, causing the heated air to escape into space, overcoming Earth's gravity. If this does not happen, then in the middle latitudes there may be areas suitable for life.
The planet acquires an inclination of the axis of rotation during the formation of other objects under the influence of gravitational fields. Similarly, their gravitational field can cause them to lose tilt. Geller's group performed simulations of this process for Gliese 581d. Only the planet itself and its star were taken into account in the simulation. As the star's gravitational field pulls harder on the side that is closer to it, deforming tidal forces arise that change the shape of the planet. The resulting friction leads to damping of the planet's angular velocity and, as a result, to a decrease in its inclination. The Moon is responsible for similar processes on Earth.
"Tidal and gravitational torque tends to position the planet so that its axis of rotation is perpendicular to the line connecting the centers of mass," explains Geller.
The time it takes for a planet to lose its tilt depends on the star. The fainter the star shines, the closer the planet must be to it in order to get into the habitable zone. For many stars, the planets should have a shaving that does not exceed the orbit of Mercury in the solar system. But the closer the planet is to the star, the stronger gravity acts on it and, therefore, the faster it loses the inclination of the axis of rotation.
For a planet with the size and mass of the Earth and located in the habitable zone of a star with a mass of a quarter of the Sun, the tilt of the axis of rotation disappears in less than 100 million years. It turns out that in order to maintain the axis of rotation for a long time, the conditions must be exactly the same in which we live. The Earth is able to maintain a noticeable tilt for a billion years only if the star has a mass of at least 90% of that of the sun.
“We found that Earth-like planets in light star habitats lose their tilt over a time period that is noticeably shorter than the evolution of life on Earth,” says Geller.
The axial tilts of super-Earths should also decrease rapidly if they orbit a red dwarf. Gliese 581d, a super-Earth, orbits a red dwarf with a mass of only 31% of the mass of the Sun, and the entire system is about 9 billion years old - twice that of the Solar System. So this planet should have lost tilt a long time ago.

In addition to losing the angle of inclination of the axis of rotation, tidal forces cause a gradual loss of angular velocity, as a result of which the planet turns one side to the star. This is even more detrimental to life.
For stars comparable to the Sun, the habitable zone lies much further. Earth is one example of such a situation. But besides the star, there are other factors that affect the tilt. The presence of the moon and other planets leads to the emergence of new gravitational forces. Jupiter is the one to be feared most in the solar system, but we were lucky. The Moon saved the Earth from the influence of this huge planet, compensating for its gravitational influence.
But Mars was not so lucky. Jupiter's influence can rotate this planet's axis of rotation by 60 degrees in a million years. Such extreme temperature changes and glacier movements would be fatal to life.
Modeling taking into account other planets and moons, the Geller group has not yet carried out due to the high computational complexity of the work. However, their model allows for this. However, the exact calculation can wait. In any case, the current state of telescope development does not allow observing the rotation of exoplanets, so any theory regarding the tilt of the axis of rotation cannot be tested.

earth axis

If you could look at the Earth from the side, you would think that the Earth has very bad posture. The Earth flies around the Sun, leaning somewhat to the side (like a sailboat in a strong wind).

The angle of the earth's axis

The angle of the earth's axis is 23.5 degrees from the vertical line. This happened during the deadly races that formed our solar system 4.6 billion years ago.

The Sun, Earth and the other eight planets in our planetary system formed from a rotating cloud of interstellar gas and dust. Scientists believe that the Earth grew to the size of a planet, absorbing particles that collided with it. Millions of years passed, worlds were formed and destroyed, planets in their modern form were formed from their parts. The natural satellite of the Earth may have been formed when the red-hot Earth collided with a large cosmic body.

Why is the Earth's axis tilted?

According to Clark Chapman, an astronomer at the Planetary Science Institute in Tucson, Arizona, it took a gigantic explosion to give the Earth its current orbit. Thanks to the explosion, life on our home planet has become very interesting. The results of this blow still turn the leaves yellow in autumn, roast the Mediterranean coast in summer, allow children to frolic in rivers, and in winter cause heavy snowfalls to the delight of children and to the grief of city authorities. This last decisive explosion created the seasons on Earth - the four seasons.

team is any organizational group of people.

In pedagogical literature, a team is called an association of pupils who differ in a number of features:

· General social meaningful goal.

· Common compatible activities to achieve the goal.

· The general organization of this activity, the relation of responsible dependence.

· Commonly elected governing body.

· Favorable psychological climate.

Children's team how the system is:

1. A limited part of a more complex association, an educational team, including, in addition to children, a team of teachers.

2. Relatively autonomous system which is characterized by the processes of self-organization, self-government.

3. Coordinated unity of two structures:

Official (under the influence of adults)

Informal (in the process of communication)

4. The subject of activity for the implementation of common public significant goals.

5. The subject of education in relation to the personality of each of its members.

Functions of the children's team:

1. Educational.

2. Organizational.

3. Regulatory.

4. Stimulating.

The principles of forming a children's team in a team:

1. Organization of the detachment.

2. Organization of a team of different ages.

The children's team can be of the same age or of different ages. Boys and girls are developmentally different.

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Geographic Consequences of the Tilt of the Earth's Axis to the Orbital Plane

Geographic consequences of the annual movement of the Earth:

1. The earth's axis is inclined with respect to the plane of the orbit and forms an angle with it equal to 66 0 33 / . In the process of movement, the axis moves forward, so 4 characteristic points appear on the orbit:

March 21 and September 23- the days of the equinoxes - the tilt of the earth's axis is neutral with respect to the Sun, and the parts of the planet facing it are evenly illuminated from pole to pole. At all latitudes in these periods, the duration of the day and night is 12 hours.

June 21 and December 22- the days of the summer and winter solstices - the plane of the equator is inclined with respect to the sun's beam at an angle of 23 0 27 / , the Sun at this moment is at its zenith over one of the tropics.

2. The inclination of the earth's axis to the plane of the orbit is associated with the presence of such characteristic parallels as the tropics and the polar circles. The Arctic Circle is a parallel whose latitude is equal to the angle of inclination of the earth's axis to the plane of the orbit (66 0 33 /). Tropic - a parallel, the latitude of which complements the angle of inclination of the earth's axis to a straight line (23 0 27 /). The polar circles are the boundaries of the polar day and polar night. The tropics are the limits of the zenithal position of the sun at noon. In the tropics, the sun is at its zenith once, in the space between them twice a year.

3. Change of seasons (winter, spring, summer, autumn - the northern hemisphere (NH); summer, autumn, winter and spring - the southern hemisphere (SH). Characteristically uneven distribution of the year between seasons (spring contains 92.8 days, summer - 93.6, autumn - 89.8, winter - 89.0), which is explained by the division of the elliptical orbit of the Earth by the lines of solstices and equinoxes into unequal parts, which require different times to pass.

4. The formation of illumination belts, which are distinguished by the height of the Sun above the horizon and the duration of illumination. AT hot belt, located between the tropics, the Sun is at its zenith twice a year at noon. On the lines of the tropics, the Sun is at its zenith only once a year: on the Northern Tropic (Tropic of Cancer) the Sun is at its zenith at noon - June 22, on the Southern Tropic (Tropic of Capricorn) - on December 22.

Between the tropics and the polar circles stand out two temperate zones. In them, the Sun never stands at its zenith, the length of the day and the height of the Sun above the horizon vary greatly during the year.

Between the polar circles and the poles are two cold zones there are polar days and nights. Consequently, there are days in the year when the Sun does not appear above the horizon at all or does not fall below the horizon.

5. The change of seasons determines the annual rhythm in civil defense. In the hot zone, the annual rhythm depends mainly on changes in moisture, in the temperate zone, on temperature, and in the cold zone, on lighting conditions.

24. Daily motion of the Earth and its geographical consequences. The concept of "Starry Day" and "Solar Day"

Daily rotation of the Earth around its axis and its consequences. The earth rotates counter-clockwise from west to east, making a complete revolution in a day. The axis of rotation is deflected by 23 0 27 / from the perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic. The average angular velocity of rotation, i.e. the angle by which a point on the earth's surface is displaced is the same for all latitudes and is 15 0 in 1 hour. Line speed, i.e. the path traveled by a point per unit time depends on the latitude of the place. The geographic poles do not rotate, where the speed is zero. At the equator, each point travels the longest path and has the highest speed - 455 m / s. The speed on one meridian is different, on the same parallel it is the same.

The geographical consequences of the daily rotation of the Earth are:

1. Change of day and night, i.e. change during the day the position of the Sun relative to the plane of the horizon of a given point (axial rotation gives the basic unit of time - a day). This change is associated with the daily rhythm of solar radiation, the intensity of which depends on the angle of the earth's axis, the rhythms of heating and cooling of local air circulation, and the vital activity of living organisms.

2. Different at the same moment local time on different meridians (difference of 4 minutes for each degree of longitude).

3. Existence Coriolis forces(deflecting effect of the Earth's rotation). The Coriolis force is always perpendicular to the motion, directed to the right in the northern hemisphere and to the left in the southern. Its value depends on the speed of movement and the mass of the moving body, as well as on the latitude of the place: F = 2mυwsinφ,

where m is the body weight; υ is the linear velocity of the body; w is the angular velocity of the Earth's rotation (important only in the secular aspect, for short periods of time the angular velocity is assumed to be constant); φ is the latitude of the place.

At the equator, the Coriolis force is zero, its magnitude increases towards the poles. The Coriolis force contributes to the formation of atmospheric vortices, affects the deviation of sea currents. Thanks to it, the right banks of the rivers are washed away in the SP and the left banks in the SP.

4. The rotation of the Earth (together with the spherical shape) in the field of solar radiation (light and heat) determines the west-east extension of the zones of nature.

5. Compression of the earth's spheroid, which is explained by the simultaneous action on any point of the planet of two forces: gravity (directed towards the center) and centrifugal (perpendicular to the axis of rotation), giving gravity. Gravity is the vector difference between gravity and centrifugal force. The centrifugal force increases from zero at the poles to a maximum at the equator. In accordance with the decrease in centrifugal force from the equator to the pole, the force of gravity increases in the same direction and reaches a maximum at the pole (equal to the force of gravity).

The deformation of the Earth's figure, due to differences in gravity, further emphasizes the increase in centrifugal force (decrease in gravity) towards the equator and, thus, further contributes to the oblateness of the Earth from the poles.

6. The axis of rotation, the poles and the equator are the basis of the geographic coordinate system. The equator serves as a plane of symmetry, relative to which the lighting belts are placed, the amount of solar radiation and other important parameters change. The direction of the Coriolis force depends on the hemisphere (Northern and Southern), and its magnitude depends on the latitude, the poles do not participate in the daily rotation.

7. Deformation of the figure of the Earth - oblateness at the poles (polar compression), associated with an increase in centrifugal force from the poles to the equator.

The rotation of the Earth around its axis serves as the basis for determining time using astronomical observations. The solar day used in everyday life is measured by the duration of one revolution of the Earth in relation to the Sun. Sidereal days are determined by the duration of one revolution of the Earth in relation to the stars.

A sidereal day is equal to 23 hours. 56 min. 4s. This is the time it takes for a star to cross the celestial meridian twice in succession. A solar day is equal to 24 hours - this is the time interval between two successive passages of the Sun through the celestial meridian (at noon).

A solar day is about 4 minutes longer than a sidereal day. due to the fact that the Earth simultaneously rotates on its axis and revolves around the Sun. Therefore, for the new appearance of the Sun on the celestial meridian, the Earth needs to turn around its axis a little more than once.

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