Teryaevo. Church of the Ascension

reservoirs 01.10.2022

On a gloomy Saturday afternoon, March 23, 2013, I was scheduled to undergo a technical inspection on my Zafirka. I planned for this all day ... I woke up early in the morning and at 10.30 I went to the checkpoint. And here it is, a miracle ... An hour later, the inspection was passed and a diagnostic card was received. Who would have thought... Returning home, Olka asked: So what? To Zvenigorod? But I didn’t really want something ... And I suggested: Let’s go to Volokolamsk? I've been there, but you've never been. And there is something to see. But we decided not to visit Volokolamsk itself, but the village of Teryaevo, where the Joseph-Volotsky Monastery is located and not only. So we went to him.
And they also started to visit a couple of places ...
To begin with, we decided to visit the Church of the Ascension of the Lord in Teryaevo, or as it is also called the Church of Elijah the Prophet in Teryaevo.
Everyone who visits the Joseph-Volotsky Monastery ignores this temple, only enthusiasts get to it. And he deserves attention.

The five-domed church in the spirit of provincial architecture, the refectory with the Ilyinsky and Sorbyashchensky aisles and the bell tower were rebuilt in the pseudo-Russian style at the end. 19th century Closed at con. 1930s, occupied by a garage, then abandoned. In 2005, the arch of the quadrangle collapsed. The history of the church dates back to the end of the 15th century, but the main alterations and reconstructions took place in the 19th century, when the refectory and the bell tower were built.
Next will be photos taken on March 23 this year and January 27 last ...

1. The temple is being restored. The refectory was repaired and the repair of the bell tower began.

2. This is how it looked a year ago, as you can see - there was no dome ...

Further photos from the trip on March 23, and last year's photo report can be viewed at the link.
3. View of the bell tower and refectory.

5. View from the side of the church....

6. Church ....

7. And this is inside ...

8. At the altar....

9. View from the altar part... If you look closely, you can see the remains of the painting...

10. Remains of chapters...


12. The dome of the bell tower...

13. Outside view of the altar part...


15. Snow wave...

Teryaevo village.

The village of Teryaevo on the river. The Big Sister began to be called Teryaeva Sloboda after the construction of the wooden church of the Prophet Elijah here. It was the patrimony of the Joseph-Volotsky Monastery. The monastery was also a fortress, and the archers who made up its garrison lived in the settlement.

In 1612, the monastery withstood several attacks by the troops of the Polish King Sigismund.

According to the petition of the archimandrite of the monastery Gerasim with the brethren in 1670, a new wooden church was built. In 1817, the current stone building was erected in its place, in the name of the Ascension of Christ, with chapels of the icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” and the Prophet Elijah.

The decoration of the temple continued until 1825, in the 1840s. he was painted. In the 2nd half of the XIX century. the refectory part is extended to the west, a bell tower has been built on.

In 1885, in the family of a church psalmist, s. Spirovo Pavel Smirensky had a son, Alexander. In 1900 he graduated from the Volokolamsk Theological School, and in 1907 from the Bethany Seminary.

On October 21, 1937, the rector of the Ascension Church in the village was arrested. Teryaev Sloboda Archpriest Nikolai Vinogradov, deacon of the same church Pyotr Smirnov and layman Gavriil Bezfamilny. Nikolai Vinogradov was born in 1876 in the city of Dmitrov into the family of Deacon John Vinogradov.

In 1901 he graduated from the Moscow Theological Academy, married Ekaterina Pavlovna Sokolova and was ordained a priest.

In 1914, Fr. Nicholas was awarded the degree of Master of Theology. At this time, he was the rector of the temple of the Moscow Alexander Institute, and a teacher of the law at this institute for noble maidens.

In 1918 he was transferred to the post of rector of the church of St. Nicholas on Pupyshi.

In 1920, Fr. Nicholas was elevated to the rank of archpriest.

In 1924, Metropolitan Peter (Polyansky) appointed him dean of the 1st department of the Zamoskvoretsky forty, and from September 8, 1927, he was appointed dean of the 3rd department of the same forty. In the same year, Fr. Nicholas was awarded a miter.

In 1929, Archpriest Nicholas was appointed rector of the Church of the Holy Martyrs Florus and Laurus on Zatsep. At the end of the twenties, the authorities persuaded Archpriest Nikolai to cooperate, he agreed, but he could not fulfill what the OGPU demanded of him, for moral reasons.

On January 1, 1933, he was arrested along with other members of the clergy and some of the members of the Church Twenty and imprisoned in the Butyrka prison. The next day after the arrest, the investigator interrogated the priest. Answering the investigator's questions, he said that he really was telling a joke about the 15th anniversary of the October Revolution, it was an incident that he saw on the street. He also said that he told other jokes in which "Stalin's personality was ridiculed."

As for "the sermons I delivered at church services, they were not of an anti-Soviet nature and did not carry criticism of the existing system." On February 19, the investigation was completed. The priests were accused of being “participants in a counter-revolutionary group of clergy at the church of the so-called Flora and Laurus. The main content of the counter-revolutionary activities of the defendants consisted in the systematic anti-Soviet agitation of a defeatist and anti-collective farm nature and in the organization of illegal anti-Soviet meetings in the apartments of the members of the group.

On March 15, 1933, a Special Meeting at the Collegium of the OGPU sentenced Archpriest Nikolai to three years of exile, which he served in the city of Kargopol, Arkhangelsk Region. January 2, 1936 Fr. Nikolai was released and on January 21 was sent to serve in the Ascension Church in the village. Teryaeva Sloboda, Moscow Region.

On October 21, 1937, Archpriest Nikolai was arrested and imprisoned in Volokolamsk.

He was accused of having blessed a parishioner of the Ascension Church, Gabriel Bezfamilny, to sell commemorative books to record the names of the living and the dead. He was also accused of having come to the village council and in the presence of the secretary of the village council spoke about the constitution, about elections to the Supreme Council and about religion.

Martyr Gabriel (Gavriil Gavriilovich Bezfamilny) was born in 1880 in Moscow. He graduated from high school and then worked as a plumber and served in the temple.

In 1924, Gavriil Gavriilovich moved to the village. Yaropolets Volokolamsk region. On October 21, 1937, the authorities arrested him on charges of anti-Soviet and counter-revolutionary agitation; he pleaded not guilty, saying only that he had indeed sold two commemoratives to believers.

On November 23, 1937, the NKVD troika sentenced the priests Nikolai and Dimitri and the layman Gabriel to death.

On November 27, 1937, Archpriest Nikolai Vinogradov and layman Gavriil Bezfamilny were shot at the Butovo training ground.

In Soviet times, the temple was closed, looted and turned into a warehouse.

On one of the frosty New Year's days, we finally decided to visit the Joseph-Volotsky Monastery. Well, look around.
There is also a church in Teryaevo itself. Rather, it was, because its current state inspires fear.

In the cadastres of 1625, the village of Teryaeva is mentioned for the first time. In 1670, the church of Elijah the Prophet was built in this village.

In 1825, on the site of the wooden Ilyinsky Church, a stone five-domed Church of the Ascension of the Lord was erected in the spirit of provincial architecture. At the end of the 19th century, the bell tower and the refectory were rebuilt in the pseudo-Russian style.

In the late 1930s, it was closed and occupied by a garage, after which it was abandoned. In 2005, the quad collapsed.

Apparently due to the fact that there is a large popular monastery nearby, the church is not really being repaired. Only a little refectory was put in order.
5. Altar

6. Remains of paintings



9. Someone was not too lazy to scratch out ...


11. Fallen bricks lie everywhere on the ground. Togo and look at the head another one will fly.


Near Teryaevo is the village of Pokrovskoye. As you might guess, it got its name from the church located there - the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Built in 1792 in the spirit of provincial architecture at the expense of parishioners. It is a double-height five-domed quadrangle, the main throne is Pokrovsky, the side aisles are Nikolsky and Dimitry of Rostov. In 1851, the aisles were expanded and a refectory was built.

15. There was a funeral going on inside, so I didn’t go in.

16. Closed in 1963, in the late 1990s, again handed over to believers.



Steblevo estate is located 7 km from Teryaevo. It was built in the middle of the 19th century. It was owned in turn: by General Davydova, in 1890 by the landowner Gippius, in 1911 by the Egorovs.

20. There was such a solid estate, we would have had the most :).


22. I especially liked this picture. Imagine how nice it is to sit here in the evening, watch the sunset, sip a glass of Chateau Papa Clement and have interesting conversations...

23. View from the balcony. In the summer it should be especially beautiful here.

24. The wings are still completely abandoned.

25. But the main house is being slowly renovated.

See the man near the car? He asked me what I was filming. When I answered that the estate, it's a pity that it was so abandoned, he said that he was its owner and was repairing it now. He invested, he says, already about a million dollars. Judging by the fact that the foundation of the fence has already been made, you will no longer get into the territory of the estate.
Yes, the car does not correspond to a dollar millionaire, but the driver was waiting for him there. Maybe it's just a taxi.

And then we went to the monastery.

P.S. I found information about the owner - this is a Moscow businessman, head of a large architectural and construction company - Maxim Studennikov. He really lives in this estate and restores it.

The five-domed church in the spirit of provincial architecture, the refectory with the Ilyinsky and Sorbyashchensky aisles and the bell tower were rebuilt in the pseudo-Russian style at the end. 19th century Closed at con. 1930s, occupied by a garage, then abandoned. In 2005, the roof of the quadrangle collapsed, and now the refectory has been repaired.

Date of founding con. 15th century Date of construction of the last building 1812-1825. The five-domed church in the spirit of provincial architecture, the refectory with the Ilyinsky and Sorbyashchensky aisles and the bell tower were rebuilt in the pseudo-Russian style at the end. 19th century Closed at con. 1930s, occupied by a garage, then abandoned. In 2005, the roof of the quadrangle collapsed, and now the refectory has been repaired. Common names Ascension Church; Elias Church; Elijah the Prophet Church; Prophet Elias Church.

The five-tiered bell tower of the Church of the Ascension of the Lord is still visible from afar. Built in the 19th century (1812-1825), it organically fits into the panorama of the Teryaevo landscape. After the destruction of the bell tower of the Joseph-Volotsky Monastery, which is located in the neighborhood, it is the only axis in the architectural ensemble of churches in this area since the Second World War. Lines of cars with parishioners of the Joseph-Volotsky Monastery and other local churches rarely stop near this church. Only an inquisitive traveler, even more often an amateur photographer who is looking for a rare shot, is able to turn off the main road and find himself in front of a spectacle that was once admirable, but now it is heartbreaking.

Initially, the church was built at the end of the 15th century, followed by a series of rebuildings, the main of which took place in the 19th century, when a refectory and a bell tower were added to the main volume of the building. By the beginning of the 21st century, the ensemble of buildings, and in particular the main part, is a dilapidated, half-ruined building. It was once a five-domed temple, the quarter of which collapsed in 2005. By Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region of September 30, 2004 N 596/38, it was recognized as an architectural monument, but measures to save it were not taken and are not being taken in full so far. Not so long ago, parish activity was resumed in the refectory.

And although the architecture of the Church of the Ascension is quite traditional for its time and for these places (a similar church is located a few kilometers in the village of Yazvische), the miraculously preserved frescoes on the walls of the refectory are amazing, which distinguish this architectural structure from many. Similar frescoes can only be found in Italy, but not in Russia. The few fragments that are being saved (before 1930, a garage was built in the temple) suggest that the artist was most likely a foreigner or a Russian author with a fairly high level of professional education. Images of biblical characters are too untypical for Russian religious painting. They are full-blooded, energetic, their gestures are full of dynamics, some even show eccentricity. The images clearly have a non-Slavic type of face.

The coloring of the colors is bright and complex, especially in the image of clothes, which are full of an abundance of decorative details. There is no detachment, strictness and light sadness, so characteristic of the depiction of religious subjects by Russian masters. There is a feeling of a holiday, everything around reminds of life on earth, and not of ephemeral space. But these are only a few surviving fragments of that luxury, which now, unfortunately, can disappear without a trace.

Of all the churches in the Volokolamsk region, the Church of the Ascension is the most forgotten and abandoned. Material resources at the moment were only enough to strengthen the walls of the refectory. The main part of the temple and the bell tower are in disrepair and can collapse completely at any moment. Those few daredevils who can enter the ruins, in addition to the defiling inscriptions “Do not drink” or “Vova was here”, can see the contours of the frescoes with gilding and color left in some places. Read texts once written in golden letters in Old Slavonic, and most importantly, look into the eyes of the saints, who still have not lost their brightness and attractive energy...

Dranichkina Olga, art critic. http://hramteryaevo.ru/church/

How carelessly we treat our own history!

Ancient suburban Teryaevo village The Volokolamsky district of the Moscow region (the former Streletskaya Sloboda) is known, first of all, for the nearby Joseph-Volotsky Monastery.
But in Teryaevo itself there is an interesting attraction - Temple of the Ascension , built on the site of a wooden church in honor of Elijah the Prophet (beginningXVIIcentury) in the style of provincial classicism in 1812 - 1825. In accordance with the architectural fashion for everything Russian, at the endXIX century, the bell tower and the refectory of the temple were rebuilt in the pseudo-Russian style.

On the way from Klin to Volokolamsk, during our independent weekend excursion, we turned to this temple and discovered this architectural monument (official status - "Object of cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation of regional significance" ) in this state:

With my friend Vladimir D'Ar ( vladimirdar ) for some time we discussed the reasons for the ruined state of the temple: either it was destroyed as a result of the bombing of German aircraft during the Battle of Moscow in the fall of 1941 (but we did not find traces of craters from air bombs nearby), or its five domes were destroyed by the work of enemy artillery . In the end, we leaned towards the second option. But he, too, was wrong.

Everything turned out to be much simpler and sadder.

In the late 1930s, the Church of the Ascension in the village of Teryaeva was closed, it housed a garage for some time, and then the temple was completely abandoned.

And even after the return of the church to the Russian Orthodox Church in the early 1990s, no one really cared about it. Church services resumed in the refectory (currently the temple is considered to be active), it was even restored somewhat, so that it may well pass for the construction of the second halfXVII century. Not so long ago, the dome of the bell tower was restored and a cross was erected on it.

But the temple itself, as it was abandoned, remained so. As a result, in 2005, something happened that was bound to happen sooner or later - the church's quadrangle could not stand it and collapsed by more than half, nothing was left of its once majestic five-domed structure except fragments of drums.

Young trees are already growing inside the ruined church, and the locals (and maybe tourists passing by) have turned its altar part into a free toilet.

Meanwhile, somewhere still preserved fragments of paintings .

Yes, these are not the masterpieces of Theophan the Greek or Andrei Rublev, but still they are historical artifacts, the safety of which must be taken care of.
But it seems that no one cares about this - neither the state, which has declared the church, which is in complete desolation, an “object of cultural heritage”, nor the Russian Orthodox Church (and just a kilometer and a half from Teryaevo is the not-so-poor stavropegic Joseph-Volotsky Monastery) nor the inhabitants of the village itself.

Is it possible now to restore this architectural monument?

In my unprofessional opinion, the bell tower can still be restored, but the temple itself is unlikely.

It's sad and painful to see all this!

Small bonus: several types Joseph-Volotsky Monastery .

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