Holy Trinity Church on Troyeschina schedule of services. Holy Trinity Cathedral

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Holy Trinity Cathedral in Troyeshchyna in Kyiv

Today is a special year - the 1025th anniversary of the Baptism of Russia. And although some, even from the Ukrainian church leadership, strive to give this event a strange, if not crafty, name invented by contrived anti-Russian historians - “The Baptism of Ukraine-Rus”, one should not imitate these moods, but one should do their own thing. These people will go somewhere, but our churches will remain standing for the Orthodox parishioners of the one Russian Church, an inseparable part of which is the canonical flock living in Ukraine.

This year Holy Trinity is celebrated on June 23rd. The feast of the Holy Trinity, in addition to sacred spiritual meanings, tells us about unity and catholicity, for which St. Sergius of Radonezh, in essence, “inculcated” in Russia the doctrine of the Holy Trinity, which was then inimitably embodied in his grandiose icon by the reverend icon painter Andrei Rublev. It should be remembered that the feast of the Holy Trinity itself first appeared as a local temple feast of the Trinity Cathedral (the Trinity-Sergius monastery, which later became a Lavra), as a celebration of the Trinity icon of St. Andrei Rublev.

Theologian Pavel Florensky wrote: “The House of the Life-Giving Trinity is recognized by the heart of Russia, and the builder of this House, St. Sergius of Radonezh, is the Guardian Angel of Russia ...” For the first time in Russian religious and philosophical thought, St. Sergius gave the idea of ​​the Holy Trinity a real, concrete sound, transformed the Christian dogma into a symbol of living unity, to which all people living on earth should strive. Thus, the Holy Trinity is also a prototype of how human society in general and Russian society in particular should be built.

In fact, the image of the Holy Trinity showed the whole of Russia the possible and real way to save the state. In the religious and philosophical sense, this image, as an ideal of earthly existence, opened and continues to open the way for removing the dilemma itself - national or universal. Today, when the unifying (more precisely, reunifying) theme for Russia - Great, Little and White - is sharply on the agenda, the unifying spiritual messages of St. Sergius of Radonezh and Andrei Rublev are highly relevant.

This year, the Feast of the Trinity "came" close on the calendar to June 25 - when the Day of Friendship, Unity of the Slavs is celebrated.

Trinity. Gate icon of the Trinity Church in Troyeshchyna, Kyiv

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We have already talked about the Feast of the Trinity and the Trinity Church of Kharkov, now let's say a word about the beautiful Trinity Church, built already in modern times in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe city of Kyiv, which in our case is also consonantly and symbolically called Troyeshchina.

It is also symbolic that the village of Troyeshchina has long, according to the charter of Sovereign Peter the Great from 1720, belonged to the Trinity Hospital Monastery, which was attached to the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.

This elegant, majestic and slender church can be seen from the Dnieper, if you go to Troyeshchina along the Moscow bridge from the right bank.

The laying of the three-altar cathedral in honor of the Holy Trinity in Troyeshchyna took place on October 16, 1990, and on June 17, 1997, not soon for modern times, after 7 years, the Troyeshchyna church on the feast of the Holy Trinity was consecrated by the Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, His Beatitude Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Ukraine Vladimir (Sabodan). It was the first church built in Kyiv over the past 80 years.

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The village of Troyeshchyna was a historical left-bank area of ​​Kyiv and was located along the Desenka River, an arm of the Dnieper, towards the Desna River, near the Bobrovnya tract.

For the first time the place was mentioned in the annals under 1026 - there was a suburban princely palace "Paradise" (or "Radosyn"), as well as the church of St. George. From 1240 the palace became the country residence of the Kievan princes. In the XV century. here was the castle of the Kyiv prince Simeon Olelkovich, known in historical sources as the "Olelkovskoe settlement". At the castle, the village of Miloslavichi arose, mentioned in the annals under 1151, but, alas, destroyed during the conflict between the gentry at the beginning of the 17th century. It was then that the mayor Stanislav Vigura founded a small farm here. Troyeshchyna is a continuation of the former village of Vigurivshchyna.

As for the village of Troyeshchina itself, it appeared around the 16th century. in the area, which then bore the name "Churilovshchina" or "Trinity land", after the name of the Lavra monastery. Something was prepared for this land from above: it has always been a problem-conflict, there were often litigations and disputes. Until hetman Bohdan-Zinovy ​​Khmelnytsky intervened with his decree. As a result, in 1657, the Kyiv colonel Dvoretsky, who carried out the measurements of the territories, established the boundaries between the villages here. However, half a century later, in 1704, by decree of Metropolitan Yasinsky, the borders between Vigurovshchina and Troyeshchina were again revised, and then again in 1712.

And the documents of 1781 record the presence in Troyeschina of a wooden church in honor of the Great Martyr George the Victorious.

Historians say that until 1471 this territory was part of the Kyiv principality, then - the Kyiv province of the Lithuanian-Polish state, and since 1782 - the Kyiv governorship of the Russian Empire. For a hundred years, in 1802-1902, these lands belonged to the Chernihiv province.

And already, in fact, in modern times, exactly a quarter of a century ago, since 1988, the village of Troyeshchina was included in Kyiv. Now it is the largest residential area in Kyiv, where 600 thousand people live.

Two Troyeschinas: rural and urban. View from the bell tower of the Trinity Church

It is believed that this is the most densely populated area of ​​Kyiv. Someone sees in it in the dark time of the day a similarity with Buenos Aires: when the Troeshchintsy get home late at night and turn on the lights in the apartments, the area turns into a cosmic collection of millions of lights.

st. Balzac

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The initiator of the construction of a cathedral dedicated to the Holy Trinity in Troyeshchyna, instead of a wooden parish church in honor of the martyr. George the Victorious, destroyed in 1962 (a club was built in its place), was Archimandrite Pimen (Sobolev), who also became his first rector. And the temple was founded on October 16, 1990 by Metropolitan Filaret (Denisenko), even before the collapse of the USSR, before the church schism initiated by him and his excommunication from the Church.

Funds for the temple were donated by the clergy of the Trinity Church and many believers, the Vatutinskiy district of Kyiv provided considerable symbolic and liberation assistance. Then the well-known dramatic and sometimes tragic events of the dismemberment of our great Fatherland took place, and hence the interruption that arose in the construction of the temple is understandable. After the fateful Kharkiv Bishops' Council in 1992, work was continued with the assistance of Metropolitan Vladimir (Sabodan), the city and Vatutinsk district administrations.

The project of the new temple was developed by architects Vadim and Irina Grechina, the designer was Leonid Linovich. It is believed that the cathedral was built in the stylized forms of the South Russian Baroque. Everything here is thoroughly thought out and equipped, taking into account many needs and circumstances: the five-domed church is designed for 1200 parishioners, there is a two-tiered bell tower, workshops, outbuildings, a well, the complex also includes hotel pilgrimage cells, a Sunday refectory school, a baptismal, an icon-painting workshop, rector's house, transformer substation, gates.

In 1998, a Sunday school for children with three classrooms was opened in the bell tower.

The temple has a unique iconostasis made by Cherkasy cabinetmakers.

Iconostasis of the Trinity Cathedral in Troyeschina

16 external icons on the central dome and bell tower were made on steel boards by the authors of the project.

The complex was built between the village of Troyeshchyna and the residential area of ​​Vygurovshchina-Troyeshchyna, on an artificial hill, above the flooded level of the Dnieper floodplain.

On one of the recent December days in the Holy Trinity Cathedral for eleven days there was a list of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Trooditissa". The image is named after the Troodos mountain range, where the monastery is located, in which the prototype of this icon is now located, in the highest mountain monastery in Cyprus (1392 m above sea level). Through the prayers of the Mother of God Trooditissa in front of Her icon, childless women receive the gift of childbearing. On this icon, the Mother of God is depicted with a slight smile on her lips.

Trooditissa in the temple on Troyeschina

The fact is that one childless woman, who prayed to the Mother of God for a child, made a vow: if the Lord sends a boy, he will give him to a monastery. The son, through prayers, was born and grew up and was sent to the monastery for obedience. But the mother nevertheless decided, in violation of the vow, to take the child. When the woman took her son home, a stone fell on the teenager from the monastery wall. And the icon covered the boy, taking the blow. Since that time, a piece of sharp stone rock has remained in the icon board on the reverse side.

The rector of the Holy Trinity Cathedral, the dean of the Kyiv North-Eastern District of Kyiv, Archpriest Dimitry Grigorak served an akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos before the icon of Her, called Trooditissa, and addressed the faithful with words of instruction, in which he expressed hope for the help, healing and intercession of the Most Pure Mother of God.

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The central aisle of the Trinity Cathedral was consecrated, of course, in the name of the Life-Giving Trinity, but the northern one - in honor of St. Seraphim of Sarov. In Russia, all the saints, intercessors for us before the Lord, are common!

Image of Rev. Seraphim of Sarov in the Trinity Church of Troyeschina

The southern aisle is dedicated to the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious (remember the temple destroyed in Troyeschina!), the lower one is dedicated to the Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica.

In the temple, parishioners can venerate such shrines as icons with particles of the relics of the Great Martyr. Demetrius of Thessalonica, Rev. Seraphim of Sarov, Theodore of Sanaksar and his nephew are right. Feodor Ushakov (famous Russian admiral). There is also a reliquary with particles of the relics of the Saints of the Caves, who rest in the Near and Far Caves of the Kyiv Lavra.

Holy Lands of Russia, pray to God for us!

Holy Trinity, save us!

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Holy Trinity Church in Kyiv

The majestic white Holy Trinity Church, crowned with sky-colored domes, is, without exaggeration, an architectural gem and the spiritual heart of the capital's residential area Vygurovshchina-Troyeshchyna on the left bank of the Dnieper. This year, on June 19, this church celebrates its main patronal feast - the Day of the Holy Trinity.

The rector told the Information Center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church about the holiday and the temple - Archpriest Dimyry Grigorak, Dean of the Desnyansky Deanery of the East Kyiv Vicariate.

Archpriest Dimiriy Grigorak


- The feast of the Holy Trinity or Pentecost is dedicated to the events that took place in Jerusalem 50 days after the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and 10 days after His ascension to heaven. They are described in the New Testament book of the Acts of the Holy Apostles, the author of which is considered the Evangelist Luke.

The Jewish holiday of Pentecost, which was celebrated on that day, was established in memory of the conclusion of the Covenant with God on Mount Sinai 50 days after the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt.

The disciples of Christ and the Most Holy Theotokos, according to the command of the Lord, "were together with one accord," waiting for the descent of the Holy Spirit promised by the Savior.

“And suddenly there was a noise from heaven, as if from a rushing strong wind, and filled the whole house where they were. And divided tongues appeared to them, as if of fire, and rested one on each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance,” says St. Luke.

At this time in Jerusalem on the occasion of the holiday there were many Jews who arrived from different countries. The noise attracted their attention, and a crowd gathered near the house where the apostles were. The audience was very surprised that everyone heard their own language, because the disciples of Christ came from one region of Israel - Galilee. Some mocked, saying, "They have drunk of sweet wine."

Then the apostle Peter, standing before the people along with the other eleven apostles, said that they were not drunk, but the Holy Spirit descended on them, as was predicted by the Israeli prophet Joel. The apostle testified that Jesus of Nazareth, who was killed by the Jews, is the Christ-Messiah, who was expected for centuries in Israel, that He was resurrected, ascended into heaven and poured out the Holy Spirit.

Many of those who listened to Saint Peter's sermon accepted his words and began to ask what they should do. The apostle called them to repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins - and then they too would receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. About 3,000 people were baptized that day.

Thus the New Testament Church was born. And the Holy Spirit has been in her ever since. The grace of the Spirit, which clearly descended on the apostles in the form of fiery tongues, is now served in the Church invisibly - in her holy Sacraments, through the successors of the apostles - bishops and priests.

On the day of the appearance of the Holy Spirit, who descended from God the Father according to the promise of God the Son, the world learned about the unity of the Holy Trinity, which is why the holiday got its name. The next day after the Trinity, the Church dedicates a special glorification of the Holy Spirit.

According to tradition, on the feast of the Holy Trinity, churches and dwellings are decorated with green branches, herbs and flowers, and the believers themselves stand in the church with greenery and flowers in their hands. This symbolizes the creative power of the "life of the Giver" - the Holy Spirit, as well as the dedication to God of the greening primordial plants.

- In the 90s of the last century, the Desnyansky (then still Vatutinskiy) district of the city of Kyiv grew rapidly. After the Chernobyl accident, many people from the disaster zone moved here. There was only one small wooden church for the entire 300,000-strong residential area of ​​Vygurovshchina-Troyeshchina, so the construction of a new church became a vital necessity.

Its construction was initiated by the leadership of the district - Ivan Andryushchenko, Anatoly Mokrousov, Vladimir Zhukov. The temple in honor of the Holy Trinity was founded on October 16, 1990.

The project of the new church was developed by the Honored Architect of Ukraine, Shevchenko Prize winner Vadim Grechina, architect Irina Grechina and designer Leonid Linovich. The project envisaged a complex of structures in stylized forms of Ukrainian architecture of the Baroque era: a church designed for 1,200 parishioners, a bell tower, a hotel, a Sunday refectory school, a baptismal, an icon-painting workshop, an abbot's house, and a transformer substation. The complex began to be built on an artificial hill.

Funds for the new temple were donated by many believers, clergymen, entrepreneurs and organizations.

The construction of the church is associated, first of all, with the name of the first rector - the late Archimandrite Pimen (Sobolev), in the schema of Seraphim. When in 1995 I was sent to serve in the Holy Trinity Church, I happened to be responsible for the construction work.

In 1997, we completed the construction of the temple and other church buildings. The new church appeared before the people of Kiev in all its glory. On June 17, the day of the Holy Trinity, His Beatitude Metropolitan Volodymyr (Sabodan), Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, consecrated our church.

In 1998, a Sunday school for children was opened at the church and the magazine Troyeschina Orthodoxy began to be published.

In total, there are four altars in our church: the central one consecrated in honor of the Life-Giving Trinity, the left one in honor of St. Seraphim of Sarov, the right one in honor of the Great Martyr George the Victorious, and the underground church of the Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica.

In 1999, under the leadership of the Honored Artist of Ukraine Ivan Fizer and his colleagues Mykola Senyuta and Anatoly Shitik, carved iconostases were built in the church. These are real works of art. The height of the seven-tiered central iconostasis is more than 15 meters, the width is almost 13 meters, the total area of ​​the carving is almost 53 square meters. The iconostases in the two aisles of the temple are 6 meters high, almost 4 meters wide, and each carved area is more than 34 square meters.

In the central iconostasis there are 44 icons painted by Pochaev icon painters headed by Nikolai Panchuk, in the side iconostases there are 18 icons each. On each of them, on the reverse side, there are small plates engraved with the names of the benefactors.

The underground temple in the name of the Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica the Myrrh-streaming we equipped later - in 2004. It was not included in the original design. The temple turned out to be warm and cozy, so they began to baptize children there. Now it's already a tradition. The sanctuary was painted by Galician masters of sacred art under the direction of Oleg Smorzhenyuk. The iconostasis for the temple was made by the Bachinsky Icon Painting School in Belotserkovskaya.

There is a small room in the underground temple, from where the amazing aroma of bread is always heard: prosphora is baked there. During Lent, about 2,000 prosphora are baked every day. For this, 45 kilograms of flour are used. And between fasts, the bakery has a lot of work, because in our church since 1998 the Divine Liturgy has been celebrated every day, seven days a week.

In 2005, the walls inside the Holy Trinity Church began to be prepared for painting. Finished painting in 2007. There were master icon painters headed by Igor Leskiv, Igor Oreshchak and Sergey Bulko.

In our church, we have created a male chamber choir led by Andrey Yudin, a mixed choir led by Natalia Kravchenko, as well as two choir choirs. In 2013, a vocal and choral studio for children "Angelochek" was organized.

Four months ago, at the initiative of our parish, the street on which the temple stands was renamed in honor of the late His Beatitude Metropolitan Vladimir of Kyiv and All Ukraine (previously it bore the name of Kirov).

In our temple there are especially revered shrines. In 2000, the rector of the Sanaksar Monastery (Republic of Mordovia), Archimandrite Varnava, donated to our church the icons of St. Theodore of Sanaksar and the righteous warrior Theodore Ushakov with particles of the relics of these saints.

In the same year, we had another shrine: my parishioners and I went on a pilgrimage to the Diveevo convent, where we received as a gift a miraculous icon with a particle of the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov.

In 2010, philanthropists donated to the temple an reliquary with relics of all the relics of the Kiev Caves, and the following year, an icon of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica with a particle of his relics.

During the years of the existence of our parish, by the grace of God, through the prayers of the saints whose relics are in the church, many miraculous phenomena have occurred: healings from serious illnesses, resolutions of difficult life situations, the birth of babies in families where there have been no children for many years, or even, after definition of physicians, they could not exist at all. The temple has a journal where parishioners happily write down such cases.

The Divine Liturgy, as already mentioned, is celebrated in our church every day. On weekdays and Saturdays it starts at 8.00. Evening worship is also daily, at 17.00. On Sundays and holidays - two Liturgies: early at 7.00 and late at 10.00.

After the Liturgy, prayers and akathists are served:

On Tuesdays - Reverend Seraphim of Sarov;

On Thursdays - to all the Reverend Caves;

On Fridays - to the Monk Theodore of Sanaksar.

On Sundays, after the evening service, there is a prayer service with an akathist to the Holy Trinity.

At the end of the Liturgy, prayers and akathists, memorial services are served.

You can get to the temple from the Petrovka metro station by buses No. 21, 113, 118 (go to the Block of Services stop) or from the Darnitsa metro station by bus No. 6 (to the Holy Trinity Church stop).

UOC Information Center - for "UNIAN-Religion".

Photo from the parish archive.

The project "Patrine feasts of the capital's churches" is being implemented by the Information Center of the UOC and "UNIAN-Religion" with the blessing of His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufry.

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For spiritual rest in Kyiv there is a wonderful place - the Holy Trinity Cathedral. It is located in Troyeschina, and we will tell you a lot of interesting things about this cathedral.

Parish church of Vygurovshchyna-Troyeshchyna. In the XI - XIII centuries. between Troyeshchina and Vigurovshchina was the country palace of the princes of Kyiv. In the XVI-XVII centuries. these villages were donated to monasteries.

The letter of Emperor Peter I dated October 16, 1720 confirms that the village of Troyeshchina belongs to the Holy Trinity Hospital Monastery at. The inventory of 1781 speaks of the existence of a temple in the village. Troyeschina.

The wooden parish church in honor of Great Martyr George the Victorious was destroyed in 1962 (a club was built in its place).

The initiator of the construction of a cathedral dedicated to the Holy Trinity in Troyeschina was Archimandrite Pimen (Sobolev), who also became its first rector. The temple was founded on October 16, 1990 by Metropolitan Filaret (Denisenko), who allocated a large amount for the first stage of construction. Funds for the temple were donated by the clergy of the Trinity Church and many believers, the Vatutinskiy (Desnyanskiy) district of Kyiv rendered great help. The work was carried out with the assistance of Metropolitan Vladimir (Sabodan), the city and Vatutinskaya (Desnyanskaya) district administrations.

The project, developed by architects Vadim Grechina, Irina Grechina and designer Leonid Linovich, provides for a complex of structures in stylized forms of Ukrainian architecture of the Baroque era: a temple for 1200 parishioners, a bell tower, cells (hotel), a Sunday refectory school, a baptismal workshop, an icon-painting workshop, a rector's house, transformer substation, gate.

The complex is located between the village of Troyeshchina and the residential area of ​​Vygurovshchina-Troyeshchyna, on an artificial hill, above the flooded level of the Dnieper floodplain.

The cathedral was consecrated on June 17, 1997, on the feast of the Holy Trinity, by the Primate of the UOC, His Beatitude Metropolitan Vladimir (Sabodan).

The temple is five-domed, cruciform in plan, with three apses, has two aisles - St. George the Victorious and St. Seraphim of Sarov. Choirs are located in the western part. 16 external icons on the central dome and bell tower were made on steel boards by the authors of the project.

In 2000, in addition to the cathedral, a two-tiered bell tower, workshops, outbuildings, the rector's house, a transformer substation, and a well were built. In 1998, a Sunday school for children with three classrooms was opened in the bell tower.

Patronal feasts: Holy Trinity Day (main altar), commemoration days of St. Seraphim of Sarov (January 2/15 and July 19/August 1; northern aisle), martyr. George the Victorious (April 23 / May 6; southern aisle), martyr. Demetrius of Thessalonica (October 26 / November 8; lower church).

Shrines: Icon with particles of the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov, Theodore of Sanaksar and rights. Feodor Ushakov. Reliquary with particles of the relics of St. Pechersky. Icon with the relics of the Great Martyr. Demetrius of Thessalonica.

The temple is open daily, from 7.00 to 19.00 (in summer - until 20.00).

Worship: Daily. Evening: 17.00. Liturgy: 8.00 (Sunday - 7.00 and 10.00). Molebens with akathists after the Liturgy: Tuesday, Friday and Sunday.

Vigurovshchina-Troyeshchina is a residential area in Kyiv, located on the left bank of the river. Dnieper.

The name of the array goes back to the name of the village of the same name Troyeshchina (which, by the way, has survived to this day). As for the name of the area “Vigurovshchina”, in the written sources of the 16th-17th centuries Vigurovshchina is mentioned as a place donated by the owner Jan Vigura (this is probably where the name of the area came from) to St. .

In the XI - XIII centuries. between Troyeshchina and Vigurovshchina there was a country palace of the princes of Kyiv, so this area is historical.

In the XVI-XVII centuries. these villages were donated to monasteries. Vigurovshchina, as mentioned above, was given to the Mikhailovsky Golden-Domed Monastery, and Troyeshchina was donated by Peter the Great to the Holy Trinity Hospital Monastery at the Lavra, as evidenced by the Diploma of the first Russian emperor dated October 16, 1720.

Since 1708, a unique wooden church has operated in the village of Vigurovshchina, but in the thirties of the 20th century it was destroyed by the decision of the Soviet authorities.

In the village of Troyeshchina, there was also an Orthodox church, as evidenced by the inventory of 1781.

Apparently, the church was repeatedly rebuilt and changed its location, since both villages lay in the Dnieper floodplain and suffered from spring floods. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the manor of the temple was located in the village. Troyeshchina on the modern street. Lenina, 27. The church remained active after the revolution and during the Nazi occupation.

In September 1943, preparing for the defense of Kyiv from the Soviet troops, the German units destroyed the left-bank villages. They also burned Troyeschina. According to the memoirs of the old-timers, in the middle of the ashes, the church stood for another three days, then they burned it too.

After the liberation of Kyiv from the invaders, the villagers, together with their houses, began to restore the temple (wooden). However, in the early 1960s, the authorities firmly decided to remove the "religious building" from the center of the village and build a house of culture in its place. A tense struggle went on until the autumn of 1965. (According to other sources, the wooden parish church in honor of martyr George the Victorious was destroyed in 1962). Finally, the church community received an ultimatum - to quickly move the temple to an unsuitable area on the outskirts of the village. Failure to comply with this requirement doomed the church to destruction. Taking into account such circumstances, the inhabitants of Troyeshchyna and Vigurivshchyna, working day and night, dismantled the church in three days and took it to a new site, where they erected it in the place where it still stands (now on the border of the village with the housing estate).

The church was small and could not qualitatively serve the parishioners of the two villages and the parishioners, who were added from among the inhabitants of the modern residential area under construction "Vigurovshchina - Troyeshchina". Yes, times have changed. The calendar was in the 90s.

The initiator of the construction of a cathedral dedicated to the Holy Trinity in Troyeschina was Archimandrite Pimen (Sobolev), who ruled the service in the still existing parish church in honor of the martyr. George the Victorious. He also became the first rector of the cathedral. He was a very worthy man, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War who had both wounds and awards for the liberation of Kyiv.

The temple was founded on October 16, 1990 by Metropolitan Filaret (Denisenko), who allocated a large amount for the first stage of construction. Then he was still subordinate to the Moscow Patriarchate. Funds for the temple were donated by the clergy of the Trinity Church and many believers, the Vatutinskiy district of Kiev provided a huge help. The work was carried out with the assistance of Metropolitan Vladimir (Sabodan), the city and Vatutinsk district administrations, where I worked and participated in the construction project of the cathedral.

The project, developed by architects Vadim Grechina, Irina Grechina and designer Leonid Linovich, provides for a complex of buildings in stylized forms of Ukrainian architecture of the Baroque era: a temple for 1200 parishioners, a bell tower, cells (hotel), a Sunday school, a refectory, a baptismal, an icon-painting workshop, a rector's house, transformer substation, gate. The complex is located between the village of Troyeschina and the residential area of ​​Vygurovschina-Troeschina, one might say side by side next to the old church on an artificial hill, above the flooded level of the Dnieper floodplain. Since the construction of the temple, the service has been ruled by Father Dmitry, an energetic and erudite priest (by the way, a former paratrooper of the Airborne Forces, a candidate of theological sciences.)

The cathedral was consecrated on June 17, 1997, on the feast of the Holy Trinity, by the Primate of the UOC, His Beatitude Metropolitan Vladimir (Sabodan). The temple is five-domed, cruciform in plan, with three apses, has two aisles - St. George the Victorious and St. Seraphim of Sarov. Choirs are located in the western part. 16 external icons on the central dome and bell tower were made on steel boards by the authors of the project.

Trinity Cathedral
50°30′32″ s. sh. 30°35′10″ E d. HGIOL
Location Kyiv
Architect Grechina, Vadim Mikhailovich
Foundation date
Trinity Cathedral at Wikimedia Commons

In the 90s of the twentieth century, after the Chernobyl tragedy, the Desnyansky (Vatutinsky) district of the city of Kyiv grew rapidly. In a 300,000-strong residential area, worship was carried out in one small wooden church in the village of Troyeshchyna, which was not able to accommodate all believers, and therefore the construction of a new church was vital not only for the residents of the Troyeshchyna massif, but also for the entire Left Bank of the capital of Ukraine.

The initiator of the construction of a new temple in Troyeschina, dedicated to the Holy Trinity, was the leadership of the Vatutinsk district, headed by Ivan Ivanovich Andryushchenko, Anatoly Olekseevich Mokrousov, Vladimir Andreevich Zhukov. And the construction of the temple itself is associated with the name of Archimandrite Pimen (Sobolev, + 08/26/2000) in the schema - Seraphim, who was its first rector. Holy Trinity Church was founded on October 16, 1990. Funds for the temple were donated by many, many believers, entrepreneurs and organizations, the clergy of the Trinity Church, Archpriest Dimitry Grigorak and Priest Vladimir Makukha. Schema-Archimandrite Seraphim (Sobolev) was succeeded by Fr. Dimitry Grigorak, was sent by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church to the parish service in the Holy Trinity Church in 1995, and from the first days was responsible for the construction of the temple and a lot of educational and charitable work. Father Dimitry Grigorak, together with the parish, completed the unique construction of the temple and other church buildings, and already in 1997 the Trinity Church appeared before the people of Kiev in all its beauty. On June 17, the day of the Holy Trinity, the Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church His Beatitude Metropolitan Volodymyr (Sabodan) consecrated the church.

The project of the temple complex was developed by the Honored Architect of Ukraine, Shevchenko Prize winner, Laureate of the Prize of Ministers of the USSR, architect Vadim Grechina, Irina Grechina and designer Leonid Linovich. The project envisaged a complex of buildings in stylized forms of Ukrainian architecture of the Baroque era: a church for 1200 parishioners, a bell tower, a hotel, a Sunday school, a refectory, a baptismal, an icon-painting workshop, a rector's house, a transformer substation, and a gate. The complex is located between the village of Troyeshchina and the residential area Vygurovshchina-Troyeshchina, on an artificial hill.


The Holy Trinity Church has four thrones: the central one, consecrated in honor of the Life-Giving Trinity, the left one in honor of the Monk Seraphim of Sarov, the right one in honor of the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious, the underground church in honor of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica.

In 1999, in the Holy Trinity Church, under the leadership of the Honored Artist of Ukraine Ivan Vasilyevich Fizer, a member of the Union of Artists of Ukraine Nikolay Mikhailovich Senyuta and Anatoly Dmitrievich Shitik, a seven-tiered iconostasis was built in the Holy Trinity Church. Dimensions of the central iconostasis: height 15.2 m, width 12.80 m, total carving area 52.79 sq.m. Also, iconostases were built in two more boundaries of the temple, each 6 m high, 3.8 m wide, with a total carving area of ​​34.4 sq. m.


There are 44 holy icons in the central iconostasis, painted by the Pochaev icon painters, headed by Nikolai Iosifovich Panchuk, in the side iconostases, 18 icons each. On each of the icons, on the iconostasis, on the reverse side, there are small tablets engraved with the names of benefactors.

In 2004, under the building of the Holy Trinity Church, an underground church was built in the name of the Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica Myrrh-streaming. At first, this temple was not envisaged by the project, but over time, the rector, Archpriest Dimitry Grigorak, decided to equip a place for prayer. The underground temple turned out to be warm and cozy. For this reason, they began to carry out baptism in it. Now it's already a tradition. The painting of the underground temple was made by the masters of the sacred art of Galicia under the direction of A. N. Smorzhenyuk. The iconostasis was made in the Belotserkovsky icon-painting school-workshop. L. P. Bachinsky.

In 2005, the inner walls of the Holy Trinity Church began to be prepared for painting. The painting of the temple was carried out by icon painters of sacred art, headed by Igor Leskiv, Igor Oreshchak and Sergey Bulko.

In the underground temple there is a small room from where the wonderful aroma of bread is heard - prosphora is baked here. During Lent, about 2000 prosphora are baked every day, and the dough for this amount is kneaded from 45 kg of flour. And there is no less work between fasts, because in the Holy Trinity Church since 1998 the Divine Liturgy has been celebrated every day, seven days a week.


In 2000, Archimandrite Varnava, rector of the Sanaksar Monastery (Republic of Mordovia), donated two shrines to the Holy Trinity Church: an icon with a piece of the relics of Theodore of Sanaksar and an icon of the righteous warrior Theodore Ushakov.

In the fall of 2000, another shrine appeared in the temple. The rector of the temple, Archpriest Dimitry Grigorak, with the parishioners of the Holy Trinity Church, went on a pilgrimage to the Diveevo Convent (Russia), where the miraculous icon with particles of the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov became a gift to pilgrims from Ukraine.

In 2010, benefactors presented the Holy Trinity Church with an ark with relics of all the relics of the Kiev-Pechersk saints.

In 2011, the church was donated by benefactors the icon of the Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica the Myrrh-streaming with a piece of the saint's relics.


In 1998, a Sunday school for children was opened at the temple and the publication of the Troyeshchina Orthodox magazine was founded.

Today the Sunday school has over 60 children aged 5-16 and is divided into three age groups.

In 2013, the vocal and choral studio "Yangoliatko" was created, which today has more than 70 children.

In the Holy Trinity Church, a mixed choir was created under the direction of Natalia Kosinskaya, a male chamber choir under the direction of Andrey Yudin, as well as two choirs.


Divine Liturgy - daily at 8:00. Evening service - daily at 17:00.

On Sundays and holidays, two Divine Liturgies are served: early at 7:00 am and late at 10:00 am.

After the liturgy, prayers and akathists are served:

* On Tuesdays - Reverend Seraphim of Sarov;

* On Thursdays - all Reverend Caves;

* On Fridays - the Monk Theodore of Sanaksar;

* On Sundays (after the evening service) - Holy Trinity

At the end - memorial services.

Every Thursday at 19:00 on the first floor of the bell tower there are conversations with a priest on spiritual topics, as well as Orthodox youth


  • Vakulyshyn S., Vasilenko L. Desnyansky district: From the depths of the capital - today - Dovidkovo-іnformatsiyne vidannya. - Kiev, 2006. - S. 136-137. - 244 p.

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