How to humidify the air in the apartment: the secret of living in comfortable conditions. Humidify the air in the apartment without using a special humidifier Very dry air in the apartment what to do

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For a comfortable stay in the room, certain conditions must be maintained in it, including optimal humidity. And how to humidify the air in a room without a humidifier at home? This is quite possible if you know and use effective methods.

Harm of dry air in the apartment

The normal indicator of air humidity ranges from 40-60%. And not only an increase in the level, but also its decrease can negatively affect the microclimate of the room, as well as the health and well-being of residents. And if the risks of formation increase with increased humidity and dampness, then a reduced rate can lead to no less serious problems.

To understand the reason for raising the humidity level, we need to consider the harm that lowering it can cause. Here are some problems and risks:

  • Increased stress on the respiratory system. Firstly, due to excessively dry air, the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract suffer, which begin to thin and become irritated, which causes symptoms such as a dry obsessive cough, perspiration. Secondly, due to low humidity, it can become more difficult to remove sputum and small particles from the lungs that enter them during breathing, which will lead to the development of bronchitis or even pneumonia.

  • Disorders of the cardiovascular system. The human body is largely made up of water, and it is part of the blood and other biological fluids, and is also present in all tissues. With a lack of fluid, the blood can thicken, which affects the work of the organ that pumps it - the heart.

  • It is especially important to ensure sufficient humidity for a newborn, because in the womb he was in a humid environment, and a sharp change in conditions can become a serious stress and a real test for the body.

  • The mucous membrane of the eyes becomes thinner and depleted, which provokes the occurrence of symptoms such as dryness, cramps, redness, severe discomfort. Particularly susceptible to these manifestations are people who work at a computer or use contact lenses.

  • Dryness and peeling of the skin. The skin is in dire need of moisture and absorb it not only from the body, but also from the environment. With insufficient hydration and water deficiency, tissues will be depleted, lose elasticity and firmness, and age and wear out much faster.

  • Increased risk of nosebleeds. Due to the thinning of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity due to excessively dry air, the capillaries will become more vulnerable and brittle, which can lead to damage.

  • Brittleness of hair and nails. Their condition largely depends on environmental conditions, and with a lack of moisture, it can noticeably worsen.

  • Cooling of the body, significant heat loss. Dry air retains and retains heat very poorly, so in such conditions people can freeze faster and harder, especially during the cold season. In addition, a room with low humidity is not easy to warm up to create a comfortable atmosphere, which automatically increases energy consumption.

  • Dry air can spoil interior elements. So, it provokes drying and subsequent cracking of wooden furniture and some musical instruments, provokes a significant electrification of synthetic materials, and also accelerates the wear of carpets and fur products, reducing their service life.

  • The static voltage of household electrical appliances in conditions of reduced humidity prevents dust and other small airborne particles from settling. As a result, a feeling of dusting the room is created.

  • Dry air affects pets, which also need moisture.

  • Particles of water contained in the air provide complete moistening of the ground parts of indoor plants. Therefore, with a reduced level of humidity, flowers can wither and dry out, shed their leaves and lose their decorative properties.

  • A decrease in the level of such an important indicator can provoke an exacerbation of allergies or chronic diseases.

How can you tell if the air in a room is dry?

How to understand if you need to humidify the air? To do this, assess the level of humidity and identify its decrease. Most often, the problem occurs in winter and is caused by the active use of heating devices that stimulate accelerated evaporation and dry out the air in the room. But how do you know when it's time to act?

The state of health and well-being of residents can tell about the change and deterioration of the microclimate in the room. Dry air often provokes an unreasonable dry cough and a sensation of sore throat, dry eyes, their redness, pain and discomfort.

In addition, due to the thinning of the mucous membranes, the natural protective barrier of the human body weakens, which often causes colds and various infections, and immunity decreases. Peeling of the skin and a decrease in their elasticity, brittle hair and delamination of the nail plates are also observed.

Assess the condition of indoor plants. If they grow slowly, and their leaves dry up, turn yellow, curl and fall off, this is probably due to a lack of moisture. You can watch your pets. The main indicator of their well-being and health is the nose: if it is dry, then the pet is experiencing discomfort, and the humidity level in the room is significantly reduced.

To assess the humidity of the air, you can use a specialized device that measures this indicator - a hygrometer. But if you do not have it, then you can independently conduct a simple experiment.

Cool a glass or other glass container in the refrigerator and keep it away from heaters and other heat sources. If the resulting condensation is completely dry after five to ten minutes, this means that the air is dry and urgent action must be taken.

How to humidify the air without a humidifier? Basic techniques

Humidify the air without a humidifier at home in several ways:

  • Spray water by spraying it all over the rooms with a spray bottle. In this way, you can moisten curtains and curtains, carpets, indoor plants.

  • You can arrange containers filled with water in the room. And they must be open so that moisture evaporates freely and saturates the air. Vessels can be placed on window sills or near heating appliances. But regular water changes are required to avoid blooming and the appearance of an unpleasant odor. And to speed up the evaporation process, you can place a basin under the battery, place one end of the bandage or piece of fabric in it, and place the other on the heater.

  • Regular drying of linen in the rooms. If the washed things are not dried in the bathroom or on the balcony, but in all areas of the house or apartment, this will increase the humidity. But in order for it to be constantly maintained at an optimal level, linen will have to be washed often and in significant volumes. To speed up the process, you can place it near heating devices. Also, don't squeeze things too hard. And if you wash them in a washing machine, do not turn on the spin cycle.

  • In winter, you can cover batteries and other heating devices with a damp cloth. Under the influence of heat, moisture will actively evaporate and pass into the air, improving its characteristics. But do not allow water to enter electrical devices: this can lead to breakdowns and short circuits. The material should be moderately moistened, and constantly, so wet it regularly (if the moisture level drops significantly, daily or even twice a day).

  • Use indoor plants that humidify the air. In general, almost all of them synthesize oxygen, and also evaporate moisture absorbed by the roots through the leaves. But some flowers are especially useful from this point of view. It is logical that the more foliage a plant has, and the denser and juicier it is, the more water it will release. Choose flowers such as ficus, hibiscus, saintpaulia, dracaena, monstera, nephrolepis, sheflera, phytonia, orchid, cyperus, hypoestes and other similar ones. Arrange several pots on a windowsill or piece of furniture. And if you have a glazed and insulated balcony or loggia, then this space can be turned into a winter garden.

  • A decorative miniature domestic pond, such as a fountain or waterfall. It not only normalizes the level of humidity, but also additionally decorates the interior of the room.

  • You can install an aquarium that will act as a natural humidifier and give pleasure to all residents of a house or apartment thanks to the aquatic inhabitants in it. Evaporation of moisture is carried out both through the open surface and during the operation of the filtration equipment. But the aquarium is, first of all, a habitat for fish and other creatures, so it will need constant care. In addition, in order to achieve full hydration, you should choose a container of significant volumes.

  • Frequent ventilation. To maintain a comfortable microclimate, it is recommended to ventilate the room at least two to three times a day. Moreover, such a procedure becomes especially effective in the summer, as well as in the off-season, when precipitation often falls. In winter, in severe frost, the air outside is dry, so ventilation will not achieve the desired effect. For humidification, it is recommended to open all windows or vents for at least fifteen to twenty minutes, and preferably for a longer period of time.

  • To increase the level of humidity with your own hands, you can carry out regular and fairly frequent wet cleaning. This procedure allows not only to remove dirt from all surfaces, but also to stimulate the evaporation of moisture. Cleaning should include obligatory mopping and dusting with a damp cloth. It is undesirable to use chemical detergents, they are necessary only in case of severe contamination. You also need to regularly wipe the leaves of plants, on which dust also settles. Cleaning should be carried out twice a week, and in the children's room more often - best of all every other day or even daily.

Video: 5 ways to humidify the air.

Tip: if moisturizing is required quickly, you can use several methods at the same time to achieve the creation of optimal and comfortable living conditions in an apartment or house.

The optimal level of humidity is one of the most important conditions necessary for maintaining human health and maintaining its vital activity. Therefore, make sure that this indicator always remains normal, and when it decreases, start acting in a timely manner using the effective methods described above.

The human body is subject to environmental influences. Thus, one of the important problems is the dryness of the air, which adversely affects the condition of people. The most terrible thing in this situation is that the harm does not appear immediately. Changes begin to occur gradually: the skin becomes dry, the body does not fight infections well, fatigue sets in, absent-mindedness appears in actions. Therefore, you should take care of your health and not let dry air spoil the state of the body and soul.
The problem of dry air is especially acute in the winter season. Indeed, during this period, the windows in the apartment are closed, plus the heating season begins, when the heating system operates in enhanced mode. Thus, the air in the room dries even more. But in such conditions there is a danger to the human body.
Water makes up 70% of the human body, which is why in order to maintain good performance of the body, it is necessary to provide favorable conditions for life. This means that the air humidity should be kept between 40 and 60%. If the humidity level falls below the indicated values, dust appears in the room and at the same time you feel unwell.
In winter, air humidity in apartments is usually kept at around 22%, which is even lower than in the desert. It should be noted that frequent ventilation is also not useful. If the temperature in the house and on the street corresponds to the norms, the air that has entered the room can disturb the microclimate of the room.

The effect of dry air on health

The normal level of humidity is, perhaps, one of the main indicators of the comfort of an apartment. A lower level is harmful to health, so you should know how to humidify the air in the room, what devices will help with this.
Dry air takes moisture wherever it finds it. There are various devices that allow you to set the humidity in the room. But if this is not possible, then you should pay attention to a number of signs indicating that the humidity in the apartment should be improved.
So, the first thing you should devote your time to is the state of the body. When the air in a room is dry, it is very difficult for oxygen to enter the circulatory system. As a result, a person quickly gets tired, and also feels drowsy. Also, due to dry air, more serious health problems can begin. So, often, when a person inhales dry air for a long time, he may have a runny nose. The nasal mucosa, as well as the so-called bronchial tube, are not able to self-cleanse, as is possible with normal humidity levels. As a result of this, infections easily enter the body, there is a high probability of getting sick with various respiratory diseases.
Dry air is especially dangerous for the smallest, because in childhood immunity is much weaker. It is not for nothing that in newborns in the room, doctors recommend hanging wet linen to moisten the air.
Dry air adversely affects skin health. If you stay in a room where the humidity level is low for a long time, then the skin becomes tight. The reason is that when there is not enough moisture in the air, evaporation from the surface of the skin is accelerated. And this leads to the fact that it becomes dry and rough.

Harm of dry air for the home

Dry air is harmful not only to human health, but also negatively affects the condition of his home. It can ruin wood furniture, parquet and many other useful things. When there is not enough moisture in the air, he tries to find it in the surrounding objects, which become unusable from this. So, in winter, doors made of wood dry out, cracks may appear on them. In the spring, these same doors swell. If constant humidity is established in the room, such problems will fade into the background.
If the air is not sufficiently humidified, then this negatively affects the plants that are in the house. It quickly turns yellow and can die altogether. This is due to the fact that most of the plants are adapted to conditions when the humidity reaches almost 90%.
If the room is dry, then for sure there is a large accumulation of dust, because it is the air that is its main carrier. Together with heaters, it acts on dust particles, spreading them throughout the house. As a result, cleaning has to be done much more frequently. Also, the accumulation of dust due to insufficient air humidity can affect human health, in particular, diseases such as allergies and asthma are exacerbated.

Humidifiers for the air in the apartment

The dryness of the air in the apartment must be dealt with. To date, there are various devices designed to increase the level of humidity in the room. So, for a long time, wet linen was used to humidify the air, which was hung on a heat source. Of course, the effect of this method is temporary.
Do not forget that we live in an age when people create more and more devices that can improve the microclimate in the house. These devices include the so-called household air humidifiers, each of which can be attributed to a specific group.
Traditional humidifiers, also called cold humidifiers, improve the air in a natural way. Water is added inside a special tank, which evaporates, falling on the heating element. The fan, in turn, sucks in all the dry air. Sweat under the influence of high pressure, such air enters the evaporative elements and is moistened.
A large group of humidifiers are steam devices. The principle of operation is to heat the water to a state of boiling, after which it begins to evaporate, and the air is humidified. It should be noted that such humidifiers should be installed very carefully, because they can burn.
There are so-called ultrasonic humidifiers that vibrate the water, breaking it into pieces. Through the fan, air enters the device, which passes through the resulting water mixture. The humidified air is then expelled into the room. It should be noted that both air and water temperatures remain constant.
When a favorable microclimate in the house begins to feel different, not only fatigue disappears, but diseases such as allergies can also disappear.

Humidifier for children's room

Particular attention should be paid to the selection of a humidifier for a room where children live. A device intended for installation in a nursery must meet the following requirements:

  • Be safe. That is, for a child's room it is not recommended to use a humidifier that works by means of vaporization, it can burn the child.
  • Meet the requirements for noise level and high performance.
  • Automatically turn off when the water in the tank runs out.

Now in stores there are a huge number of humidifiers, including for the children's room. So, you can choose an option for any interior. Among children, devices that are made in the form of animals are popular. Although, experts recommend purchasing a humidifier that will not attract the attention of the child.

If you need to create favorable conditions in the house, it is best to start with air humidification. To begin with, you should get rid of things that collect dust, such as toys, paintings and carpets. It is recommended to ventilate the room where a person lives, and it is best to do this several times a day. Also, be sure to open the window for a few minutes before going to bed.

Wet cleaning of the room plays a big role in increasing the level of humidity. You can also use a simple spray bottle to spread moisture.
It is good if there are plants in the room. Of course, they require systematic care, but they have a positive effect on the state of the human body. Particular attention should be paid to how the plants will be located. Experts recommend placing flower pots around the entire perimeter of the room, as this contributes to the uniform distribution of clean air throughout the apartment. You can replace flowers with bowls of water. which are placed on window sills, on cabinets and even on the floor, if necessary.

In winter, when the time of the heating season comes, the question of how to increase the humidity in the room becomes more acute than ever. For a long time, such a method as hanging wet sheets or towels on batteries has been known. Periodically, products should be renewed for other wet things. An aquarium or a fountain designed for decorative purposes can improve the humidity indicator in a room.

Another great way to humidify the air is to use the bathroom. Naturally, every day one of the family members takes a shower, after the next procedure it is enough to leave the door to the bathroom open and the whole apartment will be filled with moisture.
You can make a humidifier with your own hands. To do this, take a bottle, cotton fabric or any other, but only natural and a knife. A small hole is made in the bottle and water is poured through it. Thin strips of fabric fall inside. At the same time, their ends must be brought to the battery in order to ensure the evaporation of the liquid. The bottle is secured with ropes.

It is extremely important to moisturize not only the environment, but also the body. So, it is recommended to consume up to two liters of plain drinking water daily. The mucous membrane of the eye can be moistened with a variety of sprays and drops. For washing the nose, you can use sea water and other means.

In conclusion, it should be noted that in order to avoid the formation of dry air in the apartment, it is necessary first of all to clearly determine in which of the rooms a humidifier should be installed and how to ensure humidity throughout the house. For a nursery, a safe approach is recommended in the first place, but for rooms where adults live, a modern ultrasonic humidifier is perfect.
Do not forget that if there is humidified air in the apartment, the state of the body will always be positive.

Hello my dear and beloved readers! Today I want to talk about the microclimate at home in the winter. Why is it necessary to maintain normal humidity in the premises, and how to do this?

Yesterday I hardly looked at the blog and did not read the comments. The thing is that the eldest daughter had a temperature of 39.8 all day and all night! I almost lost my mind, the medicines did not help much, I even had to call an ambulance. In general, it was fun. There was not enough time for anything, and the desire had gone somewhere, all thoughts were connected with her daughter. But she did not want to be treated in any way, she had to come up with various tricks to get her drunk. But, thank God, everything has now returned to normal, today the temperature does not rise above 36.8, as if nothing had happened. These are the viruses that go around today. It seems that every year they become stronger and stronger. I will finish with a small digression, and get down to business.

The microclimate in the house - as a guarantee of good health

The climate in the house is very important. Why do we think so little about it? And our health depends on it to a large extent. In order for our body to always retain a sufficient amount of water, it is necessary that its environment be comfortable, that is, clean, sufficiently moist and cool. If everything is the other way around, we suffer from it, or rather our body.

Most of us live in houses where heating is turned on in winter. Accordingly, the air in our homes heats up and becomes dry. Where I live, the winter is very long and cold. Boilers operate from September to May. So for me, this question is definitely acute. I want to breathe clean air, which is simply impossible under such conditions. It happens that the humidity in the apartment drops to 10 percent, although 60% is considered normal. In order to fully understand the harm of dry air in the house, I will give you a few negative consequences that can cause a lack of moisture in the room.

The importance of maintaining normal humidity in the apartment

First of all, dry air affects the health of children. Especially during the illness. I already wrote in the article how I treat SARS in my girls. One of the most important conditions is to maintain a comfortable and normal climate in the house, and this is humid and clean air. If it is not, the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract will constantly dry out, bacteria will multiply, and this is fraught with bacterial infections. Therefore, in a children's room, especially when children sleep, and especially during illness, the humidity should be 60-70 percent. And you, as a parent, are simply obliged to do everything to ensure such conditions, for the sake of the health of your baby.

It is customary in our country to treat ARVI with various folk remedies, medicines, and some even drink antibiotics. But no one thinks that the climate in the house is very important. It happens that the most common runny nose can be treated in a simple way - by moisturizing the air and that's it! Imagine that you are a plant and you do not have enough water, what will happen to you in this case? That's right, you will dry out, or at least grow poorly and constantly get sick. The same thing happens with the human body. Think about it.

Maintaining normal humidity in the house minimizes the growth of bacteria and viruses, prevents dry hair and skin, itchy eyes, and this is the prevention of many diseases. Dry air contributes to a decrease in immunity, nasal congestion, sleep disturbance, the manifestation of allergies, neuroses and whims in children. And believe me, breathing clean, moist air is much easier and more pleasant. Is not it?

And now I will tell you the ways and secrets of how to humidify the air at home. I use some of them myself and am quite happy with them.

How to humidify the air without a humidifier

The simplest and easiest way to do this is to buy a humidifier. There are a lot of models for sale now, it all depends on the size of your wallet. But if you do not have the opportunity to purchase this miracle device, then what to do? There are a few tricks that help you easily and simply solve this problem absolutely free, but with some effort.

Surely someone in your family bathes every day. After water procedures, open the door in the bathroom, preferably all night. Moisture, which is in excess, will humidify the dry air throughout the apartment, and the water in the bath will gradually evaporate. This is a very simple method that works quickly and effectively.

Indoor plants help to humidify the room in many ways. Water slowly evaporates from the ground and from the surface of plants, giving it to the air. This method requires regular watering of flowers, especially if they grow near batteries. In addition, green friends, which is also important.

Arrange water bottles throughout your home. It can be beautiful vases, plates and cups on the windowsill, near radiators, home fountains, aquariums. The water will evaporate and saturate the air with moisture. Don't forget to put some kind of container near the bed to make it easier to breathe at night.

Sometimes I hang wet towels, clothes and linens after washing in the rooms. I try to do it in the evening so that I can clean everything in the morning.

The easiest way to humidify the air in a room is to pour water into a spray bottle and spray it constantly, almost every hour, around the house.

Make your own humidifier out of a plastic bottle. To do this, you will need the bottle itself, a knife and fabric (cotton or any other, only natural). First, make a hole in the top of the bottle, pour water through it and lower thin strips of fabric there, the ends of which must be wrapped around the battery. Secure the bottle itself with ropes. The picture clearly shows everything.

Here is another option to make a humidifier with your own hands. Watch the video.

These are the ways I use at home to keep the humidity in the house. All this requires some effort, but I am not lazy in this sense. But recently I began to think about buying an electric humidifier. I am not going to use it all the time, but during the illness of the children, one hundred percent will. And, of course, I will put it in the children's room. The most difficult thing for me is to decide on the type of humidifiers. There are a huge number of different models for every taste. And in this diversity it is very difficult to navigate. And so I studied this topic a little and made some generalizations. I also decided for myself what requirements a humidifier should meet for a child's room and for other rooms in general.

How to choose a humidifier for a child's room

For me, as for my mother, it was fundamental to comply with the following criteria for choosing this device:

  1. Safety. The steam humidifier produces hot steam. Its mechanism of action is similar to that of a kettle. Therefore, it will not be difficult for a baby to get burned in which case. Ultrasonic emits cold vapor, and there are no heating devices in it.
  2. Low noise level.
  3. Performance. For me, it is important that the water tank is large enough.
  4. Automatic shutdown in case the tank runs out of water.
  5. Existence of the regulator of level of humidity. Thanks to him, you can adjust the intensity of the released steam.

A humidifier with built-in hydrostats is currently on sale. But they show the level of humidity only near the device itself. And this, in fact, is not accurate information. Since the data at the other end of the room will be completely different. Therefore, I decided to buy a separate sensor that measures humidity and install it near the children's bed.

I also immediately threw it out of my head to buy a humidifier for the children's room in the form of all sorts of animals. Of course, it is beautiful, complements the interior of the room. But the child, in my opinion, and the experience of other parents, will consider him a kind of toy and try to play with him. It is better that the device does not attract the attention of the baby.

There are several types of humidifiers: ultrasonic, traditional and steam. All of them have their own characteristics, mechanism, work and price. After analyzing all of them, I came to the conclusion that the best option for a child's room is an ultrasonic humidifier. Although it is the most expensive one.
Be sure to watch the video on how to choose a humidifier. Expert advice will not be superfluous.

Which one you choose is up to you. I just shared my thoughts with you. By the way, I saw ceramic humidifiers in one online store that are hung directly on the battery. Water is poured into it and due to heat it gradually evaporates.

That's all for today. Share your ways on how to humidify the air in the apartment and normalize the humidity. I will be glad to your comments. All for now, for now.

Everyone knows that a person is 80% water. Naturally, this indicator is individual and depends on many factors, so a person regularly needs to consume the recommended amount of water. But it is important not only how much water you consume, but also what kind of air surrounds you every day. Excessively dry or humid air can adversely affect not only human health, but also accelerate the process of furniture damage. This article will focus on low humidity indoors. You will learn why dry air in an apartment is dangerous, how it affects human health.

Signs of excessively dry air

The best way to measure humidity is to use a hygrometer. Many models show not only the level of humidity, but also the temperature regime.

There are common signs that may indicate low humidity. These include:

  • indoor plants begin to die;
  • furniture deteriorates;
  • periodic occurrence of unpleasant static discharges from contact with objects or another person;
  • there is dryness of the skin, increased peeling of the body, which causes itching;
  • increased frequency of colds in all family members, regular dry cough, long-term and protracted illnesses;
  • discomfort associated with dryness of the mucous membrane of the eyes;
  • the appearance of periodic nosebleeds;
  • there is drowsiness and lack of concentration;
  • during sleep, a characteristic whistling of the nose appears due to the drying of the mucous membrane of the respiratory system.

As you can see, there are many signs that the microclimate is too dry at home. Many of them are directly related to changes in the human body. Based on this, it's time to figure out why dry air in an apartment is dangerous.

Effects of low humidity on human health

As you might have guessed, a too dry microclimate can adversely affect human health. The presence of this factor affects many vital human systems and leads to serious changes in the body. Of course, this process is long-term, however, in the long term it can cause serious damage to health.

Why is low humidity dangerous for humans? Here are the main possible health effects:

  • The transport of oxygen in the blood is slowed down. In order for the circulatory system to function optimally, sufficient oxygen must be inhaled. In a dry microclimate, this is quite difficult to ensure. This leads to the fact that oxygen is supplied in insufficient volume, too slowly. In turn, this entails the appearance of excessive fatigue and increased drowsiness. Decreased human performance.
  • At low humidity, the nasal mucosa is not able to effectively cleanse itself, and thus it fights against various viruses and infections that enter the body through the respiratory tract. This leads to the fact that a person begins to get sick more often.

Important! This is especially true for young children. Dry air interferes with the quality of the body's fight against respiratory diseases.

  • Premature aging and wilting of the skin occurs, early wrinkles appear. For skin health, it is very important to receive the necessary moisture not only from the inside, but also from the outside, thanks to the optimal level of humidity in the surrounding air.
  • Reduced humidity provokes a constant circulation of dust, because under such conditions it becomes light and actively flies in the air without settling on the floor. Regularly, with every breath, it enters the human body and carries various allergens with it. Their constant exposure can provoke bronchial asthma.
  • The danger of dry air is also great for the mucous membranes of the eyes. For people who are forced to wear contact lenses, this causes great discomfort. You have to constantly use special solutions to moisturize the mucous membrane of the eyes. Otherwise, severe cutting pain in the eyes cannot be avoided.

As you can see, talk about the dangers of a dry environment for human health is far from being exaggerated. Long stay and living in such conditions can lead to serious consequences.

The effect of dry air on the interior

In addition to affecting human health, low humidity can adversely affect the home. What is the danger of dry air for the room? Familiarize yourself with the main consequences of a dry microclimate:

  • One of the main consequences that you can regularly observe in your home is the excessive occurrence of dust. From great dryness, dust constantly circulates in the air and settles on various objects. This entails the need for frequent cleaning of all surfaces. With increased humidity, dust rises less, settling on the floor. Then regular wet cleaning of the floor will suffice.
  • Low humidity adversely affects houseplants. Most of them assume an average humidity level or above average humidity levels. If these indicators are not maintained at the desired level, then the plants turn yellow and dry out.
  • With dry air, all wooden furniture suffers. This happens because at low humidity the environment compensates for it from the objects in it. Doors crack, tables, wooden steps, chairs are deformed. Cracks may appear on their surface. The most unpleasant is the drying of parquet or laminate. From this, it is deformed and can creak strongly when walking on it.

Important! If there are musical instruments at home, then low humidity can cause the wooden elements in them to dry out. This negatively affects their sound.

Causes of low humidity

The optimum humidity in the room is from 40 to 60 percent. Humidity below 30 percent has an extremely negative impact on human health. This problem is very common. The situation is especially aggravated in the winter season.

What causes dry air? Here are the main causes of low humidity:

  • To create maximum comfort at any time of the year, mankind has begun to actively use air conditioners. Of course, they are able to maintain a given air temperature, however, not everyone knows that at the same time these devices dry the air too much. Air conditioners are one of the main causes of low humidity during the warm season.
  • Some models of air conditioners are equipped with a heating function. This leads to the fact that the device is turned on not only in hot summers, but also in cold winters. In this situation, it works as a heater. Therefore, heaters and air conditioners with a heating function are another reason for dehumidifying the air.
  • Lack of ventilation. For a healthy microclimate, it is very important to regularly open windows and ventilate. This will provide an influx of fresh air, reduce the amount of harmful viruses and bacteria in the air.

Important! Do not get carried away with prolonged ventilation in severe frosts. This will dry the air even more. Just open the window for a few minutes.

  • Poor ventilation in the room. As a rule, during the repair, due attention is not paid to the ventilation system. An incompletely thought-out system of air inflow and outflow adversely affects the microclimate in a house or apartment.
  • Central heating. Buildings in which heating takes place centrally suffer from excessive dryness of the air in them in winter. The level of humidity in the room is directly affected by the inability to control the temperature and intensity of the heating system. Too hot heating radiators can dry the air to critical levels.
  • A large number of people in a certain area. This problem is especially relevant in large offices. Inhaling oxygen, a person exhales carbon dioxide. With a lack of ventilation in a large office and excessive crowding, air quality leaves much to be desired. Moreover, part of the moisture from the air is absorbed by the human body through the skin. In such conditions, the humidity decreases, as a result, dry air is provided in the office.


As you can see, dry air can adversely affect household items and human health. Do not ignore this problem if it has begun to appear in your home, but do everything possible to achieve the optimal level of humidity in the house - the right microclimate is the key to good human health.

In winter, the relative humidity in the apartment often drops to 10-20%. This is almost like in the Sahara and three times lower than the normal level. Why is the air especially dry in the apartment in winter? Why is this dangerous and how to fix it?

Common opinion: the air is dehumidified by batteries. Wet things dry on them, and so it is with the air. It is a myth. Wet things dry really well on the battery. Because they heat the water in things and turn it into steam. But what can a hot radiator do to water that is already in a gaseous state? The answer is simple: nothing.

In order for the air to become dry, water vapor must not be heated, but taken from the air. There are special adsorption dryers that work on the principle of a sponge. They "absorb" water from the air. Batteries can't do this. Nevertheless, in winter the air in the apartment is noticeably dry - and without any "absorbent" dehumidifiers. Let's figure out where the water vapor disappears and why this happens.

What is absolute humidity?

Take one cubic meter of air. Suppose he is as dehydrated as possible, and there is not a single gram of water in him. Its absolute humidity is 0 g/m3.

After that, pour 10 g of water into the air. Its absolute humidity became 10 g/m3. We pour in another 10 g - and the absolute humidity has grown to 20 g / m3. Then they poured another 10 g and realized that it would no longer fit. It turns out that 30 g / m3 is its limit, its maximum absolute humidity, or moisture capacity. They poured 35 g into a cubic meter of air - and the extra 5 g poured out of the air in the form of condensate.

What is relative humidity?

If a cubic meter of air holds a maximum of 30 grams of water, and we poured 15 into it, then it is either half full or half empty. In any case, its relative humidity is 50%.

The lower the relative humidity, the drier the air and the more it "drinks". Air with a relative humidity of 10% takes water from other sources more readily than air with a relative humidity of 90%. Remember for yourself how well the first glass of water after running is drunk and how difficult it is to cram the tenth into yourself (if you suddenly set out to drink 10 glasses of water).

How does humidity change with temperature?

Physical fact: the higher the temperature, the greater the moisture content of the air. In hot weather, air holds more water than in cold air. For example, at 0°С the maximum absolute air humidity is 4.8 g/m3 of water, and at 25°С it is almost five times higher, 22.8 g/m3.

If we pour 5 g of water into a cubic meter of air in a warm room, it will not even be half filled. Its relative humidity barely exceeds 20%. And we pour the same 5 g into a cubic meter of air in the cold - and it is already filled to capacity. The relative humidity is greater than 100% and excess water will condensate.

That is why in a warm kitchen, drops of water appear on a cold bottle. The air cools next to its walls, the moisture capacity drops, and the relative humidity rises. Excess water appears, which settles on the bottle in the form of condensate.

Another situation is observed when cold air from the street enters a warm room. Here the opposite is true: the air warms up, its moisture capacity increases, and the relative humidity drops. Now the air does not pour out excess water, but, on the contrary, is looking for where to get this water.

Where does dry air get its water from?

Literally from everywhere: from washed dishes, from aquariums and from watered plants. But the worst thing is that it draws water out of a person. That is why, at low humidity, the skin dries, dryness in the nasopharynx and pain in the eyes appear. All the mucous membranes of the body dry up, microcracks form in them, and the body's vulnerability to pathogenic microbes increases.

Optimum relative air humidity is 40-60%. In this case, the air is humid enough that the apartment does not turn into a desert, and dry enough that it does not create the feeling of a stuffy jungle. Humidity determines how good we look and how good we feel. With normal moisture, the skin is beautiful, the respiratory tract and other mucous membranes are healthy, the body's thermoregulation is normal.

How is air humidity related to ventilation?

Air from the street enters the apartment through any hole in the wall: a slot or an open window. gives even more air and therefore lowers the relative humidity even more. To compensate for the "drying" effect, during the cold season with

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