Invoice: complex filling questions. Automatic filling of details by TIN on Javascript How to fill in bank details correctly

Encyclopedia of Plants 08.05.2022
Encyclopedia of Plants

Details of IP in the contract include mandatory and additional information. Mandatory data about an individual entrepreneur are assigned when registering an activity.

What is needed

Mandatory details - this is the basic information about the entrepreneur. On it you can make inquiries at the tax office. This includes:

  • OGRN IP.
  • Legal address.

Mandatory details - this is the basic information about the entrepreneur. On it you can make inquiries at the tax office.

OGRN IP is assigned to an individual entrepreneur during official registration: the data is entered in the state register of individual entrepreneurs.

The state registration number is fixed and consists of 15 digits. The date of registration of an individual entrepreneur is also entered in the details of the individual entrepreneur. You can see the OGRN IP number in the extract from the USRIP, which you will receive after registration is completed.

OGRN is an abbreviation for OGRN IP, which is also allowed for use. GRN - the number of changes in the registration data recorded in the register.

TIN (taxpayer number) is assigned upon registration of an individual entrepreneur. The 12-digit TIN number of an individual is one character greater than the TIN of the company. You can find out your TIN number from the Certificate of TIN assignment.

The legal address of an individual entrepreneur coincides with the address of his actual registration (propiska). In the details of the individual entrepreneur, you must also indicate the postal code.

Example of mandatory IP details:

Petrov Petr Petrovich

PSRN IP 1234567891234567 dated 07/11/2016

TIN 123456789123

123456, St. Petersburg, Nevsky Prospect, 100, apt. 123

Additional details

As additional information, you can specify the following data (they perform, rather, an informing function):

  • IP power of attorney.
  • Actual address.
  • Personal or corporate e-mail.
  • Phone number.

Additional details perform, rather, an informing function.

An individual entrepreneur has the right to issue a power of attorney to any responsible person. This fact must also be documented in the details of the individual entrepreneur. You need to fill in the full name of the authorized person, the number and date of the issued power of attorney.

It is desirable to register the actual address if your business activity is connected with suppliers or if it does not match the legal address.

You make the decision to enter additional details of the individual entrepreneur on your own, but counterparties may require you to provide more detailed information about your enterprise. It's a matter of trust.

Bank details

The bank details of the individual entrepreneur (settlement account number, bank name, BIC, correspondent account) formally refer to additional information (after all, there may be no current account in the bank).

But still, if you have a current bank account, you should indicate the following data so that the client or counterparty can make a cashless transfer of funds to your account:

  1. The full name of the bank (abbreviations are possible only in the indication of the legal form - ZAO, OAO).
  2. A 20-digit bank account number by which the bank identifies you within its system. The control row of numbers, encrypted in the bank number, is intended for the bank to check the digital sequence for typos.

The sequence of numbers "40802" in the bank account number indicates that it belongs to an individual entrepreneur. For companies, accounts are opened starting with the numbers "40702".

  1. Correspondent account (c/c) identifies the current account of the IP in the Central Bank.
  2. BIC (bank identification code) also serves for the internal identification of the bank.

Be careful: the bank identification code is assigned not only to the head offices of banks, but also to all bank branches, except for operational or cash offices. If your bank account is opened at a branch of the bank, correctly indicate the full registration data of the branch.

The last three digits in the BIC and the number of the correspondent account must match.

You can download a sample of full IP details .

Details of an individual entrepreneur are not only presentation information about an individual entrepreneur, but also a legal confirmation of the fact of his official registration. Registration data allows you to identify an individual entrepreneur, if necessary, to verify the authenticity of the information that he reports about himself.

The main thing: the implementation of commercial activities without state registration of entrepreneurship is punishable by law. And there are few entrepreneurs who are ready to enter into partnerships with those who provide inaccurate data about themselves or are not officially registered.

When concluding an agreement, each business entity must provide the counterparty with all the necessary information for the execution of the agreement and its subsequent execution. What information should be transferred to the counterparty, and how to formalize it - this is a question that occupies many entrepreneurs at the beginning of their activities.

The article proposes to find out what the details of an individual entrepreneur are and consider a sample letter with details.

What are the details of an individual entrepreneur

Details of an entrepreneur, as well as a legal entity - an organization, is information that characterizes an individual entrepreneur (legal entity) as a subject of economic activity. The first thing that business partners ask for in the presence of an oral agreement to conclude a deal is a letter with details. What are they and how can they be used.

An extended, but not maximum, list of IP details contains the following information:

  • name of the entrepreneur,
  • IP registration address,
  • OKVED,
  • OKPO,
  • Bank details,
  • contact number,
  • Email.

This list can be expanded both at the request of the entrepreneur and at the request of his business partners.

Please note: The list of required details for a legal entity is present. This attribute is the registration code. Some organizations may be registered not once, but several times. With each registration of the organization, an additional checkpoint will be assigned. An individual entrepreneur is registered only once, so a checkpoint is not assigned to him at all.

Such a letter is provided both in paper and electronic form. It may have an imprint of the round seal and the signature of the entrepreneur and his chief accountant. For the convenience of filling out documents, it is advisable to provide the business partner with details in one of the text document formats, .doc, .rtf for example. This will make it easier for him to fill in invoices, contracts, and when filling out a payment order to the bank, he will definitely not make a mistake in filling out the details.

Please note: Together with a letter containing the details of the entrepreneur (organization), as a rule, copies of documents confirming the information contained in the letter are provided. Copies of certificates, extracts from the USRIP and so on.

IP details in the contract sample design

One of the main documents for which details may be required is a contract. As a rule, they are indicated in the contract in one article (section). Details of the individual entrepreneur in the contract, a necessary element without it, both the draft contract itself and the transaction itself cannot be executed.

It looks like this:

Please note: Since individual entrepreneurs and legal entities have some differences in status, the details that correspond to each other and are indicated in the contract may have differences. corresponds to the OGRN of a legal entity. TIN of an entrepreneur (individual), has 12 numbers, TIN of a legal entity is only 10, while it is supplemented by a checkpoint.

IP banking details

It is customary to single out bank details as a separate subspecies of details. They are intended to ensure that the other party under the contract makes the necessary payment, as payment for goods, works or services. The information contained in the bank details is transferred to the payment order and the buyer's bank makes a payment on them.

Another purpose of the details is the ability to seize the accounts of an unscrupulous counterparty, seller or contractor who, having taken the money, did not fulfill his obligations under the contract. In this case, the interested party may apply in court for interim measures in the form of arrest of a bank account. When the number of the current account and the bank in which such an account is opened is known to the applicant, then, accordingly, such a procedure is facilitated.

Bank details include:

  • (name "r / s" and 20 digits of the number),
  • the bank where the account is opened,
  • location of the bank,
  • correspondent account number of the bank (name "c/c" and 20 digits of the number),
  • bank identification number (BIC) containing nine characters,
  • TIN and KPP of the bank (optional).

Please note: The last three digits of the BIC and the correspondent account must match. If this is not the case, then there is an error in the details presented. In addition, in banking institutions, the correctness of the current account number is checked automatically by the value of the control key present in the number.

It is worth considering that the entrepreneur is not required to open a bank account. Therefore, the implementation of its activities can take place without opening a bank account. This, as a rule, happens in cases where the scale of the entrepreneur's activity is insignificant, and the entrepreneur himself works alone without the involvement of employees. All financial transactions take place using cash, and even taxes are paid through the bank's cash desk. In such a situation, the entrepreneur naturally does not indicate information about the bank account in his details.

Application of IP details

In addition to the use of details in contractual documents and documents accompanying the fulfillment of the terms of transactions (acts, invoices, invoices and invoices), various details are used in other cases. So, for example, a sign at the place of business of an entrepreneur (cafe, store, other trading place, and so on) must contain his TIN. This is necessary to better inform the consumer about who offers certain services and goods.

In this article, you can learn how to find an individual entrepreneur, knowing his TIN:

For the same purpose, the TIN and full name of the entrepreneur are present on the cash register and issued when making a sale or providing services. Tax declarations, statistical reports, internal documents are also prepared using details. In general, the scope of application of the details of an individual entrepreneur is quite wide, and an individual entrepreneur needs not only to know his details, but also always have a template information letter that can be provided to counterparties at any time.

If you work with legal entities, then you constantly have to fill in the details of counterparties. And most likely you dream of a magic button that will fill everything for you. In this article I will tell you how to implement automatic filling in details by TIN or any other data of the organization.

There is a wonderful service, which can not only correct contact details such as full name, address, phone number, etc., remove duplicates, but also search for the details of organizations and individual entrepreneurs.

This service provides access to the API and gives up to 10 thousand requests per day for free using an API key. We will use this to implement the automatic filling in of details for the TIN.

Obtaining an API key on

First you need to register on the DaData service. After registering in your personal account, you can see your API key, which will be used for requests to the service. And you will also receive a bonus of 10 rubles to your account for using the API.

Well, now we can start writing a script to send a request and process the response. I remind you that we will write the code in Javascript.

Javascript for getting and filling in details by TIN

We create a form in which the details will be filled in:

Please fill in the fields with as much detail as possible. This will help us respond faster and more accurately to your message.

Our form will look something like this:

We will also need additional styles and libraries:

Now we are writing code that will send requests as the first column is filled and process responses.

When filling in the first column, 5 hints will be offered, the “count” variable is responsible for this. A maximum of 20 hints can be displayed. When choosing one of them, in our version, the fields "Company name", "TIN", "OGRN" and "address" will be filled in.

What other data can be obtained?

Name Description
value Company name on one line (as shown in the hint list)
unrestricted_value Company name in one line (full)
data.address.value Address in one line:
  • address of the organization for legal entities;
  • city ​​of residence for individual entrepreneurs.

It is standardized, therefore it may differ from that recorded in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

data.address.unrestricted_value Address in one line (full, from the region)
It is standardized, therefore it may differ from that recorded in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. granular address. May be missing Address in one line as in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
data.branch_count Number of branches
data.branch_type Division type MAIN - parent organization BRANCH - subsidiary
data.inn TIN
data.kpp checkpoint
data.ogrn OGRN
data.ogrn_date Date of issue of PSRN
data.hid Unique ID in Dadat Full name of the head Head position Full name with OPF Short name with OPF Name in Latin Full name Short title
data.okpo OKPO code (not filled in)
data.okved OKVED code
data.okved_type Version of the OKVED reference book (2001 or 2014)
data.okveds OKVED codes of additional types of activity (not filled in)
data.opf.code OKOPF code
data.opf.full Full name of the OPF
data.opf.short Short name of the OPF
data.opf.type Not used
data.state.relevance_date Date of relevance of information
data.state.registration_date Date of registration
data.state.liquidation_date Liquidation date
data.state.status Organization status ACTIVE - active LIQUIDATING - liquidated LIQUIDATED - liquidated
data type Type of organization LEGAL - legal entity INDIVIDUAL - individual entrepreneur Authorized capital, for organizations (not filled in)
data.citizenship Citizenship, for sole proprietorship (not filled in)
data.authorities Managers, proxies, managing organizations (not filled in)
data.documents Documents (not completed)
data.licenses Licenses (blank)
data.phones Phones (not filled)
data.emails Email addresses mail (not filled)
data.source Not used
data.qc Not used

This service can be used to fill in the details of counterparties in

Tax officials carefully check the correctness of filling out invoices. If the document does not meet the requirements of the law, then the refusal to deduct VAT is guaranteed. In our article, you will find fresh clarifications from officials and experts that will help you avoid mistakes when drawing up these documents.

How to fill in the "Government Contract Identifier" prop in the invoice"

Article 169 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation establishes that the invoice, in addition to other mandatory details, must contain the identifier of the state contract, agreement (agreement). This attribute is reflected in line 8 of the invoice and line 5 of the corrective invoice if such an identifier is available.

At the same time, on issues of assigning identifiers to government contracts, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation recommends contacting the Treasury of the Russian Federation.

LETTER No. 03-07-09/51657 dated August 11, 2017 from the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation

Editor's note:

The government contract identifier is assigned to government contracts in two cases: for procurement under the state defense order and for treasury support of government contracts. In these cases, the taxpayer must enter the details of the identifier specified in the contract into the invoice. In all other cases, this field is left blank. Let's explain why. Federal Law No. 56-FZ of April 3, 2017, effective July 1, 2017, invoice details were supplemented with one more mandatory detail - the identifier of the state contract, agreement (agreement), if any. Corresponding amendments were made by the named law to paragraphs 5, 5.1 and 5.2 of Art. 169 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

The same changes were made to the form of the corrective invoice and the rules for filling it out.

The introduction of this identifier is primarily due to the need to strengthen control over the use of federal budget funds. This conclusion can be drawn from the text of the explanatory note.

Since the term “Identifier of a state contract, agreement (agreement)” is not defined in the commented law, in accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 11 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, this concept is used for tax purposes in the sense in which it is established in other regulatory legal acts.

Currently, the named identifier is assigned to government contracts in two cases. First of all, this is provided for by the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 275-FZ “On the State Defense Order”.

In addition, the designated term is also used in the treasury support of government contracts, agreements (agreements), which is provided for by federal laws of December 14, 2015 No. 359-FZ "On the Federal Budget for 2016" and of December 19, 2016 No. 415-FZ "On the Federal budget for 2017 and for the planning period of 2018 and 2019.

The company must fill in this requisite in the event of a purchase under the state defense order, as well as in the case of treasury support for government contracts. Other taxpayers do not fill in the corresponding field.

Moreover, these types of state contract identifiers differ in the number of digits: one of them is a 25-digit digital code (for state defense orders), and the other is a 20-digit one (for treasury support).

The regulatory authorities did not give any explanation of which of them is to be indicated in the invoice. In the absence of clarification, we believe that both should be indicated.

The right to establish each of the above identifiers of the state contract is vested in the customer under this contract, the solution of this issue is not within the competence of the taxpayer. The taxpayer is only its executor. Therefore, in order to correctly issue an invoice for the specified contracts, the company should only include in its details the identifier specified in the contract and other documents related to it.

How to fill out an invoice under a commission agreement

Invoices have the right to issue commission agents (agents) who sell goods (works, services) on their own behalf.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2011 No. 1137 established that when drawing up an invoice, lines 2 "Seller", 2a "Address", 2b "TIN / KPP" indicate the full or abbreviated name of the seller-legal entity in accordance with the constituent documents (F .I.O. entrepreneur), location of the seller (place of residence of the individual entrepreneur), TIN and KPP of the seller.

When selling the goods of the committent on the basis of a commission agreement, the agent makes transactions on his own behalf. In this case, in lines 2, 2a, 2b of the invoice issued to the buyer by the commission agent, the name, location, TIN of the intermediary are indicated, respectively.

VAT indicated in invoices by a commission agent who sells the goods of the consignor on his own behalf is deductible from the buyer in accordance with the generally established procedure.

However, if the commission agent purchases goods for the committent on his own behalf, then lines 2, 2a, 2b of the invoice indicate the name, location, TIN of the actual seller of the goods, and not the commission agent.

LETTER No. 03-07-09/45747 dated July 19, 2017 from the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation

Editor's note:

similar conclusions are contained in the letters of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of October 19, 2015 No. 03-07-14 / 59665, of June 25, 2014 No. 03-07-RZ / 30534, of July 27, 2012 No. 03-07-09 / 92, the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation of 05.08 .2013 No. ED-4-3/ [email protected]

How to complete line 3 of the invoice

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2011 No. 1137 established that line 3 indicates the full or abbreviated name of the consignor in accordance with the constituent documents. If the seller and the consignor are the same person, then an entry is made: "He is the same." If they are not, this line indicates the postal address of the shipper.

In order for the data in the invoice and the primary document to be the same, line 3 of the invoice can be filled in on the basis of a similar indicator of the delivery note.

LETTER No. 03-07-09/46548 dated July 21, 2017 from the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation

Editor's note:

if the seller and the shipper are the same person, but line 3 of the invoice indicates the full or abbreviated name of the shipper-seller, then this will not be a violation (letter of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation dated 01.26.2012 No. ED-4-3/1193).

How to fill out electronic invoices if the authority to sign documents is transferred to a third party

“The name of the economic entity that compiled the document” is one of the mandatory details of the primary accounting document.

It contains such a mandatory element as "Name of the economic entity - compiler of the invoice exchange file" ("NaimEkonSubSost"), and the format of electronic invoices approved by Order of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation dated March 24, 2016 No. ММВ-7-15 / [email protected](Tables 5.4 and 7.4).

At the same time, the electronic invoice includes an optional element "Reason for which the economic entity is the compiler of the invoice exchange file" ("BasicDoverOrgComp").

These elements make it possible to determine the real compiler of the information of the seller/buyer in the case when the seller or buyer is not a party to the contract (for example, when transferring authority to compile primary accounting documents to a third-party organization).


How to fill out an invoice if the product is sold by a separate division

Line 2b "TIN / KPP of the seller" of the invoice shall indicate the identification number of the taxpayer and the KPP of the taxpayer-seller.

VAT payers are organizations, entrepreneurs, as well as persons recognized as such in connection with the movement of goods across the customs border of the Customs Union. At the same time, separate subdivisions (SD) of organizations are not VAT taxpayers.

Thus, if a company sells goods through a separate division, then shipping invoices can only be issued by the OP on behalf of the organizations. At the same time, when filling out such invoices, in line 2b “TIN / KPP of the seller”, you must indicate the KPP of the corresponding division.

At the same time, if the checkpoint is incorrectly indicated on the invoice, the inspectors will not be able to refuse the buyer a deduction. This is due to the fact that errors that do not prevent tax authorities from identifying the seller, buyer, name of goods (works, services), property rights, their value, as well as the tax rate and amount, are not grounds for refusing to deduct VAT.

LETTER No. 03-07-09/30038 dated May 18, 2017 from the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation

Editor's note:

Similar conclusions are contained in the letters of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 03-07-15/26524 of 03.06.2014, No. 03-07-14/61 of 04.07.2012, No. 03-07-09/35 of 13.04.2012, the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation of 16.11. 2016 No. SD-4-3/ [email protected], dated 08.07.2014 No. GD-4-3/ [email protected]

How to fill in the fields of details of the certificate of state registration of IP in an electronic invoice

The invoice issued by an individual entrepreneur is signed with the details of the certificate of his state registration. Accordingly, the elements for specifying a document confirming the fact of making an entry about an individual entrepreneur in the USRIP are introduced into the electronic format of the invoice, approved by Order of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation dated March 24, 2016 N ММВ-7-15 / [email protected](Tables 5.35 and 5.36):
  • "Details of the certificate of state registration of an individual entrepreneur" (SvGosRegIP);
  • "Details of the certificate of state registration of an individual entrepreneur who issued a power of attorney to an individual to sign an invoice" (GosRegIPVydDov).
Until 2017, the fact of making an entry in the USRIP was confirmed by a certificate in the form No. Р61003, containing information about the date of its issue, the tax authority that issued it, the date of making an entry about an individual entrepreneur in the register and the main state registration number (OGRNIP), as well as the series and number form.

But from 01.01.2017 the certificate is not issued. The fact of making an entry in the register is confirmed by the USRIP entry sheet in the form No. Р60009. It includes information on the date of issue, the issuing tax authority, the date of making an entry about an individual entrepreneur in the register and PSRNIP.

Thus, for businessmen registered since January 1, 2017, the details of the state registration certificate are the data of the USRIP record sheet on the date of entry in the register and on the main state registration number (OGRNIP), which could previously be indicated along with the series and number of the certificate form (or instead of them).

Similarly, the fields of the same name are filled in the electronic corrective invoice.


How to fill in column 11 of the invoice if imported goods were processed in the Russian Federation

The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation explained how to fill in column 11 "Customs declaration number" of the invoice when selling goods imported into the Russian Federation and subjected to secondary packaging in our country.

The Tax Code of the Russian Federation establishes that invoices issued for the sale of goods must indicate the country of their origin and the number of the customs declaration in respect of goods that are produced outside the Russian Federation.

In this case, the country of origin of the goods is the country in which the goods were completely produced or subjected to sufficient processing (processing).

Thus, when selling goods previously imported into the territory of the Russian Federation and subjected to secondary packaging, as a result of which the country of their origin has not changed, the taxpayer, when filling out the invoice, should indicate in column 11 the data of the customs declaration according to which the goods were imported into the Russian Federation.

LETTER No. 03-07-09/20667 dated April 7, 2017 from the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation

Editor's note:

in any case, failure to complete or incorrect completion of the invoice columns “Country of origin of goods” and “Customs declaration number” is not a violation leading to a refusal to deduct (letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of February 18, 2011 No. 03-07-09 / 06).

How to sign an invoice in the temporary absence of a manager

The chief accountant without an appropriate power of attorney or order does not have the right to sign an invoice on behalf of the head of the organization.

According to paragraph 6 of Art. 169 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the invoice is signed by the head and chief accountant of the organization or other persons authorized to do so by an order (other administrative document) for the organization or a power of attorney on behalf of the organization.

The norms of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1137 do not establish a ban on signing an invoice by one person entitled to sign on the basis of a power of attorney, both for the head and for the chief accountant (letters of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of October 21, 2014 No. 03-07-09 /53005, dated July 2, 2013 No. 03-07-09/25296).

In the letter of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation of June 18, 2009 No. 3-1-11 / [email protected]"On the procedure for signing invoices" it is also indicated that the Tax Code of the Russian Federation does not establish a ban on signing an invoice by the only authorized person.

Thus, the invoice has the right to sign for the head and for the chief accountant one person authorized to do so on the basis of an order of the organization or a power of attorney. Consequently, the tax authority is not entitled to refuse to accept VAT deductible on the specified invoice.

To sign an invoice on paper, that is, to put your signature in the "Chief Accountant or other authorized person" indicator, the corresponding power of attorney is not needed for the chief accountant. After all, neither the provisions of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, nor the rules for filling out an invoice, approved by Decree No. 1137, provide for its availability for this case. A similar conclusion follows from the letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of October 21, 2014 No. 03-07-09 / 53005.

But in order for the chief accountant to sign in the column “Head of the organization or other authorized person”, an appropriate power of attorney or order of the organization is required, on the basis of which the chief accountant will be authorized to sign invoices for the head.

Invoices can be re-numbered every month

Invoices are the basis for accepting VAT for deduction (clause 2, article 169 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). This document must indicate the serial number and date of the invoice.

Thus, the right to deduct tax is not made dependent on the nuances of the formation of serial numbers of invoices issued by the seller when selling goods (works, services).

In any case, errors in invoices that do not prevent the tax authorities from identifying the seller, buyer, name of goods (works, services), property rights, their value, as well as the rate and amount of tax, are not grounds for refusing to deduct VAT.

LETTER No. 03-07-09/411 dated January 12, 2017 from the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation

Editor's note:

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2011 No. 1137 for invoices (including advance and adjustment invoices) provides for the maintenance of a common chronological numbering. Since the numbering order is not established by law, the company has the right to develop it independently and approve it in the accounting policy for tax purposes. In this case, the numbering renewal period can be set to any: day, month, quarter, year, etc.

Incorrect value of the goods in the invoice - the basis for refusing to deduct VAT

VAT is deductible on the basis of an invoice received from the seller. At the same time, errors in invoices that do not prevent tax authorities from identifying the seller, buyer, name of goods (works, services), property rights, their value, as well as the rate and amount of tax are not grounds for refusing to deduct.

According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2011 No. 1137:

  • column 5 of the invoice indicates the cost of the entire quantity (volume) of goods (works, services, property rights) without VAT;
  • column 8 of the invoice indicates the amount of VAT presented to the buyer.
Thus, invoices that incorrectly (including with arithmetic errors) indicate the cost of goods (works, services) and the amount of tax cannot be the basis for accepting VAT for deduction.

LETTER No. 03-07-09/23491 dated April 19, 2017 from the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation

Editor's note:

What other errors threaten with refusal to deduct VAT? These officials include:

  • incorrect indication of goods (works, services) (letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2016 No. 03-07-09 / 67406);
  • incorrect indication of the currency in which goods (works, services) are paid for, including its code and name (letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated March 11, 2012 No. 03-07-08 / 68).

Filling in the details of the counterparty by TIN in 1C: Accounting (8.3, 8.2, edition 2.0; 7.7)


As you know, in the top three since last year, a wonderful opportunity has appeared to fill in the details of the counterparty by TIN ().

For the deuce and the seven, 1C did not provide for such functionality and made it clear that they were not going to do it for old configurations.

And now the 1st quarter of 2015 has come, everyone is now submitting a VAT return according to the new rules and the ability to synchronize counterparties with the tax TIN oh as necessary for all accountants on a deuce. After all, if the counterparty card is not filled out properly, you will not upload the declaration.

To be honest, I didn’t have a solution in my arsenal for automatically filling in the details of counterparties by TIN for a deuce. Therefore, I contacted the wonderful programmer Pavel Daskal and, with his permission, I publish the processing on the site. He gave me this permission with a light heart, for which I am very grateful to him.

Attention! Processing also fills in the legal address and phone number of the counterparty. To see the changes, you need to close and reopen the counterparty card.

Download for deuce

Here is the actual processing:

And after that, you can safely go to any of the counterparties, where at the very bottom press the button "Update details by TIN":

And voila!

I remind you once again that if you immediately go to the "Addresses and Phones" tab, it will be empty there. In fact, they filled up. If you want to see them, just close and reopen the counterparty card.

Why might not work

Attention! If the processing does not fill in the details, the reason is that your login and password from the 1C site are not filled in.

At the same time, you must have a subscription to the ITS of the PROF level (TECHNO is no longer enough), or the 1C: Counterparty service paid separately from the subscription.

Go to the menu "Service"->"Internet user support"->"Internet user support" and enter your username and password there:

Then the processing will work as it should.


Once again, I express my deep gratitude to Pavel Dascal for writing and allowing us all to use his processing. Pavel, thanks!

For 1C: Accounting 7.7

I also didn’t have a solution for automatically filling in the details of counterparties by TIN for the seven (1s accounting 7.7).

And then Ivan Vatumsky, a wonderful programmer from Astrakhan, found me himself (mail to contact him [email protected]).

He did similar processing for his configuration and, at my request, "finished" it for 1C accounting 7.7. Ivan turned out to be a very responsive and responsible programmer.

Download for 7.7

Here is the actual processing:

You need to download and extract it to your desktop.

Go to the "Settings" tab and specify the login and password from the ITS:

We immediately save these settings so as not to enter them every time:

Finally, we test:

The processing works great. In addition, if you have a maintenance programmer, it will not be difficult for him to embed this processing directly into the counterparty directory.

Instructions for embedding processing in the counterparty directory

In the form of the "Contractors" directory element, we add a new button "By TIN" (there is just enough space for it in a typical configuration), we write in it a call to the "By TIN ()" function of the following content:

The processing itself must be under the name Zap_INN.ert in the "ExtForms" directory of the required database.

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