Which casing pipes are best for a well. Which pipe is better for a well

reservoirs 25.06.2019

What pipes are best for a well?

For the answer to this question, often turn to the Internet.

On the websites of other companies, you can find different information on the question asked. Reading these publications, you understand that some articles do not bring clarity, and sometimes even deliberately mislead the reader.

To begin with, what are steel pipes. Steel pipes, according to the method of manufacture, are divided into seamless (solid-drawn) and seam (welded). Welded pipes are cheaper than seamless pipes, but less reliable and durable.

When asking which casing pipe is better to use for a well, many companies offer to use casing pipes that are convenient for them to work in terms of labor intensity during installation or at a price, presenting this as the most correct and quality choice for the Customer. We decided to make a short overview of all well casing pipes and casing installation technologies currently in use, without trying to impose on you a solution that is convenient for us.

You need to understand why casing pipes are needed, The main task of the casing pipe is to contain the shedding of the soil of the well wall.

Steel pipes for wells

When installing a column with steel pipes, there are two types of connections:

  1. threaded;
  2. at the weld.

Threaded casing connections

Seamless pipes made of steel St. 20 GOST are used as casing pipes. 8732-78 with 6 mm wall thickness. On such pipes, a high-quality and reliable thread is cut for connection. They perfectly withstand the pressure of the soil and are able to function well for half a century.

With the proposed well price from 1600-1800 rubles per meter and the cost of 1 running meter pipes (solid-drawn wall 6 mm.) more than 1000 rubles per meter, the well is not profitable, and therefore, drilling companies, in order to maintain a competitive price and reduce costs, replaced the seamless pipe with an electric-welded pipe, wall thickness 4.5 mm Art. 3 Guest 10704.

It is difficult for a customer who is not experienced in all the subtleties to understand the casing pipes used in drilling. On closer examination of this problem, it becomes clear that it is impossible to obtain a high-quality taper thread on a pipe with a wall thickness of 4.5 mm.

When threading, the most vulnerable point in an electric-welded pipe is the seam, which is damaged, and cuts are visible in some places, which leads to a significant reduction in the life of the well.

With a pipe length of about 4 meters, you can imagine how many vulnerabilities, depending on the length of the string, you will have in the well. In case of unsuccessful casing, it becomes necessary to dismantle the casing string. Threaded electrowelded pipes with a wall of 4.5 mm are not suitable for reuse. Therefore, they should be sent for recutting or replaced with new ones, which increases the cost of the well. Therefore, there is a temptation to use defective pipes.

Welded connection of steel pipes

Welding is the process of obtaining an integral connection of parts. One of the advantages of using welding over other connections of parts in the manufacture of building structures is the high reliability of the connection.
Fracture Analysis welded structures shows that many of them occur in the near-weld zone, this is due to the fact that the weld is usually more powerful than the base metal. Construction steel is intended for the manufacture of building structures - bridges, gas and oil pipelines, farms, boilers, etc. Everything building construction usually welded. (from the materials of the lecture course Metals and Welding. N.V. Khramtsov)
The connection of casing pipes by welding requires more qualified drilling crew personnel with related specialties - an electric welder. For high-quality performance of such work, additional acquisition of the drilling rig with welding equipment is required.

Otherwise, it becomes necessary to bring an electric welder and welding equipment (SAW) to the site during the installation of the casing string, which naturally increases the cost of the work performed, thereby reducing the contractor's profit.

Therefore, many performers resort to threaded connections, convincing the customer that this is the best thing for him. the right decision. There is an opinion that welding a pipe is less reliable. You can agree with these if the work is done by unskilled specialists using a household welding transformer, connected to a regular customer's power outlet, also affects the quality of the weld and the low voltage in the network and the small cross-section of household electrical wiring, which is practically the norm in garden partnerships.

Some people think that at the weld seam the pipe becomes more vulnerable to corrosion - this is an erroneous opinion. In welding electrodes, a special coating is used, which leads to alloying of the weld, which increases the corrosion resistance and strength of the metal.

For a person who does not have technical knowledge, a convincing example can be given: pipelines high pressure(transporting oil, gas), as well as domestic pipelines (gas, water) are assembled by welding and no one doubts their strength. The casing pipe for welding has a length of 6 meters, so there are significantly fewer connections in the casing string than with a 4 meter threaded pipe. And the connection is the most vulnerable place in the casing string.

Conversion pipes (galvanized)

Drilling companies also offer PMTP-150 conversion pipe (in everyday life - galvanized pipe), which is made of ST-10, as a casing pipe. PMTP-150 are field main collapsible pipelines with a nominal diameter of 150 mm, pressure of 6 MPa, manufactured according to TU 4193-001-48522239-04. Are used for transportation of oil and oil products, technical and drinking water and other liquids. The pipes used for casing strings of water wells were in the state reserve and were not used anywhere, which is easily determined by their appearance.

The galvanized pipe has a length of 6 meters. Although the wall thickness of this pipe is 3.2 mm, sockets with a thickness of 10 mm are welded at the ends of the pipe at the factory, which makes it possible to make a high-quality penetration during the installation of the casing string.
Due to the fact that the pipe is galvanized, regardless of the wall thickness, its service life increases significantly compared to a black pipe. And the quality of materials produced in Soviet time, no one doubts.

Welded connection of pipes 152 mm.

Compare with 133mm steel casing threaded connection.

Threaded casing connection

An example of thread failure on a 133 mm steel pipe.

Here's what's going on with threads

on electric pipes

Plastic pipes for a well

Plastic pipes can be divided into three types:

  1. low pressure P/E pipes;
  2. PVC pipes;
  3. pipes made of polypropylene PP.

Plastic casing for a well, regardless of the variety, has a much lower cost than steel.


  1. fairly easy to install;
  2. have 100% corrosion resistance;
  3. good tightness of the threaded connection;
  4. light weight;
  5. low installation cost.


  1. low strength and sensitivity to mechanical damage.

Therefore, it is recommended to use them for the production string. The production string isolates the casing from contact with water (when right technology mounting). The gap between the casing pipe and the production string is sealed with a special compactonite clay. But steel pipes as casing when used in difficult soils and wells, there are no alternatives.

What pipe diameter to choose for the well?

For correct selection material, it is necessary to correctly evaluate not only the particular features of the site, but also the tasks for which wells are created, the power and diameter of the pump.The diameter of the casing pipe is calculated from the submersible pump used.

Household submersible pumps for wells come in two diameters:

  1. 3 inch (74 mm)
  2. 4 inch (100 mm)

Therefore, it is necessary to turn Special attention on the diameter of the production pipe.

Pump pipes 74 mm choose as follows: 74 mm (pump diameter) + 4 mm gap between the pump and pipe + 15 mm (wall thickness of the P / E pipe) = 93 mm.

The nearest existing minimum outer diameter of the PE pipe for the production string for such a pump will be 95 mm. Accordingly, the diameter of the nearest casing pipe (steel) is 127, 133 mm.

Pipes for pump 100 mm the calculation is also made: 100 mm + 4 mm + 15 mm = 119 mm. The final diameter of the production string of the PE pipe for such a pump is 125 mm. Accordingly, the diameter of the nearest casing pipe (steel for PE pipe 125 mm.) Is 152.159 mm.

We have given an example of an ideal option, but since well is complex hydraulic structure, the design of which is influenced by many factors, in particular, the hydrogeological section of the drilling area. Therefore, several casing strings may be required, with different pipe diameters, which will lead to an increase in the initial diameter of the casing string or a decrease in the final one.

The design of a well for water is adjusted during the drilling process and the literacy of its execution directly depends on the qualifications of the drilling foreman and the contractor company.

What is the difference between 3's and 4'sinch pump?

In most cases, the customer's choice of contractor is usually influenced by the lower cost of 1 running meter of a drilled well.Therefore, in pursuit of the customersome contractors, in order to offer a lower price, reduce the initial diameter of the casing pipes, as a result of which we get the final diameter of the well only for a 3-inch pump.

Often, the customer only finds out about this when faced with the purchase of a pump. Although 3 inch and 4 inch pumps are approximately the same in terms of their performance (pressure and water flow), they differ significantly in price.

  1. For example cost of a 3 inch pumpfirm "Grundfos" from 40 thousand rubles and more. Apart from Chinese pumps.
  2. Cost of a 4" pump starts from 10 thousand rublesand their selection is huge.

Fits good:

  1. For a well that will be used to supply water to a residential building year-round, we recommend a 3-inch reliable pump from Grundfos, which undoubtedly justifies its cost. There are many other brands of 4" pump manufacturers. good quality, and the cost is much lower than the Grundfos pump.
  2. For a small land plot With summer house If you visit on weekends during the short summer season, it may not be appropriate to install expensive equipment that is used from time to time.

You can get acquainted in detail with the types of pumps and their differences.

How not to make a mistake in choosing a reliable drilling company?

It must also be borne in mind that saving once drilling a well several thousand rubles, you can lose much more on buying an expensive pump.

In the last 2-3 years, many drilling companies have appeared that write on their websites: “Our company has existed for 10-15 years”, while not specifying what period of time they are directly engaged in drilling for water. The company can exist for 10 - 15 years, while being engaged in another type of activity and water drilling is a new direction for them.

Such companies are often run by people who do not have not only special, but simply technical education relying on the experience and knowledge of their drilling crews.

How to check how long the company has been drilling?

How long the company has been directly engaged in this type of activity is easy to check from the documents:

  1. SRO certificate of admission to a certain type or types of work with the application of the names of these types of work;
  2. Information letter from the State Statistics Committee on the presence in the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations (EGRPO) legal entity or individual entrepreneur indicating the name of the type of economic activity.

In an attempt to attract a customer, the companies described above offer lower prices for water drilling at the expense of quality, going against the technology of the work being done. In the presented market of these services, some customers choose the lowest drilling prices, while not thinking about the fact that low price is low quality. It is clear that good product is not cheap.

Why should you apply to our company?

Currently, there are worthy companies in the water drilling services market that have great experience and developments in this area. Our company existsin the drilling market since 2001.

During this time, created:

  1. Own production base
  2. Drilling rigs are equipped with all necessary equipment
  3. Highly qualified specialists with related professions.

Our service:

  1. We are ready to perform work from any materials you choose, with high quality and on time.
  2. Drilling crews have a mobile place of residence, thereby creating a minimum of inconvenience for the customer.
  3. If you do not have electricity on the site, we also undertake the provision of electricity for the work we carry out.

Today, they are becoming increasingly popular among owners of suburban areas. Some are attracted by the complete independence of such structures, others by the high quality of the produced water. And it is really high, because if the well is of the required depth, then a multi-meter layer of soil will prevent the penetration of microorganisms, nitrate compounds and heavy metals. So which pipe is better for a well?

Important information! When choosing a casing, you need to focus on the fact that it is primarily required to ensure the safety of the borehole channel.

Moreover, the integrity should not be violated during the entire operating period(>20 years), since it is simply impossible to replace the casing. Therefore, pipes are subject to increased requirements for corrosion resistance and strength properties.

The casing pipe is needed in the well so that the walls do not crumble during operation. In other words, the purpose of this "shell" is to isolate the water column from the earth. In the well itself, a pump is installed, to which a second pipe of smaller diameter is connected directly for water intake.

Features of casing products

  • a well is drilled first;
  • then a column of pipes is lowered into it;
  • the space between it and the soil is filled with concrete;
  • everything goes down the pipe necessary equipment for further installation.

When choosing a casing pipe, first of all, the developed project should be taken into account - the diameter will depend on it, performance characteristics etc. The size of the well and, accordingly, the diameter of the casing, will directly affect the cost of the project. The larger they are, the more financial investments will be required. "H , you can read in on our page.

It is necessary to familiarize yourself with their varieties, determine what diameter and type of connection are required to determine the best pipes for arranging a casing well.

Pipe selection by material

It would seem that when choosing a casing, only strength characteristics are important. But why so many doubts? The reason is banal - not an unlimited budget. Every experienced person will say that best material for the downhole pipe is black steel, which will last for decades without affecting taste qualities water (at least initially). At the same time, the cost of steel is growing every month, so the owners of suburban areas, as well as pipe manufacturers, are constantly looking for alternative options.

Today, casing products are made from the following materials:

  • steel;
  • asbestos cement;
  • plastic;
  • wood.

Steel products

Products for wells made of black steel are used mainly in drilling operations, since drills can only work with pipes made of this material.

Important information! Companies that produce cheaper pipes unanimously say that if rust from a corroded steel pipe gets into the water, then it (rust) will be extremely difficult to remove. In fact, this is not the case, even a household filter device can handle this. The only trouble that can be caused by rust is related to the breakdown of the pump (if it was designed only for pumping clean water).

In this regard, steel pipes are an ideal option for the so-called incompetent, unscrupulous drillers. In other words, it will be possible to carry out drilling work already in the well itself, if necessary.

The main disadvantage of steel can be called, first of all, high cost, as well as the fact that over time water will increase the metallic aftertaste.


It is more expedient to install a steel pipe in artesian wells, since their service life is approximately the same. In sand wells, other types of casing pipes cannot be used.

In addition to pipes made of ordinary black steel, today they produce:

  • galvanized;
  • enamelled;
  • from stainless alloy steel.

They are used in those wells where the formation of corrosion is unacceptable at all. Do not believe manufacturers who claim that steel pipes with such a coating will significantly improve water quality and well life. Perhaps this is true to some extent, but we must not forget about long term service pipes made of ordinary steel, as well as modern filtering equipment that can perfectly cope with rust.

In a word, if it is installed (and it most likely will be), then you need to think carefully about the advisability of buying more expensive products.

Important information! Galvanized products are harmful to the body already by their presence in the well. Over time, they will release zinc oxide into the water, Negative influence which was scientifically proven several decades ago.

Enamelled pipes are also not the best the best way– the enamel itself is very fragile, therefore installation work almost impossible to carry out without damaging it. Consequently, such pipes will rust several times faster than ordinary ones, because the thickness of the steel in them is an order of magnitude lower.

Pipes made from asbestos cement long time used in water supply. They reliable and durable, not subject to corrosion and most importantly, absolutely safe for health. Separately, it should be noted the service life of asbestos-cement pipes, which is measured in many decades. The cost of asbestos cement is low, so casing pipes made from it are considered the cheapest.

There is an opinion, more precisely, a myth, supposedly asbestos cement is carcinogen, which, when it hits drinking water increases the chance of cancer. In fact, this has not been confirmed by any scientist for many years of using the material, and modern filters are able to effectively remove all asbestos cement fibers. In a word, if asbestos-cement pipes are capable of harming the body, then in this case you should not worry, since the number of fibers present in the water will be practically zero.

Important information! If you decide to install an asbestos-cement casing pipe in the well, be sure to make sure that the pipe brand is suitable for transporting drinking water.

But what's the catch?

And the catch is that the walls are very thin and fragile. In order to give the pipes the necessary strength, they are made thicker (compared to steel pipes). And if inner diameter one is required, then the diameter of the well must be larger than it, which increases the cost of work.

Moreover, due to its fragility, asbestos cement is difficult to install, and all further drilling in the well is excluded. Even if the well silts up, it is already impossible to restore it.

Plastic pipes have appeared relatively recently, but have already managed to surpass their steel or asbestos-cement "competitors" in many ways. Their main advantage is that they do not rust and do not affect the taste of water.

Generally plastic pipes are divided into several categories:

  • polypropylene;
  • polyethylene.

If we compare them, then the best option can be called PVC pipes.

The main advantage inherent in all plastic casing products is low cost. They also weigh a little and allow you to achieve absolute tightness. There is only one drawback - low strength.

For this reason, plastic pipes cannot be used in some cases.

  1. When drilling takes place in two columns, steel is more suitable here.
  2. With a well depth of less than 60 m.

Do not believe the drillers who claim that plastic pipes are very durable and can be successfully operated even in "difficult" soil. In such cases, the only correct solution is steel pipes.

Video - PVC casing pipe

wooden pipes

Casing pipes made of wood are practically not used today. They have low strength short term operation. In general, they can hardly be considered the best for wells.

Pipe diameter calculation

How well the well will work depends largely on the well-chosen pipe diameter. The larger it is, the more water will flow from the well. In order to reduce costs, you must determine the minimum diameter product that can provide required amount water.

First, determine the peak flow. According to the norms, in one open tap, the water flow will be approximately 0.7 cubic meters per hour. Assume that water can be simultaneously used in:

  • washing machine;
  • when watering the garden, vegetable garden;
  • kitchen;
  • toilet, bathroom.

Thus, you will determine that your peak flow is, for example, about 3 cubic meters per hour. Based on the data obtained, calculate the required pipe diameter. But for this you need to decide on the type of pump. With such a peak flow, a device with a diameter of 7.5 cm can be used. If the flow is greater, then a more serious pump will be required.

Add another 4 mm (distance to the pipe walls) and 8 mm (pipe thickness) to the pump diameter. It turns out 8.7 centimeters. All casing products have their standard sizes, which can be as follows:

  • 13.3 cm;
  • 12.7 cm;
  • 11.4 cm;
  • 10.8 cm;
  • 8.9 cm.

Of these, choose the closest value to the received data. Based on this value, drill a well. As it turned out, you got the most economical option.

Casing connection methods

Often, casing pipes consist of segments that are interconnected in one of the three indicated ways.

  1. Welding.
  2. Fittings, thread.
  3. Trumpet.

Important information! If an asbestos cement pipe is installed, then its segments are connected exclusively by a coupling, there can be no other options.

In order to find out which connection method is better, let's remember what the main function of the casing is. That's right, sealing. Hence, the best way connection is a thread. When welding, everything depends mainly on the work of the welder, but there will be many seams, which means that there is a high probability that at least one of them will be of poor quality. Moreover, welds are a kind of catalyst for the appearance of rust, so the life of the structure is reduced. When the tightness of the weld is broken, the pipe may move, as a result of which earth may enter the column and block access to the submersible pump.

The socket is not reliable from a physical point of view, because when installing pipes, you will not be able to control the process, and subsidence can occur after a few years of operation.

Important information! If fittings are used for the connection, this will reduce the internal diameter of the pipe.

Given all the information provided, conclusions can be drawn. Firstly, a good and high-quality well will cost a lot, because it will use a steel pipe with a threaded connection. Secondly, if you do not have enough money, then the upper 30–40 meters of the well can be cased with plastic, and then steel can be used. So you save a lot, but the efficiency and reliability of the installation will not suffer at all.

Video - Casing selection

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When thinking about drilling a well in your area, you need to study in advance its structure, types, principle of operation and many other features in order to avoid in the future possible problems and unreasonable costs during construction and operation. One of the main issues that require close attention is what materials to use, and in particular whether plastic pipes are suitable for a well as a casing or production string.

What you need to know to choose a pipe

This information is very important, since from it it is possible to draw a conclusion about what load the walls of the casing pipe will experience during its immersion and subsequent operation.

Characteristics and scope of plastic pipes

After analyzing the available information, you can proceed to the selection of pipes. Let's see in what cases application is possible.

Types of casing and production pipes made of plastic

The following types of plastic pipes are used to create wells:

  • From HDPE– low pressure polyethylene;

  • From PP- polypropylene;
  • PVC-U pipes for wells– made of unplasticized polyvinyl chloride.

All of them began to be used relatively recently, so there is no actual data on their service life yet. But the absolute non-susceptibility of plastic to corrosion suggests that it is no less than that of steel pipes, the service life of which is at least 50 years.

Note. As casing pipes for wells, only pressure pipes should be chosen, regardless of the material of their manufacture. Non-pressure, that is, not designed for high external soil pressure, can be used for the construction of an internal production string.

In what cases is the use of plastic pipes justified?

Plastic pipes as casing cannot be used for wells with a depth of more than 60 meters, as well as for water intakes located in moving and complex soils. Their strength is not enough for such loads, but they can serve as a production string in a well of any depth with a steel casing.

In principle, all the types of products listed above can be used for these purposes, but PVC-U pipes are the most attractive in terms of strength / cost. Most often, plastic pipes are used for the construction of sand wells, since the life of such water intakes is not very long, and “burying” an expensive steel column into the ground, calculated for more than several decades, is an unjustified waste.

Another application is the Abyssinian well made of plastic pipes. But with its device, the column is not driven into the ground, but installed in a pre-drilled hole so as not to violate the integrity of the pipe.

Advice. When choosing the type of pipe connection for increasing their length, give preference to threaded ones - it is the most reliable. Welding and installation in a socket do not provide adequate strength and tightness of the joints.

Disadvantages and advantages

There are few drawbacks to such pipes, but they are significant. This is less than steel strength and insufficient resistance to mechanical stress. That does not allow using them in deep water intakes with significant soil pressure on the walls.

However, if we compare them with the same steel or asbestos-cement pipes, it is impossible not to notice the obvious advantages, which include:

  • Absolute resistance to corrosion and aggressive environments;
  • Resistance to chemicals, which are used in the treatment of wells for their regeneration and disinfection;
  • The durability resulting from the properties listed above, which can be more than 50 years - the service life of steel pipes;
  • High tightness of connections, which guarantees cleanliness, not polluted by soil particles and sewage;
  • Light weight, the ability to transport pipes to the site at lower cost and install them with your own hands without the help of special equipment;
  • Ease of installation, especially when threaded;

  • Low cost of both the products themselves and their installation.

Such performance characteristics of plastic pipes are very attractive to consumers, so they are becoming increasingly popular with people who decide to organize their own autonomous system water supply country house or cottages.

How to install casing pipes in a well

The casing of the well with plastic pipes is carried out after the drilling of the structure is completed.

  • The diameter of such a pipe should be slightly smaller than the diameter of the well.
  • All connections, if the well is quite deep, are carried out on the surface of the soil, and not inside the structure.
  • Checking such connections can be carried out using a hose and a powerful pressure of water directed into the inside of the connected products.
  • The pump to be used in the well must also have a smaller diameter than the pipe. This will allow you to freely lower and raise the equipment if necessary.

Work process:

  • Initially, the well is drilled with large-sized equipment.
  • The depth of such drilling should reach 5 m.
  • After that, you need to take a smaller drill and continue work.
  • The next depth will be water on sand.

Note. If a deeper well is required, then drilling with a large drill should be carried out up to a distance of 1-1.5 m from the aquifer.

  • As soon as water appears, then hermetically interconnected are inserted into the structure.

Advice. Well drilling should be smooth. Otherwise, the pipes, which are then inserted into the structure, may break. As a result, the well will crumble.

  • After installing the pipes, the pumping equipment is adjusted.
  • It is installed at a certain distance from the bottom of the structure.


If the aquifer in your area is shallow, and the soil is stable rocks that are not subject to movement, the best choice for the construction of a water well, plastic pipes will become. The video in this article will be an informative addition to all of the above and will help you make the most correct and economically sound decision.

Casing a water well is considered one of the main stages of its construction. It is on it that the durability of the structure, the quality of the resulting water largely depends. Only a professional can determine which pipe is best for a well in specific conditions.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account a number of parameters and mining and geological conditions in which drilling is carried out.

At their core, pipes are used for one main purpose - to increase the durability of a drilled well and prevent the collapse of its walls. Therefore, when deciding which pipe to use for a well, it is necessary to pay attention to its strength characteristics.

In addition, the casing must meet the following requirements:

  • It must ensure that the well is sealed to prevent water from entering from upper layers(it usually does not meet the quality requirements). In addition, the sealed design prevents sand and other contaminants from entering the water column from outside.
  • The inner surface of the casing is in constant contact with water, so it is necessary to choose materials that do not lead to a change chemical composition liquid and do not cause a decrease in its quality.

All offered materials for the manufacture of casing pipes have approximately the same technical characteristics, the main role in the choice is played by the financial component, the cost can vary significantly.

For casing of water wells, pipes from the following materials are used:

  • Steel.
  • Asbestos.
  • Various types of plastic.

Consider the features of each type, only having an idea of specifications all types of materials, you can correctly assess the geological conditions and correctly decide which pipe for the well to choose.

Steel pipes

This material has traditionally been used in the construction of wells. Despite the fact that the metal is subject to corrosion, thick-walled pipes can last at least 50 years in various mining and geological conditions. They are able to withstand significant mechanical loads, can be used in the construction of wells on sand and limestone (artesian wells).

Many organizations that offer casing with other materials, when talking about which pipes are needed for a well, mention a number of disadvantages of ordinary black steel.

Therefore, it is worthwhile to figure out which of what has been said is true and which is ordinary advertising:

  • Price. This shortcoming indeed, this is due to the constant increase in steel prices. It was the constant rise in the cost of the material that led to the appearance on the market of more affordable pipes.
  • Iron oxides resulting from corrosion. And you can't argue against this minus. But it is worthwhile to understand that the scale of the problem is often exaggerated, you can purify water using various filtering devices, the choice of which is quite large today.

It is worth paying attention to the choice of pumping equipment, for wells with steel casing, you should not use cheap pumps from unknown manufacturers, it is better to overpay a little, but install a reliable durable device.

All these disadvantages are leveled by the high reliability of steel pipes, they can safely withstand drilling when the well is silted. When using pipes of a different type, this procedure is not possible.

Separately, it should be said about enameled and galvanized pipes. Despite the advertising claims, the service life of such a casing does not greatly exceed the capabilities of simple steel pipes. This is due to the fact that during installation it is almost impossible to ensure the safety of the coating. And in this case, the risk of occurrence and the rate of corrosion processes increase significantly.

In addition, one should not lose sight of the fact that galvanizing should not be used in drinking water supply systems, it can significantly change the composition of water, and not for the better.

asbestos pipes

They are also considered a traditional material for arranging drinking water supply wells. By the way, when deciding which pipe diameter to choose for a well, keep in mind that asbestos products have a wall of considerable thickness. Therefore, the inner diameter of a well with casing made of asbestos pipes will be somewhat smaller than when using steel or plastic elements.

The advantages of such materials traditionally include the following qualities:

  • lower (compared to metal pipes) price.
  • Absolute chemical neutrality, asbestos has no effect on the composition of water. And talk about the alleged danger of the material, and about its harm to health, has no basis, in fact it is just a myth. The pipes do not possess any carcinogenic qualities, and its washed-out particles are retained by conventional filter systems.
  • Asbestos can be used for wells, the depth of which reaches 100 meters. At the same time, remember that such pipes are used for arranging wells for limestone.

Despite all the advantages of the material, there is a significant drawback, which significantly reduces the scope of these pipes. Asbestos products have increased fragility, so they are not able to withstand significant loads. In addition, the technology of asbestos casing installation is quite complicated, and we have few specialists who can perform it competently.

plastic pipes

Increasingly, the answer to the question of which pipes are used for a well is precisely different kinds plastic. The product range is represented by polyethylene (HDPE), non-plasticized polyvinyl chloride (UPVC), polypropylene. All of them are not susceptible to corrosion, resistant to chemical attack, do not affect the composition of water. The cost of such pipes is significantly less, which makes their use massive.

But it is worth remembering that such casing can be used to a depth of 50-60 meters, this is due to strength characteristics plastic.

Often enough polymer pipes used as operational elements when casing wells with metal. In this case, they are not subjected to mechanical pressure, while relieving the metal from the effects of water.

You should not solve the issue of choosing the type of pipes for casing water wells on your own, entrust this matter to professionals.

A well is a source of water for suburban area or near a private house. This makes it possible to receive water offline and not be dependent on central water supply. In order to drill a well, special equipment is used, which includes a drilling rig, rods and. The diameters of casing pipes for wells can be different and depend only on what the diameter of the well will be.

The casing pipe is necessary so that the shedding of the soil of the inner walls does not occur. It is installed in the hole of the well, then it is poured between it and the wall concrete mortar. Only after the casing pipe is installed, further installation of the equipment takes place.

The diameter of the pipe is selected depending on the size of the hole itself.


Manufactured for home use different types casing pipes. Selected depending on destination required option which suits any given occasion. Today, casing pipes are made from the following materials:

  • metal - steel or cast iron;
  • wood;
  • asbestos cement;
  • plastic

It should be noted that it is plastic pipes for wells that today take the lead. This is due to the fact that they have very high performance.

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Primary requirements

Products that are intended for must meet certain requirements, especially the wall thickness and diameter must comply with such parameters. For a conventional system, a non-straightness of 0.7 mm per 1 meter may be acceptable.

There is a type of elements with increased accuracy. In this case, the threshold of non-straightness is defined:

  • products with a diameter of 108-146 mm - the indicator should not exceed 0.5 mm;
  • systems with a diameter of 33.5-89 mm - the indicator should not exceed 0.3 mm.

What pipe diameter to choose? Depending on which diameter of the structure is chosen, the productivity of the well will also depend. The larger the well diameter, the more water it will be able to produce. But this does not mean that you need to make too large a diameter, since this will require large expenses for drilling work, and casing pipes must be taken with a larger diameter. In order to determine the minimum size of the well, which will be able to provide all the water needs, it is worth making some calculations.

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Peak flow

In order to calculate the peak consumption of water consumed in a country house or in country house, it is necessary to open the faucet valve to full capacity and check the amount of water flowing out. Normally, this figure should be 0.7 cubic meters per 1 hour.

Considering such additional places of consumption as washing machine, kitchen, bathroom, toilet, watering the site, then the peak water consumption will be 2.5-3 cubic meters in 1 hour. In the event that bathrooms are located on the first and second floors in a country house or cottage, then consumption increases to 4-8 cubic meters per hour.

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Required diameter

The diameter of the casing pipes directly depends on which one will be used in the future. submersible pump. If the well is made in a summer cottage, it is enough to use a submersible pump with a diameter of 75 mm. This is quite enough to get a volume of water 3 cubic meters at one o'clock. If a well is made on a plot of a country house or cottage in which the family lives permanently and consumes up to 8 cubic meters, you should choose a pump with a diameter of at least 102 mm.

It is worth paying special attention to the terrain, namely the dynamic and static water levels. If this level is elevated, then the submersible pump in the casing should hang.

For example, if it is 75 mm, then the casing pipe must be at least 87 mm. This indicator consists of: 75 mm (pump diameter) + 4 mm (distance between the pump itself and the pipe) - the thickness of the pipe itself is 8 mm. Today, casing pipes are manufactured standard sizes. For indicator 87 mm ideal option options might be:

  • 89 mm;

Knowing such indicators, you can start drilling a well that will correspond to the diameter of the pipe. If a pump with a diameter of 102 mm is used (all calculations are carried out in the same way), a pipe with a diameter of 114 mm should be selected. Experts recommend using a larger diameter, for example, from 127 to 133 mm.

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Required type

Very often, if all the drilling work is done by specialists, they can offer casing systems that will be more profitable for them. The cost of installing such products can be much higher.

But it should be understood that the type of element directly depends on the depth at which the aquifer lies. In order to determine the depth, you can specify or measure the depth of wells in neighboring areas. It is also very important to clarify the composition of the soil, not only the casing material, but the entire drilling process will depend on this. After all the information has been collected, you can choose a design, while taking into account all the disadvantages and advantages of the material from which it is made.

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