The principle of ahimsa of non-violence over life is inherent in philosophy. Ahimsa - what is it? Ahimsa principle

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Ahimsa is the basis for the search for truth.
These searches are futile if they are not built on ahimsa.
We are all made from the same dough, we are all children of the same
the Creator, and the divine powers in us are limitless

Mahatma Gandhi

And Himsa in Sanskrit (अहिंसा) is means “non-harm to all living things”, “non-violence”. The word "ahimsa" in Sanskrit consists of the prefix "A" (against) and the root "Himsa" (violence; the world of violence, suffering and pain). Failure to observe this principle leads to increased suffering in this world. And the one who consciously observes ahimsa in its entirety acquires siddhis: quarrels cease in his environment and in principle there are no quarrels, everyone harmoniously coexists with each other, peace and goodness reign.

What is the meaning of ahimsa?

Ahimsa is the first principle of Yama in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.

"Yama" (Skt. यम, yama) is the first of the eight steps of yoga, all the principles of which are aimed at refusing to satisfy selfish desires.

Patanjali described the 5 basic principles of the Yama stage of yoga, which determine various moral precepts, as well as ethical and moral restrictions in a person’s relationship with the outside world, in particular:

  • Ahimsa (non-creation of evil, non-violence);
  • Satya (truthfulness);
  • Asteya (non-appropriation of someone else's);
  • Brahmacharya (abstinence, promiscuity);
  • Aparigraha (non-acquisitiveness, non-hoarding).

Thus, it turns out that a person strives for happiness, which his ego gives out as receiving some desired object, and in order to achieve it, a person uses violence: by deceit, theft or through the use of force, he tries to get what he wants, sometimes which he does not deserve. After all, in this world we have exactly as much as we deserve.

Ahimsa: how to practice?

Ahimsa means the absence in human behavior of the qualities that accompany the manifestation of evil in all possible forms - in thought, speech and deeds. However, the principle of ahimsa has a deeper and broader meaning, which we will explore later in this article.

Ahimsa in action

Non-resistance to evil

It is a mistake to understand the principle of ahimsa as the need to remain passive in any situation, not wanting to harm. This has given rise to many misconceptions. In fact, it must be understood that passive non-resistance to evil can lead to disastrous consequences. You should not allow others to destroy you, you must not react to the wave of evil directed at you, and properly resist any energy attacks from others. To do this, you should learn to defend yourself without showing negative emotions and aggressive responses. It is necessary to accustom yourself to maintain a state of balance and calm, impassive and unshakable. Only then any “attacks” will not be able to hit you energetically, and you will not show negative responses, and the wave of evil directed at you will be neutralized without causing harm, colliding with a wall of opposing energies of calmness and fortitude. It is necessary to defend oneself, but not allowing evil in the heart.

Envy, hatred, curses… As long as we do not accept them, they belong to those who brought them. We have the right to refuse such a "gift".

At the same time, non-resistance to evil is manifested in relation to evil as such, and not to people who bring it into the world. They are only intermediaries and, without suspecting it, suffer from the evil they do. “They don’t know what they are doing,” therefore, one should not allow unkind feelings towards these unconscious accomplices of evil.

Ahimsa Principle

It is necessary to find out what is the root cause of the desire to carry out "violence", to harm other beings and the world around us as a whole.

Let's look at the following ubiquitous forms of "violence" that, in our consumer society, collectively constitute a way of life for the vast majority, and how to practice ahimsa in all this variety of manifestations of evil in our world:

1. Anger, anger, hatred, aggression and all the ensuing consequences (quarrels, abuse, violence, murders, physical harm, etc.).

Any external manifestations of anger, anger, hatred have a hidden inner source, which is the rejection of oneself ...

In no case should ahimsa be understood as holding back the anger that has arisen, which will entail undesirable consequences in one form or another. It is important not to allow it to occur at all.

The energy of anger is destructive. If it is directed at another person, it begins to destroy his energy shells. The Law of Karma does not sleep and in any case will lead to a reverse reaction: sooner or later, all our actions will respond to us in the same way, and the destructive energies that you “bestowed” on the world around us will inevitably return to you.

However, it is always very difficult to show this quality of the Spirit's steadfastness at first, so if you feel that anger is coming, try to sort of step back from the situation and think about whether the reason that caused the anger is so weighty. A delay is needed to calm down, weigh everything and make a judgment.

When anger spits out disorderly, vulgar words from an agitated soul, this stains, first of all, the speaker himself. There is no nobility, no courage, no dignity, no greatness in him. Meanwhile, to most, his rampage seems businesslike, threats - courage, stubbornness - firmness; while others, in their delusion, take his ferocity for heroism, inexorability - for perseverance, quarrel - for intolerance to vices. In reality, all the behavior of an angry person speaks of pettiness and mental weakness. In a spiritual struggle to prevail over angry passion is evidence of great inner strength.


In the scriptures, one can come across stories that tell of cases when those who had almost reached enlightenment lost all the accumulated fruits of their austerities, only once allowing the energies of anger to take possession of them. Without showing enough willpower, they were helpless in resisting him and lost all accumulated merit.

Each of you must have noticed how exhausted the state arises after quarrels and scandals. A colossal loss of energy is inevitable due to the fact that its waste occurs in large volumes.

Any manifestation of aggression and rejection of anyone is what we have and it is reflected outside, in the world around us, not at all with the aim of showing the notorious "law of meanness" in action, but to clearly show all our shortcomings, to reveal our ignorance .

And if we never meet the Gods, it is only because we have not sheltered them in our hearts.

Ralph Emerson

Until we learn to accept ourselves for who we really are, everything in the outside world will not be to our liking. If you love yourself, then you love God in yourself. This sincere love leads to the acceptance of everything that exists in this world. The desire to criticize and be offended, angry and swear disappears.

2. Satisfaction of selfish desires: killing animals for pleasure (hunting, fishing, eating meat (red meat, poultry, seafood and meat of any other animal), harming one's body (eating harmful substances, indulging one's taste preferences, overeating, alcohol, smoking, narcotic and intoxicating substances), etc.

A lot has already been said about alcohol, smoking and other harmful substances with which people “please” their bodies. An organism subjected to such mockery makes it clear to the ignorant consciousness that its actions are destructive, through a disease that inevitably overcomes it.

It is important to mention vegetarianism as the main ethical aspect of not harming animals.

What struggle for existence or what irresistible madness has driven you to stain your hands with blood in order to eat the meat of animals? Why do you, who enjoy all the necessities and all the comforts of existence, do this? Why do you slander the earth, as if it is not able to feed you without the meat of animals?


It is necessary to understand what should negate any possibility of harm. Causing harm consciously, putting our needs first, we make a choice in favor of personal good, and for this we bear responsibility in accordance with what we have done.

It goes without saying that we are not able to control our every step so as not to step on some kind of bug - unfortunately, it is impossible to prevent such "accidents". Since the choice was not made, then you are not responsible for the act. However, if you were given a choice, then, following the principle of ahimsa, you can always bypass an insect hurrying about its business that gets in your way. In this case, you do not knowingly cause harm. Do not forget that every second, every minute we create our future...

3. Ignorance, manifested in the desire to impress others: also causing harm to one's body, only through cosmetics and various cosmetic procedures.

We cause harm to ourselves, to our body, because we consist of many cells - living organisms, passing their way of evolution in our microcosm. But we manage to harm them too, following selfish desires. Unpretentiousness in food is necessary to accustom yourself to undemanding in everything. Let's start treating our body with respect, as a temple of the Spirit. Energy is primary, matter is secondary. Therefore, take a closer look at what you do with your body (in particular, this applies to women): does the temple of the Spirit need anti-aging treatments and tons of cosmetics that you immerse your face in, as you mistakenly believe, to look beautiful. Beauty comes from within, and no matter how you decorate your outer shell, what your Soul is filled with will invariably manifest itself and “overlap” your physical image.

4. Using other living beings for their own purposes: people (deceit, self-interest, betrayal, which cause mental pain); animals (not only eating them, but also using them in the form of clothing, as a means of transportation and transportation, and as entertainment (zoos, circuses, hippodromes, etc.).

In our society, for some reason, it has become the norm to use others for their own selfish purposes, without thinking about how they feel.

If you use others for your own purposes,
You will go into service


People go to circuses, take their children to zoos, not thinking about the fact that the animals there are in an unnatural habitat for them, they are born to be free, and not to experience the torment of being exploited by humans in circuses and zoos.

Animals suffer from loneliness and lack of attention in the cages of zoo prisons. They develop abnormal, stereotyped behavior called zoochosis. A survey of zoos around the world showed that this phenomenon is widespread everywhere. Zoos often sell or kill animals that no longer attract visitors. Others are sold for meat or given to research laboratories. Circuses are essentially a prime example of animal cruelty. All circus tricks are unnatural for wild animals, so they themselves, of their own free will, will never do them. And the training process includes cruel bullying in order to "force" to do circus acts that amuse the people so much. Do you think animals need it? They came into this world to live! To live in freedom, and not in a gloomy cell of a zoo prison, and not in order to please thousands of curious eyes looking at the circus arena in order to get positive emotions.

Those joys that give a person a feeling of pity and compassion for animals will pay him back a hundred times the pleasures that he will lose by refusing to hunt and eat meat.

L. N. Tolstoy

In Russia, a law on the protection of animals from cruelty has not yet been adopted, but it is under consideration, it is aimed at strengthening the morality and humanity of society, preventing the suffering and death of animals from cruel treatment. Let's hope that the adoption of the law will at least help solve the problem of cruelty towards our smaller brothers.

5. Environmental pollution (household waste, chemical emissions, reagents, non-recyclable garbage).

The consumer lifestyle is ruthlessly destroying the ecosystem of our planet. The problem of ecology is particularly acute in recent times. Human impact on nature leads to the impossibility of its self-healing. Various factors act as sources of environmental pollution, but the reason lies precisely in the negative influence of a person, his selfish lifestyle. The ecological crisis is generated by the manifestation of human egoism. Mountains of garbage with which man has filled up the planet, deforestation, pollution of the hydrosphere with oil products and heavy metals, removal of huge masses of minerals from the bowels of the earth, depletion of the world ocean, toxication of the earth with pesticides, herbicides and nitrates, destruction of thousands of species of plants and animals, pollution of the atmosphere by harmful substances. It’s impossible to list everything that a person has done on his planet during his “consumer” existence. And today, the environmental problem in the world can be described as close to critical.

Canal builders release water, archers subdue an arrow, carpenters subdue wood, and wise men humble themselves.


Compliance with the principle of ahimsa, equal treatment of all, awareness of integrity and interdependence with the outside world is the key to creating a healthy society. We see that all external manifestations of violence are caused solely by the desire to satisfy one's ego. Acts for the good of the Almighty, but not for yourself personally. Any action for oneself is the result of ignorance, it also entails karmic consequences and draws the soul into the cycle of rebirths.

Ahimsa thoughts

Ahimsa also means non-harmful thoughts. So far, we have considered harm in its physical manifestation, when we see the result of the action of evil. But the essence of ahimsa is much deeper. The created evil in thoughts is shown not obviously, in the latent form. However, the damage that a single negative thought can do to someone can be truly colossal, for it is not limited in its effect. Therefore, its occurrence will necessarily lead to a certain consequence, favorable or not - depends on its nature. Only these results are invisible, but the energy of thought underlies all phenomena. We say: "If you want to change the world, start with yourself." We also build our world in our thoughts, try not to allow their unfavorable manifestations. Remember that the thought born in you, first of all, poisons you, attracting the corresponding vibrations in the surrounding space - self-poisoning occurs with your own evil thoughts. Do not generate in yourself and do not allow others to “infect” you with low emotions and feelings.

By condemning and criticizing other people, we resent their nature, thus showing rejection of the divine plan. Better not to judge at all. The best judge is karma. Each deed will be appreciated and a consonant consequence will inevitably manifest itself in the future. In any case, it is important to understand that it is impossible to correct another person, one must learn to accept, remembering that all beings suffer in this world from destructive passions and emotions, being captive to their own illusions. Other people's shortcomings are always before our eyes, and we turn our backs on our own. Let's always look back at ourselves - this will make us more tolerant of other people's vices.

Our planet Earth, just like all living beings, has its own aura, and it consists of the auras of all the creatures that are its inhabitants. Thus, all of us together create the main tone of the aura of our planet, and in many respects it depends on us what kind of light the Earth radiates into outer space - malevolent or benign.

As soon as the full realization comes that our existence should not be accompanied by the satisfaction of egoistic needs, the principle of ahimsa becomes self-evident and does not require control on our part and the application of willpower efforts to overcome habitual patterns of behavior, since for a person who has comprehended the meaning of existence and recognized the divine principle in itself, ahimsa becomes a natural part of the way of life.


The principle of ahimsa is a special way of life in which you do not allow the life of evil, in any of its manifestations . A kind of policy of non-violence, in which you can neither do, nor desire, nor think about resisting and harming any living creature: a person, an animal, a bird, and even an insect.

The question of whether a world without violence is possible has been asked by the best minds of mankind for thousands of years. And many philosophers were inclined to think that aggression is inherent in man by nature itself and therefore rivalry, and hence violence, are inevitable companions of the existence of even a rational being.

Ways of Virtue by Ahimsa

The Bhavagad Gita, the oldest treatise of Hinduism, speaks of the path of piety and virtue, that it is impossible for anyone, even the smallest insect, to harm, help everyone in need of help and try to experience and show only friendly and warm feelings to others.

A person is not allowed to be proud of his position in society and achievements, beauty and success, because all this is bestowed by the Gods. A worthy person is calm in joy and in misfortune, can maintain dignity and be satisfied with what is happening in the world.

Vegetarianism is considered the main principle of ahimsa. , unwillingness to kill other living beings for the sake of their physical satisfaction. Another great writer, philosopher and humanist L.N. Tolstoy believed that from killing an animal to killing a person is one tiny step. A real person cannot talk about humanism and high moral and ethical principles, but at the same time kill living beings for his own pleasure.

Ahimsa practice

Of course, the refusal to eat meat is not yet an indicator of the high spirituality of an individual, but it is already the first step towards self-improvement.

Ancient philosophers believed that by eating meat, we realize our desire to kill and subjugate a living being. And only vegetarianism can lead us on the path of goodness. BUT, there are also pitfalls here, since a sharp transition from one food system to another can exacerbate health problems. And if you force yourself to give up the usual products, to show violence towards yourself already - this will cause a sharp protest from the body, and then an inferiority complex and irritation will form about your imperfection. Such ideas will lead to frustration in practice.

In addition, forced vegetarianism will not bring either health to the body or spiritual growth in terms of self-improvement.

The next principle of ahimsa is not causing harm by deed, word, or thought. Many people think that this is impossible. Even if we do not harm living beings by our actions, only a person who has reached the highest level of self-education can regulate his thoughts and secret desires.

Practitioners recommend that at the moment when anger or irritation rolls over you, you need to resort to the practice of meditation. You should close your eyes, try to relax and mentally chant: “I love everything around me. I love everyone. I want everyone around to be happy. May everyone be happy"

At this moment, you need to be extremely concentrated, not to be distracted, not to let your thoughts go to the side, not to fall into drowsiness. The phrases may be different, more suited to your needs, but they should be similar in meaning.

The next principle of Ahimsa is non-violence against oneself. You can’t force yourself to do something unpleasant and disgusting, fall into excessive asceticism and engage in constant self-flagellation. Our nature is sinful and imperfect, but it is possible to achieve harmony with ourselves and nature, and the Universe only by slowly stepping along the path of self-improvement.

The main understanding of this principle is to love yourself, since all-encompassing love for everyone does not exclude love for yourself.

And finally, the last principle is a conscious analysis of the aggression we have shown. We must carefully analyze our feelings and thoughts, because only in this way can we understand the nature of our aggression and change it.

Deeper immersion in the doctrine of non-violence will allow everyone to destroy the complex of hatred and enmity. Although at first glance such a teaching seems somewhat illogical and incorrect, but only by peering into it and passing through our perception can we understand the beauty of this philosophy. But the ability to sympathize and empathize with all living things is a new level of existence of human society.

) - behavior and manner of action in which the first requirement is non-harm - non-violence. Ahimsa is defined as behavior leading to the reduction of evil in the world, directed against the evil itself, and not against the people who create it (lack of hatred). Ahimsa, non-harm, consists in non-killing, non-violence, non-harm to all living things (people, animals, plants) never and in no way - neither by thought, nor by word, nor by deed.

Ahimsa in different religious systems

Common as a vow in many Eastern spiritual schools such as Buddhism, Jainism, Hinduism, and yoga. In Jainism, the basic vow from which all others follow. Ahimsa for practitioners is expressed not only in dietary restrictions such as a vegetarian diet, but also in other forms. So, members of one of the sects of Jainism use special bandages on their mouths to prevent living beings from accidentally getting there, and move around, sweeping the path in front of them with a whisk, so as not to accidentally step on anyone.

In Christianity, ahimsa correspond to the commandments "Thou shalt not kill" and "Love your neighbor as yourself."

siddhis acquired by the performance of ahimsa

Perfect in ahimsa has the following siddhis: in his presence all quarrels and disputes cease, peace and tranquility reign.

Ahimsa in the practice of Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi, who achieved the liberation of India from the rule of the British Empire without firing a shot, is known as the greatest practitioner of the principle ahimsa. The result of a series of civil resistance campaigns was the peaceful return of India's independence, perhaps the greatest achievement of political activists in history.

Ahimsa is the basis for the search for truth. These searches are futile if they are not built on ahimsa. We are all made of the same dough, we are all children of the same Creator, and the divine powers in us are limitless. To bully a human being means to bully these divine forces and thereby cause harm not only to this creature, but to the whole world. It has always been a mystery to me how people can consider it honorable to humiliate their neighbor.

- "My Life" (Ch. 4, Ch. IX)

see also

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  • Shokhin V. K. // "Round the World"
  • Litman AD Modern Indian Philosophy. M.: Thought, 1985.

An excerpt characterizing Ahimsa

The next day, the regimental commander called Denisov to him and told him, closing his eyes with open fingers: “I look at it like this, I don’t know anything and I won’t start business; but I advise you to go to the headquarters and there, in the food department, settle this matter, and, if possible, sign that you received so much food; otherwise, the demand is written to the infantry regiment: things will rise and may end badly.
Denisov went directly from the regimental commander to the headquarters, with a sincere desire to fulfill his advice. In the evening he returned to his dugout in a position in which Rostov had never seen his friend before. Denisov could not speak and was suffocating. When Rostov asked him what was the matter with him, he only uttered incomprehensible curses and threats in a hoarse and weak voice ...
Frightened by the position of Denisov, Rostov offered him to undress, drink water and sent for a doctor.
- To judge me for g "azboy - oh! Give me more water - let them judge, but I will, I will always beat the scoundrels, and I will tell the sovereign." Give me some ice, he said.
The regimental doctor who came said that it was necessary to bleed. A deep plate of black blood came out of Denisov's hairy hand, and then only he was able to tell everything that had happened to him.
“I’m coming,” Denisov said. “Well, where is your boss here?” Showed. Wouldn't you like to wait. “I have a service, I arrived 30 miles away, I have no time to wait, report back.” Well, this chief thief comes out: he also took it into his head to teach me: This is robbery! “Robbery, I say, is not done by the one who takes food to feed his soldiers, but by the one who takes it to put it in his pocket!” So you don't want to be silent. "Good". Sign, he says, with the commission agent, and your case will be handed over on command. I go to the commissioner. I enter - at the table ... Who is it ?! No, just think! ... Who is starving us, - Denisov shouted, hitting the table with his fist of his sick hand so hard that the table almost fell and the glasses jumped on it, - Telyanin !! “How are you starving us?!” Once, once in the face, deftly it had to be ... “Ah ... rasprotakoy and ... began to roll. On the other hand, I am amused, I can say, - Denisov shouted, joyfully and angrily baring his white teeth from under his black mustache. “I would have killed him if they hadn’t taken him away.”
“But why are you screaming, calm down,” said Rostov: “here again the blood has gone. Wait, you need to bandage it. Denisov was bandaged and put to bed. The next day he woke up cheerful and calm. But at noon, the adjutant of the regiment, with a serious and sad face, came to the common dugout of Denisov and Rostov and regretfully showed the uniform paper to Major Denisov from the regimental commander, in which inquiries were made about yesterday's incident. The adjutant said that things were about to take a very bad turn, that a military judicial commission had been appointed, and that with real severity regarding looting and self-will of the troops, in a happy case, the case could end in a dismissal.

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats animals." Mahatma Gandhi

“A society that treats animals badly will always be poor and criminal. From killing an animal to killing a human is one step.”. Lev Tolstoy

This is the highest rule of morality, the most important of all Yamas. Ahimsa literally means "non-killing", "non-violence", but the principle of Ahimsa has a wider meaning. Human beings can be harmed in a variety of ways, ranging from simple physical abuse to the most subtle forms of intellectual pressure or exploitation. In addition, Ahimsa is not only non-harming in deeds, words and thoughts, but also Love for everything that exists. Violence is the absence of love.

AHIMSA (Skt. अहिंसा ahiṃsā - non-killing, non-violence, non-harm, non-harming) is one of the central principles of yoga, Jainism, Buddhism and many other religious, philosophical and practical systems of the East and other areas of religious thought, and initially testified to disagreement with the practice of bloody sacrifices of the Vedic religion and autochthonous cults of Hindustan.
In Buddhism, refraining from killing and harming another and oneself is the main commandment, without which one cannot enter the Path of liberation, one cannot meditate and improve in intuitive wisdom, one cannot awaken compassion (karuna) in oneself. In the Mahayana, compassion is practiced through ahimsa. According to later Hindu-Buddhist thinkers, the roots of many other moral principles are also hidden in non-harm, for example, gentleness, non-anger (advesha), love, mercy (maitri), friendliness (mudita).
In Patanjali's eight limb yoga, ahimsa refers to the FIRST limb of Yama. Yama is the very foundation of yoga. Yama (self-control), niyama (observance of prescriptions), asana (posture), pranayama (breath control), pratyahara (switching off the senses), dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation) and samadhi (superconscious state) - these are the eight branches of raja yoga .

WHAT IS PIT (Self-Control)?

1 - Not committing murder (ahimsa),
2 - Truthfulness in thoughts, words and deeds (satya),
3 - Not committing theft (asteya),
4 - Sexual abstinence and impulse control (brahmacharya),
5 - Absence of greed and moderation in everything (aparigraha)
Let's start with the main one - Ahimsa. Literally, Ahimsa means “non-violence”, “non-killing”. But this concept has a deeper meaning. Practicing Ahimsa, a person begins to look at the world in a new way, finding an opportunity for the practice and development of this quality in various manifestations of life.
As with all “pits” and “niyamas”, the goal is to achieve not only external control, but, more importantly, complete internal harmony and peace. If we practice non-violence correctly, then we can fulfill the task of not only not harming anything living, but not even wanting it. When these inner, often subconscious tendencies of our isolated ego are destroyed, we will achieve harmony in our lives and perfect inner freedom. Patanjali often said that when a person is perfect in "pit" and "niyama" - he has a special power of "siddhi". When a person is perfect in non-violence, the whole world around him becomes peaceful.

The first rule of the pit was popularized by Mahatma Gandhi. This is ahimsa - non-violence, non-harming. The negative prefix (because it can also be translated as “benevolence”) is explained by the fact that as soon as the tendency to oppress others or offend them in one way or another (including striving for personal gain at their expense) is expelled from the heart, then as a natural quality of the heart benevolence reveals itself.

The desire to somehow offend another living being - even to harm the environment, for it is also alive and conscious to some extent - alienates us from the reality of the soul and strengthens the illusion of the ego. Everything that separates us in consciousness from the limitlessness of all life is tantamount to a denial of the unity to which we should strive in meditation.

*Ahimsa is absolute harmlessness. Eradicate your animal nature.
*Ahimsa is not only non-killing.
*This is absolute cosmic love.
*It means refraining from causing the slightest harm to any living being in thoughts, words or deeds.
* The One Higher Self, or Atman, resides in everything. All are manifestations of the one God. Offending another, you offend your Higher Self. By serving another, you are serving your own Higher Self. Love everyone. Serve everyone. Don't hate anyone. Don't insult anyone. Don't hurt anyone by thought, word or deed.
*Ahimsa is a wonderful quality of the soul.
*Ahimsa is the Supreme Love.
*Ahimsa is the weapon of the strong. It cannot be practiced by the weak.

*There is no power more powerful than ahimsa.
*It transforms a person into a Deity.
* The practice of ahimsa develops the heart in an amazing way.
* Ahimsa develops the strength of the soul, the strength of the will, the strength of the spirit.
*Practice of ahimsa will make you fearless.
*He who practices ahimsa can change the whole world. He can tame wild animals.
*The practice of ahimsa is the practice of Divine Life.
*Ahimsa, satya, brahmacharya, etc. are all mahavritam, or the great universal vow.
*Ahimsa is not a line of conduct. This is the greatest virtue.
*It should be practiced by all people in all countries.
*It does not apply only to Hindus or Indians.
*Anyone who wants to realize God must practice ahimsa.
*If you develop in yourself only this virtue, ahimsa, all other virtues will be attracted to you.
* Irritability is easily controlled in the practice of Ahimsa.
*The law of ahimsa is as strict and precise as the law of gravity.
*Who is patient and knows how to forgive, who has self-control, he can practice ahimsa.
*If you practice ahimsa, you must put up with insults, reproaches, condemnation and attacks.
* You should never take revenge or wish harm on anyone, even in a fit of wild rage.
*If a person is strengthened in Ahimsa, in his presence all other people stop fighting and getting angry.
*You can be strengthened in ahimsa only through constant and unceasing striving.
* The vow of ahimsa is broken even when showing contempt for another person, unreasonable antipathy or prejudice, when slandering, condemning others, hostile thoughts.

In all attitudes of yama and niyama, it is not our external deeds that are important, but the internal attitudes of the heart. Let's say it's impossible to live in this world of relativity without causing harm at all. Some harm is inevitably caused by our very life. Every breath we take in and out kills myriads of bacteria. Every car exhaust unintentionally brings death to countless insects. Going out into the street, it is almost impossible not to crush a few ants. Nature itself affirms the preservation of one life at the expense of another. Even the fruits we eat are forms of life. The very nature of the tiger tells him to kill: so can his way of maintaining life be called sinful? Killing is a sin for a person and, above all, because taking the life of another person lowers us on our level of evolution. Murder is the opposite of the affirmation of life, it is the affirmation of death. In other words, from a broader point of view, death inevitably comes to each of us. Therefore, in itself it cannot be evil.

There are situations, says the Bhagavad Gita, when it is necessary to do lesser harm in order to prevent more, and avoiding such debt is in itself an act of violence. So, sometimes it is necessary to fight - for example, in a defensive war. Again, according to the law of karma, the more evolved species must be protected from the less evolved, even if the defense involves killing. In the case of a just war, protection is not required for higher species from lower ones, but for a higher goal from lower motives - innocent people, for example, from the aggressor's desire to destroy.
In any case, the important rule of ahimsa, which rules out relative insecurity, is for the spiritual seeker to maintain a non-harming mindset at all times.
Ahimsa - non-violence

If we do not wish harm to any living creature, even if it is necessary to kill it, we are filled with the consciousness of calm acceptance of others and life, regardless of how we are treated ourselves. At the same time, with the advent of benevolence, which appears along with acceptance, we also meet a corresponding attitude towards ourselves from others. When we perfect the quality of non-violence, hostility ceases in our presence.
For meditation, non-violence has another useful side. The desire to harm creates an internal tension in us that conflicts with the peace that we seek to develop in meditation.

Ahimsa means non-violence, non-violence. Non-violence is of two kinds, gross and subtle. Subtle non-violence is non-violence in which the consequences of one's actions and words are taken into account. For example, it is a type of violence if your words and actions harm the psyche of others or cause them anger or hatred. This kind of violence is subtle in nature. You should be humble and soft-spoken. You should discipline yourself and refrain from inflicting subtle pain that is harmful. Maintaining this subtle non-violence prevents you from being loud and blunt towards others.

This subtle non-violence must be observed through strict discipline of body, mind and soul. He who maintains this discipline of subtle non-violence in body, mind and soul and is firmly established in this discipline influences even natural enemies by his presence. Such is its vibrational power. For example, if a cat and a mouse are in the presence of such a person, then although they are bitter enemies and the tendency for the cat is to attack the mouse, and for the mouse to run away, they both remain calm and unharmed. The cat does not attack the mouse, and the mouse does not run away. It is the all-pervading force of non-violence that pervades these creations in the presence of a person or spiritual practitioner who is established in the discipline of non-violence.
“No power on earth can force two mutual enemies to fight in the presence of one who, being established in subtle non-violence, does not harm anyone.” (Yoga Sutra 2:35)

Gross non-violence is the avoidance of what is the worst of all violence - killing a living being, taking his life for the pleasure of eating him. THERE IS NO BIGGER SIN THAN THIS.

To really establish yourself in non-violence, you must give up eating meat. You must avoid this completely. You must be a complete vegetarian. It is a fact that the fruit of meditation can only be obtained by a pure vegetarian

All living creatures are born to live, and naturally desire to live... The life of any creature is sacred, and the unjustified killing of innocent creatures is a gross violation of the laws of God. All living beings are endowed with a soul, which is the source of consciousness and life-giving force in the body of every living being. Only animals are at a lower stage of development, but we are all one organism. And if at least one finger is injured, then the whole body suffers. However, our hearts have become so hardened and hardened that we do not feel the pain of not only animals, but also other people around us, and even our loved ones and relatives.

Leo Tolstoy said: "By killing animals for food, a person suppresses the highest spiritual feelings in himself - compassion and pity for other living beings like him - and, stepping over himself, hardens his heart."

All those who are involved in any way in the acts of killing, cooking and eating meat are equally guilty and equally depraved and criminal. Every aspect of this action is vicious. Even those who are present at the act of killing or present at the act of eating meat are criminal. I cannot impress upon you strongly enough how sinful and evil the act of eating meat is. The butcher, the cook, and the consumer, even the witness of any of these acts, are all sinners.

You might think that only a butcher who actually slaughtered an animal is sinful. You're not right. Any person involved in any way is equally sinful and criminal in this most horrific violent act of murder. Take a small piece of meat and you are exactly like the butcher himself. You both belong to the same class. There is no doubt about this. Even if you are a vegetarian, but you do not oppose this act of extreme violence, then you are a sinner, condemned as having committed the same crime.
"Even if you are not a thief, but are associated with thieves, you are treated as a thief." (Tantraloka). A person who, even though he is a vegetarian, associates with butchers, maintaining friendly contact with them, is also a sinner and receives punishment. So it is your duty not only to maintain a strictly vegetarian lifestyle, but also to speak out loudly against killing animals and eating meat. You must convey my message and this truth to everyone who is close and dear to you, to all relatives, mothers, fathers, sons and daughters.

Yajnavalkya tells us in his Yajnavalkya-smriti that there are three terrible crimes of slaughtering animals for the enjoyment of eating their flesh. These crimes are pranaharana, pida and viryakshepa.

Pranaharana is the crime of taking the life of an animal, taking its life, although the animal has not done anything worthy of having its life taken.

Pida is the crime of inflicting great pain on an animal when it is killed.

Viryakshepa is the crime of taking away his power.

The scriptures also indicate the punishments given to those guilty of these three crimes. Those who are guilty of committing the crime of pranaharana, the crime of taking life, will be punished for twenty rebirths by having to experience premature death in each rebirth, dying in infancy, childhood or middle years. These deaths are restless. They are filled with pain and suffering.

The punishment for those who are guilty of the crime of pida, inflicting physical pain and agony, is that for twenty lives they themselves will be subject to pain and agony of suffering. Their lives will be filled with disharmony and intense struggle. They will not experience peace of mind, but will experience the suffering of family feuds and the like. They will be unhappy and helpless, filled with tension and anxiety, experiencing life with anxiety and uncertainty. For those who are guilty of the crime of viryakshepa, taking away the strength of an animal by cutting it, the punishment is that they will experience twenty life spans, lives without strength and health. They will become empty and withering like the living dead. These are the punishments prescribed for the three heinous crimes that fall to the lot of one who eats meat. And that's why we call mamsa meat: as they say, "mam sa atti", which means "He will eat me."

"The sages and saints of old taught us that the one whose flesh you eat in this world will eat you in the next world." (Manu smriti 5:15)

This means that if you eat the meat of an animal, that animal will not let you go. It will follow you even to other worlds (paraloka); it will haunt you continuously, without interruption, not just for one lifetime, but for twenty lifetimes. In these twenty lifetimes, you who have eaten the meat of this animal will experience the punishments that I have described. Manu, in his Manu-smriti, expresses an even stronger point of view. He says: “Count the hairs of the animal you killed and ate, as many lives you will be killed by this animal” (Manusmriti 5:38) And he says further: “He who avoids eating meat all his life receives the same well-deserved fruit after death, like one who performs the Ashvamedha sacrifice every year for a hundred years.” (Manusmriti 5:53)

Can you understand? A person performs the ashvamedha sacrifice every year for the rest of his life. How virtuous and sinless he must be! Yet the person who abstains from eating meat is higher, more sinless, more virtuous than the one who performs the annual ashvamedha sacrifice.

Similarly, elsewhere in Shaivism it says: "You should not kill animals during the celebration of a wedding, or for your own self-gratification, or in rituals, or when receiving people dear and beloved by you." (Jayaratha's commentary on Tantraloka 14).

You shouldn't serve meat on a wedding day, you shouldn't fool yourself into thinking that you have to eat meat to be healthy. This is not the reason. Why should you kill an innocent being because of your unbelief and fear of death? Better that you die than try to keep your own life alive by taking the life of an innocent being. Some of you may say, “But I have to serve meat to my guests, like my son-in-law, otherwise they will be offended. They will think that I have been stingy by refusing to spend properly for their reception and enjoyment.” I will tell you this, if you really love your son-in-law and your guests, then host them with very tasty vegetarian dishes, with a variety of vegetables, cheese and yogurt. Do not take them with meat dishes. Giving them meat dishes does not show that you love them, but rather it shows that you hate them, because you incite them to such evil deeds that will send them to hell for twenty lives.

You can also say, “We have a problem and our priest, who is a learned pandit (scholar), has recommended that we sacrifice a sheep and that this sacrifice will save us from any danger or fear.” I say that all this is nonsense, does not benefit and is meaningless. My own father went to the shrine at Khraeu and worshiped there with others by sacrificing the lungs of a sheep. At that time I thought how deluded they were to believe that they would reach heaven after bringing so much pain and suffering, through the shedding of the blood of an innocent and silent lamb. So don't eat meat. This is real non-violence (ahimsa).

Ahimsa is essential for good mental health.

Himsa (violence), falsehood and impure thoughts fill the mind with anxiety, worries and anxiety. Your consciousness cannot then find rest and peace even for a minute. How can one have good mental health when there is no peace in the mind? If you want to live a successful and rewarding life and have good mental health, you absolutely need to learn how to control yourself. Life will be just a long series of futile efforts, failures, one on top of the other, if you cannot exercise self-control.

Psychologists are inclined to believe that the disease initially originates not in the body, but in the mind. They say that the disease is caused by poisons that accumulate in the blood as a result of the emotions of anger, revenge, hatred, lust, etc.

The root cause of all diseases is ignorance, ignorance. It leads to the emergence of desires - greed and malice. These feelings torment the heart. From these come feelings of possessiveness, jealousy, envy, malice, selfishness, pride, hypocrisy and hatred.

The pains that the body feels are called secondary illnesses, and the desires that affect the mind are called primary or mental illnesses. In Yoga Vasistha, Sri Vasistha says:
“Listen now, O Rama, how to get rid of each of the forms of the disease, primary and secondary, in two days. The wise say that primary diseases are divided into two parts: ordinary and main. The first of these includes those diseases that manifest themselves in the body, the latter leads to subsequent reincarnations of a person. If the diseases that torment the body are returned to the source of their origin, they will be destroyed. Since their root cause is (bad) thoughts, after the destruction of such thoughts, diseases will also disappear. But the disease of rebirth, reincarnation, can disappear only through atmajnana (direct knowledge of one's "I"). Is it possible to assume that by mistaking the rope for a snake, you can get rid of this illusion, except by discovering that what you see is a rope? But those diseases of the body which are not the result of the main cause can be cured by mantras, medicines, and many other remedies used by well-educated people in the field of medicine. I no longer need to talk about this subject.

Rama then asked Vasistha about how mental illnesses arise and how they can be eradicated. Vasistha replied to this:
“When the mind is agitated, it is followed by restlessness in the body. And when there is excitement and restlessness in the body, then there is no correct perception of the things that a person has to face, and prana goes astray, like an animal struck by an arrow and staggering from its hit. Because of this excitement, prana, instead of filling the whole body evenly and systematically, will begin to vibrate everywhere with an uneven frequency. This means that the nadis will not remain stable (like electrical wires), but will begin to tremble and oscillate. The food that is digested by the body, with such vibrations, turns into incurable diseases. Therefore, because of the root cause (consciousness), diseases of the body arise. If this root cause is destroyed to the ground, then all diseases will be destroyed.

Now hear about how you can destroy the disease by reciting mantras. Just as gold ore placed in a crucible is transformed into pure gold as a result of an alchemical process, so the consciousness is constantly purified as a result of honest, virtuous and luminous deeds and by familiarizing with wisdom. If in this way the consciousness is purified, then unclouded bliss will come. The whole world overflows with joy when the moon begins to shed its soft silvery light on it, doesn't it? If the mind is purified by true sattva-guna, prana circulates freely throughout the body, the food eaten is properly digested and no diseases arise. I have just described to you the path by which both kinds of diseases can be destroyed.”

If your consciousness is pure, if your thoughts are pure, you will be free from all diseases, primary and secondary.

At first glance, observing Ahimsa is not so difficult. But this is only at first glance. Try to count how many times in just one day we violate this rule in our thoughts: we are indignant at someone's behavior in transport, angry at the boss, scolding the authorities, offended by our loved ones. We show dissatisfaction with ourselves: with our appearance, health, position in society, etc. And this happens every day throughout our lives. In appearance, we are quite worthy and respected people, because no one sees or hears what is happening in our head. But it only seems that our evil thoughts are so deeply hidden. After all, thought is material. And repeatedly strengthened by emotions, multiplied by billions of human minds, it fully manifests itself in the material world in the form of diseases, suffering, wars, natural and man-made disasters.

Who should start applying the principle of ahimsa? Of course, from myself. Health and well-being are both a fundamental need and an inalienable right of every human being. Therefore, a lifestyle that threatens one's own health and well-being is a violation of the principle of ahimsa in relation to oneself. How can you imagine such a lifestyle?

Firstly, these are bad habits, such as smoking, drinking, gluttony, addiction to drugs, unhealthy diet, poor hygiene, etc.

Secondly, this is an unjustified risk, extreme hobbies and defiant behavior that provokes others.

Thirdly, these are various beliefs that require self-sacrifice in various ways. For example, the same Christian call to turn the other cheek when one is slapped is a violation of the principle of ahimsa in relation to oneself. There can be no reason for a mentally healthy and adequate person to endure violence against himself or sacrifice himself for the sake of someone else's fantasies.

Ahimsa in relation to other people is manifested as non-violence in thoughts, words, and deeds. This means that it is recommended to build your life in such a way as to cause a minimum of suffering to other people, as well as to refrain from coercion, imposing your own opinion and vision of the world. Moreover, coercion is understood not only as a direct threat, but also as manipulation. The way to achieve your goals through deceit does not seem so terrible, but it is still a violation of ahimsa. Because, without being misled and instigated, a person would make a very different choice. The exception is children. Since the personality of the child has not yet been formed, and it is the parents who bear the burden of building the future personality, the use of violence and manipulation (within reasonable limits) on children for educational purposes will not be a violation of ahimsa. What are the consequences of observing and non-compliance with ahimsa? Interesting fact: in social networks most

Not active and popular participants are those people who were not leaders in their school years, but rather belonged to the “middle peasants”. And those who occupied leading positions in adolescence, in adulthood, as a rule, lose both their status and their attractiveness.

why so? Because in adolescence, the most aggressive children become leaders. The authority of the boys rests on their fists, and the authority of the girls on the ability to weave intrigues and manipulate public opinion. Both models of behavior sharply violate the principle of ahimsa, which creates, as they say in yoga, black karma. At a more mature age, diplomacy and the ability to build normal human relations on an equal footing come to the fore. But the former leaders, growing up, continue to act ahead, more and more setting others against themselves. And over time, they find themselves in a social vacuum and on the sidelines of life. Life puts everything in its place. Boys who continue to solve their problems with violence are sure to one day face opposition that will break them. And the girls, who go to their dream by cunning and deceit, at some point face the cruel revenge of those whom they deceived. Adulthood teaches you to understand the subtleties, and everything secret becomes clear ...

One of my friends once shared with me her problem, which haunted her all her conscious life. A person far from esotericism, a pragmatic materialist, she was repeatedly convinced that when offended or angry with someone, she unwittingly brought very serious problems to these people, including illness and death. Realizing this, she was frightened: “Now I am afraid to think badly about people, even if they deserve it, because I don’t want to be the cause of their suffering and death.” Perhaps this person had a very powerful energy, so it was hard not to notice how her thoughts were realized. But it happens to all of us too. We just don't want to notice it, we don't want to take responsibility for all the bad things that are happening around. It seems to us that all this is done by someone else. But it is we who bring this pain into the world: me, you, who read this material, our acquaintances and people completely unfamiliar to us. And we can fix this by replacing our aggressive thoughts with the opposite: compassion, mercy, empathy, love. Just imagine what our world will be like if each of us, controlling our minds, releases only good and pure thoughts from our heads.

Let's start right now!

Now is the time to inquire about the Absolute Truth. Piety. Ahimsa is non-violence. Anger is the result of ignorance. The Universal Law of Ahimsa. spiritual equality. Happiness. Human consciousness. The power of the mind. Mind energy. Man and woman. Five Roles of a Woman. Three male qualities. Questions - Answers.

Lecture for Practitioners from the "Family Relations" section with difficulty of perception: 6

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00:00:01 Good morning. So, we are developing the theme of a large family, "achyuta-gotra" - the Family of God, where there are no spiritual differences. Material differences persist, but there is spiritual equality. This is the idea of ​​communism, not implemented on a material platform, it can be implemented on a spiritual level. Any category of life is called in Sanskrit jiva, means life, living, everything living, everything is jiva. A person is a jiva, children are a jiva, trees, plants, insects, animals, microorganisms are all one and the same category - a jiva, they all have the same nature. Therefore, when a person understands his spiritual nature, all the secrets of being are revealed to him. Because everything in this world is created by living beings together. They don't know about it.

It is time to inquire about the Absolute Truth

00:01:30 A plant has no idea that it is also a creator, participates in creation. Insects do not know about it, animals do not guess either, but a person can understand such things. Athato brahma jigyasa means "Now you are human!" - This is an appeal to the one who opens the book. Can you imagine, if you open the Vedanta Sutra, this is already the crown of all, then the first phrase will turn to you “Athato brahma jigyasa” - “ You have opened this book, which means you are ready to listen, and that means you have passed all the previous stages of development, you can already open this book, you have an interest, now be interested in the Absolute Truth"- This is the first appeal to the reader, to the person, and then the treatise itself begins and it is very difficult to understand now philosophically, a very complex work, but this is the crown of all the Vedas.

00:02:31 And, how to say, this is the principle of philosophical thinking. Not exactly a philosophy, but a principle without which no other knowledge is discovered. And the first thing to understand and distinguish between matter and spirit. This is where science begins. As long as we cannot distinguish between matter and spirit, how will this be expressed? Let's look at all these different types of people, as it were, in different ways. We will experience hatred, perhaps towards or dislike towards pretas or contempt towards pashas, ​​animal-like people. This is a misunderstanding of matter and spirit. This attitude to the world shows that man does not separate matter and spirit.

00:03:17 If I identify myself with the body, I don't distinguish between matter and spirit, I consider my body, my mind, my opinion, my feelings to be the standard, the measurement, the starting point, and I compare everything with this. Therefore, I am wrong. Because everyone has their own body type and their own point of view, which is also correct, we cannot understand each other. This is a bodily concept. It has now penetrated into science, into religion, into families, into the consciousness of highly learned educated people, because the age of Kali means the general concept of lack of spirituality. Spirituality is now accepted only as a type of faith, nothing more, not as a science.

00:04:00 We want to talk today about the scientific study of this issue. First of all, it is a great science. Of course, when a person is not ready to accept this science or this way, he needs some kind of religious conviction, just faith and that's it. Moreover, it will always be based on some elements of fear. How are children brought up? The first seven years of education goes through fear. For the first seven years, he must obey, he must be brought up with the help of fear: they are afraid of punishment, they are afraid of their elders, they are afraid of their parents, because the mind is not yet developed, they cannot explain much, and yet it is necessary to demand what they must do.

God fear

00:04:42 Therefore, fear. The first chakra in seven years, the chakra of fear first passes through the rest of the chakras. And similarly, a society of people that is not yet ready for spiritual science, they need some kind of religiosity, no matter what. Faith. It unites them and they are afraid to violate some commandments of God - fear of God, blind faith, so to speak. Because, who you don't need to be afraid of is God. You have to be afraid of your own sins. The police need not be afraid if you did nothing, right? Why are you afraid of the police if you haven't committed a crime? She keeps order, that's just good. But sinful people are afraid of the police, but they are not afraid of their sins. This is their problem, therefore, also people who still cannot move away from sin, religion keeps them in fear of a certain, religious fear: “you will go to hell”

00:05:37 I remember this example from some old film about the revolution. Well, since there was a revolution, it was against religion, by that time religion had discredited itself very much, because it had become part of the exploiting class, connected with it, so people rejected religion with great force. There was a reason for this. And there people rebel, well, that is, exploitation, people rebel, pre-revolutionary years. And the gentlemen are not coping, it is already dangerous there that the weapons in the hands of these people, they are about to burn the estates, kill them, and then the priest comes out. And people are afraid of the priest - the representative of God. He has a cross, he has all the attributes and he says “What are you?! Aren't you afraid of the fiery hyena?!” And everyone lowers their weapons, moves away from him.

00:06:32 Scary. There is no knowledge, but there is faith! And already something can be controlled, not at a high level, but there is already some kind of control over consciousness. “But what will happen to you,” he says, “when you die and you will be in this dead body: punishment, you will not leave there and you will simply feel for yourself how the first worm crawls from your throat into your nose - like this you will be!” And people “Ahhh, everything, everything, everything, what a nightmare!”

Ahimsa - non-violence

00:07:05 But in fact, if you look at the early religious traditions, they are all bright, clean, beautiful, look at the iconography: Andrey Rublev, Byzantium is early, look at everything there is very beautiful, light colors, especially Rublev. And later it turns into some degree of grief. Why? Because people did not follow these commandments, the laws of the Absolute Truth. The First Law of Absolute Truth: don't kill anyone. : don't hurt anyone! Moreover, murder is used in the broadest sense of the word: never kill anyone, do not cause anxiety and violence. This is the etiquette of life in this world. Love, kindness, no violence.

00:07:51 And people can't and don't know how to do it, how can they not kill that? Well, how can you not kill?! How many aggressors, how many bad people are around, how much harm they cause, violence is needed, but how else to deal with them?! Well, how? Only violence! Truth?

00:08:10 One day a group of psychologists came to the prison and said, “We need an inveterate recidivist, we need an incorrigible person, is there such a person?” “Yes, the whole prison knows and fears him. Prison is his home, he is not free for a long time, he does not walk. Crime after crime, and he always comes back to us. Moreover, he is tall, very strong, a gladiator-man physically and has uncontrollable anger. In this state, he does not understand what he is doing and can do anything, and as a result - a prison "-" This is what we need, "they said, we need to investigate it, we have an experiment"

00:08:46 He was invited, two guards on the right, two guards on the left, they know the man is dangerous. Looks okay. "Can I invite you to sit at this table for an experiment?" - "You can," - he said calmly, balanced, sat down at the table. “Can I have this cap with electrodes on your head?” - “Yes, everything is possible” - “We connect you to the encelophogram, we will observe your reactions. Can I ask questions? - "Yes, ask questions" And the psychologist sits opposite. The group is around him, the guards are around this person and ask “What is your name?” He immediately answers his nickname, what is his name, he is proud of it. Recorded, on the encelophogram “norm”

00:09:34 The next question is asked. Year of birth, parents. He has problems with his parents. There is already anxiety on the encelophogram, he already doesn’t like something in questions. There are things that we don't like. Especially if a stranger asks you, you will say, “What is your business? Well, what is your dog business?”, - you will say. There is a line that we cannot cross. Before God we can, but before you I cannot open it. I'm ashamed to talk about it in front of me, and you ask me. Every person has those moments.

00:10:11 And then they ask more difficult questions, and, finally, the person cannot answer at all. And he says “I don’t know.” The device is already showing irritation. The task of the psychologist is not to retreat. He takes the same question, he doesn't change the question and asks “What if you think about it? Well, with this head if you think about it? Consciously does, causes him even more anger. “I said “I don't know!” - “Well, is it really so difficult to understand, try to answer this question. What, you can't guess what it's about?" And that's all, the table turns over, the man jumps up, the guards hang on him, they barely manage, he shouts “Why are you running into me?” anger is uncontrollable, they take him away from there, that's all.

Anger as a consequence of ignorance

00:10:54 This was not the only experiment, the conclusion is this: this man becomes angry because of his own ignorance. If he had been taught to read and write in time, especially to read, he would never have been like that. That is, people now have a deficit of mental activity. Information is not a mental activity, it does not apply to this at all. It is a ripple on the surface of the mind that will never satisfy any of our heart's needs. It's just tired of this constant flow of information. Anxiety. We need a deep understanding, we need to understand one thing deeply, to truly love one person, at least in life. That's all. And the solution to the issue.

00:11:43 But since people are not taught to read and write now, everything is done by computers, there are some buttons, there are some ready-made programs, we stop thinking deeply, we stop thinking philosophically. An example from Christianity. The guard beats Jesus in the face, gives a slap in the face, when Judas had already betrayed Him, these tortures began, the sufferings of Christ, so to speak. Passion of Christ. And Christ asks, “Why are you hitting me?” The guard doesn't know what to say. Jesus answers for him “You beat me because my word does not fit in you”, that is, you do not understand what I am talking about, so you beat me.

00:12:23 And so, every time we don't understand, we start to get annoyed, get angry, or they don't understand us, we also get annoyed, get angry, then we say, “How can you not kill?! How not to use violence? Such people around are strange, just look, there are almost no good people, ”we say, - what kind of people am I surrounded by? What do you want from me? I get annoyed, I scream, of course, what kind of children are these, what kind of wife is this, what kind of husband is this?! What kind of boss is at work? How many reasons do I have, how many excuses do I have” The question is different. A person sitting in prison can also complain, “What kind of people, in general, are around, huh?! Some bandits! I’ve been unlucky in my life” The question is different: But how did you end up in this society?

00:13:07 Therefore, the Vedas say “Three things will always surround you: you yourself will directly cause some events, other people will also influence your life and circumstances that are above all” If you see that you yourself are the cause of the problems you need to change, you need to learn, you need to change yourself. Difficult but necessary. If you see that the people around you are the cause of the problems, you must give them knowledge. Not violence, knowledge. Violence against ignorance is possible, knowledge is also a weapon. And if in goodness violence is allowed, it is a necessity. Therefore, the surrounding people need to be given knowledge. I am also someone around me, for someone I will also be an object of instruction. Someone will also give me instructions, I need to be careful.

00:13:58 And the third point: circumstances. Here we just have to endure, they are constantly changing, like the weather. These are circumstances. What to do, you have to wait. We have some conditions, we feel good here in the hall, we have a sattva-hall here, “no problems”. Let it pour there. How to get settled there, we are patient in this regard. So, there are circumstances - there are my problems - I work with them, there are problems of others - I also take part in this. As a result, people become one family. There are only three things a person needs to know.

The Universal Law of Ahimsa

00:14:35 So, Ahimsa is the highest principle of absolute truth. Tell me why "absolute truth"? Absolute truth is the most practical thing, applicable to everyone. Ask anyone in this room, “Can I kill you today? Can I make Himsa?” He will say, “Why? Are you scaring me? Why?" - “Well, okay, at least you can beat? Well, okay, but you can insult at least with words? Well, one ear can be cut off? Two ears, don’t you feel sorry for me, I’ll cut off one ear from you?” You understand, we are talking about some terrible things now. It doesn't apply to anyone. Nobody will ever want this. See? This is the absolute law!

00:15:13 Ask a dog, it will say the same thing if it can speak. Ask the bird, he will say the same thing if he wants to talk. Any living being will say the same thing, if it speaks, it will say the same thing with its own language. This is the absolute law - ahimsa. And it is not yet spiritual, it is a pre-spiritual law and even a pre-religious law. It's not even a religion yet. Ahimsa is the human principle, the principle of human wisdom. If it hurts you, you understand that the other one hurts too. This person can understand. It is believed that a person is in goodness, this is naturally understood, as in a family. It's not even a religion, it's just ethics. For example, like: there is no concept of God. They do not establish the concept of God. There . There is some kind of emptiness in the end and that's it. There is no personality of God. But their highest principle is ahimsa, and they follow it.

00:16:08 Now the most peaceful religion, so to speak, in the world is the Buddhists, although they do not accept the concept of God, and the most militant people are those who accept God. They are separated, the crusades and the most cruel things from this side we are considering now. Why is that? because religion is only a preliminary stage in spirituality. Spirituality is already knowledge. That is, there is faith, there is knowledge. They should be together. If I believe, but do not know - faith is in ignorance, this is fanaticism or sentimentality. If I know a lot, but don't believe it, it's dry mental reasoning, they say. And you need a combination of both, you see, philosophical and religiosity, deep experiences, spiritual experience. A combination of both.

00:17:02 So, if we feel some dislike for some kind of life, it is no longer a spiritual principle. And the highest principle, if we talk about the ten commandments, which is the first commandment, who remembers? That's right, “God is one.” If we talk about the Ten Commandments, then the first commandment is “God is one.” Without this understanding of the world, it is impossible to establish in society. Look at history: impossible. No concept can replace this. No human “isms” can cope with this. Even the idea of ​​communism, the most altruistic idea, didn't work. Do you know why? It is written in the Upanishad why the idea of ​​communism did not work. It says this: “ A person who is not free from does not have the right to talk about love and equality in this world. It will be deception. He must first free himself from envy, and then proclaim the truth from the heart” Not just a slogan, words, “from the heart”

00:18:11 You can't love one and destroy the other. That is, the idea of ​​communism was mistaken in this. On the material platform, they decided to destroy all other classes of people except for one class - that was the concept of envy, that was not the concept of love. That is, this wish was happiness and love for one class. It was a people, simple people. All other classes were suppressed. This was the mistake of communism. Where is our equality?

spiritual equality

00:18:42 On the spiritual platform, we are all really equal. We are not men, we are not women on a spiritual level, we are not Russians, we are not Americans, we are not Hindus, no. On the spiritual level, there are no such definitions for the soul. ” nirguna It is called, there are no material qualities. It cannot be said that the “Russian soul”, this does not happen. In general, God is Russian or who? Or Indian? Or maybe He is an American, somehow began to look in a modern way? He is spiritual. There are no definitions. Also nir-guna, also described. Or in other words, "divine qualities" Incomprehensible, inexplicable, but it can be experienced. There are no such material qualities with which one could describe the spiritual nature.

00:19:25 Do you know what method is used in the ancient Vedas to open the spirit? For example, communists reject capitalists. The capitalists reject the communists. Fascists deny everyone and so on. Each group somehow denies the other group. This is called “neti.” But not enough “neti-neti” is needed. “Neti” means “no, I deny”, “not true”, I say, “your opinion is not true”. But then you “neti - neti” must say, “my opinion is also relative, untrue.” Then it will be a complete process. One of the processes Neti-neti. Everything is untrue. My opinion and experience are also untrue, then the person begins to guess that there is something in common between us. There is some kind of unified nature inside. That's only when he brings to the end of the neti-neti, not that "everyone is wrong - I'm right" No. That won't work. So the worst.

00:20:25 Neti Neti. This is used in ancient books. And when we deny everything material, then we begin to understand that something else continues to exist within me. And this “something”, I guess, this is my consciousness, I myself am life. This is the very secret of life. What is life? I am a piece of life, indestructible, full of knowledge, full of bliss.


00:20:55 Happiness is described in Sanskrit by two concepts. There may be more, but I'll mention two. For example [su-kham] is a two-syllable word. [Kham] - space, [su] - a lot, a lot, reinforcing, that is, “when I have a lot of space, a lot of energy”, I feel su-kham now when we come to the Black Sea coast; we go out, and here is the expanse of the Black Sea, su-kham, a lot of sun, a lot of money for a vacation and we are happy. We have enough money, a big house, we have soo-kham.

00:21:29 "Du-kham" on the contrary, narrowed space, suffering. Like this little room or little prison, something enclosed. Also, such a mind can be closed. It is [du-kham] - "I am suffering" from my own mind: I cannot find answers; from my own actions: I often make mistakes; from the fact that there is little money, education is small, undeveloped - this is called du-kham. Su-kham, doo-kham. This is one understanding of happiness.

00:21:58 Another understanding of happiness is completely different. Ananda. [ananda-chinmaya ...] - the nature of the soul. “Ananda” means bliss, not just some resources. How to say beauty. We say beauty, but there are several words in Sanskrit that mean beauty. I asked in India “why different words are used, explain to me the exact translation, because they all mean “beauty” but the words are different” And here it is necessary ... there are no equivalents in Russian for these words and he tried to explain to me this man who knows Sanskrit . It means to see the beauty, the beauty that you see, this word means. You see beauty. “Beautiful” you say, you use this word. - What is beauty? - And this, well, how should I tell you, this means that you are already in beauty. You see, one word, and you are already another, you are already there. “Ananda” means you are already there.

00:22:59 Su-kham means a lot of money, a lot of opportunities, but there is no ananda. There may not be ananda in this, right? There are resources, but there is no happiness. So without ananda, all these resources don't really bring happiness. And this is the true nature of the soul, namely ananda. [Sanskrit] is an interesting combination. Her happiness is constantly increasing. Do you believe it? There is no such material experience. If you have some happiness, like marriage, the culmination of happiness is marriage; the bride and groom - this is a wedding, is considered the culmination of happiness. Then there will be difficulties, everyone is already crying at the wedding, they also congratulate with tears in their eyes that there will be problems, then it will get worse. Young people don’t understand, they say “they just don’t know how much we love each other” And the older ones congratulate them with tears “Well, be happy, at least try, it might work out”

00:24:02 And so this ananda in the material world has a fading nature. You see a beautiful view, gasp and after a few seconds you get used to it, everything fades. "Oh!" and fades. This is how material nature is arranged. And the spiritual nature is the ever-increasing, deepening happiness of Ananda [ananda chinmaya...] constantly. This is very good. Spiritual practice means ever-growing happiness, spiritual experience. And the older you are, the older the body, it can already get sick, grow old, have weakness, but the spirit is happier and happier and you die, in fact, from the power of love, not from old age. Not because you feel very bad and you are suffocating, or you are sick or in pain, but because you do it with happiness.

00:24:50 That is, in the highest sense of the word, this is how it is described in the Vedas how a person should live this life: go into a state of happiness. We even have a book like this here, “The Last Exam” is called, we collected such stories as people leave life in a state of happiness, doing spiritual practice.

human consciousness

00:25:08 And today we have to talk about a person as a living being and about a man and a woman, about their relationship, because these relationships are in the center of civilization. Man and woman. Politics, economics, everything depends on it. From how a man and a woman communicate with each other, our culture.

00:25:30 A person is located in this body as consciousness, human consciousness. It is multifaceted and contradictory in nature. If an animal lives at the level of its senses: tongue, stomach, genitals - all that it is aware of. It is not aware of its mind, it is not aware of its mind, and it is not aware of its soul, but it is aware of all the functions of its sense organs, mainly the tongue, stomach, genitals. On the same line - very connected. One is very connected with the other: the tongue enjoys, then the turn of the stomach, it fills up; when it fills up and becomes active or overactive, presses down on the genitals, the genitals become aroused. This is how this sensual pleasure, physiology, is arranged. Language, stomach, genitals - this is how all biological species live, including humans as a biological species too. As a species, we do the same thing: there is a tongue, a stomach, genitals, they require pleasure, they are very strong.

00:26:40 A person's language is stronger and more powerful, because the function of speech is added. Animals have primitive speech. The dog has, well, maybe just a few words of “rrr” and “woof!” and that's it. Actually, you can understand everything he says is just “woof!” and everything is clear, right? You immediately understand, everything is clear here. She has a very simple language. "Rrr" is also a warning. There is a snake “shhh”, you can also understand its irritation by this sound, that is, somehow they also transmit information. But a person's speech can be very refined, of course. Superbly honed, connected with his heart, with his mind; he can tell not only about what he ate, how he digested it all, lay asleep at night, how he then copulated - animals communicate like that. It doesn't need a lot of language. As people have several mats and they understand everything perfectly. Just a few words, only they are put on different floors and that's it.

00:27:41 Bingibu tribe in Australia 50 words set, perfectly understand each other. Because life is very simple. There's nothing else. But, the more subtle the intellect, the more subtle the experiences of love, relationships, the more refined the refined language is required. And Sanskrit is considered the most subtle language for storing spiritual knowledge. It is very difficult for them to talk. A lot of synonyms. In one word, up to 50 meanings can be combined with others, that is, a very subtle intellect is required to use the Devanagari language “the language of the demigods” is still spoken of.

00:28:22 That is, the structure of this body in animals and humans is such that feelings are located below, at the very bottom of consciousness. This is the bottom of the consciousness of the jiva. That is, the jiva is up there, and the senses are all down. These are the sense organs. What are the sense organs? I'm writing down. Smell, touch, sight, taste and hearing. Right. They are out of order with us, but now it does not matter. We just have such organs of perception. They are tuned in to the perception of sense objects, they are already tuned in, they already have a “search program”. The eye, wherever we go, seeks, looks around. The ear also constantly floats in the field of sound, searches, perceives, and all other sense organs are included in the “search program” What are they looking for? Pleasant sensations. This is how feelings are tuned: the unpleasant ones do not want, the pleasant ones want.

Mind power

00:29:20 The one above is responsible for this function. Who it? Yes, you already know, some people listened to this lecture more than once. Mind. In Sanskrit “manas” I will now only use Russian terminology so as not to complicate the topic. So mind. Its function is to accept only pleasant feelings and reject unpleasant ones. You understand that feelings are in contact with both pleasant and unpleasant. So, this function of “pleasant” and “reject, dislike” is already a function of the mind. As soon as the senses get tired or oppressed, the mind will immediately reject it. “Give it up, give it up!” As soon as the pleasant touches the mind says “Take, accept, do not let go”

00:30:10 This is a very strong decision, what else I wanted to say, this is a very strong energy. Feelings are strong, but the mind is even stronger. I give a classic example from the experience of world psychology. Once, many years ago, several years ago in Sweden, a man froze to death in a refrigerated car. Refrigerator. He was an electrician, repaired it there. He was accidentally sealed by mistake, this car was closed for the night along with this electrician. Refrigerator. It's terribly cold there. The man froze to the morning icy body. The medical needle did not enter the body. A piece of ice. However, as it turned out, there was no sub-zero temperature in the car at night. It has been disconnected from the network. And this is what they researched. This moment caused anxiety. Scientists as well as others investigated and concluded: a person was frozen by his own mind.

00:31:10 We know such simple everyday examples, when a person touches a cold iron, gets burned, thinking that it is hot. Or false pregnancy: a woman thinks she is pregnant and all the symptoms appear. That is, there are such moments, we heard about it. “Self-hypnosis” we call it. This is a function of the mind. And strictly speaking, it is the mind that forms the entire physical body. Example? You are welcome. Envy is a state of mind. Immediately your blood composition will change in this state. There will be an element of poison. You will have metabolic problems and some of your organs will fly away after a while. Envy will cause these problems purely physically. It has a physical embodiment in substances.

00:31:54 Love, I said yesterday that C8H12N will immediately appear in your blood - this is what the chemists told me. It is called the formula of love, now everyone at the institute knows who was involved in chemistry. In a man in love, this drug appears in the blood by itself. He does not need to take LSD, he is happy on his own. This is the state of love of the mind and your blood composition changes. You are afraid, you have fears, your stomach will hurt over time. And so on and so forth. You have stresses, others, tensions, whatever, it has to do with your physical body. You are shaping your physical body simply by your own mind. You say, “Well, how is it? I don’t think about anything bad” - No, no, look at yourself from the outside. Each face is imprinted with a certain mindset that we cannot change throughout our lives. We are the embodiment of the mind. We don't know, we have nothing to compare with. When we only communicate with people, “what a strange person!”, - we think - I absolutely do not understand him” Different mindsets.

00:33:05 We were born in approximately the same region with you, approximately the same mindset, similar, approximately the same culture, approximately the same language, approximately the same education, and therefore we understand each other. But if you are transferred now to, say, South India, you will be absolutely confused wherever you go. Even to the store. Everything is different there. Just imagine what kind of store it is when you come to the store and there are no prices. No prices. If you ask “how much?”, he looks at your eyes and names the price. Well, how do you trade? You don't know how to be here. Or you go to the doctor and he says “either you live or die, 50/50” You need to think for yourself.

00:33:51 That is, different cultures. Or you go to America and there is some kind of law for every step you take, there is some kind of link. And in Russia you go to the train and it is not known whether it will come or not. It was like that in the 90s. We are standing on the platform, waiting for the train and the people ... there has been no train for half an hour. People stand and argue “will the train come today or will it not come?”, - they communicate with each other, - yesterday it was, maybe it will come today“ Still, they are waiting. But if you come to Sweden, I was in Sweden, trains run every second.

00:34:34 We were driving with a transfer, we thought, “here, some way is not very good: a train, then you need to change to another train” And we are driving, here is our station, where you need to change and to our amazement, to our Fortunately, quite by chance, a train is going to meet ours, on which we must transfer, do you understand? And then it stops and we, like crazy, push all the people away, because we are in a hurry to get on the train, we pushed everyone aside, we quickly got on that train, sat down, managed, we were just very lucky. We saw that the whole carriage calmly moved to another train, not a single person was left on the platform, the trains parted second by second, everything was working.

00:35:19 That is, I'm talking about the fact that there are different mentalities, different understandings of time, order, relationships, and so on. And that's why Kipling said this thing, “West is West, East is East, they will never meet. It's impossible. You won’t understand each other” You will come to the doctor and say “Doctor, my heart hurts, you understand, my heart!” He says “this is your karma, calm down, surrender to God” and until you calm down, do not surrender to God, he will not heal easily. Yes, that's how it is in India. In those places, it's not that you pay money and he has to cure your heart or leg, no. Surrender to God first, and then I will treat your leg. If you indulge - I will cure, no - what's the point of treating you? Why treat you if you go back to sinful activities. No. You don't come to me anymore. There are such things.

00:36:09 Or we came to Nabadwipa, this is Bengal. West Bengal. One of ours has a toothache. Let's ask where to go, where is the dental office. They say “there are no dental offices here, there are no dentists here” We are silent, we look at people “But how do you treat your teeth?” - And we do not treat teeth - Why? - we don’t have any teeth pain, there is no such problem at all. That is, try to understand, if we simply observe even the culture of this planet, we will be confused. But, since we were born in approximately the same region, in the same climate, in the same language, we studied the same history, the same education; we were united by this mindset, it seems to us that the world is just like that, but this is just an illusion, it is not at all like this world.

00:36:50 And we understand very well that as soon as we no longer lived in Russia, it still doesn't work out. What is this world anyway? How is it created? How to use it? Who am I really? Therefore, we are trying the mind, mentality. The state of mind must be judged by the state of the mind. That is, there is a surface of the mind, such ripples on the water - these are our thoughts, our emotions, our reactions to the world around us. And there is a mindset. These are different things. The mindset is like a tsunami. From above, the tsunami will be of a small height. Drawn in full size. Approximately such a wave goes through the ocean - this is a tsunami. Tsunamis are not dangerous in the open ocean. The whole wave is in depth. There is strength. And when she comes to the shore, she grows up. And monstrous strength. This is what is called mentality. This is very difficult for a person to understand.

00:37:52 Therefore, the Gita says [Sanskrit] - “Thoughts, mentality at the moment of death is the beginning of the next life. The mind forms a new body, a new type of body.” Now I will show you how. I take a step - this is my incarnation. This is the pivot point now. That is, I can be defined by this point. According to the documents: a man, such a date of birth, character, education, nationality, everything, please, is here. And this, the second leg, is my activity now, karma, I am working, doing activity, isn't it? I am forming a new mind, a new body. I get an education, I communicate with people, I make mistakes, I accumulate some load of karma. This forms a new body and then a new step. As soon as this foot touches, this one must come off - death.

00:38:51 That is, until your new type of body is prepared, death will not come. It happens that a person is in a coma for many days, because the issue is being resolved. That's all. That's all there is to it. Not in health, as you think. A living being can live even in a lump of mucus, in a lump of dust. Actually, it is not necessary to die: it is immortal. But leaving the body is another matter.

00:39:18 As soon as the time comes, we must do it. There is natural death, there is violent death, there are accidents. The life force is located right here - in the region of the navel [vaishvanara] is called, this is the fire of digestion, it hums like a blast furnace all our life. Close your ears tightly now, listen to this sound. Working? So, everything is fine, today with you, in any case, everything will be fine. As soon as this fire of digestion stops, you will not hear this noise, which means you have about an hour left to live. An hour and a half before natural death, you will feel cold here and say “I will die today.” So you say. You will immediately feel it. This special cold will be, not outside, from within. This premonition of death will be.

00:40:12 That is, Vaishvanara maintains our body temperature and this digestive energy, life force; thanks to her, we exist, so we are very happy when we fill the stomach. And we, as if we have already reached the goals for today, everything is fine today: “I ate and thank God,” we say. Everything is great today. But if the stomach is overfilled, the genitals will be too demanding. Why are we talking about meat? Do you know what meat is? Meat means illicit sex in the end. This is adultery. It's unavoidable. I'll explain now.

00:40:47 Meat for a person is a stressful heavy food, it is extremely difficult to digest it. Our stomach acid composition is very unsuitable for this, the length of the intestines of a vegetarian, we have big problems with these toxins and slags; and in order to digest this food of his, man needs alcohol. Purely intuitively, he feels “you need to drink something, relieve this stress, digest this food.” Sometimes in restaurants meat is poured with alcohol and set on fire. Serve in such a way that with fire. Garlic, onion, to kindle it all artificially or add spiciness and it's good. I deal with it.

00:41:26 But in this case, your genitals will be overly active. You can't handle this power. This is a genie that should not be touched in vain: a very dangerous energy. We will return to this, especially for men. Why now there are few, few, fewer, fewer heroes, this is due to uncontrollable sexual energy.

Mind Energy

00:41:45 And so, the mind, we have explained its strength and power and influence on the senses. However, the mind is not the strongest, above it is the energy of the mind [buddhi], which makes higher decisions in accordance with the meaning and purpose of life that it has. For example, in hot weather, a person walks around the city, sees a lot of people on the street, and a beautiful woman is not far away. He looks, thinks “yes, great! Legs, everything else you need, my taste” And there is a desire to get acquainted. Mind and senses are already ready for it, he likes it all. Good example, right? Good. The same thing happens on the beach. The same thing happens at parties. He just looks and now he feels this desire.

00:42:40 Both the mind and feelings immediately say “Come! Super, super, super! Do you remember, do you remember? It's your taste.” He says, “Okay, legs, let's go! Language, well, ask something about the time there, get to know each other, you can” But the mind says “What are you, a fool?! Your wife is standing next to you!” That is, he sees the whole picture, the mind still understands the circumstances. And because he has the concept of marriage in his mind, the concept of fidelity, that stops him. At the same time he wants, but the mind says “no!” This is the contradiction in the mind of a person: I want, but I do not receive; I want, but I can't; I want, but they don't. But I want! I do not receive. Well, I do! But I don't get it. He's going crazy. Man goes crazy on this ground.

00:43:33 An experiment was done with a monkey. The room is beautiful and white. There's nothing there, it's empty. And only one podium, on which the orange is energized. This is the whole experiment. Let the chimps in. The unfortunate chimpanzee loves oranges, of course, but is unaware of this current. This is her delicacy, she immediately quickly approaches him confidently to this orange and takes it with her right hand - “Buff!” Blimey! Here is an orange! I have never seen such oranges. She thinks, “Well, how did this happen? I don’t know.” He takes it with his left hand – the same thing, the result is the same. She walks around him, takes two - hits even harder. Then four, then screams, spins around, attacks this orange constantly, does not stop his attempts.

00:44:20 After three days of the experiment, the diagnosis of “schizophrenia” Everything is simple, everything is clear. What is the power of lust? Look, the same monkey is caught in a very simple trap. A box is tied to a tree. Just a box, inside of which is the same orange and a hole in this box, where a chimpanzee can easily stick his hand, but not with an orange. That's the whole trap. Surprised? No more than that. All she got. Orange won't let go, won't guess. Come, just take it with your hands, take it away with this box.

00:44:57 Such is the power of feelings. The power of the mind is not enough now for a person to quit smoking, quit eating meat; even after gaining knowledge, he doubts. This function of the mind is very important. Here is chewing gum: a person chews, chews, while it is tasty, the mind says “well, chew - chew like a cow, chew, chew, delicious.” The taste is over, what does he say? "Everything. Let's get a new New. Chew-chew-chew, spit.” Is marriage a normal concept? Beautiful wife, beautiful wife, come on, enjoy with her. Everything, she is no longer beautiful - throw her out. Let's get a new one. You see, these functions are not applicable to marriage.

00:45:43 How do people worry, do you know how they worry about the beauty of their wife? The beauty of a woman, who knows? From what? From the waist. You have already heard the lecture, of course. Because if you have not heard, you will not guess that from the waist. The waist makes her graceful and beautiful. Right. And the man is very attached to the waist. He needs a nice waist. Showing: waist Gurchenko. Everything on this waist can be married easily. I will not draw further, so as not to embarrass anyone. Already we guess, we feel that everything is not bad. But time goes by and something strange happens to the waist. I'll show you now. Thalia has changed somehow, you know? I was deceived, I didn’t marry such a waist, right? She was like this, she became like this. And so he is interested in another woman.

00:46:46 When you're forty, this trend is already present in every family, practically. Because the mind and feelings know their business. They will still function as before, as if he is not married. They do not rely on reason. If the mind is weak, he will get himself a mistress and more than one. This trend is very strong right now, because there is meat, there is wine, there are aroused genitals, there are pictures around the city, there are half-naked women right on the streets. The man's mind is in constant agitation and he loses his mind.

00:47:23 The mind depends... the strength of the mind on the realization of the meaning of life: how high is your meaning of life, the goal, how powerful is the mind. Jesus replaced all ten commandments with two. The Pharisees asked him which one was the highest. He said "Love God with all your heart and with all your mind" - this is the highest commandment, which was not in the ten commandments of the Bible. “And the second,” he says, “is no less important: love your neighbor as yourself.” All the other commandments fit into these two. Everything we need. This is the purpose and meaning of life. If we cannot realize this with the mind, we will follow the feelings. These five horses will take our chariot to no one knows where, because I myself, the soul, should be the owner in this chariot, that's what I should listen to - my heart, the consciousness “I am, I exist” Who am I?

00:48:24 And human love is located on these different levels. There is a level of feelings here: a beautiful body, a beautiful voice, beautiful clothes, pleasant perfume - we use this to please on a bodily level. When we first meet, we use this usually. Purely external things are also important, culture. And now people have achieved great development in this, there are perfumes that attract men and repel mosquitoes at the same time. It's all bodily love.

00:48:57 The lion loves the antelope very much, have you noticed? He is very much in love, he does not have a soul, runs all over the prairie and she takes her legs away from him. Such love exists. And in the mind, love is illusory, far-fetched, invented love. You don't know the person, but you think about him like that, it seems to you that he is so divine. Why? We give an example of the New Year in this case. New Year is the best holiday in our culture. Everything is well prepared for this day. We hope that our next year depends on this holiday, we believe in fate one way or another, we want to spend it at the highest level.

00:49:35 And for this, in order to make a holiday, we arrange a holiday for all the senses, so that the mind in the aggregate will feel all this together as a premonition of happiness. I got such an emotion, a synthesis of all this. These must be wonderful smells, perfumes, as we say, touch - pleasant furniture, eyesight - everything must be very beautiful for the eyes, pictures, a Christmas tree, lights, beautiful. The dish is already being prepared in the kitchen, of course, delicious, beautiful and the music is the best. All the best. Simultaneously. All this must be taken into account. If something is wrong, spoil the holiday, I assure you. Everything needs to be carefully prepared. And then such a feeling will arise in the mind, a kind of premonition of happiness, like “enough steam”, something will happen in the New Year, for sure, I feel happiness will come. Everyone gets up at 12 o’clock, takes glasses of champagne, non-alcoholic, of course, and says “We will be happy in 2014!” We were not happy in 2013, but we will definitely be happy in 14, we believe in it.

00:50:45 And in the morning we understand that we got excited again. The holiday is over. This is some kind of illusion created by certain efforts. Therefore, when a man and a woman smell great, smile, I will tell you how to fall in love. Easy, just book a table. For several days in a row, book the best table in a restaurant, sit opposite each other, look into your eyes, be sure to smile, say nice words: what color are your eyes, what eyebrows, what a nose, an angelic voice, it must be - say all these things, compliments , sweets, let's have a little champagne, turn on the music, read the verse. In three days you will be in trouble.

00:51:31 In three days you will have serious problems. This will be the “illusion of love” is called in the Vedas. You will deify your partner with great power and say “I can’t live without him! I will die for sure, I already feel that I am dying and he will die without me, for sure, I am sure of this, we have some kind of unusual connection, I have never had anything like this, I feel my strength awakening, creativity awakening, never happened. This notorious wife, this notorious job, everything is gray, everything has faded, but with this personality I will sell the whole world to the devil for this person only”

00:52:03 But six months later you'll say, "She's a fool, like everyone else." But he turned out to be a cretin. This is called "illusory love" at the level of the mind, therefore, the Holy Scriptures and also the Vedas, of course, "marriage must be sanctified at the level of the mind." Duty. The meaning and purpose of life. Why are you doing it? Why do we live together, you need to realize. For sensual pleasure? For a game of imagination, a game of the mind? Or do you really need to reach the goal along with the ultimate? This is the mind. For example, you love your mother, even if she is 80 years old. At 80, a woman is ugly. You don't even see it's a woman. You see a creature. But why do you love? She no longer has a waist. And no teeth. And the smell, maybe from her senile. Not interested in anything at this age, and you love why?

00:53:08 But because she made a sacrifice for you. She sacrificed her life for you and you will never leave your own mother, realizing this issue. Likewise, spouses, if they are not in the service of each other, not in the service of society and God, not in a sacrificial state, they will quickly lose interest in each other. Or vice versa, they will feel a huge value increasing - ananda, love, regardless of the state of the body. Now you are talking about love. If it does not depend on the condition of the skin, hair, beautiful clothes and other things, these superficial cheap things.

00:53:51 A lot is said about him, everyone can say it in their own way, what are we experiencing; I, living in this body, life itself. We are always experiencing something. For example, I may doubt what you say. Or you may doubt what I am saying. But you don't doubt that you doubt. This is life. You cannot stop it. You cannot stop the stream: it will always come to the sea. The energy of life is irresistible. You can't even handle an ant. If you block his way, he will still bypass, bypass, in the end, you will give way. Impossible. There is a living being. There [sat chit ananda] are three desirable things for us: eternity, we want eternity each; chit is the energy of knowledge, we want knowledge, we don't want to be foolish and ananda is increasing happiness.

00:54:53 In [sat chit ananda] the nature of the spirit is described. We have it inside. And it says about itself “I don’t want death, I don’t want suffering, I don’t want broken hearts, pain, I don’t want to be a fool and make mistakes again and again” Yes, yes, we are against it, strongly against it. It is our nature that resists. And the material nature is different: [asat acit nirananda] is just the opposite. For a certain amount of time we have this existence. Just a little happiness allotted to us and a little bit of knowledge. Here is such a contradiction.

Man and woman

00:55:33 Now we will start describing the man and the woman. In general terms, we have now talked about how a person works. The structure of the human personality. Now let's look at it even more simply, as a man and a woman. The same structure will now be presented very simply in a simplified way, just to show this difference, the particularity. Here we have a man. I will draw in red, because we are adding passion. This is a man. This is a woman. We divide their nature in half. two hemispheres of the brain. One hemisphere is responsible for rational rational decision-making, and the other is responsible for emotions, the sensual side. This is known.

00:56:48 Now we will see what is the difference between a man and a woman, how to communicate in the right way. We need to understand this nature. A man has one thing: either the mind turns on; when it turns on the mind, attention to the mind, emotions are gradually suppressed and eliminated so as not to interfere with decision making. You see how well the inner component of a man is arranged. But there is danger in this. When he turns on emotions, the mind is removed so as not to interfere with his enjoyment of life.

00:57:32 You see, there are “pluses” and “minuses” in this nature. At the same time, he has only a unit of opportunity to distinguish in decisions and feel. A woman has nine of these units in accordance with the Vedas. Nine times a woman feels everything deeper. You say the word "love", a woman will understand it this way, and a man in a different way. You say “divorce”, they experience it differently, a man will survive in one unit, a woman will survive in nine units. She will worry more and more. She's made like that. But a modern woman, according to modern psychology, has only one and a half - two units left in her.

00:58:18 In the Vedas they say, nine units, that is, it is nine times more powerful internally. “Why such a difference?” I asked. The answer is found in the Vedas. In fact, only a chaste woman has nine units of the power of the senses of the mind, that is, the one who thinks about one man all her life is her husband. She has nine units, what does that mean? Mystic, healer, clairvoyant, that is, these Siddhis are her natural nature. A sorceress or a vesta is such a woman. She can give you the baby you want. That is, you can ask such a woman, “Whom did you give birth to? You are responsible for this.” And she can answer why this happened.

00:59:07 But, since in our time women think, if they think about two men, divide the "nine" in half, about three - into three, about four - one and a half - two units turns out. Now the situation is different, that is, women are not chaste enough to have such power. It's about depth. And either the mind or the feelings of a man works alternately. Everything is clear here. For a woman, they work together, such a “vibrating mode” of mind-feelings: “rrr” everyone feels, everyone understands nine times better than he does. He doesn't understand anything at all. Just don't know what to do, what to do? That is, you see, she has a contradiction, there is a drawback: she knows everything, feels everything, but it is very difficult to make a decision.

00:59:59 For example, it's hard for a woman to truly punish her son. She will turn to her husband. She is sorry at the same time, she understands with her mind, but at the same time she is sorry. A woman simultaneously lifts her skirt here and lowers it here and at the same time is ashamed of it. That is, she has both feelings and reason together, she has such a conflict of nature. An incomprehensible creature for a man, in general, “if you are ashamed, why are you wearing such skirts ?!” - he does not understand. That is, a woman can express it like this. So she thinks what to do, doesn't know what to do. She goes to her husband “Honey, what are we going to do? So or so, so or so?”

01:00:39 He can't switch so quickly, it's such an austerity, such a problem. For him, it's just some kind of chatter. And he is so masculine “Stop! I understand everything! We will do so. Shut up, don’t argue!”, feelings go away, he becomes so hard. And when he gets tough, the wife thinks “he probably doesn’t love me.” That’s what she doesn’t understand about him, for example. Because he has a break: he loves - he does not love. She will always guess. “Then tough, then suddenly loving, and then tough again, loving again,” I don’t understand him at all.

01:01:13 And he says, “I do this, that's it! But I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know…” And he does and he makes mistakes. “I told you, I told you, I told you ...” Or is not mistaken, “I also told you this.” She is always right, you see, she is married, everything is fine. If a woman makes some kind of mistake, she will not forgive herself nine times for this until the end of her life. She will remember and cry constantly about this mistake. It is very difficult for her to deal with her shortcomings, so her husband does everything, she provokes him and he is responsible for everything, and she is always right. She gives instructions and so on, no matter what he does, she is always protected, “behind her husband” is called.

01:01:49 But he doesn't care, he has a "one", he doesn't worry much. So what if I made a mistake, we’ll do it differently, it’s normal, no problem. I'll show myself anyway. And she supports this, believes in him, “Yes, you are reasonable, you are good with me, continue to make mistakes, and I will be with my husband”

01:02:10 And it's also nine times harder to change a woman than a man. She is practically incorrigible by nature. Imagine nine units and one - that's a big difference. For example, we know what alcoholism is, but we also know what “female alcoholism” is. It's harder to heal. Almost impossible. The same applies to drug addiction and prostitution. It is very difficult for a woman to stop. If she gave her heart to someone, she will not be able to repeat this a second time. It's impossible for her. We also know what telegony is. It is precisely these feminine deep qualities. Therefore, in ancient times, women were protected from sex. Now they forgot about it. Now, on the contrary, they say “Please, at any time, as long as you want.” They do not know the structure of men and women, they do not understand anything.

01:03:03 They don't understand the thing that if a woman is exploited like a man, she will turn into a man, and he into a woman. This is called betraying one's own nature. Imagine a man is constantly sensitive, losing his mind. Reason is the goal of life, it is fearlessness, it is generosity. If he loses these qualities, he will never become a great person, because these are the qualities of a great man, these are masculine qualities. A woman should not have such qualities. She must be dependent on her husband all her life. She gets everything from him: wealth, fame, career and children. “But if she gets without him, it does not honor her,” it is written in the Vedas.

01:04:04 Her honor lies in the fact that she inspires masculine strength, masculine mind, maintains its purity by her own sacrifice. Perhaps it is to her advantage to have sensual pleasures, but she sacrifices this in order to maintain his mind. The wife is the mind of the husband, they say. The better half of him. Therefore, wife and woman are not the same thing in the Vedas. A woman is the path to hell, and a wife is the door to salvation. A man for a woman is the way to hell, arouses her feelings, and the husband is the door to salvation. That is why marriage is necessary. Not just some random meetings, marriage, responsibility to the end.

01:04:45 And so, we are talking about great women and great men now. A woman is corrected in only one way - by love. No other power can control her. If she doesn't want something, you can never force her. It's impossible. And she is very lazy by nature. But as soon as there are children, she is a mother, she is a heroine. Round the clock she gives herself, round the clock. Or she loves her husband, she thinks around the clock and serves him. She is guided only by love. The Vedas explain that in childhood she should be under the love of her father, in her youth under the love of her husband and in her youth, and in old age her children should love her and she will always be strong, powerful, happy. She will always progress. A woman under the protection of love is in society.

01:05:35 Sometimes a woman is exploited under a veil and so on, they use this extreme. Emancipation is also an extreme. She should not be a man or imitate a man. She must remain a woman, her nature is to inspire. Imagine nine units. This is culture, art, poetry, dancing, this is science. Everything comes to a man through communication with a woman, inner strength.

Five roles of a woman

01:06:02 A woman has five important roles. If she learns these five roles, her husband can never leave her. This is the fulfillment of all his desires. It's impossible. And the first role is a wife who supports his mind, shapes his mind. The second role is the mother. When a person is helpless, weak, sick, or has failed in some way in life, then she takes care of him like a mother. The third role - she is satisfied as a sister with his attention. A sister is undemanding to her brother's attention; any attention from her brother makes her happy. I have a sister, I know it. 4 years older than me. And since I'm the youngest in the family, I'm selfish. I don't even remember who's birthday is when. But everyone knows my birthday. This has always been normal for me.

01:07:06 And now it's my sister's birthday, the mother says, “Will you congratulate your sister?” - with what? “Ah, you are such an egoist, it’s her birthday today, you don’t even know. Well, go and think, congratulations. I went to see what to give her, I think, “There is nothing, really, there is nothing. What do we have? I found a pen nibbled on my ballpoint school, went to give. Congratulated, she was happy, showed everyone the pen to the guests “brother gave!” – all clapped their hands. I was great too. And if I brought such a gift to my wife for her birthday?

01:07:38 Sometimes a man can forget about it. Due to this nature of “mind - feelings - mind - feelings”, he can forget, earn money. In general, forget about the family can. In this case, the wife behaves like a sister. She is happy with everything. And if he's angry, that's dangerous, by the way. Husband's anger is dangerous. Since he is attached to her, he can kill her in anger. Because of this affection, he can deal with her hard. If a man is detached, he is kind. “If he is attached, he can kill his wife in anger,” so it is written in the Vedas. Therefore, here she must become a daughter.

01:08:18 If you master this role of daughter, daughter, you will be surprised how powerfully it affects a man's mind. At the same moment, he changes. That is, when he is angry, you should not, as a wife, tell him “where is the money, go to work, go work hard and that’s all there is to say” You should not, as a mother, “stop it, stop it, I said! How long to?" Not like a sister “you won’t hit, you won’t hit ...” These things cannot be used when he is angry. You need to become like a daughter, an obedient daughter.

01:08:54 And the last role is the role of a mistress. “These are all the desires of a man,” they say fit in these roles. Everything he wants in life. So he receives care from the female side. Now we see that these three main roles have weakened inside. Maternal, sisterly, daughter weaken before our eyes. And the role of the wife, who demands money, the role of the mistress, who expects sex as much as necessary, is strengthened. Money and sex, money and sex. The Vedas say “this is not marriage, this is legal prostitution.” These relationships are legal prostitution.

01:09:40 If we want to create a family, then these roles should be the main ones inside. Mother, sister, daughter. It is pure love, there is no lust. And the strength of a man depends on his relationship with his mother. This is also a woman, the same nine units. Cares for him even more, loves him even more. Holy love. At the same time, the son does not feel a shadow of desire for his mother, a huge power of the mind is formed when he communicates with his mother. Mother, Motherland, Mother Earth, Cow-nurse-mother, these manifestations of motherhood must be respected. Seven mothers exist in the world inviolable: Earth, own mother, nanny, nurse, wife of the king, wife of the priest, mother-Cow and mother-Earth.

01:10:30 If a person harms some mother, he loses his human appearance, they say. It is impossible to harm the Earth, cows, because she is a mother in relation to a person. She is stupid, but she behaves like a mother, you need to respect, you can’t cut your mother’s throat. These are the things the Vedas describe. Our civilization depends on these relations. Here is such a man: purpose, fearlessness, generosity. And here is such a woman, these roles of hers are very valuable, important.

01:11:13 Seven mothers: own mother, mother-nurse, mother-nurse-nanny, wife of the king, wife of the priest, mother-cow, mother-earth. Seven mothers, Sacred concepts. Mother is a sacred concept. “After God, worship the mother,” says the manu-samhita. That's all the power.

Three male qualities

01:11:45 Now let's look at the three male qualities that we just talked about. It is fearlessness, purposefulness and generosity. Why does a man have these qualities? Women do not have these qualities. She is doubtful by nature, will never allow someone to rummage through her things, and she is afraid of everything in the world. Her nature is hesitant, that's why she is like that. This causes sympathy and a desire to protect men. It is not condemned, it is her nature. A man has a different nature.

01:12:22 If you examine physiologically a man and a woman, you will notice one interesting thing: a man has something that a woman basically doesn't have. This is the seed layer. He has a layer of seed. A woman does not have this, in principle. The seed is the most energetic substance in the human body. Some religions say that the soul is the blood of a person, because there is the most energetic, the most powerful substance, blood.

01:12:53 Do you know that a drop of male semen is produced from a glass of blood? Squeeze this energy hundreds of times and get a drop of seed. There is such power there. And if a man has sex irregularly excessively, he is said to “drink his own blood, lose his own mind and strength.” Therefore, he quickly forgets the purpose of life, becomes cowardly, cautious and lives for profit, he is no longer generous. Tell me, can a great man not know the purpose of life? Can a great man be greedy? Can a great man be a coward? That's the whole answer. This primarily depends on his ability to perform austerities - to keep his feelings under control, then his mind is powerful and he manifests all these male heroic symptoms. This is his nature.

01:13:51 Now, since people don't control their sexual energy, they are brought up differently in the army. Patriotism no longer works. You cannot say “Motherland, go defend the Motherland!” No, you have to scare him to death. Either they will kill you from there, or I will shoot you from here. Go ahead there. Men are kept like this in the army now. It's not a secret. But earlier we know the word of an officer, a man is an officer. He gave his word. If he didn't keep his word, he would shoot himself. He'd rather shoot himself than some dishonor. This is the power of the mind. The captain will sink with his ship, he is responsible. This is a hero. That's what the men were like.

01:14:29 And what were the Spartans like? Why were they invincible? No one knew the secret why the Spartans could not be defeated. A little, look. How can you not deal with them? But because the enemy army all the soldiers defended their lives during the battle. And the Spartans defended each other. Never worry about your own life. It was an upbringing, again, in great abstinence and asceticism. For a man, the most important thing is asceticism in his life. Severe austerities are not required for a woman. Also, the upbringing of boys and girls is different.

01:14:59 From the age of five, boys already begin to be taught discipline, because at the age of five, a child's mind awakens. Not at 6, not at 7, but at five. Don't miss the opportunity. Before school, you must start the learning process at the age of five. A girl learns, as we said, under the control of love, this is not difficult. She will accept all values ​​​​from her parents, if they just love her, the relationship is correct.

Questions - Answers

01:15:37 [from the audience] A question came in: Yesterday at the lecture, you said that you could ask your wife for advice. How can I do that?
- [Sanskrit name], are you here? In the room? Here she is sitting. Everyone turned, there she was sitting at the end against the wall in a white cloak. She even raised her hand, was not afraid, you see. She will sing to you from the stage tomorrow. She is just now resting these days, recovering. Get to know her.

How not to become attached to people, to work, to a husband, to children?

01:16:11 How not to become attached to people, to work, to a husband, to children?
- How not to get attached?
-Do not get attached
-A question.
Why shouldn't you be attached? This means that you need to love them, but do not consider them your property. In this sense, correct.

01:16:41 If you get on a train or an airplane, what is important? Is it important to get comfortable on the plane or on the train? What is the point or to fly to the destination / drive? Just imagine, there are two trains: one Indian, common. Those who have been in India, they laugh, they know what the Indian general train is. Never in India, please, do not sit on the general trains, do not buy tickets. It's not what you think. It is even incomprehensible to the mind, you know, it is impossible to imagine. Don't even try to go there, you won't survive there. You definitely won't survive the night on an Indian train in general. Up to three hundred people are packed into one car. That is, people are literally everywhere, lying on their heads, anywhere, it doesn’t matter, they are just patient. They can move like that.

01:17:29 And there is an Indian general and a Russian suite. But only the Indian general goes to the destination, and the Russian stands still. Where will you sit? All the same, you will sit in an Indian one, you see. Still, the mind is, well. This is what detachment means. This is called detachment. Attach to the target. Subordinate everything in your life to a higher purpose. Go there. It's just not possible to be detached. You still need to connect to something. If you are attached to God, everything is fine with you. Then the family will be in order and everything else will be in order. Because a husband is from God, children are from God, this is for God, you perfectly understand how not to become attached to this as to your property. Therefore, without being attached to God, it is difficult for us to be detached from this world.

01:18:26 In continuation of this topic, I have the following question: If you start spiritual practice with your husband, you get a feeling of happiness and bliss, which, in principle, was not there in your youth. Already such an age and such an attachment really arose and it becomes scary what will happen at the end of the path. I mean, one of us is bound to die first. Apparently, this is still overcome in the process of practice. There is such a fear that someone will die, what will happen to the second.

01:19:02 [A.Khakimov] It's not a problem - death. I will now tell you an interesting story from the Bhagavata Purana. One king wanted to go to Brahmaloka. Do you know what Brahmaloka is? It is the highest planet in this universe. It is practically spiritual. This is the planet of the Creator of the Universe. And his goal was to get to Brahmaloka. There is a recommendation. I will now tell you how to get to Brahmaloka for you and me. It is necessary for at least a hundred lifetimes not to commit a single sin and live in celibacy and you will get to Brahmaloka. Everything is simple. Just a hundred lives is not a lot.

01:19:43 Well, what about one life? Several decades. This is nonsense. It will pass without you noticing. A hundred lives, not a single sin and celibacy and that's it. And there you will simply be in eternal bliss. We understand that now it is unthinkable for us such conditions. We do not believe that, in fact, in these hundred lives, we have problems right away. But this king wanted to go to Brahmaloka. And because he performed such severe austerities, was in knowledge, was a powerful personality, Brahma, the Creator of the Universe sent an apsara to him to interrupt his meditation.

01:20:22 You know, many hermits accumulate strength when they meditate. The power that you do not use for feelings accumulates in you, you gain power. Sometimes they want to interrupt this austerity so that he does not become as powerful as some strong leader. Apsara sent from Brahmaloka. How can you tell what it is. You don't react because you don't know what an apsara is. Do you know the woman is beautiful? This is a bad example. There are no beautiful women on the planet here. Here they only remind of beauty. This is the physical body.

01:20:55 Apsara is a woman specially designed for the deepest intimate relationships. Her nature is like that. One look and “boof!” like lightning, you are finished, you forgot who you are, what your name is, where your wife is, your education is canceled right there. This is only one kind of Apsara. This Apsara came there. The king sat in meditation “Oummmm…” For a long time he did not tear his mind away from the transcendent, radiance emanated from him, everything fluttered around, nature blossomed around, smells, birds of paradise, he “Oummmm…” did not pay any attention.

01:21:35 She just walked past him, ringing her bells and spreading her breath. I felt so unearthly, it had never been like this before. He opened his eyes, that sound of bells entered his ears as he saw this image, "Buff!" He could not even understand who was in front of him: a man or a woman. Who is he and what is he doing here? They began to live together as husband and wife. He forgot about his goal, Brahmaloka, his austerities, all his accumulated experience. And such happiness, he was so attached to her, not for life, but for death. And then she went to Brahmaloka from him, left him.
He lived his whole life in anguish and sadness. At the moment of death, thinking about her, he returned to Brahmaloka. If your husband goes to God, you will follow him. If you go first to God, he will follow you.

01:22:42 What is the main goal of life for a man?
- The main goal of life for a man? I'll tell you tomorrow.

01:22:59 Is it possible to return the lost nine units to a woman?
- It needs to be returned. “Where are my units?” Demand. But from whom should they be demanded? Not from the men who were taken from you. No no. Now you need to demand from God, ask. Ask. Will return. For example, if you are a spouse and you have difficulties in the family, many people have difficulties in the family. You feel it. Now fulfill two conditions. Only two conditions: stop demanding something from each other, this is the first. And second: refrain from sexual relations. And platonic feelings will return to you very quickly. The freshness that you have lost. We simply exploit each other by demanding and enjoying sex. In the family, unregulated sex life in people.

01:23:58 Do you know what a regulated sex life should be like according to the Vedas? For a man, no more than once a month, intimate relations with his wife with thoughts of conceiving good children. This is Vedic regulation. Now practically, we are not even capable of such a thing. That is, we have a contradiction within a serious contradiction. There is an attachment to sex life. This is what the problem is. But if there is a spiritual practice, that is exactly how you want to live. It needs to be restored in a person. His healthy lifestyle.

01:24:35 How to understand your purpose?
- We will now go from the opposite, because it is extremely difficult to understand our purpose now and for one reason: we have hypertrophied ahankara - this is a false self in translation. We have a very big false ego in the Kali Yuga. Therefore, if now everyone is told about his nature, there may be strong disappointments, troubles. Because we want to be someone else by virtue of imitation, by virtue of this superficial culture. We have stereotypes, we are ashamed of our nature, most people, we imitate someone.

01:25:16 Therefore, we are now proceeding from the opposite: “I am not this body” at first. And then, when we learn this, then our nature will manifest itself easily. When we stop being ashamed of ourselves. We are always playing with someone. Unfortunately, this is the culture. Therefore, let's go backwards, so as not to disturb each other, don't say anything about material nature. Say “you are not this body, you are the soul” Let's try to understand this moment, and then we will take the second step.

01:25:50 What is the duty of a son to his mother?
-A son's duty to his mother? Yes, he owes her everything. Anything she wants in her old age. All desires must fulfill it. This is the main thing he should think about in regard to material existence. This is his piety and strength. This is his honor.

01:26:15 And daughters before mother?
-The daughter usually accepts her husband and his family as a rule. She goes to her husband's family and communicates less. Naturally, she also, of course, thinks about her parents, of course, does what she can. But it is the Vedas that say that a son is needed, because it is the duty of a son to take care of his parents. A son is needed, they say. The Garuda Purana states that the son is very important. A daughter can go to her husband and all she loses this connection is so strong.

01:27:00 [question from the audience] What if the mother wants her son to divorce, but the son does not want to divorce?
- Here you need to study the motives of the mother. If her motives are simply selfish due to attachment to her son, that is wrong. You won't have to live with your mom then. Who is he happy with? With her, what does she think? She is jealous? Not jealous. It is important for me to understand my mother's motives. If he suffers, she will worry, this is true. You need to become happy. Any parent will suffer if they see that the child is unhappy. It doesn't matter if you are even doing spiritual practice and you are unhappy, your parents will not accept it. But if you live an ordinary life and are happy, they will say “okay”

01:28:03 Our ordinary parents understand this. My mother worries about me all my life. Don't worry now. She was worried because I did not work, I was fired from work in 1988. Since then I have not worked. And she asked me “how do you live? How will you live? I was very worried. Family, daughter, you need to live somewhere, you get sick - you need sick leave, a pension until old age. Who will pay for this? I say “I have a spiritual life, a spiritual practice, I live differently” But she has no such experience. She's been worried all her life, and now she's not worried. Now she is doing spiritual practice, she is not worried. Then she saw that, in principle, I was happy, I go to India every year, although I do not work, for example. I travel all over the world, although I don’t work, although I don’t have a salary, where I wanted to go, I went there.

01:28:59 She just couldn't understand how I live. I say, “mom, look how I live, let me explain to you, I’ll try. See, I'm wearing pants? You see, I have a sweater? I didn't buy this for myself. ”She was even more worried “and who bought?” - Yes, no one bought it, people just gave me a present, they see that I don’t have a sweater, that’s all, and they also bought trousers for the performance. It is even worse “what if they don’t buy it next time? Are you going to go without trousers or what?” – It doesn’t happen if we live in such a spiritual family, we take care of everything, everyone has their own responsibilities. I'm the kind of person who takes care of me like this. I care differently about others. So we all live together. - Oh, I don’t understand, I don’t understand, I can’t, she is already taking Validol tablets under her tongue. The mother is worried.

01:29:45 It was at her home in the Far East. And then the doorbell rang: a neighbor came and said “to you. I told about you that you are a vegetarian, that you have a practice, she was interested, she wants to talk with you” I invited her, an elderly woman, a neighbor. She asked if I could treat with my hands. “I can do a little, I don't practice. I will tell you that you should not eat meat, fish, eggs, if you want to improve your health. Do not take intoxication and some kind of prayer.” She understood everything and left without saying anything.

01:30:28 Mother again to me with validol already “well, how, tell us, we’ll agree, I can’t understand how you live, how you will live on” The doorbell rings again. Again, the neighbor came with a full grid of vegetables. In her hands she gives “here for him” and left. “How do you live, let's talk” - This is how I live - How? Does she supply you with vegetables regularly? - No, the first time - Why? - She found out that you are a vegetarian, apparently, and brought it. - Does she supply all the vegetarians in the city?

01:31:05 There are still laws, you can live by them. By the laws of God. If you serve God, do not think that there is a place to sleep, everything will be added. There is such a moment. And if we want, we can live like that. It is not necessary for everyone to live like this, but the principle for any activity is as follows. I'll give another example, well, to be clear, practical.

01:31:31 One person lived in Kazakhstan all his life and rose to the rank of minister. And during the perestroika, he lost this position, since there was a separation of the Republics. He lost this place and was forced to leave for Russia, where he had never lived. He is Russian. We met with him in Siberia and he told me “why did fate dispose of me this way? I lost everything. Worked in the ministry. Education, connections, everything and suddenly, one day, I lost everything. I was forced to leave for Russia, where I had never lived and with the whole family we simply did not know what to do”

01:32:08 Okay, now who are you? - Minister - You are a minister now, you see, you are a minister everywhere. If you have the qualities of a minister, you will be a minister everywhere. That's all. It will come to you by itself, because you are qualified. Do you understand what I mean? If you are qualified, everything else will come, people will look for you. Where can I find such a doctor? Where does he live, give me his address, give me his phone number.
Where is this artist? Give me his address, phone number too, I want to order a painting for him. Where is this teacher? I want to learn from him. Give me his address. That's all we need to do. The rest is not necessary to think. Why do we think about something if we do not have enough qualifications?

01:32:51 Once I was given a mridanga for a while. There is no mridanga to show here. This is such an Indian double drum. And this mridanga was still in St. Petersburg, the only one then in the city, and they gave it to me for safekeeping. I quickly began to learn to play it, I liked it very much. Then they came and saw that I was already knocking rhythms, they said “Oh! You must learn to play the mridanga well, you are doing well.” How can I learn to play the mridanga if you take the mridanga away from me? – And to learn how to play the mridanga, you do not need to have a mridanga, you can learn how to play the log. But when you become qualified, the mridanga will come to you by itself. Everyone will ask you “play the mridanga, here is the mridanga, play the mridanga.” You only need qualifications, the rest will come by itself. Here's what to think about.

01:33:40 Sometimes people think “I'll make a business, just give me the initial starting amount” No, you're not a businessman if you think like that. If you are a businessman, you will make money out of thin air. I have a friend. At school, he ran to the river for a break, in the Urals he lived to examine the pebbles. He was considered slightly abnormal by children. Didn't play with everyone. During perestroika, he graduated from school, no higher education, still writes with errors, went to the same river, sawed some plywood boards, pasted pebbles there, sprinkled sand on varnish, signed the name of the city, began selling souvenirs. Now he has stores all over the world. And in Italy, and in St. Petersburg, and anywhere. He made money from that river and started his own business. This is a businessman. This is nature.

01:34:34 Don't think that if I have some initial money, I'll make even more money. You will lose everything if you think like that. Get qualified first. We said “intellectual foresight” Learn. Don't fantasize. Ruin your life with your own fantasies. Likewise in the family. Don't fantasize, don't get attached to some illusion. You have to live with the person all your life – you have to be friends.

01:35:07 What if the husband is inspired by the regulation of life, but the wife is not? Or vice versa.
- Negotiate. This is a common thing. In a family, some compromises can be reasonable. But the main thing is that they respect each other's aspirations. Gradually, this can be adjusted. Do not hurry. As for the family, one must be flexible so as not to destroy the family with spiritual standards. Like "I'm a vegetarian, you're a meat eater, divorce, that's it!" You can not do it this way. First, you need to make a person feel our values, also imbued with respect. Then you will see, we can help each other. Be patient. Therefore, for men, of course, it is better not to marry in this sense of the word. He is stronger when a man is not married. A woman is stronger when she is married. How to be? A man should know the purpose in life, and a woman should help him in this. Then no one will lose anything. Such a schedule.

01:36:16 What to do if there are many masculine qualities, responsibility and at the same time how to develop feminine qualities?
- How to develop feminine qualities? No no no. You don't have to do this, wait. There are different women. There are different types. We said: there are intellectuals, there are administrators - warriors, there are businessmen, there are workers. Women are also of these different types. There are warrior women. Do you know about it? There are women - warriors by nature. They seem to have masculine qualities in appearance. And they can even wield weapons well, they could drive war chariots in the past. At the same time, they remained women in the sense that they imitate a man, they remain like a woman - how is it? On the hunt - a lion, at home - a lamb. Like this.

01:37:15 How can a man, dedicating his life to asceticism, not become dry, hard and callous?
- A man should have at least two goals in his head. There is, of course, one ultimate goal, but another auxiliary one. The first: a healthy lifestyle, the second: the knowledge of the absolute Truth. Two meanings of life. Do not miss either one or the other, then everything will balance out. To regulate both is the male mind. Mind is also compassion, it is the energy of the mind. Mind is also humility, it is the energy of the mind. Tomorrow I will talk about the five functions of the mind and something else very important. I'll tell you the most important thing tomorrow, okay? And today we will finish, thank you very much.

Transcription: Danae Sugraly | Aktobe | Kazakhstan| December 19, 2013

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