How is a ball different from a sphere? Comparison of a ball and a cube What is the difference between a sphere and a ball.

Encyclopedia of Plants 01.02.2022
Encyclopedia of Plants

NMitra There is a bug in Opera: corners of a nested element are not rounded. This can be corrected by adding

content: "";
position: absolute;
top: 0; bottom: 0; right: 0; left: 0;
box-shadow: 0 0 0 100px #fff;
border-radius: 100%

But then the shadow in Google Chrome "cropped" is obtained. Since Opera is moving to the Google engine, I made a choice in favor of its browser. Cosmo Mizrael Cool.
Right now I'm doing a design with planets, but avatars and other images have to be made flat, because img can't apply box-shadow: inset.

dd> NMitra Set the background to background. Soon, thanks to CSS transform support, it will be possible to add volume. Forerunners Cosmo Mizrael Mdo, it seems to be for a webkit, but it doesn’t work

It’s not always possible to make backgrounds, but it’s very possible to overlay an element with specified styles on top of the image. But this is if the dimensions of the image are known.

I also found a script that does this job on its own:
Here he himself determines the size if the image has loaded. You need jQuery.

This is so, note 🙂 NMitra Some settings need to be set there .. This is a lot forward :))

Please 🙂 I've been a regular reader for at least a year 🙂 Anonymous IE 11
Everything is animated)) NMitra Well done IE, reached out. It remains for Chrome to remove -webkit-, he is now among the lagging behind.

What is a circle?

The outline of a circle starts with a circle. Circumference - it is a closed line without end and beginning, each point of which is at the same distance from the center. The simplest example of a circle is a gymnastic hoop.

A circle will turn out if you draw a circle, for example, on paper - and then decorate it. Any colors: yellow, blue, green - whichever you like best. The main thing is to fill the void with something. After the end of the work, the circle will turn into a figure, which is called a circle. A circle, in essence, is some part of a two-dimensional surface, looped into a circle.

The circle has some important parameters for understanding its essence. By the way, some of these parameters are also inherent in the circle.

  1. Radius- the distance from the center point of the circle or circle to the border of the figure (the line that outlines it).
  2. Diameter- an important characteristic that appears so often in school assignments. This is the sum of two radii, that is, the distance between two opposite points on a circle.
  3. Area- a property characteristic only for a circle. The circle does not have it due to its structure (because it is empty, and the center of the figure is an imaginary point). In a circle, on the contrary, it is not difficult to determine the center. Through the central point of the figure, it is enough to simply draw a series of lines that will divide the circle into sectors.

Circle in real life

In reality, you can easily find many objects that are identical in shape to a circle. For example, a ready-made sample of a circle - or rather, a set - rolls along the roads of towns and cities every day. It is clear that we are talking about the wheel. Here it is worth making a reservation: the circle should not be monophonic, it is not necessary. It can be decorated with patterns or something else - this does not change the shape.

Another example of a circle is The sun. Yes, the same daylight that people see every day. An inquisitive reader will notice that the Sun is a three-dimensional figure; it cannot be a circle. It's true. But the small figure, which the fiery star appears to the inhabitants of the Earth, is essentially a circle. Its area, of course, cannot be calculated. Why? Because this example is given only for clarity, in order to understand what a circle is.


The attentive reader has already figured out what a circle is. But what kind of "beast" is this sector, which was mentioned a little higher? A sector is a part of a circle separated from the rest of the surface by a pair of drawn radii. For clarity, we can take this example: everyone has ever seen a sliced ​​​​pizza. Pieces are sectors of the circle, which is the whole appetizing dish.

The sectors do not have to be equal in size. For example, if a pizza is cut in half, both halves will also be sectors of the circle.

What is a ball?

Ball - body bounded by a spherical surface. That is, it is not a two-dimensional figure, like a circle, but three-dimensional. A spherical surface is a geometric combination of a surface of points located at a non-negative distance from some central point. The distance at which all points on the surface of a sphere are removed from its center is called the radius. And it should not exceed certain given numbers. Thus, a circle is the same spherical surface located in a different space.

This shows the similarities and the main difference between the ball and the circle. A circle is a two-dimensional figure whose points are bounded by a circle. A ball is a three-dimensional figure, and its points are limited by a spherical surface.

Varieties of the ball

In metric and vector spaces, two concepts are considered that have a connection with a spherical surface. The sphere that includes this sphere is called closed. A ball that does not include a sphere is called open.

Ball characteristics

A sphere, like a circle, has a diameter and a radius. Both of these quantities in the ball are calculated according to the principles described above (as for a circle). The radius of a ball is the segment between any point on the spherical surface bounding the figure and its center. The diameter connects two points on the spherical surface of the ball, passing through its center.

An interesting addition: a circle can be part of a ball. More precisely, the ball consists of a very large number of circles of different diameters. These circles are called sections of the sphere. When the section runs through the center of the ball, it is called a great circle. All other sections are called small circles. Such sections passing through a pair of points on the surface of the ball, it is possible to draw a truly infinite set.


A circle is a flat, two-dimensional figure. A ball is a three-dimensional geometric body. However, they have a lot of similarities (the presence of a bounding surface, diameter and radius, the fullness of the structure, in contrast to the same circle, the ability to calculate the area).

What is the difference between a circle and a sphere? The circle is flat, the ball has volume. It is the volume of the ball that allows it to be divided into sections, which are essentially circles. The circle, on the contrary, is divided into sectors.

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If you take a semicircle or circle and rotate it around its axis, you get a body called a ball. In other words, a sphere is a body bounded by a sphere. A sphere is the shell of a sphere, and its section is a circle. The ball and sphere are interchangeable bodies, unlike the cone, despite the fact that the cone is also a body of revolution. Through two points A and B, located anywhere on the surface of the ball, an infinite number of circles or circles can pass. This formula can be useful if either the diameter or the radius of a ball or sphere is known. However, these parameters are not given as conditions in all geometric problems.

If the length of the diameter of the sphere (d) is known, then to find its surface area (S), square this parameter and multiply by Pi (π): S=π∗d². For example, with a sphere radius of three meters, its area will be 4∗3.14∗3²=113.04 square meters. To calculate the area of ​​a sphere from the data, for example, from the second step, the search query that you need to enter into Google will look like this: "4 * pi * 3 ^ 2". And for the most difficult case with calculating the cube root and squaring from the third step, the query will be: "pi*(6*500/pi)^(2/3)".

Difference Between Ball and Sphere

When people are asked the question of how a sphere differs from a ball, many simply shrug their shoulders, thinking that they are actually the same thing (an analogy with a circle and a circle).

In everyday life, we rarely talk about a sphere, more often a ball or a ball. And not everyone understands the difference between these two geometric concepts. Perhaps we can say that the sphere is the outer shell of the ball. A balloon, for example, is not really a ball, but a sphere. Provided, of course, its absolute "roundness". As I understand it, absolutely all points of the surface of a ball are equidistant from its center, while this condition is not mandatory for a spherf.

Orange, soccer ball, watermelon, look like a ball. Of all bodies of a given volume, a sphere has the smallest surface area. The surface of a sphere is called a sphere. The distance from the points of the sphere to its center is called the radius of the sphere and is usually denoted by R. The radius is also called any segment connecting the point of the sphere with its center.

Definition. A ball segment is a part of a ball that is cut off from the ball by a cutting plane. The basis of the segment is called the circle, which was formed at the site of the section. I am the owner and author of this site, I have written all the theoretical material, as well as developed online exercises and calculators that you can use to study mathematics.

Any diameter corresponds to 2 radii. The part of the ball (sphere), which is cut off from it by any plane (ABC), is a spherical (spherical) segment. Circles ABC and DEF are the bases of the spherical belt. The distance NK between the bases of the spherical belt is its height. 1/3 of the product of the surface area of ​​a sphere and the length of the radius. Often voiced like this: the volume of a ball is equal to 1/3 of the product of the surface of the ball by its radius.

All these points are from the center of the geometric body at a distance that is not greater than the specified one. This distance itself is called the radius. All points in space are equidistant from the center of the sphere.

An educated figure will be a ball. Therefore, the ball is also called the body of revolution. Let's take some plane and cut our ball with it. Just like we cut an orange with a knife. The piece that we cut off from the ball is called the ball segment.

, Competition "Presentation for the lesson"

Presentation for the lesson

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Target: introduce children to geometric shapes (ball and cube). Create conditions for consolidating the ability to distinguish and name a ball (ball) and a cube (cube).


  • teach children to distinguish and name geometric shapes (ball and cube);
  • develop memory and mental operations in children (analysis, comparison);
  • develop speech;
  • practice counting to five;
  • exercise in modeling techniques;
  • educate cognitive activity;

Preliminary work:

With kids: Introduction to circle and square. Comparison of geometric shapes (circle and square). Practice counting up to five. Fixing sculpting techniques. Preparing for a slide presentation class.

With parents: A conversation with parents about asking their children at home more often the questions “What objects look like a circle?”, “What objects look like a square?”

List of didactic material: Slides with tasks: “What is the difference between a circle and a square?”, “What is the difference between a ball and a cube?”, “How many red balls?”, “How many green cubes?”, “How many cubes in total?”, slide with dynamic pause, slides with modeling techniques.

Equipment: slide screen, projector.

Materials: oilcloths for modeling with plasticine and plasticine of the same color for each child.

slide 1.

Educator: Hello children. Do you love surprises? I have a surprise for you. Look who came to visit us.

Slide 3.

Children: These are cubes and balls.

slide 4.

Educator: Let's take a closer look at balls and cubes.

Slide 5.

Educator: What figure, already known to you, does the ball look like?

Children: To the circle.

Educator: Right for the circle.

slide 6.

Educator: What shape do you already know the cube looks like?

Children: To the square.

Educator: Right on the square.

Slide 7.

Educator: Look carefully and remember the difference between a circle and a square.

slide 8.

Educator: What does a square have and what does a circle not?

Children: A square has corners. The circle has no corners.

Educator: Right. A circle and a square differ in angles.

slide 9.

Educator: Think and say the difference between a ball and a cube.

slide 10.

Children: A sphere differs from a cube in angles.

Educator: The ball has no corners and therefore it can be rolled.

Slide 11.

Educator: The cube has corners, this gives it stability and therefore it is possible to build from cubes.

Children: Yes!

Educator: Be careful!

slide 13.

Educator: How many red balls? We count together. I show, you name.

Children: One two.

Educator: Well done!

slide 14.

Educator: How many green cubes? We count together.

Children: One two three four.

Educator: Well done!

slide 15.

Educator: How many cubes are there? We count together.

Children: One two three four five.

Educator: You think well! And now let's play.

slide 16.



We were sitting quietly
Now let's all stand together
(children stand near their chairs)
Let's stomp our feet,
(children stomp)
Let's clap our hands.
(children clap)
We will take the cube from the floor
And let's put it back.
(children take a cube from the floor and put them on the other side)
We will take the ball in our hands -
Let's pass it on to someone else.
(children pass the ball in a circle)
Now let's squeeze our fingers
(children squeeze and unclench their fingers)
And then we'll start sculpting.

slide 17.

Educator: I ask you to sit down at your workplaces to start sculpting. We will sculpt a cube and a ball.

(children sit at prepared tables with oilcloths and pieces of plasticine)

Educator: First you need to divide the plasticine into two parts.

slide 18.

Educator: Take one piece of plasticine and give it a round shape by rolling it in a circular motion between your palms.
You already know this and you did it well. Check if your ball is rolling.

slide 19.

Educator: And now the task is more complicated - you need to make a cube. Be careful: roll out a piece of plasticine with the longitudinal movements of the palms and flatten with your fingers to obtain the desired shape.
Well, what did you do? Check if your cube is solid.

slide 20.

Educator: See how Mishka is happy with your balls and cubes!
I am also very happy with your work!
- But remind me - what is the difference between a ball and a cube?

Children: The ball is round and rolls, and the cube with corners and stands firmly.

Educator: Right. Did you enjoy the activity?

Children: Yes!

Educator: And I liked it. You are just great. Goodbye!

When people are asked the question of how a sphere differs from a ball, many simply shrug their shoulders, thinking that they are actually the same thing (an analogy with a circle and a circle). Indeed, do all of us know geometry well from the school curriculum and can immediately answer this question? The sphere has some differences from the ball, which not only schoolchildren need to know in order to get a good mark for their demonstrated knowledge, but also many other people, for example, whose work is directly related to drawings.


Ball is the totality of all points in space. All these points are from the center of the geometric body at a distance that is not greater than the specified one. This distance itself is called the radius. A ball, as a geometric body, is formed as follows: a semicircle rotates around its diameter. As for the sphere, this is the surface of the ball (for example, a closed ball includes it, an open one does not). Calculating the area or volume of a ball is an entire geometric formula that is very complex, despite the apparent simplicity of the geometric figure itself.

Sphere, as noted above, is the surface of the ball, its shell. All points in space are equidistant from the center of the sphere. As for the radius of a geometric body, it is called any segment, one point of which is directly the center of the sphere, and the other can be located at any point on the surface. We can say that the sphere is the shell of the ball without any content (more specific examples will be given below). Just like a ball, a sphere is a body of revolution. By the way, many also wonder what is the difference between a circle and a circle from a sphere and a ball. Everything is simple here: in the first case, these are figures on a plane, in the second - in space.


It has already been said that the sphere is the surface of a ball, which already makes it possible to speak of one significant sign of difference. The difference between the two geometric bodies is also observed in some other aspects:

  • All points of the ball are at the same distance from the center, while the body is limited by the surface (a sphere that is empty inside). In other words, the sphere is hollow. Usually, for ease of understanding, a simple example is given with a balloon and a billiard ball. Both of these objects are called balls, but in the first case we are dealing with a sphere, and in the second with a full-fledged ball with its contents inside.
  • A sphere has its own area, but it has no volume. A sphere, on the other hand, has a volume that can be calculated, while it has no area. Someone may say that this is the main sign of difference, but it only appears if it is necessary to make some calculations (complex geometric formulas). Therefore, the main difference is that the sphere is hollow, and the ball is a body with contents inside.
  • Another difference lies in the radius. For example, the radius of a sphere is not only the distance of points to the center. Any segment connecting a point on a sphere with its center can be called a radius. All these segments are equal to each other. As for the ball, the points lying inside it are less than a radius away from the center (just because of the sphere bounding it).

Findings site

  1. A sphere is hollow, while a sphere is a solid filled inside. For example, a balloon is a sphere, a billiard ball is a full-fledged ball.
  2. A sphere has an area and no volume, while a sphere does the opposite.
  3. The third difference is the measurement of the radius of two geometric bodies.

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