Why dream of a scar on someone else's face. Why dream of a scar on the face? Scars around the hands

garden equipment 16.02.2022
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    dreamed scar on the someone else's face- refrain from loud phrases and promises that you cannot or do not want to fulfill. Favorite person from scar on the face in dream, which he doesn’t have in reality, warns in a dream book about insulting his beloved in reality, which hurts his soulmate. A similar mark on another person's neck in dream symbolizes great troubles in an unpleasant business.

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    dreamed Scar, but the right interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming Scar in dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if in dream have seen this symbol. I have on the face scar but in dream also appeared on the other cheek scar straight from eyes to mouth he was like a cut dreamed grandmother who died a year ago.

“Scars adorn a man” is a well-known saying. Scars are a reminder of pain, suffering, or at best a frivolous case that left a mark ... However, for life. Most people have scars. But some of them dream and this only exacerbates the situation. People immediately begin to wonder, “why did I dream of a scar?”. Just for such curious people, we have prepared a short prefabricated dream book

Esoteric dream book

This is the most controversial dream book that interprets any dreams from the point of view of the subconscious, psychology, and even supernatural forces.

  • The dream "scars on the body" says that the dead do not let you go, they visit you at night, perhaps they haunt you in life, you often remember them and cannot come to terms with their loss. Therefore, put a candle for the repose of each deceased in the church.
  • The "scar on the face" dream says that you offended someone, loved, but abandoned, and this person does not leave you alone. You need to resort to a magical ritual: wash yourself with dew before June 21 or with holy water during the full moon. (cm. )

Spring dream book

A scar in a dream means that you may be undeservedly offended.

Summer dream book

To see a scar in a dream: your secrets will remain with you forever. But this is not some secret about a broken porcelain saucer from childhood, but such an event that could affect many, change their attitude towards you, but you decided to keep it to yourself. So it's kind of a heart scar that you inflicted on yourself.

Autumn dream book

Why do you dream of scars on your face: a tragic accident will happen in your life.

Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

The wanderer is a collective image of a person who can be content with less in life, constantly looking for new ways of self-improvement and spiritual growth. So such a dream book is more suitable specifically for the people described in the previous sentence, and not for the general flow. Dream Interpretation scar calls a great mental experience that you had to overcome in the past, and if there were none, then they are just coming. But on the other hand, it also speaks of the courage that goes hand in hand with the scar. If you are ready to take a blow that will leave a mark, then you definitely do not have the courage.

Dream Interpretation of Adaskin

Seeing scars on your body in a dream - you have to face the consequences of your mistakes. They will be especially obvious if you dreamed of a scar on your face.

Worldly dream book

The most detailed of those given in our collection.

  • Dream Interpretation: scars on the body - events haunt you. You cannot forget them, you are engaged in self-discipline.
  • Dream Interpretation: a scar on your face - you used to love someone, but left the person and this parting haunts you.
  • Dream Interpretation: to see a scar on the back, stomach, arms or legs - the dead, the memory of them, do not leave you and cannot find peace. Therefore, it is worth visiting the church, lighting candles. (see sleep and)
  • Why dream of scars born in January, February, March, April: you will be undeservedly offended. Born in May, June, July, August: you will keep the biggest secret forever. But if you were born in September, October, November, December, such a dream portends a tragic accident.


In any case, a scar at the subconscious level means memories that will stay with you forever and will constantly pop up in your memory. They never go away, only if you do not resort to the services of a psychologist or even a hypnotist. If the thought haunts you and constantly interferes with the natural course of your life, then you need to act with the direct participation of a specialist.

Find out from the online dream book what the Scar is dreaming of by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpreters.

What is the scar in a dream for?

Esoteric dream book

Sleep Mystery:

Scar - On your body - one of the dead does not let you go free: put candles in the church "for the rest." On your face - someone you loved and abandoned, does not leave you alone because of the offense inflicted on him. There is a magical way to get rid of this: you need to wash yourself with dew before June 21 or holy water on a moonlit night.

Big encyclopedia of dreams

What is the dream of the Scar in the dream book

So you will face the consequences of previous mistakes if you saw a scar on your face in a dream.

Worldly dream book

Everyday interpretation of the dream about the Scar

If you dreamed of a scar, then this means that in reality some events haunt you. You cannot forget them. Try to pull yourself together and stop being selfish.

Seeing a scar on your face in a dream suggests that someone with whom you used to have love, but then you left him, does not leave you alone. There is a way in magic that will help remove this effect - you need to wash yourself with dew before June 21, or you can wash yourself with holy water on a moonlit night.

If you dreamed of a scar on your body, or a lot of scars, then such a dream suggests that one of the dead cannot leave you and find peace in the next world. You should visit the church and put candles "for the repose."

Seeing a scar in a dream for those born in January, February, March or April may mean that you will soon be undeservedly offended. For those born in May, June, July or August, such a dream predicts the preservation of a heart secret forever.

Such a dream can predict a tragic accident for those born in September, October, November or December. Also, a scar in a dream can represent the fact that you will always have some painful memories, or you yourself will leave them to someone.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of Scars from your dream

Means - Strong mental experience; courage.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Scar - You will be undeservedly offended.

For those born in May, June, July and August

Means - Your heart secret will remain forever with you.

For those born in September, October, November, December

Scar - To a tragic accident.

There are dreams that are common, and there are quite rare ones. We do not often see a scar in a dream, and therefore such a dream is a little scary, embarrassing and unsettling. And there is absolutely nothing surprising in the fact that we want to know about its true meaning.

How do various dream books interpret the dream of a scar?

Miller's dream book

If you saw a scar in a dream, then some episodes of the past still haunt you. Perhaps you feel guilty before someone, or there is an understatement in your relationship with loved ones. If you dreamed of a scar on your own face, then you are tormented by memories of a past love that ended in disappointment.

Scars on the legs testify to the upcoming difficulties. On your hands - about the meanness that you committed in relation to another person.

A lot depends on how the scar looks like:

  • if the scar was rough and ugly, then we are talking about depressing memories that you would like to get rid of, but you cannot;
  • if the scar is neat and even, it indicates a secret that you diligently hide from any prying eyes.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

There are more specific and even ominous interpretations of the scar seen in a dream. So, according to Vanga's dream book:

  • If you dream of a man with a scar, then in the future you should expect trouble from one of your friends. It is highly likely that this will be a new person for you, whom you met relatively recently.
  • To see a scar on your own face - to the death of one of those with whom you are familiar. It could be someone close to you or someone you barely know.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

A dreamed scar suggests important events in the future that will require your courage and fortitude. Most likely, you are waiting for household chores. It is also likely that one of your loved ones will fall ill and care for him will fall on you.

Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book suggests that a scar appears in a dream as a result of unrealized sexual energy. A person who sees such a dream suppresses too many emotions and desires in himself. As a result, they go deep into his personality, but do not disappear without a trace. If you do not let them out, depression will begin to develop, and various obsessions and states may also appear.

The way we see a scar in a dream in most cases speaks of those feelings and memories that we are trying to suppress and are afraid to let out. Therefore, such dreams, first of all, make you look deep into yourself.

Dreaming of a scar? Tell me your dream!

Elena 2019.07.19 08:45

I dreamed that a star fell on the back of my hand and left a scar in the shape of the letter v. what does it mean?

Anchor points:

What does a scar mean?

The general meaning of the scar dream comes down to the fact that you have to pay for everything - both for happiness and for misconduct.

Where was the scar

An injured person with a scar dreams of a situation when you have to remember that you once let a loved one down very much. It was located on the back - expect betrayal. scarred or with one scar - the case will interfere with your plans, they will never come true. A scar on your hand - once you acted meanly, trying to change your official position, now it's your turn to be betrayed.

What did the scar look like?

If it was ugly, uneven - you would like to get rid of the memories that have been oppressing you for many years. Neat and even - there is a secret that you hide from everyone, but carefully keep it for yourself. Postoperative scar predicts difficulties on the way to the goal associated with a mistake in the past.

The man with the scar

If the person who dreamed with a scar was familiar to you or even a relative, then you will offend someone from the family circle, which will provoke a serious, protracted conflict.

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