Is it possible to lose weight blackcurrant. What is useful blackcurrant

Engineering systems 03.03.2022
Engineering systems

Small round, bead-like, charcoal-colored berries are familiar to everyone since childhood - this black currant, useful properties and contraindications of which determines its composition. The active substances are found both in the fruits and in the leaves of the plant, and the first mention of it is found in ancient medical books. This is not only a fragrant delicacy, but also a great cure for many ailments.

Composition and calories

It is noteworthy that the currant is a plant that is sensitive to heat. It is this bush that is one of the first to come to life after winter dormancy and even before the snow melts, buds swell on its branches.

Calling a currant just a delicious berry is like saying almost nothing about it. Modest bead berries bring benefits almost more than expensive pharmacy vitamins. Its secret is in the unique composition of the fruit.

Currant contains:

  • vitamins - C, A, PP, B;
  • organic acids - citric and malic;
  • sugars (glucose and fructose);
  • flavonoids;
  • pectins;
  • tannins;
  • minerals - magnesium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, calcium.

This is interesting! The well-established stereotype that lemon (and other citrus fruits) are the champion in the content of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is wrong.

Currant leaves can also boast of a rich composition: they also have a lot of ascorbic acid, carotene, phytoncides and essential oils. Therefore, both berries and leaves of the bush are used for harvesting.

For all its usefulness, currants are also low-calorie - only about 45 kilocalories per 100 grams. This makes the berry a popular dietary component. In addition to being used as an independent product, currants are included in smoothies, yogurts, curds and fruit salads for weight loss.

A small handful of fresh currant berries provides the daily requirement of an adult's body for vitamin C.

  • plays a huge role in the functioning of almost all body systems;
  • provides proper support to the immune system;
  • promotes the removal of toxic substances;
  • slows down the aging process and even kills cancer cells!

With regular consumption of currants, there is an increase in the tone of the body and its resistance to various infections.

In addition, currant fruits:

  • have diaphoretic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory effects;
  • increase appetite and improve digestion;
  • contribute to the activation of metabolic processes.

Berries have a positive effect on the body in the fight against atherosclerosis, help remove excess fluid and get rid of edema, are indicated for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and intense mental work.

A sufficiently high content of pectin and fiber in currant berries make the product an excellent remedy for constipation. The most popular blackcurrant (along with raspberries) as a remedy for colds and flu.

At the same time, the berries contain a minimum of potential allergens, and therefore they are well tolerated by both children and women during pregnancy, as well as people prone to allergies.

The benefits of leaves, currant berries

Due to the high content of ascorbic acid and other active ingredients, blackcurrant leaf is widely used as a medicine. Both greens from the bush are used throughout the entire growing season, as well as dried raw materials.

Currant leaf is used both as an independent medicine, and as part of herbal preparations. Well, it "adjacent", mutually reinforcing the action of other components, with raspberry and lingonberry leaves, as well as with rose hips.

The currant leaf itself has a pleasant aroma that persists even after drying. Due to this smell and antibiotic properties, it has found use in canning vegetables and in cooking.

Currant berries are a storehouse of vitamins.

For example, in hot sunny weather, the berries will be sweeter, but the amount of vitamin C will decrease in them, and in cloudy and humid weather, the fruits will begin to sour, but there will be more vitamin C in them.

Berries are widely used to strengthen immunity and combat acute respiratory infections. Due to the high concentration of folic acid in the fruits, which is important for the formation of the nervous system of the child, they are useful during pregnancy.

The beneficial properties of blackcurrant and contraindications for its use should have been known to the inhabitants of our country like no other. After all feels at ease in our climate and successfully grows in most summer cottages in most of Russia.

But the happy owners of lush blackcurrant bushes often do not understand how to use this berry so that it benefits the body.

So, let's figure it out.


The calorie content of blackcurrant per 100 grams is 63 kcal. This amount of fresh berries also contains:

  • 6.8 grams of vegetable fiber;
  • 2.6 g of fruit acids (citric, malic, quinic);
  • 295% of the daily dose of vitamin C;
  • 27% vitamin E;
  • 10% vitamin A;
  • 9.3% iron;
  • 5.7% calcium and magnesium%
  • 6.7% pantothenic acid;
  • 4.4% folic acid;
  • 4% vitamin B6;
  • 3.6% vitamin B1.

In many ways, the health benefits of blackcurrant are determined by the antioxidants that make up its composition.

The berry is unusually rich in vitamin C. Many do not even think about what vitamin C is. But this is one of the strongest antioxidants. A lot of the product and vitamin E, also known for its ability to destroy free radicals.

The deep purple berry is due to the presence of anthocyanins. More than 15 different types of anthocyanin antioxidants have been found in black currant. There are also quite a lot of antioxidants of the flavonoid group.

If we talk about which currant is more useful: black or red, then the black version of the berry should be put in the first place. It contains much more than red, anthocyanins and vitamin C, a higher concentration of some other vitamins and minerals. But the glycemic index is lower.

Beneficial features

  1. Anti-cancer activity. Regular inclusion in the diet helps to reduce the risk of malignant neoplasms. And the extract obtained from Ribes nigrum, even contributes to the destruction of already formed cancer cells.
  2. Preservation of vision. All foods rich in antioxidants are useful in preventing eye diseases. However, the healing properties of blackcurrant in this regard are so high that it has a true healing effect on patients with glaucoma. Taking extracts prevents the onset of blindness in those who have already been diagnosed with this disease, and not just contributes to its prevention.
  3. Strengthening immunity. Vitamin C has significant immunomodulatory properties. One glass of berries supplies the body with more than three times the daily dose of this vitamin.
  4. Antiviral properties. The healing properties of blackcurrant, which help to avoid the development of infections, are associated not only with the fact that it strengthens the immune system. But also with its ability to directly block the development of viral invasion. Berry extract has been shown to prevent viruses from attaching to the cell membrane of the human body. The extract is active against influenza viruses, adenoviruses, herpes virus.
  5. Antimicrobial properties. Destroys a berry and bacterial microorganisms. It has been proven to inhibit development H.pylori, causing gastric and duodenal ulcers, as well as whooping cough pathogens.
  6. Help in the treatment of cystitis. This currant is especially useful for women because it helps to treat cystitis. It works best in the form of juice, which has diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties, helps to remove pathogens from the bladder. Anthocyanins in the juice prevent pathogenic bacteria from sticking to the walls of the bladder and urinary tract.
  7. Protection against neurodegenerative diseases. The main cause of brain aging, memory impairment, cognitive decline and the development of diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's is the effect of free radicals on the brain. rich in antioxidants that destroy free radicals, and therefore helps to keep the sharpness of the mind until old age.
  8. Prevention of cardiovascular diseases. The benefits of black currant for the human body are also in the fact that it helps to ignite the blood and normalize the lipid profile. The antioxidants found in this berry help prevent the oxidation of low-density lipoproteins (particles of "bad" cholesterol). It is oxidized lipoproteins that pose a danger to blood vessels. Therefore, such activity of the berry is extremely important for the prevention of atherosclerosis.
  9. Improving the condition of the intestinal microflora. The berry has a lot of vegetable fiber, which nourishes and maintains the intestinal biocenosis. In addition, the anthocyanins of the product have a specific beneficial effect on bacteria of the genus Bifidobacterium, reproduction of which is extremely important for the proper functioning of the microflora.
  10. Liver cleanse. It has been proven that with the regular inclusion of this berry in the diet, the level of the enzyme alanine aminotransferase normalizes in a biochemical blood test. Elevated levels of this enzyme always indicate liver damage.
  11. Improve mood. Eating a berry meal increases the levels of compounds that are popularly known as “happiness hormones” – serotonin and dopamine. This leads to an improvement in mood and an increase in the overall energy potential of the body.
  12. Improving the appearance of the skin. Berry antioxidants protect the skin from the harmful effects of free radicals on them, which lead to aging of the whole organism in general and the skin in particular. Vitamin C is of great importance for maintaining good skin tone, as it plays a key role in the synthesis of collagen in the skin.
  13. Help in the treatment of anemia. The product contains a lot of iron. Therefore, it is useful for the prevention of iron deficiency anemia and can help in the treatment of this disease.

What is the impact on the process of losing weight?


In the minds of many people, any fruit or berry is good for weight loss. But it's not. Some fruit and berry products contain so many sugars, in particular fructose, that they get better rather than lose weight.

Blackcurrant for weight loss is useful because it contains little sugar. One glass of berries has only 3.8 grams of fructose. There are also not many calories in the berry: in one glass there are 70.5 kcal. The glycemic index is low - 15.

All these features make the berry a great snack on a weight loss diet. However, the explanation of how dark purple currants are useful for weight loss is more extensive.

  1. The product is rich in vegetable fiber. Therefore, it slows down the absorption of food. First of all carbohydrates. This is useful for weight control, as it helps to avoid a spike in blood sugar levels after a meal, which is always followed by a massive surge of insulin. And it is this rise in insulin levels that is one of the main reasons for the rapid formation of body fat.
  2. The medicinal properties of blackcurrant are associated with the presence of a large amount of antioxidants in it. For weight loss, this is important because antioxidants help reduce chronic inflammation in the body, which almost all overweight people have, and which is one of the reasons for the accumulation of this excess weight.
  3. The beneficial effect of the berry on the intestinal microflora is also important for weight loss. Since in people prone to the rapid formation of excess body fat, there is always a violation of the intestinal microflora, a change in its species composition.
  4. Currant improves mood and increases the overall energy potential of the body. This helps a person to move more actively during the day, and, therefore, burn more calories. And it makes it possible to avoid unnecessary snacks, many of which are simply due to boredom and nervousness.

How to include in the diet?

How much is allowed to eat per day?

Berry is not a medicine. Therefore, it is impossible to say exactly how much blackcurrant is allowed to be consumed.

Most people tolerate it well. And he does not experience any problems even after a plentiful berry meal.

Therefore, as with many other fruits, the allowed amount is sometimes calculated based on the amount of fructose contained in the product.

1 cup of berries contains 3.8 g of fructose.

A person who does not have health problems, with normal weight, can eat up to 25 g of fructose per day, which corresponds to 6.5 glasses of currants.

Overweight people, as well as those who have a pre-diabetic condition (and this is the majority of those people who need to lose weight), can consume no more than 15 g of fructose per day - 4 cups of fresh berries.

The above calculations are correct if currants are actually the only source of fructose in your diet. If you eat other berries and fruits, honey and other sweets, the amount of berries consumed should be reduced. Otherwise, you risk overloading your body with sugars and harming your health.

Usage options

The most correct option for inclusion in the diet is the use of fresh blackcurrants. But there are other ways too. Namely:

  • put in salads;
  • add to sauces served with meat and fish;
  • use to create smoothies;
  • eat together with dairy products, for example, cottage cheese;
  • garnish porridge.

There are a lot of options for eating blackcurrant. But it should be remembered that only those recipes that do not require the use of sugar, honey and other easily digestible carbohydrates are useful.

If you bake pies with berries or make jam with sugar from them, you create just a sweet dessert. It's tasty. But it does not bring any benefit to the body. On the contrary, it causes harm.

By the way, currant jam can be cooked without adding sugar.

Although sugar is not used with this harvesting method, this method of preserving berries for the winter still cannot be called completely correct. Since it requires a long heat treatment, during which most of the vitamin C will be destroyed.

Frozen blackcurrant has much more useful properties.

Freezing berries is easy.

  • First, eat and dry.
  • Then spread in one layer on a tray, which we close with a lid or bag and put in the freezer.
  • When the berries become hard in the cold, pour them into a container or bag and put them back in the freezer for long-term storage.

Contraindications and side effects

  • A strict contraindication for the use of blackcurrant is an allergy to it. The berry is not a strong allergen. Therefore, such individual intolerance rarely develops, affecting mainly those who are allergic to salicylates.
  • Berry meals are prohibited for those taking phenothiazines due to an increased risk of seizures.
  • Like many other foods, the benefits and harms of blackcurrant go hand in hand. The berry thins the blood. And it is useful for the prevention of heart attacks and strokes. But it can be dangerous for people suffering from blood clotting pathologies, taking anticoagulants, preparing for surgical interventions.

It is not recommended to consume a large amount of currants even while taking conventional non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as aspirin or ibuprofen. As well as taking dietary supplements with angelica, cloves, ginger, ginseng.

Possible side effects from a rich currant meal are the same as from any other plant food rich in fiber. This is bloating and flatulence, diarrhea, nausea. These symptoms are unpleasant, but do not pose any threat to health.

Can it be used during pregnancy?

The benefits of blackcurrant during pregnancy are diverse. Here are some examples of its beneficial effect on the body of the expectant mother:

  • protection against viruses and pathogenic bacteria, strengthening immunity;
  • elimination of constipation;
  • prevention of iron deficiency anemia and saturation with folic acid - a vitamin that is especially useful for pregnant women;
  • control over weight gain;
  • mood improvement, etc.

At the same time, there is an allergy to currants much less often than to some other berries. For example, it is associated with an increased risk of developing allergies. In this case, the occurrence of such a side effect is unlikely.

So, pregnant women can and should eat blackcurrants. But not at a later date. For this product dilutes the blood quite strongly, which can be fraught with the development of bleeding during childbirth.

Is it possible to eat on breastfeeding and from what age to give to children?

Use blackcurrant while breastfeeding with caution. Start with very small portions, literally a few berries a day, and carefully monitor the condition of the baby.

This is due to the fact that in spite of the fact that the berry rarely causes allergies in adults and older children, in those who are charmed, it can cause an allergic reaction, mainly a rash on the body.

It is also possible for the baby to have colic and diarrhea. Therefore, with blackcurrant during lactation, one must be careful.

As for the age at which blackcurrants can be given to children, pediatricians believe that most babies begin to absorb this berry without problems from 8 months.

It is necessary to introduce the product into the diet of the little one gradually - from 3-4 berries, carefully observing the condition of the child.

Medicinal properties of blackcurrant and contraindications for use: conclusions

In summer, we have a great opportunity to lose weight with the help of berries. Whether it's red or black currant - all fruits are low-calorie, which means they definitely won't harm the figure. That is why they are so popular among the numerous diets of the summer season.

The currant diet is one of the healthiest diets. This is a mass of useful vitamins and minerals that can only be obtained at the height of summer: ascorbic acid, vitamins A, B1, B2, folic acid, etc. In addition, currants contain linolenic acid, which promotes the breakdown of fat cells in the human body.

During the diet, you can eat both and - their calorie content is almost the same (38 and 39 kcal). It is designed for only 4 days - during this time it takes up to 3-4 kg.

Be sure to follow the following rules: stick to the menu, do not eat sweet, salty, high-calorie foods, smoked meats. Both during the diet itself and after it, it is necessary to engage in physical exercises more often: swimming, running, aerobics, or, in extreme cases, walking a lot.

Currant diet menu

  • Breakfast: 30 g of cheese, boiled egg, 200 g of unsweetened blackcurrant compote.
  • Lunch: boiled poultry, fish or beef (100 g) or pureed vegetable soup (bell peppers, cauliflower, zucchini, tomatoes, onions), lettuce with olive oil or fresh, cucumbers and tomatoes, a glass of fresh currants .
  • Dinner: a mixture of cottage cheese and currants (100 g of each ingredient), blackcurrant juice.
For 4 days, snacking between meals is only necessary with red or black currant berries - they lead to a feeling of complete satiety, without harming the figure.

Drinking mode currant diet: plain water, unsweetened herbal, green, black tea, compote, infusion of berries, blackcurrant juice.

Contraindications for currant weight loss

Attention! The diet has contraindications. You can not adhere to this method of losing weight with peptic ulcers, gastritis, hepatitis, as red currant causes exacerbations. But black is not recommended for thrombophlebitis. Be sure to consult your doctor before starting a diet!

Be healthy!

Juicy currant berries are ideal for those who want to say goodbye to extra pounds, but do not have serious health problems.

Sweet and sour berries, due to the presence of fiber, accelerate the movement of food through the colon, fighting flatulence and constipation, and suppress an excessive appetite.

Is it possible to eat currants for losing weight

Unlike traditional diets, which, due to a meager set of nutrients, lead to a violation of the body's defenses and a deterioration in overall well-being, the berry diet, on the contrary, saturates every cell with everything you need, without leaving a single gram of fat deposits on the sides.

In addition to fiber, berries contain a whole storehouse of useful substances - a set of vitamins (C, B1, B2, B6, B9, D, E, K, P, A), trace elements (Na, K, Ca, Mg, P, Fe) , organic acids, tannic and aromatic oils, essential oils and vegetable pigments.

In addition, it contains the main component that promotes weight loss - linolenic acid, which successfully breaks down fat cells in the body.

I would like to note the pronounced diuretic and diaphoretic properties of blackcurrant. This means that the plant helps to get rid of excess fluid, helping to reduce the waist and get rid of edema.

In addition, British researchers have recognized blackcurrant as a super berry, since, according to the results of numerous tests, it has been proven that it is quite effective in the fight against atypical cancer cells and reliably protects the human cardiovascular system.

What currant is suitable for a diet

For weight loss purposes, all three types are suitable: the more familiar black, red and white berries. All of them are low-calorie, since they contain only 38-45 kcal per 100 grams of berries.

If we consider in more detail the nutritional value of blackcurrant, then 100 grams of berries account for 83 grams of water, 1.5 grams of protein, 0.4 grams of fat and 5.5 grams of carbohydrates.

From the nutritional value of currants, it follows that its effectiveness as a means to combat excess weight is associated with a low fat content in combination with a huge amount of vitamin C, which is a catalyst for fat burning processes in the human body.

For weight loss, all three types can be eaten in their pure form, and you can also use berries to prepare healthy and tasty dishes and drinks.

Is it possible to currant at night or on an empty stomach

The berry is on the list of foods that you can eat at night. To calm the appetite and increase the metabolic rate, it is enough to eat a handful of washed juicy berries before going to bed.

  • The daily norm of currants is no more than 500 grams.

As for the best time to take berries, there are no restrictions on this matter, since according to the daily menu of the currant diet, the intake of berries in pure form or as part of dishes is carried out throughout the day.

How to use currants for losing weight

Doctors say that the berry itself does not directly help to reduce weight. But it serves as a necessary and useful addition to the dietary nutrition system. It reduces the absorption of fats, improves metabolic processes and serves as an excellent prevention of beriberi.

How to apply:

  • In the evening, replace coffee with aromatic tea with fresh or dried berries.
  • In the morning, you can enjoy blackcurrant in the form of a drink. Prepare a vitamin smoothie or add juice to hot chocolate.
  • For a delicious and colorful dessert, mix fruit with yogurt and add a few pieces of ginger.
  • The leaves and oil are added to meals, including salads, juices, or soups.
  • Blackcurrant capsules can be found in pharmacies or specialty stores. However, they should be taken as directed by your doctor or nutritionist.
  • Once a week arrange a berry unloading.
  • In the summer season, spend a diet.

To prepare a vitamin drink, mix currant, raspberry and apple juice in equal proportions. Add ice.

For a refreshing drink, mix the juice with sparkling water.

  • It is necessary to drink currant juice immediately after its preparation. The drink quickly loses its nutritional properties due to exposure to oxygen and light.

Unloading day on the currant

  • The essence of unloading is to replenish the vitamin supply and give a break from high-calorie food.
  • Fasting day menu - 500-600 grams of berries.
  • Diet - divide the berries into 5 - 6 doses and eat throughout the day. And you need to eat slowly, one berry at a time (and not a handful).
  • Drinking regimen (at least 1 liter per day) - water, rosehip broth, tea with currant leaves or any other herbal infusion.

Moreover, it is not necessary to eat only currants all day long - it can be combined with other summer gifts - raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, gooseberries.

Sometimes a serving of berries can be replaced with a drink. To prepare it in a blender, the pulp of the fruit is interrupted with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 1.

Berry drinks are more beneficial for those who have problems with the intestines, but are not recommended for high acidity of the stomach. And don't forget that .

Currant unloading is excellent for:

  • office workers - they can sit on berries all day long or use them as.
  • people suffering from constipation (with reduced intestinal motility)
  • people with persistent gallbladder congestion

Diet on currant

Menu for 4 days

The duration of the currant diet is four days, during which you can get rid of three to four extra pounds.

The uniqueness of the diet lies in the daily replacement of varieties: on the first day we eat red berries, on the second - black, on the third - white, and on the fourth - a mixture of all three varieties.

The daily diet menu for 4 days looks like this.

  • At breakfast, you must definitely drink a glass of unsweetened currant compote from fresh berries with a boiled egg and a tiny piece of hard cheese.
  • For lunch, 100 grams of boiled poultry meat or boiled fish, a salad of fresh seasonal vegetables or lettuce seasoned with olive oil are offered, and for dessert - 300 grams of berries in their pure form.
  • Dinner is a cottage cheese-currant mixture without added sugar, which consists of equal parts of low-fat cottage cheese and currant berries, approximately 100 grams each.

During the diet, one or two snacks are allowed, consisting exclusively of one hundred grams of fresh fruit. Plain water can be consumed in unlimited quantities, and the number of black, green and herbal teas should be reduced to a minimum.

How to brew currant leaves for weight loss

In addition to berries, blackcurrant leaves are perfect for weight loss and high-quality therapy for metabolic disorders.

Like any natural diuretic, they successfully remove excess fluid and accumulated toxic substances.


Both dry and fresh leaves are used to make tea.

To brew a drink, a special mixture is prepared, consisting of equal parts:

  1. raspberries
  2. dried linden flowers
  3. currant leaves

Preparing tea

  1. Pour one tablespoon of the mixture with one glass of boiling water. For brewing, hot boiled water is used, at a temperature of 80 C.
  2. Let it brew for 20 minutes. Usually such a drink is prepared using a thermos.

drainage drink

Homemade drinks based on currant leaves, which have a good tonic effect on the body, will help ensure high-quality lymphatic drainage.

Preparation of a drainage drink

  1. Brew 30 grams of fresh and dry leaves like tea with half a liter of boiling water.
  2. Leave the infusion to infuse for 30 minutes.
  3. Take before meals three times a day for half a cup.

Who can not currant

It should be remembered that the currant diet, due to its low carbohydrate content, can also cause harm. Despite the short period, it is rather difficult to tolerate.

Therefore, people suffering from diseases of the liver, kidneys and having problems with the gastrointestinal tract, such a diet is contraindicated.

The presence of thrombophlebitis also refers to contraindications, since the abuse of berries can provoke an increase in blood clotting.

In the middle of summer, a rich crop of black, red and white currants ripens on our household plots. Among the berries growing in central Russia, currant is rightfully considered the champion in the content of vitamins, especially ascorbic acid, and in its healing properties. Among other things, currant is a low-calorie berry, and it is not surprising that during the season it is widely used in diets for weight loss.

Here is one of the currant diets.

Four-day currant diet

This diet is short-lived, only four days, during which it is quite possible to get rid of 3-4 kilograms.

Daily diet menu

  • Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, a small piece of cheese (about 30 grams), a glass of compote from fresh currant berries, boiled without sugar.
  • Lunch: 100 grams of boiled lean meat (you can poultry or fish), lettuce seasoned with a little olive oil, or a salad of fresh green vegetables (cucumbers, bell peppers), 300 grams of currants.
  • Dinner: 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, 100 grams of currants (you can eat it separately, or you can mix it).

1-2 snacks are also allowed between main meals, each of which can consist of only 100 grams of currants.

Plain water can be drunk without restrictions, tea without sugar (black, green, herbal) is also allowed in a small amount.

What currant to use for a diet - white, red or black?

Any. The one you like best. If you don’t have any special preferences, then it would be best to use red currants on the first day, black on the second, white on the third, and a mixture of all kinds of berries on the fourth.

The diet of the currant diet is quite poor and almost completely devoid of carbohydrates. Therefore, despite the short period, it is rather difficult to tolerate, and before starting it, you should consult a doctor. When using a currant diet, you must be very careful if you suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys, and if the slightest unpleasant symptoms appear, the diet should be stopped immediately.

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