Lesson on the theme "Winter" in the preparatory group of the preschool educational institution. Calendar-thematic planning in the preparatory group for school

Decor elements 26.02.2022
Decor elements

Preparatory work: for the lesson, children learn the poems of Lyudmila Gromova “Who winters like”

Material for the lesson: audio recording "Three white horses" from "Wizards", snow, illustrations with snowflakes.

The course of the lesson on the topic "Winter"

Lesson 1. Introduction
Plays the song "Three White Horses" from the movie "Magicians"

You can listen to the song in the player below.

Lesson 2. Conversation
What horses is the song about? (December, January and February)
— Yes, about three winter months.
The first month of winter is December. This month, winter covers the ground, trees, houses with snow. The sun appears very rarely in the sky, so this month is earlier “frown”, which means gloomy. The days are short, the nights are long. The frost gets stronger at night. By the end of December, the days gradually begin to increase.
The second month of winter is January. Frosts are getting stronger, so earlier it was called "lute", which means fierce, severe. The sky at night is dark with bright stars.
The last winter month is February. This month is famous for blizzards and blizzards, sweeping huge snowdrifts. Therefore, in ancient times it was called "snowman". The day has grown quite a bit. The sun begins to warm more often, so the snow begins to thaw, it becomes darker, the snowdrifts settle.
— Our winter lasts three months, and there are places on the planet where it never ends.

Lesson 3. Game "Say the opposite"

Lesson 4. Conversation.
- White flakes fly,
Quietly falling, circling.
Everything turned white.
Why are the tracks covered? (by snow)

- Where does the snow come from? What does it consist of?
(The teacher hangs images of different types of snowflakes on the board)

It is cold in winter, so water drops in the clouds freeze and turn into snowflakes. Look at the illustrations. Their shape changes all the time as they reach us. When it is cold outside and there is no wind at all, snowflakes fly slowly, one at a time and have the shape of stars. They can be seen by catching on a mitten. They are not alike, but each is beautiful in its own way. In mild frost, snowflakes resemble balls, which are called "snow groats". A strong wind breaks off the rays, and the snowflakes turn into "snow dust". Why does snow crunch when it's cold? It breaks off the rays when we step on them. When it is warm outside, the snow flies in flakes - snowflakes stick together and form fluffy lumps.

Let's imagine ourselves as snowflakes and fly like them.

Lesson 5. Physical education "Snowflakes"

Lesson 6. Experience with snow.
Take some snow in your hands and hold it.
What happened to the snow?
What does he turn into? Why?
- What kind of snow when it's warm outside?
What about in cold weather?
In what weather will it be possible to play snowballs and build snowmen?

Lesson 7. Guessing riddles.
What else can you do outside in winter?
(Riddles about skiing, skating, snowman, sledge, snowboard, hockey)

Lesson 8. Poems about birds and animals in winter
How do people dress in winter?
- And what do animals do to survive the winter, because they have a hard time at all?
- Let's listen to poems about how animals and birds hibernate.
There are people who take care of wild animals - prepare hay for them, bring feed to the forest. How can you take care of the birds?

Lesson 9. Summary
How interesting and informative today's lesson was. We talked about the season - winter, about the three winter months, about snowflakes and their shape in different weather, about winter entertainment, about how animals and birds hibernate and how a person can help them survive the winter cold.

Video lesson on the topic "Winter" in the preschool educational institution

Synopsis of winter entertainment in the preparatory group.

Lesson topic: Zimushka-winter
Purpose: To generalize and expand children's knowledge about winter
Tasks: to learn to communicate freely, the ability to give detailed answers in the form of simple and complex sentences
2. expand and enrich children's knowledge of winter, expand vocabulary
3. Cultivate respect for nature and all living things
Equipment: puppy toy, Christmas trees, cards - winter, mnemonic tables, audio recording, dummies (fruits and vegetables)

Course progress.
1. Greeting. Guys, let's stand together, stand in a circle: all the guys got up in a circle, you are my friend and I am your friend.
Let's hold hands tightly and smile at each other. Look at each other and give smiles.
2. Introduction. Guys, when I went to work today and was already approaching the kindergarten, I saw a puppy on the path. It turned out that his name was Tobik and he got lost. He went out for the first time and was very surprised by everything. The puppy asked me "Why is it so cold outside?". Guys, what do you think I said to Tobik? Yes, I answered that it was winter outside. He was surprised: “What is winter?”. Then I invited him to come with me to visit you. Guys, can you help Tobik figure out what winter is?
1. What winter? 2. List the winter months. 3. Why do you love winter?
Working with cards 4. What should be done in order not to freeze in winter?
Let's play the winter lotto guys? Yes!
2. Poem about winter. Tobiku Varya will tell a poem about winter, let's listen to it.
3. Proverbs about winter. - Maybe you also know proverbs about winter?
Lots of snow, lots of bread
The snow is cold, but shelters from the cold
The sun is shining and the frost is cracking

4. Walk in the winter forest. Guys, I suggest you take a walk in the winter forest, full of fairy tales and miracles, so that Tobik better understands what winter is, we will also take him with us. But how do we get into the forest? (Children's answers) I propose to go by car, but in order for the car to start, we must complete the task “Call it affectionately”
5. The game “Call it affectionately” Winter-, snow-, wind-, icicle-, ice-, slide-, sled-, snowflake-, frost-frost. (Well done) On the way, count how many Christmas trees are in the forest?
("Bibika" chorus)
Here we are in the forest. Look how many Christmas trees are in our forest, what can you say about them?
Let's go to the first Christmas tree, see what's there?
6.Experiment with snow. Yes, it's snow. Take the snow in your hands, what is it like, tell us about the snow (cold, opaque, white, melts, turns into water. Why does it melt? (warm palm) What can be molded from snow?
Conclusion: Who needs snow and why?
7. Mnemotables. Let's go, guys, further, here are some schemes, let's try to tell Tobik about winter using these schemes. (compilation of a story about winter according to the mnemonic table)
Guys, this is the end of our walk. Did you enjoy our walk?
8. Treats for forest dwellers. Guys, the New Year is coming soon, let's arrange a holiday for the forest dwellers, leave various treats under the Christmas tree, let them rejoice too, everyone chooses a fruit or vegetable and tell why you chose this particular treat.
Well done, how many different treats we left in the forest for our forest friends, they will be very happy, because in winter it is difficult for them to find food.
9. Reflection.
And now, guys, it's time for us to part with the forest.
Return to kindergarten
We all go to kindergarten. (To the music of "Bibika" they return to their group)
Guys, did you like our walk through the winter forest? Do you think Tobik understood what winter is?
- Yes, Tobiku, he liked it very much at your place, he became cheerful, and now he will tell his friends about winter.

Nomination: summary of the lesson on the topic of winter in the preparatory group (6-7 years).

Position: educator
Place of work: MBDOU "SEMITSVETIK"
Location: Udmurt Republic p. Kez

Synopsis of an integrated lesson in the preparatory group

on the topic: "Winter has come"

Program content:

1. Cognition

Clarify children's knowledge about winter natural phenomena, their relationship with human life.

2. Development of speech

To teach children to build sentences on a given topic, to answer questions with a detailed sentence.

Enrich children's active vocabulary.

3. Artistic creativity

Teach children to notice the beauty of the winter landscape.

Improve the ability to draw with gouache paints.

4. Socialization

Develop thinking, auditory and visual attention, coherent speech, creative imagination.

Cultivate the ability to listen carefully, not to interrupt others.

Methodical methods:

Game display, comparison, questions, generalization.


Reproductions of paintings depicting winter nature, audio recording of the play “December. Christmas time” (“The Seasons” by P. I. Tchaikovsky, drawing equipment,

Guys, quite recently the trees shed their last foliage and stood bare, it often rained. What time of year was this?

Children: In autumn.

What time of autumn (Late autumn.)

And what has changed in nature now? (Answers of children).

What time of year has come to replace autumn?

Children: Winter.

Right. Well done! Listen to a poem about winter.

Reading the poem "Winter Song". (R. A. Kudasheva).

Here comes the silvery winter,

The field is clear with white snow.

In the afternoon with children everything is skating,

At night it crumbles into snowy lights.

In the windows he writes a pattern with Ice-needle

And knocking on our yard with a fresh Christmas tree.

Guys, tell me, is winter good or bad? (Answers of children). Let's try to figure it out with you: winter is still good or winter is bad! (Word game “Good - bad”).

It's nice to watch falling snowflakes. Each seems to perform its own dance, spinning in the air. So I now offer you to turn into snowflakes for a while. And let each of you come up with and perform your own dance. But it will not be just a dance, but a dance game, listen carefully to the music, when it starts to sound quieter and quieter, you will also have to slowly complete your dance. With the end of the music, let each of you show in which figure his snowflake-ballerina has frozen (the musical game “Snowflakes-ballerinas” is being held).

And now we will play the didactic game "Winter Words"

Children, clap your hands if you hear a word related to winter.

(Snowflake, warmth, New Year, sled, ice, heat, mittens, tulips, snowman, Santa Claus, leaf fall, Snow Maiden, peaches, sunbathing, snowfall, skiing).

Well done! You were very considerate.

Guys, do you like to solve riddles.

Everyone is afraid of him in winter -

It hurts to bite.

Hide your ears, cheeks, nose,

After all, it's on the street. (freezing)

He flies from the sky in winter,

Don't go barefoot now

Every person knows

Which is always cold. (snow)

Under my feet

Wooden friends.

I'm flying at them with an arrow,

But not in summer, but in winter. (skiing)

Do not suck, tomboys,

Ice lollipops!

I swallow pills myself

Because I ate. (icicles)

He is from the snow alone,

His nose is made of carrots.

A little warm, cry instantly

And it will melt. (snowman)

He was once water

But suddenly he changed his appearance.

And now for the New Year

On the river we see. (ice)

He is kind, he is strict,

Beard up to the eyes overgrown,

Red-nosed, red-cheeked,

Our favorite. (Santa Claus)

Well done! All riddles solved.

Today, early in the morning, the postman brought me a letter to kindergarten from Dunno.

Dunno wrote a letter in which he wanted to talk about what winter is, but, as usual, he mixed everything up. Help correct the mistakes made by Dunno in the letter.

Didactic game "Fix the mistake."

- “The first winter month is called September. As winter comes, the cold begins, and people immediately put on warm clothes: fur coats, boots, mittens, hats, shorts, scarves.

In winter, children go sledding, skiing, cycling, make a snowman, swim in the sea, slide on the ice, sunbathe, build a snow fortress and prepare for the holiday - Mother's Day.

There are athletes who do winter sports sports: hockey players with clubs hammer the puck into the goal; skaters dance on skis; skiers go down the hill on a sled; skaters skiing.

In order not to catch a cold, you need to eat one icicle every morning.

Winter is a wonderful time of the year! " Guys, do you agree with the last sentence from the Neznaykin letter: "Winter is a wonderful time of the year! ". Children's answers.

And let's sing a song about winter and tell what it really is!

Song "Winter"

Let's remember what holidays are in winter?

New Year) .

New Year is probably the most wonderful and favorite holiday.

They are preparing for it for a long time, waiting for gifts, everyone is busy preparing surprises.

New Year - the expectation of magic, mystery and happiness. New Year is a holiday celebrated by many nations.

According to the calendar, the New Year begins when the last day of the year ends and the first day of the next year begins.

After the New Year, there will be many more holidays in January and February, but we will talk about them later, but now take a look at how the artists saw and depicted winter. (slide show).

Looking at one of the pictures.

From what do we understand that winter is depicted?

What color paint did the artist use?

Do you like this picture?

Let's try to draw a picture on a winter theme. But first, let's prepare the fingers for work.

Fizminutka "Snowman".

One hand, two hand

We are making a snowman.

That's what he is the first com,

That's how big he is.

Kom second slightly smaller.

Well, the third head.

The hat will be from a bucket,

Carrot nose and eyes

Two funny embers.

That's how smart he is

Makes all kids happy.

Drawing "Funny snowmen"

Try to draw a snowman. Just to be different from others. Of course, your snowmen will be similar to each other, because every snowman consists of ... what?

How many snow globes does a snowman need?

What size are these balls and how are they arranged?

What can serve as a snowman's headdress?

What to give him?

What facial expression can a snowman have?

Not only artists can depict winter with paints and pencils.

Musicians depict winter with the help of sounds. You will work to the music of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. The play is called December.

Outcome of the lesson: Examination of finished works. Discussion.

What season are we talking about?

Who wrote the letter to us?

What did you draw in class?

Well done! Everyone tried, answered, drew well, so Dunno sent us a gift. This is a chocolate treat. Children thank Dunno.

This concludes our lesson.

Abstract of the GCD on the topic "Winter" within the framework of the educational areas "cognitive development", "speech development", "artistic and aesthetic development" for children of the group preparatory to school.

Malyavina Vera Nikolaevna teacher MKDOU Anninsky kindergarten No. 7 ORV.
Description: the lesson is intended for kindergarten teachers. During the lesson in a playful way, children consolidate knowledge about the signs of winter, get acquainted with the peculiarities of the winter of their region, and the vocabulary is being enriched. The lesson uses poems, riddles, a new interesting tale. Throughout the lesson, children solve problem situations.
Target: the formation of children's ideas about winter.
Tasks: generalize and systematize children's knowledge about winter as a season. To fix the characteristic signs of winter phenomena in inanimate and living nature. To learn to establish connections between how birds, animals and humans adapt to the peculiarities of the season. Activate and enrich the vocabulary of children. Develop logical thinking, memory. Contribute to the education of love for nature, the desire to help those in need.
Material and equipment: hedgehog toy; magnetic board; a set of cards with signs of winter; cards corresponding in color to the seasons; pictograms "fun", "sad"; d.m. "Birds"; several snowflakes.
Handout: white paper, glitter.
The course of directly educational activities:
Organizing time:
All the children gathered in a circle.
I am your friend and you are my friend.
Let's hold hands tightly
And smile at each other!
Educator: children, I smile at you, and you smile at me and each other, so that you have a good mood all day long.
- What seasons do you know?
(Winter spring Summer Autumn).
- Each time corresponds to a certain color.
Task: put cards with “seasons” on a magnetic board, pick up cards of the corresponding color (white, green, multi-colored, yellow) for them.
How many seasons exist in nature? (four).
-But my friend hedgehog claims that there are three of them, why?
(The hedgehog is in hibernation in winter, and he does not know winter).
- Do you want to prove to the hedgehog that winter exists?
(On the board, the teacher leaves only a white card).
Word game "Winter words".
(For each correctly named word, you can give a snowflake, the one with the most snowflakes will win).
-Name "winter words". I call the word "winter", and you?
(Snow, blizzard, blizzard, frost, ice, powder, ice, snowman, Snow Maiden, sleigh, hoarfrost, snowmobile, drifting snow and others).
At the end of the game, the teacher summarizes the results.
And what can you say about winter in our area, what is it like?
(Soft, warm, overcast, damp, rainy…)
What kind of weather makes you in a good, joyful mood?
(When the sun, frost, snow, you can sled, build a snowman, play snowballs).
- What pictogram will we put up? "Fun"
What kind of weather makes you sad?
(Cold, prickly wind, damp, rain instead of snow...)
(Expose the icon "sad").
- Winter can be different - harsh, cold, evil, or snow-white, magical.
For her beauty, people came up with affectionate beautiful names for her:

Hello Russian girl,
Coloring - soul,
white winch,
Hello, winter - winter!
P. Vyazemsky.
- And, you, what beautiful names do you know?
(Guest - winter, sorceress, winter - sorceress, needlewoman ...)
- Our hedgehog asks how to find out that winter has come?
Didactic game "Winter has come."
(According to the scheme "spider".) Used a set of cards about signs
winter and white card - winter model. Model exhibited
in the middle, the rest of the cards are placed in the course of work).
Why is it warm in summer and cold in winter?
(The sun does not heat well, gives little heat, they say: “The sun shines, but does not heat”).
- What is the land in winter?
(Frozen, all covered with snow).
- And the rivers?
(Bound in ice).
- What do you see on this card?
(Bird flight).
Why do birds fly to warmer climes for the winter?
(In winter it is cold and hungry).
- And for those birds that remain to spend the winter, we must help to survive the cold winter. How?
(Make feeders, feed the birds).
- I will give you a riddle, and you listen carefully and guess which birds flew to my feeder?
“I put a sprig of dry mountain ash and bread crumbs in the bird feeder.
A flock of small gray birds in brown frock coats flew in, they pecked the bread, but did not touch the mountain ash. Who was that?"
(Sparrows. The teacher exposes a card with the image of a sparrow).
“... I look, others sat on the feeder: their breast is red, the ends of the wings and the head are blue, and on the wings there is a white stripe. There are no rowan berries left in the feeder.” Who flew in?
"...birds with yellow breasts have arrived."
- Who was that?
- Our cute hedgehog is interested, do animals also go to warmer climes in winter?
(Animals adapt to winter: some hibernate, others prepare supplies for the winter, shed, change summer coats for winter ones).
- The hedgehog asks, do people also hibernate in winter?
(People dress warmly, heat their homes, go in for sports, harden themselves, take vitamins).
- Listen Fairy tale "Snowflake"
“In a snowy forest, in an ice hut, the sorceress Winter lived. She had a beloved granddaughter, Snowflake. She loved to dance and spin in the air. The snowflake was very small, so Grandma Winter, when she went into the forest to scatter snow, tightly locked the doors. Snowflake was very bored when she was alone at home.
One day she broke free through an open window. It flies, and the Wolf meets it: "Snowflake, Snowflake, I'll eat you!" And Snowflake replies: "Don't eat me, I'll dance for you." And, pushing off the ground with her fluffy legs, she lightly jumped up and began spinning merrily in the air.
She danced so easily and beautifully that the Wolf involuntarily stared at her.
He liked the dance of the snowflake so much that he even opened his mouth in pleasure. The snowflake swirled and swirled and accidentally touched the Wolf's hot tongue. In an instant, she turned into a drop of water and fell on a wolf's paw. Wolf
I was very upset and wept bitterly…”
- How do you think, how can a droplet turn into a snowflake again?
That's right, only frost can help her. Listen further.
“... Grandmother Winter appeared in time, she raised a droplet high into the sky.
Frost touched her with his magic staff, and again she turned into a snowflake. So she had a birthday. And the Sun, congratulating her, shone with many colors. These colors sparkled on the Snowflake
multi-colored sequins, and she flew away. And only the Wolf was sad, and he still howls in the forest. Poor Wolf."
- Do you feel sorry for the Wolf? Let's give him a present. We cut out snowflakes from paper, sprinkle them with sparkles, and our friend the hedgehog will give them to the Wolf.
Productive activity "Snowflake».
Summing up the lesson.

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