Event by February 23 for adults. Scenarios of the holiday Defender of the Fatherland Day for adults

Decor elements 21.02.2022
Decor elements

It is not difficult to give colleagues at work an original holiday for Defender of the Fatherland Day if it is correctly scripted. It should include both funny skits and performances with poetry and prose. It is beautiful to wish the representatives of the stronger sex good health, success and real happiness and congratulations in your own words will help. To write an unusual event program, readers only need to study the examples and ideas we have selected. Recommendations will help you understand how to congratulate male colleagues at work from February 23, 2018 in an original and modern way. Simple tips will tell you how to organize a memorable corporate party for all the men in the office.

How to originally congratulate men on February 23, 2018 at work, if there are more of them - examples of scenes

It is recommended to select skits for performances in front of male colleagues according to their number in the team. For several representatives of the stronger sex, women can perform separate productions. But if there are more of them, it is recommended to make a couple of long numbers. To learn more about how to originally congratulate men at work on February 23, 2018 with sketches, the examples and ideas of productions that we have selected will help.

An example of the scene "Ideal man" for the original congratulations of men at work from February 23

Women talk about the ideal male colleague they meet daily at work. Then, add new facts about him. But so that it is not clear which of the colleagues fits this description. To the music, they bring each of the men to the center of the hall, talk about his merits and then sit him down. After everyone present hears the praise, the female colleagues will tell you that each of these men is perfect in their own way.

Video examples of original scenes for congratulations at work men on February 23

The production for Defender of the Fatherland Day can be made general. In it, women working in a team can perform dialogues, songs and dances. You can see examples of such scenes in the videos we have selected:

How to congratulate men on February 23 at work - scripts with a video example

Properly drafted script of the corporate party is a guarantee of its interesting holding. That is why, on Defender of the Fatherland Day, women colleagues need to think over every number and performance for the event. Our recommendations and advice will tell you how beautiful it is to congratulate men at work from February 23 with an original script.

An example of writing a script for congratulating male colleagues on Defender of the Fatherland Day 2018

Preparations for the original holiday on February 23, 2018 must necessarily take place according to the scenario. This option is optimal for both a large team of colleagues and a small team. At the same time, girls should take care of all the nuances: decorating the office, ordering food for a feast, buying tableware. This will help to avoid any problems in holding a corporate party. But the following list-hint will help them to write a good script:

  1. Subject (it is desirable to use a military or maritime direction).
  2. Numbers and their order (how skits, contests, reading poetry, prose, presenting gifts, feast) will go.
  3. Costumes and necessary accessories for competitions (for the holiday of Defender of the Fatherland Day, women can pick up special costumes, props).

Particular attention should be paid to gifts that will be given to male colleagues. These can be gifts purchased or sets formed by women. Presentations can be held at the beginning of the feast or after the end of the event.

Video example of a script congratulating all men at work on February 23

The easiest way to write a script and choose the theme of the corporate party, you can use a visual example. Therefore, for our readers, we have selected a corporate video with a very interesting scenario. It can be used as a basis or partially repeated on Defender of the Fatherland Day.

How original and cool to congratulate men on February 23 at work - scenes and numbers

The selection of scenes for a corporate party on February 23 is best done based on the realities of life. Drawing real cases will help cheer up everyone present. Therefore, a funny, but not offensive, play on your colleagues can be a great idea for a number. To learn how fun and original it is to congratulate men at work on February 23 with sketches, the examples we have selected will tell.

Cool number "Well, what's the job?" on February 23 to congratulate male colleagues

To conduct a skit, the girls need to make a list of the most ridiculous cases that took place in the office. Then they should distribute the roles of the men and women who participated in them. Acting out and adding jokes to everyday situations, you can create a fun pun that will appeal to all guests of the corporate party.

Video example of a scene for Defender of the Fatherland Day for work colleagues

Another idea for an entertaining scene at a corporate party in honor of February 23 can be gleaned from the following video. Such a hint will be useful for all the women of the team. It will help you easily choose a simple role for yourself in a new scene or use a selected number as a basis. The original production will certainly be appreciated by all men.

How to originally congratulate men in verse from February 23 at work - a selection of texts

Funny poems are an appropriate addition to any corporate party. Even if the men's holiday of Defender of the Fatherland Day is celebrated. They can be included in any part of the program or read instead of toasts. Our next selection of poems will help to congratulate men at work from February 23 in an original and beautiful way.

A selection of congratulations in verse for the holiday of February 23 for male colleagues

The following selection of beautiful poems will help our readers to maintain the atmosphere of a cool and provocative holiday on February 23, 2018. Comic and restrained texts can be included in any celebration scenario. In addition, they can be read out immediately to all male colleagues if there are more of them than women.

We congratulate you, colleagues

And, of course, we wish

On this day of the calendar

Strength, courage, health,

So that henceforth, as now,

You went to the heights without blood,

And to victories - without losses.

So that a stable salary

Brought you joy

To not be afraid of spending

On trips to the islands.

Let work inspire

For progress and personal growth.

Let the authorities do not scold

You are not a joke, not seriously!

Today is a holiday for men

And we want to congratulate our colleagues,

We have a thousand reasons

To exalt and glorify you!

Delon, Schwarzenegger - nonsense,

You are not suitable for soles,

You are always so excellent

What a straight fall and cry!

We want to glorify everyone

And the title "Superman" will give!

Congratulations, defenders of the Fatherland,

From the female half of the team.

Thanks for everything! Our humanity

You must live peacefully and beautifully.

Real be you protection and support,

May peace reign in your destinies.

We wish you the courage with which

Some men can join the fight.

Colleagues, we sincerely congratulate you!

We applaud, honor and praise.

You have a spirit and we respect you!

Let's go for a walk today, colleagues -

We want to congratulate you on the 23rd!

After all, courage, valor, courage and honor

You are fully in character.

May women love and protect you

They will give you affection, warmth and comfort.

For them, you are support, shoulder and support,

Let there be no contention in your personal life.

We wish you health and a peaceful sky,

Always on the tables of fragrant bread,

Prosperity, friends and a stable homeland.

And a friend of your hand is reliable and strong.

We congratulate today

Our valiant men.

We make wishes

For special reasons.

And here's the reason -

And so colleagues

Let's shout a resounding "Hurrah".

We wish you good luck

Good, fair women.

So that everyone without "distribution"

Was surrounded by care.

For you to always strive

They wanted and they could.

To fight defending

Only until you win.

How beautiful it is to congratulate men at work in your own words on February 23 - examples of texts

It is rather difficult to create a whole holiday program for male colleagues if there is only one woman in the team. In this case, it is better to limit ourselves to a long sincere congratulation to all those present. It is easy to write wishes in your own words. To do this, you can use ready-made prose as a basis. For readers working in a male team, we have selected excellent examples. With them, every woman will be able to congratulate men at work on February 23 in her own words both beautifully and in an original way.

Examples of congratulations in honor of February 23 in your own words for male colleagues

If there are not so many men in a team with one woman, then she can write personal congratulations for each of them in a couple of sentences. If there are a lot of them, then it is better to stop the choice on general wishes. The following examples of prose will help to compose different versions of congratulations for male colleagues at work:

Dear men! On behalf of the female half of our team, I congratulate you on the Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish good spirits, excellent health, warmth and comfort in families! You are our reliable rear: brave, selfless, loyal! I wish that fighting qualities never come in handy in your life, and we women will be proud of you in peacetime!

Happy holiday, dear men! On this truly masculine day, I would like to wish you a lot of energy and strength to achieve your goals, wisdom and patience, both in work and in your personal life. Let nothing threaten your family, and let the butts of guns not touch your hands. Let tanks appear only at the parade, and only civilian planes fly. Let the volleys of cannons be heard in honor of the holidays, and let mothers cry only for joy. Live with faith in the future and do not regret the past.

Dear colleagues, I congratulate you on the Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish you to be surrounded by peace and tranquility. Prosperity, development, achievements, prospects and growth! May there always be strength and desire, opportunities and goals. Best wishes to you!

I want to congratulate our men on the valiant holiday - February 23. Always be a support and protection for us, succeed in business and climb the career ladder. We wish you human happiness, goodness and peace, a warm home and the realization of your ideas.

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day, colleague. You are all our defenders, regardless of whether you served or not, because the main thing is that you are real men. Bold, strong, self-confident. And you are the same, my dear colleague. Stay like this always and you will achieve success in work, in love, and in your hobbies.

How to congratulate colleagues in the office on February 23 in prose - a selection of texts for 2018

Congratulating colleagues in the office, if there are many of them, is much more convenient with small speeches from each woman of the team. For this, short and beautiful prose is perfect. It can be both official and supplemented with various cool wishes. Unusually, original examples of prose will help our readers to congratulate colleagues in the office from February 23.

Examples of texts in prose for congratulating colleagues on Defender of the Fatherland Day in the office

You can read congratulatory prose for male colleagues at any time during the celebration of February 23. She can beautifully start a corporate party or insert women's performances between different stages of a feast. Without fail, an original congratulation in prose should also complete the holiday. You can choose beautiful prose to wish success, health and happiness to all colleagues from the following examples:

Dear colleagues, Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish you strength of spirit, courage and perseverance. Victories on all fronts: both at work and in everyday life. I wish you to take a firm step towards the achievement of your goals. And let all obstacles surrender at your approach. May luck always accompany you, fortune smiles and everything works out!

Dear men, colleagues, from February 23! Be invincible, strong, lucky, healthy. Let any obstacles submit to you, difficulties recede, and things are solved easily. Energy to you, patience, family well-being and financial heights.

Dear colleagues, we are happy that our friendly team is represented by really real men. May courage, strong will, and the ability to find the right solutions always remain with you. We wish you happiness, mental and material well-being.

Dear Colleagues! This holiday is truly our professional, so I boldly and wholeheartedly congratulate you on it. You are the defenders of your Fatherland, society and your family, who, along with me, thank you and congratulate you. Thank you for your honest work, which you proudly carry as a banner of happiness and integrity. Low bow to you for your love for your profession and quality work.

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day to you colleagues! On this day, I want to once again congratulate all the men who are defending our homeland, and thank our grandfathers from the bottom of my heart for giving us this opportunity! May peace and prosperity always reign in your homes, our great fatherland will always be under your reliable protection!

Making a good script for the holiday of Defender of the Fatherland Day at work is as easy as shelling pears. To do this, you need to select the types of numbers, scenes that will be included in the program. For example, women can perform at a corporate party in the office with songs or dances, or they can recite poetry, read prose. For a small team, you can write a beautiful congratulation in your own words. Sincere wishes will certainly please each of those present. Using our tips and examples, you can easily learn how to congratulate male colleagues at work on February 23, 2018. Readers just need to follow our recommendations and use the suggested ideas.

Characters: Host, Host

Props: symbolic, comic certificates for all men, awards for winning the competition, 2 sets of cards with the image of shoulder straps, 2 toy pistols, blindfolds, 10 plastic cups, 30 plastic cups, 3 rolls of bandages.

The event is best held in a non-company or organization. To do this, it is preferable to rent a banquet hall and decorate it in accordance with the theme of the holiday. The guests enter and sit down to the music. In a moment, the leaders appear.

This February evening
I'm glad to see you,
We've already lit the candles
Everything is ready for us!

Waiting for a lot of different toasts,
Joy and goodness awaits
The evening will be bright
Everything will be fine!

Dear men,
I want to congratulate you
And with good congratulations,
I'll start the evening!
And from myself happiness to you,
Health and love
Colleagues are now reading
Congratulations in turn!

(Invites the director or organizer of the company to the microphone)

We will check the glasses
And let's lift them up
And we'll drink to what we've said
For dear men!

(It is important, after each toast, to maintain a 5-10 minute pause so that guests can eat and chat)

And we would like to continue our evening with compliments! But, not men will pronounce them, as required by etiquette, but our beautiful women!

Competition "Compliments".
3-4 girls are selected to participate. Everyone should give original compliments while crouching. If the compliment is repeated, the participant is eliminated. The one with the most unique compliments wins.

The girls got a little pumped up, lost weight during the competition, and it's time to replenish the stock of calories burned. I propose to drink for their eloquence and ability to give compliments in the most unusual situations!

(pause 5-10 minutes)

And now, for the next task, I would like to invite our heroes of the occasion, so to speak, to test their knowledge.

Competition "Shoulder straps".
2 participants are selected. Everyone receives the same set of cards with the image of shoulder straps. The task in 1 minute is to arrange them in the correct order. Whoever gets the job done wins.) What you need: 2 sets of epaulette cards.

For you men
I suggest you drink
So that you are always cheerful!
To never get sick
And plenty of money for you friends!

(pause 5-10 minutes)

But I wonder how accurately your colleagues can shoot? I suggest you check it out!

Competition "Shooter".
2 participants are selected. Everyone gets a toy gun. At a distance of 50-70 cm, plastic cups are placed. The task is to shoot down the target blindfolded in 1 minute. The one who hits the most targets wins.
You will need: 2 toy guns, blindfolds, 10 plastic cups.

I give the word
beautiful girls,
Toasts will say
And drink for you today!

(Girls alternately pronounce)

(Pause 5-10 minutes)

You sat up for something
Gotta fix it
Get up and ask
You now dance!

(Dance break, lasting 15-20 minutes)

Please do not disperse, I have prepared an interesting task for you!

Competition "Pilots".
3 participants are selected. Each of them acts as a Pilot. The task is to persuade the girls to become part of their team in 1.5 minutes. Once the teams are formed, the pilots must pilot their "aircraft" by passing through an air loop. To do this, one of the presenters first forms a strip using plastic cups for this. All team members hold each other by the belt, and try to maneuver between the cups. The team that knocks down the least cups wins.
What you need: 30 plastic cups (10 per lane for each team).

I suggest everyone to drink for aerobatics so that there are no crooked stripes in your life!

(pause 5-10 minutes)

Friends, between the next dance break and the competition, I want to ask you a few riddles to test your vigilance, so to speak!

Options riddles:
1. Where, unlike you, does the soldier go?
(to service)

2. Where are the military stars?
(On shoulder straps)

3. Where does the soldier sleep?
(In the barracks)

4. Where does the soldier go on a date?
(In Dismissal)

5. Army signature dish?
(Barley porridge)

Great, and we continue! For the next competition, I need 3 pairs!

Competition "Oh, these dances".
Couples stand with their backs to each other, joining their arms at the elbows. The task is to dance to the given music. The duration of the competition is 2-2.5 minutes. The duration of the songs should not exceed 30 seconds.

(The couple that manages to do this in the most harmonious way will become the winner)

As for me it turned out harmoniously! I suggest the rest, take a place on the dance floor!

(Dance break 10-15 minutes)

But I wonder if our charming girls, in which case, will be able to provide first aid?

I suggest you check it out!

Contest "Bandage me".
6 participants are selected (3 men and 3 women). Each woman receives a roll of bandage. The task is to bandage the “wounded” in 1 minute. The winner will be the one that will cope with the task better and better than everyone else.
What you need: 3 rolls of bandages.

I want to raise a toast to men
And wish everyone well
There is no reason for sadness, evil,
Get rich, prosper!

Here we smoothly moved on to the most pleasant part - the presentation of gifts!

And you thought we forgot about gifts? No, we all remember!

(Symbolic gifts and certificates are presented, after which dances and feasts continue)

You can add more if needed

presenter: Hello, dear friends! Today we congratulate not just men, we congratulate the defenders of the Fatherland, who are ready to bear the heavy burden of responsibility for their Motherland, their compatriots, their loved ones!

You are responsible for the globe!
Allow me to wish:
May the children live happily
Let in a peaceful white world
Only in fairy tales the army beats!

Happy holiday, dear friends! The word for congratulations is provided by ______________________________________

presenter: ________________________________ joins the congratulations For you, dear men, the song sounds __________________________________

/after the performers leave, the Psychic runs out of breath, holding folders under his arm, holding a capacious bag/

psychic: Sorry for being late! There are traffic jams on the streets! /sits at the coffee table, takes papers, cards, cell phone out of the bag/

presenter: Are you in a car?

psychic: No, on foot.

presenter: Understandably. May I announce?

psychic: Of course of course! I'm ready.

presenter: Maybe you will be more comfortable without a hat?

psychic: What are you doing! This is a necessary accessory for entering the astral!

presenter: Understandably. Ladies and Gentlemen! Today in the hall there is a well-known psychologist, psychotherapist, psychic, candidate of medical sciences, master of alternative medicine, clairvoyant and clairvoyant Sheherazade Stepanovna Ryazhenka ... sorry Varenets! /psychic stands up and nods to the audience with dignity/

psychic: Madam host, let me clarify something.

presenter: Of course of course.

psychic: Gentlemen, while spaceships plow outer space, computer technology has become the technological basis of any complex technological process, and information processes have penetrated into all spheres of our life, it's a shame to realize that the capabilities of the human body are used by only 10%. Only some especially advanced personalities, such as myself, for example, are able to fully realize the opportunities bestowed on a person! Using them, I will completely disinterestedly help you settle family and personal problems. Don't be shy, come on. I can even work with photographs of people to whom energy flows should be directed. But before starting work, I must explore the egregore field.

presenter: And who is it? /psychic grins indulgently/

psychic: This is the mental and emotional energy of the collective.

presenter: Oh, I see. Of course it needs to be explored. /psychic, moving his hands around the hall/

psychic: So, it's not bad here, here too .. And here the radiation is somehow disordered. Ah, the culture is here! Clear. And in this place a colossal updraft! Apparently the percipient has a powerful energy. There is something incomprehensible here, the radiation is pulsating. That is, it is not. Are not accountants sitting here? All clear. Well, in general, the egregore field is positive. You just need to distribute it evenly. Gentlemen, I ask you to join hands, raise your clasped hands up and say in chorus three times: "We are together." Now everything is all right. Thanks. Madam host, we can begin.

presenter: Dear friends, while you are thinking about what problems need to be solved with the help of a psychic, for you _____________________________________

presenter: Dear men, now ... /a woman in a white coat enters the hall, a dentist/

Dentist: Hello! Excuse me, is there a psychic reception here?

presenter A: Yes, but it only accepts team members.

Dentist: Oh, wait a minute! I really need!

presenter: Well, come in, if for a minute.

Dentist: Thanks. You see, my patient freezes there, sits with her mouth open.

psychic: Since you have little time - get straight to business.

Dentist: Good. Open your mouth. You need sanitation of the entire oral cavity.

psychic: And here is my mouth! Tell us about your problem!

Dentist: Sorry. You just said - get down to business. My business is teeth, and my problem is a man. He cooled off.

psychic: Did you freeze it?

Dentist: No, what are you! He just fell in love with me! /sobs/

psychic: Nothing, calm down, this is fixable. How old is he?

Dentist : 24.

psychic: Did you serve in the army?

Dentist: Not.

psychic: For health?

Dentist: Yes. You see, he has one hand right and the other left. /cell phone rings at the Dentist, she answers/- Yes, I'm listening! /unintelligible sounds are heard/- In 20 minutes. /sounds again/- Which side? From the left? /sounds again/- Oh, on the right! Then spit. Now I will. /turns off/- I'm sorry! Such patients are impatient, they cannot sit with their mouths open for 2 hours! So will you help me?

psychic: Let's take a photo. /wiggles his hands over her/- I give installation to Ivan Biryulkin for eternal and true love for Tatyana Rogulkina! Everything. Your husband must go to the draft board tomorrow and sign up as a volunteer in the troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He will serve, return without teeth and will be yours to the grave.

Dentist: Oh thank you! Come to my appointment, I will do your whole mouth for free! /runs away/

presenter: Can I continue?

psychic A: Of course, sorry.

presenter: Thanks!!

male leaders
We wish to live a hundred years
In harmony with the position and rank,
But women still - love!

Dear men, congratulations _____________________________________

/after the end of the number, a provocatively dressed girl enters the hall, looking at the men, walks down the aisle, flops down on a chair at the psychic's table/

presenter: Wait a minute! You..

damsel: Yes, I am! Did not recognize?

presenter: Should I have known?

damsel: Yes, everyone here knows me! Although you are old already, you may not be in the know.

psychic: You to me?

damsel: If you are extrasex - then to you.

psychic: Psychic psychologist.

damsel: What's the difference! I have 5 boys. Do you see?

psychic: Yes, yes, of course. So what?

damsel: Who should I drag to the registry office?

psychic: Understandably. And to whom are you more disposed?

damsel: Situated? Yes, everyone is different. Especially with Puchok! He is such an inventor!

psychic: What kind of posture is this - a beam?

damsel A: He's not a pose, he's a security guard at the store.

psychic: Ah, that's how! So, you can not choose the most worthy applicant.

damsel: Right! I need the best one. Well, not the president, of course.

psychic: Did you bring photos?

damsel: And how! /gives pack, psychic looks/

psychic: Marry this one.

damsel: For Tolyan or what? So he is still young, he has not cut down the money.

psychic: Look not these lines. They read the will, and the desire for success. Now I'm reading your boyfriend's future. In 2 years, he will have everything: business, money, an apartment with a European-style renovation, well, etc. But only if he serves in the army. It is in the army that he will meet a man who will have a great influence on his fate.

damsel: Wow! And he still wanted to hang out! Yes, I'll kick him into the army with kicks!

psychic: And you will do it right!

damsel A: Thank you, aunt. I went! /leaves/

presenter: Mrs. Varenets! You are more active with the audience. The team has no less problems.

psychic: I work with egregore, don't worry!

presenter: And we continue our concert dedicated to the strongest and most courageous half of our wonderful team!

Living among women is not easy at all.
A handsome man of such height!
But the deputy head
Don't lose your head!

Congratulations on the holiday to the biggest people of the team! Gives you a song _____________________________________

/after the end of the number, a woman in a headscarf enters the hall, with two shopping bags full of empty bottles/

Female: Hello! Are alcoholics coded here? Wow, you, how many people! Who is extreme?

presenter: Behave yourself properly! Dear people are here!

Female A: So I didn't get there. /turns to exit/

psychic: Come in, come in, I will take you out of the queue. What is your problem?

Female: My husband drinks.

psychic: Why did you bring the bottles?

Female: If left at home, he will drink. I left the TV yesterday. I come home from work - no. Drank, infection!

psychic: Did you try to speak in a good, kind way? /bangs his fist on the table and yells/- How long are you going to torment me, goat!

Female: I tried. She even spoke kinder - it does not help. So I decided to code.

psychic: Let's take a photo.

Female: Why take a photo? I brought it myself - it's under the door. Bring in?

psychic: No need, I can act at a distance. /wiggles hands/- Your husband will stop drinking with only one condition: tomorrow you will take your husband to the draft board and send him to the infantry for 2 years. Will be back - like a cucumber!

Female: Oh thanks! It is for you! /holds out string bags with bottles/

psychic: No, no, you don't! I help people for free!

Female: The good people in the world have not drunk yet! Goodbye! /leaves/

presenter: Dear friends! I hope that today you will not only rest, but also solve your problems with the help of Scheherazade Stepanovna. Do not be shy. And we continue our holiday concert!

Reserve junior lieutenant,
He is a friend and brother to recruits!
But only culture will call
On stage with a song he goes!

/ after the number, a very sad lady enters the hall /

Lady: Hello. Are you a psychic, Ms. Varenets?

psychic: Quite right. /lady falls on a chair and starts to sob/

Lady: We have absolutely no mutual understanding! I'm like furniture in the house! What I didn't do! And sandwiches, and cakes, and coffee ...

psychic: To bed?

Lady: And in bed too. And the soup is always too salty, and the shirts are dirty and I don’t know how to clean up ... I can’t live like this anymore!

psychic: Stop crying and take a photo. So it's a woman!

Lady: Certainly! My mother-in-law.

psychic: And what do you want?

Lady: Bewitch. So that the mother-in-law does not have a soul in me!

psychic: Maybe it's easier to move to your own separate apartment?

Lady: Easy to say! And where to get money?

psychic: Here I am powerless - not my profile. But I can predict the future for you. /wiggles around the lady with his hands/- You will have a lot of money, buy yourself an apartment and a car. But for this you need your husband to go to serve in the army on a contract basis.

Lady: And the mother-in-law will not be taken there?

psychic: Not.

Lady: Okay, I'll persuade my husband. Goodbye. /leaves/

presenter: As you can see, friends, problems are being solved, the holiday continues!

He is the commander - what is needed!
Father to his soldiers.
Squad leader
People's Deputies!

We wish you happiness and health ... For you it sounds ____________________________________________________

presenter: Mrs. Varenets! This mess! You were invited to solve the problems of the men of our team! And you always deal with strangers!

psychic: Well, now I will check the egregor of men for problems. /gets up with hands/- Non-problems, non-problems, it's the same here... Wait a minute! The man in the last row thinks about some blonde all the time ... Now let's clarify! /comes closer/- Sorry. The blonde is his white Audi, which kissed a beige Mercedes today. And men have no more problems. /An employee stands up/

Employee: Excuse me, can I?

psychic: Certainly! Come on in.

Employee: Excuse me, are you treating for dystrophy?

psychic: Of course. Who needs to be treated?

Employee: My husband.

psychic: Let's take a photo. I don't understand anything! What is this, a floor lamp?

Employee: No, this is my husband in profile. And a hat on his head.

psychic: Sorry.

Employee: Nothing, nothing, I myself confuse it with a floor lamp. Maybe you think that I'm starving my husband? Nothing like this! Why didn't I feed him! All the most high-calorie! I even buy beer every day. All to no avail. The doctors just shrug their shoulders.

psychic: Do you have dumbbells?

Employee: What are you, what are you! He can't even lift a bag of bread. I do everything myself at home. Once, I gave him an umbrella, so then I found them both on Kukan!

psychic: Okay, I'll try to help you. /wiggles hands over photo/- Yes, it's bad. Medicine will not help here, even unconventional. One way out - the army! Let him go to serve under the contract. In 2 years you will not recognize your husband - he will carry you in his arms!

Employee: Thanks! And then I was so tired of looking for him under the covers - you have no idea! Goodbye! /rushes to your seat/

presenter: Mrs. Varenets, there are still a lot of letters with photographs.

psychic: Let me see .. So, a letter from Pugacheva with a photograph of Kirkorov - to bewitch. A letter from Eduard Simochkin with a photograph of Boris Moiseev - bewitch. A letter from Lada Dance with a photograph of Mikhail Ivanovich Borovoy - to bewitch. Letter from second-grader Tanechka with a photo /heads of the company/ love ... wait a minute ... put a children's town in the yard. Sorry, gentlemen, while you listen to the song, I'll work on the photos.

presenter: Dear friends!

They can't scare us
Tornado and tsunami
Because in difficult times
Men are with us!

Happy holidays, dear men! Your musical gift is given to you by _______________________________________

psychic: Madam Host, I need the help of several ladies in order to give the installation to the male half of the team.

presenter: Please, Mrs. Ryazhenka, excuse me, Varenets! / music sounds, all the actors enter the hall with trays, on which glasses of champagne. The girls line up, Psychic comes forward /

psychic: All men please stand up! I charge this drink with strength, vivacity, courage, energy and eternal youth! /cell phone rings/- Excuse me, one minute! Comrade Commissar? Your mission has been completed! Accept 75 recruits! Yes sir! Junior Lieutenant Varenets! /returns to the men/- In general, dear men ...

Everything: Be happy! /music, girls handing out glasses of champagne/

presenter: Once again - happy holiday, dear defenders of the Fatherland! Goodbye, see you again!

Scenario of the festive buffet for February 23 this is an original version of congratulating colleagues with a costumed surprise, warm words and a sincere desire to surprise and please them.

If we add to this good dance music and several fun competitions, then the holiday will turn out bright and will be remembered for a long time by the male half of the team. (Thanks to the author Fedunova T.A.)

The introductory part of the buffet table scenario for February 23.

Completely empty stage.

1 vote (from backstage): One time! Dear friends! Please break away from the delicious salads and listen to the important government message! Today, February 23, 20 ..., an unprecedented outburst of positive emotions will take place on this stage, aimed at glorifying males!

Two presenters come out to the sounds of very energetic music.

1st presenter: My God, my God! How many attractive men in one room!

2nd host: Lord! We are glad to see you more than ever! Allow me, on behalf of and on behalf of the Women's Council of the world community, to congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day!

1st presenter: Lovely! Be strong and brave! Don't be afraid to make tons of money! And don't be shy about beautiful women!

2nd host: That's pretty much all we want from you!

We turn on a bravura march, just a few musical phrases. At this moment, four or five girls come out from behind the scenes with various objects in their hands - a ladle, an accounting ledger, a bottle of baby food and a rattle, a bucket with a rag, etc.

First girl: God! When will this hard labor end?

Second girl: Don't say I won't make it to the weekend! The fifth, then the tenth! Every two minutes is a disaster, and the report should have been handed in yesterday!

Third girl: And the boss is totally pissed off! Whatever you do, he doesn't like it!

Fourth girl: Yes-to! What about home, is it better? No time to even drink tea!

Fifth girl: What tea?! Also, read a book! In the morning, as usual, but things do not become less!

Again, the same head sounds from behind the scenes.

First girl: Celebration? Why haven't I heard about the holiday?

Second girl: Hurrah, comrades! That is, girls!

Third girl: Now let's rest!

Fourth girl: And what holiday is it?

Fifth girl: Yes, does it matter?

IN the song "Little" turns on. The first girl runs backstage and drags a tray with a bottle of vodka and small glasses. The ladies stage a merry drinking of the bottle.

1 vote: Heh heh! (music cuts off). Comrades women, have a conscience! Really, apart from my voice, nothing tells you that today is not your day ... Ugh! Celebration! So, let me “rejoice” you that today we have Defender’s Day ... (Microphone whistle and hiss again).

First girl: Damn, I didn't give you a drink!

Third girl: Wait, what kind of defender did he mean there?

Fourth girl: Go, the surrounding nature!

Fifth girl: Are you really, really drunk? Your male voice meant - Defender of the Fatherland Day! After all, February is in the yard! What other defender can be in February?

Everything: Exactly!

First girl: So their defenders, ugh! Men! We must congratulate!

Second girl: (stroking her thighs) Yes, no question, congratulations!

Everyone runs backstage, laughing and squealing.

Scene for February 23 "Captured by the Amazons".

To this musical arrangements such as a military march, the sound of a timpani, the sounds of a war horn, or drum roll are best suited. Under any of these sounds, five women run onto the stage (perhaps the same ones who complained about their fate in the introductory part). They should be wearing some accessories associated with the military style - a holster on a belt over a garter belt, caps, shoulder straps attached to the straps of sexy tops, unbuttoned tunics, from under which stunning underwear is visible. Naturally, the makeup of the heroines should be more than defiant. Each in the hands of fake or toy weapons.

They sing a song-alteration to the motive of the song of the robbers from the cartoon "The Bremen Town Musicians"

Amazons are said to be
Fighters all as one.
You do not believe - these gossip
Provoking the Moon!
Oh-la-la, oh-la-la, provokes the moon,
Oh-la-la, oh-la-la, oh-ma!
We are smart, eloquent,
Noble and gentle.
All were born from a test tube
So - dads are not needed
Oh-la-la, oh-la-la, so no need for dads
Oh-la-la, oh-la-la, oh-ma!
We live without worries
Practicing every day
We send arrows accurately
We are from the bow and into the target!
Oh, la-la, oh, la-la, we are from the bow and into the target
Oh, la-la, oh, la-la, eh-ma!
Leggy and beautiful
We stand up for ourselves!
And our planet is alive
We will protect from men!
Oh, la-la, oh-la-la, we will protect from men,
Oh, la-la, oh, la-la, eh-ma!

The first Amazon ( pointing the gun at the hall): Sit - be afraid! Everyone froze! Now you are in our power!

Second Amazon: Yes Yes! You got caught! There was nothing to be in the country of free women Amazonia!

Third Amazon: And to me, ladies, I wonder: what is it that earthly women find special in such imperfect creatures as men ?!

Fourth Amazon: Personally, this question is absolutely indifferent to me, because I am not going to baptize children with them!

Fifth Amazon: Oh, dark, children are not baptized with them, but they do! What, the difference, or something, you do not see!

(Suddenly a military march sounds and Atamansha comes on stage, she has a bugle in her hands. Stopping in the middle, she trumpets him.)

Atamansha: Conversations! We will deal with the men ... slowly! Now let's all dance!

(The ladies line up in a semicircle and, to the music from the movie "Color of the Night" or another incendiary melody, take turns moving to the center of the circle, performing seductive dances. At the same time, it is absolutely not forbidden to use the weapons you have with you for erotic movements. It is quite suitable in meaning if one of the dancers pulls one of the men onto the stage. A playful, but not vulgar striptease is quite acceptable, for example, lowering a military tunic from one and the second shoulder, etc.)

First Amazon: Well, boys? Scary?

Second Amazon: What is it that scares them? Yes, they have never seen such a damn beauty!

Third Amazon: I wonder what useful things could be done with them? Well, except for the kids, of course...

Atamansha: Let our crocodiles brush their teeth! And here's another job - you need to chop the coconuts. Let them wave their hands before death.

Fourth Amazon: Why don't we leave them alive? Let's all go to waste?

Fifth Amazon: What is there to regret? There are so many of them! Why are you killing yourself like that? Do you want to warm up? Come on, have you already looked after someone?

Fourth Amazon(feigning embarrassment): Well, I looked after ... what's wrong?

Atamansha: And nothing bad! Warm up while I'm kind!

The fourth lady coquettishly and shyly approaches one of the men and slowly puts her hands under his jacket.

Fourth Amazon: Oh, warm! …

Fifth Amazon (to the side): Hell! I wouldn't mind warming up my hands either. My atamansha, my dear mother! Allow me to warm one of these ... imperfect creatures in the end?!

Atamansha: Yes, for the Moon Goddess! At least the legs! At least ass!

First Amazon: Damn, why am I worse?

Second Amazon: Nothing, no worse! Girls, let's get warm!

Everyone else also descends into the hall and attack the men sitting at the tables. Who puts his hands in his pockets, who sits on his knees, who presses a man's head to his chest. Only the leader of the Amazons remains on the stage in a displeased pose. She stands with her arms crossed over her chest. He observes what is happening for a while, then blows the bugle. The girls, as if on command, rise to the stage and line up in the front.

Atamansha (in a very quiet, menacing voice): What are you!? Have you forgotten everything? Or remind you how long we have fought against the violence of dirty pots and diapers! Have you forgotten what it cost us to get rid of all the “give” / “bring”?! from all suspicions of treason? From socks, after all, lying everywhere where the foot of these male people steps! (these words are already very loud).

Atamansha: So, I propose to proceed with the destruction! Second! Break down! Are our crocodiles ready to eat?

Second Amazon: (rather sluggishly): Crocodiles are ready to eat!

Atamansha: Why no enthusiasm?

Third Amazon: Listen, mother, can we keep a couple? For warmth?

Atamansha: Again? What good is their warmth? Are you missing a kangaroo? They have such fur!

Fourth Amazon: And where does the wool, I'm sorry? Men's people, by the way, have many different other virtues!

Atamansha: What, for example?

First Amazon: They are smart and, by the way, on some issues they have more information than all of us put together.

Atamansha: Yes, and then they gather in flocks of three people and spend all their intelligence on solving the question “who respects whom”!

Second Amazon: But they skillfully earn money! And they can even work in several organizations at once!

Atamansha: Interesting! Which of the female people was completely enough for the money earned by men?

Third Amazon: (offended): And that was enough! And on a coat! And on boots! And a new dress for March 8th!

Fourth Amazon: Yes Yes! And they know how to say such words! Such words! Already breathtaking! And no one, no one else can do that!

Atamansha: Aha! Words, that is! And you forgot that after the wedding, their vocabulary changes strictly perpendicularly: “bring”, “give”, “get rid of”! In short, that's enough! Bring on the crocodiles! The animals have not been fed for two days!

Fifth Amazon: Girls! Let's not let chaos happen! We need men like air! Am I not right?!

First Amazon: Absolutely right! Because they are so soft!

Second Amazon: Because they are so caring!

Third Amazon: After all, they are so strong!

Fourth Amazon: And they don't let us get bored!

Atamansha: Eh! Damn me! Yes, I myself, horror, how I love men! Okay! Let them live!

Congratulatory part of the buffet "Captured by the Amazons"

Presenter 1: Really! It is impossible to live without men in the world, no! In them the sun of May! Love flourishes in them!

Presenter 2: Hush hush! And then you will praise us lovely boys.

Presenter 1: Once a year you can! Really, girls?

Beautiful and cheerful music plays, under which all the same five charmers run out onto the stage.

Presenter 2: You know, but we say “Defender's Day”, “Defender's Day”! But is a modern man a defender? That's what he can protect a simple modern woman from? Like me?

First girl: I think this is a stupid question!

Second girl: Personally, a modern man can protect me from loneliness!

third girl: And me - from a dystrophic wallet!

fourth girl: Me - from a boring vacation and long evenings in the middle of the week!

Fifth girl: From lonely walks with the dog!

First girl: From going to the cinema together with a girlfriend!

Second girl: From self-opening champagne on New Year's Eve!

Third girl: From stupid acquaintances on the street!

Fourth girl: From the question "what to wear?"

Fifth girl: And even from myself!

Presenter 1: Oh, how difficult it is to be a man in our century ..

Presenter 2:

To be - the best, the winner, the wall,
A reliable friend, a sweet sensitive person,
Strategist between the world between the war.
Be strong, but... submissive, wise, very gentle,
Be rich, and ... spare no money.

Presenter 1:

To be slim, elegant and... casual.
Know everything, do everything and be able to do everything.
On your holiday, we wish you ... patience
In solving your life problems.
Health to you, love and inspiration.
Successes creative and every success!

Presenter 2: Girls, did you say everything? For some reason, it seems to me that today the main word has not been uttered!

Presenter 1: What do you mean? What we did not wish health?

First girl: No, of course! Girls! Do you know what word is important today?

Together: Men! We love you!

Musical congratulations to colleagues on February 23.

After a short buffet table, it is quite possible to present one more musical congratulation to the men. To do this, the five girls will again have to change into Amazons and perform a couple of verses from. The song "I kissed him" by A. Pugacheva was taken as a basis:

Let him throw life and tremble,

But in the struggle the soul will get stronger.

Love brought us together

Open your eyes to men! Mm...!

We congratulate you today

We wish you happiness and joy

So that all women are adored

We kissed you all! Mm...!

And they run to the men and kiss them all, the rest of the ladies sitting in the hall can join.

IN During the performance, the girls dance seductively, urging everyone in the hall to surrender to the music. When the last lines are sung, the Amazons descend from the stage and begin to smack the cheeks of all the men present.

Presenter 1: For the sake of the holiday, dear men, let me give you not only beautiful words and sweet kisses, but also accept awards from us in various nominations.

Presenter 2: The nominations are specially developed by the Institute of not very noble maidens and their girlfriends!

Presenter 1: So here we go! But I would like to immediately note what a voluminous work your colleagues have done. Yes, yes, those whom you so casually call the "weaker sex"!

Presenter 1: Yes, what am I? After all, March 8 is just around the corner! Dear ours! We have been working all year: peeping and peeping at your valiant deeds!

Presenter 2: With pleasure, over a cup of tea, we collected fresh gossip about each of you! Oh news!

Presenter 1: We determined the dimensions of your cars with an accuracy of up to a millimeter!

Presentation of comic nominations to colleagues

Presenter 2: All nominations received their winners.

Congratulation "Life without you is empty!"

There is a beautiful day in February,
When we congratulate men!
There is no "Man's Day" on earth,
But we are correcting the error.
Men, life without you is empty,
There are sad examples for that.
For you all our beauty,
We do not lose faith in love.
Lipstick for you
For you, we destroy your hair with a curl.
And in high heels
We hurry to those we love!

Our dear men! Remember: we love you!

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!

Presenter 1: Our dear men! How can even the most beautiful words convey what you mean to us?!

Presenter 2: Just let me congratulate you again! Happy holiday! Happy Defender of the Fatherland!

Presenter 1: It's a pity, but our festive and entertaining and enticing program has come to an end! We really hope that you liked both our songs and our dances! Remember: this was all made especially for you, because we really, really wanted to surprise you! After all, a woman can not only cook deliciously and cleanly wash! For the sake of her beloved man, she can even turn into an Amazon!

Scenario "Alignment to ..!" is a cool way to congratulate the male half of the team on February 23rd.

The scenario is designed for an organization of up to 50 employees and is designed for a fun celebration in the office. Includes a large number of funny contests and original congratulations from the female half of the team.

At the entrance to the office, the men are greeted by several colleagues who offer them to choose who they want to be today - a sailor or a paratrooper. Or you can distribute distinctive attributes by drawing lots so that each team has an equal number of people.

And to create a mood, each man, upon entering the room where the corporate party will be held, receives an Alenka chocolate bar as a gift, but instead of the girl’s face, the employee’s face should be depicted on the wrapper.


The place where the celebration is planned must be arranged in the color of military and sea wave.

1. Paper planes and ships should be hung from the ceilings on a fishing line.

2. For the photo zone, you need to make two large figures: a parachute and a submarine. Those who wish can choose: take a picture with a parachute soaring in the sky or explore the sea world on a submarine.

3. To save space, it is better to set the buffet tables - this will help free up more space for competitions and dances. You can add military-themed elements to the tables: toy tanks, airplanes.

Necessary props

1. Stickers in the form of stars.

2. List of songs for the contest "Guess the melody".

3. Two magnetic boards, two markers, two washing sponges.

4. Ten items for the "To the touch" contest.

5. Two suitcases with clothes, two matches.

6. Matchboxes, ribbons.

7. Two glasses.

8. Musical blanks for competitions.


Leading: Our dear, brave sailors and handsome paratroopers! On this men's day - February 23 - our entire women's team congratulates you on Defender of the Fatherland Day, and wishes you to always keep your eye on luck, good spirits, eternal youth of desires and feelings! And as an initial greeting, please accept our special musical gift!

Women's group performance

Two girls perform a song-alteration to the motive of the song "Fortuneteller", with them a small group of girls on the dance floor.


First verse

Fashion changes daily
But as long as there is a white light
Without men there is no good weather
There is no people without men.
Even in the cards of the old gypsy
Through times the king, then the jack.
Yes, and we will tell you without trickery:
There is a white light on men.


What can I say, what can I say.
Happy holiday to you, men,
And we want to wish you
And courage and strength.
You miss the stars in the sky
Hold a tit in your hands
Don't forget to dream sometimes
Store heat particle.

Second verse

We wish you more happiness in life
Do not be sad for nothing.
Congratulations on this day
Although you were not in the army yourself.
We wish a fair wind
Your life ships.
We dedicate this song to you
Noble to their kings.

Leading: Applause to the charming sailors and paratroopers. And now the floor is given to the director of the company (full name).
(The director gives a short congratulatory speech).

Leading: At the beginning of our holiday, you had a choice: who to become - a paratrooper and a sailor. Divide now into groups according to your choice and let's see who is the most here.
(Men are divided into groups).

Leading: You were divided not by chance. Today we will not only determine who is cooler - the marines or the air cavalry, but also identify the strongest, most courageous - a real fighter!
(Each team can be tied around the neck with a scarf; blue - marines, green - foremen).

Leading: Let's start testing for strength and endurance.

Competition "Women's Carrier"

For the competition, one participant from each team is invited.

Task: to collect as many girls as possible in a certain place, but you need to carry them to the gathering place on your hands, on your shoulder and in any way, only so that they do not walk on foot.
The one who collects the largest number of girls receives an honorary medal - a sticker in the form of a star, which will be glued to each winner's clothes.

Leading: That's the first victory! But let's see if the winner brought our girls to their destination in general condition?
(Looks at the girls). Girls, do you feel good, do you feel dizzy, do you feel sick? Well, everything seems to be fine! And let's say hello to the first winner again. And the opponents do not despair, because there is still a chance to recoup. Sailors, paratroopers, choose your team of 3 girls!

Contest "Guess the melody"

From the teams again leave one participant.
3 girls are invited to help each of them.
Task: guess the melody.
The first person to raise their hand gives the answer.
Songs should be on a military theme.

Leading: A real soldier must be able to convey information in such a way that the enemy does not understand it. Now you have to turn on all your ingenuity, because you will not explain with words, but with drawings.

Contest "Secret Line"

From each team, one person is selected to begin explaining the words first.
Each team has a magnetic board and a marker with which they can draw and, if necessary, erase the excess with a sponge.

Riddle words should display some kind of action. For example, military porridge. It is important to name this particular phrase, and not just “porridge” or “food”. The person who guesses the word gets a star.

Leading: Well, you don’t have to be a commander, but you always have to clean the roads from snow!

Competition "Dance Battle"

4 participants are invited.
Each is given a shovel. With it, they will have to imagine how they clean the roads from snow, but not just like that, but to the music.
Participants will have to demonstrate snow removal under 3-4 songs.
The best dancer is chosen by the audience with applause.

Leading: And they wear it on their hands, and they know the songs, but how beautifully they know how to move! How lucky our women are with such colleagues! Let's check, how do they navigate in the dark?

Competition "To the Touch"

Two participants from each team are blindfolded.
They need to guess 5 objects by touch, and the teams can suggest what kind of object is in front of him if the participant cannot determine the object for a long time.
But the hints should be suggestive - remotely describing the subject and not contain the same root words.

Leading: A real defender of the Fatherland must be fast, dexterous, courageous, and now we will find out who is the most exemplary soldier in your team.

Competition "Exemplary Soldier"

Each team chooses a suitcase. It's closed so they don't know its contents.
The host offers to choose a captain and only then says the rules of the competition.
The task of the captains for a while, while the match is burning, is to put on all the clothes that are in the suitcase.
The one who puts on more things wins.
To be funny, the suitcase should contain funny and ridiculous things, for example, women's or children's clothes.

Leading: Aren't you guys tired of competing yet? While you rest, let's pass the baton to our beautiful ladies!

Contest "Repulsed the guy"

Competition for girls.
To the belt of 5-7 girls, one matchbox is tied to a fishing line or ribbon so that they touch the floor.
On the boxes you need to stick a photo of any male object.
Girls must trample on the boxes of their rivals as quickly as possible and at the same time prevent others from trampling on their own.
Those participants whose boxes were trampled on are eliminated from the game.

Leading: What, however, are your harsh conquerors of men's hearts. Let's congratulate the winner with thunderous applause and be careful with her, everyone saw how she took other people's guys away, beat and trampled!
Attention! Now there will be a very serious competition, which will determine who will come out of here today as a winner!

Competition "Quick reaction"

For the competition you will need a table and two glasses or two faceted glasses.
The contents of the glasses can be anything.
On both sides of the table are a paratrooper and a sailor.
The competition is like a duel. At the command of the facilitator, the participants should grab the glass, drink the contents and loudly put the glass on the table.
You can hold several of these "duels", but with different participants.

Leading: Ladies and gentlemen, in a fierce battle, in a hard struggle, we have a winner. The most active participant with the most stars. Let's count!
(Music turns on, everyone applauds.)

Host (announces the winner): You get a certificate to visit a real Russian bath! (The music turns on, the presenter addresses all the men). And the rest of the participants are not upset, because gifts have been prepared for you too!

(All participants who have stars receive memorable prizes as a gift, for example, a comic diploma with the inscription “The main thing is not victory, but confirmation that you are a real sailor!”)

Leading: Dear men! Today you showed your strength, skill, quick wits, but for what? After all, no matter how strong men are, their main incentive is to win the attention of a woman. In fact, today there are no winners and losers among you! I was approached by the female half of our team with a request to convey that you no longer need anything, because for your colleagues, you are the strongest, the bravest, the best!

(At this moment, a slow song is turned on and the women invite the men to dance. It is important not to leave a single man unattended!)

Leading: Dear men, if you are not yet convinced that life in our office would be boring and monotonous without you, the ladies have prepared another surprise for you. Happy holiday to you, Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!

Video greeting

(Preferably on a projector), a video on the theme "One day at work without men" is included.
The women's team plays up the situation of one day at work. They reluctantly do all the male work that their colleagues do on a daily basis. And in the end, congratulations on February 23 together.
The video must be copied to a USB flash drive or disk and handed to everyone as an addition to the main gift.

As a cool gift for your colleagues on February 23, you can prepare a bouquet of dried fish and a beer cake.

On this day, it is very important to pay attention to all men so that everyone receives a portion of congratulations and feels the atmosphere of the holiday, because such events bring the team together, and a friendly team is the main secret of the success of any company.

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