Why dream of wearing earrings. Why dream that they gave earrings

Encyclopedia of Plants 16.02.2022
Encyclopedia of Plants

Felomena's dream book interprets dreaming earrings as a positive symbol. This is a sign that a productive and useful one awaits you ahead, which will bring satisfaction both morally and materially. In addition, it is possible to receive news from loved ones with whom you have not been with for a long time.


What material did you dream of earrings from?

What happened to the earrings in a dream?

What did you dream about earrings?

If you dream of earrings with diamonds▼

If in a dream you happened to see earrings with diamonds, then yours will turn out to be a very wealthy person. If you are ready for your next one with him, your financial situation will improve.

Seeing pearl earrings in a dream ▼

Where were the earrings in a dream?

Dream about earrings in the ears▼

She dreams that earrings in her ears are a sign of well-being in life. You are accompanied by luck and. Both in personal space and in professional space everything is stable. Nothing can ruin your good.

What did you do with earrings in a dream?

If in a dream I had a chance to try on earrings ▼

Why dream about how you try on earrings? Such stories are seen by curious people who are not indifferent to everything that happens around them, even if the events do not concern them at all. But perhaps you are just interested in learning as much as possible, expanding your horizons and making new ones.

Choose earrings according to the dream book ▼

The dream about how you choose earrings is directly related to the real situation. Only in reality you have to give preference to one of several people with whom close, romantic relationships have been established.

Dream about taking off earrings▼

The dream in which you take off the earrings is interpreted by Felomena's dream book as a warning. Perhaps one of yours is ready in their real feelings, which you absolutely do not need.

Who wore earrings in a dream?

Get earrings from a dead person in a dream ▼

If you dreamed that he was giving you earrings, be careful about your actions. Do not take poorly prepared steps. It is better to weigh everything carefully and think over the details again.

How can you characterize the earrings that you dreamed about?

I dreamed of new earrings ▼

A dream about new earrings is a symbol of change. Your environment has bored you, and now is the best time to change something - place of residence, work or just. Perhaps a surprise - you will be offered something that you do not want to refuse.

Seeing red earrings in a dream ▼

If in a dream you saw red earrings, try to sort out your feelings. You may be expressing them too passionately.

Dream of round earrings▼

Seeing round earrings in a dream means being in a close relationship with your soulmate. This person is very reliable, and all his feelings are very sincere.

How many earrings did you dream about?

If you dreamed of a pair of earrings ▼

If in a dream you saw a pair of earrings, peace and warmth reign in your personal life. You get along well with your partner and understand him perfectly.

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I dreamed of Earrings, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out what Earrings are dreaming of in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    On New Year's Eve 2009-2010 (Thursday to Friday), my wife and I dreamed of earrings: I - gold (one in the shape of a hemisphere, and the other in the shape of a heart, the same size, for children); accidentally discovered in a purchase for which he did not pay (some small plastic jar). Wife - medium-sized silver rings, examined in the window.

    • Fedor, dreaming of earrings in a dream is usually a good sign, if the two of you and your wife dreamed about them, then this could mean the birth of children, going on vacation, etc.

      Hello! I dreamed that I was with friends abroad. My friend and I are in a double room. I wake up in the morning, no earrings. We shook all the bedding, the whole room, but they were not found. We go into another room, to 3 other friends. Suddenly I see, on one of the beds, on the pillow are my earrings. I was very surprised, I remembered for sure that until this morning I had not been in this room, but the earrings are definitely mine. I put them on and woke up.

      • The fact that you lost your earrings in a dream most likely indicates that you may lose your former official position.

        i dreamed that they gave me earrings, such as studs, made of white gold, inside sapphire stones, and I was so happy that they were real, expensive, with real sapphire, and there was no limit to my happiness, and then I went somewhere, and - once, and - lost, began to look everywhere, - found many different earrings - but all not mine, and sobbed .... sobbed .... and ... never found, in short, an earring ... .. and woke up, all in tears.

        • Siriin, perhaps your dream about the loss of beautiful earrings suggests that you have to face a deep personal loss of something very dear to you.

          • I dreamed that there were six holes in my ears, although in real life there are three in one and one in the other. And I stood in front of the mirror trying to choose how best to combine the earrings. There were three pairs of them just for six holes, all were in the form of rings, the difference was only in size, one pair of small rings, the other medium and the third more of those.

          • Hope, perhaps your dream about how you wanted to buy earrings, but instead you became the owner of the ring, suggests that someone close to you will not be sure of his decision in relation to you.

            I had a dream last night that I have one gold earring. Patterned like that. And I decided to sell it. I went to the market and they inserted an oval black stone into it. Just put it on top and he came up. But I did not sell it, it seemed cheap. I wanted to sell to another person, but he said that he could not buy now and I left.

            • Elvira, perhaps your dream about trying to sell an earring suggests that in real life you will also try to part with something dear to you, but you will not succeed.

              Hello. I had a dream in which I wake up in the morning, as usual, and go to the mirror. My earrings in my ears (I wear them all the time lately) are getting huge. What does this mean? The dream had a dream from Thursday to Friday.

              • Tatyana, perhaps a dream about huge earrings, suggests that someone will slander you.

                • Naida, perhaps a dream in which you find one earring without a pair, indicates that something will be inferior in your personal life.

                  • Gennady, most likely the dream suggests that a closer mutual understanding may arise between you.
                    Of course, it can also symbolize parting, there are too few specifics in your description.

                    • Nonna, perhaps the dream symbolizes that someone will mislead you.

                      On Monday night, I had a dream - that I looked in the mirror and found that there were no earrings in my ears that I now wear, but there was no time to look for them, because. I was late for work without them and went ... - why would it?

                      • olga, perhaps a dream in which you don’t have earrings in your ears suggests that you will have to part with something quite familiar to you for a while.

                        I decided to take a nap this afternoon and dreamed that during a tour of some old house (it hosted hostilities during the war), I found an earring on the wooden floor, but only one (there were suspicions that someone had simply lost one of the previous visitors) .
                        The earring itself is long, made of black (large) and blue (ordinary beads) pebbles. But very beautiful.
                        Didn't try on.

                        • Alina, to see earrings in a dream - to good news, pleasant chores, the arrival of guests is possible.

                          • Dilara, perhaps a dream suggests that some significant changes may occur in your personal life.

                            I had a dream in which I found the earring of my beloved girl. (I gave her an ensemble of earrings and a ring, silver with a pomegranate in the form of an apple, for her birthday) There is one “but” - I have been married, and I have been in love very much for two years, but I live with my wife. And so, in a dream, I find one earring ... To be honest, for some reason, a feeling of anxiety in my soul after a dream and a quick look at the interpretation about "earrings"
                            Thanks. Sincerely, Lee.

                            • Lee, perhaps a dream in which you find the earring of your beloved girl, but you yourself are married to another, suggests that changes are possible in the relationship between you and one of these girls.

                              On the night from Thursday to Friday, I dreamed that my brother gave me earrings (they are beautiful, beautiful elongated from many shiny pebbles), I was so happy! Then he put an earring on one ear, and I took off the other earring (the old one), but then I was looking for my old earring and woke up already ...

                              • Aliya, perhaps this dream warns you that you should not change something familiar in your life in the near future.

                                • Tatyana, most likely your dream speaks of some kind of acquisitions, but it is also important in what context of sleep they dreamed.

                                  • Zhenya, perhaps the dream suggests that in reality you should expect some important acquisitions.

                                    • Marina, most likely such a dream promises you some kind of loss of something important for you in reality.

                                      Hello. I dreamed today that I lost one earring, strangers returned it to me, but it turned out to be different in shape, and after leaving some building I lost it again, but returned and found it again. What's this?

                                      • marina, most likely your dream suggests that in reality you may lose something that will be very difficult to find a replacement for.

                                        I dreamed that I found a very beautiful earring in the form of a large ball and all in the inscriptions that I didn’t understand what was written, I let it look, it slipped out of my hands and rolled somewhere, I started looking and found it, thanks

                                        • Ksenia, perhaps a dream about finding an earring, suggests that in reality you can find out, find something very important for you, the main thing is not to lose it later.

                                          • Gaukhar, most likely such a dream suggests that in reality you can become the culprit of someone else's misfortune.

                                            Hello! I had a dream from Sunday to Monday that my husband gave me black and silver bird-shaped earrings, very beautiful. And he said, as it were, for fifteen thousand and handmade earrings .. he told someone answering questions about where they say he got these ...

                                            • Valentina, perhaps such a dream suggests that in reality your husband can commit some unusual, impulsive act, which, however, you will like.

                                              I dreamed that the neighbors gave me a gold ring without stones, but covered with black enamel in the center and on the sides and engraved with WC in the center. No kidding. After that, for some reason, I ended up in a room, it was crowded, but everyone was my own. And I took out many pairs of wooden earrings of different colors, they were all the same in shape - long, wide, as it were, with a fringe downwards, that is, with wooden pendants. I gave two pairs to little girls to match the color of their blouses. Mom asked for one of them for herself, I didn’t give it to her. Putting the remaining earrings in my bag, I discovered that the black enamel ring and in general my gold rings that I have in real life were gone. My sister, husband and I started looking for them, found everything except that ring. He was also found later, but without engraving. And after checking it turned out to be not gold at all.

                                              • Diana, the fact that in a dream you gave people earrings most likely promises you financial losses.

                                                On the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, I dreamed that in a jewelry store with a friend I choose earrings for myself ... they offer me completely different ones: both balls and long pendants, I seem to like everyone, but I didn’t buy any ...

                                                • Victoria, the fact that you chose earrings in a dream most likely promises you a lot of flattery in the future.

                                                  I had a dream from Friday to Saturday. The bottom line is that I took off two identical earrings and gave them to be melted down, and received a beautiful gold ring on my little finger ... Please help me understand what the essence of the dream is? Thanks in advance

                                                  • Albina, the fact that in a dream you handed over earrings most likely promises you the achievement of a goal for which you will have to sacrifice something.

                                                    I had an unusual dream today. It was as if I found (or I already had them) beautiful earrings, with large green crystals in dark gold (maybe it was not gold, but an alloy - I didn’t make out). I gave them to my wife, and we compared them with the earrings already in her wardrobe. We went through everything ... The earrings I gave me noticeably won in the size of the stone and beauty.
                                                    However, the dirty water all around and the authenticity of my gift (the crystal seemed to me to be a piece of glass) alerted me.

                                                    Now we are in a quarrel - the marriage is bursting at the seams.

                                                    • cat, earrings in your dream most likely promise you to be deceived.

                                                      I had a dream that I lost my earring. But then my ex-husband appears (we recently divorced), takes me to some jewelry store. And there is my second earring. Moreover, I saw a lot of jewelry in the store, all with stones. What is most interesting, in my life I wear earrings with a large rauch-topaz. And in the store, a woman suddenly decided to examine it and said that rauch-topaz is just coal and in a few years this stone will crumble.

                                                      • Natalya, the fact that you dreamed about earrings probably portends you the discovery of the truth related to your husband.

                                                        I dreamed that several purple Christmas balls were broken. I was very sorry that they broke and wanted to throw away the fragments, but among them I found beautiful silver star earrings and took them for myself.

                                                        • Maria, the fact that you found the earrings probably warns you against gullibility, you may be deceived.

                                                          • Julia, the fact that you found earrings in a dream most likely warns you that you may suffer from an adventure.

                                                            • Tatyana, the fact that you found your mother's jewelry probably means that you are waiting for some facts about her past.

                                                              Hello. Answer please. My mother had a dream today that she lost her gold earring, and then found two, but different ones. I am now pregnant (a short period), for some reason she decided that the dream concerns me, she said that no matter how I gave birth to twins. Explain why this is?

                                                              • SVETLANA, the fact that your mother found different earrings probably means that her attempts to dissemble will not be successful.

                                                                For a long time I dreamed that I was walking around and could not choose my decoration. And I really wanted to choose. And recently I dreamed of earrings made from old coins, and I understand that it was them that I had been looking for for so long. Help explain

                                                                • Sholpan, the fact that you chose earrings in your dream most likely indicates that you are too trusting.

                                                                  Good afternoon! I had a dream - in my dream a man (I haven’t seen him for 10 years) was looking for me, found me. Then I go in very expensive earrings (maybe platinum and some blue stones - you can immediately see - very expensive). Then I looked in the mirror and took them off and looked at them. Please explain why this is a dream. I dreamed from Wednesday to Thursday. Thank you in advance

                                                                  • Victoria, the fact that you were wearing earrings probably indicates that you can be deceived.

                                                                    Hello! from Wednesday to Thursday I dreamed that I found a bunch of identical earrings in my grandmother's box! silver ones, in the shape of a flower, with a pink stone (although I can’t stand pink). but did not make out whether the real silver and stone or not. also in a dream, among all this heap, I somehow found (maybe someone gave it to me, I don’t remember) exactly the same earrings, but the stone looks like a diamond, not colored. and put them on.
                                                                    what is it for? thank you for your help.

                                                                    • Anna, at some point, you may realize that you are too proud.

                                                                      Hello! from Wednesday to Thursday I had a dream: “I run my hand over my right ear, but there are no earrings (medical and pebble), I look in the mirror, and the hole is just huge, and I think how to fix everything - then it becomes normal size and I think about which earrings it’s better to wear gold or jewelry ... it’s not convenient to walk with one, after all ... "
                                                                      I wake up, and first of all I check if the earring is in place ... What would it be for ??

                                                                      • Katerina, the fact that your earrings disappeared in your dream probably indicates that you attach a lot of importance to your appearance, the opinion of others is important to you.

                                                                        • Ksyusha, the fact that you had earrings in your dream probably indicates that you are too gullible.

                                                                          Hello! and today I had a dream ... as if I found ONE silver earring, in the shape of a heart .. and inside there was a transparent pebble ... very beautiful but I still didn’t find who it belonged to ... tell me what it means ??? Thank you.

                                                                          • Tatyana, the fact that you had such an earring in your dream probably indicates that you will soon find an interesting job.

                                                                            Hello! I lost one earring that I wear now (my husband gave it for my wedding anniversary), I was very upset in a dream, but I immediately found it in parts (under a sweater, on the floor, on the stairs). I put the spare parts in a box and found there two more (like mine) silver earrings. I thought that you can also vilify them, "if anything."

                                                                            • Maria, the fact that you lost your earring in your dream probably indicates that you may soon lose your job, important business connections for you.

                                                                              Good afternoon, Alina! In a dream, some woman (about 20 years older than me) removed earrings from my ears (such large silver flowers with leaves), in ordinary life I don’t wear such. And in return she gave me silver hoop earrings. I immediately put them in my ears, and I ask this woman: “When will you return my earrings to me?” She replies that in a few days or a week, I don’t remember exactly what she answered me. She also told me about the men and gentlemen of her turbulent youth, whom for some reason I a priori should know and remember, but I don’t know and don’t remember them.

                                                                              • Tatyana, the fact that in your dream someone changed your earrings probably indicates that you can change your job at the suggestion of another person.

                                                                                Hello Alina!
                                                                                I dreamed that my husband and I were invited to a cafe, we were sitting and talking. Suddenly, a friend of my husband runs up to us (I didn’t unnala him right away), puts his hands on both knees and looks at me intently. At the same time, I understand that this is somehow strange, but I can’t say anything. I draw your attention to the fact that he has one earring in his ear - gold, in the form of a ring, and I see it very clearly, i.e. in a dream, attention is focused on it. Finally I leave. What could this dream mean?

                                                                                • Helen, the fact that you had such an earring in your dream probably indicates that you may be deceived by this person.

                                                                                  Good afternoon,
                                                                                  on the night of Wednesday to Thursday, I had a dream that an unfamiliar woman came to my house and asked me to help with something, I wanted to give her clothes or food, and she says: - no, I want this and points to my ears. I turn around - I look in the mirror, and in my ears are my gold earrings, which my mother and sister gave me in reality. I refused this woman in a dream, said that "- these earrings are a gift and I will not give them away." After I woke up. Why this dream?

                                                                                  • The earrings in this dream are most likely a symbol that warns you that you may be deceived.

                                                                                    Hello! I dreamed that I was holding a jewelry box in my hands, and in it were a pair of earrings and a ring of a strange shape; the earrings seemed to be square ... and the ring seemed somehow “blurred”. In a dream, I know that my young man gave it to me ( everything is fine with him at the moment) I look and understand that they are not made of gold, but iron, but with a golden coating, but the coating is so-so ... there is no gloss. I start to think that, they say, why did he give me non-gold ... I begin to examine them closely and it begins to seem to me that they seem to be golden, which is not quite like iron ... I continue to think, maybe this is pure gold .... I woke up. I want to note that at the moment my young man treats me very well , we have a wonderful relationship, we have been together for a year, but it only seems to me that he does not have love, but affection for me. Or it just seems to me. Thanks

                                                                                    • The fact that you saw earrings in your dream probably indicates that you will soon find yourself a very interesting activity.

                                                                                      on the night from Saturday to Sunday, I dreamed that they asked me for my gold earrings and I needed to give them back, I took them off and gave them away, but I didn’t really want to do this. What would that mean? Thanks in advance for your reply

                                                                                      I dreamed that I was looking at myself in the mirror, looking at my new earrings (my husband gave them in a dream, I know this, but I didn’t dream about the process of giving), and at the moment when I looked at them, my mother came in, and I said: Oh, what beautiful earrings .. and I answer, you didn’t know it was my husband who gave it to me. Yves. The earrings are very beautiful and with precious stones, a scattering and in the middle there is some kind of large orange stone. The earrings remained on me, I woke up. It was from Monday to Tuesday.

                                                                                      • Such a dream, in which you had new earrings, probably indicates that your work will be very interesting to you, you will enjoy it.

                                                                                        In a dream, they gave me to try on very beautiful new earrings, and from several girls they chose me and another girl, some old man. I began to try them on. They were unusually beautiful hanging from some stones (in a dream I could not make out the precious or not) The earrings were of a dull purple color and very large, in my opinion they were more suitable for a tall girl of model height for a glossy magazine.

                                                                                        • The fact that you had new earrings most likely indicates that you can get a very profitable promotion.

                                                                                          I dreamed of a friend. I saw him from the back and didn’t talk to him in a dream, but only watched his actions as if from above (it seems like I wasn’t in this dream). He seemed to be walking forward, and on his right ear I noticed an earring - oblong and shiny, similar to jewelry in the form of a drop with a pointed bottom, very sparkling. And this kid was walking somewhere in a dream ... Even in a dream, I was surprised why he put on an earring. But he did not see me. As if he was minding his own business.

                                                                                          • Your dream, in which there was such an earring, most likely indicates that you can covet for someone's high position.

                                                                                            I dreamed today that when giving out presents, a girl gave me dark metal earrings with a small pebble. I looked at them and didn't like them. I told her this and returned it. In return, she gave me a cosmetic bag - a purse. I opened it, and there is another small one. I liked it very much.
                                                                                            What would that mean?

                                                                                            on the night from Wednesday to Thursday, I had the following dream: I discovered that my earring (which I wear all the time) is not on my left ear. I rushed to look - in my footsteps, where I was in a dream, and quickly found safe and sound on the floor in the bedroom. could this be somehow connected with my husband, his name is Seryozha just? thanks.

                                                                                            I dreamed from Thursday to Friday that I lost one of my earrings, studs. (In life, I also very often lose them, but I find them). So I first lost it, and then just as quickly found it.

                                                                                            I dreamed that I lost only one of my earrings. I started looking, and here on the ground there are several of them, but not mine.
                                                                                            And the same day in the evening I broke up with the guy we were 2 years 2 months. What is it for

                                                                                            i dreamed that my friend was showing me her earrings with green stones and saying that they were bought by work colleagues under her ring. it is also the same with the green stone. what is it for?

                                                                                            My mother, in reality, once upon a time she lost one earring ... and for the second time in a dream I find this lost earring ... and now I dreamed that I found a lot of silver earrings and among them there was one unpaired earring, but I didn’t I took it and this earring again looked like my mother's earring, but this is not the one she lost, but the one she now wears .... I didn’t wear any of these earrings ...

                                                                                            • Probably, such a find in your dream indicates that you can find many interesting and profitable activities for yourself.

                                                                                              it was written that I stood at the mirror and saw that I had three earrings in my water ear, I liked them very much, but after half a day I literally understand that my ears start to hurt because of them, they bake chesuts, unbearably, I endured, endured, and when I went to the mirror again I saw that my ear had already turned red from them, and I decided to take them off, it hurt to tears, and pus began to come out of the puncture sites, what does it mean? I then gave the earrings in a dream to another girl who also wanted to pierce her ears, but I don’t know her in reality

                                                                                              • Your dream, in which there were such earrings, probably indicates that your favorite business will soon become tiresome for you.

                                                                                                On the 8th of the night from Friday to Saturday, I had a dream: a whole bunch of rings of various shapes, I don’t know where to put them, then I find myself visiting a strange girl, I have a whole package of different jewelry, I give her a pair of beautiful earrings with pebbles, one earring she wears on the right ear, and clings to several places on the ear, the other is unknown. There is a gold chain in the package, but I keep it. Then my relatives are visiting her, we sit down at the table and everyone eats different foods, I have soup with meat, the girl has soup in which there is an apple, the rest eat main dishes, we watch out the window, talk about life. All this happens in an unfamiliar place and in another city.

                                                                                                • The fact that you had a lot of jewelry most likely indicates that you will have many opportunities to diversify your personal life.

                                                                                                  Good afternoon! Today I dreamed that my boyfriend was sitting in my room, and in his left ear he had a gold earring with stones. And this earring looks more like a ring! I was worried and asked where he got it, but he never answered! What is it for?
                                                                                                  Thanks in advance!

                                                                                                  hello, I had a dream, as if they had dug up the earth, the earth is very fertile, and from the outside someone shouts that I dig very deeply although I didn’t dig at all, I go out into the street and see that everyone dug up and left me my part, I’m going to look at my work and I see underground there is a basement, which, as if we were looking for before, I enter this basement and there are light bulbs everywhere, and I find a box there and inside the earrings are old but very beautiful, rejoicing at the new find, I leave the basement while turning off the lights everywhere, but I don’t tell anyone about the find, only a guy I know, then I dream as if I’m fighting with a classmate and wake up.

                                                                                                  • The fact that the land was like this in this dream most likely indicates that you will have many prospects in developing your business.

                                                                                                    I dreamed that it was my birthday and I put on an earring in front of a mirror. She is beautiful and has an original unusual shape. A bit like a clip, but it has a bow. That's just the bow is very wide, such that I put it on, tearing my ear. Despite the pain, I feel happy, and eventually I plan to buy a second one of the same kind.

                                                                                                    hello ... I recently dreamed that I was looking for something on my sister's nightstand and saw there gold earrings in the form of a rhombus with green stones (it seemed to me that they were old-fashioned) and I also thought: “whose are they? my sister doesn’t seem to have such” ... .very interesting to know what it is for))) I heard that the earrings are for the wedding, but I don’t understand mine, or my sister’s wedding)))? What do you think?

                                                                                                    Good afternoon. I dreamed that I found gold earrings, several pairs (there were so many that they couldn’t fit in my hand), I collected them, but then I found that in my hand I had not only earrings, but also rings. Then I wanted to wear earrings, but I could not choose which ones, they were all paired. What does this mean? Please tell me. Thank you in advance.

                                                                                                    Hello!! I had a dream from Sunday to Monday. My husband and I are walking through the market, and I stopped where jewelry is sold. Bought two pairs of earrings. One pair in the form of a ring, the second in the form of a flower. I wanted to buy even the cheapest, but they were not. Then my husband and I went further, I put on earrings that were in the shape of a ring, then I smile and ask my husband: “Did I pick up beautiful earrings?” And he makes a disgruntled face, and says: "Nope." In reality, I am pregnant, a period of one and a half months. I would like to know why such a dream. Thanks.

                                                                                                    • New earrings in this dream most likely promise you to find new interesting hobbies and activities for your leisure.

                                                                                                      Hello! I dreamed from Wednesday to Thursday that they gave me one gold earring in the form of a leaflet, which was all dusty, dirty ... I took it and threw it away ....
                                                                                                      And the previous night I dreamed that I was wearing several rings with diamonds and I was suddenly attacked from all sides by gypsies, after which I discovered a shortage of two diamonds in one of the rings.
                                                                                                      What does this mean?
                                                                                                      Thank you in advance.

                                                                                                      • The dream in which you were offered such an earring, but you refused, most likely indicates that you may miss out on a very promising job offer.

                                                                                                        Hello! I dreamed from Friday to Saturday that I found somewhere 3 or 5 earrings without a pair. First I found earrings, and then rings. And the last three rings were the same. Thank you in advance!

                                                                                                        From Sunday to Monday, I dreamed that my husband gave me three pairs of earrings. I chose what to wear for the evening, I chose large beautiful ones in the shape of a butterfly wing. There were also some large and medium-sized ones with a pebble, somehow cloudy, besides, a pebble fell out of one, but was not lost.

                                                                                                        Hello, I had a dream where I put on my grandmother's old earrings (huge pink flowers (as if real, not made of metal) with some kind of pebble) and admire them, along with my mother (she recently died). there were some other earrings nearby, not so big, but gold and with a red stone.

                                                                                                        Hello! I had an unusual dream. in the evening I'm out for a walk somewhere, then I end up near the shore and start digging in the sand and find a lot of different jewelry, in most cases earrings, mostly one at a time, and they all seem to be silver, but in the end I find a pair of earrings with beautiful red stones and joyfully take them for myself. then suddenly suspicious men start coming up there and I hastily put on beautiful unusual boots and run away from there.

                                                                                                        I dreamed that I was sitting and talking with the guy I love ... Then I take one of my round (ring-shaped) earrings and put it on so that both my and his ear are on the axis of the earring! That is, we are shackled with an earring ...

                                                                                                        Good afternoon. Help with deciphering the dream. I had a strange dream in which everyone took up arms against me, besides, my husband provokes me to fight. But I don't want it and I ignore it in every possible way. My earrings, presented by my husband, also appeared in a dream. In one earring, I did not find two of the four large stones.

                                                                                                        i dreamed that I was putting on wooden earrings in the form of rings in front of the mirror (a large wooden ring, a keychain in the form of a fang or something in the form of a claw from below. I put them on and for a long time could not tear myself away from my reflection in the mirror, I was simply fascinated by the earrings)) ))))))

                                                                                                        P.s. Thank you for your very interesting site and for your help. I am contacting you for the second time :)))

                                                                                                        Hello! I had a dream from Tuesday to Wednesday. My mother-in-law tells me to give my earrings for my father’s funeral for a while, but I shout that I won’t take them back later, but I don’t feel sorry for anything for my relatives and I reluctantly give, knowing that later I can never force myself to wear them. During the funeral, I see my dad's earrings in my ears. In real life, my dad is alive. What does such a dream mean?

                                                                                                        • The dream in which there were such earrings most likely indicates that you can return to an important activity for you.

                                                                                                          Hello, I dreamed that I was sitting on the beach, digging in the sand and finding a golden earring. Then I find another one - a pair for it, continue to dig and find more and more earrings, and each has a pair. I give all the earrings to my wife - she counts them. And in the end we come to 18 pairs. And then we dig out a box with weapons, but I say that we will not get involved with this and that we need to report to the police, to which one of the passers-by says that it is better to report anonymously, otherwise they can take everything away. I would like to know the meaning of sleep.

                                                                                                          Hello! From Friday to Saturday I had a dream that a man (we haven’t seen each other more than once, it doesn’t work, meetings are disrupted, but we call up and communicate on the Internet) gave me a ring and earrings. The ring was not big with small pebbles, but the earrings were 2 different, they were presented to me to choose from with the text “I didn’t know which one you would like more.” The gift was a real surprise for me, I ignored the ring, but the earrings caused real delight (in reality, I really want new ones for myself). I tried on both, but turns in the same ear, chose the second one. The earrings were made of aged silver. Can you help me figure out this dream for something good or bad?

                                                                                                          • The dream in which that man gave you such a gift most likely indicates that you can start a successful romance with him.

                                                                                                            Lately I've been haunted by dreams about earrings. Either she found hoop earrings, or she examined various beautiful earrings in the window. She chose from her own what to wear. And today I dreamed about my gold earrings again, I didn’t wear them for a couple of weeks .. I took them from the box to put them on. Why would...

                                                                                                            I had a dream today, I can’t connect in any way.
                                                                                                            in a dream, my girlfriend and I were either cleaning up or something else, and began to find some of my jewelry ... I remember I found 3 earrings (and I was sure that it was necessary that they were included) but at the same time I remembered that I should There were other ones, but I couldn't find them.
                                                                                                            at this time, my mother comes with some new earrings (pretty cute, as it seemed to me in a dream) and I ask her about the earrings that I can’t find, she says that they were, then look badly, and I say “maybe give me yours. ”In response, she tells me that in some jewelry store, either a sale or something else, in general, she led me to this store to buy new earrings.
                                                                                                            and how to understand this, I do not know)

                                                                                                            Hello. On the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, I have a dream in which I am at a children's matinee, but it takes place in the evening, on the open veranda. I leaned on the railing to look down (why I don’t remember exactly), and an earring flew off my ear (I wear them now) and fell into a crack on the ground. I ran downstairs after her, when I ran in, there was already a girl, she was looking for my earring. As a result, we found her, but besides her, there were still a lot of jewelry, both gold and jewelry ... I have an exam ahead, can this be somehow connected with it ???

                                                                                                            • The fact that your earring fell in this dream most likely indicates that you can leave an important occupation for you.

Why dream of earrings, interpretation of sleep according to different dream books.

In dreams, you can see something unexpected, sometimes strange, something that makes you wonder what it would be like in a dream.

Important: Dreaming earrings can predict some events in life, and such a dream can also tell about your inner state. Earrings are an ambiguous symbol: they promise both good and not so good.

Expensive earrings with precious stones have always been an indicator of a high position in society. It is not surprising that a pleasant aftertaste remains after a dream.

  • An unmarried girl saw in a dream diamond earrings, in reality her husband will be a man with money.
    Jewelry jewelry with emeralds symbolize a bright streak in life, peace in the family, career success.
Dream Interpretation: earrings with diamonds or emeralds

Women's dream book

  • Seeing gold earrings in a dream is a lot of joy
  • Pick up - succeed in business
  • Trying on expensive earrings is a romantic adventure

Miller's dream book

  • Gold earrings - a grandiose success in business
  • To give gold earrings to someone is to please a person with your decision in important matters.
  • Broken earrings - trouble at work
  • Step on a golden earring - get ready for pleasant adventures

Home dream book

  • Stealing earrings - lose the respect of friends
  • Lose earrings - to a break in relations
  • Precious earrings are in the box - the desire for a prosperous life

I dreamed of gold earrings: why?

Why dream of silver earrings with stones?

Esoteric dream book

  • Gave silver earrings - a disease of the giving person;
  • Other silver items (for example, dishes) - physical ailment.

Chinese dream book

  • Silver earrings with stones - success, luck, profit.

Dream interpretation of N. Grishina

  • A silver round earring in his son's ear dreams of his marriage.

Dream Interpretation of Felomen

  • Silver earrings dream of important events in life that will excite you, but you will emerge victorious from a difficult situation.

See silver earrings in a dream

Why dream of inexpensive earrings - jewelry?

Important: Jewelry in a dream is a bad sign. In real life, jewelry is an imitation of expensive jewelry, a fake. As in life, in a dream, jewelry is a symbol of deception.

If an unmarried woman dreams that her beloved presents jewelry, do not rush to be fascinated by him. This is a sign that they are just playing with you in love, without serious intentions.

If a woman buys jewelry for herself in a dream, her partner in reality will appear in an impartial form, disappoint, show herself from the bad side.

If a woman gave jewelry to a woman - fight with a rival.

Jewelry in a dream - a symbol of falsity

Video: Why dream of earrings?

Why dream of earrings with red stones, rubies?

Important: Ruby in a dream - passion symbol. Earrings with rubies are a symbol of love, passion, passionate confessions.

Freud's dream book

  • Receive ruby ​​earrings as a gift - they will confess their feelings to you

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

  • A bright red ruby ​​dreams of the fulfillment of cherished desires
  • Lose ruby ​​jewelry - suffer from loneliness, break with your loved one
  • A woman to receive earrings with a ruby ​​\u200b\u200bis a successful marriage

Dream interpretation of D. Loff

  • Ruby - a symbol of power, wealth, success

Spring dream book

  • To see a ruby ​​in a dream is a long and passionate love affair.

Dream: ruby ​​jewelry

Dream interpretation: pearl earrings

Important: Pearl earrings symbolize discord in relationships. Perhaps a loved one will betray you, which will bring you a lot of pain and suffering.

Old Russian dream book

  • Lose pearl earrings - finish an unpleasant business

Freud's dream book

  • Pearls are tears. May mean the end of a love relationship, a break with a loved one

Esoteric dream book

  • Pearl earrings - a quarrel with loved ones, your views will differ
  • Loose pearls - your efforts in an important matter will be in vain

Modern dream book

  • Pearls dream of separation from a good friend

Pearl earrings - collect tears

Why dream of one earring and many earrings?

Important: For good or for evil, I dreamed of a lot of earrings, you can understand the metal of the product.

  • See in a dream many silver earrings- get ready to hear a lot of flattery in your address.
  • Lots of pearl earrings means a sea of ​​tears, long disappointments.
  • If you saw many gold earrings- you stand firmly on your feet, get an interesting job or wait for a promotion at work.
  • A pregnant woman dreams of an earring for the birth of a girl.
  • Buy one earring- receive good news.

Why dream of losing and finding a lost gold earring?

  • Finding one of your lost earrings - get good news, be surprised by the news.
  • Losing an earring, on the contrary, is an unkind sign. A lost earring is a symbol of robbery, theft.

Why dream of finding gold earrings?

Important: When interpreting dreams, remember that it is not so much what you see that matters, but your actions.

  • Find Earrings- to the good news. The nobler the metal of the jewelry, the happier the news. That is, finding gold earrings in a dream means good things in your real life.
  • Finding your lost earring in a dream is unexpected good news.

Find earrings, what does this dream mean?

Why dream of broken gold earrings?

  • broken earrings- by no means a bad sign. Such a dream promises gossip, intrigues that your envious people will build.

If you dreamed of broken jewelry, you should be more careful when communicating with colleagues.

Why dream of beautiful new earrings?

If a woman tries on beautiful earrings in a dream, this means that events in her life are going well. A declaration of love is to be expected.

Why do you dream of gold earrings in your ears?

Gold earrings in the ears are a good sign. Great luck awaits you, the realization of your plans.

Why dream of choosing and buying earrings?

Buying a pair of new beautiful earrings - your feelings are mutual, harmony and love reign in family and relationships.

Why dream of wearing earrings?

Important: According to the numerological dream book, wearing earrings in a dream is good only for women.

Such a dream promises the fulfillment of innermost female desires. If the earrings are paired, the desire will come true quickly, if different - after a while. If a man puts on earrings in a dream, this portends trouble at work.

Dream Interpretation XXI century claims that wearing earrings in a dream is gossip and envy. Spring dream book interprets such a dream as love affairs, novels.

Trying on earrings in a dream is good or bad?

Why dream of removing earrings from your ears?

Remove earrings - a declaration of love.

Why dream of big and long earrings?

If the earrings in a dream were long and massive, an acquaintance awaits you. But this acquaintance or relationship will not be the most pleasant, they will probably burden you.

Why dream when they give earrings?

  • You were presented with earrings in a dream, you should be wary, someone is preparing an unpleasant surprise for you.
  • If the donated earrings were from your chosen one, he will soon show himself from a bad side.

Why dream of trying on earrings in front of a mirror?

If in a dream you try on earrings and they are difficult to put on, the dream means difficulties in communicating at work or at home. It is difficult for you to find a common language with loved ones, try to become more accommodating.

Why dream of stealing earrings?

  • If in a dream you stole earrings, you will make a big profit, there will be a benefit.
  • Also, stealing jewelry can mean that it's time to take revenge, which you have been waiting for.

Stealing earrings is a good dream

Dream interpretation: stolen earrings

  • Theft of earrings in a dream - beware of robbery. Wake up should be more careful, as they want to rob you.
  • If earrings were stolen in a dream, you will lose things.

Why dream of looking at gold earrings?

If a woman examines, chooses and cannot choose earrings in a dream, this means confusion in her personal life. The dream tells her that such a situation cannot continue for a long time and she should make her choice.

Listen to your dreams, they can provide answers to many of your questions.

Video: Dream Interpretation for Women: Why Do Earrings Dream?

Women's jewelry in a dream is endowed with exceptional symbolism, the dream book says. Earrings, for example, portend pleasure, good luck and even marriage. But at the same time, they hint at misconceptions, troubles, gossip. To understand why the image is dreaming, you have to consider the details of the plot, and first look into popular interpreters.

See earrings according to Enigma dream book

Did you see original earrings? This is a sign of temptation and temptation, they indicate the futility of actions or, on the contrary, a quick enrichment. Be sure to look at the appearance and features of the products.

Small and modest ones indicate mutual understanding, and large or shiny ones indicate deceit, falsehood. Long pendants suggest: you do not appreciate what you have, because you can lose it.

It is best to receive earrings and a chain as a gift from your beloved man in a dream. After such a dream, the Enigma dream book guarantees an early marriage. And you will live, as they say, happily ever after.

Interpretation according to the numerological dream book

This dream interpreter offers a very pleasant interpretation. If you tried on large earrings in front of a mirror, then in reality a desire of a romantic nature will come true, perhaps you will get married.

If the clips are the same, then this will happen exactly two weeks later. If different, then you have to wait two months. Was there only one pendant in a dream? Alas, the desired will not come true soon.

It is much worse for men to see and even more so to wear earrings. The dream book believes that on the 11th day after the dream, big troubles will occur at home or at work.

Beautiful earrings that you dreamed about on Saturday promise peace and pleasure. To see them in a dream on Monday is an unfortunate incident. If on the night of Thursday or Sunday you gave the pendants to another person, then in the very near future you will begin to compete with him.

What do Miller, Vanga and others think?

Other interpreters give equally ambiguous interpretations. For example, Mr. Miller believes that earrings promise an interesting business or news. But if you accidentally broke them, then due to indiscretion you will become an object for bad rumors and gossip.

Why do you dream of gold items? According to the Muslim dream book, they promise the appearance of a wife or mistress. Islamic promises money that will bring disappointment and mental discomfort.

The seer Vanga associates earrings with her daughter and her fate, as well as other people's secrets. For a man, she guarantees an acquaintance with an interesting person. If earrings were seen in a dream, then Dr. Freud is sure that this is only a reflection of a strong attachment to a loved one.

Why dream of new earrings

Why dream of beautiful earrings in a shop window? An interesting project awaits you. You can put on new clips for a love adventure. Had a chance to measure pendants made of gold or silver? Get rich or find a patron.

Seeing cute little things on others means that you will get rid of laziness, blues and take up the implementation of plans. Earrings with stones characterize a romantic connection. The dream interpretation offers the following meanings:

  • Emerald - reconciliation, renewal of relations.
  • Rubin is a fiery but fleeting romance.
  • Turquoise - surprise, surprise.
  • Amber - a happy marriage, a loving husband.
  • Amethyst - liberation from resentment.
  • Sapphire - love that brings suffering.
  • Pomegranate - the fulfillment of promises, hopes.

See old jewelry in a dream

Often, vintage earrings suggest that a meeting with a chosen one is destined for you by fate itself. But to see them in tandem with an old necklace is a marriage of convenience that will not bring happiness.

Why do amber earrings dream? The dream interpretation promises a happy marriage. Dreamed of ruby ​​earrings? It is a symbol of power, wealth and energy. But emeralds are considered an act of blessing, a sign of self-knowledge, spiritual growth.

If pearl jewelry appeared in a dream, then suddenly changing circumstances will help to reveal the secret potential. But if you have lost an expensive piece of jewelry, then miss your chance.

What does cheap jewelry mean?

Did you dream of inexpensive jewelry in a dream? You will try by any means to attract someone's attention, but you are unlikely to achieve what you want, because you will commit stupid actions. Were there damaged copies in a pile of pendants? An unkind person has planned evil against you.

Why dream of a lot of cute little things? The dream interpretation prophesies: life will be full of various events, meetings and news. Be sure to note their color.

  • Blue - execution of plans, fun.
  • Blue - understanding, humility, coldness.
  • Green - abundance, healing.
  • Pink - illusions, fantasies.
  • Red - passion, overexcitation, anger, threat.
  • Black - concentration, deep feelings.

Dreamed of different earrings

What does it mean if in a dream you decide to wear different earrings? The dream interpretation warns: you will suffer serious losses if you succumb to some kind of temptation. At the same time, different earrings suggest that some of your ideas will be extremely successful.

Why dream about wearing only one earring? In reality, you will be with the person you love. Wearing several pendants indicates a passion for many at once. In the night, sorted out knick-knacks, not knowing what to wear? There is a very difficult choice to be made.

Why take off and give away earrings

Taking off or losing earrings in a dream is always bad. This is a signal of a deterioration in relations, a situation, a voluntary abandonment of plans. Lost just one thing? Get ready for a serious quarrel with your loved one.

Did you deliberately decide to give away or sell your usual jewelry? The dream interpretation is convinced: there will be major losses, a break in communication on your initiative. If you managed to break the products, you will not be able to keep this obligation.

At night, looking for earrings means that you are trying to please some person. If found, the action will succeed. But accidentally finding a jeweler on the road is worse. In reality, you will become a victim of an evil slander.

Likes are spinning 😍⭐️

Questions to the author

Choose your dream!

Did you ever dream?


    I dreamed that a young man (I don’t know him) gave me very expensive diamond earrings, hanging like that, and a fur coat ... I walked in them and everyone looked at me, and then my dead mother came and was so happy for me ... and with me stood ... what is it for?

    • Marry a wealthy and reliable man 😊. This event will be only your merit. You know very well what you are striving for. And do not exchange for trifles.

      • Meet the person who complements you perfectly. It doesn’t have to be a soul mate - it can be a girlfriend. You simply cannot live without each other, your connection is so strong 😉.

        I dreamed that my mother gave silver earrings with a blue stone and I stand and admire them in the mirror. What does this mean?

        10-Sep-2019 Irina:

        I was wearing long new earrings with a price tag, and when I looked in the mirror, I saw that I was wearing 2 pairs of earrings, one long, the other short.

        I dreamed that I was looking at various beautiful silver earrings in my hands. One is big and the other is small, but both have the same stones. And I wondered why they were different, because I bought the same ones, how did I wear them like that. Probably fashionable and even more beautiful, I thought.

        4-Sep-2018 Anna:

        Hello. I dreamed that I was wearing earrings, it turned out one was short and the other was long, and I chose which one was more beautiful, why?

        I dreamed that my mother brought me gold old earrings. One earring was missing two gems, while the other was. I woke up with a feeling, how can such earrings be worn?

        I dreamed that some girl stole my earrings from me, then returned them to me, but my boyfriend took them and took them back to her, after which I was offended and started to leave, but when I turned around I didn’t see him, he just didn’t follow me. What does this mean, please tell me.

        25-Sep-2017 Anastasia:

        Girls, I can say that if you lose an earring in your life, then soon you will break off relations and meet a new love. Tested on myself, if you find an earring, then it will not be a long relationship.

        I dreamed that there were no rings on my ears and on my finger, as if they had taken off my sleeping one and stole it, I wake up upset, what is it for?

        I dreamed of large earrings, consisting only of two large, connected together, pale green stones (similar to jade), and silver openwork inserts on top of the stones. Someone gave me these earrings in a dream, as if they were presented to me, at first I held them in my hand and looked at them, admired them, and then began to put them on, and they turned out to be not at all heavy, despite their massiveness.

        I dreamed that the sister-in-law of my late husband gave me earrings and put them on me, but different and three pieces. I also asked where the third one was, but I remember well there was one earring, and I really liked the earrings, but then I saw the husband of the deceased as if he had arrived with his relatives, and I was shocked when I saw him. I hugged him tightly and he hugged me, it was such happiness, but it was just a dream.

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing earrings in a dream is a sign that good news and interesting work await you. Seeing them broken means that bad rumors and gossip can harm you if you do not show wisdom and discretion.

Why dream of earrings

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

gift, find out the secret.

Dreamed of gold

according to Miller's dream book

If in a dream you hold gold in your hands, you will be extraordinarily successful in all endeavors. If a woman in a dream received golden little things as a gift - coins or jewelry, she will marry a rich, but mercenary man. Finding gold means that your virtues will allow you to easily move on the path to honors and wealth. If in a dream you lost gold, then because of your negligence, you will miss the greatest opportunity in your life in reality. Finding a gold mine in a dream means that you will be entrusted with a difficult but honorable task. If in a dream you intend to work in a gold mine, then it means that you will try to illegally seize the rights of others. The dream warns you: rumors around your name will lead to your shame.

Seeing gold in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Gold is a universal symbol of purity and wealth. To acquire gold is to demonstrate one's power and wealth. It is important to determine the source of the gold and to know whether it was a gift, a conquest or a discovery. It is very important to understand how significant a gold item is. What use does gold find in a dream, whose wealth and power does it represent? If you are presented with a golden helmet, as in Don Quixote, this is an example of the archetypal form of the sacred power that you are endowed with to complete a mission or a heroic campaign. Have you found, lost, given or received a gold item as a gift from someone? Did this item bring you joy or sadness?

Why dream of gold

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

falsehood; swallow, bite off - success in creativity; touch, touch - lost luck.

Dreamed of diamonds

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing yourself as the owner of diamonds is a very auspicious dream, portending honors and recognition of your merits. For a young woman to dream that her beloved gives her diamonds means that her wedding will be very beautiful and many friends will rejoice with her. Losing diamonds is the most unfortunate dream, predicting shame and need.

See diamonds in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

A diamond is a stone that represents wealth, love and power. It is the hardest and most valuable of all gemstones. Seeing diamonds in a dream is an indication of the desire for wealth or, on the contrary, a reflection of your thoughts about its perishability. Do you think others are better off or poorer than you? What feelings are associated with the appearance of diamonds in a dream: fear and confusion or pride and complacency?

What is the dream of a diamond

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

get - protection; to see, collect, admire - false happiness, false hopes in the personal; put on a finger - a strange elevation.

Why is metal dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

melted - unrealizable.

Why dream of silver

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

to receive an inheritance or other property (Muslim dream book).

The meaning of sleep about silver

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of some silver items, it means that soon you will receive as a gift a thing that you have long dreamed of.

Silver in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

Silver is a symbol of goodness, the moon. To see a piece of silver being taken out of the ground - this dream means that in July 2003 a new deposit will be discovered, which will bring a lot of income. Seeing a bridge forged from silver is a symbol of dubious luck, a union bought with money. Seeing silver coins with the image of the Moon is a harbinger of the visit of creatures that no one knew anything about, but which have long been sending signals to Earth. Seeing many chests full of silver is a dream that portends a multi-level reform of banknotes. Seeing a huge boa that guards a pile of silver is a symbol that in 2001 or 2013 an archaeological discovery of great importance and consequences will be made, it will be of international importance and will change the history books of ancient civilizations. Seeing the silver bayonets with which the front garden is fenced is a harbinger of an increase in aggression among underdeveloped countries associated with overpopulation and the desire to conquer new territories by force.

Dreamed of silver

according to Miller's dream book

Silver in a dream serves as a warning: do not rely too much on money, achieving true happiness and satisfaction. Finding a silver coin is evidence of a lack of other money. It is possible that you too often rush to conclusions for the sake of your own peace of mind. Silverware in a dream portends unrest and unsatisfied desires.

Dreamed of jewelry

according to Miller's dream book

To see broken or broken jewelry in a dream portends an acute disappointment that you will experience when you achieve your desired goal. This dream may mean that soon loyal friends will cheat on you, and worries about business will fall only on your shoulders.

We used to consider earrings the most common women's accessory, although in recent years they can also be seen on fashionable men. If they are made of precious metals, richly decorated with stones or rhinestones - this is already a luxury item, a symbol of prosperity and wealth. But what is the significance of the earrings that we saw in a dream?

A brief interpretation of the dream about earrings according to various dream books

A pair of earrings is a sign of mutual love. For young and unmarried people, sleep is also favorable. It portends upcoming acquaintances, flirting and romantic relationships.

Fedorovskaya's dream book promises those who see the earrings a joyful event in the future

  • The Mayan dream interpretation deciphers the wearing of earrings favorably. The dream promises a quick meeting with an old acquaintance.
  • Miller's dream book: to an interesting job offer in the future;
  • Dream interpretation of the XXI century: earrings act as a symbolic image of daughters and their destinies; it also shows that you will be trusted to keep someone else's secrets.
  • An old Russian dream book interprets earrings as a symbol of your vanity.
  • The esoteric dream book divides jewelry by value: cheap jewelry is a symbol of deceit, and expensive jewelry with embedded precious stones means you have trouble.
  • Dream Interpretation of S. Kananita - for fun. A wedding of one of the relatives or replenishment in the family is possible.
  • According to the Small Veles Dream Interpretation, this portends a gift or a fun feast.
  • Azar's dream interpretation is an early love or a manifestation of sympathy for you.
  • The Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer interprets the dream of earrings in different ways, depending on gender: for men, it promises a pleasant acquaintance, for women, involvement in someone else's secret.
  • A family dream book promises those who see earrings in a dream pleasant chores associated with the house. Receiving guests is not excluded. For a married woman to dream with earrings is a good sign, meaning that she will soon become a mother.

On a note. Sometimes people confuse earrings and clip-on earrings. In a dream, the latter, when on the ears, symbolize dissatisfaction with family life, and a broken clip clasp means giving up excesses, living on small means.

An Islamic dream book prophesies that those who see earrings in a dream will marry their daughter or the appearance of a son in the family

What does the material, size and shape mean

By the type of metal from which jewelry is made, one can judge their value. Expensive, elegantly made earrings in real life serve as a symbol of luxury, emphasize style. But what do metals and the shape of earrings mean in a dream?

Earrings in the ears often mean involvement in auditory associations and other people's secrets. It is important to take a close look at the material and stones inserted into the jewelry, as well as the size and shape. This will help to correctly interpret the dream, refrain from impulsive actions in reality and be careful in communicating with others.

Metal type: gold, silver, bijouterie

Gold is a sign that you must take precedence over your own desires. You will have to abandon the planned business so as not to create unnecessary trouble for yourself.

When you dream of gold jewelry more than once, this is a sign of your desire for a beautiful, luxurious, prosperous life. If in a dream the earrings belong to you, this is a symbol of the fact that you are able to achieve a lot in life by showing willpower and perseverance.

The interpretation of gold earrings for men and women is different:

  • for the stronger sex, the jewelry seen on another person promises the emergence of a new obligation, a sense of responsibility for someone or something; hold a pair of earrings in your palm - to increase wealth, as well as to the emergence of a new business proposal that promises benefits;
  • for a pregnant woman, a dream portends a healthy boy;
  • girls and women should wait for sudden news that can strengthen their financial independence; this is a favorable sign, promising only positive emotions;
  • for an unmarried girl to see massive gold in her ears - to the appearance of an unbearable burden of all kinds of duties.

According to Miller's dream book, gold earrings - to a new pleasant job, promotion (rank)

Silver accessories promise emotional outbursts: excitement, falls and ups await you with a successful outcome.

Ignoble (cheap) metals with gilding and cheap glass instead of stones - to a probable deception.

Big or small: meaning

Large jewelry seen in a dream indicates the size of the secret that will become known to you in the near future. Also, the large size of the earrings may mean some pleasant communication in the near future; perhaps you will become a participant in a significant celebration. The catchy look of accessories suggests that the compliments of others will gradually turn into envy.

Heavy antique earrings symbolize your regret for lost time and opportunities.

Small earrings (classic studs) you saw in a dream promise fleeting joy that turns into sadness.

Earring shape: rings, long, flat, studs and others

Seeing earrings in the form of closed rings is a sign of cyclicity. The situation in life will remain unchanged, the old “rake” awaits you, which you will stumble upon again and again. It is the return of an unresolved problem from your past.

Long elongated earrings in Longo's dream book are a dangerous symbol. You are in danger of failure. In other sources, this is interpreted as a long, but futile flirting.

Flat round earrings made in the form of coins - to a meeting with a mercenary person who will manipulate you for his own benefit.

Earrings with stones (pearl, diamond, ruby, green stones and others)

To see in a dream any gems inserted in earrings is for the upcoming chores. Sometimes a dream promises an ambulance trip or a business trip. The interpretation of stones is based on the energy of minerals:

  • Diamonds - to the patronage of a powerful person or a successful marriage. For a woman, this may mean the appearance of a child.
  • Aventurine - to the emergence of inspiration.
  • Pearls - to tears. Unlike European dream books, Islamic ones interpret pearls in a dream as a prophecy of a comfortable life.
  • Rubies, according to Felomena's dream book, portend luck in everything, luck.
  • Emeralds, according to Freud's dream book, promise harmony in relationships with a loved one. It can also mean spiritual growth, a craving for self-knowledge.
  • Gems for decoding Felomena - to self-praise.
  • Diamond inserts - to a solid material jackpot. You can safely play the lottery or risk investing your own funds.
  • Topazes predict a meeting with positive people, the establishment of warm relations. Winning or making a profitable deal is not excluded.
  • Blue stones (turquoise, etc.) symbolize deceit. But according to Tsvetkov's dream book, turquoise is a symbol of bright pleasant memories, and sapphire means widowhood.
  • Jewelry with amber inserts indicates that you run the risk of finding yourself surrounded by people who are unpleasant to you, and it will be impossible to get out of it.

Buying amber earrings in a dream means excessive financial expenses.

For an unmarried girl, the number of stones in a gold earring matters:

  • if there are a lot of them (of different colors or the same) - to small household chores that you cannot quickly get rid of; do not expect an easy carefree life;
  • one large stone - expect a love confession.

If you have a trip, you should focus on the shade of the stones:

  • dark, saturated tones (deep red, etc.) - expect to see unpleasant people among your companions;
  • bright and light colors (blue, green, yellow) - the path will be successful, because pleasant people will accompany you.

For a married lady, a scattering of small light stones is a negative sign, portending tears and resentment towards her husband. The reason for this may be a misunderstanding or the intrigues of a rival.

It's important to know. Seeing clouded stones in a dream, inserted into earrings, is a test of fate.

Why dream broken

  • Seeing a broken decoration in a dream (one or more) - to problems in the team; after that you have to be careful. According to Miller's dream book, broken accessories mean the spread of gossip about you.
  • Breaking an earring (clasp) with your own hands, according to Kananit's dream book, portends the news of a betrayal of a person close to you. It can also mean unreasonable disappointment in one of your relatives or friends.
  • A pair of gold earrings, where one of the jewelry is broken, according to Miller's dream book, is a negative omen. Gossip in society will weaken your reputation, reduce your authority among colleagues or at home.

Actions with earrings in a dream

Find gold earrings in a dream - to a joyful event

In a dream, you can perform any, even the most unexpected actions with earrings. How to interpret them correctly and when to exercise caution is discussed below.

Find, lose, seek or steal

Losing earrings is a likely robbery, a major loss. According to the interpretation of S. Kananit, the loss of jewelry - to get fright. According to Medea's dream book, this dream means separation from a loved one.

If a golden earring is lost in a dream - beware of a ridiculous quarrel that can destroy a strong relationship with a loved one, do not succumb to provocations. Also, a dream predicts the appearance of doubts and fears of an unknown future. For a man, such a loss promises the appearance of problems in relations with his beloved woman, the loss of a love spark, romance and mutual harmony.

According to Hasse's dream book, the loss of earrings in a dream portends a fright. Losing jewelry donated by someone - to the loss of trust on the part of a respected person, to disappointment.

If your earrings were stolen in a dream, this is a negative sign. Separation from a spouse is not excluded due to the fault of a rival or rival.

However, if an unloved couple was stolen, to which your soul did not lie, the dream is favorable. This means that you will soon get rid of an unpleasant obligation.

Find earrings in a dream - to the emergence of a new friend. According to the dream book of S. Kananit, a find in the form of earrings means finding happiness. For male businessmen, a dream stands for a profitable completion of a business thanks to partners. According to Hasse's dream book, earrings found in a dream promise to make a profit.

If the decoration was found in the middle of the road, Tsvetkov's dream book interprets this negatively. In real life, you will meet your fate, but this person will not reciprocate.

Finding an earring you once lost from a pair is an unexpected success. Found someone else's jewelry - to the news (the value of the stone will indicate the importance of the news).

If the dream is connected with the search for earrings, it reflects a real life situation: perhaps you have been looking for something very significant for yourself for a long time, but you just can’t find it (meaning in life, loved one, etc.).

If in a dream you are lucky to find earrings with diamond inserts, this promises the appearance of a wealthy gentleman. However, Miller's dream book warns: do not prematurely rely on such a person until you learn more about him.

If in a dream you stole earrings from someone and tried them on yourself, this is a warning; there is a risk of committing an unseemly act, which subsequently becomes impossible to hide.

Buy, sell, give, give or receive as a gift

Try to remember which earrings were presented to you in a dream, whether you liked them, what metal and other details were made of

Buying earrings - to the possible hassle associated with work. According to Tsvetkov's dream book, this action portends an improvement in relations with the people around you.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena interprets the purchase of cheap jewelry as an upcoming meeting with a miser, miser. Spending on low-grade jewelry with various defects indicates the machinations of ill-wishers directed against you.

Buying earrings also means a warm welcome in society, given to you. Relations with new friends will develop successfully, and the authorities will make concessions.

The interpretation of a dream about buying earrings also depends on the dreamer's gender:

  • For a man, such a dream portends problems with the official authority. It is possible to check the business and identify shortcomings, which will turn out to be expensive.
  • For a young girl, a purchase predicts the appearance of an annoying, insincere, self-serving admirer.

The sale of earrings, according to Felomena's dream book, can mean:

  • betrayal by loved ones;
  • your failure to keep your previous promise;
  • loss of love

In real life, it is often practiced to pawn jewelry in a pawnshop. To see this in a dream promises love losses. But if you managed to pick up the pawned earrings from the pawnshop, this is a favorable sign portending a new thing.

According to Tsvetkov's dream book, accepting earrings as a gift in a dream is a warning sign. You should not take everyone's word for it, any information that comes to you will require a thorough check, deception and swindle are not excluded.

But Vanga's dream book interprets such a dream differently: to receive earrings as a gift - fortunately and tranquility in family life. For a pregnant woman, this means the birth of a daughter. For an unmarried girl, it is important who gives a valuable gift:

  • if the present is from a man - expect an ardent declaration of love;
  • if a woman handed them to you - to the manifestation of signs of attention from a man from among your acquaintances.

According to Fedorovskaya's dream book, accepting a gift or purchasing earrings means receiving a valuable gift in reality. Receive gold accessories - to a new business acquaintance. Perhaps this will be the merit of your soulmate (spouse or wife).

Accepting earrings as a gift from a deceased relative is a warning. Refrain from spontaneous antics or rash acts, as they can greatly change your fate for the worse.

Giving earrings to someone, according to the dream book of Birthdays, is to great amazement. Expect a pleasant surprise from fate.

Fedorovskaya's dream interpretation interprets the presentation of jewelry earrings as a present or their sale as a negative sign, promising a large loss. But if you give jewelry - this is for the upcoming competition.

Seeing in a dream how you lose the donated earrings portends an imminent parting with your loved one.

See on yourself or on another person, in a window

According to Kananit, wearing earrings in your ears is inadvertently becoming involved in someone else's secret. According to Fedorovskaya's dream book, putting on or wearing such jewelry promises you to expose a family secret.

If in a dream you noticed earrings on other people living in real life, expect a feast or a luxurious wedding. Perhaps it will be a fun friendly party. The more luxurious the decorations, the better.

If you especially liked the product you saw on another person, perhaps in life you envy him.

Seeing different earrings in your ears is a sign that you should carefully control your emotions and not succumb to the provocations of others, otherwise an unpleasant scandal cannot be avoided.

For a married woman, gold earrings seen on another lady prophesy rumors and gossip. Perhaps their distribution is the work of your rival. Do not trust fleeting female acquaintances and "well-wishers", and also try to devote more time to your spouse in order to prevent parting.

According to the gypsy dream book, wearing an earring in one ear means being with your loved one. If a pair is worn into the ears, this is to flirt on several fronts, with several gentlemen at the same time.

To see earrings in a dream in the window of a salon or store, according to Fedorovskaya's dream book, to receive an interesting job offer.

According to Medea's dream book, to see earrings on a deceased relative, for example, on a deceased grandmother, means deception and spreading false rumors about you.

Put on, try on, take off, hide in a box

Earrings that can hardly be threaded into the ears in a dream - to a close quarrel with a loved one. Difficulties in communicating with relatives or colleagues are possible.

Trying on earrings - to your curiosity; it is possible that you will be interested in someone else's secret. Sometimes it shows your irrepressible craving for new knowledge.

If you hid a pair of earrings in a box, it means that you secretly want to start a family and are mentally prepared for this.

If accessories are put on you in a dream against your will, this is a warning: refuse a rash deal, as no luck is expected.

According to Pythagorean dream book, trying on the same earrings in a dream in front of a mirror is deciphered in different ways:

  • For girls and women - a favorable sign. The fulfillment of your love desire will happen in a few weeks. If the earrings are different (in color, size), the fulfillment of the desire will last a little (up to a couple of months).
  • For men, it is a negative symbol, promising the boss's nagging or a family break.
  • For students - a positive sign, meaning successful and easy passing of exams. Difficulties are possible with only two items, but everything will end well.
  • For singles - to a long-awaited acquaintance.

But Medea's dream book deciphers putting on earrings on herself as a negative sign. Perhaps in the near future you will become a victim of slander or gossip. The Wanderer's Dream Interpretation interprets putting on jewelry as trouble in love affairs. According to the 21st century dream book, putting on earrings promises trouble in love affairs or making meager profits.

Interesting to know. Are you sorting through your own jewelry, not daring to prefer one pair of earrings? Such a dream can be seen by a woman who in reality leads a stormy and chaotic personal life, has several admirers, but cannot stop at one of them. The dream warns of the complexity of the situation: someday you still have to choose.

Another non-standard situation is when someone else puts a woman in earrings. This is a dream warning: you should not commit rash acts or embark on an adventure, there is a risk of ruining your reputation.

Finding gold earrings in a dream for a man promises good deals, a successful business and an increase in profits.

I dreamed of earrings in the ears of a man

For a man to see an extraordinary dream in which earrings are tried on is a warning sign; it reflects confusion in reality, shows that in real life a person changes masks and roles, but does not find himself, hence the occurrence of stress and emotional intensity.

According to the Islamic dream book, if a man sees earrings on himself, he should be wary of committing an obscene act. Sometimes this indicates his singing talent.

If a man tries on earrings for himself and barely copes with the clasps, Felomena's dream book promises him a beloved woman with a complex and unpredictable character.

The interpretation of a dream with earrings is diverse and multifaceted. All the details of jewelry and actions that take place in a dream are important.

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