How to set up the noscript extension correctly. NoScript: Additional Security in Mozilla Firefox Browser

Engineering systems 06.02.2022
Engineering systems

One of the main reasons why I use the Firefox browser on my computer, and not any other, is the NoScript extension, which is only available for this browser.

NoScript, as its name suggests, blocks scripts and prevents them from running automatically on most sites. This significantly increases security, since most attacks carried out from sites use scripts to achieve results. The extension also improves page load time, because when NoScript is enabled, much less content needs to be loaded.

The disadvantage is that the functionality of some sites may stop working. Since scripts are blocked by default, the site may stop working altogether, or work partially with NoScript installed.

The extension offers additional settings to address these issues. You can allow scripts to run temporarily or permanently on certain sites.

Another problem is that scripts are blocked at the domain level. Most websites download scripts from various sources. Home domain scripts come first, followed by scripts from third-party servers, such as to display ads, collect information, and even use a server-hosted version of jquery.

It is very often difficult to determine which scripts are necessary for the basic functionality of the site, and which are not. It will be especially difficult for Internet users who have little experience in domains, website technologies and scripts.

Setting NoScript

NoScript comes in a pretty good configuration. You can use it as is, but if you want to get the most out of this addon, then you should go through the settings at least once to make sure everything is set up exactly the way you want.

As I mentioned earlier, NoScript blocks script execution on most sites by default. The extension comes with a whitelist of domains, which means that sites that are hosted on this list can download scripts that are hosted on their own domain without any problems.

Prompt: NoScript distinguishes between root domains and subdomains. Domains such as and are treated as distinct by the extension.

Whitelisted domains include:,,,,, and

You can use any whitelisted domain in NoScript settings.

You can also import or export selected domains. This is useful if you use Firefox on multiple devices and want to have the same whitelist.

The second configuration change you can make concerns the NoScript icon. You can place it in a place where you have easy access.

I put my icon on the addon bar, but after the bar was removed from Firefox Australis (version 29), you can put the icon on the browser's main toolbar.

The other option you have is to use the context menu. NoScript adds an item to Firefox's right-click context menu that can be used to block and allow sites, as well as open additional extension options.

If you use an icon, you can also use some useful features built into the extension by the developer. To allow all scripts on the current site, middle-click on the icon. In addition, you can set the left mouse button to block or allow the top level site according to the settings in "General".

You may notice that a message about blocked scripts is displayed on the screen in notifications. This can be useful, especially if you're using the context menu exclusively, but if you're using an icon, it will let you know what's happening.

I prefer to remove notifications as they block part of the screen without telling me anything I don't already know.

You can turn off notifications in the extension options.

Instead of displaying a message, you can activate an audio signal. I don't recommend you do this, especially if you're loading a lot of sites while you work.

Let's go back to the NoScript list that is displayed when you click the left or right mouse button on the icon.

The menu displays all the scripts that the site is trying to load. The root domain is always at the top of the list, while other domains are placed at the end.

Advice: Resolving the root domain is usually sufficient for full site functionality. I recommend that you start by downloading sites without using the whitelist to see if the site works with the default settings or not. If not, then most likely the site needs to load a script in order to function properly. There are exceptions to this rule. You may notice that some sites use content delivery networks that you need to approve, and some sites may download libraries from third party sites like jquery.

You can middle click on any domain to run a security check. When you click on the middle button, you will be taken to a page on the NoScript site that links to several popular security services such as Web of Trust, McAfee Site Advisor, and hpHost.

Use these services to validate a domain before allowing scripts to be loaded. Alternatively, you can use the manual check on Virustotal.

Advice: right click on any domain name to copy it to clipboard.

Digging Deeper

Let's dig a little deeper. NoScript offers users more than just script blocking. It can be used to process embedded content.

This kind of content is default for sites not on the whitelist, but not blocked for sites temporarily or permanently on it.

This means that content like Java, Flash, Silverlight and other plugins will load on whitelisted sites by default. If you do not want this to happen, you must make the following NoScript configuration change in the tab Setup > Embedded Objects.

Here is an example where this can be useful. Let's say you need to whitelist a site in order to be able to access all of its functionality. By whitelisting it, you may inadvertently also allow Flash ads, videos, and other content that requires the use of plugins to play.

Of course, it makes sense to do this with allowing content for whitelisted sites like YouTube, because you're visiting it for the video. However, if you apply restrictions for whitelisted sites, it will improve the security and privacy of your computer.

This means more clicks to allow content, but it's a fair trade-off for security.

If you enable this feature, you will receive a confirmation message each time you click on blocked content. You can turn it off by turning off the "Ask for confirmation before temporarily unblocking an object" option.

Note: you can set up prohibited items on the same page. Theoretically, it is possible to make some content available and some blocked at the same time. One option is to allow Flash and disable everything else.

Additional options

At first glance, the advanced options can look intimidating, as you will come across a lot of technical terms such as XSLT, XSS, ABE. It even mentions ping!

In truth, all of these options are best left alone, of course, unless you require specific features.

There is one feature that may be of interest here - the protection of cookies. You can set NoScript to provide encryption for cookies set over HTTPS for certain sites.

Some web services set cookies over a secure connection, but do not mark these cookies as secure. As a result, a request for these cookies from the same domain will succeed even if it comes from a non-HTTPS page.

However, you may run into problems on some sites and you will no longer be able to log in to these sites, or you will be automatically logged out when you switch pages.

You will find information about these issues in the Firefox web console that appears after pressing Ctrl-Shift-i. Use the information you receive to add exceptions to the rule.

There are other features worth looking at as well. These are the prohibition of bookmarklets on untrusted sites, the permission of local links for trusted sites, and the prohibition of attempts to fix JavaScript links.

Without the Internet, it is difficult to imagine the life of a modern person, because it allows us to educate ourselves, learn new things, meet interesting people, work, after all. But, if you think about it, every open web page is fraught with a potential threat to your computer. When we open a malicious site, the system may become infected with a virus, as well as a number of other unfavorable situations.

Fortunately, remedies for such pests also exist, with many of them not only solving the problem when it arose, but also being, so to speak, a “preventive” remedy. A prime example of the latter is the noscript add-on for firefox. It protects the pages visited by the user from the execution of scripts, that is, various adverse scenarios that can occur. Who does not like this addition, that is, there is still a mass.

Where to find and how to download

To install this add-on on your computer, do the following:

After completing all these points, the download process will begin, after which your browser will restart.

NoScript Settings

After the add-on is installed on your computer, go to its settings. In the new window, you will see several tabs, each of which can be customized to your liking. For example, in the first tab - "Basic" you can check the box "Allow JavaScript execution ...".

The noscript setting for firefox includes a "White List" item, in which some websites are already integrated by default. You can expand this list by adding your trusted resources.

Adding a site to the white list means that its page is allowed to run various scripts without the interference of the NoScript add-on. I also want to note that if you disable the execution of scripts on a web page, then the user will not see some of its objects, for example, videos, ads, or even the contents of such a page. Therefore, you need to allow or prohibit the execution of scripts with extreme caution. Including

Noscript plugin for Mozilla FireFox

Currently, the security situation on the Internet is more than tense - malware is placed not only on sites with "strawberries" and cracks, but also on respectable portals hacked by hackers specifically for this purpose. In most cases, malware is downloaded to the computer of unsuspecting users using scripts.

Script or script is normal programming code, hosted on a web page, which allows you to perform some action. For example, register a mailbox, chat on forums, or view site pages using a beautiful animated menu. But there are also malicious scripts that download viruses, Trojans and other software harmful to your computer onto your personal computer.

Therefore, to avoid such infection when visiting sites, you need to disable scripts for untrusted sites. You can do this as in the settings of Mozilla Firefox itself (menu " Instruments» - « Settings» - « Content» - « Use JavaScript"), and with the help of NoScript add-ons.

noscript is an addon for Firefox that allows you to block potentially dangerous objects on the websites you visit. You can find this plugin on the Firefox add-ons page.

After installing the NoScript extension, an "S" (es) icon will appear in the lower right corner of your Mozilla Firefox browser. And by right-clicking on any web page, you can allow it to execute all or certain scripts, or at all disable scripts.

The addresses of all sites with allowed scripts are entered into a special list, which is available in the " Settings» - « White list» of the same context menu. You can easily edit it by removing or adding the site addresses you need.

In NoScript settings many options that can make your browsing experience more secure even with default settings. On the other hand, you won't be able to normally view sites with a lot of scripts without setting up NoScript, some menus may not open, videos and flash may not be shown. To see blocked elements, right-click on the page and select " NoScript» – « Temporarily allow on this page". This way you will allow the execution of most scripts, but until you refresh the page. Of course, the NoScript plugin is a bit of a maniacal way of protection, but, nevertheless, it works and will protect you by 95% from malicious programs that are loaded using scripts.

As a result, you get an addition that not only allows increase the security of surfing the Internet, but also indirectly allows you to block some types of advertising.

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3. Fast Video Download 1:19 2 10642
4. Firebug 4:26 0 9917
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6. fireftp 1:53 1 9152
7. flagfox 2:49 1 3565
8. iMacros - action automation 6:32 4 34528
9. Translator ImTranslator for FireFox 1:26 1 18326
10. Minimize to tray 0:27 1 4274
11. Noscript Plugin 2:50 3 7883
12. PDF Download 0:38 0 5729
13. Speed ​​Dial and Fast Dial 1:59 4 37738
14. web developer 5:29 0 5276
15. WikiLook 0:51 0 2428
16. xmarks 2:44 1 6408
17. Password Hasher 1:51 0 3292
18. TabRenamizer 2:39 2 3746
19. ScribeFire Blog Editor 2:31 2 2518
20. FEBE - backing up FireFox 2:06 1 5633
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If you think that in order to surf the net anonymously you just need to download Tor and run it, you are very mistaken. Today I will show you how to properly configure Tor for maximum anonymity. Also within the framework of this article, I will give practical recommendations on how to use Tor correctly. How to behave correctly in the deep web, what you can and cannot do.

You may be interested in the article "", in which we talked about what networks, besides the well-known Web, there are still networks and the article "", in which we reviewed the best search engines in the deep web.

I remind you that using the search form on the site you can find a lot of information on the topic of anonymity on the network and about Tor in particular.

  • Where and how to download Tor correctly
  • How to install Tor
  • How to set up Tor
  • Configuring the NoScript extension
  • Configuring Hidden Browser Options
  • How to work in Tor

We are for freedom of speech, but against criminals and terrorists. I really hope that this article will be useful only for the first category of people. In any case, we are not responsible for any illegal use of the Tor program by you.

How to download Tor

It seems that it can be difficult to download and that's all, but not everything is so simple. You need to download only from the official website of the developers. Not old versions from soft portals and torrent trackers, but only the latest version from the officials.

Why is it desirable to always install the latest version and update the installed one in a timely manner? Because the old version may have zero-day vulnerabilities that can be exploited by specialists to calculate your real IP address and even infect your system with malware.

You can download the Russian version of Tor from this direct link. The English version is downloaded by default. If you need the Russian version of Tor, then in the drop-down menu under the "Download Tor" button, select "Russian". There you can also download the version of Tor for: Apple OS X, Linux and smartphones.

How to install Tor

After downloading the program, proceed to install it. Double click the mouse to launch the downloaded file. The following window will appear:

Installing Tor

Select the location where you want to install Tor. If there is nothing to change, by default Tor will install itself in the folder where the installation file is located.

Installing Tor

We click "Finish".

Click on the "Connect" button

Let's wait for the browser to load.

How to set up Tor

Now let's start setting up Tor. First of all, let's properly configure the NoScript extension.

After reading your comments on the article, I realized that you did not quite understand me correctly. My friends, these hardcore settings are more applicable to the darknet, to ensure maximum anonymity and resist deanonymization by law enforcement agencies and hackers. If you want to use Tor or just change the IP address, then you don't need these settings! You can use Tor right out of the box.

Configuring the NoScript extension

Tor developers have equipped their software with a very important and useful NoScript plugin, which is installed by default, but alas, it is not configured by default.

To configure NoScript on the left side of the browser, click on the add-on icon. Select "Settings" from the menu that appears.

On the "Whitelist" tab, uncheck the box "Global script permissions..."

Go to the Embedded Objects tab and check the required fields. Everything is exactly as shown in the screenshot below.

Configuring Hidden Browser Options

Now let's configure the Browser itself, for this you need to go to the hidden settings. We wrote more about the hidden privacy settings of the Firefox browser in the article "" and in the article "".

So, in the address bar, write "about: config" and press enter. After that, a warning window will appear, in which we click on the blue button "I promise that ..." and move on.

Browser Settings

Here we need to find and change some critical settings. First of all, we change the loading and processing of Javascript. This can be done by changing the "javascript.enable" parameter.

In the search bar, which is located under the address bar, write "javascript.enable" and press enter. Now right-click on the "Toggle" item, which will change this parameter from "True" to "False".

Disabling Javascript

In the same way, we find the “network.http.sendRefererHeader” parameter and change it from the value “2” to the value “0”.

Disabling HTTP Referer

Find the "network.http.sendSecureXsiteReferrer" parameter and change its value to "False".

Disabling SecureXsiteReferrer

Find the "extensions.torbutton.saved.sendSecureXSiteReferrer" parameter and change its value to "False".

Disabling SecureXSiteReferrer

Find the "network.cookie.cookieBehavior" parameter and change its value from "1" to "2".

After these changes, some sites may not work correctly in this browser. But you can always return the previous settings, which of course I strongly advise against doing.

How to use Tor

After you have made all the settings, I want to tell you how to use Tor correctly. Here is a list of rules that everyone who uses Tor must follow:

  • Do not install unnecessary and unverified extensions in the Browser.
  • There is no excuse not to disable the NoScript add-on.
  • Refresh the node chain frequently and reload the browser.
  • Do not open Tor Browser (Mozzila Firefox) in full screen.
  • Do not work with the Tor browser with admin rights.
  • Never log in using your login and password to your main mail or to your real social network accounts that contain some information about you or are somehow connected with your real accounts. The only exception is the authorization form of Onion sites and forums. And of course, for such sites, it is advisable to use a separate mailbox, which is also not associated with your real mail.
  • Check all files downloaded in DeepWeb for viruses. We wrote about how to properly check downloaded files for viruses in the article "". Run these files only on a virtual system. We wrote about choosing a virtual machine in the article "" and how to install and configure a virtual machine to scan files for viruses in the article "".
  • Keep Tor Browser up to date.

I also advise you to use an anonymous operating system or another anonymous OS. Use the search, on the site we once reviewed the best anonymous operating systems.

The anonymity of Tor depends only on you and your behavior on the network, not even the most anonymous Browser will protect your system and your information from the crooked hands of the user. Be vigilant, do not let yourself be deceived. If in doubt, it is better not to click, not to follow the link and of course not to download.

The Deep Web is not always a friendly environment. There you can also get some people in costumes if you're doing something that's not very illegal. And from hackers or just scammers if you're a fluffy, naive dandelion user.

That's all, friends. I hope you were able to set up Tor correctly. Good luck to everyone and do not forget to subscribe to us on social networks. This is not the last article on Tor anonymity and information security.

Mozilla Firefox has its own tools for protecting your PC. Theoretically, they should give a guarantee of safety while surfing the Internet. In practice, these funds are not enough, so you have to look for additional funds, in particular, install special add-ons. One such add-on is NoScript for Firefox.

A little about the extension

What is the application based on? The principle is in the name. The extension blocks scripts: JavaScript plugin, as well as Flash and Java.

These three modules are quite vulnerable. Their shortcomings are used in the creation of various kinds of viruses. NoScript disables these plugins on all resources. What if the resource has a good reputation and you want to watch a video on it, for example? The answer is simple - add it to the exclusion list.

The extension also protects against XSS attacks, CSRF attacks and ClickJacking. This is done through the use of ClearClick technology. NoScript can also hide the IP address.

By the way, NoScript won the 2006 PC World World Class Award. The tool protects, moreover, from advertising - annoying banners no longer appear on sites, which often interfere with comfortable work in all browsers.

Download and install

The add-on is loaded directly in the Firefox browser settings. We follow the instructions.

1. Find the icon with three horizontal lines, click on it. In the menu, select the "Add-ons" section with the puzzle icon.

2.Go to the "Plugins" or "Extensions" tab. In the search box, enter the name of the add-on - NoScript.

3. Select the first item in the search results. To do this, click on the "Install" button.

4. To add the extension to the list of active ones, click on the "Restart now" button. The browser will close and open again, but with the add-on installed.

Installation through the store

Alternative download method. Just as light as the previous one.

2.Click on "Add to Firefox". Confirm the installation.

3.Restart your browser.

4.Before that, you can also get acquainted with the extension.

How to use NoScript?

After restarting the browser, the NoScript Firefox icon will appear on the top bar on the right. It will be in the form of a circle with the letter S inside.

The extension is already actively performing its default functions, so you may already notice that some elements of the sites do not open.

Setting up a whitelist

Plugins cease to function automatically on all sites, which is not entirely satisfactory for many users. If you need plugins on certain sites, create your own exclusion list and the modules will work on these resources. How to set up the list?

You have visited a site that requires JavaScript to work. Click on the extension icon and a menu will appear. Click on the "Allow ..." line and the add-on will stop blocking plugins on the site. You can also temporarily allow modules to run. To do this, click on the first button.

If you have a lot of trustworthy sites in your mind that require plugins to work, whitelist them.

1.Click on the icon and select the "Settings" line.

2.Switch to the "White List" section. Enter the site address in the line. Click on the "Allow" button. Do the same for the rest of the resources.

After adding sites to the white list, you will be able to view flash videos. Advertising, however, will return.

Bookmark Resource Privileges

Instead of creating a whitelist in the NoScript settings, you can enable a setting in the General tab called "Allow JavaScript execution for all bookmarked websites". What does this mean? On the sites that you have bookmarked, the extension will not work, that is, blocking will not be performed - all elements with the video will be in place.

Thus, you can configure not the list of exclusions, but your bookmarks. The reason for cleaning it: they always accumulate unnecessary sites. The only negative is that only JavaScript will be disabled. All other plugins will work.

Other settings of the NoScript add-on you can not change. By default, the required parameters are already set.

Disable JavaScript without NoScript

The browser itself allows you to turn off the execution of JavaScript and Java. To deactivate JavaScript in Mozilla 23 and above, follow the instructions below:

  1. In the line of the browser in which the addresses of the sites are written, type in the command: about: config.
  2. In the window, click on the button "I promise I'll be careful!".
  3. Type javascript.enabled in the search box.
  4. Right-click on the default state row and select the Toggle option.

If you want to reactivate the JavaScript plugin, put the first option "installed by user" back in the same menu.

For version 22 and older, we suggest following these steps:

1.Go to the "Settings" section.

2. Switch to the third tab "Content" and uncheck the box "Use JavaScript".

3. Click OK for the changes to take effect.

Disable Java without NoScript

If you manually disable the Java plugin in the Firefox settings, Java applets on pages won't run either.

By default, Firefox prompts you to activate Java when you visit sites with Java content. What do we do to turn it off?

  1. Click on the icon with three horizontal stripes and select Add-ons.
  2. Go to the "Plugins" section.
  3. Click Java(TM) Platform. So, you highlight the plugin.
  4. In the menu, click on the "Never turn on" button.

By disabling this feature, the user will save himself from the constant prompts to run Java.

The disadvantage of manually disabling Java and JavaScript is that they are performed for all pages opened in the browser. You cannot disable the execution of scripts on a specific web resource using Firefox tools.

Is it possible to completely disable the add-on?

There is no "Disable" item in the menu of the extension itself. It can be found in the browser settings in the "Extensions" section. You can only allow scripts to run on pages temporarily or permanently within an application. There will be three items:

  1. Temporarily allow all scripts on this page.
  2. Allow all scripts on this page.
  3. Allow scripts globally.

How to delete?

If you no longer need the extension, you have the right to remove it from the browser. This is also a kind of way to turn it off, since you can return the add-on at any time.

1.Go to the "Add-ons" section and switch to the "Extensions" tab. Find NoScript in the list.

2.Click on the "Delete" button. If you want to turn off the application for a while, then click on "Disable".

This is a useful add-on for the Mozilla Firefox web browser. With it, surfing on web resources will become much safer. You will get rid of annoying ads. The disadvantage of using it is that it will also block elements of sites that are useful to you. The way out is to disable the extension for a while on the pages or create a white list for reliable sites that you visit constantly.

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