Welding machine from stains of electric motors. Electric motor welding transformer

Landscape design and layout 12.06.2019
Landscape design and layout

I will not explain how with the help of a welding transformer you can earn. I think that everything is clear to everyone, you want to wind transformers and sell, and you want - wound one and Shabashnchay. Although at home, at least calling.

The idea of \u200b\u200bproducing transformers from the transformers of electric motors was practiced twenty years ago and was popular among self-herded. By the way, income brought tangible. For 50-75 Soviet carbovers from such a product, it was possible to get rid of one to two days. What I did. There were even publications in the "modelist-designer" and "inventor and the innovator" on this topic.

A little later there were also publications. And if there were no special problems with transformers from the logs, then with those from the engines, the results of the amodelkins were very far from settlement. And the reason for this is the lack of knowledge in electrical engineering, and the magazines published the material, hiding all underwater flows.

It resembled more on the young dust instruction, with the recipes of Fugas. It remained only to shout: "Allah Akbar" or "Banzai" and include in the outlet. And then, at least, burnt stoppers, as the maximum - Kerdyk, the power meter and the mass of flattering reviews in the address of the inventors and their parents.

Of course, I understood all the reasons for failures, but I did not want to give secrets to not produce competitors. And only after I found myself more interesting earnings, in the form of electric lifework, I began to share information. I then lived in Samara and the opportunity to earn money at fish attracted me much more than grown and sweat over the welders.

So about transformers. First you need to select the electric motor correctly. Of the most common series 2a and 4a, preference should be given first. They have more a window of the magnetic pipeline, respectively, and wind will be easier. If you do not find such, you can choose 4a. Only to relieve work, the package of its magnetic pipeline is better divided into two parts. Otherwise, the windings may not fit into the window. And then to wind them individually and connect consistently.

Only a magnetic circuit is used from the entire electric motor. Winding, rotor, stator body - it all goes to scrap. Therefore, the name "transformer from the electric motor" does not quite accurately reflect the essence.

So what engine to choose? It is clear that the series 2a, but what power? Landmark - from 7 to 15 kW. Do not mishand.

Further your task is to extract the cherished stator. Now it is easier to buy them from scrap metal collectors. They are already cleaned of wires and, as a rule, after 5-6 strokes, sledgehammers are split as nut. But this is not always happening. The engines that have been repaired are polished by varnish, so the case may not separate from the iron package. Yes, and the body may be aluminum. In order to achieve the goal, you will have to join the entire stator. To do this, put the stator "on the ass" and put a couple of bricks under it. The inner cavity is filled with firewood and is set on fire. Eripure your engine an hour, the other, you can easily separate the magnetic casing from the case. From aluminum buildings, iron itself falls in the process of roasted. The wires are also removed and the wires are removed (if you caught not a plundered stator). After heat treatment, they are easily removed from the grooves of the stator.

As a result of your work, you should get products as shown in Figure 1 (see below).

Then it is necessary to remove the dimensions as shown in Fig.1. This blank must be impregnated with liquid oil varnish. And dried using heated. It must be done in order to, after removing the coupling linings, the package did not crumble. As a rule, overlays from four or more pieces. On powerful electric motors, they are still harvested by electric welding on the sides.

It is necessary to remove not only the lining, but also the failed metal. It is done with the help of a grinder, grinding machine or milling machine.

You ask: what is it done for? The fact is that the magnetic flow in the future transformer will be distributed differently than in the electric motor. And these linings will be short-circuited turns and respectively pick up the lion's stake and cause heating. And here the main rule is the absence of short-circuited turns. They should not be, neither in the design of the transformer or in its mounting to the case.

The electromagnetic parameters of such iron are most often unknown, but their.

After you get rid of the linings and traces of electric welding, you will need to cut from the cardboard or Press of Swamp two end lining (see Fig. 2) and two cardboard sleeves. One for the outside, the other for the inner. First, the end layers are installed, and then the outer and inner sleeve. Then, all this economy is winding with a melted, taft or glass ribbon and again impregnated with varnish and dried.

Now your toroidal magnetic circuit is ready to become a real transformer. Wire will be needed in x / b or glass email isolation, it is possible in paper.

To continue, we need to make calculations. For the primary winding, a wire with a diameter of 2-2.5 mm is sufficient, a tire of 8 x 4 mm is suitable for the secondary winding with a length of about 60 m (depends on iron). This is an option for copper. For aluminum, the cross section needs to be 15% more. Do not confuse the cross section with a diameter.

Number of turns for one volt is made by the formula:
48 / (a \u200b\u200bx c), where (and x c) - the area in square centimeters, not millimeters.

The voltage for the primary winding is chosen 210 V (sees under load). Number of turns for the primary winding:
210 x (value obtained by Formula 1).

Starting from 180 V, it is necessary to make taps, every 10 V: that is: 180 V, 190 V, 200 V. This is useful to you in the case of low voltage on the network. For the secondary winding V \u003d 55-65 in idle (condition for the stability of the arc). The turns are calculated similarly.

If you have a stator from the engine 4a, then the coefficient 48 can be reduced to 46.

After performing calculations, you can start wound. Initially, primary, then secondary. You should wind the turn to the turn, and did not wear. This will give a higher inductance to the windings and optimizes the mode of operation of the transformer. You will need an assistant. To wind the tower on the process is a time-consuming process, especially if you do not have a round shuttle. Therefore, it is possible to simplify the process as follows. The tire must be launched in the torus, about half the length. And then wind from the middle to the end of the wire. First one one part of the tire, then another. Otherwise, the head will be spinning, run there here. Conclusions should be fixed with a molding tape.

After the winding process is over, the transformer should be soaked with varnish. And pretty dry. It should be reversed special attention. It may turn out that dry to the touch transformer, being connected to the network, at idle will begin to smoke. This means that he came a cap. Closed the primary winding. The fact is that under the action of strong magnetic field Some solvents (included in varnish) begin to carry out current. Even if you have experienced a lacquer with a megommeter before use. Therefore, dry is better for hot, in the closet, or to give a constant current, low voltage to the winding.

If you do everything carefully, your device will boil the No. 4 electrode and cut the electrode No. 3, working from home socket. The traffic jams on the meter at work should be put on 16a. The device consumes during operation of about 10 A. that is, as well as the teapot "Tefal". On the "Troika" the transformer is not heated at all, and on the "four" needs to be burned continuously of ten pieces to heat up to 50 degrees. This is enough for your eyes, and for yourself, and for the sabushki. If you have a five-chamber meter, then you do not burn more than three-four electrodes No. 4 in a row.

I will not speak about the weight and other advantages. It is written about so much that the fairy tales appear about the miraculous properties. Better talk about where you can now take the wire for the transformer. Previously, it was all lying around in the unrest of big piles. Today, the wire can be found where they work with it. We have this local power grid and locomotive depot. Double the price for this color is twice from the price of scrap metal, and for you you will always pick up a burnt or brushful coil from the oil transformer. In such a coil, there is always a piece of a whole wire, which goes into business. And if you have except own hands There is something in the wallet, then you can order in the store of electrical goods. But the cost of such a product will be higher at times than produced from scrap. Therefore, remembering the Marks grandfather, I recommend investing in a minimum. And under the sunset of life, write a book "How Steel grown"

We are all accustomed to electricity, to its use in absolutely different areas Our life. But even life in the 21st century, in a huge metropolis and the habit of constantly use all sorts of electrical appliances, mechanisms, etc. Could not protect us from the emergency absence of current in the electrical network. And work related to construction, installation - by definition, can not always have a connection to a common power supply, which means that some temporary or reserve sources Electricity. It is here that the power plants come to the aid and come to the rescue, the generators, which in their content represent a system of several devices where the conversion occurs mechanical energy In electrical energy with variable or direct currents.

Almost all power plants can be used as in everyday life as a source of energy. lighting devices, household and office equipment and industrial use in industrial scale. Constructive and operational advantages model Row Power plants allow each consumer to choose the equipment you need depending on the purposes and objectives of its operation. Due to the increased power and the presence of several sockets, the consumer has the ability to simultaneously connect multiple electrical appliances.

Practical electronics

B. Andreev, 15 years old, Zainsk Tatarstan
Radio 2002, No. 7

In the manufacture of various amateur structures from the Radio log, the power transformer is often required. However, when selecting a suitable magnetic circuit, there may be problems. I use magnetic pipelines for old electric motors, on which you can wind the toroidal transformer with a capacity of 30 to 1000 W.

Paz S. inner Cylindrical stator electric motor 1 (see . picture ) I do not remove, but by wind and wind all the ring and every tooth separately. Then in the grooves, I lay the coil 2 of the primary winding I, pre-dividing total number turns on the number of grooves. If all the turns in the grooves do not fit together, then laying the additional layer of insulation on top of the filled grooves and keep the remaining turns of the primary winding.

Then I lay two or three layers of lackets 4 or cotton insulating tape and winding the secondary winding 3 as the toroidal transformers are usually wound. I soak each winding with an oil taken from a high-voltage paper capacitor (for example, 4 μF to 600 V from the daylight lamp) or molten paraffin from the candle.

Before winding the secondary winding, it is useful to specify the number of turns on the volt, because when winding the primary winding, errors are possible in the counting of the number of turns. For this, the trial secondary winding of 10 or 15 turns of any wire is wound and the voltage is measured on it. Then, expanding 10 (or, respectively, 15) on the measured voltage, calculate the number of turns to the volt, and then the number of turns of the secondary winding to the desired voltage. In the formula for calculating the number of turns onto the volt, which is written in a simplified form: n \u003d 45 / s, where S is the cross section of the magnetic pipeline in cm 2, I take the coefficient of not 45, and 65, while it almost disappears the need to increase the number of turns of the secondary winding 10 ... 20%, as is usually recommended, transformers do not heat, do not buzz and, in general, they work better. It is checked by me in practice.

From a stator of one electric motor, you can make magnetic pipelines of various thicknesses for several transformers of low power, if divided the stator to pieces between stamped plates. Thus, transformers for the laboratory power supply unit were made, charger And the musical call described in the "Radio".

From the editorial The author of the notes is intuitive and experimentally came to a completely correct conclusion about the need to increase the coefficient in the formula for calculating the number of turns to the volt. At the same time, induction in the magnetic circuit decreases, it ceases to go to saturation at the peaks of the sinusoidal voltage of the network, which is why idling current decreases sharply, the scattering field and the "buzz" of the transformer decreases. Article E. detailed description Our magazine has been taking place. Our magazine published another three years before the birth of the author (Polyakov V. "Reducing the transformer scattering field"

I have been engaged in the design of welding transformers for a long time, so there is experience in this matter. I want to offer my last readers - as it seems, the most successful - the development of the welding machine is not quite ordinary design.

The originality of this device is that the transformer core is a stator of an asynchronous engine. The selection of the core is determined by the cross-sectional area of \u200b\u200bthe stator - it must be at least 20 cm 2. If, such a condition is performed, the stator is suitable from any asynchronous engine. Well, the cross-sectional area is defined as shown in the figure.

We mention that the most rational amount of the secting of the core stator lies between the values \u200b\u200bof 20 cm 2 and 50 cm 2. In principle, cores are suitable with an area less than 20 cm 2, but it will have to reduce the cross section of the wire in the primary and secondary windings of the transformer, which will significantly reduce the power of the device and narrows its capabilities. Well, the use of cores with a cross-section area is more than 50 cm 2 is also irrational: the transformer at its base is unreasonably bulky and heavy, and this is also not the advantage of a portable welding machine.

Extract the stator from the window of the engine is not too difficult. To do this, use your metal and a small sledge hammer. To begin with, the front and back covers with an anchor are removed from the engine. Then the knife should be made a pair of propils in such a way as it is shown in the figure. Propil needed the most deeply, but try not to damage the stator. You only know: the deeper it will be cut down - the easier it will be easier to remove the stator from the case without damage.

Now it's a pretty hit by a sledgehammer next to one and other cuts. As a rule, there are enough of several blows so that the body falls apart and the stator with the windings was freed from him.

The winding of the burnt engines is used, as a rule, it is impossible, so it will have to be removed with pliers and scissors for cutting metal.

Freeing the stator from the winding, you will get a blank of the welding transformer core. It is only necessary to remove jumpers for the winding grooves - and you will get a finished core. This uses a conventional chisel and hammer. It is more convenient to remove jumpers first from one end, and then from the other. I warn you to work in protective glasses, in an isolated room. Pretend also to be nearby facing items. Srule teeth, try as close to the bottom as possible and preferably more than one.

a is the height of the cross section of the core, b - the width of the cross section of the core, S is the cross-sectional area of \u200b\u200bthe core.

1 - stator (transformer core), 2 - tape, 3 - shuttle with tape.

After removal of the teeth, the core is winding with a cotton insulating ribbon - it will protect the first sink winding from breakdown to the body. Insulation is conveniently apparent with a special shuttle carved from plywood, as shown in the figure. By the way, the same shuttle will be needed to you and for winding the wires on the core.

The primary transformer winding is best obtained from wire in cotton isolation. It can be selected in accordance with Table 1. For the secondary winding, the standard "live" is suitable in rubber insulation - these are used in power cables.

Table 1

Table 1 uses the following notation:

S 1 -Clotypes of the primary winding;

Core S-area, equal to the product height of the core on its thickness;

W 1 - the number of turns of the primary winding of the transformer;

W 2 is the number of turns of the secondary winding of the transformer;

S 2 -Clochetically transformed transformer;

W 3 is an additional winding, winding up the same wire as the primary winding W serves to adjust the welding current.

Additional WP can have from two to five additional discharges, but, in principle, it is possible to do without it, leaving only the only winding of W. At the same time, it is true, the economy of the welding machine will somewhat deteriorate.

1, 2 - power cables, 3 - the base of the transformer, 4 - nut, 5 - threaded stud, 6 - core of transformer, 7 - windings, 8 - screw fastening of the top panel, 9 - upper panel, 10 - closer (network socket), 11 - jumper (network plug With a jumper), 12 - Network cord, 13 - welding machine fork.

As can be seen from the transformer scheme, welding current Adjustable using the SA1 closer. To do this, several conventional network sockets are fixed on the instrument panel - their number is selected depending on the number of outputs of the additional winding. The circuitner is the network plug, in which the legs of the connector are interconnected by a single-core wire, the diameter of which is 1/4 diameter of the primary winding wire. This makes it possible to use the closer as a fuse, which is triggered with unwanted overloads.

I would like to warn those who will not be able to get the wire for the primary winding of the right section, which is not the reason to not be taken for creating a welding machine. It is quite possible to select several wires in such a way that their total cross section would be no less recommended for W. In principle, it is possible to even use a non-insulated wire by wrapping it yourself with a cotton insulating tape. Similarly, you can pick up the wire and for the secondary winding. By the way, it was that I had to do with me in the manufacture of my welding machine. At the same time, it took ten metals with narrow cotton tape for insulating wire, which can be purchased in household stores or in electrical stores.

I would like to warn that after winding the primary winding, you should not immediately fill and secondary - you must check it first. To do this, the primary winding connects to the network through a fuse, which uses a segment copper wire diameter 0.1 ... 0.15 mm. If the winding does not bury and does not heat, it means that you have fulfilled work and can start winding the secondary winding. If the fuse burns - this is a clear sign of a short-circuited turn. It follows from this that the primary winding will have to notice again, paying particular attention to the quality of the wire insulation. Well, if the winding does not heal, but there is a rather loud buzz, then it means that you are mistaken when counting turns and you have turned out less than a table 1. In this case, you need to use a few more turns and repeat the check.

In order for the welding machine to be universal, on the secondary winding it is necessary to make a removal from the third part of the turns and connect a transformer to a powerful diode rectifier through it - it turns out "start-up" for a car, which is especially convenient to use in the cold season, which will significantly extend life Battery of your car.

Note that use in the rectifier of powerful direct currents at least 200 and will allow you to weld the details of the arc direct current - It gives the best ignition of the arc and a more even seam. If the magnitude of the direct current of the diodes lies between 50 to 200 A, then in this case the device for welding by alternating current is obtained and to start the car with a straightened current.

Note that the correctly collected transformer does not require any configuration and immediately after the assembly is ready to work. Of course, when performing welding work, it is necessary to observe all precautions recommended when working with electrical appliances. In particular, it is forbidden to concern current-carrying sites; All switching modes of the welding machine must be performed only when it is disconnected from the network. Welding work It should be conducted in a special mask and in overalls, not allowing splashes of hot metal and light radiation to open areas of the body.

If you, in the process of work, will meet any difficulties, willingly share my experience, I will answer any questions on the design of my welding machine and at its work.

My address: 654000, Novokuznetsk Kemerovo region, ul. Kirov, d. 10-A, square. 3.

Vasily Druzhinin, Engineer

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The design of the proposed welding machine "Dry" - made on the basis of a stator from the electric motor. Make sure: it is best to use the corresponding magnetic conduit from an asynchronous three-phase machine with a capacity of 4-5 kW. The release of such a stator from the cabinet shell is easiest to be a sledgehammer or a sweaty hammer, hitting the weakest places.

Next, the winding is deleted. And in two receptions. First, remove it from some one side, using the metal hacksaw. Although it is quite applied for the same purpose a hammer with a chisel, directing the strength of the strike on the diameter of the stator. And then, by going with opposite side, Start passatages to pull out the segments "half-splashable" wires from the grooves. The magnetic circuit released from the winding and will become a toroidal core of the welding transformer.

Fig.1. Welding transformer with a magnetically conductor from the stator of the burnt electric motor (Isolation between windings, their layers, and the magnetic circuit is not conditionally shown):

1 - shock absorber leg (from bottles with household chemicals, Rubber, 6 pcs.), 2 - wall-housing (10 mm heat-resistant sheet insulator, 2 pcs.), 3 - terminal screed (bolt M8 from copper or brass, 6 pcs.), 4 - Nut M8 (from copper or brass, 18 pcs.), 5 - Copper washer (28 pcs.), 6 - cable power single-core cross section 20 mm2 (2 pcs.), 7 - nut-lamb M8 (2 pcs.), 8 - removal (segment The wires of the electric multiple cross section of 20 mm2 in cotton insulation, 4 pcs.), 9 is a magnetic pipe with a cross section of AXB (from the stator of the burnt electric motor), 10 - a second-tier cable, 11 - output of the secondary transformer winding (2 pcs.).

As practice shows, when choosing a "iron pack" for it, it is necessary to strive for it to ensure that the size of the "A" of the stator-blank would be within 30 ... 40 mm. Then, to obtain the optimal section of 20 ... 25 cm2, we will have to define our source torus for 2-3 parts so that the size of "B" turned out to be 50 ... 80 mm. It is better to make it with a metal hacksaw, peeling the outdoor cast screeds in the grooves (usually 8). Then, removing "abandoned" 3 ... 4 sheets of "stator iron", spread the screeds, thereby bonding each of the future toroidal cores. But the arc sharp-welding here should not be carried away, since the vortex currents of Foucault arising in these places lead to the heating of the magnetic pipeline and significantly reduce the efficiency of the transformer.

Fig.2. Sharpening chisel-crutzmere.

The internal teeth - the pole of the stator - are chosen by chisel-cruitsee with a special sharpening (see Fig.). Naturally, it should not be neglecting the safety regulations. Be sure to use glasses and mittens. The chisel is best to keep the passatizes, and not by hand.

In no case can not cut the teeth with electric or gas welding. After all, in the magnetic circuit, when the transformer is working, the currents of Foucault will arise. Therefore, it is best to take advantage of the "Dedovsky method" here with a chisel and a hammer mass in 1 kg. And remaining after cutting the teeth of irregularity, it is advisable to remove grinding with the help of an abrasive circle. The finished magnetic pipeline is wrapped with a mold or other insulating tape on a tissue basis.
Now it's a primary winding. The number of turns in it with an accuracy acceptable to practice can be found by multiplying the voltage value in the network for a private division "40" on the cross-sectional area (in cm2) of the transformer core. In our case, this coefficient characterizing the estimated number of turns by 1 V is two.

Thus, for the network (primary) winding of the "welder" offered by me, only 440 turns will be required. And it's best to use here copper wire section 2 ... 3 mm2 (with a diameter of 1.6 ... 2 mm) in fiberglass isolation. The layers of the primary winding are carefully isolated from each other. As, however, the layers of the secondary, the number of turns in which, based on the required voltage (56 V) and the above coefficient (2), should be 112, and the cross section is 10 ... 30 mm2. Winding wires can be taken from old electric motors with a phase rotor capacity of 3 ... 6 kW. For example, I used it from them a wire with fiberglass insulation (section - 3 mm2) for the primary winding. By the way, from the same electric motors can be borrowed and the busbar of the 18 mm cross section for the secondary winding of the welding transformer. Especially since all this is from the purest copper.
Naturally, for the winding of the "welder" can be content with aluminum. But then the size of the cross section of each of the windings increases 1.65 times. For example, the primary will require a wire for at least 3.3 ... 5 mm2. Remembering this, in one of the options for welding transformers, was forced to use the two-housing aluminum wire - "noodles" with a cross section of 2x2.5 mm2 (the diameter of one vein is almost 1.9 mm).

How much do you need to take wires for a particular winding? Determine this, as they say, is easier than simple. Having measured the wire consumption for 1 turn of the winding (see Fig.), It is necessary to multiply this value to the estimated number of turns of the winding. But take (considering the thickness of insulation, etc.) with a three-percent reserve (for primary) or six percent (for the secondary winding).

In their "welders" providing 5 steps of adjustment (up to a maximum of 56 V), making taps in the secondary winding, designed for voltages 32 V, 38 V, 44 V and 50 V. When switching to the turns, it is, respectively, will be 64, 76 , 88 and 100. Taps prefer to perform by winding the segments of the flexible wire with a cross section of at least 10 mm2.

Find accurate findings in the secondary winding is the easiest way experimentally, the "trial and error" method. Especially if her winding "loose", and also conducted flexible wire. Then boldly include a transformer on the network and conditionally, adopting the first output of the secondary winding for the "common", pour insulation with a probe-needle in one, then elsewhere. And finding the voltage of 32 V, 38 V, 44 V, 50 V, marked them. If the secondary winding is wound by busbar, then you have to limit ourselves to the "calculated" method. That is, it is in advance to determine on which twist one or another will be performed, multiplying the above-mentioned coefficient (2) to the desired volt number.

The finished transformer gives a convenient and reliable form from the point of view of users. For this, there are two squares of 10-mm plywood. And even better - from a fiberglass or another heat-resistant insulator. In the middle drill a 30-mm circle for ventilation (see Fig.), And it is symmetrically in the corners - seven 8 mm holes for the passage of the terminals and the network wire.
The housing is essentially ready. Well, the rest, I think, clearly from the illustrations that are given here. I am convinced: to make a good welding transformer in the method described above will be able to anyone.

In the proposed welding in the secondary winding, conclusions were made in increments of 6 V. Using the principle of the autotransformer, it is possible to have a whole "gamma" of stresses: from 6 to 56 V. In particular, using conclusions 56 V and 50 V, it is easy to get a difference voltage 6 V. Conclusions 44 V and 56 B allow you to have 12 V. in exit, by connecting, for example, to such a transformer rectifier for 200 A, you can safely run the engine starter.

Yes, "Welder" really gives up to 200 A in the secondary winding. And this means that you can already use electrodes with a diameter of 2 ... 5 mm! Being made according to the proposed technology, the welding transformer has small dimensions (within 350x350x200 mm) and truly minimal mass (up to 25 kg).

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