Products for chakras. The effect of plants on the chakras - the balance of mind, body and spirit

garden equipment 28.11.2020
garden equipment

You are what (and how) you eat.

folk wisdom

Any car owner carefully monitors what he pours into the gas tank of his car. It would never occur to anyone to fill a race car with diesel or leaded gasoline. And at the same time, oddly enough, most people practically do not think about what they feed their body. They eat almost everything that is offered to them, or everything that seems tasty to them, without wondering what will happen to their body as a result of eating poor quality foods. In fact, it would be logical to assume that our body can work well only when it receives the appropriate, "suitable" nutrition for it.

Raw vegetables, fruits, salads, and freshly squeezed juices are the foods we digest best. If you look closely at our closest relatives, the great apes, the fact is striking that, being in their natural environment, they do not know what diseases are, and remain cheerful and cheerful until old age. Because in natural conditions they eat natural raw foods. Even the orangutan, an animal far superior in strength to man, feeds only on plants, unless, of course, you count a couple of insects. Try eating only fruits, raw vegetables, and salads for a period of time. Helmut Wandmaker, perhaps the most consistent promoter of the raw food diet, recommends taking additional vitamin preparations, in particular vitamin C.

To maintain our energy balance, it is important when, what and in what combination we eat. Hard-to-digest food requires a lot of energy for its assimilation, and then there is not enough energy for sports, games or training.

So, protein foods (like cheese) combined with carbohydrate foods (such as pasta) are difficult to digest, and the products will lie in the stomach for a long time, causing heaviness. We need to rethink our approach to nutrition and understand that we do not get stronger and stronger because we eat a lot of food. We need food in small quantities, but at the same time it must be nutritious and go well with other foods.

To help your body cleanse itself of processed products - and this happens in the morning - many nutritionists recommend eating only fruit in the morning, and at the same time in unlimited quantities. Fruits are the easiest to digest, and children have a lot of energy in the morning to feed the gray matter of the brain.

At lunchtime and in the evening, we should eat a large plate of raw food - salad or fruit. Sprouts of cereals and legumes, various seeds, seeds contain a large amount of vital enzymes and vitamins. You can germinate seeds without much difficulty on the windowsill, using glassware and gauze. How to do this is very well described in the books Wheatgrass on Your Table by Ann Wigmore and Sprouts are the Food of Life*.

I had a period where I ate only raw food for a couple of years, and I really liked it. I then gave birth to a son and breastfed him for two and a half years. If you need a lot of vitality, eat germinated seeds of various plants, including grains and legumes.

I have not consumed milk and dairy products for fifteen years now - from the point of view of the benefits they bring to the body, they are a rather controversial product, because milk protein causes allergies in so many people. The Chinese and Japanese practically do not consume dairy products and feel great about it. Moreover, compared with North Americans and Europeans, who consume the most yoghurts, cheeses, cottage cheese and other dairy products, they suffer less from osteomalacia. In addition, we should avoid eating sugar and white bread, as they are empty carbohydrates and rob the body of vitamin B12, which our nerves so desperately need.

Live and let live

Meat should not be eaten at all, or if you eat it, then at least do it quite rarely. The difference between plant and animal food lies primarily in the amount of sunlight it absorbs. Fruits and vegetables contain so much solar radiation that they can be considered condensed light. Unlike them, meat is a completely "dead" product. Its vibrations are much lower, so they are not able to nourish our subtle body, which means that it is not suitable for the development of our chakras.

Many spiritual teachings do not recommend eating meat. The Bible also says in the creation story: “Behold, I have given you every herb yielding seed, which is in all the earth, and every tree bearing fruit of a tree yielding seed: this shall be your food.”*

I haven't eaten meat for over fifteen years and I feel great. To name some fairly well-known vegetarians: Brooke Shields, Tina Turner, Peter Gabriel, Michael Jackson and David Bowie. All of them are alive and well and look very cheerful. Vegetarians of the past include such great names as Socrates, Aristotle, Plato, Leonardo da Vinci, Beethoven, Tolstoy, Rousseau and Newton.

From all this, we can conclude that vegetarian food is clearly the right food for people with a high flight of thought. Those who begin the practice of meditation usually notice that they automatically lose their desire to eat meat. And people who have stopped eating meat usually do better meditations.

There are few people in the world who would be able to kill those animals on whose meat they eat. When an animal is killed, out of fear, a large amount of the stress hormone - adrenaline - is released into the bloodstream, and this is what then ends up on our plate. And besides, if we consumed the protein that is contained in the plants themselves, and not indirectly through the meat of animals, then we would need seven times less acreage, and this would contribute to solving the problem of nutrition throughout the world. Maybe the outbreaks of mad cow disease and swine fever are just a hint to us that it is time for us to stop eating meat.

Nature helps us grow spiritually

It makes no sense to cheer yourself up with tea, coffee, Coca-Cola, chocolate, ice cream and other sweets. In this case, first there is a short rise in vigor and strength, and then we begin to feel even more tired and exhausted.

The introduction of all these stimulants into the body from the outside can be compared with a whip for a tired horse. At first, it helps a little, the horse really starts to run faster, but if you continue to act in the same way, then sooner or later it will not stand it and fall. It is much more prudent to strengthen your vitality from within with the help of energy exercises and proper nutrition.

Nourishing with Air and Love: Eating as Meditation

“Eat when you are hungry and drink when you are thirsty. Anything beyond that is harmful,” Lao Tzu said two thousand five hundred years ago. The process of eating food is similar to a magical ritual: food can be transformed into health, strength, joy, love and light. To do this, we need a peaceful and calm environment, because in the process of eating we switch from “transmitting” to “receiving” energy, and it is unlikely that any of us would like to accept disputes, quarrels or information about military operations published in newspapers. .

We feed not on bread alone, but also on love and light. Lovers and those who are engaged in what they love forget to eat, and at the same time they are not at all tormented by the feeling of hunger.

It is said that in the Himalayas and in India there are saints who for many years do not eat or drink anything. With the help of meditations and certain breathing techniques, they feed on prana, vibrations of light and life directly from the air. We, too, mostly feed on light and love, and the more we do energy exercises, the more we meditate and breathe, the less food we need.

Perhaps you have noticed that when you do not eat for a long period of time and already feel tired and exhausted, your strength is instantly restored, as soon as you put a small piece of food in your mouth and start chewing it. But the food at this moment has not even reached your stomach, not to mention the fact that it could not be digested in any way. Fine-material vibrations of light, which are contained in food, begin to be assimilated already in the mouth.

You don't have to eat a lot to be strong and healthy. When we gorge ourselves, we become sleepy and inactive as our body gets overwhelmed with the job of digesting food. If you manage to get up from the table without eating the very last piece that you would have eaten with pleasure, that is, when you still do not have a feeling of fullness, then your subtle body will need to look for subtle elements to fill the existing void. And after a couple of minutes you will realize that you no longer feel like eating, but you feel lighter and more energetic.

The subtle elements assimilated by your aura are much higher in quality and better than gross material nourishment. That is, even in the process of eating, we can do something in order to supply our chakras with more energy and advance spiritually. This does not require additional time, because one way or another, but three times a day we eat.

And even if you have a holiday or if you have lunch or dinner in a restaurant, you do not have to fill up to satiety. Gather courage and tell yourself once a resounding "no". When we experience a feeling of love and gratitude while eating, we are able, having eaten half as much food, to get much more energy from it than usual.

I experienced it for myself at the Mikael Aivanhov Omraam Brotherhood Center in the south of France. I arrived at this community just at the moment when all seven hundred of its members were having lunch. Suspecting nothing, I burst into the huge hall, which housed the dining room, and froze in fright. There were a huge number of people in the hall, and not a single word was heard. And if only words! Not a single sound was heard in it at all: not the rustle of napkins, not the clatter of forks on plates, not the creak of chairs...

As I later found out, the head of the community recommended eating in silence, in a meditative state, consciously. Many even ate with their eyes closed. Thanks to this, food is better digested, and besides, it can be used for spiritual work. Sometimes my breakfast consisted of just one dried fig, but after that I had so much energy that I could work in the garden for several hours, doing hard physical work. Due to the fact that I chewed this fig consciously, as well as the fact that it was in my mouth for a long time, moistened with saliva, the fig was fabulously sweet, and I was not only physically satiated, but also felt inner fullness and satisfaction.

In the process of eating food, we can thank the Creator for generously endowing us again. Any meal can be considered as sending us the love of the Creator, who thereby wants to tell us that He loves us and is going to do a lot of good for us.

During the meal, we can thank the angels or the forces of the four elements - Water, Fire, Earth and Air. We can contemplate how these elements have enriched our food.

Take, for example, an orange. We thank Water for making it juicy, we thank Fire for making an orange sweet and giving it such a beautiful color, we thank Earth for giving it so many minerals, we thank Air for being helped the orange tree grow. We turn to these four elements with a request to help us and give us their best qualities:

“Angel of the earth, give me perseverance and willpower. Angel of water, grant me purity. Angel of the air, grant me intelligence. Angel of fire, give me unconditional love."

When eating in such a meditative state, you can close your eyes and eat silently. Try to do this when you are alone. You may be able to introduce this mindful way of eating to your family members or friends. In this case, you will automatically begin to chew food better, wetting it well with saliva, so that it will be better digested and absorbed.

It was very well thought up even before us - to start eating with prayer or simply, before you start eating, sit silently for a few moments, closing your eyes and holding hands. You can hold your hands over food for one or two minutes. Before you eat any fruit, you can first hold it a little in your hand. This is how we will prepare to assimilate the vibrations of food, because we are not alive by bread alone (that is, not only by material food).

The words and gestures that accompany the blessing of food envelop the food with vibrations that come into harmony with those who will eat this food. When we look at our food with love, at least mentally treat it kindly, it opens up to us and brings more benefits.

Fasting: a feast of spirit and soul

Fasting strengthens the subtle body and makes it more permeable to high vibrations. I recommend fasting for 24 hours every week. If we are forbidden to rest at least once a year, we will immediately begin to complain of fatigue and resent. And for some reason we expect from our organs and cells that they will work for us all their lives without interruption. If we do not eat for a certain period of time, then our organs begin to be freed from toxins and cleansed. At the same time, you should drink a lot of hot water, which helps to cleanse, because all channels expand and harmful substances enter the excretory organs and pores of the skin faster.

If you want to go hungry for several days in a row, it is better to do it during your vacation so that you have enough time for reading, walking, meditating and listening to music. It is also important to spend a lot of time in the fresh air, because during this period it is he who becomes our “food”.

If you have been fasting for several days, then you need to start eating very, very gradually. You can start with a ripe apple or a banana. From the third day you can eat normal food, but only in small portions and chewing it well. Thanks to fasting, we purify not only our body, at this time we feed on subtle matter, which contributes to our spiritual development. We feel lighter and happier. A place is freed up for love and joy, which we, leading a normal life, cannot perceive as much as during fasting. An extraordinary light and joyful peace and great inner peace appear inside us.

When we eat, of course, we do not just chew and swallow something, we “eat” and “drink” at all levels at once, and not just at one physical level. At the heart of our whole life are various relationships, we take into ourselves and give everything: food, water, air, people, colors, sounds.

Prayers, meditations, self-absorption, chakra development exercises like the five Tibetan rituals are also different ways of eating, and this food is the best and most valuable for us. Those pure luminous elements that we obtain in this way are called in all religions the "drink of immortality", and the alchemists call them the "elixir of eternal life."

When Zarathustra, the founder of Zoroastrianism, was asked what the first man ate, he answered the following: "He ate fire and quenched his thirst with light." This means that his food was the rays of the sun. Only the most intense vibrations of light can withstand disease, death, war, destruction and decay. When light triumphs in a person, the person becomes immortal.

That is why it is so important for us to learn how to eat and drink light together with food, thereby accepting the light of new life.

There are many different ways to determine if a particular food is right for you or if it is an allergen for you. The latter should be abstained for a sufficiently long period of time, since such food will take a lot of energy from you and you will become lethargic and weak as a result.

After some time, you can test again to see if there have been any changes and if this food has become more acceptable to you.

One such testing method is Touch for Health. Clench your right hand into a fist and hold it horizontally in front of you. Then ask your child or partner to push down on the hand at the wrist while trying to counteract this movement. Do this test first to feel the strength of your hand.

Now take some food in your left hand and ask yourself if it suits you or not. If this food is good for your body, then your hand will only slightly give in to the pressure exerted on it, but if this food is bad for you, then your hand will easily sink down.

If you want to do this test alone, join the thumb and forefinger of the right hand so that they form a ring, insert the index finger of the left hand into this ring and connect it with the thumb, completing the second ring. First, as a test, try to break the connection of the fingers of your right hand. Then ask yourself if a certain product is good for you, and try again to break the connection of your fingers.

If the answer is “Yes”, then it will be very difficult for you to do this, even if you try very hard. If the answer is "No", you can easily break the circle.

Another way is the pulse test. Relax. Turn your left hand palm up and place four fingers of your right hand on your left wrist. There is a pulse here. For fifteen seconds, count the beats of the heart, and then multiply the result by four. In this way, you will determine the number of beats of your heart per minute.

Then put a piece of the product you want to test under your tongue. Try putting, for example, a piece of egg, sugar, meat or bread. Wait a couple of minutes and count the pulse again. If this product is harmful to you, then your pulse will increase by at least twenty beats per minute compared to what it was before.

Food is more than just what's on the plate...

When we are in a state of enlightenment, we usually do not care what food we eat, because in this state we are able to transform any vibration. They say that in India there are yogis who are able to eat poisons without blinking an eye, and at the same time remain alive and healthy. But until we have reached such a high level of the state of consciousness, we need to monitor what vibrations - meaning the objects around us, sounds, colors, people, food - we surround ourselves and what we ingest, what we let ourselves in. After all, in this case we are talking about us, about our life, so you should be very picky in the selection of objects of the environment.

Choose or create for yourself an environment that supports you and in which you can feel comfortable. Pay attention to the sensations that arise in your solar plexus area. What state is your solar plexus in: light and relaxed or tense and constricted?

If the environment around you affects you negatively, inhale light through the crown chakra and exhale it through the solar plexus. Then no negative vibrations will pass through your solar plexus. Turn off the "reception", work on the "transmission".

Nourish yourself with high frequency elements: light, life, love. Dark - and above all black - clothing absorbs absolutely all vibrations, including negative ones. In contrast, light-colored clothing radiates positive energy. We live to bring light into darkness, so pay more attention to your appearance. Your appearance should reflect your inner beauty. With your pleasing appearance, you give your family and friends pleasure and joy, and you will receive them in return.

Let's talk with you about what chakras are!
Wheel - this is how the word is translated from Sanskrit chakra, namely seven wheels - our seven energy centers, each of which is responsible for the state of mind and organs in the human body.

According to the sacred texts, our energy centers, wheels, are like vortex funnels, their tops resting on our spine. The spine, in fact, is our main energy channel. Chakras- funnels, rest against the tops of the spine and wide sides, go to the surface of the body.

Our life force - that is, Qi - moves clockwise, up and back, along the 7 chakras. At the same time, it is very important that there are no energy blocks, blockages, energy debris on the way of Qi energy. Do you know the expression - put a spoke in the wheel? This expression, in fact, as many practitioners believe, is said specifically about chakras (rings), and sticks in this case are stress, an unhealthy lifestyle, unhealthy eating, and so on. As a result, under the influence of these very “sticks”, the chakras are blocked and the free and correct flow of Qi energy is disturbed. Indians believe that this is the cause of all ailments.

What to do if the chakras are blocked, if the flow of Qi energy in them is disturbed? To normalize the movement of internal vital energy, a lot of means are available to us: meditation, yoga, qigong, acupuncture, breathing practices. There are actually many of them, you can’t tell about all of them. But I will tell you that energy comes out blocked in completely different ways, when it is suddenly released unexpectedly, it can be laughter and crying and screaming. Everyone has their own reaction to this.

Our energy centers chakras- are a kind of holes for vital energy. Their function is to revitalize the physical body and they also help to develop our self-consciousness.

So, let's move on to the chakras.

The first chakra is the root.Associated with red. Helps to connect to earth energy, grounding force. Focusing on the color red will help us return “from heaven to earth”.

  • Sanskrit name: Muladhara. Location - base of the spine. Spiritual lesson - lessons of the material world. Physical dysfunctions - back pain, sciatica, varicose veins, tumor tissue of the rectum, depression, immune disorders.
  • Mental and emotional problems - survival, self-esteem, social order, safety, family
  • The information stored in this chakra– family beliefs, superstitions, loyalty, instincts, physical pleasure or pain, touch
  • The areas of the body that it controls are the spine, kidneys, legs, rectum, immune system.
  • Stones and flower essences that stimulate, cleanse and activate the root chakra - hematite, black tourmaline, onyx; corn, clematis, rosemary.
  • Exercises that activate the root chakra: stomp your feet, ground yourself, squat.

Products of the root chakra (task - grounding):

  • Root crops: carrots, potatoes, parsnips, radishes, beets, onions, garlic, etc.
  • Protein-rich foods: eggs, meat, beans, tofu, soy products, peanut butter
  • Spices: horseradish, hot pepper, green onion, red capsicum, pepper.

sacral chakra associated with orange or orange-red. This chakra helps us find balance in our lives, maintain the balance of yin-yang in the body. The process of making changes in our lives through our new choices is precisely the product of the second chakra.)

  • Sanskrit name: Svadhisthana.
  • Location - from the lower abdomen to the navel
  • Goals - emotional connection
  • Spiritual lesson - creativity, showing respect, learning to “let go”
  • Physical dysfunctions - back pain, sciatica, gynecological problems, pelvic pain, libido, urinary problems
  • Mental and emotional problems - guilt, money, sex, power, control, creativity, morality
  • Information stored in the sacral chakra - duality, magnetism, pattern control, emotional feelings (joy, anger, fear)
  • Area of ​​the body that controls chakra- genitals, abdomen, upper intestines, liver, gallbladder, kidneys, pancreas, adrenal glands, spleen, middle spine.
  • Stones and flower essences that stimulate, cleanse and activate the sacral chakra: pomegranate, moonstone, orange tourmaline; slipper, hibiscus.
  • Exercises that activate svadhisthana: circular movements of the pelvis.

Svadhisthana products (sexual, creative center):

  • Sweet fruits: melons, mango, strawberry, passion fruit, orange, coconut
  • Nuts: almonds, walnuts, etc.
  • Spices: cinnamon, vanilla, sweet red pepper, sesame seeds, cumin.

Solar plexus chakra. Associated with yellow. This area defines our self-esteem. This is the chakra of our intuition, it is from it that we receive information about whether we should do something or not. Self-esteem is simply necessary for us to develop our intuitive skills. Anyone with a blocked chakra has difficulty gaining or manifesting "personal power."

  • Sanskrit name: Manipura
  • Location - solar plexus
  • Goals - mental understanding of emotional life
  • Spiritual lesson - accepting your place in life (self-love))
  • Physical dysfunctions - stomach ulcers, intestinal tumors, diabetes mellitus, pancreatitis, dyspepsia, anorexia or bulimia, hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, adrenal imbalance, arthritis, colon diseases
  • Mental and emotional problems - self-esteem, fear of rejection, hypersensitivity to criticism, self-esteem, fears,
  • indecision
  • Information stored in chakra- personal power, personality, self-consciousness in the universe (sense of belonging), knowing
  • The area of ​​the body that it controls and regulates is the upper abdomen, navel, chest, liver, gallbladder, middle spine, spleen, kidneys, adrenal glands, small intestine, stomach.
  • Activation exercises chakras: belly dance, hula hoop.

Solar Plexus Chakra Products (for boosting self-esteem and developing self-love)

  • grains: pasta, bread, cereals, rice, flaxseed, sunflower
  • Dairy products: milk, cheeses, yogurt
  • Spices: ginger, peppermint, lemon balm, chamomile, saffron, cumin, fennel

Heart chakra. Associated with green and pink. Words can be said to this chakra - love heals everything. Learning to love yourself is the first powerful step in keeping your fourth chakra healthy.

  • Sanskrit name: Anahata.
  • Location - center of chest
  • Spiritual Lesson - Forgiveness, Unconditional Love, Trust, Empathy
  • Physical dysfunctions – heart disease, asthma, lung and breast cancer, thoracic spine, pneumonia, upper back, shoulders
  • Mental and emotional problems - love, compassion, trust, inspiration, hope, despair, hatred, envy, fear, jealousy, anger, generosity
  • Information stored in the heart chakra - cordial relationships with loved ones
  • Body area - heart, circulatory system, blood, lungs, chest, diaphragm, thymus, chest, esophagus, shoulders, arms
  • Exercises: hugging yourself))), swimming, push-ups.

Chakra Products (Emotional Healing):

  • Leafy vegetables: spinach, kale, dandelion greens, etc.
  • Vegetables: broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, celery, zucchini, etc.
  • Liquids: green tea
  • Spices: basil, sage, thyme, cilantro, parsley

Throat chakra. Associated with blue. To avoid problems with the throat chakra, it is necessary to speak only the truth. If you suppress and hush up anger, there will be problems - laryngitis.

  • Sanskrit name: Vishuddha.
  • Location - throat, neck
  • Objectives - learn to take responsibility
  • Spiritual lesson - confession, surrender to the will of God, faith
  • Physical dysfunctions – sore throat, mouth ulcers, scoliosis, swollen glands, thyroid gland, laryngitis, voice problems, gum or dental problems
  • Mental and emotional problems - self-expression, creativity, drug addiction, criticism of faith, decision-making (choice), will, lack of authority
  • Information stored in the throat chakra - self-knowledge, truth, relationships, hearing, taste, smell
  • Body area - throat, thyroid gland, trachea, cervical vertebrae, mouth, teeth, gums, esophagus
  • Stones and flower essences: lapis, blue opal; larch.

  • Exercises: singing, shouting, gargling.

Chakra products(Tell the truth):

  • Liquids: water, fruit juices, herbal teas
  • fruits: lemons, limes, grapefruits, kiwis, apples, pears, plums, peaches, apricots, etc.
  • Spices: salt

Third eye chakra. Associated with the color indigo. This is our path to wisdom - to learn from experience. Our ability to separate reality from fantasy is a property of this chakra.

  • Sanskrit name - Ajna
  • Location - center of forehead
  • Goals - action of ideas, insight, development of the mind
  • Spiritual lesson - understanding, reality check point, detachment, open mind
  • Physical dysfunctions – brain tumors, strokes, blindness, deafness, seizures, learning disabilities, spinal cord dysfunctions, panic, depression
  • Mental and emotional problems - fear of the truth, discipline, judgment, emotional intelligence assessments, concept of reality, mental confusion
  • Information stored in chakra- seeing a clear picture (symbolic or literal), wisdom, intuition, intelligence
  • Body area – brain, nervous system, eyes, ears, nose, pituitary gland, pineal gland
  • Stones: fluorite, lapis
  • Exercises: visualization, lucid dreaming

Chakra Products (Awakening the Senses of the Third Eye):

  • Fruits: blueberries, red grapes, black berries, raspberries, etc.
  • Liquids: red wine and grape juice
  • Spices: lavender, poppy, wormwood

Crown chakra. Associated with purple and white. We use this chakra when we communicate with our spiritual nature. This chakra can also be seen as intuitive knowledge.

  • Sanskrit name - Sahasrara
  • Location - upper part of the head (or rather above it)
  • Goals - intuitive knowledge, connection to one's spirituality, integration
  • Spiritual lesson - spirituality, life right now
  • Physical dysfunctions - depression, diseases of the muscular system, skeletal system and skin, chronic exhaustion not associated with physical ailments, sensitivity to light, sound
  • Mental and Emotional Problems – connection to the divine, lack of purpose, loss of meaning or identification, trust, selflessness, humanism, seeing the bigger picture of life, devotion, inspiration, values, ethics
  • Information - duality, magnetism, pattern control, emotional feelings (joy, anger, fear)
  • Body area - upper central part of the head
  • Exercises: prayer and meditation.
  • Stones and flowers: amber, lotus.

Products chakras(to open a spiritual connection center):

Fasting, detox

  • Incense: sage, copal, myrrh, frankincense, juniper (they can be burned).

First-Red-Muladhara. Coccygeal center, location - in the perineum. It is the center of accumulation of energy, stability in life, the center responsible for RELATIONS OF SURVIVAL ("RIGHTS AND DUTIES"). The center is connected with the fundamental fact of man's involvement in the structure of objective connections of the natural and social world with the ensuing need to follow the laws of these connections, the sphere of orientational relations of "my place in the world", including relations of subordination and domination.

Second-Orange-Svadhisthana. Located in the pubic area. Responsible for the accumulation of sexual energy, for managing the energy necessary for a person to live. This is the center of COMPLEMENTATION RELATIONS ("PARTNERSHIP"), due to the fundamental fact of the duality of any forms of interaction, the fundamental "polarization" of the universe, the mode of existence of which is the interaction of its constituent elements - the sphere of communication relations, the "dialogue" of a person with the world, including relations between floors.

Third-Yellow-Manipura. It is located in the solar plexus area, just above the navel. Responsible for vitality. For OPERATIONAL ("BUSINESS") RELATIONS associated with the non-entropic (ordering) nature of human interaction with the world - the sphere of "recombinatory" relations with the world in the process of its transformation, including production relations;

Fourth-Green-Anahata. It is located at the level of the heart, in the middle of the chest. Responsible for emotionality, communication, the ability to give and receive love. This is the center of energy exchange, energy balance. RELATIONS OF IDENTITY ("LOVE AND COMPASSION"), due to the fundamental fact of the substantial unity of man and the world;

Fifth-Blue-Vishudha. Located at the base of the throat. It is the center of will, communication with the environment and people. Center FOR FORM-FORMING ("CREATIVE") RELATIONS, due to the progressive, developing nature of the "eternally living" relationship of man with the world;

Sixth-Blue-Ajna. Located in the center of the brain at the level between the eyebrows, the famous "third eye". Responsible for the power of the intellect, for the ability to bring ideas to life. RELATIONS OF LEARNING ("KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS"), associated with the assimilation and use of personal experience of a person's relationship with the world;

Seventh-Violet-Sahasrara. Located in the dark. Responsible for the spiritual aspect, the connection of man with the universe. IDEOLOGICAL or VALUE-ORIENTATIONAL RELATIONS, due to the historical process of socialization of the experience of human relations with the world.

For a better memorization of the sequence of energy centers, you can recall the children's "memory book" of the colors of the rainbow. Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasant Sits. The first letters of the words here are the first letters of the color designation from bottom to top.

Muladhara "MAIN CHAKRA"

Muladhara in Sanskrit means "root" or "foundation". It is also called the root chakra. It is located in the region of the coccyx. Muladhara connects a person with the material world, laying the foundation for the activity of the other chakras, it stores all the potential energy of a person. It gives a sense of confidence and stability, supports the main survival instinct - the need to work, which provides a person with food, shelter, family. It represents the struggle for survival and self-preservation, being the source of all instincts.

With the harmonious work of muladhara, a person experiences a feeling of stability, self-satisfaction and a sense of inner strength. He is assertive and can overcome conflict and crisis situations. Such a person makes decisions and puts them into practice without much difficulty; he is energetic, active, insightful; he may think high, but "his feet are firmly planted on the ground."

An imbalance in the main chakra is manifested in the fact that all thoughts and interests of a person are focused on physical needs, such as food, drink, sex and money. He feels the need to satisfy his desires, not taking into account the consequences of his actions due to a strong desire to get what he needs as soon as possible. Violation of the work of this chakra, as a rule, causes various kinds of fears, phobias, weakness, greed, anger, delusions.

Muladhara is associated with the following organs of the body: skeleton, teeth, nails, rectum, prostate and cellular structure.

The color of energy is red. The energy of red color gives the physical body mobility, health, strength.

Products: strawberries, cherries, beans, tomatoes, radishes, beets, watermelon, red grapes, red peppers, red cabbage.

Impact: survival, reality, passion, manifestation, anger, ability to work.

Mineral: Garnet, Ruby, Dark Quartz, Black Tourmaline, Hematite, Obsidian, Pyrite.

Essence Oil: Myrrh, Jasmine, Cedar, Patchouli, Vetiver, Oak, Jatamamsi, Angelica, Cistus.

Overactivity of the chakra, especially pronounced: radiance, sensualistic and passionate qualities. Balanced chakra activity, harmonized chakra activity. Slight imbalance of the chakra, the positive properties of the chakra. Unbalanced work of the chakra, the chakra under the influence of stress. Low energy chakra activity. Level of survival, propensity to stress.

Svadhisthana "Navel Chakra"

Svadhisthana in Sanskrit means "the abode of the self." It is also called the sex chakra. It is located in the pelvis, being the center of emotions, sexual energies and creativity. She is also the source of sexuality, pleasure, a sense of fertility and sexual desire. Svadhisthana is responsible for the awareness of sexual attractiveness, for the choice of sexual partners, for a lot of emotions and associations associated with sex.

When the sexual chakra works harmoniously, a person is aware of his inner strength and is open to feelings. He has high self-esteem, he does not allow manipulation and does not sacrifice his individuality for the approval of society. He has a healthy, logical attitude towards sex, not devoid of curiosity, adventurism and innovation. A person experiences passion, which is an incentive for life and happiness. When the chakra is balanced, a person shows and experiences sincere feelings towards other people. He is independent, but at the same time understands the feelings of those around him and sees himself as part of society.

The state of imbalance in the sex chakra can seriously affect a person's ability to stand up for himself and follow his personal path without hesitation, which leads to self-realization. It is also expressed in the absence of the joy of life, fatigue, anxiety and dissatisfaction.

Svadhisthana is associated with the following organs of the body: the pelvis, the lymphatic system, the kidneys, the gallbladder, the genitals and all the fluids present in the body: blood, lymph, digestive juice, seminal fluid.

The color of energy is orange. The energy of orange ensures the continuation of the family.
Products: orange, papaya, carrot, cantaloupe, peach, persimmon, apricot, mango, kumquat, cheddar cheese.

Impact: sexuality, creativity, emotions, relationships, hopes, control.

Mineral: Carnelian, Moonstone, Tiger's Eye, Apophylite, Coral.

Essence oil: Cedar, marjoram, neroli, ylang ylang, cardamom, mandarin, cypress, myrtle, patchouli, rosewood, trifolium, lemon verbena.

Chakra overactivity: high productivity, strong emotional expressiveness. Balanced chakra work, average productivity and emotional expressiveness. Slight imbalance of the chakra, the positive properties of the chakra. Unbalanced work of the chakra, the chakra under the influence of stress. Low chakra energy limited emotional expressiveness. Attention should be paid to creative qualities and abilities.


Manipura in Sanskrit means "diamond place". The chakra is located in the area of ​​the solar plexus, which is located in the region of the diaphragm, between the sternum and the navel. This chakra expresses the ego. She is responsible for the development of personality and the transmission of emotions to the world, controlling the desire to achieve recognition and position in society.

With the harmonious work of the solar plexus chakra, the ability to correctly judge life, as well as independently develop a personal opinion, appears. Manipura gives the opportunity to assimilate the knowledge and experience that form the personality. From a spiritual point of view, the work of this chakra is to help a person realize his destiny in the material world - to fulfill his life mission, using talents and abilities, and to follow the personal path of fate in the material world in such a way as to achieve self-realization at all levels. . The balanced work of the solar plexus chakra creates a feeling of calm and inner harmony. When Manipura is balanced, a person can control his emotions and deal with his feelings, desires and expectations. He feels in harmony with himself, with his role in life, with his environment. The development of this chakra will turn all your dreams into reality, realize all life plans and lead to true success.

In the absence of balance in the chakra, there may be a desire to manipulate other people, to abuse power. A person feels the need to concentrate power in his hands, he strives for superiority, becoming ambitious. There is a feeling of anger and resentment against the world, which a person tries to carefully hide, pretending that "everything is fine." Meanwhile, repressed feelings haunt him and he may suffer from bouts of depression and rage.

Manipura is associated with the following organs of the body: respiratory system and diaphragm, digestive system, stomach, pancreas, liver, spleen, gallbladder, small intestine.

The color of energy is yellow. Yellow energy is the energy of a leader, giving the desire to be first in physical, heart or intellectual terms.

Products: lemon, cereals, pumpkin (zucchini), egg, banana, yellow pepper, pineapple, pasta.

Impact: personal power, clarity, focus on goals, abundance, speed of reaction, selfishness.

Mineral: Citrine, Golden Topaz, Amber, Agate.

Essence oil: cedarwood, bergamot, citronella, tea tree, lime, neroli, sandalwood, lemon, ginger, anise, dhavana, noble navel, fennel, champa.

Chakra Overactivity: Creativity, intellectual and analytical thinking, and a sense of humor. Balanced chakra activity, harmonized chakra activity. Slight imbalance of the chakra, the positive properties of the chakra. Unbalanced work of the chakra, the chakra under the influence of stress. Low energy chakra activity. Life lacks jokes and fun. Creativity should be increased.


Anahata, translated from Sanskrit means "ever-sounding drum." This chakra is located in the center of the chest, parallel to the heart. It connects the three lower chakras to the three upper chakras, as a result, representing the center of the entire chakra system, being the center of love, compassion, care and fidelity. Thanks to its activity, we can adapt to another person, “feel” him, contact him and allow him to contact us - on an emotional, spiritual and physical level. It is only through the heart chakra that we can love and strive for love. It governs our ability to give and receive love. The heart chakra teaches how to give of oneself to others, to forgive, to justify, and to be compassionate.

When communicating with someone whose anahata is balanced, people feel at ease and free, they easily open their hearts. The help that such a person provides to others does not amuse his ego, while they cannot “suck” energy out of him. His good will cannot be manipulated. It is easy for such a person to “pour out his soul”, feeling understanding on his part, and he creates harmony wherever he appears.

When the chakra is not balanced, a person experiences a fear of being abandoned, of losing love. He "plunges" into other people's problems to such an extent that they destroy his balance or prevent him from living, as he is in the pain and suffering of another person. He perceives support and help from others as an acknowledgment of his weakness, and at the same time because of this, his love will never be perfect. When there is an imbalance in the heart chakra, a person may give and love simply to gain approval or affection from others.

Anahata is associated with the following organs of the body: heart, circulatory system, lungs, immune system, thymus gland, skin, hands.

The color of energy is green. Green energy is the energy of love, compassion and universal harmony, spiritual and creative energy.

Foods: lime, lettuce, spinach, green beans, green grapes, avocado, green pepper, artichoke, peas, asparagus, cabbage, zucchini squash, seaweed, herbs, dill, broccoli.

Impact: love, forgiveness, balance, feelings, moodiness, jealousy, exactingness, high expectations.

Mineral: Rose quartz, Aventurine, Malachite, Rhodochrosite, Emerald, Jade, Fluorite, Peridot, Tourmaline (pink and green).

Essence Oil: Bergamot, Geranium, Peppermint, Rose, Eucalyptus, Ylang Ylang, Lemon Grass, Cinnamon, Neroli, Yarrow, Champa.

Overactivity of the chakra: sincerity, sensuality, the ability to love and communicate. Balanced chakra activity, harmonized chakra activity. Average ability. Slight imbalance of the chakra, the positive properties of the chakra. Chakra imbalance. Low communication and self-expression abilities. Low energy chakra activity. It is necessary to “open the heart” and better listen to thoughts and emotions.


Vishuddha means "cleansing" in Sanskrit. It is located in the neck, in the throat area, being the center responsible for communication and the manifestation of a person's personality. Vishuddha connects thoughts and expression of thoughts, being a source of inspiration. Through this chakra we express who we are. When it is open and balanced, a person is self-confident and strives for self-expression. The throat chakra stimulates a sense of responsibility. This is expressed in the fact that a person is responsible for himself, for his development and personal life, he understands how his actions, intentions and thoughts affect the world as a whole.

Working with the throat chakra, its opening and balancing - leads to an improvement in connection with the physical body, allows a person to “hear” his body. He can express emotions, thoughts and inner knowledge clearly, fearlessly and freely, experiencing self-confidence, without fear of revealing the weakness of his inner strength in front of other people. He can control his speech, remain silent, and listen carefully to what others are saying without feeling the need to raise his voice to make himself heard. When the throat chakra is open, a person feels free, independent and not dependent on others, he is decisive and has a correct idea of ​​himself. Feelings, reason and thoughts are in unity. The throat chakra creates the ability to understand the power of thought and find meaning in the speech of others that cannot be expressed in words. Vishuddha creates inner depth, a deep understanding of how the world works, gives a feeling of completeness, satisfaction and confidence in the Universe, in what is happening in it.

If the throat chakra is in a disharmonious state, there are difficulties with self-expression, the problem of communication between the personality and the body, the fear of expressing one's true opinions is manifested, which destroys an already weak self-esteem. A person may speak incoherently, feel that he cannot find clear and understandable words to express his thoughts.

Vishuddha is associated with the following organs of the body: throat, neck, vocal cords and vocal organs, thyroid gland, jaw, upper lungs, nerves, muscles and arms.
The color of energy is blue. Blue energy is responsible for creativity, insight, ideas, talents.

Products: blueberries, blueberries, plums, grapes, blackberries.

Impact: expression, truthfulness, peacefulness, sensitivity, self-realization, isolation, utterance, the ability to say "no".

Mineral: Aquamarine, Blue Topaz, Turquoise, Blue Agate, Larimar, Celestite.

Essence oil: chamomile, juniper, pine, sage, geranium, bergamot, cajuput, sandalwood.

Overactivity of the chakra: expressiveness of thoughts and emotions, powerful communicative qualities. Balanced work of the chakra: sensitivity, ability to love and communicate. Slight chakra imbalance, positive chakra properties Chakra imbalance, chakra under stress Low energy chakra activity: limited emotional and verbal expression. New ways of expressing thoughts and emotions should be found.


Ajna means "control center" in Sanskrit. She is responsible for conscious perception, governing various mental abilities, memory, willpower and knowledge. It is this chakra that allows a person to connect to the subconscious and intuition. This gives the ability to understand the Universe and receive non-verbal messages. Ajna plays an important role in everything related to creation - it is she who contributes to the arrival of inspiration. The opening of the chakra helps to rise above the material world. On the physical level, this chakra is the control center for the activity of the central nervous system. On the spiritual side, it is responsible for the ability of extrasensory perception. The more open and balanced the third eye chakra is, the more freely and widely our senses are able to perceive events that are not visible to our physical vision.

If the chakra is open, a person is able to recognize when they are controlled by emotions and thoughts, and when social norms and habits. He can begin to recognize what is "his": his true purpose, what he truly believes in, the laws of the universe, according to which the world exists. The state of harmonious work of the sixth chakra is expressed in high intellectual, mental and philosophical abilities, in the clarity of thoughts, in high morality, and also in the ability to easily establish connections with people. One of the most objective characteristics of chakra balance is intuitive abilities in all their manifestations.

When Ajna works disharmoniously, a person can perceive life through intellect, rationalism and logic. Such a state leads to an extremely limited perception of the world - everything that does not correspond to this is declared simply meaningless. Anything related to spirituality can be labeled as "illogical" and "unscientific".

Ajna is associated with the following organs of the body: central nervous system, face, eyes, ears, nose.
The color of energy is blue. Blue energy is the energy of control, visualization, intuition, visionary.

Products: beets, eggplant, blueberries, black grapes, black beans, red cabbage, purple: onions, potatoes.

Impact: intuition, psychic abilities, inner vision, global consciousness, magical abilities, self-centeredness, extreme sensitivity.

Mineral: Topaz, Lapis Lazuli, Sapphire, Agate, Labradorite.

Chakra Overactivity: High energy of intuition, strong artistic and intuitive abilities. Balanced chakra activity, harmonized chakra activity. Slight imbalance in the work of the chakra, positive properties of the chakra, average artistic and intuitive abilities. Unbalanced work of the chakra, the chakra under the influence of stress. Low energy chakra activity. It is necessary to strengthen creativity and intuition, as well as artistic abilities.

Sahasrara "CROWN CHAKRA"

Sahasrara means "lotus flower" in Sanskrit. The crown chakra is the center of human perfection. It is located in the region of the top of the skull and is a limitless repository of knowledge, and the period of its development is endless. It symbolizes enlightenment and connection with the higher levels of spiritual consciousness, uniting the energies of all lower energy centers.

When the chakra is opened in a person, the consciousness is completely calm, he perceives himself as part of the essence. The more Sahasrara is developed, the more often such moments come, which, in the end, turn into a constant feeling of balance and harmony, both with oneself and with the whole Universe. He can receive answers from the Universe through his soul, which is its component. He feels not so much the need to 'do' as the need to 'be'. A person perceives emotions such as fear, anger and dissatisfaction as additional tools for developing understanding; he knows how to dive into himself and deeply understand them in order to understand their source and get rid of them.

When the crown chakra is not opened well enough, it seems to a person that he exists on his own, out of touch with the Universe and the essence. As a result, he cannot free himself from fears and contradictions. A person may feel that he has no purpose in life, is at odds with himself. He lacks the desire to taste the fullness of life, self-confidence and trust in the world.

Sahasrara is associated with the following organs of the body: the brain and all its components.
The color of energy is purple. Violet energy is responsible for intuition, insight, understanding the essence of things.

Products: beet tops, purple grapes, eggplant, black beans, endive.

Impact: spirituality, gift of providence, charisma, idealism, magical abilities, frivolity, awareness, connection with reality.

Mineral: Amethyst, Diamond, Alexandrite, Opal, Calcite, Sagilite, Polite, Clear quartz, Rock crystal.

Essence oil: peppermint, sage, sandalwood, ylang ylang, myrrh, violet, henna.

Chakra overactivity, high: energy of intuition, sensuality and radiation, strong spiritual qualities. Balanced chakra work, harmonized chakra activity. Average qualities. Slight imbalance of the chakra, the positive properties of the chakra. Unbalanced work of the chakra, the chakra under the influence of stress. Low energy chakra activity. It is necessary to find a new direction and vision of life.

Ecology of knowledge. Cognitively: Even the ancient Vedic sages knew that plants have an oscillation frequency that is synchronized with the human body (body and psyche). These plant properties can help balance and harmonize the seven major chakras, keeping the mind, body and spirit in balance.

Even the ancient Vedic sages knew that plants have an oscillation frequency that is synchronized with the human body (body and psyche). These plant properties can help balance and harmonize the seven major chakras, keeping the mind, body and spirit in balance.

ROOT CHAKRA connects us to the earth, from where we obtain vital nutrients. An unbalanced chakra leads to problems with the legs, intestines, manifests itself in tailbone injuries, diseases of the immune system and depression. Dandelion root tea relieves depression, treats gallbladder diseases, and lowers blood pressure. Root vegetables (carrots, parsnips, radishes, onions, and garlic) also have a calming effect on the root chakra.

fundamental property SACRAL CHAKRA is pure creativity, attention and sensual expression, unencumbered by egocentrism. A blocked chakra can lead to eating disorders, diseases of the genitourinary system, reproductive disorders, headache, fever and emotional imbalance. Calendula is one of the most accessible plants that enhance creativity in all areas of life.

Gardenia root essential oil is also very beneficial for the sacral chakra, while its flowers are good for calming the soul. In the treatment of many types of infections, sandalwood oil is indispensable, stimulating the growth of new cells. It is convenient to use for aromatization of air and baths. Useful herbs and spices for the second chakra include coriander, fennel, licorice, cinnamon, vanilla, carob, paprika, sesame, and cumin.

SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA is the center of self-control and management of emotions. If this chakra is blocked, we tend to feel unworthy and suffer from low self-esteem. In addition to emotional stress, anxiety, and depression, this can lead to a plethora of physical problems such as poor digestion, peptic ulcers, diabetes, liver or kidney problems, anorexia, bulimia, and even intestinal tumors.

To unblock the flow of energy in the solar plexus chakra, lavender, bergamot or rosemary oil are recommended. Bergamot speeds up the digestion process, and fresh rosemary leaves have long been revered for their beneficial effects on the stomach and intestines. Also suitable for balancing the third chakra: anise, celery, cinnamon, ginger, mint, lemon balm, turmeric, cumin and dill.

HEART CHAKRA- the center of love, compassion and forgiveness. When this chakra is blocked, we can feel lonely, abandoned, and deeply unhappy. On the physical level, this results in poor circulation, on the emotional level, a lack of empathy, and on the spiritual level, a lack of devotion.

Issues of love, grief, hatred, anger, jealousy, fear, betrayal, and the ability to heal yourself and others are centered in the fourth chakra. Tea or infusion of chokeberry berries increases confidence in life, strengthens the heart and blood vessels. You can also use cayenne pepper, jasmine, lavender, marjoram, rose petals, basil, sage, thyme, coriander, and parsley for the same purpose.

THROAT CHAKRA largely responsible for self-expression and communication skills. An imbalance in the throat chakra can lead to thyroid problems and laryngitis on the physical level, codependency on the emotional level, feelings of loss, fear and vulnerability on the mental and spiritual levels.

Red clover flowers can help to establish the flow of communication and freedom of expression. Many diseases, including thyroid diseases, are treated with lemon balm, eucalyptus oil (in case of edema, a few drops are rubbed into the throat area), as well as herbs such as coltsfoot, mint, sage and lemongrass.

The sixth chakra or "THIRD EYE" associated with intuition and the pineal gland. Problems with this chakra are reflected in a lack of imagination, intuition failures, self-deception and difficulty making decisions. Physically, third eye blockage can manifest itself as problems with the eyes, ears, headaches, insomnia, or nightmares.

Mint, jasmine and eyebright are called to open the sixth chakra, to see the light and dark sides as part of the whole. Peppermint is also useful in treating depression, migraines and memory loss. Juniper, mugwort, poppy, rosemary and lavender heal imbalances in the sixth chakra and establish a connection between the mind and body.

And finally CROWN CHAKRA connects us to the universal divine energy. Chakra of wisdom, enlightenment and transcendence. When our crown chakra is blocked or closed, we are spiritually disabled. On the physical level, this is expressed in depression, nervous system disorders, migraines, amnesia, dyslexia, and in the most extreme cases - in cognitive illusions and mental illness.

Promote the opening of the seventh chakra flowers of lavender and lotus. Lavender is one of the most popular herbs for daily meditation, bringing us into alignment with divine wisdom and working together on all chakras. While lotus leaves and stems are widely used in Japanese and Chinese cuisine, each part of this plant has its own set of benefits.

All of the above plants can be used in the form of teas and infusions, used as seasonings for dishes, added to bath water, flavored the air, etc. etc. A conscious connection in this process with the vibrations of plants makes it possible to significantly increase the effect of exposure. published

Chakras are a very important element of sacred esoteric knowledge, without which the successful evolution of a person is simply impossible. Chakras are energy centers, the degree of development of which determines the character of a person, his behavior, success, health and all aspects of the life of each person are reflected in the work of the chakras. There is no point in proving the existence of chakras, there are special devices that fix them. Psychics are able to see them, as well as distinguish their color. There are 7 main chakras, but in certain teachings, someone works with 3, someone with 5, someone with 15, etc. And in general there are more than a hundred of them.

Chakra, translated from Sanskrit, is a funnel, disk or energy wheel, a power cycle, these are some kind of whirlwinds of energy. They are located in the main energy channel, we can see the chakras - they are located in a cluster of nerves, the chakra interacts with these nerve endings that go to the corresponding internal organs. Therefore, any physiological problem corresponds to an energy one.

As I said, the chakras are located in the main median energy channel: one ascending flow from the bottom up, the other descending from the top down. Chakras are like cones screwed in clockwise, one in front, the other behind. Also remember that the chakras are located in the Etheric subtle body.

For example, we have a bunch of nerves in the coccyx area, also in the solar plexus area, these are the habitats of the chakras. Even if there is an injury or a cut, on the energy plane it also works according to the chakra principle, a kind of funnel is created. That's when there is no energy, a person says: "I'm tired." This speaks of the work of the human chakra: its reception is bad, and its return is in full swing.

The main functions of the chakras

  1. Energy - provides energy to the human body.

  2. Implementation of communication between people for the transfer of energy and information, we consume and betray energy during contact with people through the chakras.

  3. Informational - any energy carries an informational component, it is transmitted to the brain where it is deciphered and a person begins to realize something in his life. Chakras not only pump you with energy, they also carry information for life.

From the base upwards, each subsequent chakra vibration is more subtle than the previous one. Consider the 7 chakra system:

1st Chakra Muladhara - SURVIVAL INSTINCT, chakra of the Earth element; color Red; corresponds to it physical body. This is the link between the physical body and the subconscious; as if it is screwed in from below at the base of the spine (near the coccyx). It takes energy from below and drives it up through the middle channel. It is also responsible for fear, they say that it is in the head and it is in the chakra. Endurance, confidence, individual independence, business logic - all this is the work of the Muladhara chakra. If your knees, pelvis, hemorrhoids, prostatitis, inflammation of the ovaries hurt - this is a violation of the chakras.

2nd Chakra Swadhisthana - PLEASURE FROM LIFE, water element chakra; color Orange (the color of joy, reproduction, the color of the transition from red to yellow); corresponds to it etheric body. Approximately 2 fingers below the navel - responsible for MIND, responsible for the emotional background. An overabundance is a person smiling like an idiot where one should grieve. Responsible for reproduction, intestines, genitourinary system, kidneys. Impotence, diseases of the kidneys and the genitourinary system are all violations of the Svadhisthana spell. The ability to control sexual energy, the pleasure of life in general - this indicates a good development of this chakra.

3rd Chakra Manipura - RELATIONSHIP WITH PEOPLE, the chakra of the element of fire; color Yellow (the color of money, prosperity, the color of the material world); corresponds to it astral body. It is located just below the solar plexus - it is responsible for prosperity in our life (apartment, car, clothes). In a place with yellow energy, a person becomes egoism: the fear of losing this money and the guardian is the Ego. Sometimes a person becomes unbearable, it is impossible to talk to him. For example, if the liver hurts, look at its yellow world. Responsible for: intestines, bile, spleen, liver. Energy, determination, bright individuality - all this is an excellent work of the Manipura chakra.

4th Chakra Anahata - Awareness, the chakra of the elements of the wind (air); corresponds to it mental body. Through awareness you can love, drop quarrels. I divide this chakra into heart and spiritual heart into two stars: green on the left (this is the heart) and pink on the right (this is the spiritual heart). Pink is the color of love, the color of feelings. When they cut on feelings, they cut right here in the chest. An overly emotional reaction is also delayed here, the severity of insults, the past ... We need to pull out the dark one from here and replace it with pink. An overabundance is to force everyone to love oneself, to sympathize with everyone. In most people, it is either blocked by the muffler, or in short supply or in overdose. Anxiety about one's surroundings: "Oh, how is he there, I love him so much." The 2nd part is the energy of the heart: the energy of calmness, the green energy. Love, mercy, compassion - this is the Anahata chakra. Heart problems, lungs, hands, cardiovascular disease, lung disease - all this is a violation of the chakra.

5th Chakra Vishuddha - CREATIVE SELF-EXPRESSION; it is ether, blue color; corresponds to it causal body. The throat chakra, where the depression is, where the thyroid gland is. Your thoughts agree with what you say, then this chakra is in order. Responsible for self-expression; A pomelo man, he interrupts: he says everything except what he needs - these are violations of the chakra. Lack of energy or disruption of work: when he cannot express his thoughts, busting is balabol. Responsible for: ears, nose, bronchitis. The throat chakra is also responsible for communication with the outside world. Someone says: "I ask questions and the answers do not come"; answers go through the throat to the heart; and the question is through the throat head and up. Those who open clairvoyance open the heart chakra. Responsible for: upper respiratory, nose, hearing (ears), thyroid gland. Disruption of work: colds, flu, etc. Communication skills, high creative potential - this is the work of the Vishuddha chakra.

6th Chakra Ajna- VISION OF THE WORLD, Blue color; corresponds to it bodhic body. It is located where the third eye, pituitary gland, brain; this is a bridge, the most powerful energy system in our body, if we start it, we can say 80% of the work is done. It is believed that this is just the last system to run. Headaches, migraines, schizophrenia, vision problems (of all ages) are disorders. It is also responsible for the entire human nervous system. When a person does not want to see something, it is also a violation. Substitutes a picture instead of reality, does not want to see what is happening, the world as it is. I note that the chakra is responsible for the Pituitary and Pineal - the harmonious development of the whole organism depends on this center, it is the center of the whole soul. Intellect, imagination (visualization of images), thinking - this is the Ajna chakra.

7th Chakra Sahasrara - RELATION WITH THE HIGHEST SPIRITUALITY, Violet color; crown chakra or thousand-leaf lotus; corresponds to it atmanic body. It is located 3-5 cm above the head, it is screwed, as it were, from top to bottom. This is the chakra of superconsciousness, in ancient Russia it was called the SPRING. Disorders of work are depression, psychosis. Strategic thinking, categorical thinking, seeing everything as a whole, the ability to enlightenment, all-encompassing love - all this is Sahasrara.

In addition - a good table of chakras.

Chakras can change colors, so orange can become dark: well, for example, a person came out of meditation and went into the real world (quarrels, minibuses, etc.) and that's it. Chakra can be blocked by one or another emotional state. Also, each chakra has its own frequency, the higher the chakra, the thinner its frequency. Chakras are connected with the aura - this is a kind of projection.

Development, openness and closeness of the Chakras

the child's chakra is not developed, or rather not full. In the general birth of people, the potential of all chakras is different: so, a person is initially more communicative or spiritual, etc. The development of the chakras - when there are a lot of developments related to these chakra parameters. For example, the developed sixth chakra is observation, erudition, deep wisdom. Fifth: a person knows how to express his thoughts, his feelings; Fourth: understand other people, artistic person; Third: strong social intelligence, militant, independent, achieves his goals; Second: to enjoy, to give pleasure, sophistication; First: it fits easily into any space, puts things in order.

How open the chakra is, how powerfully it can receive energy and how powerfully it can be given. For example, a person with a wide open third chakra will be full of social activity; If the chakra is closed, then it does not receive and does not give back to that area (for example, when the fifth is closed, a person is closed, diseases of the thyroid and organs related to the fifth).
Breakdown of the chakra - does not receive energy, but works only for bestowal, for outflow. For example, according to the second, there is no strength for anything, there are sexual neuroses, far-fetched problems; Third: depression, guilt complex, irritability; Fourth: depression, despondency, sadness; Fifth: creative despondency, emotional imbalance; Sixth: mental disorders, schizophrenia; Seventh: lack of spirituality, most often severe mental illness, not understanding how to live. If the breakdown is not restored, then the disease of the internal organs corresponding to this chakra begins.

Strength and weakness of the chakra
The power of a chakra is the amount of energy present in a given chakra.
The weakness of the chakra is the lack of energy.
Availability determines desires, the amount of strength of these desires. Following his true desires, a person follows his highest destiny. If a person has a strong chakra, then it can be seen from the person (behavior, clothing, etc.). A person with a strong first chakra organizes everything around him, he will definitely organize and organize everything; Second: he seeks pleasure in everything, if he does not have it, he tries to create it; Third: dominance, control; Fourth: a person is aware of this world, understands himself and the world is love and understanding; Fifth: self-expression, curiosity, verbal intelligence (thought formation); Sixth: a person can form his own worldview, understand his place in this world, understand the meaning of life; The seventh is enlightenment.

A strong but not developed chakra is a lot of energy, but for example, the second person is only enough to eat and sleep, this is a low-purity energy. The third is a tendency to dominate, humiliate, scare, does not understand that there are other ways more refined to the same dominance; Fourth: when a person is not inclined to analyze his own and other people's actions; Fifth: they constantly invent unnecessary garbage, sing and dance for no reason, like idiots on the Internet.

Chakra cones

The front cone is the center of perception.
The rear is the accumulated potential.
These cones can expand or shrink.

The system of chakras is built very clearly and according to certain laws and principles. By developing certain qualities corresponding to the chakra, you will consciously be able to evolve. Not everywhere you feel comfortable and cozy, do not run away from there: realize the reason (as a rule, these are certain frames in the mind and having found these frames) you develop the qualities of fitting into space. Develop qualities and purity range of chakras.

Chakras that can pump each other up next to each other. All chakras correspond to all the colors of the rainbow, in the same order.

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