How much do designers earn in different fields. How much do interior designers earn in Russia? Video: Enlightenment TV channel - All about the profession of an interior designer

Landscaping and planning 16.06.2019
Landscaping and planning

Many young people with artistic, creative thinking are concerned about the question that is relevant at all times: how much does he earn artist, designer or representatives of related professions? Therefore, it is advisable to approach the answer to this common question, to study as qualitatively as possible all the subtleties that affect income indicators.

About the income of an interior design specialist in detail

Salary- without any exceptions, exactly what every person is interested in when finding employment, even those who claim that they are not particularly interested in money. Interior designer - a creative profession that requires a specialist to have the skills of an artist, designer, designer, and to some extent a foreman. This specialty is quite in demand in the Russian market today, since it allows you to create unique, exclusive interiors for premises of various sizes, types and purposes.

A specialty implies a number of specific qualities that a master must possess, namely:

  • sociability,
  • patience,
  • creativity,
  • attentiveness,
  • perseverance and many other qualities of character.

Of course, as in any profession, the financial income received by the specialists in question varies significantly, depending on the region of the country, clientele, and some other factors, including the amount of work, etc. Therefore, it is definitely impossible to confidently indicate a certain amount of income for the master. Generally speaking, the price tag for the design of one square meter premises varies between $40-50.

Work in a company or privately: which is more profitable?

Of course, when working for a company, a specialist will teach about 20-30% of the order value. Thus, the company will take the rest of the money for its services, providing work to its employee, social package, contributions to the Pension Fund, etc. If the master prefers to work exclusively "for himself" and satisfy his financial interests, his income will be 100%, but at the same time he will have to look for work on his own.

Being engaged in entrepreneurial activity, or freelancing, you can receive monthly pay in the amount of 3 or more thousand dollars.

With all this, you do not have to spend all daylight hours exclusively for work. In the ranks of employees of a specialized company engaged in the provision of services of this kind, the master will receive much less. Of course, the pay rate depends on the region where the professional activity master, customers, number of orders, etc.

However, when working as an individual entrepreneur, you should understand what you have to put on your shoulders:

  • customer search,
  • payment of expenses for the purchase or rental of equipment,
  • premises,
  • advertising

Experience, professionalism, customer reviews, reputation - all this plays a role at the stage of forming the size of the income of a specialist in the profession in question. In general, this profession is considered relevant, in demand and promising enough to be practiced almost constantly, since it is able to provide the master with full prosperity.

Inexperienced and young specialist in this specialty it is worth knowing that it will not work to receive fabulous money right away. Thus, you will have to work hard, spend time studying this science before gaining trust and gaining distribution in certain circles of admirers of exclusivity and uniqueness.

In Moscow, elitism does not end, we looked at Moscow dwellings above, but in this article we will talk already about world achievements in construction

How a designer works - expert opinion.

Income in different years

Income of specialists in the profession in question in different years were different, because as the inflation of the state currency increased wages. Below are the approximate income amounts interior designers premises in different years.

Approximate income of masters by years:

  • 1998 - 2,000-8,000 rubles per month;
  • 2000 - 7,000-20,000 rubles per month;
  • 2005 - 10,000-30,000 rubles per month;
  • 2012-2014 - 15,000-50,000 rubles per month.

The incomes of the masters of the profession in question differed depending on whether the specialist was engaged in an independent job search, or resorted to the services of an intermediary, which is a company specializing in the provision of services of this nature.

How much do specialists in different regions receive, and what is the average?

Work for a design studio for a novice master interior design premises promises him a monthly income of 15,000-20,000 rubles, and this is the average for the country. In Yekaterinburg, this figure is 20,000-25,000 rubles per month. Moscow and St. Petersburg are leaders in the market for such services, providing novice specialists with the opportunity to earn 35,000-50,000 rubles a month.

The highest incomes of professional specialists in the profession in question:

  • St. Petersburg - 75,000 rubles;
  • Moscow - 70,000 rubles;
  • Surgut - 80,000 rubles;
  • Sochi - 60,000 rubles;
  • Tver - 60,000 rubles;
  • Tyumen - 60,000 rubles;
  • Belgorod - 60,000 rubles;
  • Ivanovo - 50,000 rubles;
  • Course - 50,000 rubles;
  • Ulyanovsk - 50,000 rubles;
  • Mytishchi - 50,000 rubles.

No less curious is the statistical information regarding the most large sizes salaries of specialists in the profession in question, as well as regions where their income indicators are the lowest.

Town Income level, rub.
(no experience in this position)
Requirements and wishes for professional skills
Moscow 30 000 — 38 000 – Higher / incomplete higher education(architecture / design)

— Confident PC user (MS Office, 3DS Max, AutoCAD, ArchiCAD, etc.)

- Basic knowledge of interior design

– Knowledge of the main styles in the interior and their features, understanding the principles of their implementation in the interior

- Ability to draw by hand

— Developed spatial thinking

- Excellent communication skills

- Interior design skills

Portrait of the applicant in 1 range

Saint Petersburg 23 000 — 30 000
Volgograd 13 000 — 17 000
Voronezh 15 000 — 20 000
Yekaterinburg 20 000 — 25 000
Kazan 15 000 — 18 000
Krasnoyarsk 18 000 — 23 000
Nizhny Novgorod 14 000 — 18 000
Novosibirsk 17 000 — 20 000
Permian 15 000 — 20 000
Omsk 17 000 — 22 000
Rostov-on-Don 14 000 — 20 000
Samara 15 000 — 18 000
Ufa 15 000 — 20 000
Chelyabinsk 17 000 — 22 000

Where do they get the most, and where do they get the least?

As you know, demand creates supply, and how more popular service the better it pays. The Russian designer market is guided by a similar rule. Thus, if in Moscow and St. Petersburg the standard of living is higher than in the provincial regions of Russia, then salaries much higher in these cities.

For example, it is worth saying that in Ufa, Taganrog, Chelyabinsk, Magnitogorsk or other cities of the country, the remuneration of specialists in the profession in question will be different from that offered in St. Petersburg and Moscow. This indicator should be taken into account before choosing a future profession. but experienced master his craft is able to earn significant money in any region.

What to expect in the future 2015?

Aspiring designers won't have to expect a significant increase in salaries next year, however, high-skilled professionals can be allowed to increase their material well-being, as they provide artistic services. inner world premises in foreign currency.

Think. the largest fee that an interior designer, or a whole group of such workers, received was for a project for a house in Antilia, which this moment is the most

Video: Enlightenment TV channel - All about the profession of an interior designer

Interior design - creative, interesting job. Many people work in this area, making reality original ideas. This profession is in demand various areas life. How much do designers earn? Their income depends on various factors, which must be considered by all specialists before employment.

A little about the profession

Designers are needed in different areas - in the interior, clothing, landscape. Specialists develop ideas, make changes to them, creating something new. If you involve an interior designer during construction, you can get excellent housing, taking into account your requirements.

The specialty is received in various educational institutions of our country. They usually hire qualified employees. Professions can be further trained, mastering new areas of design.


How much designers earn depends on the responsibilities. Even though they have creative work However, there is a to-do list:

  • creation of drawings and design projects;
  • choice of style for the room;
  • calculation of the volume and price of materials;
  • purchase of materials, furniture and decor together with the customer;
  • creation of sketches of furniture;
  • control over construction works;
  • room decor;
  • participation in specialized exhibitions.

All stages are agreed with the customer. Here the communicative qualities of a specialist are important. How much an interior designer earns will depend on professional skills and experience.

What affects income?

Design is considered a creative profession. But how to become a sought-after specialist? In this case, you need not only creative thinking and artistic talent. To be successful in this area, additional skills are needed. A specialist must have the skills of an architect, artist, engineer, designer, constructor. Income in many areas depends on diligence, punctuality, contact.

Salary creative people is rarely stable, and that applies to designers as well. Their income depends on several factors:

  • the level of education;
  • possession of special programs;
  • work experience, portfolio;
  • time of work on the order;
  • reputation;
  • locality;
  • goodwill;
  • skill.

The salary in many other countries for these specialists is higher compared to Russia. Their income abroad can be in the range of 35-105 thousand dollars.

Income in Russia

How much an interior designer earns in Russia depends on the region. The highest incomes are in the Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar and Novosibirsk. The initial wage is 10 thousand rubles. How much do designers earn in Moscow? The maximum per month is 125 thousand rubles, and the average is 60 thousand rubles.

How much does a designer earn on average? Income in each city is different:

  • St. Petersburg - 35-45 thousand rubles;
  • Yekaterinburg - 32-42;
  • Krasnoyarsk - 27-36;
  • Novosibirsk - 27-35;
  • Omsk - 27-35;
  • Chelyabinsk - 25-36;
  • Ufa - 24-30.

Such earnings will be for specialists with work experience of 3 years or more. How much does a designer earn per month small town? His income will be about 20 thousand rubles.

landscape designer

These specialists work with a number of related disciplines. They need to know engineering to create communications, lighting layouts, water removal systems. Specialists work with the placement of fountains, premises. Their responsibilities include developing appearance garden, which requires knowledge in the field of botany and ecology, since for this it is necessary not only to determine the location of the plant, but also to be able to create conditions suitable for it.

Landscape designers should not take on several projects at once, as the work of creating the appearance of the territory is considered painstaking. It takes a lot of time for her. How much do designers in Russia earn on this profile? The average income is 25-30 thousand rubles, and in Moscow - 45-50 thousand rubles.

Beginners in this field are paid less. For example, in Kazan, specialists without experience are paid about 11-14 thousand rubles, and in Moscow - 20-27 thousand rubles. Employees are required in specialized firms. It is difficult for aspiring designers to build a career, but still possible.

clothing designers

Fashion design is considered to be a demanded job. Specialists create sketches of new products, taking into account the wishes of the customer. The result is a unique product that fully meets the requirements. specific person. The income of a specialist depends on experience, skill, creativity. As in other areas, there is competition here, so beginners are paid a little.

How much do fashion designers earn? In the regions, income is 20-30 thousand rubles, and in Moscow - from 50 thousand rubles. The average figure for Russia is 40 thousand rubles.

Web page designers

These specialists are engaged in projects of applications and websites. In addition to working in companies and studios, such specialists can perform their duties remotely.

The average salary of specialists is 20-70 thousand rubles. It depends on the region, experience, portfolio availability. When working remotely, you should choose the right pricing policy.


In many companies, when applying for a job, you are required to show a portfolio. It is presented in the form of a folder with types of work performed. According to him, the employer evaluates the style, skills, abilities. Portfolio can be paper form and in electronic. It should contain information about yourself and work.

Portfolio must include best work that have been completed. You can illustrate the development of certain projects. This should be done from start to finish. This will allow you to demonstrate your skills and abilities. All material in the portfolio should be in a logical sequence. You can add a description to each project.

The portfolio may contain a resume describing work experience, education, awards. It is advisable to place a business card with personal information in it. In this form, the portfolio will help you find the desired vacancy.

Increasing earnings

Income depends on the requirements that employers impose on employees. They are as follows:

  • knowledge of the basics of work;
  • spatial thinking;
  • design;
  • freehand drawing;
  • work with programs.

The level of salary is affected by the availability of education. Companies require documents confirming graduation educational institution. Graduates of prestigious universities of the country and other states are in great demand. Knowledge of the specialized literature is essential. They are hired after college and after graduation, but then the salary will be lower compared to high-level specialists.

Work experience plays an important role. The higher the experience and the more large-scale projects in the resume, the greater the chances of successful employment with a high income. Level financial condition employees depends on how much the company earns. In many firms the salary plus percent from orders is paid.

The profession of a designer is one of the most creative and exciting, so more and more young people choose this type of activity for themselves. Surely everyone is interested to know what salary he can expect. But before moving on to accounting, let's outline the main functionality of future and current creatives.

1. Choice of general stylistic direction interior design.

2. Development, drawing and 3D visualization of design projects for premises.

3. Coordination of design projects with clients.

4. Calculation of the required volume of building and finishing materials.

5. Procurement or participation in the process of procurement of building and finishing materials, furniture, decor items.

9. Participation in professional exhibitions.

According to research by specialists from the site, the level of salary is influenced by professional skills, as well as work experience of a candidate for the position of interior designer. Let's denote four ranges, in accordance with which and will be charged wage.

The first range includes specialists without experience in this position. They must have a higher or incomplete higher education (architecture/design); be confident PC users (MS Office, 3DS Max, AutoCAD, ArchiCAD, etc.); know the basics of interior design, as well as the main styles in the interior and their features, understanding the principles of their implementation. The ability to draw by hand, developed spatial thinking, excellent communication and design design skills are required.

The second range includes designers with at least one year of experience. In addition to all of the above, they should know modern tendencies interior design, have a portfolio of completed design projects and have good negotiation skills.

The third range involves higher education (architecture / design), excellent orientation in the market of building and finishing materials, knowledge of the main manufacturers and their range, experience in implementing design projects for large premises and country houses, as well as experience as a designer from 3 years. Possible request: own car.

Specialists with experience in designing and implementing design projects with complex technical equipment of premises, as well as those who are able to develop high-budget design projects and who have work experience as a designer for at least 5 years, belong to the fourth range. Possible Wish: Knowledge in English at a conversational or fluent level.

Range I

Range II

Range III

Range IV

Without work experience in this position, rub.

With experience from 1 year, rub.

With experience of 3 years, rub.

With experience of 5 years, rub.

60 000 - 120 000

Saint Petersburg



Nizhny Novgorod



18 000 - 23 000

World-famous designers such as Richard Rogers, Arne Quince or Karim Rashid have not only become gurus in their profession, but have also opened their own design studios. Each of them made a fortune and provided financial well-being to their descendants.

And how are things in our country? How much do interior designers earn in Russia? Is the salary of an interior designer fair in our homeland, and what does it depend on?

Consider what the employer pays attention to, and after what time the profession will provide a stable income. Favorite business can not only please, but also bring big money.

A little about the profession or what does a designer get paid for?

The profession of an interior designer is rightly considered to be in demand. It is paid only a little less than, for example, the work of an architect or a fashion designer.

According to statistics, 64% of all designers in our country are young people under the age of 35. At the same time, representatives of the weaker sex among them as much as 82%.

Despite the creative nature, the profession involves a wide range of responsibilities:

  • Development, creation and 3D visualization of a design project drawing.
  • The choice of a general stylistic direction for the room.
  • Calculation of the volume and cost of building and finishing materials.
  • Joint purchase with the customer (at the request of the latter) of building and finishing materials, decor, furniture, etc.
  • Development of copyright modifications of furniture, transfer of sketches to production.
  • Architectural supervision of construction and finishing works.
  • Room decoration.
  • Participation in professional design exhibitions.

Each stage of work must be agreed with the customer. This is where the designer's communication skills come in handy.

What factors affect the income of a designer?

Design is a creative business, but how to become an established and sought-after designer? Artistic talent and creative thinking are not enough. If you want to achieve success and financial independence, prerequisite is the possession of many additional skills.

A specialist must have the skills of an architect, artist, engineer, foreman, interior designer, constructor and many other specialties. In addition, the salary of an interior designer largely depends on such qualities as diligence, punctuality, contact, patience and loyalty, the ability to compromise.

Salaries for creative people are rarely stable, which is also true for designers. The level of income depends on the following factors:

  • The presence of higher education, preferably received in a large well-known university.
  • Knowledge of specialized software: AutoCAD, ArchiCAD, 3DS Max, etc.
  • Work experience and a good portfolio with many pages.
  • Number of orders and time allocated for work.
  • Fame and reputation.
  • The locality in which the specialist carries out his activities.
  • The prestige of the company in which he works.
  • Craftsmanship, creativity and productivity.

The earnings of an interior designer, however, as well as a designer of clothes, furniture or landscape in Europe, Australia and the USA are much higher than in Russia.

Knowing the language perfectly and being a professional in your field, in large cities and capitals you can earn income in the amount of 35-40 to 95-105 thousand dollars a month.

Minimum, average and maximum designer salary: statistics for Russia

How much an interior designer earns per month largely depends on which city in Russia you plan to work in. If you want to maximize income, you should look for work in the Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar or Novosibirsk.

The starting salary for beginners as a designer is only 10 thousand rubles. The average and maximum salary is 40 and 120, respectively.

According to statistics for 2016, the highest paid vacancies are offered to specialists in the Moscow region. There, the average income varies around 60 thousand rubles.

How much does an interior designer earn in Moscow? According to statistics, the maximum salary in Moscow reaches 125 thousand rubles. Slightly smaller amounts are offered by employers in St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg.

The maximum number of vacancies in the field of interior design is open in St. Petersburg and for representatives of the profession from Moscow. Krasnodar region occupies an honorable third place.

But this does not mean that the homeland lacks interior designers. The specialty is quite popular: on average, seven and a half people apply for one vacancy in the country.

The good news is that the wages of designers are also growing. If in 1998 the salary was only from 2 to 8 thousand rubles, then according to the data for 2016, it increased to 20-60 thousand rubles.

So, let's open the veil of secrecy - how much they earn in St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia.

Average salary by city of Russia (in rubles)

TownNo work experienceAt least one year work experienceWork experience from 3 yearsWork experience from 5 years
Moscow30 - 40 thousand36 - 48 thousand50 - 65 thousand65 - 125 thousand
Saint Petersburg22 - 35 thousand30 - 35 thousand35 - 45 thousand45 - 100 thousand
Yekaterinburg19 - 24 thousand24 - 30 thousand32 - 42 thousand50 - 82 thousand
Krasnoyarsk19 - 24 thousand24 - 25 thousand27 - 36 thousand40 - 72 thousand
Novosibirsk17 - 20 thousand20 - 27 thousand27 - 35 thousand40 - 68 thousand
Omsk15 - 23 thousand23 - 27 thousand27 - 35 thousand40 - 70 thousand
Chelyabinsk15 - 22 thousand22 - 25 thousand25 - 36 thousand40 - 65 thousand
Ufa15 - 20 thousand20 - 25 thousand24 - 30 thousand32 - 60 thousand
Permian14 - 22 thousand22 - 25 thousand25 - 29 thousand32–62 thousand
Voronezh14 - 20 thousand20 - 25 thousand25 - 28 thousand30 - 65 thousand
Samara14 - 18 thousand18 - 24 thousand24 - 30 thousand30 - 60 thousand
Kazan14 - 18 thousand18 - 25 thousand25 - 30 thousand30 - 60 thousand
Rostov-on-Don13 - 20 thousand20 - 24 thousand24 - 32 thousand35 - 63 thousand
Volgograd12 - 17 thousand17 - 22 thousand22 - 27 thousand27 - 60 thousand
Nizhny Novgorod12 - 16 thousand16 - 20 thousand20 - 30 thousand35 - 55 thousand

How to learn to earn more or who employers want to see

The average salary of an interior designer largely depends on the compliance with the wishes that the employer indicates for job seekers. These requirements are always clearly formulated and there are quite a lot of them even for beginners.

For beginners, these are:

  • Knowledge of the basics of the profession, including the ability to work with different styles.
  • Spatial thinking skills.
  • Ability to design.
  • Ability to draw by hand.
  • Ability to work with necessary programs on a PC (MS Office and specialized software).

The most important criteria that will help increase the salary:

  • Higher education

Any employer wants to see graduates of specialized faculties of universities in their team. The good reputation of the institution, as well as studying abroad, are considered a big plus. Equally important is the knowledge of specialized literature.

In most cases, the profession requires a diploma. Although, according to statistics, approximately 19% of interior designers do not have higher education. In the event that you are nevertheless hired after school or courses, the salary will be less than that of a specialist of the same level, but with education.

  • experience

Also, what salary an interior designer has is related to the presence or absence of seniority and experience. The higher the work experience and the more large projects in the resume, the more likely it is that you will be hired by a serious studio.

  • Place of work

It is important to understand that working in a company also implies the presence of some disadvantages. The salary depends on how the organization itself earns and how many orders and customers it has. Plus, the salary of a specialist includes only 20 - 30% percent of each completed project.

As a freelancer, it is possible to receive 100% cash. Experienced designers are quite capable of earning about 3 thousand dollars a month in this way.

At the same time, running this kind of business on your own requires some skills. In the studio, you do not have to look for orders, advertise yourself or negotiate with clients, the company pays taxes and deductions in the Pension Fund for you. And the freelancer has to spend on it own time and funds. At the same time, it's nice to feel like you're working for yourself.

Hello friends! In touch Elyutina Maria. I am pleased to see your keen interest in the topic, the desire to grow and develop in this profession. Therefore, today we will talk about the result of our work - monetary reward.

You will learn how much a graphic designer earns and what to strive for, using the example of the salary and cost of the work of designers in the USA for 2017. We will compare them with Moscow prices and take a look at the regions of Russia.

From previous articles, you remember that designers can work from the comfort of their homes, otherwise it is called freelancing. If you want a more stable income, then you can get hired by an agency and work for a salary. We will look at both options so you can decide for yourself which one is closer to you.

How much do freelancers earn in Russia?

Do you want to earn by metropolitan standards? This is quite feasible. offer a variety of jobs with good pay for work. But you will need a portfolio. In a separate article, I will write in detail how to properly arrange a portfolio for a graphic designer and what you should definitely pay attention to.

Therefore, for a beginner, I recommend concentrating on more accessible, but cheaper orders. For example, make an avatar for the VKontakte group for 500 rubles. Landing can be developed for 1500-3000 rubles and ask the customer to leave a review.

In I gave an example of how to calculate the cost of an hour of work for a graphic designer and, based on this, the cost of the order itself. I also advise you to start a table and indicate in it point A (where you started) and point B (where you are going, what you want to achieve, in this case- payment for your time). This will help you predict the increase in the price of your work.

Official work as a designer in an agency or private firm

Finding a permanent job in a cool design agency or a private company is not easy for an aspiring designer. But if you know how to sell yourself in such a way that they will buy you even without experience, you can count on a salary of 40,000 to 150,000, it all depends on professionalism and work experience.

Working in an agency is profitable and convenient. You are always busy, interesting projects and growth. For sociable people, office work is a plus, but lovers of free travel will not be happy with a vacation once a year.

Employment options and salaries in companies can be different. Some firms hire remote employees on a permanent basis and assign them a fixed salary. For example, an online store where you need to update the design of packaging, products, come up with layouts for various promotions, etc. The salary of such an employee depends on the amount of work and the complexity of the tasks.

How much do they earn over the hill?

Every time I visit the pages of works by designers working on foreign sites, I get aesthetic pleasure. But among them there are many “ours”. How do they do it?

  • First, knowledge of the language (English).
  • Second, professionalism. What is now “fashionable” in America will reach us in five years.

The services of designers of this level are valued there in thousands of dollars. For example, on the foreign exchange, site design will be paid from $1,000. For a regular banner you will receive from $40, and in Russia - 1,000 - 1,500 rubles.


Based on the above, I want to please you that everything is real. The main thing is to know where to strive and develop in the chosen profession. Teach foreign language, improve skills, replenish your portfolio with works and satisfied customers.

I'm sure you will succeed. My articles will help you believe in yourself and expand your horizons in the world of graphic design. Ahead of you are waiting for articles on topics: creating a portfolio, an overview of design courses, useful books, as well as practical lessons on creating logos, banners and other graphic elements.

Stay with us, we are waiting for your comments and questions on the topic. We are for live communication.

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