Ready landscape project of a country house. Landscape design of country houses

Landscaping and planning 09.09.2018
Landscaping and planning

When purchasing a plot outside the city, its owner, in most cases, wants to further equip the territory in such a way that it becomes perfect place for relax. As a basis, as a rule, photos and videos of similar sites are taken, posted in specialized magazines or on websites. Contrary to popular belief, landscaping a house will not become an impossible task, even if you deal with this issue without involving specialists.

Summer cottage design

In order to avoid gross errors, it is necessary to follow a certain procedure when designing a design. country house and the area adjacent to it. The existing step-by-step plan for the implementation of work is also observed by professionals who are oriented in their field. The presented stages are supplemented with photos and videos, which show the design of several completed projects.

The design of the house helps to distinguish it from the neighbors and create a cozy atmosphere suitable for living and relaxing on it. It is advisable to clearly plan all future work near the house and imagine the result of their implementation. The ideal option it would be to have a preliminary plan at the stage of purchase suburban area. In this case, it would be possible to determine the vegetation on it, the type of soil, size and shape.

If there is no house on the site yet, its construction should be carried out on the basis of a design project. Thus, there will be no problems in order to fit it into the design of the adjacent territory. Recommended to preview typical photos and video materials of projects developed by professionals, and, if possible, consult with them.

Already a preliminary work plan for arranging the area around the house should include the following points:

  • Features of the microrelief of the existing site and a plan for its change.
  • A drawing of the house and all buildings that will be placed on the site applied to the diagram.
  • Plan of placement of communication and other networks.
  • Landings on the site.
  • Installation decorative elements, laying paths, digging reservoirs.

The more fully the work plan is drawn up, the less additions will have to be made to it. In this case, the project will not become a collection of elements of the environment that do not correspond to each other and will look natural and harmonious. Since it is supposed to live in the house, the site should be planned not only in terms of external beauty, but also in terms of convenience for everyone living in the house.

For the comfort of the residents of the house, places should be provided for collecting waste, cooking on fresh air, playgrounds for active sports under open sky. In this case Vacation home will be suitable not only for beautiful photo for the magazine, but also as a place of rest and residence.

Depending on the size and shape of the purchased plot, the design can be represented by one of three types of compositions. Photos from each of the points of the site help the designer to present each of them on the diagram.

Home decoration

  • In a small area, a diagonal composition is used to create a feeling of more space around. It involves laying out flower beds and installing other elements at an angle of 45 degrees to the central elements of the landscape (to the house);
  • The least difficult is the rectangular composition, in which the site is divided into several parts. Each of the zones can have its own features, smoothly turning into each other;
  • The most convenient for creativity is a rounded area. In this case, the work plan provides for a circular composition. This type requires the most time spent on design and practical implementation of the plan.

Despite the fact that the design is perceived by the majority as a change in the micro-relief of the area and planting plants, the project must also take into account the materials that will be used in the work. First of all, experts suggest bringing in products made of wood: benches, fences, bridges, gazebos, etc. A tree treated with a composition from decay can retain its appearance for years, despite weather.

Some of the photos and videos on suburban projects show high-tech design. Its distinctive features are the abundance of metal and glass details, a large number of light sources and a certain minimalism.

Hi-tech design

Ceramics, sculptures and ornamental plants used in gardens classical style shown in the photo. The choice of material and stylistic direction is the basis that must be determined even when the project is being formed.

Preparatory work

Preparation for the main work consists primarily in cleaning the territory of the house from elements that do not fit into future project. It is advisable to simply transplant all existing trees to a new location and fit into an existing project.

It must be remembered that new landings will require long time to get used to a new place. For the same reason, it pays to make informed decisions about local ponds, bridges, and various buildings. In some cases, only minor repairs are required, and old garages and outbuildings will be indistinguishable from new ones either in the photo or live.

To make your stay at home more comfortable, preparatory stage drainage works are being carried out. In other words, sewers are dug, pipes are laid, or other methods are used to drain excess rainwater. All of them must be provided in advance and be inscribed in the design of the house.

Electrical wiring is being laid to the location of the lighting sources. If necessary, they create an opportunity for future installation of additional electrical equipment on the site. This includes the increasingly popular CCTV cameras and burglar alarm systems.

A fence acts as protection, the height and material of which are determined design project. If it is impossible to immediately put up the required fence, installation is carried out at this place temporary fencing. Powerful concrete or metal fences (photo) can be installed later in places prepared in advance for them.

Fencing around the site


On the marked area, a lawn is laid and flower beds are laid out. Along the paths, if necessary, illumination is made and planted undersized shrub. For each of the planted trees, depending on its type, a certain place is provided in the garden. It is recommended not to adhere to a certain symmetry, making it more natural in appearance.

The formed design of a country house does not allow anything superfluous. Photos and videos of professionally performed works clearly demonstrate the combination of all the elements of the site. Small fountains, gazebos, artificial ponds can give a finished look. If you wish, you can experiment with elements of Eastern and Western style, highlighting a separate area for this.

Long gone are the days when landscape design was represented by a flower garden, beds and several fruit trees. Currently, the creation of a territory harmoniously landscaped and decorated with small architectural solutions, is a real art. However, the main assistants in the implementation of such creative ideas are the technical approach, which involves the design landscape design site.

Millennium Group specialists are ready to get to work, because we have everything you need for this: experience, technology, material and technical base, ideas. When starting to develop a project, we take into account several key points that can affect the basic concept of territory design:

  • terrain (mountainous, with the presence of ravines, flat, terrace-like);
  • soil type (clay, chernozem, sandy);
  • the shape of the plot (triangular, rectangular, in the form of a trapezoid, rounded);
  • the location of the area in relation to the cardinal points;
  • the presence of a natural reservoir;
  • level ground water affecting the presence and design features drainage system.

Creation of a landscape design project

Each such project is a package of technical, architectural and design documentation, consisting of:

  1. General Information, explanatory note. In fact, this section contains a brief statement describing the order and scope of work.
  2. General plan. The main drawing, with the location of all landscaping objects indicated on it, and an indication of their dimensions, binding to construction sites.
  3. Dendroplan. The layout of plants on the site, a list planting material with detailed description total number, species and varieties. In some cases, a dendroplan is created for individual, especially complex zones.
  4. Vertical layout. This drawing defines the elevation characteristics of the terrain, with the definition of the direction of movement of surface water flow. The plan allows you to link different heights. It also notes the location of the steps, retaining walls and sites. Particular attention is paid to the calculation of soil balance.
  5. Stormwater drainage systems. The diagram indicates the location of the receiving trays, as well as the main channels through which water flows to the disposal site.
  6. Drainage plan. This section is taken into account when designing a landscape in areas with high level ground water. On the drawings, the height reference of water intake points is noted, the necessary marks of slopes are made.
  7. Irrigation systems. The scheme includes information about the location of sprinklers, water supply lines, and other elements on the site. The section takes into account the possibility of irrigation from natural sources located in close proximity to the household.
  8. Area lighting plan. It highlights the location of lighting fixtures, cables. The main structural components, the path heating system, the supply of electricity to small architectural forms are described in detail.
  9. Coating schemes. Contains information about all coatings broken down into materials, layout plans for paving elements.
  10. Sketches of flower beds.
  11. Schemes of water zones.
  12. Small drawings architectural forms(MAF).

It may seem that the project of landscape design of a country house is too complicated for flawless implementation, but we assure you, it is not. We have everything to please your eye with a territory that is flawless in its geometry, color and aesthetic content. Our main task is to create a place where you will enjoy spending free time, enjoy life, enjoy the beauty of nature.

Features and objectives of landscape design

The main rule that our masters follow when creating a landscape design project is the harmony of all components:

  • water;
  • air;
  • flora;
  • architecture.

Landscape designers at Millennium Group easily combine garden plots with volumetric elements using design tools. It is important to observe some patterns that give a sense of visual fullness, balance. The fact is that each section of the landscape is represented by one or another composition, which in itself must be correct, and also must harmoniously fit into the overall ensemble. In order to achieve the best interface, when designing, you have to take into account an impressive set of factors: dimensions, shapes, textures, geometry, color, etc.

It is common for every person to get tired of the monotony of the city bustle, noise and hopeless working days. A summer cottage is not just a change of work activity, but just the place in which a special atmosphere of coziness, calm, comfort and pleasure prevails. But in order for this to be true, this should be worked on and the “shapeless rock” should be transformed into a “precious stone”.

Getting Started Isn't Always Easy

To make your site look decent, you should familiarize yourself with the basic principles of landscape design of a country house:

  • Design suburban area should create a feeling of a single whole, harmonious object, competently combining color solutions and geometric shapes.
  • It is very good if the design direction will reflect a certain thematic style.
  • Also, you should not get too carried away by cluttering the site with all sorts of exotic vegetation. Keeping the principle of simplicity, you will be able to properly combine color scheme and prioritize correctly in shape and size.
  • It is very important to keep the proportions right. This means that you must take into account the parameters of your summer cottage, and based on this, determine how important this or that attribute is in your design. For example, if the parameters of your site are large enough, then you can decorate it with large sculptures or alpine slide or a body of water, etc.
  • The principle of a smooth gradual transition from low to higher forms, from narrow to wider, allows you to visually expand the area or vice versa smoothly complete.
  • The principle of color harmony. It is very important to consider the combination of tones. To do this, you need to know which colors are combined with each other. For example, there are cold warm colors, which can visually bring closer or further away, as well as neutral colors, we include white, gray and black.

So, if certain ideas have already appeared, we begin to plan.

You need to proceed from what territory of the suburban area is at your disposal. If it is quite small, then let the little that can be placed on it be in perfect condition.

Decide in advance what you want to see in your area

First of all, we create a site project

Proceed to the choice of boarding and building materials follows only after careful design and creation, figuratively speaking, of a layout or drawing of a given area. Competent design project is the key to your success!

We take into account:

  • location of the site and its natural relief;
  • area shape. Usually plots are rectangular or square, but triangular and other non-standard shapes also exist;
  • site soil;
  • the presence of a reservoir;
  • location relative to the cardinal points. For planting trees and shrubs, as well as for lighting planning, this is of great importance.

After the basic design requirements have been taken into account, we proceed to the next stage: we divide the site into zones. Usually, zones are functional and problematic.

functional area can be divided into a residential area, a recreation area, a garden and a vegetable garden, an economic zone, etc.

A house, a terrace, a garage, a kitchen (summer) or a barbecue area, a cellar (if necessary), a shower, a toilet, etc. can be located on the territory of the residential area.

In the recreation area, most often there is a gazebo or a tea house with comfortable seats, where you can relax from the hustle and bustle and prying eyes. This zone is usually located in a secluded place among trees and lush vegetation.

Fruit trees and small beds with fresh herbs will never spoil any, even the most “whimsical” dacha

The utility zone may include utility rooms for storing garden and other equipment and tools, as well as rooms for animals.

Problem area includes an uneven terrain, with large differences, in which it is impossible to place any premises, but thanks to witty resourcefulness and imagination, disadvantages can be turned into advantages.

Plot with slope

If there are hills or steep hills on the site, then the slopes are fixed, decorated with saxifrage, bryozoans, periwinkles, and steep slopes are smoothed out with stairs that are built directly into the earthen slope. The steps can go down to the rock garden, pond or to the house. deep hole, if appropriate, can be turned into a beautiful one, which you can decorate, for example, with broad-leaved forget-me-nots or plant a weeping willow.

drainage system

Do not forget! The impact of groundwater is the cause of subsidence or destruction of the landscape. To do this, a drainage system is created on the site.

No one likes to see the expenditure of effort, money and time go down the drain. To do this, an astute owner will definitely install a drainage system on his site so as not to redo all the work. The main functions of the drainage system are to collect and divert melt and rainwater from the site. The drainage installation can be either surface or underground.

Also, be sure to take into account when creating a landscape design project for a suburban area, the sewer system, water supply and connection of gas and electricity.

Borders must be!

Any territory, whether it be royal possessions or a small summer cottage, should have its own boundaries. How these borders will look is up to you.

After you have decided on the completion of work on the installation of communication systems and a drainage system, you need to choose the right one. There are plenty of all sorts of options. You can also stop at conditional fences as green spaces, but most often they use serious fences that perform both a protective function and a decorative one.

What material is suitable

Before proceeding to the construction of fences, carefully consider and weigh what material they will be made of. Based on the cost of the material, its durability, strength, functionality and aesthetic considerations, choose the most suitable.

Wooden fences

The most common fences for a summer cottage made of wood, the so-called. It is a plank of wood, with a thickness of 18 to 22 mm and a width of 7 to 14 cm. The height can be chosen at the discretion of the owners of the cottage. The picket fence is mounted on horizontal epaulettes, which are fixed on wooden, metal or concrete columns. If the fence is fixed at an angle, or in checkerboard pattern or "herringbone", you get a very beautiful openwork version.

Wooden fence

Also, a fence made of a block house or thin wicker boards will win hearts with its uniqueness. The fence made of unedged boards will surprise you with originality and beauty. Stuffing unedged boards with an overlap makes the fence very durable.

Please note! Well-treated wood can last more than 30 years, and untreated, ordinary wood - about 15 years.

metal fences

Metal fences, of course, are more expensive than wooden ones, but even in such cases you can find acceptable options for yourself.


Correctly positioned lighting, can advantageously emphasize the beauty of a summer cottage at night, when during the day you can not notice it. Lamps can be placed along the paths, they will fulfill their immediate purpose, illuminating the paths. You can also use built-in lights, placing them along the steps, on the edges of the steps, along the railing. You can also intricately decorate the columns of fences with built-in lamps, arrange them non-standardly around the perimeter of the gazebo and other rooms. To illuminate flowerbeds or shrubs, you can use ground mini spotlights. To make the backlight more fantasy, you can use filters on the glasses different color. If there is a reservoir or, be sure to install it there, reasonably providing for all the tricks and subtleties. If the area of ​​​​your site is large enough, then you can fantasize by placing glowing spheres of different colors and diameters on the lawn or install hidden lighting near the fountain and other landscape elements.

Lighting in the garden (video)

The lawn is an indispensable element of landscape design.

Before choosing the location of the lawn, you need to thoroughly consider the type of lawn plantings. Exist unpretentious varieties lawn that does not need to be constantly mowed and fed. This type of lawn can be suitable for both small areas and large areas. The most commonly used varieties are fescue, meadow grass and bentgrass. A garden lawn is grown for the recreation area. decorative corners the landscape of the house is decorated with an expensive English (parterre) lawn. For those who are too busy and do not want to bother with growing a lawn, there are ready-made rolled grass strips that are sold in nurseries directly from the turf.

The lawn serves not only decorative ornament area, it absorbs dust, moisturizes and purifies the air

Remember! Simple weed grass instead of a lawn, it will look very sloppy and can spoil the whole harmony of the landscape design of your site.

Your lawn, like any other piece of vegetation in your area, needs maintenance. Make sure that the grass does not grow beyond the allowable limits. Mow it only in dry weather conditions. Also water regularly, avoiding drying out.

Moving on to greenery

It's nice when fresh greens please the eyes and soul all year round. Therefore, it is important to decide on the so-called evergreen plantings. These include thuja, cypress, juniper, yew. You can use these plantings as a hedge, or if there are wide paths, then juniper or thuja will decorate any of them if they are located along. And an enterprising owner, skillfully wielding scissors, will give such plantations amazing shape. If there is already a spreading tree on the site, do not rush to uproot it. Think how interesting it can fit into the new landscape!

Trees in the country do not have to be fruit

Should know

  • The best planting time is early spring or autumn;
  • Peat, turf, sand must be added to the soil;
  • Seedlings are watered very carefully;
  • The distance between trees should be at least 1.5 m.
  • Young plants are fed with mineral fertilizers;
  • Young trees (less than 5 years old) are covered for the winter.

Exquisite decoration of flower beds and flower beds

Of course, a bright variety of amazing colors will decorate any landscape design of a country house and improve your mood! It is only important to arrange them in the correct sequence and composition.

Please note! Before planting plants, learn about each of their individual characteristics and compatibility with other plants, both in color and in other characteristics. As well as the frequency of flowering and the density of foliage.

Flower beds are not only fenced small areas land planted with flowers, round, oval or rectangular shape. Modern flowerbeds are amazing structures, with a variety of shapes and fillings.


Lovely flower stripes located along paths, fences or bordering the lawn are called. Plants for rabatok should be bright, low, harmoniously combined and represent a single composition, reminiscent of a velvet carpet.

Flower garden along the path - a variant of the discount


Flower beds are called in which they can be combined various plants, herbs, shrubs and even small trees. It is very difficult to care for a mixborder, because the plants are very dense and each plant has its own characteristics of care, nutrition, watering, weeding.

And, nevertheless, there are also requirements for the mixborder.

  1. The lines and shapes of the flower bed have a free direction.
  2. If there is only one viewpoint, then tall trees and plants are planted in the background to see the beauty of all plants, and if the flower garden can be viewed from different parties, then a tree or other tall plants are planted in the center.
  3. Plants can look impressive and contrasting, or they can be softly combined in one color scheme.


And a few more simple tips:

  • to avoid imbalance in the combination of colors, it is better to use no more than five;
  • you can also accent the site with a unique color that is not repeated anywhere;
  • combine warm shades with warm, and cold with cold - this is a universal rule;
  • use the technique of combining soft shades with bright ones;
  • find out in advance about the flowering period of plants, if you use perennials, then there will be no need to replant plants often.

Vertical gardening

Vertical flower beds

Delightful vertical flower beds have gained great popularity at the moment and can surprise even the most inveterate conservative with their unusual form, and, of course, content. With help vertical gardening you can very beautifully and effectively divide the space into the desired areas. Hide irregularities or flaws in the structure, or simply decorate the facade of the house with bizarre shapes or bright plantings. One of the simplest and most common ways of vertical gardening is with the use of containers, boxes and other containers located on a tripod or other vertical mount, with humus soil. They are usually placed medium-sized flowers with a bright color.

Multi-tiered containers can be in the form of a pyramid or a flower tower, in which the diameter of the containers does not decrease

To make the landscape design of the site look harmonious, complex structures of a certain shape are created, for example: arches, flat simple designs for, hedges, suspended structures, structures for vertical flower beds, etc. The material for creating these peculiar frames can also be varied: metal, wood, plastic.


Arches can serve as a kind of entrance or transition from one zone to another, as well as decorate front door into the room or decorate the entrance to the gazebo. It is better to decorate arches with climbing plants such as honeysuckle, ivy, clematis, climbing rose, etc. Using an arch, you can emphasize a certain place in landscape design, such as a fountain, pond, sculpture. Usually arches are made of light material, almost imperceptible, very skillfully veiled by vegetation.

Arch with climbing roses

Modern landscape design of a country house

A small pond and a cozy gazebo will decorate even the most modest design of a country house. It is important to correctly calculate and plan everything.

Your site can turn into a real paradise

If the area is enough for the most unpredictable fantasies, then you can equip an area for a comfortable stay, with a place where a barbecue and barbecue grill will be located, for enjoy your holiday and communication, as well as ornamental vegetation and a pond.

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