A Russian girl is dating a Korean guy. Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Korean Men

landscaping 31.03.2022

So, I continue to scribble. In general, over the past week I have met a fairly large number of local residents. Basically, they were male. Well, that's how it happened.

I usually don't like to generalize, so I won't claim now that the following points are true for all Koreans. But, based on my week's experience, I can highlight the top 7 main qualities of Korean men, which, in my opinion, distinguish them from the average European.

  1. Korean men do not disdain cosmetics at all. My Korean couchsurfer in Frankfurt, upon arrival, unloaded an unmeasured amount of different creams from his suitcase, and Yunsup, with whom we went to the royal palace here, after the palace took me to a cosmetics store to show "a face mask that is not sold in Europe, but very good Hydrates the skin and is a must try. In Korea, this is not a sign of non-traditional orientation - Koreans just watch their appearance.
  2. Korean men are very concerned about their style. On the streets, you rarely see Koreans in sexless North Face track jackets and other unisex clothing that is so popular in Europe. Koreans dress, as they say, modestly and tastefully. "Beauty requires sacrifice" is not only a women's slogan. Today we walked together with couchsurfer Jacob (this is his English name). In Korea, now I do not understand the fashion - to walk in unbuttoned jackets. It was very cold outside and a strong wind was blowing, Jacob came in a summer jacket and, even turning blue from the cold, flatly refused to fasten it, because "it is not stylish". Probably, pneumonia is also in vogue here.
  3. Korean men do not recognize emancipation. Family values ​​are still strong in Korea. As a rule, Korean men are looking for a wife who will cook well and take care of children. Korean men do not need a successful business woman.
  4. Korean men prefer to date and marry girls from Korea. If on the streets I often see how a Korean girl goes hand in hand with a man of European appearance, then I have not yet come across couples where a girl is from Europe and a young man from Korea. I believe it is also connected with the 4th paragraph.
  5. Korean men don't brag about their accomplishments. Not a single Korean I know has ever talked about how smart, successful he is, how he won first place in the Korean Olympiad in the third grade. No offense, but people from Europe and Russia often almost start their acquaintance with a story about their irresistibility. I think it has to do with collective values, which are very important in Korea, while European society is very individualistic.
  6. Korean men are very polite. In principle, women are also polite. Politeness is very important in Korean society. After all, there are 6 different grammatical ways of expressing politeness in the language. In Russian there are only two - "you" and "you". And in Korean - six! I would say that the men here are very gallant: they will always open the door, they will always help to carry the bag (I noticed that many men even take a women's bag here). Yes, the Russians do it too, but the Europeans have already "emancipated themselves".
  7. Korean men also get plastic surgery. It's no secret that plastic surgery is very popular in Korea. First of all, people do surgery on the eyes (make them bigger), on the nose (raise it higher) and on the chin (remove protrusions), because in Korea, even when applying for a job, appearance can play a decisive role.

1. The Republic of Korea or South Korea (hereinafter simply Korea) is a very safe country. A girl may not be afraid to walk alone in a sleeping area at night.

2. Cases of major crime, like murder, are considered unprecedented and are covered in local news for weeks.

3. The best time to visit Korea is spring, when the cherry blossoms are in bloom, and autumn, when the leaves on the trees turn yellow. In winter it is very cold and windy, in summer it is incredibly hot, humid and rainy.

4. The territory of the country is very small, so civilization has penetrated into all its corners. It is impossible to get lost in Korea, and there are no completely provincial villages here.

5. The most popular sport in Korea is baseball. Everyone plays it, from young to old, almost everyone has a baseball bat. Baseball games, especially big ones, are always sold out.

6. In second place in popularity is golf. It is played by middle-aged men. And when they reach old age, all Koreans go to the mountains.

7. Walking in the mountains is such a favorite pastime for Koreans. They can get up at 8 in the morning after a wild drink and still climb the mountain.

8. 90% of Koreans are nearsighted and have to wear glasses or contact lenses. Glasses have been put on since childhood, which involuntarily creates the impression that they are born with poor eyesight.

9. Absolutely all Koreans use Internet Explorer. They are unaware of other browsers, and moreover, most do not even know what a browser is. Korean sites, respectively, are made only under Explorer, in any other browser, not a single Korean site will work correctly.

1 0. Many Koreans, in order to open Google, first open naver.com (this is a Korean search engine and not only), type “Google” in Korean into the search, and then click on the link.

11. Koreans are very fond of coffee, and coffee shops are found at every turn. After lunch or dinner, a cup of coffee is a must.

12. Free Internet can always be found: in any institutions, cafes and even on buses.

13. Coffee chains, movie theater chains, supermarket chains, restaurant chains, bar chains, department store chains - if an institution does not have a clone somewhere in Korea, then it has not matured yet.

14. The domestic product in Korea is very supported, so many imported products such as toothpaste, chewing gum, pads, chips, etc. cannot be found.

15. Agriculture is one of the most important branches of the economy. Cabbage patches, turnip gardens and rice paddies can be found even in the city centre.

16. Dentist services are very expensive, so all Koreans carefully monitor dental hygiene. They brush their teeth after every meal and coffee, often carry a toothbrush with them in their bag, and in some establishments you can find free brushes right in the toilet.

17. Education plays perhaps the most important role in the life of any Korean. Koreans study from early morning until late at night, regardless of the day of the week, and use the holidays for additional courses or self-study.

1 8. There is no such thing as a vacation in Korea. There are several days, usually at the beginning of August, when many workers take the day off to rest or go abroad.

19. There are two major national holidays: the Lunar New Year and the autumn festival, when Korea is closed for three days. There is no more time for rest.

20. A teacher at a public educational institution can only be fired by the president himself. This profession is extremely respected and highly paid.

21. Overweight Koreans are very rare. Really fat - almost never.

22. Girls readily show off their legs, but never their cleavage.

23. Most Korean women have small breasts and a flat bottom, but very slender legs.

24. Therefore, plastic surgery is booming. A girl can inflate her breasts literally in one lunch break. After graduating from school and going to college, most girls fix their eyelids, noses, or something else as a gift.

25. Korean women take great care of their skin and hair and use an incredible amount of cosmetics and beauty products. Korean women don't go out without makeup.

26. Many people admit that Korean women are more beautiful than Japanese, Chinese and other Asian women. Even if their beauty is somewhat artificial.

27. With all the cleanliness of the streets in Korea, it is very difficult to find a trash can.

28. All Koreans sing well and therefore love karaoke very much.

29. Everyone has cell phones, even homeless people.

30. Any phone can be taken "on credit" for two years.

31. In Korea, the peak of shopping begins after 7-8 pm and in some areas continues until late at night.

32. Young people are not supposed to bring girls to their homes, so there are a lot of motels in Korea. So many.

33. Motels peacefully coexist with churches: they say, if you committed adultery, pray.

34. Every guy is required to complete military service, unless he is disabled.

35. There is a cult of food in Korea. Instead of "how are you?" Koreans ask “did you eat well?”, skipping a meal is considered almost a sin, and the verb “eat” can replace many other verbs, such as “drink alcohol”, “take medicine”, “breathe fresh air” and even “ grow up a year."

36. Koreans eat a lot and varied. Kimchi and other snacks are obligatory to the table. Dinner is rarely limited to just one dish, when you think you're already full, they bring more plates until you burst.

37. About any Korean dish, any Korean will tell you that it is incredibly healthy. Most often for some reason for men's health.

38. Koreans probably drink even more than Russians. They get drunk quickly, but they never get rowdy. Even a drunken Korean is not particularly dangerous.

39. Every Korean knows a hundred or two very noisy drinking games aimed at getting everyone drunk as soon as possible.

40. Koreans are very generous and responsive people. They will definitely want to pay for your lunch and will never refuse to help.

41. In Korea, it is customary to say hello to watchmen, bus drivers and cleaners, in general, to everyone. You show respect for the elder in age, and it doesn’t matter who he works for.

42. It's hard to believe, but according to one source, 25% of Korean women have experience in the intimate service industry: these are prostitutes, escorts and girls "for communication" in bars and karaoke.

43. Most married men cheat on their wives, and that's okay.

44. Most married Korean women do not work at all while raising children.

45. All older women look the same: the same short chemical hairdos, the same clothes, the same hats.

46. There are no stray dogs in Korea. Few people keep large dogs either, but it is very fashionable to have a small pocket dog, dye its coat in bright colors and dress it in funny clothes.

47. Contrary to popular stereotype, very few Koreans have tasted dog meat.

48. Foreigners in Korea are divided into two categories: exchange students and English teachers.

49. Koreans prefer to sit on the floor than sit on a chair or sofa.

50. Either the weather forecast is never wrong, or the Koreans always, always carry an umbrella in their bag, but it is impossible to catch a Korean by surprise by the rain.

51. In Korea, floods often occur due to heavy rains.

52. The wallet of any Korean is full of business cards and various accumulative and discount cards and coupons.

53. Koreans listen mostly to Korean music. Of Western performers, they listen to what is fashionable.

54. Korean music is mostly pop music, boy bands and girl bands, no different from each other.

55. For each song, each musical group has its own dance, which the fans know by heart.

56. There are no squares in Korea. There are only platforms in front of some buildings.

57. In many bars you can not only drink beer, you must definitely order snacks for beer. Koreans themselves cannot just drink beer, they definitely need something to chew on.

60. No one cares that a young beautiful girl advertises an alcoholic drink everywhere.

61. When meeting Koreans, the first thing they do is find out their age. This is important for further communication style. If the interlocutor is at least a year older, he should be addressed in a polite manner, be respectful and helpful.

62. Koreans are often faux pas when asking personal questions like "Do you have a boyfriend?" or “why aren’t you married?”

63. Young Koreans turn romantic relationships into just another drama they watch on TV.

64. In Korea, you can smoke almost everywhere. No-smoking signs are often simply ignored.

65. It is rare to see a girl with a cigarette on the street. There are few smoking girls in general and they only smoke in bars and clubs.

66. You can drink alcohol outside. Koreans often have impromptu booze picnics and barbeques in the most unlikely places.

67. Koreans often laugh for no reason, in response to any phrase and the most unfunny joke. They are especially happy when a foreigner speaks Korean.

68. There is a park in Korea filled with sculptures of male members.

69. In Korea, almost no one calls anyone by name and does not say “you” or “you”. There are many special words for address, for each case of kinship and relationship.

70. When a Korean calls someone to him, he holds his hand palm down, and not up, as in other countries.

It's true... But they're not exactly prettier... just more well-groomed. There are often not very handsome guys here, but at the same time, they are neatly and stylishly dressed, combed and even with makeup on their faces ... lip liner, tonic, and even mascara will not surprise anyone here.

I have already mentioned in your public that the younger generation of Koreans is taller and more toned. Later, I will write a separate article about this, but it was this “phenomenon” that caused the appearance of many idol-like, slender, well-groomed guys with the manners of true “drama gentlemen” in society.

But there is also the other side of the coin, read about it below ...

One day, I was drinking tea in a cozy, quiet coffee shop, and then a young beautiful couple walks in ... a girl walks up to the order counter, and a guy sits down at the table, takes out a smartphone and starts fixing his hair, pulling his lips and examining his beautiful face - in short, a typical Narcissist.

While they were sitting, the girl talked more, and the guy periodically nodded, agreed and laughed. Of course, you might think that this is an isolated case ... however, I was later explained that the girls here often invite guys on a date and pay all the bills themselves.

Another interesting incident happened on the subway when I was on my way to Myeongdong to eat delicious Korean street food, and then a young guy comes in, sits down and starts to make a marathon on his face. Without embarrassment, he took out a mirror, mascara and other cosmetic things ... and for several stops he “diligently” painted. Perhaps he is LGBT, but perhaps not, the Koreans do not care in this regard - as long as the law is not violated. By the way, there is a whole area popular with LGBT people, this is Itaewon - there are many gay clubs, but I will write about this separately.

I want to immediately notice that Korean women are very beautiful! Most of them also take very good care of their appearance! You can often meet a plump, but very attractive girl - fullness or thinness here is not an indicator of beauty, because even among celebrities there are many plump girls by nature, but they are popular with handsome guys.

By the way, many Korean women are similar to uljang - it's like a subculture meaning "the art of being beautiful." Therefore, Korean women already know how to use cosmetics from an early age.

However, as I said at the beginning - guys are really more well-groomed than girls. Here you can more often meet a girl in a baggy sweater, loose hair and no makeup than a guy dressed sloppily, not combed and without makeup.

By the way, in Korea, it is quite common to meet a handsome guy who is dating a pretty, but for example, chubby girl ... why this happens, I will also tell you, but in another article.

But this is my personal opinion based on personal observation. Although I have not been in Korea for a long time, I often walk and have already visited several cities in Korea.

Thank you for your attention, wait for my new publications!

😉 Greetings to new and regular visitors to this blog! Nowadays, many Russian girls dream of marrying a Korean. If you are interested in this topic, the information in this article and video will come in handy.

Not so long ago, Korean dramas with Russian voice acting appeared on the Internet, but they have already managed to win the sympathy of many viewers, in particular, girls. Lovely, slightly naive series about love differ significantly from domestic, and even more so, foreign films.

In them, the image of a romantic, a little shy and almost perfect guy looms before the audience.

As you may have guessed, we are talking about South Korean TV shows, and, accordingly, the article is dedicated to men from South Korea. North Korea is a very closed country, but its "sister" is now experiencing a time of economic prosperity. She is open to the world, so it will not be difficult for a Russian girl to marry a Korean.

The mentality of Korean men

Actors of Korean dramas are written beauties! But among ordinary guys, you can also often meet guys with an impeccable appearance. Modern Koreans, both women and men, pay a lot of attention to their face and figure.

Most of them use the services of plastic surgeons, are actively involved in sports. In Korea, there is now a fashion for a "doll" appearance, so if you met a guy with a specific, but a little unnatural beauty, then most likely he is from South Korea.

In addition, most Korean men consider it normal to use cosmetics, including decorative ones. Why not? This country has a high standard of living, and the vast majority of residents are city dwellers.

Well, now, in fact, about the mentality. Koreans are proud of their nation, they can't stand being compared to the Japanese or. Therefore, if you met a guy, don't try to say that they all look alike to you.

It is better to sit on the Internet for a while and study the differences in culture, character and even climate. Your friend will be pleased to hear that you understand this issue.

Of course, in real life, Korean guys are not as good as they are on screen. They, like our compatriots, like to hang out in bars, drink Korean vodka and tell sharp jokes. However, in communicating with the fair sex, they are really a little shy.

But if the acquaintance has already taken place and the Korean liked you, then get ready for the fact that you will spend all your free time together. Outwardly, the guy may shine with optimism, but, in fact, he is a closed book.

It is very difficult to understand what is going on in his soul. Don't try to read the whole novel ahead of time. The time will come, and the man will gradually open himself to you.

In Korea, it is considered bad manners to call your boyfriend (husband) by his first name, especially when he is older than the girl. There is a special treatment for this - "oppa". Once upon a time, Korean women used this to refer to older brothers, but in our time this word extends to boyfriends.

Korean men in relationships

Koreans love to go on dates. Usually meetings take place in cozy cafes. In general, there are a lot of places for recreation and entertainment in Korea. Locals also love holidays and significant dates. Couples in love necessarily celebrate the 100th day of the novel and give each other cute gifts.

Another interesting and slightly strange "custom" is to wear the same clothes. It can be, for example, denim suits and T-shirts. Shops in every possible way encourage such fashion and try to make good money on it.

Koreans subconsciously analyze a girl as a future wife. They want her to be like their mother. A man takes care of his beloved as a wife - feeds her, buys clothes and trinkets. Of course, everyone does this according to their financial capabilities.

However, Korean men tend to dominate relationships. Although they are somewhat soft and feminine, Koreans clearly see themselves as providers and protectors. Losing a job is a tragedy for them. A husband sitting on his wife's neck is from the fantasy section.

These guys like to text and call often. They expect attention and gratitude from girls. If your boyfriend buys you a T-shirt with hearts, then you should definitely wear it, even if you don't really like it.

Gifts and dinners for a woman in this country are taken for granted. True, on the streets of Seoul you can also meet such guys who are waiting for an intimate reward for their generosity. However, there are enough of them everywhere.

Korean family

Koreans are very respectful of their elders, especially their mother. A mother-in-law can be a real problem for a foreign wife. You should not show your emancipation and authority in front of her.

Be kind and modest, know how to be silent where you are not asked. Family values ​​are in the first place among Koreans. Marrying a Korean is not difficult for himself, because he is not afraid of marriage, but, on the contrary, strives for it. The main thing is to establish a relationship with his mother in advance.

Do Koreans cheat on their wives? Yes it is possible. However, for these men - a secondary phenomenon. Typical Koreans will always put the interests of the family ahead of intrigues on the side. It is in vain to expect Latin American love from them. Even in intimate relationships, they are reserved and conservative.

Getting married early and having kids is normal for a Korean. If your new friend is over 35 and not yet married, this is a reason to suspect that something is wrong with him. Inveterate Korean bachelors are either callous manipulators or losers.

True, there is another type - actors, singers, models ... But this can take a longer walk.

The main rule for a Russian bride is that her husband's relatives are sacred, the house is his fortress. A Korean needs a hostess and assistant, not a flirt. His job is to provide for his family. Not all Korean husbands help their wives around the house; many of them do not even get praise for everyday work.

But this is because the Korean considers it the norm. Even if you go to work, your husband's shirts should still be ironed, and the house should shine with cleanliness. In marriage, Korean men are not used to talking about love a lot, they just prove it with their actions.


This collection of videos contains a lot of interesting things about how a Russian girl managed to successfully marry a Korean. Here are her revelations and stories about family life.

Marry a Korean → not a bad option!

Dear ladies, leave your additions and tips in the comments.

The relationship between boys and girls is always a topic that cannot be said unambiguously. Some people get lucky, and some people get lucky next time. I can't say that international couples in Seoul are something very common. Rather, it is the exception rather than the rule. Sometimes you can still see a Korean woman with a foreigner, but a Korean with a foreigner (not just after the club, but right by the handles and to look at the stars) is not a very common type of relationship.

Let me remind you that everything written is my personal experience, which was collected either from my own impressions or from their stories of friends and acquaintances who also live in Korea. It is not 100% true and it is not necessary that if you decide to come to Korea, then everything will be exactly like that, it is just what you need to be prepared for.

So, foreigners for Koreans are different. The first criterion is appearance. It can be either European or Asian. Farther - knowledge of the language. You can know the Korean language or not, and the inability to conduct a dialogue at the level of an almost native speaker is equated to ignorance, because "you are in Korea." The attitude towards different types of foreigners is built accordingly. If a Korean thinks that a girl is not a foreigner, but a Korean, then he will behave accordingly. Humble, respectful. And with a foreigner, such behavior is desirable, but not necessary. And of course, without long conversations, a guy in any country is unlikely to sincerely love the soul, which means you should not expect something like that from Koreans if you speak Korean poorly.

Another point I mentioned "golden antelope". If a foreigner is invited to eat together, Korean hospitality may or may not work. Who pays at the first meeting? Korean women unanimously answer: “Boyfriend.” The Korean guy in the case of the foreigner is already starting to think. Perhaps he will pay, but ... "I will pay here, and you will pay in the next place (which will cost many times more)" or "you are in Korea, but we have a democracy, and the girls pay for dinner." Sometimes you really want to explain the meaning of the word "democracy". Somehow we discussed this issue with foreign friends, and girls of Asian appearance are less likely to encounter such “pay” from Koreans at the first meeting, while Europeans are rich ...

A little more about Korean rules. Korean guy will teach a foreigner. “That's the way we do it. We go straight to the motel. Our girls do not refuse boys. We have a girl who pays. We only have to eat Korean food (it's just cheaper than European food). We need to drink a lot (it's true, okay). Our girl should be the first to write and invite to meetings. Our girl should come at night to the other end of the city if the guy called. You're in Korea, so live like a Korean." You don't have to conform to anyone. If you are in Korea, then this does not make you a Korean. Korean women don't do any of the above. And Korean women are like us when it comes to building serious relationships. No need to try to please someone and "short". Otherwise, all the dissatisfaction will continue and then with the words: “Well, you’re not a Korean ...” You need to carry your nationality proudly! There will definitely be someone who will not “accuse” you of foreignness at every step. It's normal not to be born in Korea. Nearly seven billion people have done just that.

Now further. The guys themselves. They are also different: young (students) and adults (working). There are also old ones, but I don't know anything about them. So students. Most likely, they want to raise their self-esteem and brag to their friends. Dating a foreigner is quite prestigious for a Korean. Friends will be jealous, that's for sure. But you need to understand that even for the Koreans themselves, student relations are student relations and nothing more. Every semester, the guy or girl in such a relationship can change. Now adults, working Koreans. Here's how lucky. Someone just wants to "divorce" a foreigner for food (that is, she will pay) or for something more. Look very carefully. But there are also adequate people who are looking for a serious relationship, but with a foreigner. Some really do not want to "bother" with a Korean woman, because many Korean women themselves do not want all "marry", "children", "weddings". That's when Koreans are older and pay attention to foreigners. But there is another option - when Korean women do not need "such kindness". Here already it is necessary to think ten times.

I am not saying that all Koreans are just like that and their attitude towards foreign women leaves much to be desired. Of course, there are those for whom the question of nationality will be in last place. But for this it is better to know a common language in order to understand each other. Plus, you need to consider your location. If you are in Korea, then the golden rule will work for Koreans: “Since you are in Korea, then live by our rules.” There is no need to trust the Koreans, because this, in any case, is another, albeit a safe country. Koreans know how to take care of girls, act very nice, but because of the different cultural background, it’s true that it’s difficult for foreigners to understand when it’s for real and when it’s just for fun. Of course, in Korea, everyone will diligently prove that they are so tolerant (but they will say something about democracy again) and, they say, respect the interests of everyone, but just try to hint that you don’t eat kimchi every day ... :)


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