What are the best pills to stimulate ovulation. What drugs stimulate ovulation

Engineering systems 25.03.2022
Engineering systems

To conceive a child, the maturation of the follicle in the ovary is necessary. If this process is disturbed, doctors use various types of medications. Properly selected drugs to stimulate ovulation allow a long-awaited pregnancy to occur.

Features of drug stimulation

And so drugs stimulating ovulation, usually allows you to get the desired result in 3-5 months. The doctor prescribes medicines, adjusts dosages and determines the interaction with other medicines, makes adjustments to the usual lifestyle and nutrition.

All funds are prescribed on an individual basis and depending on the identified pathology, the state of health of the woman, age, individual intolerance. The treatment regimen is drawn up after a series of mandatory examinations: blood test, smear, ultrasound.

Self-medication in the absence of ovulation is prohibited. Taking medications can cause side effects and cause dangerous consequences. With an incorrectly selected dosage, pregnancy will not occur, the clinical picture will only worsen.

Drugs with FSH and LH

Under the influence of follicle-stimulating hormone, the structural components of the ovary grow, in which the egg matures. The action of drugs with FG and LH is aimed precisely at stimulating the growth of follicles.


Initially, the remedy was intended to prevent pregnancy. It turned out that as a result of taking, the maturation of several follicles occurs. This drug is prescribed for 5-9 days of the menstrual cycle. Tablets drink 1 piece per day.

It is forbidden to take Clostilbegit with an endometrial thickness of less than 80 mm, since its long-term use provokes depletion of ovarian tissues. Many couples speak well of this drug, note its inexpensive cost.


The drug has antiestrogenic properties and increases the amount of follicle-stimulating hormone. Due to this, ovulation is stimulated and the egg is successfully fertilized. Letrozole is especially effective for women in old age and with polycystic ovaries.

Take tablets of 2.5 mg per day, starting from the third day of the cycle. The course of therapy for the drug is very long, it ranges from 4 to 5 years. The drug is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the components. As side effects are problems in the work of the nervous, hematopoietic, digestive and respiratory systems: cough, stomatitis, nausea, diarrhea, insomnia, thrombosis, etc.


This drug is prescribed for polycystic ovaries, the absence of ovulation, and in cases where pregnancy does not occur for unknown reasons. Its action is based on an increase in the amount of luteinizing hormone, which allows you to activate the functions of the sex glands.

Single therapy is 5 days. To start stable ovulation, 1-2 cycles of treatment are needed, in severe cases - 12 cycles. Clomiphene has a number of side effects, including flatulence, pain in the lower abdomen, allergies, weight gain, drowsiness.

When hormonal therapy is completed and ovulation stimulation is successful, one or more follicles grow and mature. Next, the patient is injected with agents that contribute to the release of a mature egg. It can be Gonal-F, Letrozole, Didrogetserone, Pregnil, Profazi.

Products with progesterone

These drugs fix the result obtained after the therapy. They restore the normal menstrual cycle, favor successful conception. A large dose of progesterone inhibits ovulation, so it is important that the prescription is written by the attending physician. You cannot prescribe such funds yourself.


The tool is used to treat infertility in case of ovarian failure, with the threat of abortion. Synthetic dydrogesterone is popular due to the minimal number of side effects.

Take it 10-20 mg 2 times a day. The course of therapy is at least 18 days in the second phase of the menstrual cycle. After 21 days, ultrasound diagnostics should be performed. Duphaston is contraindicated in case of severe liver disease and individual intolerance.


The agent of micronized natural progesterone is produced in capsules and is prescribed for violations of ovulation, luteal insufficiency, and mastopathy.

Take Utrozhestan 1 capsule 2 times a day in the 2nd half of the cycle a few hours after meals or on an empty stomach. As side effects are headache, bloating, violation of the cycle. It is contraindicated in thrombosis, hepatitis, suspected cancer of the genital organs.

Vitamin preparations

The use of vitamin complexes helps to stimulate ovulation. Useful substances are simply necessary for all women who want to conceive and give birth to a child. Any gynecologist will say that drug stimulation of ovulation is not complete without taking vitamins, including:

  • retinol;
  • niacin;
  • nicotinamide;
  • vitamin C;
  • ergocalciferol;
  • tocopherol;
  • folic acid.

They must be drunk as part of complex therapy. A popular drug is Time Factor, which contains many natural extracts and biologically active substances. It contributes to the normalization of various phases of the cycle, participates in the biosynthesis of hormones, enhances the sensitivity of the endometrium to progesterone.

It is important to treat the lack of ovulation, even if the girl is not planning a pregnancy. After all, this condition is associated with pathogenic factors that cause serious complications, including hyperstimulation or rupture of the ovaries.

How is the process of ovulation stimulation going?

Why and how is ovulation stimulation performed?

A large number of pathologies - chromosomal, endocrinological, gynecological and others - are accompanied by a lack of ovulation. As a result, a woman who may otherwise be completely healthy is unable to conceive. Stimulation of ovulation helps to solve the problem, which consists in the introduction of a certain hormonal drug, the dose and method of administration of which is carried out by the doctor.

The essence of the method

Ovulation stimulation is a method used to treat female infertility caused by ovulation disorders. It is based on the effect on the ovaries of a woman by analogues of those hormones that are normally produced in the female body. Their antagonists may also be used. The effectiveness of the stimulation method is 60-75%.

The purpose of the use of hormones is to artificially stimulate the maturation of eggs, if it is found that they are formed in the ovaries, their structure is not disturbed, only they do not fully mature. If the structure of the developing egg is disturbed, stimulation is not used.

The fact how effective the method will be in a given case will depend on:

  • reasons for the lack of ovulation;
  • woman's age;
  • type of drug;
  • the presence of other factors in her or her spouse that support infertility.

Indications for the procedure

Stimulation of ovulation is carried out in such cases:

  1. Hormonal dysfunction that cannot be cured in any other way.
  2. Inability to become pregnant within a year of regular sexual activity, in the absence of identified pathology in a woman and a man.
  3. As preparation for artificial insemination methods - IVF and ICSI.
  4. Low or, conversely, a high body mass index of a woman.
  5. Polycystic ovaries.

What tests need to be done?

Preparation for stimulation

Before prescribing drugs, both spouses should be carefully examined. They donate blood to determine:

  • antibodies to HIV;
  • Treponema pallidum antigens (RW);
  • markers of hepatitis B and C;
  • crops from the genital tract in order to detect: trichomoniasis, candidiasis (thrush), PCR examination of smears for the genome of mycoplasma, gardnerella, ureaplasma.

Separately, a woman passes:

  • smears from the cervical canal and vagina for purity and atypical cells;
  • Ultrasound of the small pelvis;
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands;
  • determination of antibodies to the TORCH-complex of microbes (rubella, toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus, chlamydia);
  • examination by a therapist, ECG and other tests for the presence of common diseases that may be a contraindication to carrying a pregnancy;
  • determination of the patency of the fallopian tubes using one of these methods: laparoscopy, X-ray examination of the uterus and tubes with contrast, ultrasound with contrast;
  • blood levels of female sex hormones, prolactin, thyroid hormones, testosterone are determined several times; when their level changes, a correction is carried out;
  • folliculometry is performed, which, to start ovulation stimulation, should show one of the following results:
  1. no development of follicles in the ovaries;
  2. the follicle develops, stopping in growth, not reaching the desired size, there is no ovulation;
  3. the dominant follicle develops, stops, not reaching the required size, there is no ovulation;
  4. the dominant follicle grows to the desired size, but does not break, that is, ovulation does not occur.

Before stimulating ovulation, a man submits for analysis the sperm obtained after the absence of coitus for 3-5 days.

Assessment of ovarian reserve

After both spouses are examined, and the doctor concludes that nothing should prevent conception, and they do not suffer from such diseases in which there is a chance of having a sick child, the ovarian reserve is determined. This term refers to the estimated response of a woman's ovaries in response to ovulation stimulation: whether the procedure will cause the maturation of several eggs, or not. With the help of an assessment of the ovarian reserve, it is determined:

  • does ovulation stimulation itself make sense;
  • what should be the intensity of the procedure;
  • the choice of the optimal stimulation protocol is made;
  • preparations and their doses for this woman are selected.

This test is especially important for women over 35 and those who suffer from unexplained infertility.

How is ovarian reserve tested?

The doctor chooses one of the following methods for determining this indicator:

  1. On the 2-3 day of the cycle, the level of such hormones in the blood is determined: follicle-stimulating (FSH), luteinizing (LH), estradiol. An increase in their concentration above normal during this period indicates that the response to stimulation will be poor.
  2. After determining FSH on the 3rd day of the cycle, from 5 to 9 days, the woman is prescribed "Klostilbegit" at a dose of 100 mg per day. On day 10, blood is again given to the FSH level: its significant increase indicates that the ovaries are not ready for stimulation.
  3. A test with stimulation with drugs that act in the same way as the substance produced in the hypothalamus - gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). At the same time, the level of estradiol in the blood is determined in a woman, then she receives an injection with a test dose of this drug, after which the same hormonal metabolite is again determined. The fact that a good response to stimulation is predicted is indicated by an increase in the concentration of estradiol.


Procedure procedure

The stimulation of ovulation itself consists in taking hormonal drugs, which are selected individually and prescribed according to a special scheme (it is called a protocol). Hospitalization of the patient is usually not carried out. The effectiveness of the procedure is monitored according to ultrasonic folliculometry.

Preparations for stimulation

There are several main groups of hormonal drugs that stimulate ovulation.

Clomiphene (clostilbegit, clomid)

This is a drug whose action is to stimulate the production of gonadotropic hormones. It specifically binds to the receptors of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, triggering the synthesis of sex hormones in these glands; in large doses inhibits their secretion. Has an antiestrogenic effect; does not stimulate the production of male sex hormones and progestogens. Can be used for dysfunctional uterine bleeding.

It should not be prescribed more than 5-6 times in a lifetime, as it leads to premature exhaustion of the ovaries, that is, early menopause. Clomiphene is also not used for problems with endometrial growth. The drug is contraindicated in inflammatory processes of the reproductive female organs, with renal and hepatic insufficiency, pituitary insufficiency. It can also not be used in the case when ovarian failure is accompanied by increased secretion of prolactin.

Clomiphene citrate is prescribed, usually from 5 to 9 days of the cycle. Its dose depends on what structure of the ovaries the doctor saw on the ultrasound:

  • with polycystic or multicystic ovaries, the daily dose is 50 mg;
  • with a normal structure, 50-100 mg per day can be used;
  • if the ultrasound describes the ovaries as "exhausted", estrogen stimulation is first needed, then Clomiphene 100 mg / day is used.

"Klostilbegit" is not prescribed by itself. Its application is included in the following protocol:

  1. the above dose is applied until, according to ultrasound, the follicle reaches a size of 18-25 mm;
  2. stop the introduction of "Clomiphene", enter chorionic gonadotropin in the form of an injection, which should cause the release of the egg;
  3. throughout the second phase of the cycle, the woman takes progesterone preparations ("Progestogel"; "Utrozhestan");
  4. from 5 to 21 days, estrogen preparations are prescribed ("Divigel", "Estrogel", "Proginova").

Menopausal gonadotropin

It is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland. It is obtained from the urine of women during menopause; contains FSH and LH in approximately equal amounts. Its task is to regulate the phases of the cycle in a non-pregnant woman. It stimulates the growth and development of follicles, increases the level of estrogen in the blood. Under its action, the proliferation of the endometrium occurs. To stimulate the release of the egg 1-2 days before the end of the introduction of "Menopur" ("Pergonal", "Humegon"), a preparation of chorionic gonadotropin is used.

The effectiveness of the drug is judged on the basis of ultrasound of the ovaries, as well as the level of estrogen in the blood. The dose is selected individually: start with 75 mg / day, gradually increasing it until the level of estrogen in the blood increases or the follicle begins to mature. After that, the dose is left unchanged.

The drug "Menopur" is used:

  1. in the event that the stimulation with "Klostilbegit" is ineffective;
  2. if there is no ovulation due to hypothalamic-pituitary disorders;
  3. if ovulation is stimulated in the complex of assisted reproductive technologies.

The drug is contraindicated in:

  • anomalies in the development of the reproductive organs;
  • unclear bleeding from the uterus;
  • tumor diseases of the reproductive system;
  • tumors of the pituitary or hypothalamus;
  • tumors that produce male sex hormones;
  • hypersensitivity to the drug.

Recombinant follicle stimulating hormone

This is a hormone synthesized using genetic engineering technologies, similar in action to natural FSH. Commercial names - "Gonal-F", "Puregon".

The drug is effective for those women who have a suppressed secretion of their own gonadotropic hormones, has a more powerful effect compared to urinary gonadotropins. It applies:

  • with polycystic ovary syndrome, when Clomiphene therapy was not effective;
  • if FSH and LH are significantly reduced in the blood;
  • as hyperstimulation in assisted reproductive technologies.

Contraindications to Gonal are the same as to Menopur.

Chorionic gonadotropin

This is an analogue of the "pregnancy hormone" produced only during this period. It is necessary for the maturation of eggs, ensuring adequate ovulation. It is used in the scheme with Menopur, Gonal or Clomiphene.

If Horagon (Pregnyl, Profazi) is used in conjunction with Menopur or Clomiphene, a side effect of this drug may develop - ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. They may even break.

Gonadotropin-releasing factor agonists

The action of these drugs is aimed at suppressing a sharp increase in the level of luteinizing hormone, which normally causes ovulation. As a result, the follicles mature better. The drugs "Diferelin", "Leuprorelin", "Buserelin" are used in the IVF program, together with one of the above drugs.

These drugs are used both in the form of ultrashort courses and for a long time. At the beginning of treatment, the level of luteinizing hormone rises for a short time, there is a lack of estrogens.

Taking GnRH agonists causes a large number of side effects:

  • dryness in the vagina;
  • sweating;
  • headache;
  • mood swings, especially depression;
  • tides.

Gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonists

They immediately suppress the production of sex hormones (especially LH) by the pituitary and hypothalamus without any initial increase. Stimulation of ovulation in the case of the use of these hormones is less prolonged: either a single or three times their administration is used.

These drugs, in combination with Gonal-F, allow follicles to grow faster than in other situations; while the dose of "Gonal" can be reduced. In addition, fewer follicles are stimulated and the resulting embryos are of higher quality. The drugs are used in IVF programs.

How is stimulation done?

Stimulation of ovulation is carried out according to one of the developed protocols, that is, according to a regulated method that describes the dose, method and duration of administration of each of the drugs included in the standard. The stimulation protocol is selected taking into account:

  1. results of an assessment of the ovarian reserve;
  2. woman's weight
  3. the results of previous procedures that stimulate ovulation.

Contraindications for ovulation stimulation

General contraindications for stimulation

Ovulation stimulation is not carried out with:

  • pathological processes that will prevent conception and / or the normal course of pregnancy: tumor diseases of the female reproductive organs, extensive adhesions in the fallopian tubes;
  • lack of effect during the stimulation procedure, carried out before 6 or more times.

A relative contraindication is age over 35 years. This is due to the fact that in this case, the chances of having a sick child are significantly increased.

Possible complications of stimulation

Almost all drugs to stimulate ovulation can lead to the development of hyperstimulated ovary syndrome, which begins to manifest itself after the introduction of chorionic gonadotropin drugs. This manifests itself:

  • the appearance of large ovarian cysts;
  • accumulation of fluid in the abdominal, pleural cavities;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • decrease in the level of daily urine;
  • blockage of blood vessels.

A side effect of ovulation stimulation can also be allergic reactions and multiple pregnancies.

Thus, one of the basic drugs (“Menopur”, “Gonal” or “Klostilbegit”) is used to stimulate ovulation, the choice is made by the doctor based on the woman’s hormonal background, age, and ovarian reserve. Additionally, gonadotropin-releasing agonists or antagonists are prescribed (the latter are considered more effective). Additionally, drugs containing progesterone or estrogen may be used. A few days after the use of these drugs, chorionic gonadotropin is administered once, after which either IVF is performed, or the woman is recommended to start sexual intercourse.

Nothing pleases a woman if she wants to get pregnant, but nothing comes of it. Such a problem becomes a family tragedy. The woman becomes irritated, constantly thinks that she wants to give birth to a baby, dreams of how she will take care of him and which stroller is better to buy. But these dreams cannot bring pleasure while a woman gnaws at herself with only one thought - how to get pregnant. Physical disability often causes scandals in the family, and sometimes leads to divorce. Currently, the topic of infertility has become very relevant and leading among the problems of spouses. Stimulation of ovulation every year helps hundreds, if not thousands of women become mothers and give birth to a child. Today we will talk in more detail about who needs stimulation, how it is done, what drugs will help stimulate the maturation of the egg, and in which cases the procedure is contraindicated.

Often among the conversations of gynecologists you can hear such a term as "activation", this is the stimulation of ovulation. This technique has long been practiced in medicine and is considered one of the most successful methods of combating female infertility. After treatment or "activation" of the organs of the female reproductive system, in 70 cases out of 100, a long-awaited pregnancy occurs. This method of infertility treatment is not suitable for every patient. This method will be ideal for those women in whom healthy eggs are formed in the ovaries, but the ripening stage does not occur. In addition, in addition to treating infertility, ovulation activation is a good way to treat polycystic disease.

It turns out that most often resort to this procedure only those women who cannot conceive a child within 12 months naturally without the use of contraception, which goes without saying. Also, stimulation of egg maturation is also carried out for couples aged 35 years and older. In this case, it is only 6 months to wait for acceptable terms for the indication of the procedure.

The exception is a small percentage of women with a complete absence of ovulation, then stimulation is prohibited. The risk group also includes women with complete obstruction of the fallopian tubes, because as a result of stimulation, pregnancy may occur, but the fetal egg will attach not to the wall of the uterus, but to the tube - that is, an ectopic pregnancy will occur.

Reasons for not ovulating

Due to various circumstances, eggs do not ripen in the female body.

Lack of ovulation can be caused by such factors:

  • hormonal imbalance (for example, long-term use of contraceptives). It takes time for the body to be able to restore its functions. Sometimes it takes months;
  • physical activity, passion for sports;
  • illness;
  • light weight (less than 50 kg);
  • gynecological diseases.

Who needs stimulation

As mentioned earlier, if a woman does not ovulate or it occurs very rarely, then after examination and permission from the doctor, “activation” can be performed. The ovulation stimulation scheme is developed by the attending physician, taking into account the patient's state of health and age.

For medical reasons, stimulation is allowed if a married couple with unprotected sex (regular 2-3 times a week) cannot conceive a child for a year. For couples over the age of 35, stimulation is allowed after a 6-month "check", that is, unprotected sexual regular life for six months.

In case of male infertility, stimulation is not carried out, therefore, at the time of a woman’s visit to a gynecologist, it is necessary to conduct a complete examination of both spouses.

It is important that with obstruction of the fallopian tubes, the situation can be resolved in a positive way if the woman has undergone a laparoscopy procedure.

Due to a number of specific indications, stimulation of egg maturation is not carried out:

  • with inflammation of the ovaries;
  • inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs (problems with the functioning of the kidneys, intestines, gynecological diseases);
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • the onset of menopause.

In any case, the stimulation of ovulation should be allowed only by the attending physician and only after a thorough examination, from taking a blood test to an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs and mammary glands. In addition, it is necessary to identify the patency of the fallopian tubes, to determine the level of hormones in the blood. It is also important to take into account the age of the patient and the presence of a "women's history" - the number of abortions, miscarriages, curettage, bleeding, inflammation and wearing an intrauterine device. Immediately before stimulation, it is important to take tests in order to prescribe the appropriate pills to stimulate ovulation during treatment.

Stimulation of ovulation with folk remedies

There are 2 options for “activating” the launch of eggs:

  1. folk methods.
  2. Taking medication.

Let's consider both options. So, let's start with the fact that many couples make a mutual decision to start stimulation in a soft or natural way, that is, to be treated with folk remedies and not resort to taking medications. On the one hand, this is good. It doesn’t matter what the woman’s age is, only one thing is important - the load on the body will not be so significant.

Herbs for ovulation

Stimulation of egg maturation is performed using natural medicinal tinctures and herbal decoctions. The list of medicinal plants is as follows: sage, red brush and upland uterus. Phytopreparations are sold in any pharmacy, the cost is low, so the treatment will be available to everyone.

How to speed up ovulation:

  1. Sage. It contains a lot of estrogen. It is necessary to take sage according to all the rules so as not to harm the body. We make a decoction like this: take 1 tbsp. pharmaceutical dry grass, pour 250 ml of boiling water, close the lid and leave for half an hour. Then we filter the medicinal tincture and take it according to the following scheme: 10 days for ¼ cup 1 time per day, start taking it from the 1st phase of the cycle on the 5th, maximum 7th day, drink 3 months in a row. You can enhance the effect and add dry linden to the sage. Raw materials are taken in equal proportions. The decoction accelerates the maturation of the egg and the growth of the endometrium (favorable conditions for conception). Attention! It is forbidden to take sage for polycystic.
  2. From the 2nd half of the cycle, you can start taking the boron uterus. The herb contains the main hormone progesterone, which is essential in early pregnancy. During fertilization, the egg may die if the body does not have enough of this hormone. A decoction is prepared in the same way, 1 tbsp is taken. in a day.
  3. The grass of the upland uterus goes well with the red brush, it successfully treats female diseases.

There are other popular methods of ovulation stimulation. For example, a romantic method of treatment is to drink tea from rose petals. The petals contain a large amount of vitamin E, which has a positive effect on the female body.

You can also combine the intake of medicinal herbs with aloe juice, a popular drug for thousands of diseases "Mumiye" and even eating ordinary quince. The list will continue with a decoction of plantain, rosemary, elderberry flowers. When ovulation has taken place, the medication is continued.

Mud for stimulation

Along with taking herbal decoctions, you can try such a treatment method as the use of therapeutic mud. Doctors recommend that a woman go to the popular resort of Saki, which has many sanatoriums specializing specifically in the treatment of women's diseases.

Treatment scheme: warm mud, as an independent component or in combination with kelp, is smeared on the abdomen for 20 minutes, then washed off with water. This treatment is used every other day until ovulation occurs. To improve the effect, tampons with mud are inserted into the vagina for 20 minutes.

It is prohibited to stimulate ovulation in case of polycystosis, neoplasms of any nature and endometriosis.

Acupuncture for stimulation

Have you found a professional? Great, then, take a course of acupuncture. Only before you lie down on the couch and trust the specialist, it is necessary to clearly explain the purpose of the treatment. With the help of acupuncture, it is possible to influence the dormant parts of the body and thus “reach out” and start the work of the organs, having achieved the stabilization of the cycle.

Treatment with folk methods gives a certain result, but contraindications should also be taken into account. If the side effect of taking medications is known to doctors, then fundamentally no one has studied herbal preparations.

Taking vitamins for ovulation

If you are preparing to become a mother, then you need to think about ensuring that the woman receives all the necessary nutrients, especially during the preparation stage. To help cope with the lack of vitamins and minerals will help the use of vitamin and mineral complexes.

What you should pay attention to and consider in order to stimulate ovulation and get closer to your cherished goal:

  1. First, do not forget about the most important vitamin for a woman - folic acid. Its deficiency can be dangerous for the normal development of pregnancy in the early stages.
  2. The second is potassium iodide. All a woman needs to do is eat iodized salt. That is, it is desirable to replace ordinary salt with iodized salt.

At a consultation with a gynecologist, spouses can also hear such information that it is impossible to effectively stimulate ovulation without taking vitamins. These include vitamins C, E, A and B. Do not forget that just taking vitamins will not be enough, you need an integrated approach to solving the problem.

Stimulation of ovulation during IVF

When it is impossible to conceive a child naturally, a modern and effective method of artificial insemination - IVF - comes to the rescue. It is allowed to resort to this method if the woman has no fallopian tubes or if the man does not have sperm in the seminal fluid, or there are very few of them and their mobility is reduced.

On the 19-23rd day of the cycle, a woman is given a special drug that will prepare the body for the maturation of eggs. Then, under constant ultrasound monitoring, changes in the follicles are monitored, after which, at a convenient moment, doctors take a puncture and "take" the egg for fertilization in a test tube. If everything went well, then the embryo "moves" back into the female body. After 2 weeks, a woman can take the first pregnancy test.

What are the risks of ovarian stimulation during IVF:

  • the appearance of allergies;
  • restimulation of the ovaries;
  • attachment of a fertilized egg outside the uterus.

Ovulation inducing drugs

  1. Taking an oral drug.
  2. Introduction of injections.

Stimulation of ovulation with Clostilbegit

Clostilbegit is an effective drug that quickly helps to get pregnant. According to the reviews of couples who have chosen this option to stimulate ovulation, we can conclude that the pills really help to get pregnant. The drug has a simple scheme of application and inexpensive cost.

Clostilbegyt is currently used to stimulate ovulation, but its mechanism of action has not been fully understood. Interestingly, initially these pills were intended to obtain a different effect - a contraceptive, but the result after use turned out to be the opposite. As a result of taking this drug, the simultaneous maturation of several follicles can occur, which leads to multiple pregnancies.

After a series of mandatory examinations (ultrasound, tests, smears), the doctor draws up an individual regimen for taking the drug, taking into account the woman's age and other factors. The classic intake of a stimulant drug is as follows: taking clostibegit should be started from the 5th day of the cycle for the 9th, 1 tablet per day. In addition, your doctor may prescribe Puregon. Then the scheme is slightly different: the 1st drug is prescribed starting from the 3rd to the 7th day of the cycle, and then the 2nd drug. While taking stimulant drugs, it is necessary to do several ultrasounds to track the maturation of the follicle. Having reached the size of 18 mm, the previous drugs are canceled and Pregnyl is prescribed, which helps the eggs to mature. Already at the 24-36th hour after taking the drug, ovulation occurs. By constant monitoring using ultrasound, the doctor will prescribe a favorable time for conception.

Important. According to the instructions, ovulation-stimulating drugs should not be taken more than 5, maximum 6 times in a lifetime. Otherwise, ovarian exhaustion may develop, as a result, pregnancy may never occur, since all the eggs will be used up.

Often women are interested in when they can expect pregnancy. According to statistics, only 10% of couples get pregnant the first time.

By the way, if a man has an insufficient number of active spermatozoa in seminal fluid, then Clostilbegit will help solve this problem.

Stimulation of ovulation by Gonal

The official name of the powerful ovulation stimulator is Gonal-F. In the pharmacy, it is released only by prescription.

In what cases is a strong hormonal agent prescribed:

  1. Lack of ovulation.
  2. Small cysts on the ovaries.
  3. anovulatory infertility.
  4. When there is no effect from the use of other ovulation-stimulating drugs.
  5. Hormonal insufficiency.
  6. Pregnancy planning using the IVF method.

Gonal is available in powder ampoules. It is diluted with water for injection right before administration. You can use ready-made special pens with a diluted solution. The concentration of Gonal may be different.

What are the advantages of a syringe pen:

  • 3 dosages - 22, 33 and 66 mcg;
  • the solution does not need to be prepared before each injection;
  • it is not necessary to regulate the single amount of the introduction of the active component;
  • versatility and painlessness. The patient can inject herself.

There is only one disadvantage of Gonal - the high cost.

On the handle with the medicine is a dispenser with a scale. A woman must strictly adhere to the doctor's recommendations and administer a single dose of the drug. This is easily done by adjusting the position of the syringe.

Powder vials are available in 2 dosages along with syringes (5.5 and 11 mcg). The powder is diluted with saline immediately before the administration of the drug. The doctor must clearly calculate the amount of powder and water.

How to administer Gonal:

  1. Subcutaneous injections involve careful preparation, that is, you need to wash your hands with soap, treat them with an antiseptic or alcohol.
  2. Remove the protective caps from the syringe pen, set the dose and connect the needle. Dilute the bottle with the powder with water and draw the right amount into the syringe.
  3. The injection site is treated with Sterillium, iodine or alcohol, pierced with a needle (perpendicularly) and injected under the skin. The needle is very thin, so the puncture is almost painless.
  4. After the required amount of medication has been injected, the needle is removed and a dry cotton pad is applied to the puncture site.

Since this drug belongs to the “heavy artillery” category, a woman should be prepared for the possibility of side effects:

  • headaches;
  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • increased body temperature;
  • allergic rashes;
  • enlargement of the ovaries;
  • pain and lower abdomen;
  • rupture of cysts;
  • thrombus formation;
  • multiple or ectopic pregnancy.

Since we see a strong negative effect on the female body of a powerful drug, the doctor must prescribe the correct dose and monitor the patient's condition while taking the drug. The right decision is if a woman is under the constant supervision of specialists for the period of stimulation, it is easier to analyze the condition of the ovaries and conduct an ultrasound in time.

During the "activation" you need to be prepared for the fact that pregnancy after ovulation stimulation may not occur the first time. A negative result is a reason to conduct an additional examination and find the reason that prevents conception. Very often, according to many women, after unsuccessful stimulation, they often become pregnant on their own without intervention after 2-3 months. So it’s better not to rush things and wait, perhaps the body itself will “wake up” and begin to work correctly.


Every woman dreams of becoming a mother. It's a real tragedy if she can't get pregnant. Especially for this, modern medicine has come up with pills and drugs that stimulate ovulation, increasing the chances of conception.

How to stimulate ovulation

Every year, ovulation stimulation allows thousands of women to give birth to healthy children. Who needs this technique, what drugs and tablets are used in this procedure?

Preparations to stimulate ovulation are necessary in its absence. But the procedure can be dangerous for women with blocked fallopian tubes, leading to an ectopic pregnancy.

Drug Stimulation

Funds aimed at stimulation belong to the category of hormonal. Before they are prescribed, a woman should undergo a series of tests and relevant studies. In some cases, such procedures are prescribed for men. Both spouses are advised to undergo an examination due to the fact that infertility can be female or male.

Men are carriers of diseases of an infectious nature, as a result of which women experience infertility. Before starting to stimulate ovulation and use medications, it is initially worth determining the initial cause of infertility. Based on this, the woman is prescribed drugs and pills to fix the problem.

Stimulation in folk ways

Ovulation induction pills are an inexpensive treatment, but many women prefer to use traditional medicine. Today, there are many types of herbs that can provide the desired result. There is a certain type of treatment, which includes an infusion of three types of herbs: red brush, hogweed and sage. Such funds are available for sale in every pharmacy.

In the first part of the cycle, we drink an infusion of sage (a table spoon of a plant in a glass of boiling water) 4 times a day. The plant accelerates the maturation of the egg, the growth of the endometrium and other conditions conducive to conception.

In the second half of the cycle, we begin to drink the upland uterus. The composition of the product contains progesterone - one of the main hormones of early pregnancy. With a lack of progesterone, an already fertilized egg is not able to survive. Prepare a decoction of the boron uterus follows the principle of sage.

According to many women who resort to this technique, it is extremely effective to combine the upland uterus with red brush grass. This plant copes with many diseases of a gynecological nature.

There are other methods that promote ovulation, you can use a decoction of rose petals. The effectiveness of the infusion lies in the large amount of vitamin E, which is part of it. There are also known means for the treatment of infertility, such as quince and aloe juices, mummy. When choosing herbal treatment, you need to be careful, as many of them have contraindications.

To increase the effectiveness of traditional medicine, you need to learn how to calculate ovulation. This skill will increase the likelihood of fertilization of the egg and the onset of pregnancy. To do this, you can choose one of many ways: scheduling, measuring basal temperature, ultrasound monitoring.



The drug clomiphene is prescribed to women with irregular ovulation or in its absence. The remedy is also prescribed for the diagnosis of polycystic ovaries. If the reason for the absence of pregnancy for a long time has not been established, you can also drink clomiphene. This is a drug in tablets, its principle is based on an increase in the level of hormones that cause stimulation of the ovaries, releasing eggs.

Under the influence of the drug, the pituitary gland produces the required amount of hormones, preparing the required number of mature eggs.

The duration of a single course of treatment is 5 days. Until the moment of conception, several courses of treatment can go through, but basically one or two cycles are enough. In the most difficult situations, a course of 12 cycles is carried out to normalize ovulation.

In certain situations, metformin is additionally prescribed; in combination with clomiphene, it increases the chances of ovulation and conception. After treatment with the drug, ovulation begins in 70% of women, and 15–50% have a desired pregnancy. In 7% of patients, twins are born while taking the medicine. To stimulate the growth of follicles, such drugs can be prescribed: menogon, puregon, clostilbegit.


Like the drug described above, clostilbegit promotes the production of pituitary hormones, which is necessary to stimulate ovulation and the rapid growth of follicles. Tablets contribute to the production of the hormone prolactin, which affects the quantity and quality of breast milk in a nursing mother.

The medicine is taken one tablet once a day from the fifth to the ninth day after the onset of menstrual flow. It should be borne in mind that, unlike the previous remedy, these tablets cannot be taken regularly. Each doctor can confirm that you can use such a medication no more than 5-6 times in a lifetime. The reason is that the substances that make up the tablets can cause ovarian exhaustion.

With frequent use of the drug, the eggs laid in the female body in a limited amount will quickly be used up. In this case, there will never be a pregnancy again. It is laid down by female nature that one, maximum two eggs mature in a month. When ovulation is stimulated with such a drug, an increase in the number of maturing eggs occurs.

When taking clostilbegit, you need to monitor the endometrium, since the medicine has a negative effect on its growth. A situation is possible in which conception occurs, but the pregnancy does not persist as a result of too thin endometrium.


The drug Puregon differs in the same action. It is able to activate the pituitary gland, causing stimulation of follicle growth, contributing to the onset of ovulation. Puregon is used both for natural conception and, if necessary, for artificial insemination.


Menogon stimulates the hormones LH and FSH, increases the concentration of estrogens - female hormones. It helps to increase the growth of follicles on the female ovaries.

Unlike Clostilbegit, Menogon is able to build up the endometrium. Tablets begin to be taken on the second day of menstruation, the duration of treatment is 10 days. True, the required amount of the drug should be prescribed by the doctor in each individual case.

He observes the reaction of the ovaries through ultrasound, according to the results obtained, the duration of treatment is prescribed. After taking drugs that stimulate ovulation, other drugs are prescribed.

A course of injections with hormonal preparations containing human chorionic gonadotropin is carried out. The content of this hormone is high in gonacor, horagon, profazi and pregnil preparations. In fact, there are many pills that stimulate ovulation, we have named only the distribution used most often.

Women suffering from a lack of ovulation should remember that when starting ovarian stimulation, it is recommended to undergo an ultrasound examination. This will allow you to have control of the maturation of the follicle.

During treatment, you need to undergo ultrasound at least 2 times. This will allow the doctor to count the number of growing follicles, measure the diameter, and find out the thickness of the uterine mucosa.

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