The real harm of rapid weight loss. Sharp weight loss: what is the reason and what is dangerous? Decreased general immunity

Engineering systems 25.03.2022
Engineering systems

Today, we would like to talk about the most common problems that can often occur in people who have drastically dropped a large amount of previously overweight pounds. And, in particular, we also propose to consider questions related to how to be able to remove a somewhat sagging stomach after the initial sharp weight loss, or rather, the most effective ways to get rid of the consequences of sudden weight loss.

In general, one must understand that in the modern world, almost every overweight person constantly dreams of getting rid of such hated excess kilograms as soon as possible. As a result, strict diets, almost constant control over literally every gram of your weight, regular use of certain pills and other drugs for rapid weight loss, is becoming the norm for a person.

This is probably why a lot of expensive psychological or medical methods and other means for losing weight are presented on the domestic and global pharmaceutical market in an incredibly wide range. It should be noted that not only overweight people can resort to such methods, often those people whose weight can hardly be called excessive or overweight resort to such methods.

Yes, and modern doctors regularly repeat that it can have a rather bad effect on a person’s general health, however, doctors talk about the dangers and dangers of underweight in much smaller quantities. Unfortunately, almost no one today considers it necessary to focus their attention on the possible extremely negative consequences of too fast or excessive weight loss.

And, after all, from a purely physiological point of view, those parameters of modern models recognized as an ideal (meaning due to the real constitution of the human body) are unambiguously completely unattainable for the vast majority of healthy women or men. At the same time, the representatives of the world modeling business themselves manage to achieve standard results solely through almost constant malnutrition, rather rigid diets in all respects and really exhausting workouts.

Unfortunately, all this in the end can have an incredibly negative impact directly on the health of such models. Nevertheless, the opportunity to remain slim and fit, without any negative consequences after weight loss procedures, still exists. At the same time, it can be quite simple to achieve truly excellent results regarding your own physical form.

And all that needs to be done for this is to constantly observe a few basic principles of healthy (physiologically correct). For example, it is very important to never overeat, and if you use the so-called simple carbohydrates or animal fats, then in moderation, and not in excessive amounts. And of course, it is equally important along with this to try to regularly engage in your favorite sports.

What can be the negative health consequences of sudden or excessive weight loss?

Before deciding on the use of certain methods for losing weight, you should think about the fact that most of the too rigid restrictive diets, the constant use of diet pills that you do not understand can lead to the most dangerous metabolic disorders in the body. In addition, such harsh procedures can significantly slow down all the processes of recovery and recovery of the body in a variety of diseases. Of course, cruel diets can also significantly reduce the overall performance of any person.

In addition, no less dangerous and negative consequences of improper weight loss, soot, after prolonged adherence to the most severe diet, after starvation or after taking certain pills, may be a person's increased tendency to frequent and deep, severe nervousness and an extremely unstable pathological psychological state.

It is believed that excessive thinness can increase the risk of developing dangerous diseases such as tuberculosis and other diseases that affect the respiratory system. But in women, lack of weight can disrupt the full-fledged work of almost all reproductive organs, primarily the ovaries, which are designed to produce the most important sex hormones.

As a result of this, many may begin to complain about the almost complete absence or incredible scarcity of previously full-fledged menstrual flow. However, the most severe and dangerous to health consequence of improper excessive weight loss for relatively young women may be either a condition such as the habitual failure to carry a successfully developing pregnancy.

It is also important to understand that a deficiency of normal adipose tissue, some disturbances in the functioning of the ovaries may subsequently even lead to an excessively early onset of such a condition as menopause. And, unfortunately, the insufficient weight of the human body in certain situations significantly increases the risk of death associated with the development of certain cardiovascular and oncological diseases.

The opposite problem or obesity, in turn, has also turned into a truly “global epidemic” in the modern world, and this especially applies to most Western countries (who prefer to eat fast food). Unfortunately, advanced obesity is an incredibly serious threat to the health of society.

You can even list the diseases that obesity can lead to. This, and hypertension, and the same vascular atherosclerosis, this, and coronary heart disease, and the same diabetes mellitus. But in reality, we still listed only a small fraction of the real list of those diseases that can be unpleasant and dangerous consequences of excessive overweight of the human body.

But in addition to real diseases, another unpleasant consequence of improper too fast and excessive weight loss can be considered not aesthetically sagging folds of the abdomen. How to deal with this problem - let's try to figure it out further.

How to be able to tighten a sagging belly after a sharp weight loss?

Unfortunately, the desire of people to reduce their excess weight as quickly and by any means as possible can often be so great and serious that the person himself completely forgets to think about such unpleasant consequences of rapid weight loss as unpleasant stretch marks, sagging and extra skin folds that form in the flank area. , belly, and also your hips.

Most truly competent experts in the field of proper weight loss say that initially you should think not only about how to eliminate excess sagging skin after the initial weight loss. Rather, initially, before losing weight, it is advisable to think about how the skin on the abdomen and thighs, in the process of a sharp weight loss, still could not lose its former tone.

I must say, of course, modern (professional) nutritionists are absolutely right, when they do not get tired of repeating that the correct rate of weight loss, adequate weight loss in all respects, can be the key to truly excellent results. Such results, which later will allow a person who is losing weight not to think at all about the questions of how to remove a sagging stomach after the initial weight loss, or how to be able to tighten it.

But for this, as you understand, it is necessary to have really considerable experience and work experience with people who have already successfully and correctly lost weight. In addition, if you always want to keep your body in shape, it is recommended that you regularly engage in your favorite sports, preferably throughout all stages of your life. Of course, it is equally important to monitor the general condition of your body, love and care for your own skin.

However, to our great regret, the vast majority of modern people still do not have the described knowledge and experience, and as a result, they often face problems with sagging skin on the abdomen after losing weight and, accordingly, with the question of how to tighten a sagging stomach after primary strong weight loss? It must be understood that sometimes even zealous professional athletes can sometimes find it difficult to get rid of excess skin folds on the abdomen after losing weight.

This happens, first of all, because our skin in the abdomen (or rather, in its lower part) in the vast majority of people is less elastic than in some other areas of the body. This is probably why, despite all the possible tricks and attempts to avoid this extremely negative consequence of the primary sharp weight loss, the skin directly on the abdomen and sides can still lose its tone and sag.

That's, in fact, why frequent questions about how to be able to remove a sagging belly after the initial rapid weight loss are so relevant today.

Today, there are several completely different ways that actually allow you to get rid of the consequences of losing weight that are so painful for our appearance. And, further, we will talk about such options for working on your own body, which actually help to forget forever about what a sagging skin fold (or two) is on the stomach and sides.

So, in the fight against sagging skin after losing weight, the following can help:

  • First, the most common aerobic and strength training, which should be alternated. By the way, such workouts can help you not only quickly and fully restore the former skin tone on your stomach, but also improve your health in general. After all, such training can not only significantly speed up the metabolism in the body (which, in turn, can accelerate the tightening of skin folds), but also ensure the intake of incredibly useful substances into the body - the same collagen, for example.
  • Secondly, such purely salon procedures and body treatments as seaweed, chocolate, coffee or honey wraps can help in this difficult matter. After all, such procedures always help to saturate our skin with the same urgently needed collagen, which in turn can often cause mechanical contraction of cells. If, however, such wraps are carried out in combination with massage procedures, with the same thermotherapy or, say, thermal wraps, all this will lead to a faster desired result. It's no secret that such cosmetic procedures can actually have a significant impact on both elasticity and skin turgor and, therefore, can effectively get rid of excess skin folds on the abdomen after weight loss. Undoubtedly, properly performed manual massage complexes, a wide variety of peelings, the use of scrubs in combination with adequate aromatherapy can also help to tighten the skin on the abdomen and sides. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to do all this in an expensive salon, often, no less positive result can be achieved at home - the main thing in this case is the perseverance of a person who wants to bring his body into complete order.
  • Thirdly, elementary proper nutrition can quite quickly and effectively save you from such an unpleasant and unaesthetic consequence of weight loss as very loose or sagging skin on the abdomen and sides. It can be the regular consumption of yogurt, high-quality bio-kefir and even yogurt, which significantly improves the functioning of our entire gastrointestinal tract (or gastrointestinal tract). Such nutrition contributes to the most complete assimilation of those proteins that enter the body with everyday food. To correct the health of your skin, it is also important to consume those foods that are rich in amino acids, which in turn are deservedly considered the best building material for our connective tissue cells. But it is this tissue in the human body, literally, that begins to successfully “pull up” sagging skin to its previous position. It will help with this problem and the most frequent consumption of sufficiently collagen-rich fish varieties. For example, it can be such fish as pink salmon, like salmon or river trout. Fine, in this sense, are also quail eggs, seafood and other seafood delicacies that are rich in zinc. And after all, it is precisely due to the presence of a large amount of zinc in their composition that the mentioned products contribute to the speedy restoration of the elasticity of our skin.
  • And fourthly, it is quite possible to rid yourself of excess somewhat sagging skin on the abdomen or sides after losing weight through modern plastic surgery techniques. I must say that such techniques are deservedly considered both incredibly effective and as fast as possible and, most importantly, do not require significant effort on the part of the patient himself. However, in some cases, further recovery after the operation (especially if it was extensive) can even take months of your life.

Naturally, every modern person has the right to choose for himself any of the methods of losing weight and any of the options for dealing with excess skin folds after such weight loss, which he considers the most optimal. But, at the same time, we would recommend that, in the eternal pursuit of standard model parameters, for a perfectly slender and toned figure, you should still not forget to take care of your own health.

In this context, it is always important to remember that certain consequences of the initial, not deliberately carried out weight loss can sometimes turn out to be really negative. Definitely, you should not constantly strive to adjust your figure as quickly as possible, getting rid of extra (boring you) kilograms in a week. As qualified nutritionists assure, it will be much more reasonable and correct to lose weight only at an adequate (moderate) pace, because that is how weight loss can go without tangible harm to your health.

Most diets are full of promises: 5 kg per week, 3 kg per day! What will actually result in such rapid weight loss?


Advertised teas, coffee or tinctures for weight loss is actually nothing more than laxative. Wherein, taking these drugs, you do not reduce adipose tissue, but only empty and bring out the water from the body.

In fact, such an action for the body very harmful. To unload the intestines, there are more effective methods that are both cheaper and better than taking incomprehensible substances. When taking a laxative, emptying occurs due to disruption of the digestive system.

Another unpleasant moment: with the frequent use of such drugs, the body becomes addicted.

This may lead to constipation and interruptions in work gastrointestinal tract.


When taking diet pills, a person's appetite is reduced, which can help in weight loss. But, at the same time, you accept a pig in a poke. How do you know what actually hiding in this capsule And to what consequences can she bring?

The pills often contain potent psychotropic substances that cause serious side effects such as physical and psychological distress.

From the experience of many acquaintances who used pills, I can say that. At the same time, often in even greater quantities, which leads to the emergence of depressions.

Why rapid weight loss is harmful:

  • vascular disorders, due to the fact that organs and tissues do not have time to rebuild;
  • sagging skin;
  • increased stress on the heart and kidneys;
  • liver damage and cirrhosis, if there is no appropriate physical activity during weight loss;
  • blood growth.

The best option

Experts recommend being skeptical about the promises of "20 kilograms per month." Simple math: with complete starvation body can burn in a day no more than 400 grams of fat, that is, 2.5-3 kg per week. With TOTAL starvation. And for normal life you need food, trace elements. Means can be considered normal decline body weight no more than 2-3 kg per month.

Where does the promised 20 kilograms per month come from? This is the excretion of valuable substances, water, from the body. Abruptly lost weight soon will return and broken is not so easy to restore.

What methods of weight loss and weight maintenance can be considered effective? How to create the right psychological attitude to positive changes in appearance? Recognized experts answered these and many other questions.

Where will we make the waist?

Aif. Today, many monitor their diet, they want to maintain an optimal weight. However, how do you know if you're okay or not? How to do the calculations correctly?

The easiest way to determine whether the weight is normal or increased is to calculate the body mass index (BMI), - said Ph.D., nutritionist, somnologist of the AMA Family Gastroclinic Marina Kogai.- To do this, body weight in kilograms must be divided by height in meters squared. True, this indicator is not always true and can overestimate or underestimate the value. For example, if a person is actively involved in sports and has a lot of muscle mass, his BMI may indicate overweight or even obesity. However, for this particular person, this is a normal weight.

For a doctor, it is more important to know the amount of internal or visceral fat, which, by producing its own hormones and biologically active substances, interferes with the functioning of the body and leads to such formidable diseases as diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, myocardial infarction, stroke, etc. How to determine if there is a problem? At home, you can measure the circumference of the waist and hips, and then divide one value by another (waist by hips - ed.) For women, this coefficient should not exceed 0.85, and for men - 0.9. If we talk about professional opinion, then such recommendations are not very suitable, because we are all different and have a different type of constitution. I conduct a bioimpedance analysis of body composition for my patients and determine the individually recommended weight by the ratio of adipose and muscle tissue. By the way, the amount of fat in men should be no more than 20%, in women - from 20 to 33%, depending on age.

The fact is that the accumulation of adipose tissue is an absolutely physiological process that once allowed people to survive, overcome hunger and cold, - supported a colleague, associate professor of the department of faculty surgery of the St. Petersburg State Medical University named after academician I.P. Pavlov, MD, MD, specialist in bariatric surgery Dmitry Vasilevsky.- However, as society develops, the standard of living rises, the natural process for the human body began to play a negative role. The problem began to acquire a truly large-scale character in the 70-80s of the last century. By the beginning of the third millennium, the increase in the number of people with overweight among the population of countries with developed economies put the problem in the category of socially significant. The prevalence of obesity has now reached epidemic proportions.

According to experts from the World Health Organization (WHO), 1.9 billion people in the world today are overweight, 600 million are obese. Unfortunately, Russia in terms of the prevalence of obesity is in 5th place in the world among economically developed countries. According to WHO data, 26.5% of people in our country are overweight. According to the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Federation in the North-West region, every third adult woman and every fifth man of socially active age suffers from obesity. In St. Petersburg, according to the results of medical research, every third adult has obesity of the 1st degree.

Reduce Appetite

However, many now say: you need to accept yourself as you are. Owners of forms also often say: yes, the weight is decent, but I feel comfortable. Is there a contradiction here?

In this case, it is necessary to take into account age, - the psychologist, president of the Hamburg Center for Weight Loss "Rosengarten" Andrey Belous is sure. - If young people under 27 are overweight, they will experience complexes and stress. No one has canceled the sense of smell, and overweight people have increased sweating ... They can become isolated due to the fact that it is difficult to find a mate, because when we meet, we still evaluate our partner and subconsciously figure out what will happen. You can't fool nature. The society also sets serious requirements. In society, especially ours, a certain aesthetic model has long been formed of how a person should look. Brands dictate their fashion. And if so, various products are launched on the market, which form a certain standard.

I work not only in Russia, but also in Hamburg, where our center has existed for 17 years. Many people have this problem there. Among 10 women, 6-7 are overweight, which is considered normal. In the store, spacious clothes are specially put on a size smaller so that people do not feel embarrassed. Of course, we can make it so that the appetite decreases, conduct a course to stabilize the nervous system. This requires 10-12 sessions, depending on the complexity of the case. There are many methods and hormonal therapy, but I treat such drugs with caution. Our methodology consists of two parts. The first - in 11 days, then the second begins, when it takes a kilogram or two a week, so in a month you can lose from 6 to 12 kg. And then a kilogram a week, as it should be according to the rules. Of course, if the person himself does not actively participate in the process, changes will not happen soon. Something that comes easily and is simply not appreciated. Psychology works too. Thoughts are: “I lost weight, now I will return to my old life, and if anything, I know where to turn.” It's chilling.

Forget about the cake?

We are used to the fact that weight loss is, first of all, diets. But how to choose the right one so as not to harm the body?

Let's figure it out. Weight loss involves lasting change. And the diet is a short course, after which the person returns to the usual diet, - M. Kogay suggested putting the accents correctly. - Therefore, in medicine, diets are used in short courses and only according to indications. For example, after surgery or during an exacerbation of the disease. The success of losing weight and maintaining the desired result lies in the daily choice of a person. Being overweight or obese is the result of a choice not made in favor of a healthy lifestyle. Diets do not teach a person to live in a new way. And over time, the lost pounds come back. Therefore, in my practice, I always start with a nutrition audit. Only work with individual causes of weight gain, the formation and consolidation of healthy habits, will allow you to reduce weight safely without severe restrictions and prohibitions. At the same time, “walking” weight is much worse for the body than excess, but stable body weight. Such fluctuations lead to fatty liver, diabetes and increase the risk of oncology. If a person decides to thoroughly lose weight, he must understand that this is a job for life.

Andrey Belous advises to use products for which we are "programmed". Photo: AiF

How to give yourself the right psychological attitude so that you don’t notice the cake during the day, and don’t feel like opening the refrigerator in the evening?

Let's see how we eat, - suggested A. Belous. - The most affordable - potatoes, bread. We eat it 3-4 times a day, although this popular product now contains a lot of all sorts of additives that are difficult to remove and can disrupt metabolism. As a result, the body is clogged with toxins, it becomes “heavy”. Today there are many fruits and vegetables from other latitudes on the shelves. However, overseas kiwi and bananas are almost not absorbed by our body, so they have no place in the daily diet. The taste buds that evaluate the product just turn on, the brain gets used to a positive reaction and we use them. And we don’t see the same useful turnip, although it helps to remove toxins. It turns out that we do not eat the foods for which we are programmed.

Eating... stress?

Obesity is a risk factor for many diseases; on the other hand, health problems can also lead to excess weight, - said M. Kogay. - In this case, the treatment of the underlying disease will allow you to normalize weight faster. For example, obstructive sleep apnea, which is accompanied by snoring, respiratory arrest and daytime sleepiness, is a common cause of obesity. In this case, the normalization of sleep will lead to a weight loss of 10-15 kg even without lifestyle changes.

Losing weight quickly is also bad. If a person has a lot of weight, the diet is dangerous for him, because it can lead to inflammation in the liver (hepatitis) - our hepatologists remind us of this danger. Importantly, according to WHO recommendations, weight loss of no more than 1 kg per week is considered safe.

In general, the weight loss program can be conditionally divided into four blocks. The first is to identify the causes of excess weight. The second is nutritional optimization, the third is adequate physical activity, and the fourth is stress management. It often happens that food becomes the only joy in a person's life. And so he regularly eats all his hardships with chocolates. The action plan for each block should be drawn up with each patient together. Taking into account his goals, capabilities and desires. Only a comfortable lifestyle change will allow you to keep and consolidate the result.

Obesity is a disease!

Overweight should be considered as a disease, a separate nosological form included in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), comments D. Vasilevsky. Like meningitis, arterial hypertension, appendicitis, etc. Until there is an understanding of the problem in society in this perspective, all the efforts of doctors are in vain.

The life expectancy of obese people is on average 10-15 years shorter. Almost 95% of overweight people die from causes directly related to obesity. Type 2 diabetes mellitus in people with obesity occurs 7-10 times more often, arterial hypertension - 4-6 times more often, atherosclerosis - 5 times more often than the average in the population. Almost half (45%) of obese women and a third (30%) of obese men have some form of reproductive disorder. 60% have psycho-social disorders, 7% have suicidal tendencies. Obese people live less, die earlier than they should. And they become disabled early enough. Their quality of life is incomparable with the state of people with normal body weight.

A person needs to change his weight without undue stress and also comfortably hold it. Photo:

The reasons for the development of overweight are numerous. And not only eating habits are a condition for the development of the disease. Genetic mechanisms underlie the individual characteristics of metabolism in the body. Look: in a family, all its members eat the same food. Usually all together at the same time. Approximately the same portions. And in the end - one is complete, the other is not.

Unfortunately, according to statistics, the long-term effectiveness of conservative treatment of obesity is low. Only 7% of people succeed. In the remaining 93% of cases, the disease is stronger. Short-term periods of weight loss are followed by a progressive increase. Usually, to higher indicators than before the start of treatment. This is the objective picture.

What to do, how to help people? Surgery is an effective way to treat obesity. Probably, this is not a physiological approach, but nothing else more effective has been proposed in medicine over the past 70 years. For example: in America, 280 thousand operations are performed annually aimed at weight loss. In Sweden, where there is almost a state model of health care, - 8.5 thousand per year. Nearly 1000 per million population. In Russia, for 140 million - 3 thousand bariatric operations per year ... And the point is not that in our country, as in almost all countries, this type of assistance goes beyond the scope of insurance medicine. It's just that our compatriots do not see a problem in being overweight. It's a pity…

It is one thing if you managed to get rid of extra pounds thanks to hard exercises and diets, but it is quite another when weight loss occurs quickly without any changes in lifestyle. In this case, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible for examination and consultation. The presence of a serious disease can be indicated by the fact that in less than a year a person loses more than five percent of body weight. Let's talk about ten diseases, one of the symptoms of which is a sharp weight loss.

With diabetes, a person can both gain excess weight and suddenly lose kilograms. Weight loss in diabetes occurs mainly for two reasons. First, due to frequent urination, the body loses a lot of water. And secondly, because of blood sugar, the body absorbs calories worse. In addition, with a lack of insulin, the body begins to burn fat for energy, thereby causing an overall weight loss.

Significant weight loss is a common symptom in type 1 and type 2 diabetes, according to research. Weight loss in diabetes can be accompanied by other important signs of the disease: excessive thirst, constant fatigue, frequent urination, intense hunger, wounds that do not heal for a long time, tingling in the limbs, etc.

2. Weight loss due to hyperthyroidism

Sudden weight loss and decreased appetite may indicate thyroid problems, such as hyperthyroidism. With it, there is an increased activity of the thyroid gland and an excess of its hormones in the blood. This subsequently increases the metabolic rate and the body's ability to burn fat. In addition to rapid weight loss, signs of hyperthyroidism include: rapid heart rate, hot flashes, excessive sweating, mood swings, depression, panic attacks, bulging eyes, muscle weakness, and fatigue.

3. Gastric ulcer

People suffering from peptic ulcers also often suddenly begin to lose weight. At the heart of a stomach ulcer is an inflammation that develops on the inside of the wall of the stomach or upper part of the small intestine. This causes significant pain and leads to loss of appetite. Due to a person's refusal to eat, frequent bouts of nausea and vomiting during a peptic ulcer, weight loss occurs. Some of the more common symptoms of this digestive ailment are feeling full after a few bites of food, bloody stools, chest pains, and chronic fatigue.

5. Depression

Although it may seem strange, depression can also lead to unintentional weight loss. This common mental disorder results in persistent feelings of sadness, loss, frustration, or even anger, which can affect various aspects of daily life. Often in this case, appetite decreases, which causes weight loss. Research in applied physiology shows that during depression there is a tendency to hypoglycemia, in which the levels of thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) decrease.

In addition to decreased appetite, depression is characterized by poor concentration, negative and even suicidal thoughts, sleep problems, and other difficulties. However, in some cases, during depression, a person gains excess weight, trying to get rid of problems with the help of frequent meals of high-calorie foods.

6. Oncological diseases

Unexplained weight loss is one of the first noticeable signs of various types of cancer, including prostate, breast, lung, pancreas, ovarian and colon cancers. The uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells accelerates the metabolism, which wears out the entire body, making the most of its resources. This leads to loss of muscle and fat mass.

When cancer cells begin to spread throughout the body, it can adversely affect the functioning of various internal organs. Cancer can cause chemical changes in the body that make it difficult to gain weight, even with a high-calorie diet.

Cancer treatments, such as radiation and chemotherapy, also often lead to weight loss and appetite loss. In addition to this, the treatment causes a lot of side effects: nausea, vomiting, mouth ulcers, which makes the process of eating painful and uncomfortable.

This is an intestinal disease caused by inflammation of the lining of the digestive tract. One of his symptoms is sudden weight loss. This is due to decreased appetite, food apathy, poor absorption of nutrients, loss of calories due to frequent diarrhea or gastrointestinal bleeding. Crohn's disease is characterized by relatively low levels of hunger and a loss of enjoyment of food. Other symptoms of the disease: subfebrile temperature, diarrhea, decreased energy, cramps, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting.

8. Tuberculosis

Unexplained weight loss and decreased appetite are some of the well-known symptoms of TB. This infectious disease caused by mycobacteria affects the lungs but can also affect other parts of the body (lymph nodes, bones, digestive, reproductive and nervous systems). In addition to rapid weight loss, tuberculosis includes symptoms such as: frequent and severe cough that does not go away for more than a month, chronic fatigue, fever, night sweats, etc.

These diseases most often develop in middle-aged and elderly people. These health problems also cause weight loss. A 2005 study by scientists at the London Institute of Psychiatry found that weight loss is often observed even before the onset of the characteristic symptoms of dementia. The accumulation of beta-amyloid (a peptide in the brain) disrupts the body's weight regulation mechanism, resulting in accelerated weight loss and is one of the initial symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.

10. HIV infection

HIV-infected people also lose weight quickly. Their immune system cannot get rid of the virus, which gradually destroys it, and the body stops fighting infections and diseases. If HIV is not detected and controlled in time, AIDS may develop. In addition to weight loss, signs of such an infection include: night sweats, fever, sore throat and muscles, rashes, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

It's okay to lose weight and look beautiful, but you always want to do it as quickly as possible.

However, you have probably heard more than once that it is better to lose weight slowly, but constantly. After all, there are some negative consequences of rapid weight loss.

And most studies explain this by saying that when you reduce your weight slowly, you are more likely to keep it off for a long time. It also says that slower weight loss does not lead to greater risks to your health.

True, there are several studies that have shown that rapid weight loss can also be safe.

So what's wrong with fast weight loss? ... Or can it still be?

Let me show you some facts and research to uncover the whole truth.

True, for starters, let's try to figure out how fast weight loss can be and what is generally considered fast weight loss ...

What does fast weight loss mean?

Although, in fact, such diets have

Although, if you are a beginner and decide to lose weight, then you can lose much more than 0.9 kg in the first week. And even on proper nutrition. From practice, we can say that this amount can be 2 or 3 even more kg.

A lot will depend on how fat you are and what metabolic rate you currently have.

That is, for the first week, rapid weight loss is normal. And the weight you lose is commonly referred to as "water weight."

What does "weight of water" mean? …

When you consume fewer calories than your body requires, your body starts looking for energy in its stores, which are known as glycogen. When you burn this glycogen, water is released.

That's why you can lose weight quickly within the first week.

But, when your body uses up its glycogen stores, the weight loss process should stabilize.

Output: 0.45-0.9 kg per week is healthy and safe weight loss, more is considered too fast if it is not the first week.

Can you maintain weight after losing weight fast?

Weight loss is only half the battle. The real problem is to keep it forever.

Most of you, following a certain diet and losing weight very quickly, can often regain half the weight or more in a year. And then, you can regain all the weight, and even a lot more, in the next 3-5 years.

That's why experts suggest you lose weight at a slow but steady pace. Most studies show that people who lose weight correctly and slowly are more likely to keep it off for a long time.

Also, a meal plan that promotes slower weight loss usually helps you start eating healthier. For example, you will start eating more healthy fruits and vegetables. And also such a diet usually does not have sugar-sweetened drinks and other unhealthy foods on its list.

You can be 100% sure that by starting to eat right and improving your health, as well as getting used to various tasty and healthy dishes, you are unlikely to return to your old life. Well, only if not everything is fine with the head ... 🙂

The dangers of fast weight loss for your health

As you understand, there are quite serious negative consequences of rapid weight loss.

After all, diets that promote this often contain very few calories and especially nutrients. This can put you at risk and create many health problems. And especially if you follow fast diets for many weeks.

This is what rapid weight loss threatens ...

You can lose muscle

Weight loss is not always a reduction in obesity.

So if you're following a very low-calorie diet, be aware that it can help you lose weight through muscle and water weight.

Sudden weight loss can cause gallstones

Gallstones are hard particles that form inside the gallbladder. They can be a very painful side effect of losing weight too quickly.

How does your gallbladder work...

It releases digestive juices which help to digest fatty foods more easily. And, as the website of the National Institute of Diabetes, Digestion and Kidney Disease points out, if you don't get enough food, your gallbladder will stop releasing digestive juices.

This will lead to the formation of stones. Further, gallstones can get stuck in the gallbladder, which will cause severe pain and seizures.

Simply put, gallstones are formed due to stagnation of bile in the gallbladder.

Other Side Effects of Rapid Weight Loss

Those side effects of rapid weight loss, which you learned about above, almost always occur. But there are a few more concerns.

So the US National University of Health talks about some big fears about fast weight loss.

What threatens rapid weight loss yet:

  • strong feeling of hunger
  • fatigue
  • irritability
  • feeling cold
  • muscle spasms and cramps
  • severe dizziness
  • constipation or diarrhea
  • dehydration.

Further, this can develop into chronic diseases. Reduce your sugar intake: I have already written a lot here on the blog about. Therefore, it is safe to say that refined sugar should be excluded. Yes, turn it on.

  • Eat slowly: Chewing your food thoroughly helps you eat less food at a time.
  • Drink green tea: research indicates that green tea can boost your metabolism by as much as 4-5% and fat burning by as much as 17%. In addition, you can include some .
  • Rest enough: Lack of sleep can increase levels of ghrelin, the hunger hormone, and decrease levels of leptin, the hormone of fullness and satiety. This means that losing weight becomes a difficult task.
  • Try some exercises and add some weights: weight lifting or help speed up metabolism and lose weight faster.
  • Walk in intense style: intense workouts or walks, as well as short, intense exercise known as cardio, help burn calories after you've finished exercising. See my article on how
  • Eat more soluble fiber: in this regard, I recommend you to pay attention to the article about and why it works even when you do nothing else at all.
  • Reduce the amount of simple carbohydrates: it will not be a secret for you if I tell you that simple carbohydrates (refined cereals, pasta, cakes, ice cream and other carbohydrates and sweets) make you gain weight. Try to reduce their number.
  • Final Thoughts

    As you have seen, this is the more correct way. Also, by losing weight slowly and gradually, you will be able to maintain weight more easily. And all because you, without noticing it, will switch to a healthier diet.

    In addition, rapid weight loss has a number of health risks. This includes muscle loss, decreased metabolism, nutritional deficiencies, gallstones, and many other problems.

    Try to include healthier foods in your diet and become more active, this will give a greater effect in losing weight.

    If you learned something useful from the article, please share it with others.

    By the way, write in the comments below and share your experience in losing weight!

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