Kitchen combined with a loggia. Combining a kitchen with a balcony - design ideas and redevelopment rules Combining a balcony with a kitchen design projects

Landscaping and planning 30.08.2019
Landscaping and planning

A balcony or loggia in an apartment is a good opportunity for redevelopment of a living space for various purposes. One of the main goals of combining a balcony with the rest of the apartment is to increase usable area and obtaining additional square meters of space. If your balcony runs through the kitchen, then by combining these rooms into one, you can expand the functionality of the kitchen and make it more spacious and comfortable.

But do not rush to rejoice, and immediately a brother in the hands of a hammer to demolish the partition: a kitchen combined with a balcony is just at first glance. To merge two premises, there will be many obstacles in your way: from bureaucratic laws to the need for careful planning of a new premises. But if you can overcome all the difficulties, then as a reward you will receive a new kitchen that friends and neighbors will not recognize.

Increasing the size of the kitchen with a loggia

Coordination of the combination of kitchen and balcony

The first and main difficulty that must be overcome before combining the kitchen and the loggia is the coordination of actions in the licensing state authorities. Unauthorized redevelopment of residential premises is an administrative violation that can lead to a large fine and sanctions, up to eviction from the apartment.

So reasonable people before connecting the kitchen to the balcony, they collect all the necessary documents and go around all the authorities in turn, receiving seals and signatures. You can do this yourself, as well as entrust this task to specialists from an organization that has permission for design and construction activities. Let their services cost money, but you will save yourself from a lot of hassle and delays that take people more than one month.

To connect the kitchen to the balcony / loggia, special permits will be required

Where do I need to agree on the redevelopment?

But if you have firmly decided to attach a balcony to the kitchen and want to coordinate everything yourself, then you will need permission from the BTI, the state housing inspectorate, management company, serving an apartment building and other organizations, depending on the jurisdiction of the subject of the federation.

The end result of your efforts should be an approved redevelopment project with a wet seal and the signature of an authorized representative of the part of the administrative apparatus responsible for architectural plan and improvement of the housing stock of your city.


You will not be allowed to combine the balcony with the kitchen if you need to touch the load-bearing wall for this. If internal partitions, separating the loggia or balcony, are not load-bearing, then you will eventually achieve coordination. All changes that you make will have to be made to the technical passport of the apartment at the BTI and other accounting authorities for housing facilities (the BTI will tell you). If this is not done, then in addition to administrative sanctions, you get another problem: you will not be able to sell such an apartment, otherwise you will have to return everything as it was, in accordance with the registration certificate.

The layout of the kitchen on the balcony is agreed in special inspections and organizations

Options for combining a kitchen with a balcony

So, you have gone through all the bureaucratic procedures and you have finished circuit redevelopment. A loggia combined with a balcony can be a great bonus for your kitchen if you approach the organization of space correctly. Exists various options combining the space of the balcony with the kitchen:

  • full combination - with the help of the complete demolition of the partitions separating the balcony from the kitchen - an enlarged kitchen with a bay window is obtained;
  • partial combination - when the main partition separating the balcony remains, and the doors and balcony window are removed.

The result is a range of functional benefits for a kitchen that is several square meters larger, lighter and more functional. You can organize the additional space that has appeared at your discretion, using the former balcony or loggia as a working area, lunch or for relaxation.

  • a kitchen connected to a balcony will require high-quality exterior finish former balcony with the condition of preserving the aesthetics of the facade of the building;
  • you will have to make better and more aesthetic glazing in order to achieve good heat and sound insulation;
  • you may also need to redo flooring to expand the coverage area of ​​the "warm floor" system and lay new linoleum or tiles on the floor, taking into account new square meters;
  • you will need to spend money on wall decoration to make the balcony part of the kitchen and at the level of interior design.

Full combination of balcony and kitchen adds some space

Combining a balcony with a kitchen justifies itself when concrete slab the ceiling on which the balcony rests performs its load-bearing function and is not affected by time. emergency balcony slabs it is irrational to use for redevelopment, tk. there is a risk of the slab collapsing, making it useless to attach the balcony to the kitchen.

If you have coped with all the restrictions and have firmly decided to complete the connection of the balcony to the kitchen, then it's time to think about the ideas of the interior and rational use new meters of living space. Depending on whether you demolished all the walls between the balcony and the kitchen, or left the partition intact, you can make one or another design decision.

Attaching a balcony to the kitchen can have several features.

How to use the new space in the kitchen?

The complete combination of a kitchen with a balcony or a loggia is an unlimited freedom for action and the implementation of the creative ideas of the designer. Having made repairs and completely combining two rooms into one, you can use the former balcony as:

  • dining area with a table and chairs;
  • a recreation area, placing a sofa, armchairs, taffeta, poufs in it;
  • part of the working area, setting there washing machine, sink, countertop, cabinets with dishes and other elements of the working interior;
  • an impromptu office where you can drink tea and work in your spare time from cooking.

You are not limited in the choice of design and direction, style and color schemes new kitchen. Designers recommend paying attention to the method of glazing former loggia, because the level of illumination and comfort in the kitchen depends on this.

If financial possibilities allow, do a big panoramic window with sliding glass partitions - so you get an impromptu terrace where you can receive guests and have tea parties. Decorate the interior of the kitchen, combined with a balcony, with the help of high-quality and beautiful curtains, curtains or curtains. Pay attention to the Roman blinds, which look great on large panoramic windows.

Distribution of free space on the balcony and kitchen

Kitchen design with a balcony partition

Modern design offers many interesting and non-trivial solutions for a kitchen with redevelopment. If you left the partition that used to hold inner window balcony, it will give you extra functionality to furnish the kitchen. Most designers are inclined to believe that it is better to use the former partition as an impromptu bar counter, placing a countertop on top of it.

Another option is the rest of the working area combined with the partition balcony using a large tabletop that looks like monolithic construction, continuing from one end of the working area to the former partition. So you expand the possibilities in the process of cooking, and you can arrange all the basic elements more conveniently.

If you like the idea of ​​​​a bar counter in the kitchen, then you can make it not only from the partition, but also from the window sill of the former balcony, placing chairs in the appropriate style next to it.


It will be quite difficult to make the former balcony a full-fledged continuation of the kitchen in terms of conducting the main communications - water supply, sewerage and gas pipelines. Most often, permitting authorities are reluctant to approve such a thorough reconstruction of residential premises, so apartment residents are usually content with the limited functionality of the former balcony.

Using a balcony partition as a small table

What can be placed on the former balcony?

But it does not matter: with the help of various design techniques, you can make the kitchen no less comfortable. For example, if the countertop continues in the area of ​​​​the former balcony, then in this part you can install a different household appliances: microwave oven, coffee machine.

Behind the partition you can "hide" the refrigerator, washing machine or dishwasher. It is not so difficult to carry out lighting on the balcony, and you can additionally zone the resulting recreation area using spotlights on the ceiling.

Another rational way to use new square meters in the kitchen is as a pantry. Kitchen combined with a loggia - perfect place for storage of stocks of provisions, products and other things necessary in the economy. Install several high cabinets there, and at their expense you can free up space in the remaining work area for built-in household appliances, dining table and chairs and even a sofa and lounge chairs.

Choice of design for the kitchen and color

Combining a kitchen with a balcony in a studio apartment

Another complex, but very effective and stylish option for a radical redevelopment involving a balcony or loggia is a kitchen combined with a balcony, turning into a living room. This option is most rational for small one-room apartments.

By connecting the balcony with the kitchen and living room, you will get a cozy studio apartment in which you can divide the working, dining and recreation areas at your discretion using mobile partitions, curtains and spots.

Arrangement of furniture on former balcony

Living room with balcony and kitchen - three in one - will become great solution for you, but will require a thorough approach in the process of repair and decoration. You will need to get rid of transitions in floor height and align the walls, stick the same wallpaper and lay one common floor covering, decorate the ceiling lighting in the same style. But in this case, the design of a kitchen combined with a loggia will become one of the successful projects in your life.

If you are not sure that you can rationally organize a new room after redevelopment, we advise you to contact design specialists who will help you find the most good decision in line with the goals of expanding the space of the kitchen.

Kitchen with a loggia in a studio apartment

Video: do-it-yourself combination of a balcony and a kitchen

Such an interior solution as a combination with kitchen, has long been in vogue. It helps to quickly expand the apartment space, solve many family problems, and is intended simply to make life more convenient. About how to carry out redevelopment, whether it is possible to do it at all or not, what is required for this, and what to do instead of a balcony, read in this article.

Combining a balcony with a kitchen, why is it needed at all? Living in, you often encounter the problem of lack of space. Often in apartments of this kind the most small room- kitchen. The problem of a small kitchen arises when you start cooking, or just going to have tea with friends. Help to correct the situation once and for all can be attached to the kitchen. Combining these two rooms, you get a spacious area designed for cooking and for many other purposes.

How to start combining a kitchen with a balcony

If you decide to combine the kitchen with a balcony or loggia, do not rush to buy Construction Materials. To begin with, it is worth collecting the entire package of documents and permits for this operation. Why are there documents and permits? When combined, you, one way or another, will demolish one of the walls of the room. Improper demolition of the wall can compromise not only the safety of your apartment, but the whole house.

Among required documents to match, you must have:

  • redevelopment project;
  • Permits from government agencies (BTI, architectural bureau, etc.);
  • The consent of the neighbors, certified in writing;
  • Consent from the assembly of the house, certified in writing;
  • The final act of redevelopment.

Hello! On this page you can see examples of combining balconies and loggias with a kitchen. You will be able to explore the advantages of combining a balcony and a loggia with a kitchen, as well as get acquainted with the main methods of implementation and the cost of work.

Also in the presented examples you can choose optimal design kitchen combined with a balcony and a loggia. For greater clarity, all blocks are supplemented with photo and video materials.

Note: most of the presented examples of combining a loggia and a balcony with a kitchen are projects based on the dismantling of a balcony block. This option, compared with the complete dismantling of the wall, is simpler and cheaper to perform.
Photo of combining a large loggia with a kitchen Photo of combining a compact balcony with a kitchen Photo of combining a large loggia and kitchen Photo of combining a loggia with a kitchen and installing a sink into a countertop

Coordination when combining a kitchen with a balcony or loggia.

Combining loggias and balconies with the kitchen by dismantling the balcony block

agreement is not needed

When combining loggias and balconies with a kitchen by dismantling the balcony block only the windows and balcony door are removed. The wall under the window sill and the threshold remain intact. Such changes are not redevelopment of residential apartments, and therefore obtaining a permit from the BTI is not required.

Advantages of combining by dismantling the balcony block:

  • no need for BTI permission,
  • high speed of work,
  • affordable combination price (approximately 10% of the total repair cost),
  • the window sill wall is decorated with a countertop,
  • if necessary, all changes can be returned to their original state.
The advantages of such a combination of a balcony with a kitchen were commented on by our customer in her video review.

Combining loggias and balconies with the kitchen by dismantling the window sill and threshold

need approval

Combination of loggias and balconies with a kitchen by dismantling the window sill and threshold regulated by Decree No. 508-PP dated October 25, 2011 “On the organization of the reconstruction and (or) redevelopment of residential and non-residential premises v apartment buildings". According to it and addendum No. 840-PP dated December 26, 2012 “On Amendments to the Legal Acts of the Government of Moscow”, the dismantling of the wall between the loggia, balcony and kitchen refers to the redevelopment of the apartment. Their implementation requires permission from the BTI.

To obtain permission, follow these steps:

  • request a technical passport of the apartment from the BTI,
  • compose technical project redevelopment,
  • coordinate the redevelopment project with the developer of the house of your series,
  • coordinate changes in the project with the Ministry of Emergency Situations,
  • coordinate the project with SES,
  • coordinate the project with the company managing your house,
  • coordinate the redevelopment with the gas service,
  • coordinate the redevelopment with the energy company,
  • invite Moszhilinspektsiya to obtain the Act,
  • get a new registration certificate from BTI.

The combination of balconies and loggias with the kitchen in the examples in the photo and video

You can get acquainted with examples of combining balconies and loggias with a kitchen by looking at thematic photo galleries and video clips with ready-made solutions. Special attention given to examples with a functional tabletop, which serves as a bar counter, shelves for service or a place to store household appliances.

Let's start our acquaintance with examples of combining balconies and loggias with a kitchen. In this block, original and affordable design projects of balconies and loggias combined with a small kitchen are selected. You can see the interior modern kitchen combined with a balcony and compact loggias. Design projects are developed taking into account colors compatible premises. Pay attention to the decorative tabletop: most often it serves as a compact bar counter. See all the details in the photo and video materials.

We continue our acquaintance with the project of combining balconies and loggias with a kitchen. In this block you can get acquainted with the interior of the kitchen, combined with a loggia. Also in the block are examples of a living room kitchen combined with a turnkey balcony. Pay attention to the functionality of the countertop: it is used as a place to store household appliances or as a full-fledged bar counter. Among the presented options there are both affordable examples of combining loggias and balconies with a kitchen, as well as expensive design projects based on elite materials.

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Some of the published photos allow you to see what the kitchen will look like on small and large balconies. The tabletop, installed on the wall remaining after alignment, serves either as a bar counter or as a set of shelves for dishes and sets. All the details can be seen in the photo and video materials collected in the thematic gallery.

Your attention is another selection of examples of a kitchen combined with turnkey loggias and balconies. This block contains design options for a modern kitchen, which was combined with a balcony and a loggia. Due to this, it increases usable space kitchen and expanding the possibilities for its use. Some of the examples allow you to see the location of bulky household appliances that were moved from the kitchen to the room combined with it. All the details can be studied in the photo and video materials posted in our gallery.

Your attention is an example of combining a 6-meter balcony with a kitchen. They refused to convert the balcony into a kitchen and place the customer's household appliances. They wished to equip a full-fledged recreation area and a comfortable living room on a large 6-meter balcony. A large balcony is combined not only with the kitchen, but also with the adjoining room. The interior design uses bright colors and a lot of decorative elements. The main style is oriental motifs. Two decorative table tops were used as a bar counter. For all the details of the living room kitchen combined with a balcony, see the photo and video materials.

We present to your attention the overhaul project of the loggia with its connection to the kitchen. The object is a bay window in the house of the Iceberg series. The customers needed additional living space, and therefore it was decided to use an empty loggia for this. Also, the customers wished to combine the kitchen, which is adjacent to it. Works were performed: alignment by dismantling the balcony block, overhaul turnkey, finishing plastic panels, installation of decorative countertops, glazing with warm PVC windows, insulation and vapor barrier, installation of new electrical wiring, installation of underfloor heating systems, installation of built-in furniture. See photos and videos for all the details.

We continue our acquaintance with examples of combining a balcony and a kitchen. The object is a standard-shaped balcony in a 504 series house, located next to the kitchen. Customers needed to expand kitchen space, and therefore it was decided to use an empty balcony for this. To equip the kitchen with a full-fledged dining room, all household appliances and a stove were moved to the balcony. Works were carried out: glazing with warm PVC windows, finishing plastic clapboard turnkey, insulation and vapor barrier, replacement of electrical wiring and installation of lighting. You can get acquainted with the project in the photo and video in the gallery.

Your attention is presented to the project of combining the loggia with the kitchen. The client wished to small loggia complemented the space of the adjacent kitchen. Was designed individual project, which takes into account the shape of the loggia, all the wishes of the customer and small area premises. Light colors and darker flooring were used in the decoration. The dismantled balcony block turned into a compact and comfortable dark wood countertop. The walls are decorated with wallpaper with a marble pattern, which is successfully combined with the interior of the kitchen. Installed Spotlights with economical lamps. The result of the work performed can be seen in the photo gallery and on the video.

We present to your attention the project of combining a loggia with a kitchen. The object is a loggia in the house of the P-111M series, located next to the kitchen. The customer needed a clean and tidy room, with affordable finishing materials.

Let's talk about how to combine a balcony with a kitchen to get excellent result. Not all property owners are limited to using the balcony as a separate room. Many choose to combine a balcony with a kitchen, creating a dining room or working area. A similar design of a loggia combined with a kitchen can only be carried out if the loggia is glazed.

In the photo - the design of the kitchen, combined with a balcony.

Design and layout specifics

Currently, two options are used for arranging the kitchen and the loggia, which adjoins it:

  • use them as separate rooms;
  • expand the space by combining a balcony and a kitchen

Advice! With full glazing of the loggia, the problem of natural light entering the room is solved.

Housewives try to use the window sill space for household needs. For example, place sets with spices on it, put dishes, place small kitchen accessories.

In order to carry out the installation of French windows, you need to get rid of bearing wall.

Attention! The dismantling of the load-bearing wall can only be carried out with the special permission of the local authorities.

The glazing option can be cold or warm. It all depends on the quality of the double-glazed windows, as well as on the selected PVC profile.

Door selection

If the kitchen has an impressive size, you can leave a swing door between the loggia and the kitchen.

Advice! Owners small kitchens, interior experts recommend choosing sliding structures doors.

How to combine a balcony with a kitchen, photo, design, interesting moments works related to the combination of the loggia with the kitchen are presented in the video fragment

The workplace that the hostess uses includes four parts: a stove, a sink, a refrigerator, and a cutting table.

There are many options for placing such components. If the kitchen has a length of more than two meters, you can put all the components in one row.

Advice! For small kitchens, the corner placement of parts of the working area is suitable. The node should adjoin the window sill and the wall.

For owners of wide rooms, interior designers recommend using a parallel arrangement of elements of the working area.

Among the options used in modern apartments studios, highlight the organization of the peninsula.

The use of a balcony combined with a kitchen

For example, you can make a pantry in this space to accommodate household items and products. If you bring shelves and cabinets to the loggia, you can significantly increase the free space in the kitchen itself.

In addition, you can organize a workshop on the loggia. For example, the owner of an apartment will be able to carry out various soldering, repair, carpentry work here.

Advice! You can use hanging furniture to place tools, and use folding chairs and tables for work.

Organization of a summer canteen and a summer garden

You can turn an ordinary loggia into a small and cozy room for tea parties and good rest. If desired, you can install a TV on the wall of the loggia, arrange a corner in oriental style, and even put an electric grill.

Attention! Don't Forget the Rules fire safety.

If you decide to place green plants on the loggia, keep in mind that for them full development and growth will require a certain amount of humidity and light.

Besides flowers, indoor plants, you can use the balcony space for growing seasonal crops and garden seedlings.

Sports lovers can make a real one on the spacious loggia, place equipment, mats, and exercise equipment here.

But, despite the fact that the space of the balcony can be adapted for various purposes, basically, associations are carried out with the kitchen in order to make a working area on the balcony space, and use the kitchen area itself as a spacious dining room.

Selection of curtains

If, when combining the spaces of the loggia and the kitchen, panoramic ones were installed, Roman curtains made of natural material are suitable for decorating them.

In addition to Roman blinds, blinds can also be used to decorate equestrian openings on a combined balcony. Manufacturers offer such designs from aluminum, plastic, and also from fabric. In this case, they try to equip the structures with automatic lifting mechanisms in order to simplify the maintenance of this system.

Advice! For sunny balconies, you can choose dark blinds to prevent sunlight from entering the room.

Moreover, among fashion trends interior specialists highlight the use of blinds with three-dimensional photo printing. Its manufacturers make such printing only with inside, which makes it possible to enjoy the selected image only to the inhabitants of the apartment. From the street side, only ordinary blinds that do not have an image will be visible.

Features of expanding the space of the kitchen due to the loggia

When choosing a radical redevelopment associated with complete removal load-bearing wall, combining the kitchen with the space of the loggia, you will first have to secure a variety of permits from supervisory authorities. First you need to get a certificate from the BTI, fire service, SES. In addition to coordinating work related to redevelopment with these structures, you will also have to obtain the consent of the residents of the house.

At the first stage, the wall between the kitchen and the balcony is removed. This period is accompanied by huge amount dirt and dust. After the wall is completely dismantled, you can proceed to the next step. It is associated with the transfer of the heating battery to another location.

Attention! The rules prohibit the installation of a radiator on the loggia, so you will have to think about installing it in the kitchen, choosing the best place for this.

If you cannot completely remove the wall between the kitchen and the balcony, you can limit yourself to dismantling the double-glazed window. The remaining ledge will be an excellent bar counter, or a place to place small kitchen items.

Professionals offer many original solutions, which do not imply the mandatory organization of a rectangular space between the kitchen and the balcony. For example, an arch equipped with LED lighting looks interesting. If desired, you can make original drywall columns, use LED lighting inside them.

Glazing features

If you decide to stay on the cold version of glazing, that is, you intend to use your loggia only in warm weather, it is enough to purchase single-chamber PVC packages. For a warm (winter) option for glazing loggias or balconies, double-glazed windows with a double or triple profile are chosen.

As an intermediate option, energy-saving single-chamber packages can be considered.

Advice! When choosing the option of completely dismantling the wall between the kitchen and the room, we recommend using warm glazing.

When installing double-glazed windows, it is necessary to pay attention to the condition of the roof on the balcony. If it is in good condition, in this case, you can immediately proceed to the selection of a glazing option.

If there is no roof over the loggia, in this case, you first need to decide on its installation.

Problems with the roof can only occur for residents of the upper floors; for everyone else, a concrete slab acts as a balcony roof, which is the basis for a loggia located on the floor above.

When installing an independent roof over a loggia, it is important to first calculate the load under which it will be. If due attention is not paid to such calculations, as a result, there is a high risk that the roof will not withstand the weight of snow.

Depending on the purpose for which you carried out the combination of the kitchen and the balcony space, a certain type of interior design is selected for it. For example, if the opening between the kitchen and the loggia is removed, then the resulting space should be a continuation of the style in which the main room is decorated.

If you decide to organize a dining room on the loggia, in this case, you can choose materials in a different color scheme.


Before thinking of cardinal transformations on your loggia or balcony, resolve all legal issues. Otherwise, your actions will be declared illegal, you will be forced to re-erect the load-bearing wall.

When choosing a variant of your own design project for the resulting space, first evaluate its appropriateness for your apartment. If you are in doubt about the choice of style, color scheme for the created free space you can use the services professional designers. When carrying out such work on your own, it is important to pay attention to, as well as to the selection of lighting.

The kitchen with access to the loggia is a great opportunity to increase the functionality of the room at times. Additional square meters, which many are accustomed to using for storing rarely used things, can be used to organize a dining, work area, recreation area, or even an office.

Kitchen with dining area on the balcony

To use the additional area, you must do:

  • insulation, consider heating - the "warm floor" system, electric convectors, fan heaters;
  • to glaze windows from heat-retaining high-quality PVC.

For more information on insulation, see the video:

Using a long bar counter or countertop as a work surface, you can make stylish design, as well as achieve competent zoning.

You can make a design if there is a long balcony. When combining the areas with the dismantling of a huge, long window, such an original solution is obtained.

Panoramic glazing looks even more impressive.

To decorate a new window space, you can choose Roman or long blackout curtains, curtains, blinds.

In some styles, you can opt out of them.

Pros and cons of combining


  • increasing the area will solve the problem of lack of squares;

  • an unusual design will cheer you up and your guests, with whom it is pleasant to spend time with a cup of tea in such an environment;

Rest zone
  • interior renovation. A bored environment can change beyond recognition;
Photos "before" and "after" joining the loggia
  • improvement of the degree of illumination due to the demolition of the partition.

This kitchen looks amazing. But all original solutions have their own "pitfalls".


  • it is necessary to legalize redevelopment;
  • financially expensive, because funds are needed for insulation, repairs, registration of new technical documentation;
  • in time, paperwork may be delayed for an indefinite time;
  • if the loggia or balcony is narrow, then additional insulation take more space. You need to think about whether the game is worth the candle.

Balcony and loggia: a fundamental difference

For those who want to combine these areas, an important difference in the two building structures must be understood.

  • The balcony is not closed by walls from the sides, it protrudes beyond the perimeter of the building.
  • The loggia is closed on three sides (with a corner arrangement - on two). It is part of the dwelling, has a ceiling.

Based design features, it's easy to guess that it will be easier to attach a loggia. Combining with a balcony with the demolition of the partition is unrealistic, because. the facade wall is load-bearing.

Understanding the difference between concepts is necessary for the distribution permissible load. For a balcony, it is smaller. Another point is heating. It is still possible to carry it legally to the loggia, but to the balcony it is problematic.

Given the features of these two premises, we can conclude:

  1. You can not demolish the partition if the kitchen has access to the balcony. In this case, the room can be insulated and equipped with only an additional dining area with a window-sill table, for example, a recreation area with light armchairs or a winter garden.

  1. Combining with a loggia, subject to obtaining permission from various authorities (BTI, FRS, etc.). Such a structural element in terms of area, especially in modern houses, much more balcony. In most cases, it is worth the money and effort spent to increase the comfort of housing.

When redevelopment, the connection can be made by dismantling the door and window. This method is the most realistic, most often practiced. The resulting design can become a bar counter, countertop or decorative shelf for accessories.

Bar counter or countertop instead of a window with a window sill

It is not necessary to issue a permit for this type of work, but you need to understand that it is impossible to sell an apartment without legalization. Otherwise, you need to return the room to its original appearance - restore the window and door.

Another option is to demolish the wall, the lower wall of the door. V panel house such an idea is practically impossible. It is possible to perform such work in an apartment of a monolithic-brick house.

Before undertaking the unification of the premises, it is necessary to study the features of the building, obtain permission from the relevant authorities with instructions on strengthening the structures.

40 design ideas for redevelopment

Design can be both modern and classical style. The idea of ​​redevelopment is relevant at any time, and the selection of photos below will help you choose the best option.

Kitchen set on the balcony

Take out the work area - optimal solution if the kitchen is no more than 7 sq.m.

Small kitchen on the balcony

Here you can install household appliances - a refrigerator, a washing machine, and other equipment.

Theoretically, even a sink can be transferred, but it is difficult to legally equip communications. Worth a try if you live on the ground floor.

Peculiarities kitchen set for the loggia:

  • compact design;
  • functionality;
  • lack of mezzanine.

There is simply nowhere to install the upper drawers, so the lower part of the furniture must be roomy. It is possible to install the top row only along the side walls.


Since the design of the balcony is less reliable, it is worth taking care of the weight of all pieces of furniture. It is easier with a loggia - any tables and chairs will do.

Recreation and tea area

A place for a snack or a tea party on the balcony never hurts.

Especially if it has a great view.

Put low soft sofas, then you can relax after a hard day's work.

Balcony workshop or office

This place is the best for doing any business. Enough is here natural light to comfortably spend the day for a hobby or work.

Winter Garden

After warming and heating, this room may well be suitable for growing plants. In the cold season flower arrangements will cheer you up, create a small piece of summer in the apartment.

Kitchen-living room

In studios or kitchen-living rooms, the addition of a loggia has rather decorative functions.

In the case of panoramic glazing, the interior will resemble a picture of their Hollywood movie. Looks very stylish and effective.


Many people sin by littering the balcony, although this not only spoils general form interior, but also violates fire safety rules. Try to clear and sort the accumulated pile of things, organize their storage. Drawers, lockers will look more attractive than a spontaneous home dump.

Yes, and such a storage organization will surprise you with its functionality. How to use your balcony as a pantry, see the photo below.

Kitchen with a balcony door and a window: design options

If the redevelopment failed, then this is not a reason to be upset. Can do interesting design kitchen borders.

You can decorate the wall adjacent to the balcony or loggia with the help of beautiful curtains.

Indoors on the south side, where during the daytime there is a lot sunlight, you can hang blackout curtains with or without tulle.

For a small kitchen, it makes sense to think about it non-standard design walls with balcony door. For example, install a double-leaf option. The white color scale at the same time helps to fill in the illumination.

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