Dark walnut furniture color. walnut color

landscaping 03.03.2020

When choosing furniture, you always pay attention not only to the model, workmanship, design, fittings, but also to its color. To date, one of the most common is the color of walnut. Furniture of this color can blend into any interior, making it unique. Even the coldest house will become warmer with wooden furniture.

Wood color features

Walnut quite successfully competes with the most common types of wood in the manufacture of furniture, such as oak and beech. The shade of color of this wood depends on the age at which the tree was cut down. If these are young trees, then the wood will be white and soft, most often it is used to fake

On the contrary, the old tree has a dark brown color, sometimes even with veins. The older the tree, the more expressive the wood will be. There are three types of shade:

Walnut antique - dark color;

Cognac nut - reddish-brown color;

Walnut traditional - light shade.

With the use of a transparent finish that enhances the hue and enhances the texture of the wood, the uniqueness and desired color of the furniture is achieved. Walnut looks very advantageous in antique style, semi-antique.

wood quality

You like Furniture made of this wood will surprise you with its quality, as it is in no way inferior to oak in its properties. Walnut is a hard, fairly flexible wood. It lends itself well to the processing of a furniture maker and retains the pattern. Walnut furniture is relatively light and is in demand among the population.

To give uniqueness to wood, it has become popular to use a new Italian technology: in some places, small holes are machined into furniture elements. This creates an imitation of "turning worms", which makes the furniture unique. This technology is used to give the effect of antique furniture.


The current market offers a wide variety and selection of furniture. The walnut color looks the best. This furniture can be combined with elements of almost any interior style. Wood goes with every material, be it glass, metal, fabric upholstery and even plastic.

Looks harmoniously in combination with other types of wood walnut color. Furniture becomes elegant and unique. For example, the combination of dark walnut will bring a peculiar zest to the furniture, creating a contrast of white and dark colors. Such furniture is in harmony with the beige shade of the walls and the dark, walnut-like floor.

Your office, furnished with walnut furniture, will make it feel like home, and fruitful work in it will bring pleasure and success. A wide range of furniture offered by leading manufacturers: living rooms, hallways, bedrooms, kitchens, chests of drawers, and so on, will allow you to make a choice according to your taste, and your home will be filled with warmth and comfort. Such furniture will bring zest to the interior, allowing you to enjoy it.

Walnut is extremely popular in the manufacture of cabinet furniture. Our designers often choose this material only for interior decoration, while Westerners use Italian walnut not only as a furniture color, but mainly as a base. We love walnut for its warm color and unique pattern. The color range of this tree is very extensive, it starts with a light honey shade and ends with a rich dark mahogany.

Often, the color of Italian walnut is used for the production of interior doors, flooring and all kinds of furniture. Despite its relevance, the walnut is capricious in the selection, so to speak, of companions in the color palette. There are some difficulties when creating a wall or floor finish with an Italian walnut finish.

Italian walnut color combination

A kitchen in Italian walnut color is ideally combined with a white tone, which can be expressed in wall tiles, wall painting, brickwork or accessories. Bright can be replaced with more practical options, such as beige, yellow or orange. Walnut in the kitchen itself is already an expensive high-quality piece of furniture.

The bedroom is the most common place to use this material. It is from walnut that luxurious carved sets are obtained. The bed in a minimalist version, but in the color of Italian walnut, thanks to its texture will look chic. In order not to oversaturate the room, it is advisable to choose the most light colors for wall decoration, ideally a warm sunny palette. Pastel green curtains and a beige bedspread complete the interior.

For the Italian walnut hallway, experts recommend the same color schemes as for the rest of the rooms. It is better to opt for warm colors on the walls, and diversify the interior with heavy curtains and carpets.

Offices and living rooms look great, which are maximally decorated with wood - walls, ceiling, laminate flooring and everything in Italian walnut color.

When creating elegant and respectable interiors, designers traditionally use walnut-like interior doors, which are distinguished by their rich texture and soft brown color. All shades of this wood are ideal for light walls and floors, perfectly combined with bleached oak, birch, light alder, maple and beech. In terms of popularity, walnut doors are not inferior to cherry and oak, they are regularly among the leaders of sales among all manufacturers of finishing materials.

Features of walnut wood

Walnut wood is strong, elastic, with a rich texture. Walnut colors can vary from gray-brown to yellow-brown. This is due to the wide area of ​​growth and the unstable supply of wood to the production workshops. The walnut is primarily a fruit tree and is grown to meet the needs of the food industry. The main suppliers of timber are located in Southern Europe and America.

Due to the irregular supply of wood, its price is quite high, for this reason, solid walnut doors are a rarity. Mostly, manufacturers of finishing materials use veneer, as well as various types of imitation. Milanese walnut laminated doors are very popular due to their affordable price and ease of use.

Variety of wood species

The wide range of walnut growth is the reason for the variety of types of wood used in the manufacture of doors. The most popular are the following varieties of nuts:

  • Milanese;
  • Italian;
  • walnut;
  • Eastern American;
  • Manchurian;
  • Brazilian.

There is a growing demand for African walnut and pecan, as well as other exotic species of this tree. For example, Milan walnut interior doors have a warm, soft, brown color. This is the most balanced type of wood in terms of texture brightness and shade. Interior doors made of walnut are distinguished by a gray-brown tint, a wider texture. Brazil walnut and African walnut have the most saturated shades, which can compete with merbau for the warmth of brown.

Types of walnut doors

Interior doors made of solid walnut are produced extremely rarely due to the high cost of wood. However, such products are available on the market in the form of customized solutions. A more affordable option are walnut veneer doors, which are based on inexpensive softwood. Veneered doors are produced deaf and glazed, they have a long service life, but are demanding in terms of personal care.

Manufacturers of MDF products produce walnut-colored doors in large quantities. The structure is based on medium density fibreboard, which has good practical characteristics. The main advantage of MDF interior doors is an affordable price, which can be several times lower than similar veneered interior doors.

Inexpensive Italian walnut-look laminated doors are available as deaf doors, with fusing elements, and with decorative glass. This is the most diverse class of products widely used in the construction of municipal real estate, private houses, commercial real estate. Laminate flooring is very easy to care for and has a long service life.

Walnut-colored interior doors are also made of PVC; these products are actively conquering the market thanks to non-standard solutions. Folding, sliding, pendulum PVC doors are produced, which are distinguished by low weight, moisture resistance, and functionality. If desired, you can order African walnut balcony doors, which will make the interior more original.

Interior doors made of Italian walnut covered with eco-veneer are not inferior in practicality to PVC models. This modern material is unpretentious in care, durable, and has good moisture resistance. Eco-veneer doors are cheaper than natural veneer products, while the artificial material perfectly imitates not only the shade, but also the texture of the wood surface. The surface is easy to care for, it has a high resistance to mechanical damage.

A walnut metal front door is not unusual today. Its construction is based on a steel frame and veneered sheet iron, covered with MDF, laminate, natural veneer or natural solid wood. Entrance doors are made of walnut color and PVC. The frame of such doors is reinforced, armored glass is used, hidden hinges, thanks to which they are burglar-resistant and create a reliable barrier to intruders. The color of the plastic can be anything from walnut to African walnut.

Interior doors in the interior

The classic walnut door is actively used by designers for several reasons. Chief among them are:

  • the popularity of classic walnut furniture;
  • harmonious combination with light finishing materials;
  • excellent combination with popular beige carpets;
  • great energy of the nut.

The color "Italian walnut" is the warmest, softest, creating an atmosphere of comfort and peace of mind in the room. Other shades of wood are not inferior in their emotionality, as Brazilian and African walnuts are able to create an atmosphere of prosperity and well-being in the house.

The Milan walnut color door is most often used in the interior of a private house and a city apartment. When choosing this product, you must follow a simple rule: the darker the shade of Milanese, the lighter the walls should be in the room.

If there is a planned renovation and rather dark wallpapers are chosen, then it is better to buy interior doors made of light walnut, which will ideally fit into the design of the room. The best solution in this case would be beige walls, sand or cream shades of wallpaper.

Fans of strict classic style can combine Milan walnut doors with gray walls. This solution is suitable for offices, home libraries, living rooms. You can choose walnut with glass or solid interior doors made of American walnut, this combination is also suitable for office space.

Respectable dark walnut interior doors, universal Milanese walnut, elegant walnut - all these are win-win options for the interior of your home or office. Due to their noble shade, such doors will not only decorate the room, but also emphasize the taste of its owner.

Record Walnut color doors: combination possibilities (27 photos) first appeared.

Exquisite walnut-colored furniture will become a worthy interior element in a room with any functional load, whether it be a kitchen, living room, bathroom or bedroom. When decorating a room, the combination of colors plays an important role. Information about the features of walnut furniture and the rules for combining it with other design elements will be useful when arranging your own home.

Characteristics of walnut wood furniture

The saturation and interesting texture of the pattern are the main reasons for the popularity of the walnut color when choosing furnishings. Furniture made of natural walnut wood has unsurpassed performance characteristics:

  • The main quality is the strength of wood, which is automatically transferred to manufactured items.
  • Compliance and flexibility material is used by experienced craftsmen to create real masterpieces of furniture. This applies to carvings and unique curved elements.
  • Minor weight walnut wood facilitates the process of its processing, transportation and further operation.

A separate discussion deserves the variety of shades of walnut furniture and the expressiveness of the pattern, which does not need additional processing. The palette of walnut color ranges from light honey tones to deep mahogany tones. Such a wide range allows you to choose the situation in a classic interior and a room with an ultra-modern design.

The walnut color of the furniture depends on the type of wood. There are the following types:

  • Italian and Milanese walnut are the most widely used among furniture manufacturers. Their characteristic features will be presented in detail.
  • Brazil and American walnuts are less in demand. Let's leave it to the lot of the inhabitants of the South American continent.
  • There are furniture products made of pecan, walnut and Spanish.

If you deviate from the type of walnut wood, then designers are used to dividing the variety of furniture colors into 4 categories: light, gold, red and dark. Typically, Milanese walnut is used for the production of light items, and the Italian variety is used for red items.

In addition to furniture, walnut wood is used for the production of wall panels, flooring, picture frames. Natural walnut-colored material gives the interior of the room an atmosphere of warmth. In order not to lose these qualities in the process of decorating a room, it is important to choose a suitable background for the furniture.

Attention! The walnut palette looks most advantageous against the background of warm shades. In the interior, the use of cold tones should be avoided, especially if the windows of the room face the north side.

Numerous photos of walnut-colored furniture will give ideas and interior design options.

General combination rules

Especially popular in domestic open spaces is the shade of Italian walnut. Despite some variations in tone from different manufacturers, when choosing this color, you should be guided by the following recommendations:

  • The presence of dark furniture obliges to take care of the light flooring and walls.
  • Italian walnut is optimally combined with shades of light green and yellow. The wide range includes variations from pistachio to pale herbal, from creamy to ocher.
  • In design, the neighborhood of red should be avoided.
  • Accessories are selected in warm colors.

The color of Italian walnut is most fully revealed in the bedroom. Carved sets look favorably against the background of pastel wall decoration. The interior is organically complemented by pale green curtains and a milky beige bedspread. If we talk about the peculiarities of the presence of Italian walnut color in the living room, then you should pay attention to the successful combination of such furniture with a carpet.

The photo will help to evaluate the attractiveness of the color of Italian walnut furniture:

The hue of Italian walnut is considered more capricious in interior design, the Milanese hue is characterized by versatility. Possible combination options:

  • If we talk about flooring, then bleached oak will become a wonderful companion.
  • Additional decor items can be made of cherry or similar solid wood.
  • The background of the walls and interior elements are chosen in calm tones. Suitable sand, caramel, ocher.
  • Combinations with powdery, greenish and gray are appropriate.

A cozy atmosphere with Milan walnut furniture is demonstrated by the photo:

Walnut shade in the dining room and kitchen

When a walnut shade is involved in the design of a room, it is important to correctly distribute color proportions.

Comment! Walnut tone can act both in the foreground and play a secondary role.

In the first case, it is assigned a dominant function, and the walnut wood kitchen set occupies a central place in the design of the room. This approach obliges to take care of high-quality lighting, this applies to natural flows and artificial sources. The problem is solved by large windows and a multi-level lighting system. When choosing a walnut shade as a companion to the main interior, it acts as an accent detail of the interior or softens the excessive brightness of the design.

Not every dining room or kitchen can accept a complete ensemble of walnut-colored furniture, especially when it comes to Italian solid wood. Then they resort to combining when the lower part of the dark-colored headset is complemented by light cabinets of the upper tier. The result of such a decision will be an additional bonus in the form of a visual increase in the height of the room.

The expressive pattern of walnut wood does not need decoration. It is for this reason that the facades of kitchen furniture have a smooth surface with a minimum amount of concise fittings. Regarding the countertop, monochromatic materials are preferred, stone-themed colors are avoided, since the material has an equally pronounced natural texture in the form of veins and changes in shades.

Another option for using walnut color in the interior of a kitchen or dining room is the design of a floor covering or the choice of a countertop for a dining table. Favorably set off the peculiar texture of wood on the countertop light furniture facades. The tandem of flooring and walnut-colored countertops looks extremely impressive in the design.

Living room decor with walnut furniture

Regardless of the breed, the walnut tree has a pronounced structure. The uniqueness and attractiveness of a natural pattern often does not need additional decoration elements. That is why living room furniture often appears in laconic forms, with a complete lack of decor on the facades and hidden fittings. Plain walls painted in light and neutral colors will be an ideal backdrop for a colorful pattern.

If honey-colored furniture is chosen for the interior, then to create a cozy atmosphere, the design of the living room is complemented by the following tones:

  • light yellow;
  • ocher;
  • muted orange;
  • pistachio;
  • mustard.

Advice! You can solve the problem of visually increasing the space of the living room, including the effect of raised ceilings, by installing small dark walnut furniture.

A chest of drawers, an original coffee table or a floor covering, which necessarily adjoins very light walls and a snow-white ceiling, will perfectly cope with this goal.

The desire to make the dark walnut color dominant is best satisfied in a spacious living room with good lighting. A large area, panoramic windows, high ceilings are the three main components that will advantageously emphasize the sophistication of dark furniture. If the walnut color is chosen for the interior of the living room as wall panels, moderation should also be observed here and not used throughout the room, leaving at least one of the walls light.

Some limited space gives another direction to the use of walnut color in design. A laminated board in combination with a coffee table or chest of drawers is an excellent solution for the interior. In addition to furniture and flooring, the walnut color looks great in the decoration of the fireplace, of course, we are talking about an artificial hearth, where the surface around remains without heating.

Examples of a harmonious interior, in which walnut-colored furniture is present, are shown in the photo:

Walnut color in the bedroom

Walnut wood in the bedroom space gives the interior sophistication and aristocracy. However, care should be taken when choosing dark-colored bedroom furniture. The bed is usually the central element of the interior, and there are no special installation restrictions here. But if there is a desire to purchase a complete set of dark furniture, which includes a wardrobe, chest of drawers, bedside tables, then there are similar conditions that were put forward for the living room:

  • big room;
  • large windows, preferably their exit to the southeast;
  • sufficient height of the room;
  • furniture is located against the backdrop of light flooring and neutral walls.

This combination will emphasize the beauty of walnut furniture and will not make the bedroom interior overly overloaded with dark objects.

When using dark chocolate shades in furniture design, it is better to focus on accent elements. It can be bedside tables or a dressing table that stand out against the background of light walls. A walnut-colored wallboard looks quite interesting in the interior. Her place is behind the head of the bed. Bright and expressive pattern will give the bedroom warmth and comfort.

Furniture in walnut shades is organic not only in the adult bedroom. A crib or bunk design for teenagers looks no less impressive. The rest of the furniture is better to choose less saturated colors.

Other interior solutions

When it comes to purchasing furniture made of natural solid wood, often the living space has a study.

What are the design features of this room? It all depends on the preferences of the owner. A combination of walnut-colored furniture with dark green hues, such as emerald, malachite, and bottle, will help create a classic style. Has the right to exist the color of Marsala and deep blue. Such an abundance of dark tones should be diluted with high-quality lighting and light surfaces of the rest of the interior.

Walnut color does not have to be used in furniture, a presentable design will be obtained by choosing a noble shade for doors or flooring.

Comment! If the office cannot boast of a vast area, it is better to dwell on the honey shades of the situation.

Wealthy segments of society prefer natural wood in all sectors of their homes, the bathroom is no exception. When choosing furniture for the bathroom, first of all, you should take care of its reliable protection from high humidity. Sandy-golden shades of walnut look relevant in the design; it is better to refuse the use of Italian wood species.

The noble color and expressive texture of walnut wood will give the interior of the room warmth and sophistication, regardless of the functional purpose. The main thing is to choose the right shade, taking into account the area and degree of illumination of the room.

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