Desk decoration. Desk - modern style and the rules for choosing the perfect workplace (135 photos)

Engineering systems 23.06.2020
Engineering systems

In the modern interiors of many rooms, you can find the presence of a desk.

In this article, we will consider several of the most popular varieties, methods for designing a working area, the most common materials, basic requirements before choosing, and also answer the question of many people, how to choose a desk?

Types of desks

Not a single worker and student can do without a good desk. We go around such a piece of furniture not only for work, but also for maintaining the correct posture and order.

Immediately before choosing, you should decide on the location of the table, as well as its optimal cost and suitability for a certain age.

All desks have several varieties:

Hidden - it is compact, in most cases it disguises itself as other types of furniture in the general interior system. Such a model, when closed, is a design in the form of a sufficiently large cabinet, and the countertop located near the wall can be framed in the form of a picture.

A table built into the windowsill is a great option for small apartments. This variety is shown in the photo of desks, and in this case, the main advantage is the presence of a large amount of light.

Corner option - the model is quite compact, but roomy, making it possible to install a computer for work.

No less common model is considered to be rectangular. This is a traditional classic version with a massive countertop. Only retractable drawers can be included in the kit for it. An excellent choice for rooms with a large free space.

Materials for making a desk

As a rule, the choice of material characterizes the status of the owners. In this case, we are not talking about material well-being, but about the main functionality and for whom it is intended.

The cost and duration of operation also depend on the materials. The main most suitable materials include:

Chipboard. It has a relatively low cost, but at the same time it is considered the most popular variety. The main disadvantages include rapid deterioration and the possibility of formaldehyde emission, which can adversely affect human health.

MDF. A little more expensive than the previous option, but much safer. This is a great option. Able to replace wood.

Natural wood. Quite an attractive and durable option, especially if elite breeds are used, but this option has a high cost.

Plastic. It will not last long, but it is perfect for those whose price is the main argument when buying.

Glass is an unusual option that is stylish and requires careful care.

Metal is considered a less popular material. Suitable only if it fits into the overall interior, and this variety can be made to order, taking into account individual ideas.

Choosing a table taking into account age characteristics

All the features of the models are directly related to who exactly this piece of furniture is purchased for.

So, for example, when choosing an "adult" table, you should not focus on certain details for a long time. In this case, it is important that it is sufficiently roomy and functional. Do not forget about the general interior.

As for the color, shape and material, here you can be based on individual preferences. Do not forget about the most optimal height, which will not only allow you to maintain your posture, but also evenly distribute the total load on the back area.

For schoolchildren, a desk must meet several requirements, for example, the optimal height level, the width of the tabletop, good lighting at any time of the day, and the availability of a suitable chair.

As materials, it is better to use natural materials that are safe and durable.

The choice of a table for two children deserves special attention. In this case, there are several options:

  • common tabletop, divided into two working areas;
  • one table top. Having two perpendicular jobs;
  • the presence of a wall on which the upper tier includes a sleeping place, and the lower one - a working area.

In this case, so that the children have enough free space.

Multifunctional models of desks

There are varieties of desks that have additional features that allow you to properly organize your workspace. In this case, great helpers will be:

  • sliding panel to accommodate the keyboard;
  • the presence of a niche for the power supply;
  • the presence of shelves and racks;
  • adjustable modules.

How functionally it will be used depends on how equipped the desk is.

Photo of desks in the interior

Any student class, from the smallest to the graduate, required place to practice lessons.

Table for the student should be functional, convenient and not bulky. Most often for children choose wooden desks.

Today, when from the first grade students work with computer, there should be room on the table for him.

Manufacturing do-it-yourself school table - significant saving for the family budget. You can finish the table top in the most incredible ways, and then the table made with your own hands will look like an expensive one. designer thing.

School table options

Table for a first grader should be spacious so that there is enough space for textbooks and notebooks.

For more adult student, you can purchase or make a multifunctional table with retractable panel for keyboards and with many shelves or drawers on the surface.

It is very important that workplace the child was as comfortable as possible, and all the necessary for classes things were at hand.

School desks can be completely various in appearance and design - from simple angular and straight lines to creative

Folding table


Table for the student

We will not consider typical desks that were in all Russian apartments in the 90s of the last century. Such tables boring in execution.

Consider unusual table with A-shaped legs (goats) and solid long countertop. As a countertop, you can use the old door canvas with a flat surface.

Stages of work

Step 1. Draw and cut out countertop. We process it with sandpaper or a grinder. On the sides, you can make a special edging finishing edging, which is sold at any hardware store.

Note: with edging, the width of the finished tabletop will be 72 cm!

Step 2 Cut 8 boards long at least 75 cm (if necessary, the edges will need to be cut with a jigsaw), grind them.

Step 3 Injection inclination boards for the goat should be such that the height of the legs in total with the thickness of the tabletop was 75 cm To do this, cut out small bars, which will be located between the upper parts of the supports. The width between the bottoms should be 22 cm

Step 4 In two boards 70 cm long we drill two holes 9 mm each (for fastening the goat). The holes must be equal to distance! Above retreat about 3.5–4 cm, it all depends on the width of the board. We drill holes in the upper part of the legs in the middle 9 mm. Furniture bolts fasten legs and strengthen the structure self-tapping screws.

Note: the size of the bolts is 6 mm, and the diameter of the holes for them is 9 mm! This is necessary because the legs of the table are attached at an angle.

Step 5 At the bottom of a goat we fix two bars long 19 cm The height of the fastening of the bars is not less than 3 cm from the floor. On the bars we impose two boards that will serve shelf, fix them with screws.

Step 6 Measuring the distance between the goats, fasten wooden blocks so that the countertop does not move out.

For the best sustainability countertops are recommended to use dowels. To do this, drill holes in the supporting boards with a depth of 8 mm, and in countertop - 22 mm. Dowels should be dipped in glue PVA and drive into the board, then carefully place the countertop on them. For such massive table you need to make 2-3 dowels on each side.

Step 7 All wooden parts of the table should be process impregnation. For a children's table, you need to apply at least 3 layers(so that it is immune to moisture). Each layer must fully dry out. After the last layer has dried, the table is painted or varnished. Can be mixed with varnish a little dye to give it the desired shade.

Note: The table can be decorated as desired. The best decor technique for a children's table is such a decor technique as It is enough to choose a cheerful pattern or decorate the table top with images of the child's favorite characters.

School table for two children

Convenient and practical option for two children can be angular table. Each child is provided with a workplace and retractable storage boxes for study supplies.
Tabletop width - 600 mm, thickness - from 16 mm.

Stages of work

Step 1. Run saw cut material or order it in the carpentry workshop.

Step 2 Collecting everything boxes. There should be 6 large ones (3 pieces for each table top) and 4 small drawers for various little things under the tabletop itself. Holes under confirmations drilled with a Faustner drill. We nail hardboard to each box with nails.

Note: confirmations can be replaced with conventional self-tapping screws, but their connection is not so reliable.

Step 3 With the help of corner clamps collect the cabinet. Fasten with screws guides for boxes.

Step 4 We collect the table. Cabinet and lateral we fasten the wall from above with a chipboard of small size. We close the part with a larger sheet rear walls. We install guides on small boxes and facades.

Step 5 In the same way we collect second table that will longer due to two pedestals.

Step 6 Installing the table top short table. To do this, screw it on small sheets.

Step 7 Fixing the table top second table.

Step 8 Install facades on large boxes, attach to them pens. We nail the hardboard.

For the child to be comfortable work at a new table take into account following:

    • Width table for a child should be from 60 to 80 cm, length from 120 cm.
    • Boys need more workspace than girls.
    • Workplace student is recommended to organize near the window.
    • Be sure to install a desktop lamp with bright lighting. For right-handers, the light should fall on the left, for left-handers, on the right.
    • The chair should be comfortable back - rigid with a bend. Good decision - orthopedic armchair.
    • Screen monitor during operation must be below eye level at an angle of 15-30 degrees.

  • Color spectrum the workplace should be selected based on the wishes of the child, but you should not make it too colorful and full of poisonous colors. A lurid table can to distract child from doing homework. It is enough to pick up bright accessories and furniture.
  • Accessories worth choosing creative forms: and the children's table should have its own zest. Business minimalism - not the best option for a child.

How to make a table for a student with your own hands, see video:

We offer you an interesting review on the selection of a desk for a student, with a lot of photos of design and its use in the interior of a children's room!

Features of choosing a table for a student

When choosing a desk, parents most often rely on two factors - price and size, but there are still a lot of nuances that are also important to pay attention to. For example, comfort and proper fit should be at the top of this list. Not the last role is played by the functionality of the table, the internal volume, the dimensions of the tabletop, as well as how organically it fits into. In general, the choice of a desk for the home is an extremely sensitive process, which each parent must approach with the utmost responsibility.

So, what should you focus on when buying (ordering) a table for a child.

Correct posture at the table

The correct fit of the child, which means his correct posture, even distribution of the load on the back, spine and neck, healthy vision, depends on the size, height and design of the table.

What should be the ideal table for a child?

Table height

There are 4 ways to determine the correct height.

In a sitting position, the tabletop is located in the solar plexus area of ​​​​the child;

The elbow of the lowered straight arm in a sitting position is 5 cm below the tabletop.

If you put your hands on the tabletop, the shoulders will be at their natural height - not raised, not lowered.

The comfortable position of the legs under the table is 10-15 cm from the knees to the tabletop.

If all four parameters converge, you have the perfect table in front of you!

Table top lengthIt should be at least 1 m in order to conveniently position the elbows spread apart while writing.
Table top widthIt should allow the student to comfortably sit at the table and put notebooks, textbooks, stationery - in footage it is 60-80 cm, depending on age. If the desk is also used as a computer desk, then the width should allow the monitor to be placed at a safe distance (30-40 cm from the eyes), i.e. the countertop should be 80-100 cm.
LightingAdd-ons in the form of racks and shelves on the table should not block the natural lighting of the room, or the table should stand so that the light falls on the writing surface, regardless of the add-ons. Consider also the placement option and a place for 2 lamps for classes in the evening. 80-100 cm.

Many people prefer to purchase a transforming table that allows you to adjust the height of the table, the slope and size of the tabletop, with add-ons from shelving and shelves that change their position. In this case, as the child grows up, you do not have to purchase a new table for a new height, it can last all school years.

Comfortable ergonomic chair

It is not enough to buy a good comfortable table, the growing and developing child's body also needs the right chair or armchair that supports the natural curve of the back and corresponds to the structural features of the spine.

Don't think that a big easy chair will help to put the child in a healthy posture. The correct chair should have an anatomical back that fully supports the curve of the child's back, in other words, sitting on it closely, the back of the chair should merge perfectly with the child's back.

And a few more tips:

  • The height of the chair should allow you to put your feet at a right angle on the floor or on a stand;
  • The thigh and lower leg should form a right angle when landing;
  • For the correct position of the spine, the back should end at the middle of the shoulder blades;
  • It is undesirable to use armrests on a child seat, because. this will lead to an uneven load on the back;
  • Naturally, the chair must be stable, on wheels or not - the choice is yours, the main thing is that such a design is safe for pampering.

Table material for a child

I want to say right away, do not follow the low price, give up cheap and toxic chipboard for children's furniture. This material is not safe for the child, over time it begins to release poison. It is short-lived, and after a couple of years you will again have to buy a new table, so the question of saving this is somehow doubtful.

If the budget does not allow you to buy a table made of natural wood, give preference to MDF, which is in no way inferior to solid wood, but is much cheaper. Another alternative could be an inexpensive plastic table, but in this case, be sure to check the quality certificate for the materials!

Not the last role in choosing a table for a child is played by its functionality, i.e. the presence of drawers, shelves, racks, niches for a monitor, a system unit and other devices for storing and optimizing the workspace. Think about what you really need from all this. With the right set of table - with drawers and shelves, you may not have to buy additional furniture, which means you can save both space in the room and money in your wallet.

Types of desks for a child

A great option to save space in the children's room is to put some of the furniture on the second tier. This can be done using a loft bed, where the bed is on top and the workplace is on the bottom. This way of arranging furniture is perfect for a room with two students.

Extendable or folding table

You can easily make such a table yourself, by the way, it is also an excellent solution for. It is enough to attach a folding board to the rack or wall at the right distance and find supports for it in the form of a pedestal or screwed legs. In case of uselessness, it can be folded back with the help of special fasteners. Of course, this option is not very correct in terms of organizing the working area, because. You won’t put a full-fledged computer and textbooks on it, but it is quite suitable as an additional place for writing, drawing or working with portable devices - a tablet, a laptop.

For those parents who are lucky enough to have, the issue of creating equivalent educational places for two children will be relevant. For those who are not deprived of square meters, it will not be a problem to divide the room into two identical parts and set up separate tables for each child. However, most often our living space does not allow us to fully furnish a room for two children so that no one is offended, so design tricks come to the aid of parents in such cases.

  • 2 rectangular tables along the wall line or one long tabletop (about 2 meters long); In order not to clutter up a small workplace, use wall shelves as storage for things. In the middle, under the tabletop, place a common cabinet that divides the table into two conditional halves
  • Use the window sill as a table if it fits in height;
  • Place a table on the corner, one half for one child, the other half for the other, just so that there is no interference with light and a comfortable position during the activities of both children;
  • A wide tabletop will allow children to sit opposite each other, but in this case it is better to place the table perpendicular to the window, and the width itself should be at least 1.6 m.

Be sure to consider the location of natural light. The ideal option for a table for two children is a window seat, this will provide equivalent lighting to one and the other child. The workplace should be well lit even in the evening, so be sure to install a pair of bright lights - for left-handers - on the right, for right-handers - on the left.

The choice of children's furniture is an important event, especially regarding the table, since you are acquiring not just an interior item, but a design that will affect the health and comfort of the child for many years. Parents should provide a student with comfortable learning conditions at home, so that the workplace brings only joyful emotions to their daughter or son. A table for a schoolchild with shelves is an excellent choice, since the design will allow not only to do homework, draw, use a computer, but also store office supplies and other trifles necessary for mental work and the development of creativity.

Desk for a student with shelves: how to choose the best one?

When a child goes to school, his room turns from a play area into an office. Furniture will help in organizing the educational process. An ideal table for a student should meet three main criteria:

  • convenience;
  • safety;
  • beauty.

Advice! Choose exactly the table that will meet both your and the child's visual and practical requirements. If, in addition to the idea of ​​​​decorating a children's room, you also want to create a stylish and original interior design, then be sure to view the photo gallery in this article!

Student table: the right size

Standard table sizes are 120-160 cm wide, 80-90 cm deep and 72-75 cm high. However, if the child is really tall or has significant growth dynamics, it is recommended to buy a structure up to 80 cm high. It is important that the child's legs, using the desk, are freely placed on the floor or on a special stand. Therefore, be sure to leave a free space under the table with a minimum depth of 50 cm. It should also be remembered that the distance between the top and the seat is about 30 cm and sets the table tilt angle of 10°-16°.

How to choose the right size of the table for the growth of the child?

There are some simple but usually ignored rules. Unfortunately, improper furniture height can lead to permanent, often irreversible spinal degeneration. If the table is too small - the child will stoop, if it is excessively high, then the child will look for another comfortable position, which, of course, will gradually distort his posture.

So, what to do to prevent spinal deformity? Use the principle of 4 right angles. When the child is sitting in a chair at the table, then 4 places of his body should be bent at an angle of 90 °:

  • elbows;
  • hips;
  • knees;
  • feet.

Advice! If you notice any abnormalities in your child's appearance when sitting at a table, try using a temporary footrest, and preferably a chair with an adjustable seat and back height.

A desktop with shelves for a student of all ages: the main thing is functionality

The high functionality of the table for the student is demonstrated primarily by the ability to customize its size and a sufficient number of available places to store books, a laptop, organizers for pencils, pens, etc. Thus, even an adult student will be most suitable for a table with shelves. For this reason, it is best to choose furniture that grows with your child. Thanks to this feature, you will avoid having to buy a new table every 2 or 3 years. And while the prices of this type of baby room equipment far outweigh the cost of traditional tables, you will realize after many years that the idea was really smart. In addition, it is worth considering tables that are equipped with a movable top with the ability to adjust the angle of the table top.

Advice! If your child's room has a bit of storage space in the form of shelves, shelving, or cabinets, make sure you buy a desk with plenty of drawers and compartments, or with a special top on the top so that the design can easily accommodate all of the books, notebooks, and other school supplies.

Corner tables for a student with shelves

Although the functionality, comfort and safety of children while studying are naturally at the forefront, one should not forget about the attractive design. Fortunately, a wide range of corner tables is able to satisfy the taste of every child and their parents. Corner furniture for classes is especially popular today, as it allows you to rationally use the free space of the room. Look at the review of the most beautiful desks for a student in different arrangements, you will surely find something for yourself!

Advice! The table should provide comfortable conditions for the student. But it will be better if this furniture also becomes an appropriate design addition to the interior over the years.

Shelves above the student's table: photos of stylish children's rooms

The decoration of the room should also reflect the character of its occupant. The table is an element of interior decoration. Pay attention to the uniqueness of modern children's furniture. Tables can be selected from a wide range. Many parents choose work furniture with built-in drawers, and hanging shelves are already placed above the table. Children, just like adults, want to surround themselves with things that stimulate their imagination and are in line with their own interests. Fashion accessories will be a wonderful decor for a student's room. The bright colors of the shelves add variety to the interior. This piece of furniture will look good in a small children's room as well as a teenager's room.

You can see a table for a student with shelves in photo ideas in the gallery of pictures, which is presented below. Choose the most suitable product for your child, but be sure to consult your son or daughter when buying, as the student should like the furniture that he intends to use for several years.

One of the advantages of working from home is the ability to arrange the workplace the way you like, including inventing your own desk design or buying an unusual model to your taste and habits.

As you know, the best ideas can be borrowed. Therefore, desktops invented by designers and creative fans from different countries can become an excellent source of inspiration. We have collected some of the most interesting ones in this issue.

You can, of course, look at the photos with curiosity and envy the owners of such jobs. But it is better to approach the issue as a practitioner and make the dream of an original desk in your own home come true.

It may be easier than you think: most of the options can be searched in stores, made to order or created with your own hands.

Choose the original design of your Dream Desk!

1. Table with original bookshelf.

If you are not satisfied with the heaps of shelves above the table, limit yourself to one, but in a convenient place. A V-shaped shelf at arm's length is a godsend for those whose work is related to books. It is also convenient for those who do not like to sit facing the wall.

2. Double table with recess.

This desk design for two is interesting because it consists of two parts separated by a recess. It can hold important documents or books that you are reading at the moment.

Thus, two family members can work at once without interfering with each other, while everything you need will be at hand. Great for a kid's room or a small apartment where a young freelance couple lives.

3. Metal baskets instead of legs.

Just think: you will save yourself from having to pull out drawers, which also have an unpleasant habit of falling on your feet with an awkward movement. But everything you need will be at hand. In addition, baskets take up little space, which makes such a table ideal for small rooms.

4. Unusual shape.

Taking work seriously doesn't mean the workplace has to be boring. Choose or make a custom table with an interesting shape - for example, like this one with "dancing" drawers.

5. From the details.

Other storage devices can also become an alternative to boxes: wooden boxes, baskets ... It looks especially good in an interior in an industrial or eco-style.

This unusual desk design is easy to DIY. You will need a board 60-70 cm wide, support legs and several fruit or wine boxes (or wicker or metal baskets). Plus - guides for drawers (those used for kitchens can be bought at a building market or a store "everything for furniture production").

6. Design "Card file".

This table is really reminiscent of a library and a pile of cards in small drawers. And this storage option will be a convenient alternative to traditional long drawers.

Doing it yourself is also easy. Update the table by replacing the massive box with several small ones (the main thing is that they fit in height, the depth and width are not critical). Paint their fronts in different colors, replace the handles - and get an original desk in retro style. A great idea for an original desk for a nursery and a teenager's room.

7. Raw wood tabletop.

Nothing superfluous - just a solid work surface and the charming smell of natural wood. Ideal for fans of eco style. Such a table provides enough space for two - or for one if you need a lot of free space.

8. Table on spacers.

A great industrial style table can be made with just two pieces: a pair of spacers and a thick sheet of acrylic glass (or a finished glass top). Notice, no glue or fasteners - the glass is simply placed on the base and held by a lot of weight.

By the way, standard IKEA-type strut legs can be made non-trivial, for example, using pieces of contrasting leather attached to elements that serve as a “tie”.

9. Tabletop-shelf for the smallest desk.

If there is a catastrophic lack of space, use instead of a table ... a hanging shelf on brackets, complete with a high stool. If the shelf is wide enough, there will be enough space for a monitor or laptop. The rest can be stored on other shelves.

10. Corner tabletop.

This is a variation of the previous idea with two differences: (1) the height under a regular chair and (2) a more comfortable desk depth.

Uncomfortable corners can become very, very convenient if you hang a tabletop on brackets there and turn it into a workplace. Ideal for small rooms where every square centimeter is valuable. Or - if you want to make a home office in another room: kitchen, bedroom, living room…

11. "Invisible".

This table is almost invisible at first sight. Thanks to its transparent acrylic and miniature size, it will easily and unobtrusively fit into any room. At the same time, there is enough space on the table for a monitor or laptop.

12. Military style.

This is a custom made table. Of course, such items in stores are not cheap. But this investment will undoubtedly pay off - because you will get the perfect workplace that meets your ideas of beauty and convenience.

However, if you are on fire with the idea of ​​just such a spectacular design, it’s really possible to do it yourself. You will need a two-pedestal desk, retro handles coated in bronze or brass + metal corners of the same shade + similar fasteners.

13. A table for a real master.

To make this table, I needed a bright kitchen cabinet with lots of drawers, side shelving and a marble top. You can also search for all the elements individually and collect in a similar way.

You will probably have to stock up on time and money. But admire how much it holds - the perfect place for a needlewoman!

14. A la drawing board.

Such a table model is suitable not only for an architect, but also for anyone whose work is related to writing or drawing. The ergonomic tilt provides maximum comfort, and the design itself takes up much less space than a standard table.

15. A table with a picturesque view.

To make a desktop that is pleasant to both work and relax during breaks, simply fix the table top to the window. Important: sunlight should not fall directly on the table, otherwise reflections on the monitor are inevitable.

16. Table with continuation.

The tabletop by the window already known to you can get an unexpected and very practical continuation if there is a free wall. It can have a writing board, a long cabinet, hanging cabinets - what you need. And all this will be at hand.

17. Vintage bureau.

Of course, this is not the best place for a huge monitor. But for a laptop, it's fine. These drawers, as if made for treasures, will make the bureau your undoubted favorite.

If you are worried that the rarity will not fit into the interior - complement it with a plastic chair in the style of the 60s, and you will get an original vintage duet.

Do you like interiors with a touch of retro? Take a look at our selection, including ideas on how to beat them beautifully.

18. Graceful addition.

If you have chosen a miniature table, do not spoil the impression of it with massive shelves. Better complement it with a French writing board or corkboard - it will be the perfect storage for sketches, photos and notes.

To make it look really original - choose a very large board, a wide frame and paint the frame in the color of the table.

19. With a slate board.

Paint the wall above the table with slate effect paint and forget about annoying falling stickers in no time. Write directly on the wall - and you won't forget anything else.

This surface can be completed with a black magnetic board so that you can store your favorite photos next to your desktop.

20. Working corner in place of the pantry.

Takes up minimal space. Complete it with a light curtain to hide the table from prying eyes. We talked about this topic in great detail in one of the parts of the series ““.

21. Workplace under the stairs.

Usually this place is used to store household supplies or anything unnecessary. But the desktop will harmoniously fit into this small space. Secret: discard everything unnecessary so that your mini-office does not look unwieldy.

One of our issues is completely devoted to this curious topic -.

22. Well forgotten old.

Even an old vintage secretary, the heritage of a grandmother, has every chance to fit into a modern interior.

The secret is simple - just paint the inner walls in some bright color and choose the appropriate furniture and accessories. When closed, it looks like a shelving unit with open top shelves.

23. Nothing more.

Scandinavian style does not involve frills. In its best traditions, this desktop is also made, which in fact is not a table at all, but part of a rack. If necessary, it is easy to expand it with the same modules, increasing the storage capacity to the maximum.

You've seen 23 original desk designs, as well as our tips on how to make your own. Create the workplace you've been dreaming of!

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