Pavel Globa. Pavel Globa: “Something that no one expects will happen

Encyclopedia of Plants 27.01.2022
Encyclopedia of Plants

Name: Pavel Globa

Age: 65 years old

Growth: 175

Activity: Astrologer, historian, scientist, writer, TV presenter

Family status: divorced

Pavel Globa: biography

Pavel Pavlovich Globa is a world-famous Russian astrologer, known in modern society for forecasts and horoscopes, in which he predicts future events on the planet. The accuracy of the soothsayer's forecasts is high, and the content resonates in society. Due to this, Paul is considered the Russian Nostradamus of the 21st century, and most modern astrologers learn from Globa's numerous scientific works.

Globa Pavel Pavlovich was born on July 16, 1953 in the Russian capital in a family of noble origin. Father Pavel Filippovich was a creative landscape painter who was a member of the Union of Artists of the USSR, and his mother Nina Ivanovna was a healer and healed people by the laying on of hands.

The passion for astrology was passed on to Pavel as a child from his maternal grandfather Ivan Nikolaevich Gantimurov, who was an astrologer, doctor and a man of encyclopedic knowledge. Grandfather Globa considers him the main teacher, since he passed on to his grandson knowledge and old books on astrology, from which Pavel Pavlovich draws information today.

From early childhood, young Pavel dreamed of a career as a scientist, so he did not go out with his peers, but devoted all his time to studying. For a young man, education was in the first place, so knowledge was given easily. At that time, the science of the influence of stars on the fate of people and events in the world seemed to him ordinary entertainment, but already in adolescence, Globa's predictions coincided with real events.

These "coincidences" forced the guy to carefully study the priceless library inherited from his grandfather, which contained the rarest books about the stars and sacred manuscripts written by ancient Zoroastrian astrologers.

After graduating from school, Pavel Globa decided to get a diploma of higher education, so he entered the Moscow Historical and Archival Institute. Having become a certified "historian-archivist", the astrologer worked in the Central Historical Archive of Moscow, and also unofficially began to lecture on astrology in the capital's universities.

In Soviet times, such amateur performance was punishable, since dialectical materialism was at that time the only acceptable worldview in the country. Then the fortuneteller was fired from his job and brought to administrative responsibility, having been kept for some time in a pre-trial detention center for educational purposes.

From 1985 to 1988, Pavel Globa devoted himself to the study of astrology. To earn a living, the young man had to earn extra money as a watchman at night, while there were minutes for doing science.


The first horoscope of Pavel Globa appeared in the early 90s. At the same time, the astrologer released the first book, He, She and ... the Stars, and also appeared on television with astrological lectures. In the same period, Pavel founded the first Astrological Center in Russia, which today is called the Pavel Globa Astrological Institute. The educational institution has an official website. In Ukraine, on behalf of Pavel Globa, the Avestan Astrological School began its work, where everyone is trained from scratch.

Globe came to fame after the publication of the book “What the Moon is silent about”, which made the scientist the most famous astrologer in the post-Soviet space. Such success allowed Paul to methodically build a career as a soothsayer, and the services of an astrologer became in great demand. XXI century, he provided private services and collaborated with periodicals in the role of an astrological consultant.

In the 90s, the publication of the books "Space Passport", "Cosmogenesis", "Mysteries of Horoscope Houses", "Twelve Mysteries of Fate", "Aryan Calendar" followed. Every year the soothsayer publishes the Zoroastrian Calendar, in which he indicates the astrological tendencies for each month of the coming year.

Since 1997, the biography of Pavel Globa has acquired a steady astrological course. The scientist began to appear regularly in television programs, where he enlightened and advised the population on issues that arose on the eve of state events, such as presidential elections or the economic crisis.

In parallel with his television career, Globa continued writing. For 30 years, the soothsayer has published 50 popular science books, which have become a "primer book" for many astrologers. In addition to literature and forecasting, the soothsayer worked as a TV presenter on a Russian TV channel and led the Global News project. Since 2011, Globa has hosted a similar RazTV program, but later the program was closed and transferred to Retro FM radio.

Also, Pavel Globa was noted in the cinema. The astrologer played his first role in 2008 in the film "In the Footsteps of the Beast", after which there was a cinematic work in the documentary "Russia after 2012". Recently, the astrologer has been compiling individual horoscopes, and also appears on television as a consultant in various projects.

Since 2010, the Eksmo publishing house has released a series of books by Pavel Globa dedicated to the signs of the zodiac and their famous representatives. F. I. Razzakov, a Russian writer and journalist specializing in biographies of popular personalities, helped the astrologer compile collections.

Pavel Globa's predictions

The accuracy of Pavel Globa's forecasts reaches 80% coincidence. Among the astrologer's predictions that came true, one can note: the resignation of the ex-head of Russia and the coming to power of the current Russian president, the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the earthquake in Armenia in 1988. Also, Russian Nostradamus predicted the terrorist attack in New York on September 11, 2001, the second war in Iraq in 2003, the re-election of the American president for a second term in 2012, the split of Ukraine in 2014.

Despite the scale of Pavel Globa's accurate predictions, some critics question the astrologer's predictions by publishing in the media a number of unfulfilled statements by the scientist, which, according to experts, were vague and unfounded. The number of unfulfilled forecasts of the Russian scientist included predictions about the election of the President of the United States, the election of the President of Ukraine, salvation, the death of the Cuban head.

Pavel Globa explains the reason for the discrepancy between the forecasts and reality by the fact that only a charlatan can give a 100% guarantee for predictions. According to the astrologer, even an accurate forecast can go according to a different scenario, which is facilitated by a number of indirect reasons that are difficult to capture. The astrologer clarified that a person can change the horoscope, since the future consists of many options that everyone chooses on their own.

Personal life

The personal life of Pavel Globa is a secret with seven seals. It is known that the astrologer was married four times, but society knows only one spouse. The marriage was based on astrological creativity and professionalism. Tamara Globa is an adherent of the higher school of astrology. The wife co-authored a number of publications of the Russian Nostradamus.

Tamara Globa gave birth to a wife of two children - in 1977 Maxim and in 1985 Irina. But neither children nor work saved the marriage of astrologers, who parted ways, unable to cope with a number of life difficulties. The separation of the spouses was difficult, but Tomara and Pavel retained respect for each other and continue to communicate as friends.

Astrology in the life of Pavel Globa occupies an important place outside of professional activity. The astrologer collects "death" masks. There are already 200 copies in the collection. Globa considers the collection an important cultural heritage for Russia, since the historical database lacks materials about real characters.

Pavel Globa now

In May 2017, Pavel Globa spoke on Komsomolskaya Pravda radio on the air of the From the Depth of the Soul program, where he gave a forecast for the coming year. According to Globa, there will be a fall in the stock market, a construction boom, which will subsequently also decline. For the next decade, the soothsayer predicted hard times, after which the consolidation of Orthodox countries - Russia, Ukraine, Belarus - and the strengthening of this union will come.

In 2017, Pavel Globa became a participant in the program “Let them talk”, where the abnormally cold summer was discussed, as well as an honored guest of the event on the occasion of the anniversary of the Moscow Cigar Club. In July, the astrologer visited the TV presenter's anniversary.

Pavel Globa spoke about the forecast for the next year. According to the astrologer, Russia is waiting for growth in the economic and scientific spheres, and even the emergence of a new political system like the Soviet Union. Siberia will become the center of Russia. Refugees from other countries fleeing cataclysms will be accommodated on the territory of the region.

Other states will suffer from man-made and climatic disasters, the United States will decline. The military conflicts in which Russia is involved will cease. Five former republics of the USSR will join the Russian Federation.

Pavel Globa predicts that a certain prophet will be born in Russia, predicted and. This person will be able to combine religions into one and restore the spirituality of citizens. The leader will pay special attention to the development of technology and science.


  • 1991 - "He, she and ... stars"
  • 1991 - "What the Moon is silent about"
  • 1992 - "Brief Predictive Astrology"
  • 1993 - "Popular Astrology"
  • 1994 - "Mysteries of stellar astrology"
  • 1994 - Fixed stars "
  • 1996 - Lunar Astrology
  • 2000 - "Mitra - the lord of the dawn"
  • 2005 - "Name Astrology"
  • 2006 - "The Lot of White Russia"

And despite the fact that general horoscopes are much less accurate than individual ones compiled according to, a talented astrologer does not shun them either. Still, it's better to have at least an approximate idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat awaits you in the future, isn't it? So the site will tell you now how Pavel Globa sees the future of various zodiac signs in October.


If Aries can curb his impulsiveness, then everything will be fine with him. And if you also learn to ask for advice from others, then it’s completely fine. And advice to him in October, oh, how useful, and in all spheres of life.


This month is not the most successful for Taurus - there can be problems with everything - with work, with money, and with love. But if you focus on a specific goal, then you can achieve your goal. True, it is better to start thinking about love no earlier than the third decade of the month.


Gemini should be especially careful - there are too many people around them who have not good feelings for them at all and will gladly take advantage of any of their mistakes. But it is dangerous to go into confrontation - it is better to start creating stable ties, making useful contacts and preparing a large-scale "foundation" for further activities.


The main thing is not to rush. Carefully weigh decisions, think over a strategy, choose words. And if it is an honor that Cancers have a real chance to make a useful and pleasant acquaintance, then these tips certainly should not be neglected. Yes, and it would be useful to refresh your skill in controlling negative emotions.

a lion

Leos should be careful with two things - numbers and acquaintances. Numbers can bring both great luck and huge expenses, and new acquaintances can seriously undermine old relationships and ties. For the better or not - let the Lions decide for themselves.


Virgos should rely on intuition and relax. Let things go on as usual - you don't need much control over them. The problem may be only with a slight blues, but Virgos are no strangers to dealing with anxiety and bad mood.


Libra already has no particular problems with his personal life, but in October, simply stunning prospects will open before them. Unless, of course, you wait, give up negative thoughts and start following your own intuition.


The Scorpions are fine. More precisely - calmly. No special events are expected, and this applies to both good luck and trouble. Unless you need to be prepared for outbursts of jealousy, and not only your own. But in general, you can relax and try to put your affairs in order.


Relationship problems, love difficulties, unexpected expenses - October is definitely not the best month for this zodiac sign. Therefore, you need to act as carefully as possible. Yes, this is not the Sagittarius style, but has he always been famous for his high adaptability? Let him adopt other people's ways of doing things.


Capricorns need to wait for the right moment and accumulate strength. Fortunately, there will be opportunities for all this. And if this sign of the Zodiac at the same time thinks more about others than about himself, then the universe will give him much more than he expected. And the rest - everything is fine, no problems and troubles.


But for Aquarius, October will be a really difficult month - there is too much negativity around, too many problems that have not been resolved. Too many chances to run into conflict with relatives and friends. And it’s better not to rely on intuition in the near future.


Pisces should stop relying on luck and luck and focus on planning and preparation. And try not to offend people with words - it is now so easy that Pisces themselves may not even notice how it happened. So it makes sense to go on vacation altogether.

We also believe that you would be interested to know what the future of the various signs of the Zodiac will be in principle. Mostly, of course, calm, but some will have to tense up a bit.


The Oracle newspaper for 1989-1994.

Interview with Globa P.P. about the book of prophecies of Vasily Nemchin, who lived in the XIV-XV centuries.

Dear Pavel Pavlovich! The modern reader is more or less familiar with "Centuries" of Nostradamus. Something could be read lately about the prophecies of the "Black Spider" - Rano Nero. But it seems to me that only those who attended your lectures know about the existence of a Russian prophetic book written over 400 years ago. Moreover, many consider it savagery and blasphemy to assert that there were astrology in Holy Russia.

Blasphemy? And you know, because this word has got into our modern language already with a distorted meaning. "Koschuny"- so called the ancients prophetic books. The keepers of the "blasphemers" were koshchei. So Koschei (or Kashchei, as they sometimes write) is not only the hero of Russian folk tales. In fact, the koshchei were almost immortal elders, who, apparently, owned some kind of alchemical keys that allowed them not only to remain purely physically, but also to store immortal knowledge for a very long time.
Probably, book, preserved to our time under the authorship of Vasily Nemchin, is rooted in this ancient knowledge.
True, there is a lot of purely Orthodox cover in it, so to speak. It is natural. After all Vasily Nemchin he lived in a rather harsh time, when it was very difficult to speak openly about his paganism, since it was forbidden by the church and was persecuted in every possible way. By the way, the church also put a negative meaning into the word "blasphemy". But, despite this, astrology continued to exist both in Western Europe and in Russia. I can refer to research Professor B. E. Raikov, published by the publishing house of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in 1937, where he directly writes that not only many European monarchs were fond of astrology. There were even popes who - like, for example, Paul III, did nothing without checking "with the stars."
Simeon Polotsky was engaged in predictions by stars- home teacher and mentor of children Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. August 11th, 1671 Simeon saw from the stars that a great sovereign was conceived in the womb of Tsarina Natalia Kirillovna. Subsequently, he also predicted, after checking "with the planets", that the birth would be resolved safely.
Big weight astrology had at the court of Anna Ioannovna- the Empress respected this science since the Courland doctor Buchner predicted to her that she would take the Russian throne.
With the advent of printed calendar literature astrological predictions became part of it and for a long time became its most attractive part. Suffice it to say that when 1728 The Russian Academy of Sciences published a calendar without predictions, - they were considered “indecent to a scientific institution”, then displeasure arose in society about this, and astrological predictions reappeared in academic calendars.
You are, of course, familiar with the so-called "Bryusov calendar"(its first issue dates from 1709). It included many astrological wisdom of the XVII century. But there is also such a phrase: "If God wants, then the influence of the luminaries is destroyed and loses all power." That is, this is by no means a dogmatic work; it recognizes both God's providence and cosmic laws.
Even compared to Western Europe, Russia was a very literate country. All the stories about "ignorant Russia" are a complete lie. In Russia, literacy was widespread, people wrote letters even on ordinary, most everyday topics. All this was destroyed later, after the Tatar-Mongol invasion.
Despite the fact that only a very few ancient archives have survived to this day (all of them burned many times), what is still found in them from time to time speaks of the high culture and literacy of the people who lived then. Do you know that the Europeans called our country "gordarik"? Gordarik - means "country of cities". This suggests that Russia was not at all a wild plain, along which terrible tribes in bearskins roamed, engaged in cannibalism.
Even now, after Christianity destroyed ancient knowledge and the memory of its bearers for many centuries, some names can still be named. A manuscript of the 15th century, published in the 16th century by Tikhonravov, is known. Known Treatise "The Mirror of the Whole Universe" by Epiphanius Slavinetsky. In the Appendix to "Domostroy" there is an Arabic book "Rafli", in which a large section is devoted to astrology.
It is necessary, of course, to recall the now forgotten names of the Alexandrian merchant and Greek writer Kozma Indikoplova, Russian writer Andrey Belobotsky, Novgorodian Scar(or Skhariya) - a native of Kyiv and all the others who did a lot for the development of Russian astrology. Against such a historical background, we must consider the now almost forgotten book of prophecies of the great Vasily Nemchin.
Compared with previsions outstanding Russian prophets fade, it seems to me, even prophecies of Nostradamus , which is now constantly quoted in the West, and even here. We do not know, unfortunately, great prophets and therefore we still use Western sources. Apparently it would be unfair to say about the book by Vasily Nemchin as the only one of its kind in Russia, since it contains references to other sources that we have not yet been able to find. In the end, after all, there were "blasphemers", which I have already spoken about.
The surname Nemchin betrays the foreign origin of the prophet. Where he was born?
If we take a modern map, then Vasily Nemchin was born in Belarus, near Polotsk. The Principality of Polotsk at that time was part of Lithuania, so he lived mainly in the territory of Lithuania. By the 15th century, Lithuania had barely moved away from paganism, and many in those days still professed the ancient Aryan cults. Lithuania turned out to be perhaps the last Aryan country in Europe that converted to Catholicism only in the 14th century. The last remnants of paganism in Lithuania were exterminated much later, in the 17th century.
About personal destiny Vasily Nemchin practically nothing is known - neither the exact dates of birth and death, nor information about whether he had children. And yet something about him can be learned from his book and from the writings of his relatives. One of them (apparently a nephew or great-nephew of Vasily) Nikolai Nemchin was the personal attending physician and astrologer with Vasily Ioannovich- father of Ivan the Terrible. Nikolai Nemchin originally lived in Novgorod, and this family is also connected with Novgorod. From the end of the 15th century until the 30s of the 16th century, the Nemchins were a very famous surname. The popularity of Nikolai Nemchin (I’m talking about him for now) was so wide and faith in him was so great among the people, and among the Grand Duke himself, and among representatives of the boyar families who read his writings and used his advice, that personally against Nikolai Nemchin made one of the most famous church hierarchs Maxim Grek. He called Nicholas "cursed" and sharply opposed astrologers and astrology. Maxim the Greek is now canonized by the Orthodox Church. But let's not forget about an interesting paradox - another saint - also canonized by the church, Metropolitan Dmitry of Rostov used the works of the same Nicholas (and possibly Vasily Nemchin).
Subsequently, Nikolai Nemchin was expelled, and now we do not even know where he spent his last days. The Nemchins, apparently, considered themselves the same Slavs, the same Russians - just by the will of fate, Russia fell under the great influence of Lithuania, because even Smolensk was Lithuanian at one time.
I had to work quite a lot and seriously with archival materials. However, not just me, but also my friends. To one of them - Nikolai Arakcheev - I now express my great gratitude for his help in providing materials. He worked a lot with archives in Novgorod, Pskov, Kostroma - wherever there is mention of the acts of the Nemchinov family. How did we find out Vasily Nemchin - this is a very, very strange, even mysterious figure in Russian culture. Neither portraits nor any descriptions of his appearance have been preserved. It is only known that he suffered from ailments in his legs and weakness in his knees. There is speculation that he was born in the year of the return of Halley's comet (1376), since this roughly corresponds to what he wrote about himself in his book. Book was probably written in the middle 15th century, but was preserved only in later versions, apparently dating back to the 17th century. They were found in two different archives, and this indicates that, apparently, at one time this book was quite widely distributed, and it was rewritten many times. It does not exist in printed versions. Presumably, it was tacitly banned by the church.
She doesn't have a name. Moreover, there is no beginning or end. It is written in an impressive style. prophecy set out almost rhyming prose.
Not only are they not going to publish it, even in the archives access to it is tightly sealed.
Because if earlier secrecy was associated with the actions of party bodies, now it is closed by the will of the Orthodox Church. After all, it is no secret to anyone that our country is striving for Orthodox fundamentalism. Therefore, it is very difficult to get to this manuscript now.
Maybe we should start with the publication of microfilms, while emphasizing that they require the most thorough examination?
Yes, let's go with that. As explained to me, this is a voluminous volume. Everything prophecies of Nostradamus make up about 1/10 (!) of this book. But one must understand that in this book not only pure prophecy, but also serious philosophical calculations. I call don't be surprised Vasily Nemchin not so much an astrologer as a thinker who talked about the future of Russia and the world as a whole.

Are the prophecies of Vasily Nemchin encrypted?
Yes and no - some are encrypted and some are decrypted. His prophecies are interspersed with mathematical formulas, descriptions of different countries, descriptions of "wonderful" (or, as we would now say, "unknown") phenomena. It even seems that this is not just a book, but a collection of works.
But still, what kind of predictions are contained in the manuscript of the prophet?
These are the prophecies that Vasily Nemchin wrote for about 30 years (he himself mentions this). Revelations appeared to him, the study of the heavenly bodies “threw him in awe, pictures were revealed to him and the Angel of Heaven wrote with his finger in the sky, and there were pictures of future events on the clouds.” But Vasily Nemchin wrote that he had to measure all these visions with strict science in order to distinguish angelic visions from devilish machinations. He has a beautiful retreat "On the Benefits of Astrology", - astrology, which "orders the mind, gives the mind development, the mind - food that enlightens the hearts" - I think that the opponents of astrology must certainly show this passage in order to make it clear why astrology is needed. It is needed in order to distinguish the angelic from the devilish!
How accurately did the prophecies of Vasily Nemchin come true?
Judge for yourself. In the 16th century, in his opinion, there should have been "Ghoul Sovereign, a bloodsucker, whose beginning will be like that of a great warrior, and the ending is deplorable - like that of a child-killer possessed by demons. A bloody vampire who will turn the country into a desert." In this image, it is easy to see the mention of Ivan the Terrible. After the “ghoul sovereign”, a “quiet and meek sovereign who will be the last among the great sovereigns” is mentioned. This, apparently, is Fedor Ioannovich, the last of the Rurik dynasty. After him, the Time of Troubles is mentioned, which should last, as he writes, 2 decades (this did not coincide a bit - after the death of Fyodor Ioannovich, the Troubles lasted 15 years - from 1598 to 1613). "Trouble will be great throughout the state". There is a mention of a foreign sovereign who will be invited, of impostors, in one of which there will be "blood of the sovereign".
The number of impostors must be 6 . We now know exactly about five impostors, but it is quite possible that there was someone else little known. Then in Russia there will be "a new dynasty, which is destined to exist for about three centuries". It is easy to see in this a reference about the Romanov dynasty. “It will give birth to many great sovereigns, but also many evil deeds”. This also matched perfectly. Mentioned about "the fourth sovereign from this dynasty, whose face will be like a cat". It is also said that “God will fight the Devil in him. He will do greatness and demonic deeds. He will ask a great riddle to his descendants. In that "kote" you can know exactly Petra 1, especially since he is called "giant" and "titan" several times (an allusion to his grandiose growth). "Woman's Kingdom" called a further period of time, which, according to Vasily Nemchin, will last about 100 years. Indeed, after Peter 1, it was mostly women who ruled. If there were men, they were completely faceless and passive (Peter II, Peter III, John Antonovich, just a baby), and the empresses were all just like the selection of an empress with male characters - and Elizabeth Petrovna, and Catherine II, and Anna Ioannovna . FROM "woman's kingdom" will "both prosperity and decline for Russia". Beginning with "king of the cat" the Orthodox faith will be shaken, although the churches will remain, but in them "the devil will enter". By the way, the schismatics, apparently, recalled to Peter precisely this prophecy. "Shake of Faith" mentions Vasily Nemchin and at "meek ruler".
He also mentions "titan-giant, overgrown with hair and wool"- allusion to Patriarch Nikon.
There are many purely Orthodox tendencies in the book, although one can see the author's desire to be closer to ancient roots. He constantly mentions that in the future they will all be reborn, that the ancestors sleeping in the tombs will be resurrected.
In a figurative sense?
Of course, portable. The knowledge accumulated before the Christians came will be revived - we are now seeing this.
After that some gap in the information. Almost no mention is made of Paul I, but the war with Napoleon is very well described, "there will be a terrible war with the Frankish sovereign, and the capital city will have to be given". But "hard frosts will drive him out of there and, not recognized, he will take refuge on a small island". Historically, this was not quite the case, but, nevertheless, "small island" in biography Napoleon was. The war with the Frankish sovereign, who, according to Nemchin, "treacherously violate the treaty" was supposed to last 15 years. There are inconsistencies here, although, depending on what is meant by this. After all, if we take Russia's entry into the anti-French coalition, then it began before 1812. Suvorov's Italian campaign in the Alps, where he also encountered Napoleon's troops, is 1799, and the end of the war is 1814-1815. It was also said about "dwarf impostor"- a hint at the short stature of Napoleon. Mentioned about "malicious demonic deeds" for a whole century thereafter. Apparently, the subversive work of all kinds of aggressive Russian and other revolutionaries is implied.
In our time (XX century) there will be “a terrible work of demons, the kingdom will be shaken”. 18th from the dynasty, according to another version - the 14th (apparently the 14th - if we count only the sovereigns of men, and the 18th - if we include the sovereigns in the total number), king "will be doomed to sacrifice".
As a matter of fact, there were 17 kings. "scheduled" Mikhail Romanov. They sacrificed both, but it's hard to say by whom more.
Further mention is made of "terrible demonic power that will arise under red banners"- I quoted this text quite often in my speeches. "Heavenly powers will view these events with horror". The demonic forces will be led by some terrible person with "uncovered head", which the “for a long time it will lie in a crystal coffin between heaven and earth, replacing holy prayers and icons”.
Will build "a temple to heaven that will collapse", - a hint at the House of Soviets, on which a huge statue of Lenin was supposed to stand.
On the site of cemeteries there will be "abomination of desolation", cemeteries will be dug up, bones thrown away. The church will be torn apart. A terrible and senseless massacre and bloodshed will come.
Then he names a ruler who will bring very great suffering, but will live in "iron cage"- hint at the iron curtain. For some reason he calls him several times "Armenian". Mention is made of the terrible war with Europe, the construction of the pyramids.
What are these pyramids?
Towers of Babel - seven high-rise buildings in Moscow in the form of a stepped pyramid. "The capital city will be covered with pyramids". Nemchin determined the duration of the terrible war with Europe at 7 years - in this he was a little mistaken, although, again, if we count starting from the Finnish war, then everything is more or less accurately predicted.
And why is Stalin called an Armenian?
Why from Armenia? Maybe because in ancient times Georgia was part of the great Armenia, part of the Armenian kingdom.
Farther. Several times the prophet mentions "Highlanders", carriers of the most terrible destruction for Russia. Now this warning is very relevant.
How long, in his opinion, will the Highlanders be dangerous for Russia?
Until the 21st century, until "great update".
Then there is such a text that there will be different periods, but, in the end, demons, after "seven decades of abomination and desolation", will run away from Russia, although they will change clothes in "sheep skin" while remaining "predatory wolves".
This flight will last 3 years. Then the same amount (3 more years) Russia will move away from the shock. Then there will be another great sovereign, who will not reign for long. Then there will be "black-faced dwarf". Then a lady. As he writes, "wife of great stature", he also calls the second "golden-haired wife". Further great calamities are mentioned for the world, "great war of the cross with the crescent".
He very often features the number 15. In Europe, from "end of the 1st war" before "The Coming of a Tyrant"- 15 years (as we know, from 1918 - the year of the end of the 1st World War until Hitler came to power in 1933, indeed, 15 years have passed). After another 15 years, he predicted the division of Europe - in 1948, the division of the FRG and the GDR was legalized.
Did he write anything about the mid-1990s?
Yes, this is the flight of demons from Russia, the struggle of Aquarius and Pisces. Many people of these signs will be marked. There is a hint of Gorbachev And Yeltsin, which "both will yield when the new one comes". Between "dwarf with black face" And "golden-haired wife" there will be another one he calls "swift sovereign", "great rider".
He does not decipher this "horseman" in any way? Is it a Sagittarius?
Maybe Sagittarius. He speaks simply "rider". What other rider can be in our time?
Perhaps he will be fond of equestrian sports?
May be.
IN XXI century will "Great Potter"(with a capital letter). He is destined "long and blessed reign". Associated with him "golden age" Russia. That is, Russia will not only be reborn, but will also be, as it were, molded anew. "Horseman" kill, "big lady" leaves the place, and "Great Potter" he binds "new monarchy".
"Lady" will be between the "horseman" and "Potter"?
Or between them, or together with the "rider".
He does not write more about the "war of the cross with the crescent"?
"The exhausting war of the cross with the crescent will continue for 15 years". There will be 3 waves in this war, back and forth. The “destroyed Carthage, which will be resurrected and the prince of Carthage will be the “3rd pillar” of the unification of the crescent troops” is constantly mentioned.
What about the first two pillars?
This is the Babylonian prince and the prince of Syria. That is Iraq, Syria and maybe Tunisia. These are possible hotbeds of war.
Mention is made of the war in Europe. Tavrida is repeatedly recalled - "there will be 3 Tauride wars". In one, Russia will take Tavria (XVIII century), in another, Tavria will be taken away by the “knights” (mid-twentieth century) and, finally, a crescent will appear in Crimea, and the peninsula will be torn apart. He writes about "torn and bleeding Tauris". Writes about "a prophetess from Kafa (Theodosius), whose glory will eclipse all previous prophetesses". She will appear soon.
And Russia as a state?
Nemchin says that "3 branches of the tree (Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian) will merge together and there will be a single tree". He believes that 15 years should pass after "demonic flight" until the resurrection of this tree. And I really hope that we will witness performance this ppopularity and see with our own eyes this holy tree.


Dear Pavel Pavlovich! The publication of your interview about the book of Vasily Nemchin's prophecies aroused genuine interest and a desire among our readers to learn more about how the soothsayer saw the events of the 20th and 21st centuries.
Well, let's focus on this today, and in the future it will be possible to tell separately about his very interesting scientific forecasts, and about how he understood the meaning of the alphabet, names and nicknames, and about his predictions regarding a very distant future - after all he looks even into the 7th millennium!
I hope you will forgive the impatience of those who have already been intrigued by these promises, and say at least a couple of words about this today?
Okay. So, last time we already talked about the fact that a lot of things in Vasily Nemchin's forecasts is built on the number 15. Of course, like any Kabbalist, he attaches great importance to both the three and the seven, but at the same time, he also emphasizes "three times five", moreover, as applied to twentieth century. I tried to test this cycle in the XVIII-XIX centuries - here, oddly enough, nothing happens!
Is there a connection here with the 15-year Martian cycle?
Of course there is. He writes that in these 15-year cycles, "scourge of God" over the earth and "heavenly powers" are struggling with "Satanic Angels". This means that this is clearly a Martian cycle, because in astrology it is precisely Mars associated with the struggle, with the army.
Describing the 20th century Vasily Nemchin says: "In the first 15th year there will be a great war".
This is a small discrepancy, because the war still broke out in 1914 (albeit in the second half of it). However, indeed, it turned out to be especially terrible and hopeless in 1915, when it already became clear that Russia got involved in it thoroughly - after all, in 1914 there was still an opportunity to escape from there. “When the years are three times 15, there will be great joy in Russia”. We see the exact hit! 1945 victory in the Great Patriotic War.
He talks about time "four times 15" describing "great desecration of the sky". It (sky) “it will be plowed open and the wicked will dare to compare themselves with the angels of heaven, for which they will be punished greatly”.
"Four times 15" is the 1960s. Here we also see a slight discrepancy, because the first manned flight into space was in 1961, but, nevertheless, the date is still close to what it was.
Perhaps we shouldn't be too picky? After all, a man flew into space at the beginning of 1961, and such an error can be forgiven, especially considering that the forecast was made over 400 years ago.
I agree that this inaccuracy can be forgiven. Let's look further. "5 times 15", that is, in 1975 -m, he says, will be installed "the world is great throughout Europe and Asia". Indeed, in 1975 the Helsinki Agreement was concluded, so here we see a very clear hit. On the sixth 15th birthday, he gives a prophecy related to "three terrible old men" from the environment "Armenian despot". Last time, we already figured out why Stalin it is said that he comes from Armenia, but about "old men" not even mentioned. However, it is necessary to speak about them. And that's why.
About "Armenian tyrant" Vasily Nemchin writes that he "will come out of the ground like an unholy grave spirit" and will be "twice buried". Stalin was indeed buried twice - once in the mausoleum, and the other in the ground.
But, writes prophet, even when he is buried, his spirit will be "disturb and stir" people, and "his spirit will be kept by three elders associated with the forces of darkness, and the last of them will have the seal of the Antichrist", i.e "three sixes will be incarnated".
As is known, in surrounded by Stalin there were three people who can be named "great elders"- this Molotov, Malenkov and Kaganovich. Around 1990 - "on the eve of the year of the sixth 15th anniversary and after it" These elders must die. “First the first of them dies, and between the death of the first and the death of the last elder, 6 years will pass”. And, indeed, Molotov died in 1986, and Kaganovich - in 1991, that is, in the sixth year after Molotov's death.
The first of these elders, according to Nemchin, will "imitate Moses and distort his face".
As you know, Moses was the author of the Pentateuch in the Old Testament. I don't know how Molotov can be likened to Moses. The only analogy that suggests itself is the tongue-tiedness of Moses (for whom his brother Aaron spoke) and the stuttering of Molotov.
Second Elder named "defiler of the capital city". Why that is, I don't know either. Perhaps because Malenkov's name was George, and the coat of arms of Moscow depicts George the Victorious. Again, this is the only analogy that suggests itself. Finally, under "defiler of Moscow" Kaganovich would have been more suitable, and not the head of the Stalinist office, Malenkov.
Third Elder described as follows. He is “a defiler of the royal family, and the place where he is born will be cursed and become scorched earth. In that place, neither a man, nor a dog, nor a worm will settle. ”
This absolutely coincided with reality, because, firstly, surname Kaganovich, indeed, goes back to the word "Tsar", "royal" in all Semitic languages "kagan" or "kogan" means "Tsar". Of course, I do not think that Lazar Moiseevich Kaganovich, the former son of a shoemaker, belongs to the royal family, and, nevertheless, his surname carries "an indication of the king".
Plus, the second thing is that he was born in the village of Kabany, Chernobyl district, just a few kilometers from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Can you imagine?! Here Nemchin, as they say, "hit the top ten" - this place is definitely marked by a curse!
The prophet considered the events of 1990 to be a turning point. According to him, this "Demonic flight time". And, indeed, it all started in 1989, but the collapse of the USSR occurred in 1991. 1990 was indeed the culminating point.
Further Vasily Nemchin write what is left "last thing", seventh 15th anniversary when "demons will rule Russia, but under other banners". It is, this seventh 15th anniversary, will, according to the prophet, be the most terrible for Russia, especially "the first 3 years of a nightmare".
Both in the 3rd and in the 7th 15th anniversary, he says, there will be a decisive battle with Satan on the territory of Russia, when Russia, in his opinion, will be on the eve of complete collapse and destruction, and under the guise of restoring ancient greatness will be destroyed the last thing left.
However, all who will strive for power, "hopelessly broken on a bear's head and paws", in which "spirit of Russian ancestors".


In several places in the book one can read that "three giants will save Russia" but there will always be great disasters associated with them.
The first giant should clearly be considered Petra 1. Under him, Russia was exalted, but at the cost of losing a third of the population.
"Second Titan" he predicted a very strange and unexpected departure. “He will leave in such a way that no one will expect it, he will leave, leaving behind many unsolvable mysteries”. It is written that “he will leave through the labyrinth and the search for descendants who will hope to solve the mystery will be hopeless”.
Unlike other prophets who predict the murder of the leader (for example, Ragno Nero - he is also the Black Spider - believes that "the white ram will be slaughtered, and his blood will be redemptive for Russia"), Vasily Nemchin does not think so, he writes only about "walking through the maze".
The second "titan" Russian seer compares with someone else, "of the same name with him", who also ruled Russia in troubled times, and indicates that "one is small and the other is big". One might think that we are talking about Boris Godunov ( "of the same name" with Boris Yeltsin), which was indeed small in stature. But if about Boris Godunov he claims for sure that he will die from poison (officially, the cause of his death is still considered unproven), then about the modern titan, he just as categorically says that this "go through the maze". What a strange symbolic image!
And it will happen "after three years of abomination and desolation, unbelief and searching", after the time when "dog children will torment Russia". By the way, about much earlier dates, he writes that "In the name of the dog's head, many abominations and executions will be done". In fact, this was the case during the oprichnina. About what "dog children" he writes in relation to the 20th century, it is difficult to say. Let me just quote: "dog children will commit evil deeds, but in 3 years or so it will all be over". Truth, “There will be another coward (that is, an earthquake) great throughout the Earth”.
It must be said that Vasily Nemchin describes several earthquakes, including in Moscow in the 16th century, when a bell even fell from the bell tower. According to current estimates, this is about 7 - 8 points.
About the mid-90s of our century, he writes that there may be an earthquake in all of central and eastern Europe. There will also be, he says, "smooth and sea", pestilence, plague, smallpox, cholera - we, unfortunately, are already seeing this.
Moreover, he writes about the Volga, which will become "source of plague and leprosy". It may be time for us to take this warning seriously.
And yet at this time they will ripen already "other forces", who in the future will enter into an irreconcilable struggle with demons, and "base" for this battle it will be necessary, "when the month of April and the month of May unite" and the care begins "2nd Titan in the Labyrinth". Maybe it's about the edge. April-May 1995. Vasily Nemchin predicts that after the departure of this "giant" will fight for a while "several tyrants", and after them some "the little one who changes appearance twice". This person will remain unknown for a long time, and then become "play the role of a servant". It will happen "of the southern kind", And "Russia will suffer great disasters from a dwarf with a black face".
Incidentally, it is in Asily Nemchin own notes about alternating bald and hairy rulers, and when I spoke about this in my speeches, I referred to his book.
Subsequently, many repeated your words, considering it possible not to mention either you or Vasily Nemchin!
But they did not yet know that, after the giant left the labyrinth, Vasily Nemchin predicts the emergence of a ruler who will "half bald, half hairy". What is it, I still do not understand, and you?
Or maybe he'll be skinheaded.
Over the next 3-4 years, according to Nemchin, there will be, in addition to "dwarf", some "lame" And "sword-bearer"; there are hints of an attempt to return the "tagged". He writes that “the labeled one will flash like a meteor, bursting into the Russian sky, but it will also fall ingloriously”.
Apparently, in the middle of the current 15th anniversary, there may be a war. In the book of Vasily Nemchin said that "great blood was in three and in seven". It is easy to calculate that "in three" from 1990 we get 1993, when, indeed, there was bloodshed.

What does it mean that in 1997 - another tragedy?
According to Nemchin, it will be "blood associated with the fall of the green-eyed helmet bearer" which they won't be able to for a long time "calculate"(if we use modern jargon). It will be "a man with a helmet and a visor" not revealing his face. In another way the prophet calls him "in a faceless way", "sword-bearer", "man from the swamp". Writes that his eyes "shine with greenery and swamp". Calls it "green-eyed" also "a man clad in chain mail" And "man shedding blood" who will try himself in power when he has "two fives meet". It looks like this is an indication of the age of 55 years. There is clearly a hint of some kind of military man who, as he writes Nemchin, "fell but got up". He had "mortal wound", but “she is healed, and again he rose to unattainable heights and began to avenge everyone for his humiliation”.

Who is it?
"He will be thrown into the abyss"- I don't know, figuratively or literally.
Generally speaking, Nemchin writes that the seventh 15 years is a stubborn attempt by satanic forces to regain full priority.
He also talks about some "long-nosed" ("weevil"), which "everyone will hate" and who can "rally a great force around you". “A man sitting on two tables,” writes the seer, “will seduce five more like him, but on the 4th step of the ladder they will fall ingloriously.” "Table" in this case it is "throne", that is, we are talking about someone who combines two positions, two "throne".
5th year after 1991, according to Vasily Nemchin, will be a sharp turning point. “Many people will gather in the old city to greet the new man. There will be great joy, which will end in sadness.
Further, he writes about "crocodile that devours people", about some monsters coming out of jars, test tubes and retorts. These monsters will "replace people".
He writes that “soulless monkeys will take possession of many cities ... The sea will overflow its banks and be stained with blood. And it will be at the turn of the century.”
He does not specify which sea?
South Sea. Apparently Black. He also writes about "burning" Black Sea, talking about what Nostradamus will say only after about 100 years after him.
But up close 2005, writes Vasily Nemchin, will "great joy - the return of the crown", and then "acceptance under the crown" of the entire "big tree", on which there will be three "escapes"(Last time we talked about Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian branches of this holy tree). In time, this will approximately coincide with the restoration of the monarchy among the Franks - "The Frankish dynasty will return again". It also matches the words Nostradamus about the return of the Bourbons. Rano Nero also writes about the restoration of many monarchies in Europe.
Vasily Nemchin says that at first the Frankish king will be bound by some kind of bond. The election of the Russian tsar will be popular and held in three cities.
Until then, we'll see vigorous action "3rd giant" And "big lady". "Great Ladies", like the titans, there will also be three. One of them is described as "chubby and grey-eyed". In her “The meek soul of the great ruler will rise again”. Can this be considered an allusion to the Russian Empress Elizaveta Petrovna, who was called the Meek?
"Second Lady" will be very tall, and Nemchin associates her appearance with "indomitable horse". It's hard to tell if he's referring to her appearance or personality. Perhaps both together.
"Third Lady" will be small, but omniscient. "Bookkeeper and housekeeper" he calls her, meaning that she will hold the keys to knowledge. The first of these ladies will appear in the current 15th anniversary, and the other two - in the next 15 years, when Russia will already be renewed.
Many disasters and many wars will shake the world. "Terrible scum(i.e. frost) will be replaced by a terrible heat ", so that even many fertile lands will crack, many swamps will dry up and fish will be washed ashore. This is all in the south (in the north, the climate will become more moderate).
"The great sea will dry up, and the whole country around it will turn into a desert". Perhaps, in this case, the Aral Sea is meant. "Brothers will kill brothers and babies will die of unknown diseases".
"Great country in the steppe" punished for being "desecrated the sky for a long time". Probably, we are talking about Kazakhstan, in which Baikonur is located. It is not clear, however, what do the Kazakhs have to do with it, what do the people who live there have to do with it? But the book says so, and I convey what is.
It's hard to say that Nemchin he means when he writes about the punishment of heaven for the desecration of the sky with great explosions and fires. Perhaps this punishment has already overtaken us, because the first artificial satellite of the Earth was launched, as is known, on the night of October 3-4 (1957), and on the same date, on the night of October 3-4 (1993), dramatic events played out , which, in the end, hit the White House with shells.
"Punishment for defiling the sky", on Vasily Nemchin, should be in the West. What's this? Is it only the death of the Challenger with many astronauts on board (USA, 1986) or something else?
The book indicates that “Many stones of heaven will fly to the Earth, and many lands will turn into a desert”.
Could this be a comet?
It's hard to say for sure. He writes that "in 7 years in the 7th 15th anniversary, many stones will fall to the Earth". So, apparently, we are talking about the events of 1997.
Vasily Nemchin talks about the numerous desecrations of the sky, about "conquest of the red planet". Looking to the future, he speaks of many difficult trials. In the middle of the 15th anniversary "terrible death will threaten everyone" to all mankind. He sees some event that “will shock everyone in the middle of the 15th anniversary”.
Are we talking about the 15th anniversary after 2005?
No, about the current one, about 1997-98.
Several times we find mention of comets and meteorites. For some reason he associates them with number 9. "The mystery of the comet is revealed by the Lord God through the mystery of the number 9".
Is this your comment or are you quoting Vasily Nemchin?
These are his words. And will not these events take place in the 9th year? After all, if we take the saros cycle (recurrence of solar and lunar eclipses) associated with the date of Karl Marx's birth, then we will just get August 1998.
And yet, according to the prophet, humanity will be saved, survive and become only stronger from such shocks.
But in the south, a war with "three different sides" will rage, "blacks" will intervene in it, united by a terrible leader who "eating human flesh". The war will last 6 years and end with "the victorious procession of the Frankish sovereign and two northern leaders." At the same time, Russia will unite with two other "branches", once separated from it.
There will be a union of 15 leaders who will create a new state.
Again 15! And, mind you, we had 15 republics that were part of the USSR. Like it or not, the number 15 works! Vasily Nemchin wrote that "the devil will manifest through the number 15".

Astrology can be skeptical, but facts are stubborn things.

And they say that the predictions of our most famous astrologer Pavel Globa come true! He predicted the Chernobyl accident, the earthquake in Armenia, the collapse of the USSR, the terrorist attack on September 11 in America, the wars in Iraq and Libya... Matters of bygone days? But Globa still keeps his hand on the stellar pulse. So what's ahead? What are we to prepare for? And most importantly - what to fear? ..

Pavel, re-read our old interviews and came across a forecast for 2014. You are talking about the fall in oil prices, about the economic crisis, about the collapse of Ukraine... Tell me, are you glad that the forecast came true?

Yes and no. As a professional, of course, glad. Why do predictions come true? Because there is a certain pattern. It worked again, and this once again convinced me that astrology is a science, that its methods work.

Well, on the other hand, I cannot rejoice in the misfortune of people. As well as I can not influence the state of affairs in our country. The authorities do not listen much to the opinions of astrologers.

- Previously, as far as I know, the prime minister personally listened to you. I mean Viktor Chernomyrdin.

Yes, now we can already talk about it, I talked with him more than once. Both here and later in Ukraine, when he was ambassador. Indeed, I was quite familiar with Viktor Stepanovich. He did not talk about it, he was secretive, but, apparently, he listened, as he invited me to a meeting more than once or twice.

- Today's powers that be do not turn to astrologers, and you think that it is in vain?

No, I don't think it's wrong. But still I hope that a drop wears away a stone and someday astrology will still be in demand. Necessarily will! For now, I'm just doing my job. Working...


And yet, they turn to an astrologer in the hope of hearing something good. What can you please in connection with the upcoming 2018?

At least it won't get worse. There are no big changes to be expected either. Changes will occur in 2020-2021, when Jupiter and Saturn - the two largest planets in the solar system - will connect. With this configuration, the largest and most serious events in world politics and economics have always taken place.

- Already intrigued. Especially considering that the presidential term in Russia is six years.

This means that by 2021 only half of the term will have passed. But there will be such events in the world that we will either have to amend the Constitution or change the structure of power. I do not think that this will be connected with the departure of the first person. But in these years there should be a change in trends, and if nothing is changed at the top, it will be very tragic.

- Let's clarify right away: a change in economic or political trends?

More economic. But it's all interconnected. First economics, then politics...

Now it's just the opposite...

This is bad. And what does it all lead to? The economy should be a priority. When everything is adjusted to the ideology - do not expect good things.

In the Soviet Union, for example, there was complete order with ideology, but the economic foundation sagged. They were distracted by foreign policy, they helped all the communist parties in the world. And themselves, excuse me, were left almost without pants. And the result? deplorable! In 1991, the great country collapsed.

- And you think that up there, they will understand that it is impossible to live like this any longer?

I think yes. It will be just a matter of survival, we will have to change the policy. And in this regard, I believe in our president. He is not only sane, but also very pragmatic and tough.

I think that there, at the top, the priority will be not just sharpness in the first person and devotion, but business qualities, the ability to steer under new realities. Nothing else remains.


- In this regard, the issues of Syria and Ukraine are very important. What will happen to it?

As for Ukraine, that was my forecast for 2011, when I predicted everything. And in the coming year, these two knots are unlikely to be untied. Now they say that everything has already been completed in Syria, but, excuse me, the organization banned in our country will rise again. This organization may have had its head cut off, but it will grow back.

- And Russia will go to cut this head again?

Unfortunately yes. There was Syria, there will be Iraq... So don't think that they were all destroyed there. Nothing like this. And Russia will again participate in the destruction of these groups ...

In general, in the first half of 2018, I do not see any changes. In September-October, very clear ideological conflicts will begin, signs of the core of future real opposition will appear. Both here and in the West.

The Year of the Dog is almost always a long-term ideological trend, the emergence of a project. 1946 - Beginning of the Cold War, Churchill's Fulton speech. 1958 - the beginning of Khrushchev's policy, the one that ended with the Caribbean crisis ... By the way, Cuba, led by Fidel Castro, also won in the year of the Dog.

In our case, new trends will emerge, but nothing will fundamentally change so far, the conflicts in Syria and Ukraine will not be resolved. At the end of 2020, when presidential elections are held in the United States, changes will begin.

Will they somehow change our relations with America?

Ultimately yes. Because there will be such an enemy that will force us to unite. The West, as always, will raise a monster for itself. And here we are not talking about North Korea, but about these banned organizations. Everything will be around Iran. And everyone will unite against one enemy. There will just be nowhere to go.

- If everything is cyclical, then when will this cycle end?

In 2040, with a new conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. It will be similar to 1960 and is connected either with space or with some new technologies.

- Pavel, but earlier you said that prosperity awaits Russia in 2021.

Certainly. We just need to fit into the new realities. Something similar happened in China under Deng Xiaoping. At one time he decided on a big roll. And the same will happen here. What no one expects will happen - a revolution from above. I'm waiting for her.

I am waiting for the pragmatic component of the mind of those who are in power to wake up. Now there is an illusion that something can be solved in another way, but by 2021 it will become clear that you cannot solve it in another way. And so prosperity is very likely.

Russia and America will become friends when Trump leaves


- You probably keep statistics of your forecasts. What is the success rate?

Those who closely follow them claim that there are about 80. That is, out of five forecasts, only one of them does not materialize.

- But you, for example, predicted that the dollar would fall sharply and would cost 10 rubles.

Something close to this may very well happen next fall. If the US does not take action now. But I think they will, they have good analysts who are able to learn from their mistakes. In 2008 there was a similar situation, but they got out the same.

- You also predicted the collapse of Europe ...

It exists - it is the Brexit movement. It will continue to go on, but until 2020 in a sluggish mode. Starting in 2021, a chain reaction may begin, with several of them starting to form from one European Union.

- And you have been talking about the appearance of a successor for a long time. And he's all gone.

Well, yes. It will not manifest itself until the current president starts thinking about it.

In the 16th century there was such a Vasily Nemchin - a monk and an astrologer, I often quote him. Putin, according to Vasily Nemchin, is the Builder of Bridges. Transitional ruler, whom, by the way, he characterizes very positively. And the successor is the Rider on a white horse, or the White Rider.

Now it’s premature to talk about who he is, I think that before 2020 he will not identify himself in any way, until then he should remain in the shadows. But horsemen have always been called military people ...


- Let's move from global problems to more mundane ones. What should ordinary people prepare for in 2018?

The Year of the Dog is a pack, survival. That is, you need to choose a team, a leader. If you find a strong leader and adapt to him, everything will be fine. And this goes for all levels.

The Year of the Dog is not a time of loners. We'll have to take a hit, stand back to back ... It will be very bad for those who say one thing and do another. These two-faced people and those who are trying to sit on two chairs - they will even be thrown out of power. This is the time of direct people, not intriguers. However, keep in mind: direct, but corporate, that act in concert ...

You also need to understand that in the year of the Yellow Dog there will be a lot of barking. Here's an example for you: Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky was born in our political establishment in the Year of the Dog. And Donald Trump too. They bark, scream, but do not bite. That is, on the one hand, harmless, but at the same time rigidly businesslike, they look after their own interests. In business, in business, they are very good at thinking.

That is, this year people need to keep their nose to the wind, react to the new, and bet on it. And prepare for real change. By the way, according to the Persian calendar, this is the year of the Hedgehog. That is, the needles need to be released, curled up into a ball, defended. The one who responds most quickly to threats will win.

- What about epidemics, catastrophes?

Well, as always. More of this will be in September-October. But shocks such as a world war or the Fukushima explosion are unlikely. I see two difficult periods in this sense: immediately after the elections and already in the fall. And before that, there will be more chatter and shouting.

By the way, if the opposition is not built in, it can greatly shake the state. I would compare this with what we had in 1917, on the eve of 1953 and in 1985. This happens about once every 33 years and is associated with cycles of solar activity.

I would just like to address those who make serious decisions right away. There is no need to treat this in the same way as the Bolsheviks were treated in 1917. If someone appears with such slogans, he will simply need to be entered into the system - repressive measures are fraught here. And most importantly - do not miss the moment.

Let's go back to the symbol of the year. The dog always needs specifics, the dog sees his piece of meat. People will ask questions: when and what will I get from this? That is, the dog needs predictability, certainty. And it will be a good time to throw in oppositional ideology. But it must be made constructive and built into the state structure.

- Your horoscope must have been carefully studied. What is in store for you personally in 2018?

I have big plans for this year, but more creative ones. I continue to write a series of astrological detective stories. The action takes place both in our time and in the distant past. The protagonist is an astrologer who deciphers the most intricate crimes...

Yes, in the books I also encrypted the events that will happen in the near future. For the reader, this is a kind of entertaining puzzle about what will happen next. Moreover, in the second volume I have a clue to the Lermontov cycles of our history.

Why are the two terrible wars that took place in the 20th century - 1914 and 1941, the coolest upheavals - all of them connected with Lermontov's anniversaries? The last round date was in 2014. That is why the Lermontov cycle works for us? And what can we expect next? In my book "Jubilee of the Demon", and it will be in three volumes, there are answers to these questions ...

Dmitry Melman.

Photo: RIA Novosti / R. Sitdikov,

TASS/M. Metzel,

Here we publish information about the founder of the Avestan School of Astrology, astrologer Pavel Pavlovich Globa, his speeches and other interesting events associated with him.

Pavel Globa is widely known not only in our country, but also abroad.
This is a person who has unique knowledge received from the Great Teachers in India and Badakhshan, an unsurpassed gift of foresight. He warned of a “local nuclear war” at Chernobyl and an earthquake in Armenia, but was not heard. Moreover, the “relevant authorities” threatened the astrologer with a mental hospital. Only …

Pavel Globa gives an astrological forecast for V. Putin on the eve of his 57th birthday.
Brief description of the personality of V. Putin. Predictions of Vasily Nemchin. Analysis of events in the life of V. Putin. In 2012, a new round of his career awaits him.
Production, 2009

End of 2011. Forecasts for 2012.

Meeting December 21, 2011. Part 1.
The editors received more than 900 letters with a variety of questions addressed to P.P. Globa.

Press conference of P.Globa to the mass media in Minsk 13.12.2011.
Astrological forecast for 2012.
Pavel Globa said that there will be no end of the world, but there will be difficult times. Since October, an economic downturn in Russia is possible, which, although to a lesser extent, may also affect Belarus.
Significant political changes in the life of Russians are also possible, but this will concern the “tops”.

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