What are the colors of alcohol wood stains. Wood stain: types and colors

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If, in your understanding, wood stain is nothing more than a kind of paint, then you are very, very mistaken and you should more deeply and specifically familiarize yourself with this substance and the methods of finishing with it. After all, this substance gives a second life to shabby furniture and unpresentable doors and window sills. Having a jar of stain on hand, you can completely change the old interior beyond recognition, without the obligatory replacement of windows and doors.

Wood stain, unlike the same paint, does not form an opaque layer on the surface, but penetrates into the wood, impregnates it, imparting the desired shade (from light walnut to dark "mahogany"). When visually assessing wood treated with stain, one gets the impression that there was no staining process and there was no trace of it being a natural, by nature, color.

Moreover, some types of wood stains have the property of lifting fibers, outlining the structure of the tree.

Stains: distribution by groups

Stains (the second name of the substance) are divided into two types: for internal and external work and are divided into groups according to their chemical composition.

Water-based - the most common water-based impregnation for wood and can paint wood in any color. The shades are exclusively woody, so any color means light and dark browns. A significant disadvantage is that the water stain for wood helps to raise the fibers and expose them to moisture. To restrict the access of moist air or water to the inside of the treated wood, proceed as follows: moisten the surface of the wooden product with water, hold it for a while, sand it and only after these manipulations cover it with stain.

Alcohol are aniline dyes dissolved in denatured alcohol. Manufacturers produce this type of wood stains ready-to-use or in powder form. Their main drawback is that they dry too quickly. On the one hand, it is difficult to call this a disadvantage, when in an hour and a half after treatment you can safely touch the surface, but, on the other hand, "lightning-fast" drying provokes the appearance of spots on the surface, similar to splashes of fat or dirt.

Oil-based ones are the most convenient to work with, since they can be applied with any tool, from a brush to a spray gun, they lie flat, do not raise wood fibers and the spectrum of colors of this type of wood stain is richer and richer than others.

Acrylic and wax - new developments of tinting material, made taking into account all the shortcomings of previous generations of stains. The newest wood stains give a wooden surface any color and do not force it to change its structure under its influence, but also serve as its reliable protection. Try to drip a little water onto the treated object: the stain will push it away so hard that the liquid will scatter in mini-droplets, but none of them can seep inside.

Another characteristic feature of the new type of wood stains is that they give the wood any shade, including uncharacteristic and exotic ones, while emphasizing the structure of the material (that is, wood). Try to imagine your refurbished kitchen cabinet in a clear blue with a typical woody "pattern." Original, right?

The only thing that an economical consumer may not like is the acrylic analogue of a water-based stain - its price. If you can buy water stain for 50 rubles, then for acrylic, if you please lay out all 300. Of course, both the drying time and the quality of processing of the first can not be compared with new developments, but this is only your choice - either cheap or convenient.

How to stain wood

A beautiful door, wardrobe, floor depend not only on the quality of the wood, but also on the stain with which it is processed. It is very noticeable to the eye what type of impregnating liquid was used: a rich deep pleasant color, evenness of the stroke - all these are signs of both good material and the professionalism of the master.

Stains for wood, wood color of any type or other shades give excellent results only when applied correctly. To make the cabinet look not only decent, but also stylish, you need to learn a few simple nuances of woodwork.

  1. When processing material from conifers, the tree must first be degummed, otherwise there will be no use from staining - the resin will not let the tinting liquid inside the wood.
  2. Apply the colorant along the grain of the wood, as longitudinal and transverse penetration will produce very different results.
  3. Tools for applying stain are used based on the area of ​​the material being processed: small pieces of furniture or doors are stained with brushes, foam sponges, cloth tampons, but if the processing area is extensive, it is advisable to use sprayers.
  4. Dissolve powdery water stain only in soft water (distilled or boiled with the addition of soda).
  5. Before processing, the wooden surface should be degreased, cleaned of dust and dirt.
  6. It is necessary to work very carefully: color wood stain can give smudges, which are very difficult to get rid of and which can significantly spoil the appearance of the painted object.
  7. The main secret of the stain: if it is heated before use, it will penetrate deeper into the structure of the tree, and provide more reliable protection.
  8. Stains can be added to varnishes and primers, the protective effect of the substance will work in the same way as when directly applied to the surface.

Colored stains as a design change tool

Not so long ago, aged wooden things came into fashion: grandmother's chests, kitchen cabinets made in the 60s of the last century, "antediluvian" chairs and stools.

Which impresses with its variety, allows you to complement any interior with richness and unique appearance.

Stain, unlike paint, does not hide the structure of the wood

Classic style kitchen combined with living room

  • Alcohol, which is applied using spray guns. When working with a brush, it is almost impossible to achieve an even application - this is its main disadvantage. In addition, alcohol stain is not available in a variety of colors and dries quickly when applied.
  • Oil... It is a material that comes in a variety of colors. Almost any pigment can be dissolved in an oil base. It does not affect the wood, it is simply applied and lays down evenly, dries quickly.
  • Wax acrylic that can be purchased in any color. The composition is evenly applied to wooden surface, is a first-class protector of the material, perfectly highlights the structure of the wood. This stain is used if necessary.

It doesn't matter what your furniture is made of - the stain will help it transform outwardly into the most expensive types of wood.

But it is worth remembering that whatever type of composition is used, after performing staining procedures it is necessary to treat the product with a special varnish. It will help to give the work a finished look, will become a reliable fixative of the substance and will allow it to delight you with its impeccable appearance for many years. With the help of a unique composition, you can create a natural pattern, emphasize the dignity of wood.

Rules for choosing the color of the stain

Thanks to large assortment you can choose a stain both in color and shade

The best way to determine the color is, of course, by applying the stain to a small plank. The fact is that on different woods, the composition manifests itself in its own way.

If this is not possible, then when choosing, experts recommend being guided by:

  • the name of the tone. It is worth remembering that the manufacturer is obliged to indicate the color in accordance with the international classification, but nevertheless, on different woods, the tone will have a different appearance, saturation and depth;
  • the type of wood that will be amenable to processing. After staining, natural material can acquire completely new shades, absorb the composition - this is worth remembering;

Beautifully stained worktop in rustic style

Stain is a tinting liquid that is used to give wood an unusual shade.

  • the quality of the composition. The same stains from different manufacturers may look different on natural material. Therefore, you should not give preference to dubious companies offering a low cost of the substance;
  • density of composition. With a low density of the composition, the stain is very absorbed into wood, especially soft woods. As a result of processing, it is impossible to receive.

It is worth remembering that even with the same tone, stains from different manufacturers can have completely different shades. If a large scale of work is planned, professionals recommend purchasing formulations from one manufacturer. Wood stain, the price of which is acceptable, allows you to create the most sophisticated design. Plus, it's a timeless classic. And even after many years, the painted wooden surface will have a beautiful and, most importantly, up-to-date look.

Stain application methods

Any color can be applied with a brush, swab or spray gun. The method of applying the coloring composition depends on:

  • the size of the area to be treated. In the event that you need to paint a small surface, you can safely use a tampon. For large areas, it is recommended to use a spray gun or brush;
  • varieties of stain. For example, alcohol mixtures are applied only with a spray gun. Other types of substances can be applied depending on the area.

Important! As a rule, the manufacturer provides an application recommendation in the annotation. By adhering strictly to the advice, you can achieve unsurpassed results in

Simple expert advice will help you apply the composition correctly and get the desired result. So, the step-by-step instructions for applying the composition looks like this:

Important! The stain is applied only to dry wood. If this is not tolerated, in the future the composition will crack and take on a sloppy look.

Wood stain: colors and combinations

With the help of modern wood stains on wood, you can create the most incredible effects if you combine different tones. For example, a tone composition is applied to the prepared surface - a water-based stain. This will be the first layer. After it has completely dried, a darker shade is applied, but already on an oil basis. According to its characteristics, such a stain will fill the pores and unevenness on the wooden surface. They will become dark in color, while the rest of the surface will remain light. After the composition has completely dried, the surface is treated with a special varnish.

Stain is a unique substance that can be used to achieve the most incredible results. But the most important processing requirement is to preserve the natural look of the wood.

Secrets of the professionals

To, you need to choose cold light shades for interior decoration

Naturally, professional builders and designers have their own secrets of staining, thanks to which it is possible to get unsurpassed results:

  • it is necessary to apply the substance strictly along the grain of the wood - in this way the natural pattern of the wood is most emphasized;
  • the stain should have an acceptable consistency: it should not be thick or very liquid - this will allow it to be applied evenly and without smudges;
  • the applied layers must definitely dry - this will ensure the durability of the painted layer;
  • do not apply the varnish twice in the same place - this will avoid dark areas.

Spectacular wood bar with carved elements

Cozy living room in eco-style

Stains are a highly sought-after substance that designers often use when creating sophisticated interiors. But for a high-quality result, you will need a composition that must be applied correctly. When choosing, it is worth remembering that quality and price must match each other. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase the product from trusted manufacturers who guarantee its effectiveness and durability.

Recently, it has become fashionable to use white in the interior of premises.

In this case, the white color can be both on surfaces (floor, ceiling, walls) and on furniture. Interior dominated by white really very impressive, and it is not at all difficult to execute it in this style.

White stain is one of the means of making the surface white. You can buy white stain without any problems in almost any hardware store. We will talk about white stain in this article.

First of all, you need to decide where exactly the wood will be processed - indoors or outdoors. Techniques for processing external and internal surfaces are different, so this point is of fundamental importance. Let's talk about how you can bleach wood.

How to bleach wood

If the surface to be treated is part of the interior, then the desired white color may not be just white, but with decorative elements. For example, you can leave wood fibers with a natural shade or any other of your choice, and make the pores of the wood white. The choice of wood stains and products for various effects is very large. For the above example, the wood can be tinted with a water stain, such as Trae Lyx or CLOU, and then treated with an oil containing Trae Lyx Pro color Wit. The pores of the wood will be white and the fibers will have the color of the selected wood stain.

It is necessary to take into account that the pores of the wood must have a clearly expressed woody structure, be open and deep. However, not every wood has such a natural surface. If the wood does not have the required relief, then the surface is treated artificially using special brushes, which remove soft fibers from the surface.

If you want to paint both the woody surface and the pores white, you can use Trae Lyx parquet cleaner no. 2537.

Please note that when using water stain, you will definitely need to apply a second coat. The second layer can be varnish or oil, which contains hard wax.

You can bleach wood for interior use with white oil, which contains Golden Wave wax. According to the manufacturer, the development of this tool is based on Scandinavian recipes dating back hundreds of years, due to which Golden Wave has unique characteristics. The surface should be coated with two or three coats of oil, depending on the desired result - the more coats you put, the higher the whiteness and the lower the visibility of the wood structure. No fixing agents are required when using Golden Wave Oil, this product includes fixing components. However, if you would like to change the color of the wood surface before processing, then treat it with a water stain such as GLOU, the whitening effect will be unique.

Trae Lyx PROJECT SEALER 2K wit can also be used to whiten the surface. It is a special insulating white parquet primer. But this primer requires an additional protective layer, for this purpose Trae Lyx two-component varnish can be used. This combination is extremely reliable and of high quality. She not only recreates but also complements natural beauty natural parquet or wooden stairs.

As another option for bleaching natural wood, we can offer the use of Golden Wave white wax. More often they are used to process railings, beams, walls, ceilings and furniture, because these surfaces are not exposed during operation. The base of Golden Wave white wax is turpentine, it is composed of natural Portuguese wax and special pigments. This wax can be used to coat untreated wood and get a wonderful effect with little effort.

Calcpasta is another wood bleaching agent worth paying attention to. It is used in those cases when they want to get the effect of deep antiquity, the appearance of an ancient and dilapidated tree that has turned white from time to time. Of course, the effect will be only external, the strength of the treated surface will remain the same. Calcpasta is used for processing a wide variety of surfaces, since it is suitable for both indoor and outdoor work. Parquet, stairs, furniture, windows, shutters, doors, houses, gazebos, swings - any wooden surface is suitable for processing with calc paste.

Outdoor stain

In addition to the aforementioned calcpaste, the protective white wax stain Verfijn Steigerhout beits is well suited for whitening external surfaces. Its application emphasizes the naturalness of the natural surface structure. In addition to its remarkable aesthetic effect, this outdoor stain perfectly protects the wood surface from blue and rotting for a fairly long time.

We have already written about how to properly protect wood from fungus, the material is available here, you can familiarize yourself with it if you wish.

Film-forming coatings are also used to bleach wood.

Another bleaching agent is Sigmalife VS-X alkyd-based outdoor stain. This stain, in addition to its direct bleaching function, serves as a primer and has excellent protective properties, it will protect the wood surface from bad weather and ultraviolet radiation for a long time. For best results, apply Sigmalife DS acrylic as the final (finishing) layer or AVIS timbercoat varnish, which is also made on an alkyd base and is of high quality. When using Sigmalife VS-X, the tree will be reliably protected from all environmental aggressions, even if the finishing layer is not applied immediately.

There are many methods and technologies for bleaching wood coatings, and it will probably take a whole book to consider all of them. This article outlines the basic principle of whitening and shows the means by which it is easier to achieve not only the best result, but the one you would prefer. In addition, each of the considered means has its own special characteristic that is not characteristic of others. Knowing these features, you can more easily make your choice for a specific use.

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Trends in modern fashion in construction and design persistently direct you to the idea of ​​decorating parquet or walls, furniture in white. The idea is great, the goal has been set, let's look at the possibilities to make a dream come true. Immediately I want to inform you, my dear readers, that this will be a generalized article just about materials for "whitening", which can be described in one word: white stain.

So the first and main division (these will simply be completely different wood processing systems) will the product processed in white be in the interior or it will be a street (outer covering).

If we need an interior wood covering, then there is a wide choice, depending on the desired effect that we want to get from the wood bleaching.

So, for example, the task is to paint only the pores of wood in white, while the solid wood fibers themselves retain their natural color, or have some other color. This effect of highlighted wood pores in white on the treated surface can be achieved by using oil with hard wax Trae Lyx Pro color Wit.

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Here's a photo. If the same product is applied to a previously tinted wood surface, such as Trae Lyx or CLOU, then the wood will have a stain color and only the pores of the wood will have a white color.

Oil with hard wax, white (white stain). Ash

However, it must be taken into account that the processed wood must certainly have deep pores, a pronounced relief woody structure. If the tree does not have such properties by nature, the structure can be made artificially (piece by piece), mechanically, using special brushes to select soft fibers.

When creating a white floor, various methods can be used to achieve a wide variety of results, for example, when applying white oil with Trae Lyx wax, the result is a bleached floor:

Floor (ash wood) covered with white oil and wax Trae Lyx Wit.

White water stain for wood: Trae Lyx, Holland

White wood aging paste.

If we are looking for a whitewash effect exterior wood finish, then we can consider the following options.

White stain based on liquid wax.

Whitening of wood with Verfijn Steigerhout beits. By applying this product, you feel like you are going “back to nature”. The white stygerhout stain emphasizes the authentic look of natural wood, in addition, the stygerhout stain is an excellent protector of wood from blue and rotting for a long time.

White varnish for wood.

The effect of whitening wood can also be obtained by applying film-forming coatings. Now about this in more detail.

Sigmalife VS-X can be used as a primer, which at the same time will have the status of a white stain. It is an alkyd-based protective stain. When using Sigmalife VS-X, the processed wood is not long time gets protection from bad weather and ultraviolet radiation. As a topcoat on Sigmalife VS-X, you can apply both acrylic glaze Sigmalife DS acrylic, and an unusually high quality varnish based on the alkyd AVIS timbercoat. I would also like to draw your attention to such a distinctive positive Sigmalife VS-X. Wood treated with this product can be outdoors for a long time, outdoors in bad weather without finishing. And the wooden surface will not suffer from this.

This is not a complete list of methods that can be used to create the effect of whitening wood. However, in my articles I use information about materials that I have personally tested and tried. If you have a task “how to bleach wood”, I will be glad that my advice helped you 100%.

Your consultant.

Stains are substances that are designed to treat wood and give it a special appearance. Stains are most commonly known as liquids, but today there are other types that perform similar functions.

What is the stain for?

The main purpose of using these substances is to reveal the inner beauty of wood, which is sometimes hidden deep in it. The colors and shades obtained by the interaction of one or another substance with wood are so diverse as the photo when wood is treated with wood stain that it is almost impossible to see all these colors together in any interior.

The stain enhances the texture of the wood.

There are several key varieties of wood stains that differ depending on the base. The type of base also predetermines the individual properties of the stain, each of which has its own distinctive feature.


The 3 most common groups of stains are identified.
The first group includes the so-called alcohol stains. An alcohol-based substance is a characteristic aniline solution of a certain pigment in denatured alcohol. Typically, such a stain is produced in one of two types: already in liquid, which can be used immediately after purchase, and also in powder form. In the second case, you need to dilute the powder. This stain has characteristic features, it dries much faster than others. Therefore, to use it with your own hands, you should only use a spray bottle, since manual application leaves stains. The spray gun is usually a pneumatic spray gun.

Water stains are made in the same way as alcohol stains. They are the most popular of these substances. Water stains have the largest range of colors and natural shades of wood for staining. And although water stain is the most common, it still has one significant drawback: when it is used, the wood fibers rise upward, which makes it sensitive to moisture. On the other hand, there are also positive aspects to this effect, since thanks to the raised fibers, a pronounced internal structure of the tree is manifested. In order to prevent the fibers from rising, they use one simple method: before staining, the part or surface is briefly soaked in water, after which it is treated with an abrasive cloth. The wood prepared in this way will not rise after staining with water liquid.

The properties of the stain directly depend on the base on which it is made.

Oil stains come in the widest range of colors available to humans. Butter - good solvent for most dyes, due to which this effect is achieved. Oil formulations are diluted with white spirit, which also helps it dry quickly enough, but at the same time it does not cause negative consequences:

  1. The oil ensures even application.
  2. The wood fibers remain in the same position.

Acrylic and wax types of wood stains, which are not yet so popular, are also determined quite young in time of appearance. Although they have all the advantages of oil formulations. Their key advantage is the formation of a protective film on the surface of processed parts and wood products.

Stain application methods

For different types of wood stains, as well as when processing surfaces of different size and texture, different devices may be required. In most cases of household staining, it is sufficient to use a brush, and in the case of processing small surfaces, sometimes a foam tampon is used.
If the stain is alcohol-based, you can use a spray bottle for use. In fact, the use of alcohol, as well as nitromoil has the only exception in the nature of surface treatment and requires a spray. This is caused, as already mentioned, precisely by the high speed of drying of the compositions. A foam swab or brush does not provide an even coverage for alcohol stains, leaving stains on any surface.

The stain can be applied with a brush, foam sponge, spray.

General guidelines for using wood stains are to use the optimal tools for large and small areas.
When applying the composition to the surface, it is often necessary to devote a long time to the process of achieving the desired color.

Experienced craftsmen advise to treat the surface twice, while after the first coating it is very important to wait until it is completely dry and only then apply the second layer.

This may resemble the principle of finishing wood with varnish or tinting wood.
In case of aqueous formulations which do not dry as quickly as spirits, the requirements for complete drying are even more important.

Coloring technique

Craftsmen and experimenters over the years, using different compositions and combining colors, have learned to cover different types of wood with multi-colored layers, which allows them to get rather unexpected results. Often, double application of different colors allows you to get a fairly clear and expressive structure of the tree, or, on the contrary, all the signs of prolonged aging.

In this way, for example, the effect of "bleached oak" is achieved, which is also done with two different types of DIY staining liquid.
The first type of stain for producing "bleached oak" is a white wood stain with an aqueous liquid. After the surface of the wood is completely dry, it is treated with a second layer of the so-called oil stain. This second compound, a colored wood stain, contains particles of colored wax. Thanks to the colored particles, individual pores acquire the desired color (usually shades of gray or black), while, in addition to the pores, the rest of the surface has the same appearance, which remained after the white water stain. Thus, the wood receives an aesthetically pleasing finish, thanks to repeated processing.

This is one of so many ways to stain wood, which allows you to get completely different effects. When using a mixed technique, the main thing is not to confuse the order of using the fluids.

At first, it is better to use a water or alcohol base, and the final results are achieved with oil and wax compounds.

This is because wax and oil formulations do not allow other substances to penetrate into the wood, as this is obtained by processing with alcohol and water.

It is also interesting that processing of different types of wood, like most resinous species, does not lend itself to staining, since it is difficult for colored particles to get into the wood after that. But deciduous trees with such processing absorb almost any stain.
In addition, the quality of the resulting pattern can be influenced by the internal structure of the tree itself. Therefore, such vivid pictures and drawings are often obtained precisely thanks to the use of oak or, for example, exotic species.

Video: how to choose a stain

Wood will always be popular, because it is a beautiful and environmentally friendly material. However, like all natural decorative elements, boards are afraid of moisture and are a favorite habitat for insects, fungi, mold and other microorganisms. To increase the lifespan of things made from tree species various protective agents and antiseptics are used. Today we will talk about such a wonderful substance as wood stain, with its help you can not only solve some problems associated with premature damage to wooden materials, but also give your products an unusual and noble appearance.

What is wood stain

Wood is a strong and durable material that is susceptible to adverse factors. environment, therefore, in order to protect products from it from possible damage it is necessary to process them with special means. On the construction market, you can find a huge number of different antiseptics, varnishes and other impregnations that change the color and some properties of wood; the most popular and inexpensive product is wood stain. Some people think that stains are used only to change the color of an object, but this wonderful drug has other properties.

The properties of wood stains can vary depending on their composition. However, even if you do this with your own hands, it will still have some protective properties.

Properties of wood stains:

  1. If you want to change not only the color of the wood, but also to highlight its texture, then the stain is just what you need. It does not completely paint over the drawing, like paint, but gives the whole product a pleasant shade.
  2. Staining wood will protect furniture from insects and decay, while maintaining the texture and grain of the wood.
  3. Stain is a protective agent that increases the durability of wooden objects and is several times cheaper than varnish and paint. In addition, due to its watery consistency, it penetrates deeper into the wood structure.
  4. With the help of stain, you can make even an inexpensive pine stained with a colored stain look like a noble and strong oak and exotic mahogany.
  5. Stain tinting can lighten wood. This technique is especially often used before painting. wooden products.
  6. Impregnation with wood stain will strengthen the structure of the tree and give it a light moisture-proof property.

Not all stains have the above qualities. To understand what kind of stain you need, you need to read its composition, and see what the instructions for use say. By the way, you can process not only solid wooden boards with stains, but also chipboard, plywood or parquet items and other wooden crafts.

Water based wood stain and alcohol stains

Water-based stains are the most sustainable stains. They do not have a strong unpleasant odor and are easy to use.

This product can be sold as dry or ready-mix. Such dyes are most popular due to their low price and the possibility of their use, both for indoor and outdoor work.

The main characteristics of water stain:

  1. The colors of water-based stains are very varied. With their help, you can create a very interesting iridescent effect.
  2. You can use water stains without fear for your health. Even at the highest temperatures, such products do not emit harmful fumes.
  3. If you decide to experiment and ask the question: "What kind of stain to choose so that it can be washed off?" - then the water stain is what you need. This tinting agent can be easily washed off with water, so it is not possible to paint the floor with it.
  4. Tinting a wooden surface with such a tool makes its texture more visible. Unfortunately, this makes the product more sensitive to moisture, so it will need to be varnished.

It is highly undesirable to tint resinous tree species with such impregnation, as ugly stains can appear on them. For such products, it is better to use alcohol impregnation.

How long does alcohol impregnation dry? Almost a few seconds! This property is both an advantage and a disadvantage. Thanks to it, you can cover the stock of a sporting rifle with alcohol stain, and use it in a few minutes, however large area you can only stain with a spray gun, otherwise the surface of the product will be covered with unpleasant stains and stains, even varnish will not help fix the situation. Consists of alcohol impregnation of alcohol and dyes.

Processing wood with such an impregnation will make it more resistant to ultraviolet light and high humidity. However, due to bad smell such a tool, work with it is possible only in an open space.

Benefits of oil-based stains and wax and acrylic stains

Oil-based stain has a wide range of colors and shades. It costs more than water stains, but it also has more useful properties. Such a preparation can be used not only to change the color of the product, but also to emphasize its texture.

It is easy and convenient to treat wood with an oil-based stain, it is applied in a thin layer and does not raise the fibers of the product. Also, this tinting does not fade under the influence of sunlight, makes the tree resistant to temperature extremes and protects it from moisture. Oil stains can be removed with White Spirit Thinner or to lighten painted wood a little. It differs from compositions with similar properties in that no varnish is needed to fix it. The disadvantages of staining with oil include: long drying of the tinting and its toxicity.

It is very important to find the stain of a responsible and conscientious manufacturer. Judging by the reviews, the most popular firms are Vartan, Latek, Novbytkhim and Herlak.

Acrylic and wax stains are very easy to apply, they lay in a uniform layer and do not leave stains or streaks. However, due to fast drying such beytsy, you need to work with them very quickly.

Wax stain is used to protect wood from moisture. It can be used to process parquet. This stain is not resistant to mechanical damage, therefore, in order to extend its service life, it is better to use varnish.

Acrylic, it is also rustic, the stain perfectly emphasizes the texture of the wood. With its help, you can get a variety of shades, which is why this drug is so popular. A tree painted with such a stain will still need to be opened with several layers of varnish.

Wood stain colors

Wood stains differ not only in composition, they come in different colors and shades. Most often, a dark mixture is used, it gives the products a more noble look. With the help of these wood stains, ordinary larch and maple can be turned into oak planks.

Modern stains can give wood the most unusual shade. However, to this day, the most popular is the range of natural wood flowers.

The most popular color range of wood stains:

  • Pine;
  • Birch;
  • Bleached walnut;
  • Plum; Red tree;
  • Olive;
  • Rosewood;

There are a lot of such examples. At the same time, it is noteworthy that the names of the same shade from different companies can be very different. When choosing a stain color, first of all, pay attention not to the color palette, which is printed on the package, but to the samples applied to the birch boards.

It is also important to consider that the intensity of the color of the stain depends on the type of wood to which it is applied. Darkening a piece if the wood is light can be more difficult than darkening an oak piece. Non-aqueous stain will not paint over well enough pine board, if it is not first demineralized, but water-based stains are generally unsuitable for resinous tree species.

White wood stain

You don't have to paint to make your furniture white. For such work, a lightening stain is also suitable, which will not only make the product lighter, but also emphasize its structure.

Wood stain is designed not only to give the product a lighter shade, but also to protect it from the adverse conditions of the surrounding world. It is very important to consider when considering different types of such a product, how and on what you will apply it. If there is a risk that moisture will spill onto the surface of the bleached object, then it is best to use wax, oil and acrylic preparations, but if your craft will be in a dry and ventilated place, then a water stain will do.

With the help of a white stain, you can achieve a very interesting effect and make an aged finish. It must first be painted with a white water-based stain, after it has dried, the object must be brushed with a stiff brush. A dark colored wax or oil stain is rubbed into the pores formed on the wood.

Light stains do not always have a pronounced color. There is a colorless stain, which is applied exclusively to protect the tree from adverse natural factors.

How to make a stain with your own hands

It is not necessary to buy a ready-made stain. By mixing dyes, such as coffee, a few drops of iodine or shavings of black bark, and some chemical elements, it can be made at home. Homemade stain is not only effective, it's also natural.

  1. Boil a glass of larch bark in a glass of water. The resulting product can be used to cover birch products, it will give them a beautiful reddish tint.
  2. Grind dried walnut shells into powder and boil for ten minutes. The resulting broth must be mixed with soda. Cover the light wood with the solution and it will take on a brown tint. If you want to change the color of the product, you can treat it with vinegar or potassium dichromate. In the first case, the shade will be gray, and in the second, red.
  3. With custard tea or coffee, you can give the wood different shades. The intensity of the colors depends on the strength of the brew.
  4. With a solution of potassium permanganate, you will paint the product cherry color.
  5. A red hue can be achieved by soaking rusty nails in vinegar for several days. Black stain is obtained by adding a decoction of oak or walnut leaves to a vinegar solution.

Stains are made on their own quite often. They turn out to be environmentally friendly and harmless. Unfortunately, they all tend to fade, so to preserve the color of the product, a layer of varnish must be applied over the stain.

Wood staining with wood stain: step by step instructions

To make the product look neat and beautiful, you need to cover it with stain correctly. If the stain is applied poorly, it can fade after a few weeks, and if you do not follow the staining technology, you risk getting the surface covered with streaks.

How to properly stain objects:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to remove a layer of old paint from the surface of the product. This can be done using sandpaper.
  2. Further, the surface is degreased with alcohol, White spirit or gasoline. If the product is made of resinous tree species, then it is de-resinous.
  3. The stain is heated and applied in a thin layer to the surface of the product. The top of the item is processed first. Layers are applied from above, one on top of the other, until the desired shade is achieved.

After the stain has dried, the product must be covered with several layers of varnish. Before applying a new layer, the dried varnish is treated with fine-grained sandpaper.

Wood stain (video)

Stain is a great way to replace one wood color with another. Such funds are different types, they can have different compositions and colors. Use the stain correctly and you'll be rewarded with a beautiful piece.

Stain (known as stain) is a compound with which wood can take on completely different shades. It is often used to change the appearance of a tree, and not just to color it. Inflicted on wooden furniture, the stain gives it a well-groomed appearance. Which one to choose - classic, acrylic, alcohol?

What is the impregnation for wood

Liquid impregnation for wood can be roughly divided into three groups - alcohol, water and oil stains. They differ depending on the basis that is used for their manufacture. The latest developments have appeared on the construction market - acrylic and wax stains. Thanks to new types of toning material, the wood is stained without stains and its fibers do not rise. What properties does each of existing species?

Wood stain on alcohol

Alcohol stain is also known as denatured alcohol dye solution. It is produced in two states - ready-to-use and powdery. The disadvantages of impregnation include quick drying, which can lead to stains. It is almost impossible to spray the composition manually from a can, it is recommended to use a manual or pneumatic spray gun.


Water-based stains are sold ready-made or as a powder that you dissolve in water. It is popular with those who wish to radically change the color of wood - from the lightest to the darkest red. The disadvantage of water impregnation is its ability to lift wood fibers. This allows you to highlight the structure of the tree, but makes it less resistant to moisture. To protect the surface, before using the stain, it must be wetted, wait a little and sanded, only then cover it.


Thanks to the oil stain for wood, products acquire any color from all the variety of existing shades. Desired color obtained by mixing dyes, soluble in oils. The composition of this type is diluted with a solvent - white spirit. The material is unpretentious in work - it is evenly applied without lifting the wood fibers, and dries quickly.


Acrylic stain - the new kind tinting material. When the tree is opened, it completely penetrates inside, evenly paints the entire surface and forms a protective film on the surface of the wood, thereby protecting it from moisture. For example, if you pour water on the floor, it will scatter into droplets - this is an excellent sign of protection. The film on the flooring should also be protected - open it with varnish, it is better to use water-based varnish for wood. Acrylic stains highlight the structure of the wood well and paint it in any color.

How is wood staining carried out

Before staining, the outer and inner surfaces of the wood must be carefully processed - sanded, cleaned and degummed. Then everything is simple:

  • Depending on the texture, the stain is applied with a swab, brush, spray gun or roller.
  • The application must be carried out continuously over the entire surface, otherwise drips will appear.
  • After drying one layer, apply another.
  • For the finishing coat, it is better to use a special varnish for wood - it gives a finished look to the wood and does not allow moisture to penetrate under the coating

Why impregnation is good for wood

The impregnation is in demand because it does not hide the very structure of the wood. The paint removes the pattern from it, the varnish hides the natural look, while the stain emphasizes all the fibers, stripes and rings. natural wood... Such impregnation has reliable protective properties, making the surface resistant to scratches and other destructive natural factors... Stained wood will last for decades1

Colored and white wood stain

Having figured out what a wood stain is, it is worth finding out how wide its color gamut is. The assortment is wide - from white to black. If desired, by mixing different colors, you can paint the furniture even in green color... White stain is used as bleach. After it has dried, the desired color can be applied. The most popular, nevertheless, is the range of woody shades.

DIY wood stain

Give a new look wooden floor or any wooden surface easily and with my own hands... To do this, it is not at all necessary to buy expensive materials or chemically harmful substances. You can change the shade of the product using natural herbal ingredients. To do this, you need to make a cool broth:

  • Onion husks will add a reddish tint to light woods.
  • A decoction of larch bark will color the birch red.
  • Walnut shells give the wood different shades. Grind the dry shell into powder, boil it in water. We filter the resulting solution through a strainer, add a little soda (food grade) to it. To obtain a red color, it is necessary, after drying, to soak the shell with a solution of potassium dichromate. To obtain grey colour, impregnate the surface already treated with the solution acetic acid diluted with water.
  • A strong infusion of alder and oak bark will give the wood an ebony effect.
  • Oak, walnut shells, willow bark and alder catkins in equal proportions give the wood an almost natural brown color. Pour the ingredients with cold water and bring to a boil, then add 0.5 tsp. baking soda and leave to simmer for another 10 minutes.
  • The bark of the apple tree and walnut shells will paint the furniture brown. Alum can be added to the solution for a richer shade.
  • The bark of willow and alder is perfect for making homemade stain for black wood.
  • A decoction of unripe buckthorn fruits will give the wood a golden yellow color.

Video: water-based wood stain for furniture production

If you are working with wood and you need to give it a certain color, then you will definitely need a stain. Today there are several types of stains that differ in composition. In stores you can find the following types of wood stains:

  • aquatic;
  • alcohol;
  • oil;
  • nitro-stains.

Let's consider each of the types of stain in more detail.

1. Water stain- This is the most common type. It makes it possible to paint wood in any color: from the lightest "pine" color to dark mahogany. Available in liquid and dry form. Liquid water stain can be used immediately, but dry powder must be mixed with warm water first.

This type of stain is almost odorless, which is a great advantage if wood staining occurs indoors. But it dries for a rather long time - within 12-14 hours. In addition, water stain is able to raise the pile of wood during staining, and this leads to the fact that the wood must be sanded after staining.

Of all water stains, acrylic stains, which are based on acrylic resin, are distinguished separately. They are highly resistant to fading, do not wash out with water and raise wood fibers much less. However, they have one drawback - a high price.

2. Alcohol stain is a solution of various aniline dyes in alcohol (denatured alcohol). After applying the stain, the coloring agents penetrate into the wood texture, and the alcohol evaporates. This type of stain dries quickly enough - in 15-20 minutes. This is why it needs to be applied very quickly to prevent stains and washes. Uniform staining with alcohol stain is achieved by using a spray gun to spray it.

3. Nitromorilac- solvent-based stain. By the principle of action, it is similar to alcohol stain. It is applied quickly and with a spray.

4. Oil stain- a mixture of dyes and oils (most often linseed). This type of stain can be applied easily and evenly. Oil stain does not pick up fibers. The coloring agents of the oil stain have high lightfastness, which allows the surface to retain its brightness and original appearance for many years. You can apply the oil stain with a spray gun, a wide brush, or a rag. The oil stain dries up in 2-4 hours.

Choice of stain color.

Each stain color has its own code, which corresponds to the international classification, and the name coincides with the type of wood, the color of which is copied by the stain. For example, "Chestnut", "Walnut" or "Cherry" stain. But it is very shortsighted to choose a stain just by name or a picture on the label, as you may get an unexpected result. There are special reasons for this:

1. If the stains of the same color and code were made by different manufacturers, then they may have different shades. For example, water stain "Larch" made by "Tsaritsyn paints" has a pinkish-brown tint, and "Larch" produced by "Novbytkhim" has a pale yellow color. In various stores there are samples that have been painted with different stains. Such samples will reproduce the color of the stain much more accurately than the picture on the label.

2. The natural color, structure and density of wood can also affect the result. staining... For example, a stain on mahogany will appear much darker than on maple (if the stain used was the same tone). This is because mahogany wood has a darker shade than maple wood.

The same test with samples of pine and maple will demonstrate that pine wood is colored faster and more intensely. Pine has a softer and more porous wood, while maple is denser and harder. For this reason dyes easier to penetrate pine wood.

The degree of staining is also influenced by the texture of the wood. Oak has a pronounced structure, so it quickly darkens from the stain, since the coloring substances penetrate into the grooves of the veins. But the bulk of the oak wood that is outside the veins stains more slowly and less brightly.

Methods for applying stain.

To paint wood with wood stain, you can use a spray gun (nozzle size 1.5 mm or less), a wide brush (100 mm wide), a foam swab or rag. For processing large area it is better to use a spray gun. It is also used when working with nitrimorilacs and alcohol stains, as they dry very quickly, and stains appear on the surface of the wood when using brushes or tampons.

Brushes, tampons and rags are great for working with water and oil stains... Natural bristle brushes are suitable for oil stains, and synthetic bristles are suitable for water stains. The bristles of the brush should be strong and should not leave any hairs on the surface of the wood.

If fabrics or tampons are used to work with the stain, they should be cotton or foam. They should not leave behind lint and threads that can remain on the painted surface and, thereby, reduce the quality of the coating.

Preparation for staining: making a color test.

After purchase of stain, but before the start of the staining itself, it will be useful to make a color test. Its need is that it will help you understand whether this stain is suitable for the surface. In addition, the test will allow you to find out what color will turn out in the end, and will help determine the number of application layers.

To make a color test, you need a board that has been processed in the same way as the wood to be painted. Undoubtedly, the type of wood of the sample should coincide with the main surface.

The board is covered with one layer of stain. After drying, a second layer is applied to 2/3 of the sample. The third layer is applied to 1/3 of the board. After the stain dries, the board is varnished in two layers. Comparing the brightness of coloring of each part of the sample plate, the optimal number of layers for a certain surface is chosen.

To choose the best option, it is necessary to make several test stains. Several planks are painted with different stains and then the final choice is made.

Wood treatment before staining.

Before applying the stain, the wood must be prepared. There are several processing steps:

1. First you need to remove the old coating, if any. This is done by scraping and sanding the boards. This process will not only remove the old coating, but also level the wood surface.

2. Clean the surface from grease and oil stains. To do this, it is necessary to wipe problem areas with a rag that has been dipped in white spirit or gasoline.

3. Coniferous woods must be degummed before staining. It is necessary to remove resin from the wood structure, which may interfere with absorbency of stain... There are several types of demineralization solutions:

Dissolve 50 g of potassium carbonate and 60 g of soda ash in 1 liter of water heated to 60 degrees.

Dissolve 50 g of caustic soda in 1 liter of warm water. Treat the surface with the resulting soda solution.

Mix 750 ml of distilled water with 250 g of acetone.

Any of these solutions must be applied to the surface of the wood in several layers. After 30 minutes, wipe the wood with a cotton cloth and rinse with warm water.

Stages of staining a wooden surface with a stain.

If the wood surface is properly prepared for staining, the staining procedure will be fairly straightforward. It is performed in the following stages:

1. First, the stain needs to be slightly warmed up to enhance its penetration into the wood.

2. A brush, rag or swab is moistened with stain. Do not under any circumstances allow strong moisture, as streaks may appear and the staining will become uneven. If a spray bottle is used, the stain is poured into the reservoir.

3. The stain is applied along the grain of the wood. Apply the stain quickly and without interruption to avoid staining. If streaks appear, then the surface must be wiped with a cloth, collecting excess liquid along the fibers. Then the surface is left until the stain is completely dry.

4. Similarly, apply several more layers of stain in order to obtain the desired shade (usually 2-3 layers).

5. Then the surface stained, varnished in several layers. Each intermediate layer is sanded with fine-grained abrasive paper.

Wood staining - great way emphasize the structure and beauty of the wood and at the same time give the elements a unique shade. Wood stain, the color range of which is varied, does not create an opaque film on the surface, unlike paints and varnishes.

It impregnates wood and gives it a noble shade. In addition, the impregnation protects the surface from the growth of microbes, moisture and fungus.

In contact with

Purpose of stain

The main purpose of this material is to enhance the beauty of the wood. Stain shades obtained by the interaction of wood with a substance are so diverse that any old thing will sparkle with new colors.

There are several types of wood stains with a different base, which determines the individual properties of the material.

Types of compositions

Stain is a material that can be divided into 2 types: for indoor and outdoor use. In the second case, manufacturers introduce special pigments into the material that do not allow it to fade in the sun.

The material can be gel, powder or ready-made solution. The composition of impregnations is:

  • water,
  • acrylic,
  • oil,
  • alcohol,
  • wax,
  • chemical.

Each of these types has advantages and disadvantages that are worth considering in detail.

Water based

This impregnation is the most demanded and widespread material with a large colors... Water stains for wood are commercially available in the form of a ready-made compound or a powder that must be diluted with water.


  • non-toxicity;
  • various colors (shades from light to deep dark);
  • ease of application and low material consumption;
  • low cost.

But there is one significant drawback - it is impossible to protect the wood from moisture, since the material will raise the fibers. This disadvantage can be fought: after applying the impregnation, the expanded fibers are processed with sandpaper, after which they are re-processed. If you want to preserve the structure of the wood, then after the first application of the stain, you can cover the surface with a colorless varnish.

Note! Long drying of the plane after using the stain can be considered a minor drawback.

Based on acrylic resins

A modern innovative material - impregnations made on the basis of acrylic resins. These formulations are represented by an emulsion, which has several advantages:

  • ease of application,
  • good protection of wood from external influences and moisture,
  • large range of colors,
  • resistance to fading,
  • low material consumption.

There is only one drawback of acrylic stain - high cost.

Oil based

In the manufacture of these products, the pigment dissolves in oil, while the shade of the material can be any. The material has a lot of positive sides:

The disadvantages include a long drying time and a slight toxicity.

It should be noted that these impregnations are applied in a very thin layer.

Alcohol based

Aniline dye, it is dissolved in denatured alcohol. You can buy alcohol stain for wood in the form of a powder or solution.

The advantage of this material is its quick drying. This is important when applied topically, when the weather can change at any moment.

In addition, the impregnation protects the wood from moisture and sunlight.

Cons of material:

  • Specific pungent odor. Ensure good ventilation during interior work.
  • Absorbs quickly into wood. This will complicate the work, and stains may appear on the surface.
  • Application with a spray gun, brush or roller. It is impossible to get a uniformly colored surface.

Wax based

Wax wood stain was recently developed, but many consumers have already appreciated its benefits. It is easy to apply, effectively protects against moisture and at the same time is an environmentally friendly product.

Based on the above, you can decide which stain is best for the wood, based on your requirements and preferences.

How to choose a color scheme

How to choose the color of the stain? The most the best option is the application of the composition on small area wood. It should be noted that the color of the impregnation will look different on different surfaces. If a colorless wood stain is used, the structure and color of the wood is retained when the protective layer is obtained.

If it is not possible to apply material to a small area, then it is worth considering the following nuances:

  • The name of the tone. Usually manufacturers write the color of the stain based on the international classification, however, the saturation and depth on different woods will be different.
  • Type of wood. After absorbing the composition, the tree can become a completely unusual shade.
  • The quality of the stain. It is worth remembering that the result of staining with materials from different manufacturers will not be the same. Give preference to only trusted manufacturers well known in the market.
  • The density of the composition. If the material is liquid, then you will not get a rich and deep color during processing, since the impregnation will be strongly absorbed into the wood.

If you want to cover a large area with stain, then it is worth buying material from one manufacturer, otherwise you may not get the desired color. Staining wood is the easiest way to renew wood products. It depends on which manufacturer produces the composition, what are the colors of the stain in the shade range.

Material application technology

Applying wood stain to the surface of wood is usually not difficult, but the work requires accuracy and a competent approach. In order for the material to lay evenly and the consumption is small, it is important to know the nuances of application.

Stain application options

There are several ways to apply the stain:

  • Spraying. This is the most efficient way. The material lays down evenly, while a deep saturated color is obtained over the entire surface. Using a spray gun will help to avoid smudges and unpainted areas.
  • Trituration. The composition is rubbed on porous wood with a rag. Thanks to this method of application, products made of ordinary wood acquire a noble oak shade. It is necessary to rub the composition very carefully, so the use of quick-drying wood stains should be excluded.
  • Sponge or roller application. The method is suitable for processing small surfaces. By covering the cut of wood with a sponge, you can get great color and a protective shield.
  • Brush application. This is a common method as the tool is easy to use and the impregnation is applied evenly. The master can highlight the natural wood ornament and show the drawing in a more advantageous way.

The way the stain is applied depends on the type of material and the professional skills of the master. Often the method of application can be found in the instructions for the material written on the label.

Application rules

It doesn't matter how many times the surface is coated. The main thing is to adhere to a certain technique and take into account the nuances:

  • Do not apply the stain on the same spot several times, otherwise dark spots will be visible on the surface.
  • The raised wood fibers must be cleaned off with a coarse mesh (move along the fibers).

Drying time for alcohol solutions is a maximum of 3 hours, for oil solutions - 3 days.

Important! The rules for applying oak stain are the same for both external and internal work. When using alcohol compositions, it is worth remembering about safety measures, since the solution is very toxic.

Surface tinting - step by step instructions

Surface tinting is carried out in the following order:

  1. The wood is cleaned from the old coating, all uneven areas are cleaned off with sandpaper.
  2. The stain prepared according to the instructions is poured into the bath.
  3. A small amount of the composition is collected on the tool and evenly distributed over the surface.
  4. The material is not applied immediately in a thick layer, since the consumption of stain will be high, and the coating will be of poor quality.

Coating flaws and their elimination

Defects appeared during the application of the impregnation? There are several tricks to fix them without repainting the surface.

It is not difficult to fix a leak on wood if you find it before the surface is completely dry. Apply a little impregnation and clean the area with a rag. If the impregnation is already dry, the drip can be removed with a plane or sandpaper.

No matter how smoothly you apply the material, stains can form - the whole reason is in the wood, which absorbs the composition unevenly. In this case, the surface must be treated with a plane and covered with a gel impregnation, which is not absorbed into the wood and lays down evenly.

Useful video: how to choose a wood stain

Now you know what wood stain is and what it is for. And using our recommendations, you can qualitatively process any wooden surface yourself.

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