What is the travel line about? Travel lines in the palm of your hand (3 photos) Meaning and interpretation of lines.

Encyclopedia of Plants 02.01.2022
Encyclopedia of Plants

There are many traits, signs, symbols on the hands that have a lot of meanings. The interest of many people is caused by the line of Moving in the palm of your hand. One or more dashes appear as small branches from the arc of Life and are directed clearly towards the hill of the Moon. According to them, it is possible to find out the probable movements of a person throughout life. It would be appropriate to pay attention to them during the planned change of residence.

What you need to know before divination

Looking at these lines, you can determine the nature of the move:

  1. Thin, short, horizontal contours denote a dreamy person who is only visited by thoughts of travel, he often makes short trips.
  2. Lonely, but clearly defined, long horizontal stripes define travel for a longer period: monthly cruises, half-year mountain climbs.
  3. Multiple features of travel, having different signs in their composition, marks define a person who loves risk and seeks adventure in unprecedented distances.

The line of Emigration on the hand is already indicated by thicker and deeper contours, which with their branches rest against the strip of Fate. This is due to the fact that the move will be far away. Plans to change the permanent place of residence are quite large. The brighter and richer the outlines stand out, the more confidently we can talk about such a move.

What is the meaning of the signs

All lines related to moving, traveling can be supplemented with different symbols, stripes, signs. They need to be considered carefully and highlight the slightest marks. This will help to accurately determine all the nuances and criteria of any movement.

  1. Inclusions in the form of squares may indicate that a person is in danger on a trip, but it will be insignificant, everything will quickly normalize and end positively.
  2. The presence of cruciform inclusions indicates upcoming failures and sorrows at the moments of travel.
  3. An island at the end of the contour indicates loss or loss: the loss of an expensive thing or a quarrel with a friend.
  4. Chains or breaks on the line warn that adverse situations may arise during the journey in the form of bad weather or unsuccessful maneuvers.
  5. Circles speak of danger on the water, it is better to refuse cruises on the seas or oceans.
  6. The Journey strip stretches smoothly to the wrist - a ruinous, unprofitable trip lies ahead.

As palmistry testifies, the line of Moving shows and describes all such signs. They talk about those situations that a particular person can avoid, knowing everything in advance.

How to determine the place of residence

In palmistry, Emigration lines can indicate not only changes, travel and trips, but also determine the exact places where a person may be.

  1. Distinct lines in the middle of the palm indicate global movements to places not washed by water resources.
  2. The contours placed in the lower part of the hill of the Moon foreshadow travel by sea, including long voyages.
  3. Small dotted blotches on the palm, rising higher from the lines of the Moon to the line of Fate, correctly speak of the road across the ocean.
  4. Distinct areas of branches from the middle to the line of Life indicate the exact likelihood of emigration to another locality or state.
  5. The stripes running from the bracelet on the wrist to the hill of the Moon characterize a meeting with a person who will cause a move and a change in the main place of residence.
  6. A line resting on a branch on the hand is a sign of a long departure, which will end with a return to their homeland.

The line of Moving on the hand with clear outlines and impressive length can also have specific meanings for the countries visited:

  1. Located between the lines of the Heart and Head - confirms a trip to Europe or Scandinavia.
  2. Takes a place near the line of the Head - such a person is waiting for the countries of Africa, the Middle East or the Mediterranean.
  3. It stands out in the region of the hillock of Mars and the Moon - visits to America or the Caribbean islands are possible.
  4. It is located in the lower clear contour of the Moon - it speaks of traveling to fabulous Japan, magical China or Korea.
  5. The outlines are visible in the region of Pluto's strip - they mark a visit to Australia or New Zealand.

By studying and characterizing the line of Moving on the hand, you can lift the veil of secrecy and find out life and its possible changes.


When studying the lines on the hand, one must take into account both the features of the palm and the character of the person himself. Sometimes you want to see in a small dash a dream that should, but cannot come true.

People who are energetic, positively looking at life, will make a lot of efforts to translate what they want into reality. Practice shows that people who have a clearly visible line of moving are really prone to travel and often move to another city or country to change their place of permanent residence.

Palmistry, in its understanding, studies the destinies on the hand, and their correct interpretation will help to understand the purpose and path of a person.

The lines of travel on the hand are one or more lines of the hand, which are located horizontally on the hill of the moon, and originate from the outside of the palm (rib of the hand). If there is a travel line on the hand, it indicates an important journey for a person, which can be both long and very far in distance.

As a rule, in the main, people almost always manage to achieve their goal, collect money and go on a trip. However, you can often meet a person who has travel lines on his hand, and the person has never traveled further than his native place of residence - life circumstances did not allow him to see the world around him and make the planned trip.

Therefore, travel lines can appear on a person’s hand even if he hasn’t traveled anywhere, this can happen on the basis of the subject’s illusions and dreaminess, constant representation and reproduction in the head of beautiful unforgettable exotic places seen even on TV, especially for people with a developed restless hill The moon and a branch leaning or departing from the line of the head towards the hill, which indicates a developed imagination and daydreaming of a person. On the example of the picture, travel lines are marked in red. The lines can even be called lines of restlessness, because individuals who have many such lines in their hands are constantly striving somewhere, want to take the maximum from life and expect something new from wandering. They cannot stand the routine, they need a change of scenery, a change of "pictures" - these are restless people, they love change and variety. Most of them dream about traveling to exotic countries, and it is these fantasies that disturb the imagination and find an imprint on their hands.

But in most cases, each line of travel means an important trip, and mainly related to relaxation or fateful, related to a career or significantly influencing a person’s fate. It is clear that for a person whose profession is associated with constant long-distance trips, travel lines will not indicate this, since work is a familiar way of life and is not regarded as a journey. At the same time, a small trip or a long-awaited successful fishing or hunting trip of such a person can be reflected in the hand as a real adventure, because a conceived dream, perhaps for which there was never free time, has come true.

The line of travel will always find its reflection in the palm of your hand. if the journey took place on the water. The more important the trip, and the impressions received, the deeper and longer the line on the hand. Sometimes on the lines of "adventure" signs can be formed by which palmists determine special trips or non-standard events, cases. For some people, the line is so long that when going to the hill of the Moon, it can connect with other lines of the hand. Often in practice, the travel line is connected with the lines of influence, the so-called lines of marriage or marriage in palmistry, such a merger of lines indicates the relationship between people who started on the road, or in other words, the partners met on vacation while traveling. The counting of time travel lines, especially if there are a lot of them in the palm of your hand, occurs from the bottom of the hand up, it is almost impossible to accurately date events or travel time on this part of the hand.

The science of palmistry will help you understand not only the length of life or the features of a future marriage, but also tell you upcoming trips using the Travel line in the palm of your hand. Not everyone can quickly find and correctly interpret these strokes. Travel signs are weakly expressed, they may not be on the wearer's hand: strokes mark only important trips that can change life and bring something new to it.

Trait location

Travel lines are marked on the wearer's right hand. Strokes begin from the edge of the palm, go to the hill of the moon. Another trait of wandering can be found next to the lifeline. The location of the lines indicates the type of intended journey:

  1. The dashes heading down from the sign of life will tell about a long trip to the ocean.
  2. A trip to the sea is foreshadowed by touches in the lower region of the hill of the Moon.
  3. Adventure by land is marked by features located near the upper border of the hill of the Moon.

The length of the line tells about the duration of the journey. A short stroke promises a small trip for one to two weeks. A long clear line is a long journey or even a temporary move.

Stroke shape features

Travel lines on the hand can lift the veil over a person's personality. So, in the presence of weak strokes, we can say that a person cannot be in one place and loves moving.

Clear bright features mark an important journey that affects the life of the wearer and prescribes important changes.

There are situations when there are a lot of strokes in the palm of your hand, but a person has never traveled further than his city. This means a developed fantasy, often found in writers and screenwriters.

The trait of wandering can promise a move to a new place of residence for the carrier. Then it comes out of the line of Life and is more clear and pronounced than the sign of Life itself, and may have bifurcations.

  1. A new place of residence within the native country means a branch of the stroke in the center of the Life arc.
  2. A clear and deep branch at the end of the Life strip speaks of moving abroad, associated with changes in personal life or career.

Which countries to visit

Many palmists are convinced that the location of the Travel lines can be used to draw a conclusion about a specific direction of travel. Not everyone shares this opinion, but there is plenty of evidence for this theory. The dependence was revealed as follows:

  1. The features located at the very wrist promise a trip to Australia or New Zealand.
  2. The strokes in the lower region of the hill of the Moon mark a journey to China, Japan or Korea.
  3. The lines in the center of the Mount of the Moon indicate a possible visit to India, the Seychelles or Sri Lanka.
  4. The journey to America is foreshadowed by the bands located between the hills of Mars and the Moon.
  5. Business trips to Central Asia or Eastern Europe promise strokes located next to the sign of the Head.
  6. The space between the lines of the head and the heart is occupied by features that speak of acquaintance with the countries of Europe and Scandinavia.

Travel Line Signs

Palmistry always takes into account additional marks and signs on all important lines. The trait of Wanderings is no exception, the signs on it warn of many nuances.

  1. A lucky sign that indicates a good trip is a triangle or a square.
  2. An excellent sign is a vertical stroke crossing the travel line - it will tell you about an important acquaintance or event that has the ability to change the course of life.
  3. Gaps warn of a change of plans, an obstacle to the fulfillment of the plan.
  4. An island at the end of the Travel line will tell you about the bad ending of the trip.
  5. The circle warns the owner of the danger, do not get involved in extreme entertainment on a trip.
  6. The cross on the sign promises disaster. The exact time will tell the location of the cross. The mark at the beginning of the stroke will tell about the difficulties at the start of the journey, at the end - about the trouble at the end of the journey.
  7. The scar on the travel strip also needs attention and is not a good sign that promises serious problems during the trip.

One of the most important signs of significant movement is not related to the wandering trait. Such a sign is the bifurcation of the line of Life in the final segment. It speaks of a journey that can greatly influence life and radically change it.

The connection of the Travel trait with other signs

In many cases, the travel strip touches or crosses other important lines in palmistry. This situation requires attention and clarifies the details.

  1. The business trip marks the intersection with the Uma line.
  2. Touching the sign of Influence will predict a meeting with a possible marriage partner.
  3. The feature of Saturn, intersecting with the sign of Travel, will tell about an important journey that changes the life and worldview of the wearer.
  4. A stroke reaching the hill of Jupiter means a promotion.
  5. The sign of travel, located on the border with the Mount of the Sun, promises glory to the owner.
  6. The intersection with the hill of Mercury marks an improvement in material condition due to travel.


The Travel Line in the palm of your hand will tell you about all the details of the trip: the time, the possible country of visit, the consequences of the journey. The trait marks only important, essential journeys that affect the fate of the wearer. Another line can tell about the dreamy nature of a person, about the inclination to write. Having correctly interpreted all the messages, you can prepare for the journey and not be afraid of surprises on the path of life.

In this article, I tried to combine well-known interpretations and my own observations. Based on dozens of publications on palmistry and an analysis of one and a half hundred hands of my relatives, acquaintances and so-so, I will try to talk about the lines of Travel and give some specific examples.

First, the educational program:

A lot of thin, and most importantly, short horizontal lines are most likely either so-called imaginary travels, when a person lives thinking about distant lands, or minor trips, vacations abroad. It can be a short trip to Turkey or a week on the Black Sea beach.

Single, strong and long horizontal lines are real long journeys. It can be either a multi-month cruise to African countries, or a six-month meditation in the mountains of Tibet.

When there are many lines of Travel on the hand and, most importantly, with different signs on these lines, a person loves "extreme sports", stubbornly looking for "adventure" on his head.

Emigration in the literal sense is short, but thick and deep lines reaching the line of Destiny.

1. Horizontal, fairly long and clearly marked lines located in the middle of the edge of the hand, that is, in the space of Mars, are associated in their meaning with major changes in place on land, trips abroad.

2. Horizontal, sufficiently long and clearly marked lines, located in the lower space of the Moon, are related in their meaning to travel by sea and long voyages.

3. If such a sign is not found in the lines, then such lines will only indicate the desire to travel, which will not necessarily be realized.

4. Lines of Journey, in the form of small oblique strokes, starting at the bottom of the Moon's mountain and rising to the center of the palm, in the direction of the Fate line - the possibility of great journeys across the ocean or wanderings across the oceans.

5. Lines of Travel, in the form of small, well-marked offshoots from the lines of life:

In its middle part - travel to other countries, emigration,

At the bottom of it are sea voyages.

On a soft hand - such lines are a sign of nervousness and a danger of alcohol addiction. In some cases, such lines are a sign of forced emigration or flight from problems, resentment, shame to distant cities and countries. This person is trying to hide from a past life, forget everything and start life anew, in a new place ... ..

6. Lines of Travel, in the form of long, well-marked offshoots from the lines of life:

In its middle part - moving to another distant city within the same country,

In its lower part - emigration in its purest form, moving to another country.

The date of emigration or a long journey is the beginning of a branch from the line of life, dating along the line of life.

7. The long line of Travel, passing horizontally through the entire palm, rests against a branch emanating from the line of Life - a long stay in another country.

8. There is a square on the Travel line - this indicates the presence of danger during the journey, but reassures that everything will end well, without causing lasting damage.

9. Travel Line ends with an island - any loss during the journey. This can be either a loss of money, an expensive personal item, or a break with a friend, partner.

10. The travel line ends with a cross - a sign of grief and an unsuccessful trip. Cross at the beginning of the line Journey - the trip begins with a certain problem. A cross in the middle of the line - an unexpected problem or trouble awaits you in the midst of a journey.

11. The Line of Journey runs horizontally through the palm and reaches the line of Saturn - an important journey that will be very long and will have a serious impact on this person, change his attitude to life and radically affect his career.

12. Travel line goes down to the wrist - a less successful voyage, unprofitable or financially ruinous trip.

13. Line of Journey with chains and breaks - delays, adverse circumstances and misfortunes will occur during this journey.

14. On the Travel line - a circle - a warning about the danger of drowning. Give up any extreme water sports.

15. A clear and long line of Travel is vertically crossed by a line running from the first bracelet to the hill of the Moon - this person, during a trip or a long trip, will meet a partner who will affect his career, push him to emigration or live abroad.

When interpreting these lines, one must also take into account the temperament, the character of this person, because the lines of Travel often simply express certain desires of a person for changes:

- for active and energetic people - these are realistic trips, trips,

- for a few passive and melancholy people - this is most likely inconstancy in outlook on life, or just active dreams of distant wanderings.

Here is some more interesting data that clearly needs to be verified, since it is little studied, although it has some validity.

Here is a rough list of countries that people frequently visit with their respective lines.

A clear and long line of travel is located:

1. between the lines of the heart and head - Europe, Scandinavia.

2. near the line of the head - the Mediterranean, the Middle East, North Africa.

3. region of Mars / Moon - North and South America, Caribbean region.

4. the middle of the region of the moon - India, Sri Lanka, Seychelles.

5. lower region of the Moon - Japan, China, Korea.


Research has established that the Great Wall of China was actually built not by the Chinese, but by their neighbors...

6. region of Uranus - South Africa, Australia, New Zealand.

What works and what doesn't - judge for yourself, by trial and error.

The lines of travel on the hand are one or more lines of the hand, which are located horizontally on the hill of the moon, and originate from the outside of the palm (rib of the hand). If there is a travel line on the hand, it indicates an important journey for a person, which can be both long and very far in distance.

As a rule, in the main, people almost always manage to achieve their goal, collect money and go on a trip. However, you can often meet a person who has travel lines on his hand, and the person has never traveled further than his native place of residence - life circumstances did not allow him to see the world around him and make the planned trip.

Therefore, travel lines can appear on a person’s hand even if he hasn’t traveled anywhere, this can happen on the basis of the subject’s illusions and dreaminess, constant representation and reproduction in the head of beautiful unforgettable exotic places seen even on TV, especially for people with a developed restless hill The moon and a branch leaning or departing from the line of the head towards the hill, which indicates a developed imagination and daydreaming of a person. On the example of the picture, travel lines are marked in red. The lines can even be called lines of restlessness, because individuals who have many such lines in their hands are constantly striving somewhere, want to take the maximum from life and expect something new from wandering. They cannot stand the routine, they need a change of scenery, a change of "pictures" - these are restless people, they love change and variety. Most of them dream about traveling to exotic countries, and it is these fantasies that disturb the imagination and find an imprint on their hands.

But in most cases, each line of travel means an important trip, and mainly related to relaxation or fateful, related to a career or significantly influencing a person’s fate. It is clear that for a person whose profession is associated with constant long-distance trips, travel lines will not indicate this, since work is a familiar way of life and is not regarded as a journey. At the same time, a small trip or a long-awaited successful fishing or hunting trip of such a person can be reflected in the hand as a real adventure, because a conceived dream, perhaps for which there was never free time, has come true.

The line of travel will always find its reflection in the palm of your hand. if the journey took place on the water. The more important the trip, and the impressions received, the deeper and longer the line on the hand. Sometimes on the lines of "adventure" signs can be formed by which palmists determine special trips or non-standard events, cases. For some people, the line is so long that when going to the hill of the Moon, it can connect with other lines of the hand. Often in practice, the travel line is connected with the lines of influence, the so-called lines of marriage or marriage in palmistry, such a merger of lines indicates the relationship between people who started on the road, or in other words, the partners met on vacation while traveling. The counting of time travel lines, especially if there are a lot of them in the palm of your hand, occurs from the bottom of the hand up, it is almost impossible to accurately date events or travel time on this part of the hand.

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