Brown dyes. Brown coloring matter Light brown coloring matter secreted by cuttlefish

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- [se], sepia, f. [greek. sepia]. 1.units only. Dark brown paint or ink (painting, tech.). Sepia drawing. 2. Drawing made with such paint (painting). Sepia album. || Photo of brown tone (photo). Large dictionary of foreign words

  • sepia - S'EPIA [se], sepia, · wives. (· Greek sepia). 1.units only. Dark brown paint or ink (painting, tech.). Sepia drawing. 2. Drawing made with such paint (painting). Sepia album. | Photo of brown tone (· photo). Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary
  • Sepia - 1.Sepia, Sepia, Sepia, Sepia, Sepia, Sepia, Sepia, Sepia, Sepia, Sepia, Sepia, Sepia, Sepia 2.Sepia, Sepia, Sepia, Sepia, Sepia, Sepia, Sepia, Sepia, Sepia, Sepia , sepia, sepia, sepia Grammar dictionary of Zaliznyak
  • sepia - SEPIA [se], and, f. 1. The same as cuttlefish (in 1 value). 2. The brown colorant produced by this mollusc. 3. A variety of gray-brown paint, as well as a drawing made with such paint, or a photograph of a brown tone. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary
  • sepia - and, w. 1. Marine clam with ink sac containing dye; cuttlefish. 2. Light brown dye obtained from the dye of the mollusc ink sac. [On display] were watercolors, sepia drawings, oil paintings and heads. Small academic dictionary
  • sepia - SEPIA [se], -i; f. [greek. sēpia - cuttlefish] 1. A cephalopod sea mollusc (cuttlefish) with an ink sac containing a dye. 2. Light brown paint obtained from such a substance or by a synthetic method. Sepia drawing. // A piece of graphics made with this paint. Explanatory dictionary Kuznetsov
  • sepia - sepia 1. A cephalopod, which contains a brown dye in its body. 2. Natural or synthetic brown paint that does not change much under the influence of light and air. 3. Drawing made with such paint. || Photo of brown tone. Efremova's Explanatory Dictionary
  • sepia - SEPIA f. cuttlefish, the generic name of a fleshy, marine animal; it is a purse with many syagals around the mouth; from it sepia paint and a kind of bone, canary foam. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary
  • Sepia - (lat. Sepia, from the Greek sepнa - cuttlefish), a light brown coloring matter. Natural sepia was made from the so-called ink sac of sea clam - sepia. In the XX century. sepia is prepared artificially. Art encyclopedia
  • sepia - SEPIA and, f. sépia f.<�гр. sepia. Натуральная или синтетическая краска, мало меняющаяся под воздействием света и воздуха. БАС-1. Dictionary of gallicisms of the Russian language
  • Sepia - (Sepeia) War of Argos The site of the battle of 494 BC between the Spartans under the command of Cleomenes and the Argos. Thanks to cunning, the Spartans caught the enemy by surprise and utterly defeated him. Encyclopedia of battles in world history
  • SEPIA - SEPIA (from the Greek sepia - cuttlefish), 1) light brown paint from the ink sac of a sea clam (sepia). Used by European artists from the middle. 18th century when drawing with a pen and brush. In the 20th century. replaced by artificial colors such as watercolors. Big encyclopedic dictionary
  • sepia - noun, number of synonyms: 9 cuttlefish 23 paint 197 bear's ear 3 mollusc 124 pigment 136 drawing 63 umber 7 photograph 60 color 266 Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language
    • - War of Argos The site of the battle of 494 BC between the Spartans under the command of Cleomenes and the Argos ...

      Encyclopedia of battles in world history

    • - see Cuttlefish ...

      Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

    • - I Sepia genus of cephalopods; see Cuttlefish. Sepia II is a light brown coloring matter. Natural S. was made from the so-called. ink sac of sea clam - sepia tone ...
    • - Sepia, a light brown coloring matter. Natural S. was made from the so-called. ink sac of sea clam ≈ sepia ...

      Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    • - Sepia, a genus of cephalopods; see Cuttlefish ...

      Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    • - a light brown coloring matter prepared from the ink sac of a sea clam. In the 20th century. obtained artificially ...

      Modern encyclopedia

    • - 1) light brown dye from a sea clam ink sac. Used by European artists from the middle. 18th century when drawing with a pen and brush. In the 20th century. replaced by artificial colors such as watercolors ...

      Big encyclopedic dictionary

    • - R., D., Pr. se / pii ...

      Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

    • - wives. cuttlefish, the generic name of a fleshy, marine animal; it is a purse with many syagals around the mouth; from it sepia paint and a kind of bone, canary foam ...

      Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    • - SEPIA, -and, wives. 1. The same as cuttlefish. 2. The brown colorant produced by this mollusc. 3 ...

      Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    • - SEPIA, sepia, wives. ... 1.units only. Dark brown paint or ink. Sepia drawing. 2. Drawing made with such paint. Sepia album. || Photo of brown tone. 3 ...

      Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    • - sepia 1. A cephalopod, which contains a brown dye in its body. 2. Natural or synthetic brown paint that does not change much under the influence of light and air. 3 ...

      Efremova's Explanatory Dictionary

    • - With"...

      Russian spelling dictionary

    • - SEPIA and, well. sépia f. gr. sepia. Natural or synthetic paint that changes little under the influence of light and air. BAS-1. I need watercolors & gt ...

      Historical Dictionary of Russian Gallicisms

    • - Cuttlefish, a genus of cephalopods, molluscs, is used by Italians for food. This name is called. the black-brown liquid inside it, in the bladder of the liver, from which the paint of the same name is made ...

      Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    • - 1.Sepia, Sepia, Sepia, Sepia, Sepia, Sepia, Sepia, Sepia, Sepia, Sepia, Sepia, Sepia, Sepia 2 ...

      Word forms

    "Sepia animal" in the books


    From the book The Queen of White Elephants the author Burkin Yuliy Sergeevich

    Animal It was then that I figured out that it was imperative to breed a special pet that shouts not "meow", not "ku-ka-re-ku", but "good!" It doesn't matter what: covered with wool, feathers or completely naked, running on four legs or on two ... The main thing is that it

    9. Sepia

    From the book Great Team. What you need to know, do and say to build a great team by Miller Douglas

    9. Sepia Symptoms of the Problem Teams usually exist to help others — customers, colleagues, other teams, or departments in the company. Professional sports teams are peculiar artists who receive money for their work, and the audience

    66. ANIMAL

    From the book The Book of Jewish Aphorisms author Jean Nodar

    66. ANIMAL Do not drag out the grazing of the ox when it threshes. The Bible - Deuteronomy, 25: 4 The righteous one honors the soul of his cattle. The Bible - Proverbs, 12:10 You can kill rabid animals, but you cannot torture them. her cattle Talmud


    From the book My first video from A to Z the author Gamaley Vladimir

    Sepia This function records the scene in a monochromatic sepia (reddish brown) tone, giving the effect of an old movie. Used as expressive


    From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary (EY) author Brockhaus F.A.

    Animal Animal. - The term J. means representatives of one of two large groups or kingdoms, into which the entire totality of living beings breaks up. The difference between a woman and plants, to which all other living things belong, is extremely sharp and

    Sepia (coloring thing)


    Sepia (genus of molluscs)

    From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (CE) of the author TSB

    9th LECTURE Sepia - Sepia

    the author Farrington Ernst

    LECTURE 9 Sepia - Sepia An animal called Sepia, or cuttlefish, belongs to the category of Molluscs. The solid calcareous substance obtained from it is, as is known, used as feed for birds. This animal has a small sac, which contains a dark brown, almost black

    10th LECTURE Sepia - Sepia (End)

    From the book Homeopathic Clinical Pharmacology the author Farrington Ernst

    LECTURE 10 Sepia - Sepia (End) Let us return to our study of Sepia. Going lower and lower in the abdomen, we find that it has a very noticeable effect on the uterus with its appendages, causing, as I mentioned last time, stagnation of blood in the uterus and its displacement. In the old case

    SEPIA, SEPIA- cuttlefish

    From the book Practical Homeopathy the author Varshavsky Viktor Iosifovich

    SEPIA, SEPIA- CUTTLEAN Specific action. On the central nervous system, venous system, female genital area. Symptoms. Depressed mood, apathy, tearfulness, insomnia. Aversion to food. Hot flushes with morning vertigo. Headache in

    59. SEPIA

    From the book Principles and essence of the homeopathic method of treatment author Ivanova K

    59. SEPIA Sepia - cuttlefish. For the preparation of the homeopathic remedy Sepia, fresh juice, the contents of a bag of cuttlefish clams, are ground with 9 parts of milk sugar or dissolved in alcohol.Sepia affects all organs of the body, but most of all the female reproductive organs


    author Vanier Leon

    Sepia Sadness and prostration. Darkness in the shower (think of the black liquid that the cuttlefish gives off at the moment of danger). This cephalopod is capable of turning all the water around it black, so the subject of Sepia appears to be surrounded by darkness and despondency. He only notices


    From the book Typology in Homeopathy author Vanier Leon

    Sepia Congestion of the liver increases, intensifies: attacks, previously intermittent, lead to a chronic condition in which the patient's sensitive liver is constantly suffering. The deep pain experienced by the patient is relieved by lying down on the right side. Constipation


    From the book Awareness: Exploring, Experimenting, Exercising by Stephens John

    Animal Find a comfortable position and close your eyes. Now imagine that you are in a dark room with a dark screen at the other end. Gradually the screen brightens, and you begin to distinguish the image of an animal on it. (...) While the 264 screen is getting lighter, carefully

    Chapter 886: (Allowed to give in) a mount or animal that gives milk.

    From the book of Mukhtasar "Sahih" (collection of hadiths) author al-Bukhari

    Chapter 886: (Allowed to give in) a mount or animal that gives milk. 1081 (2512). It is narrated from the words of Abu Hurayra, may Allah be pleased with him, that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

    Violet dyes

    Cobalt purple- an artificial mineral pigment of a beautiful purple color, which is a combination of cobalt and phosphorus (cobalt phosphate). It mixes well with oil, takes up to 120% of it and dries slowly. This paint is lightfast and durable both in pure form and in mixtures, with the exception of a mixture with yellow and red cadmium, in combination with which it turns black.

    Light cobalt purple- artificial mineral pigment, consisting of cobalt and arsenic compounds; has a beautiful and bright light purple color. It mixes well with oil and takes up to 120% of it. Dries slowly. Lightfast and durable both in pure form and in mixtures, with the exception of a mixture with yellow and red cadmium, in which it turns black.

    Brown earth- natural earth of various shades: from light brown to dark brown, mainly composed of iron and manganese compounds. The best brown earths are mined in the deposits of Khotkovsky and Kudinovsky (Moscow region), Ukholovsky (Ryazan region), Malkinsky (North Caucasus), Korsunsky (Ukrainian SSR), etc. It mixes well with oil and takes up to 47% of it. It is completely lightfast and durable. Cooking brown earth is simple and consists in grinding the dye and soaking it four times.

    Kudinovskaya brown earth- natural land of a beautiful dark brown color of various shades, mined in the Kudinovskoye field, near the village of Kudinovo, Noginsky district of the Moscow region. By its composition, it is one of the iron compounds. It mixes well with oil and takes up to 64% of it, dries quickly.

    It is completely lightfast and durable both in pure form and in mixtures with most paints. With whitewash it gives very beautiful shades of light coffee, warm in tone.

    Khotkovskaya brown earth- natural mineral pigment of brown color of various shades: from light to darker. It is mined in a deposit near the village of Khotkovo, Moscow Region. By its composition, it is a compound of iron and contains a small amount of manganese. Completely lightfast and durable paint both in pure form and in mixtures with other dyes. It mixes well with oil and takes up to 62% of it, dries quickly. Applied in a thin transparent layer, this paint has a beautiful brown-golden color.

    Burnt ocher- brown pigment of various shades: from light to dark brown; obtained by calcining yellow ocher. Lightfast and durable.

    Natural umber- natural earth of black-brown color with a slightly greenish tint; its composition is a compound of iron and manganese oxides 1. Its best varieties are mined in the Baikal (near Lake Baikal), Loyevsky (Byelorussian SSR), Kupavinsky (Moscow Region), Akiyansky (Tyumen Region) deposits. Mixes well with oil and takes it up to 100%; dries quickly. Lightfast and durable both in pure form and in mixtures.

    Burnt umber it turns out we calcined natural umber at a temperature of 550-700 ° C. It has a dark brown color with a reddish tint. It is washed well with oil and takes up to 95% of it; dries quickly. Lightfast and durable.

    Burnt sienna- paint of a beautiful reddish-brown color, characterized by exceptional transparency; obtained by calcining natural sienna at a temperature of 550-650 ° C. With oil, it is washed well and takes up to 180% of it; dries slowly. Lightfast and durable both in pure form and in mixtures, with the exception of mixtures with yellow cadmium, in combination with which it darkens.

    Mars brown- artificial mineral paint, consisting mainly of iron compounds. It has a transparent, beautiful brown color of various shades. It dries slowly with oil and takes up to 59%. Lightfast and durable.

    The Leningrad plant of artistic paints "Black River", in addition to ordinary brown Mars, produces its variety: Mars is dark brown, transparent, of excellent color - paint for oil painting, which completely replaces asphalt.

    Enriched burnt ocher- dark brown artificial mineral paint obtained by calcining a mixture of natural ocher and manganese oxide. To prepare it, take the usual yellow ocher, previously well elutriated, and stir it up in water, then add a solution of potassium permanganate and a little sugar and heat until the pink solution of potassium permanganate becomes discolored; then it is filtered and the precipitate is calcined at 60-80 ° C. The washed and dried sludge is a colorant. Burnt ocher is very lightfast and durable.

    Enriched Umber prepared by calcining yellow ocher enriched with iron and manganese hydroxides. The lightfastness and strength of enriched umber depend on the quality of the raw materials used in its manufacture.

    1 - There is an imitation of natural umber, made from burnt brown ocher, tinted with wolkonskoite.

    A clam that produces a brown coloring matter - sepia

    First letter "k"

    Second letter "a"

    Third letter "p"

    The last beech letter "a"

    Answer to the question "A clam that produces a brown dye - sepia", 10 letters:

    Alternative crossword questions for the word cuttlefish

    Ludicrous clam

    The main rival of "Trouble" Vrungel was the yacht "Black ..."

    The Slavic word "korok" meant "leg", but how would "big" be in Old Slavic?

    Sea animal

    Edible cephalopod marine clam

    The main rival of Vrungel's "Trouble" was the yacht "Black ..."

    Definition of the word cuttlefish in dictionaries

    Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Dal Vladimir Definition of the word in the dictionary Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Vladimir Dal
    f. sea ​​slug, slug, Sepla; pharmacy cuttlefish. S. officinalis; ink cuttlefish. S. octopus. Karakatitsyn, belongs to her. Karakatichny, refers to it.

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia Definition of the word in the dictionary Great Soviet Encyclopedia
    (Sepia), genus of cephalopods of the decapod order. The body is oblong (up to 25 cm long), flattened; there are fins on the sides. "Hands" are equipped with suction cups; two longer "arms" are widened at the ends and serve for catching prey. The sink is internal, located ...

    Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova. The meaning of the word in the dictionary Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.
    -y. f. A cephalopod marine clam that produces a brown coloring substance - sepia. trans., m.i.zh..0 short-legged, clumsy person (colloquial).

    New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova. Meaning of the word in the dictionary New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T.F. Efremova.
    f. A marine mollusc of the class of cephalopods, which releases a coloring agent (sepia) for self-defense. m. and f. colloquial A clumsy, short-legged man.

    Examples of the use of the word cuttlefish in literature.

    Or, with the same curiosity, he looks through the walls of a large glass vessel at fish, slugs, hairs, cuttlefish and any other aquatic animals.

    Amphipods, mermaid purses, ctenophores, cuttlefish, wrasses, blend dogs and sculpins, terns, boobies and herring gulls.

    When the fugitives split up to make it easier to walk through the city infested with Octopus and Cuttlefish, to the old ruins, where they usually hid, the Brave Ruff headed for the palace, where all the inhabitants of the city were moving.

    If, say, cuttlefish or cephalopods, on the one hand, and vertebrates, on the other, independently invented eyes that are built on the same principle of the lens chamber and in both cases consist of the same structural elements - lens, diaphragm, vitreous body and retina, then there is no reasonable argument against calling both organs - in cuttlefish and in vertebrates - eyes, without any quotes.

    Higher aquatic invertebrates - cuttlefish and sea crayfish, for example, have a very significant power of movement, and aquatic vertebrates, considered together, are much more active in their movements than other inhabitants of the water.

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