Why dream of jewelry as a gift. Dream Interpretation for Lovers

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Why do Jewels dream in 29 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the Jewels symbol from 29 online dream books. If you did not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all the dream books of our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of sleep by an expert.

American dream book

Jewels - can mean abundance and radiance.

English dream book

To dream that your lover gives you jewelry- a sign that his feelings are sincere and he will undoubtedly marry you.

If a young man admires in a dream the precious decoration of his beloved- this portends him a quick, happy union with his chosen one, who will conquer him with the softness and nobility of the soul.

If you dream that you are looking at jewelry next to your loved one- this means that you will have a strong, healthy, happy offspring. This dream is favorable for merchants, sailors and farmers.

Eastern dream book

Why dream of Jewels in a dream from a dream book?

Jewels - such a dream portends pleasure and wealth.

If in a dream you inherit jewelry- in reality you will be rich, but you will not be completely satisfied.

A dream in which you give away jewelry- warns of the danger that threatens you.

To a young woman to dream that she is given jewelry- predicts that in real life she will have many pleasures and a successful marriage.

If she dreams that she is losing her jewels- she will meet flatterers who will deceive her.

Find jewels- to dizzying success in matters that interest you.

buy jewelry- a sign that you will be very lucky in important matters, especially in love.

Dreaming of a magnificent, sparkling gem- encourages you to be careful; soon circumstances will turn out so that you easily succumb to temptation.

Buy a gem in a dream- means that you will lose money or a valuable thing for you.

Get a gem as a gift- a good sign promising an increase in your fortune.

The one who owned the gem in a dream- in life will achieve universal respect.

A man who wore a gem in a dream- others will accuse of arrogance and arrogance.

Find a gem- a bad sign, the one who saw such a dream is in danger of complete ruin.

The one who lost a gem in a dream- waiting for shame, shame, dishonor.

Selling a gem in a dream- in reality you will significantly improve your financial situation.

Dream Interpretation 2012

Jewels without differentiation- the need for strength; gifts of the Force; the need to seek true values ​​in life.

Products - watch the value of a particular.

Stones are generally a reflection of abundance (also see the meaning of the specific).

Metals are generally a reflection of perseverance (also see the meaning of the concrete).

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

What did Jewels dream about in a dream?

See jewels in a dream- good luck if there are too many- to wealth buy jewelry in a dream- to success in business, to lose - fortunately.

Find a precious nugget in a dream- to success in business and prosperity.

If in a dream you really want to buy yourself an expensive necklace or a chic gold chain, but you can’t afford it- it means that obstacles or difficulties await you on the way to success or achieving your goal.

For a woman, a dream in which she has a necklace or an expensive chain around her neck- portends a quarrel with a lover or disappointment in him.

Seeing a silver chain in a dream- so you will benefit from your troubles; gold on the neck- you will use your time well.

If in a dream you were presented with a gem- to increase the state, profit; buy it about - to the loss, sell - to improve the financial situation.

See transparent gems in a dream- to joy, blue- to wealth, blue - to confidence in the future.

Dream Interpretation of the Future

Jewelry - pleasure and wealth; see them for yourself- to receive an award and other events that serve to satisfy ambition; see, that jewels are worn by others- to the fame that you or one of your friends will receive.

Dream Interpretation for Lovers

See the jewels- means a successful marriage for a girl and marriage to a rich bride for a young man.

If you dreamed of clothes adorned with jewels- it means good luck in love.

Get gems by inheritance- means that you will enter into a marriage of convenience, which, however, will not bring you happiness, despite the fact that you will be rich.

The girl who dreams that she is given jewelry- in real life will get a lot of pleasure and successfully marry.

Jewel Loss- dreams of disappointment in a loved one. Such a dream suggests that the lover, whom she believed, deceived her, pursuing his own goals.

Buying jewelry- dreams of success in matters of the heart.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Each of the gems- has its own symbolism.

But overall a gem- is a sign of abundance and brilliance. It can also portend enrichment. Look for true values ​​in life to find true happiness.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Jewels in your dream- symbolize feelings, passions and desires dear to your heart.

To see or find a jewel in a dream- a harbinger of unexpected luck. Perhaps the feelings that you will experience in the near future will change your whole life for the better.

At the same time, if the sight of jewelry excites or blinds you too much- beware of the catch, the dream says that feelings can deceive you, and hope will be broken.

buy jewelry- this is a sign warning you that, succumbing to some kind of temptation, you risk incurring significant losses.

See the jewels on your chest- indicates passionate love.

Jewels on the headdress or in the hair- they say that some ideas or ideas can be extremely successful.

Expensive jewelry on the hand- most often portends a happy marriage.

Beautiful necklace or around the neck- a sign that in pursuit of a dream you risk losing your inner freedom.

Dream Interpretation of Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream of Jewels in a dream?

Jewels to see- receive a gift; to buy - disrespect awaits you; receive as a gift- hangers-on will surround you; wear - you will get fame in society; find - you will have happiness; lose - plowing.

Miller's dream book

See jewels in a dream- means pleasure and wealth.

See them for yourself- to obtain rank and satisfaction of ambition.

Seeing others wearing them- to the fame that you or one of your friends will receive.

See jeweled garments- portends rare luck.

Inheritance or a successful trade deal- they will raise the one who sees such a dream to the highest spheres.

If you dreamed that you inherited jewelry- your well-being will increase unusually, but this will not satisfy you.

See that you are given jewelry- a sign that there is a threat to your current position.

For a young woman to see that she gets jewels- portends a lot of pleasure and a desired marriage.

If she sees she's lost her jewels- this means that she will meet people who, flattering her, will mislead her.

Find jewels- means quick and brilliant success in matters in which you are very interested.

Buying them is a promise that you will have great success in important matters, and especially those of the heart.

Chinese dream book

Gold and silver expensive items, jewelry- portends wealth and nobility.

Gold, silver, pearls, gems- great luck, benefit.

Gold and silver cups, dishes- the birth of a noble offspring.

Pans and cauldrons made of gold and silver- great happiness.

Precious stones piled in a huge mountain- great wealth, nobility.

Purchasing gold or gemstone rings- a noble son will be born.

Full bosom of pearls and precious stones- portends great trouble.

Metal-encrusted utensils- getting rid of the disease.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Why see Jewels in a dream?

Faceted gems in a dream- happiness awaits you in reality.

A dream in which you see jewels- portends that you will be delighted with an expensive gift or will please others with it. Receive jewelry as a gift yourself- in reality you will have hangers-on and accustomers. Wear precious things in a dream- gain fame and thus amuse your ambition. Seeing others wearing them- to the fame that one of your friends will gain. buy jewelry- means that you will have good luck in business and love, but disrespect for others.

Find a jewel in a dream- fortunately and luck in important matters on which your success generally depends. Lose some of your jewels- in reality, encounter a voluptuary who will in every possible way court you in order to achieve his goal.

To dream of ancient clothes richly adorned with elaborate jewels- luck will smile at you after a streak of bad luck, you will get the opportunity to improve your business thanks to the support of sponsors.

Family jewels in a dream- signify an increase in well-being, but mental discord and internal dissatisfaction.

If in a dream precious things were stolen from you- in reality there is a real danger to your current position. At see your missing jewels on someone else- to marriage and a harmonious, happy marriage.

To dream of precious stones, as well as semi-precious, decorative and ornamental stones, playing with faces or striking with a unique pattern on the cut- means in reality to receive a false judgment about complex things and high matters. See or have many- portends good protection in the face of loyal friends.

Steal someone's gem in a dream- give in to temptation. Buy gems in a dream- portends honor, respect and gaining fame.

Hello Tatiana! Happy holiday to you! I had an interesting dream from Friday to Saturday. I saw sea water with beautiful large shells. And a lot of jewelry, rings, bracelets, chains. What is it for?

Unfortunately, I don't remember the whole dream. I see in a dream: that I allegedly wake up in my apartment, and subsequently I don’t find my jewelry (a pair of rings and earrings - gold, silver with stones) in the place where I left them before going to bed. And later I find them in another place in the apartment. I tell my husband about this, he claims that I was mistaken, I insist on my own and try to understand how it could be if the husband did not do this.

Hello! I had a dream from Thursday to Friday. We walked late at night with a friend near the house. And in the sky they saw a huge ring and pendants came from it. We ran closer and this ring smoothly sank to the ground. As a result, it turned out to be a lot, a lot of all kinds of gold jewelry with precious stones, or separately from stones, but everything is very expensive. Then my mother came out of the house, chose one set in the form of earrings and a pendant made of black stone and went to give it to someone, and we stood and measured the rest of the jewelry. And then I seemed to hear or understand that it was all for me, like a gift. I started putting everything together. The sensations in the dream were very pleasant! It was like a warm heart! Although it was dark outside, everything around was lit up with jewels.

we came with a friend to the seashore, put the car into the water and themselves lay down on the shore half into the water. I started poking around in the sand and started to find chains with pendants rings with stones dangling chains, in general, everything that can be washed by a storm

ok i was playing with my girlfriends but one of my girlfriends was pooping silent she told us that she fell off the big swing. all of us girls had some kind of jewelry on their necks and suddenly some homeless person ran up to us and didn’t rip off these jewelry from someone, but only ripped off from me and this homeless person disappeared then some kind of wolves became suddenly dark I saw some kind of wolf my friends disappeared and this ox didn’t attack me, oh, as if constantly poking me with his nose, well, that’s all, I woke up

I had a dream, I am at home and collect a gold chain in parts, the first part of the chain is a small stone in a frame similar to a flower with a red stone, the second piece of the chain is empty but long, the third piece is with a medium red stone, and then a large chain with a large red stone , I collect this chain in pieces and put it on myself, it’s a big chain, it didn’t fit in a fist, it hung down on each side all the time, but it sat on me like flying in

In her hands (not on her finger) she held a ring with a large bright ruby ​​(I have a similar one), but in a dream he had a lot of small diamonds around this Ruby (I don’t have them in a real ring). And I hold the ring, and the diamonds begin to fall out and crumble on my dress and on the floor. I'm starting to collect them. She took it in her hand and woke up.

My paternal grandmother is dying (she died a long time ago, but I didn’t see her in a dream), sorting through her things in a chest of drawers (she used to have such a large chest of drawers, as in the old days), I found a lot of gold earrings with stones, chains with a cross . At that moment, someone was next to me, but I did not see his face, and all the time I tried to hide these jewelry so that this someone would not take it. And then I woke up and didn’t see how it ended.

Interpretation of sleep Jewels in Miller's dream book

To see jewels in a dream means pleasure and wealth. To see them on yourself is to receive a rank and satisfy ambition. To see that others are wearing them is to the fame that you or one of your friends will receive. Seeing jeweled clothes portends rare luck. An inheritance or a successful trade deal will elevate the dreamer to the higher realms. If you dreamed that you received jewelry as an inheritance, your well-being will increase unusually, but this will not satisfy you. To see that jewelry is being given to you is a sign that there is a threat to your current position. For a young woman to see that she is receiving jewelry portends a lot of pleasure and a desired marriage. If she sees that she has lost her jewelry, this means that she will meet people who, flattering her, will mislead her. Finding jewelry means quick and brilliant success in matters in which you are very interested. Buying them is a promise that you will have great success in important matters, and especially those of the heart.

Jewels in Vanga's dream book

Finding jewels in a dream is a sign that the sky will grant you great luck. Something will unexpectedly "fall" on you that will make your life happy and comfortable. If in a dream you lost jewelry, then a business that seemed so profitable at first glance will not bring the expected income and, on the contrary, will deprive you of material resources. Seeing expensive jewelry on yourself in a dream is a sign that in real life you are a very envious person. You want to have wealth and happiness without putting any effort into it. Unfortunately this is not possible. If you dreamed that you were looking at your family jewels, then such a dream speaks of your interest in your ancestors. You want to make a family tree, because you are sure that you belong to a great noble family. Buying jewelry in a dream indicates that in the near future you will make a valuable acquisition that you have been dreaming about for the past few years. If you dreamed that instead of precious stones you bought fake ones, then your purchase will actually not be as useful as it seemed at first glance, and therefore you will be disappointed with the purchased item.

The meaning of sleep Jewels in Hasse's dream book

See - receive a gift; to buy - disrespect awaits you; receive as a gift - hangers-on will surround you; wear - you will get fame in society; find - you will have happiness; lose - plowing.

Dream Jewels in an intimate dream book

If a young girl saw jewelry in a dream, such a dream symbolizes great success with the representatives of the stronger sex. Pleasure, entertainment and a marriage proposal await you. If you see a gemstone, it means that you can easily give in to temptations, which you will later regret.

If you dreamed of a magnificent sparkling gem, then this means that you will be tormented by remorse for the mistakes of the past, and the future does not promise you good luck.

Buying a gem will show prudence in reality and be able to maintain its reputation.

For a man, giving a girl a gem in a dream is a sign that a new goal will appear in his life, which will become the meaning of life.

To receive a precious stone as a gift in a dream is good luck in reality.

For a woman, giving a gem in a dream means committing an illegal act.

Wearing a gem in a dream is a harbinger of a joyful surprise, a romantic passion.

Losing a precious stone in a dream portends betrayal in reality.

Selling a gem is a dream, fortunately in love.

To mine precious stones in a dream promises good health and numerous offspring.

Exchanging gems means that in life you will be punished for some act.

If you pick up precious stones and drop them, then in reality a certain lady will be interested in you.

The dream in which you throw out precious stones promises you peace and tranquility in the house, health and well-being in the family.

Interpretation of dreams from

Jewelry made of precious stones and metals dreamed of in a dream is a sign of wealth, success and prosperity. However, today dream books offer other interpretations about what jewelry is dreaming of.

What do they portend

In order to correctly interpret the plot seen, it is necessary to understand what it is connected with. The smallest details and even your own emotions during a dream allow you to get a more accurate interpretation. If you are just looking at beautiful jewelry, then in reality you will find sudden wealth and a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bpleasure. However, if other actions were present in the plot, one should turn to the dream book for interpretation:

  • Losing a jewel is flattery and delusion. In some cases, this may predict a break in relations with a loved one;
  • Finding expensive jewelry in a dream is a spiritual uplift and success in business;
  • Buying jewelry - trust from loved ones;
  • Giving jewelry to someone is a difficult position. Perhaps at the moment you need support and help;
  • Wearing beautiful jewelry is a high position in society;
  • Measure jewelry on yourself - promotion;
  • Admire the jewelry on another person - soon he will receive good news.

Clothes studded with precious stones dream of a rare luck that you could not even think of. It also happens that a person sees in a dream how he receives a jewel as an inheritance. Such a dream speaks of an increase in the dreamer's well-being, but, alas, it will not bring him the expected satisfaction. To receive jewelry as a gift from a lover means pleasure and early marriage. As a rule, such an interpretation applies to unmarried girls and only if the ring acts as a gift.

Type of jewelry in a dream

The value of the metal from which the jewelry you saw in a dream is made, as well as the appearance of the products, plays an important role in interpreting what the jewelry is dreaming of. Gold, according to numerous dream books, is a symbol of wealth and luxury, nobility and strength.

Dreamed in a dream, they promise the dreamer profit and improvement in material condition. However, in some cases, such a plot can acquire a polar interpretation, symbolizing the greed and stinginess of a person. If gold turned out to be fake in a dream, you will find the truth in real life.

  • Precious stones on jewelry for men - honor among relatives and friends, a symbol of leadership;
  • Jewelry with stones for girls - the appearance of great prospects at work or a chance to drastically change your life;
  • Silver jewelry - the dreamer's protection from the machinations of ill-wishers;
  • Gold ring - upcoming marriage or marriage proposal;
  • Precious rings are a sign of authority, power and prosperity;
  • A jewelry box or box with jewelry is a symbol of human values. If there were paired jewelry in the chest, then the dreamer is inclined to create a family.

Dream books consider jewelry around the neck very ambiguously. This may indicate a person's sexual preferences, dictated by the desire to please someone from their own environment. Another interpreter claims that this is a sign of a loss of control or the appearance of problems in real life that prevent the dreamer from rising above and achieving what he wants.

Jewelry according to the women's dream book

Why dream of jewelry in a woman's dream book? This source considers jewelry as a symbol of pleasure and wealth. To dream of a dress or other clothing adorned with jewels means receiving a solid inheritance or making a good deal.

  • To receive jewelry as a gift is a threat to your current position;
  • To accept decoration from someone is pleasure and a long-awaited marriage;
  • Loss of jewelry - a meeting with flattering personalities who will mislead you;
  • Finding or purchasing jewelry in a dream is a quick and breathtaking success in matters that are very interesting to you;
  • Broken or broken jewelry is the disappointment that you will have to endure when you reach your desired goal. True friends can betray you, and all worries will fall on your shoulders.

Dream Interpretation Jewels Dream about jewels: promises pleasure and wealth. Wearing jewelry in a dream means that you will achieve a high position and satisfy your ambitions. If you see jewelry on others, success awaits you or your friends. Seeing jeweled clothes: predicts rare luck. Inheritance or a successful game on the stock exchange: they will take you to the very top. If in a dream you inherit jewelry - in reality you will be rich, but you will not be completely satisfied. A dream in which you give away jewelry: warns of the danger that threatens you. For a young woman to see in a dream that she is given jewelry, it predicts that in real life she will have many pleasures and a successful marriage. If she dreams that she is losing jewelry, she will meet with flatterers who will deceive her. Find jewels: to dizzying success in matters that interest you. Buying jewelry: a sign that you will be very lucky in important matters, especially in love. A magnificent, sparkling gem you dreamed of: calls you to be careful, soon circumstances will turn out so that you easily succumb to temptation. Buying a gem in a dream means that you will lose money or something valuable to you. Receive a gem as a gift: a good sign that promises an increase in your fortune. The one who owned a precious stone in a dream: in life he will achieve universal respect. A person who wore a gem in a dream: others will be accused of arrogance and arrogance. Find a gem: a bad sign, the one who saw such a dream is in danger of complete ruin. The one who lost a precious stone in a dream: shame, shame, dishonor await. By selling a gem in a dream, in reality you will significantly improve your financial situation. Modern dream book

Dream Interpretation Jewels Gems: Fake valuables that don't work for inse. When the subject has truly spiritual values, the image of gems indicates the actualization of the super-ego. Italian dream book Meneghetti

Dream Interpretation Jewels A dream in which you see jewelry portends that you will be delighted with an expensive gift or will please others with it. To receive jewelry as a gift yourself - in reality you will have hangers-on and accustomers. Wearing precious things in a dream is to gain fame and thus amuse your ambition. To see that others are wearing them is to the fame that one of your friends will gain. Buying jewelry means that you will have good luck in business and love, but disrespect for others. Finding a precious jewelry in a dream - fortunately and luck in important matters, on which your success generally depends. To lose one of the jewels - in reality, you will encounter a voluptuary who will in every possible way court you in order to achieve his goal. To dream of old clothes richly decorated with skillful jewels - good luck will smile at you after a streak of bad luck, you will get the opportunity to improve your business thanks to the support of sponsors. Family jewels in a dream signify an increase in well-being, but mental discord and inner dissatisfaction. If in a dream precious things were stolen from you, in reality there is a real danger to your current situation. To see your missing jewelry on someone else - to marriage and a harmonious, happy marriage. Dream interpretation from A to Z

Dream Interpretation Jewels Jewels: past and valuable to the individual, often his integration, individuality, inner integrity. The light reflected in the jewel symbolizes the symmetry and balance of the ideal consciousness. According to A. Moneghetti, or the sexual, carnal side of human nature, combined with religion and mysticism. In Rosicrucian symbolism, it corresponds to the symbols of the rose and the cross. Jewels that turn to stone. Devaluation of values, in particular, the idealized image of the mother or beloved / beloved is broken. Crystal. Firmness, purity. Diamond. Holistic, bright personality: Self. Union of male and female principles. Lost illusions. The center of consciousness, shifted from the Ego to an attractive personality, all erotic energy is directed to this personality. Diamonds and crystals have a similar symbolic meaning to stars. Pearl. Holistic personality. Ruby. Corresponds to the rose and the mandala. Psychoanalytic dream book

Dream Interpretation Jewels Seeing jewelry on yourself means a successful marriage for a girl and marriage to a rich bride for a young man. If you dreamed of clothes adorned with jewels, this means good luck in love. To receive jewelry by inheritance means that you will enter into a marriage of convenience, which, however, will not bring you happiness, despite the fact that you will be rich. A girl who dreams that she is given jewelry will get a lot of pleasure in real life and marry successfully. The loss of jewelry is a dream of disappointment in a loved one. Such a dream suggests that the lover, whom she believed, deceived her, pursuing his own goals. Buying jewelry dreams of success in matters of the heart. Dream Interpretation for Lovers

Dream Interpretation Jewels Jewelry. To see jewels in a dream means pleasure and wealth. To see them on yourself is to receive a rank and satisfy ambition. To see that others are wearing them is to the fame that you or one of your friends will receive. Seeing jeweled clothes portends rare luck. An inheritance or a successful trade deal will elevate the dreamer to the higher realms. If you dreamed that you received jewelry as an inheritance, your well-being will increase unusually, but this will not satisfy you. To see that jewelry is being given to you is a sign that there is a threat to your current position. For a young woman to see that she is receiving jewelry portends a lot of pleasure and a desired marriage. If she sees that she has lost her jewelry, this means that she will meet people who, flattering her, will mislead her. Finding jewelry means quick and brilliant success in matters in which you are very interested. Buying them is a promise that you will have great success in important matters, and especially those of the heart. Big dream book

Dream Interpretation Jewelry, jewelry The abundance of gems, precious or semi-precious stones is a symbol of temptation, the acquisition of impure knowledge. A lot of gold coins - in general, to trouble or even death. This is characteristic of black magic dreams.> Dream Interpretation of Black Magic

Dream Interpretation Jewels Jewelry: pleasure and wealth to see them on yourself: to receive an award and other events that serve to satisfy the ambition to see that others are wearing jewelry: to the fame that you or one of your friends will receive. Dream Interpretation of the Future

Dream Interpretation Jewels Jewels dream of pleasure and wealth. Seeing them on yourself is a promotion and satisfaction of ambition. To see that others are wearing them is to fame. If you dreamed that you inherited jewelry, your well-being will increase extraordinary. If jewelry was presented to you, there is a threat to your current position. Found jewelry - you will find a quick and brilliant success in business. We bought them - a great success in important matters and, especially, heart ones. For a young woman to see that she receives jewelry as a gift, portends a lot of pleasure and a desired marriage. If she sees that she has lost the jewelry, then someone will mislead her. Big universal dream book

Dream Interpretation Jewels This is always a good dream, a harbinger of great material well-being and increasing wealth. To dream that your lover gives you jewelry is a sign that his feelings are sincere and he will undoubtedly marry you. If a young man admires in a dream the precious decoration of his beloved, this portends him a quick, happy union with his chosen one, who will conquer him with the softness and nobility of the soul. If you dream that you are looking at jewelry next to your loved one, it means that you will have strong, healthy, happy offspring. This dream is favorable for merchants, sailors and farmers. Old English dream book

Dream Interpretation Jewels Each of the gems has its own symbolism. But in general, a gem: is a sign of abundance and brilliance. It can also portend enrichment. Look for true values ​​in life to find true happiness. Dream Interpretation Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Dream Interpretation Jewels Jewels: usually dream of pleasure and wealth. Seeing jeweled clothes in a dream portends amazing luck; it can be either a large inheritance or a successful trade deal. Seeing that jewelry is being given to you is a sign of a threat to your current position. For a young woman to see that she is receiving jewelry, portends a lot of pleasure and a desired marriage. To lose jewels means for her to meet people who, flattering her, will mislead her. Find or buy jewelry: to a quick and brilliant success in matters in which you are very interested. To see broken or broken jewelry in a dream - to the acute disappointment that you will experience when you reach your desired goal. This dream may mean that soon loyal friends will cheat on you, and worries about business will fall only on your shoulders. Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

Dream Interpretation Jewels Donated jewelry: to recovery, to wealth, to success in the business you have begun; jewelry acquired on your own: to a cold to an infectious disease, such as the flu. The latest dream book

Dream Interpretation Jewels Jewels: dream of pleasure and wealth to see them on yourself: to promotion and satisfaction of ambition to see that others are wearing them: to fame you inherited them: your well-being will increase unusually if you were given them: there is a threat to your current position found: you will find a quick and brilliant success in business bought them: great success in important matters and especially hearty for a young woman to see that she receives jewelry as a gift: portends a lot of pleasure and a desired marriage if she sees that she has lost them: then someone will introduce mislead her. Family dream book

Dream Interpretation Jewelry (jewelry) JEWELERY (jewelry) - according to the meaning are interpreted in two ways. In a dream, they represent temptation, temptation, vanity, or actual enrichment in something (for example, in knowledge). To a large extent, jewelry emphasizes the nature of love relationships (for example, marriage, devotion or betrayal, divorce). Deception (insecurity) is reported by cheap jewelry, an upcoming marriage (fidelity) - a wedding ring. The brightness and richness of the colors of precious stones in a dream - for good, happiness, knowledge of secrets or illusions. Women's jewelry refers to the position of the sleeper in society, to her attractiveness, dreams and hopes. Treasures (treasures) also refer to ambiguous symbols - to loss, deception or acquisition (depending on the plot). Common symbols of dreams

Dream Interpretation Jewels Jewels without differentiation: the need for the Force gifts of the Force the need to seek true value in life. Products: watch the value of the specific. Stones: in general a reflection of abundance (also see the meaning of the specific). Metals: in general, a reflection of perseverance (also see the meaning of the specific). Women's dream book

Dream Interpretation Jewels To see jewels in a dream - to good luck, if there are a lot of them. To find a precious nugget in a dream - to success in business and prosperity. If in a dream you really want to buy yourself an expensive necklace or a chic gold chain, but you can’t afford it, it means that you will face obstacles or difficulties on the way to success or achieving your goal. For a woman, a dream in which she has a necklace or an expensive chain around her neck portends a quarrel with her lover or disappointment in him. Seeing a silver chain in a dream means you will benefit from your troubles with a golden one around your neck: you will use your time wisely. If in a dream you were presented with a precious stone: to increase your fortune, profit to buy it: to lose, sell To see transparent gems in a dream: to joy, blue To see a jeweler in a dream: to change position, to be one yourself Buy jewelry imitating expensive ones in a dream jewelry, or other jewelry: it means to get timely help from a friend, if the product turned out to be defective or of poor quality, then wait for the activity of your enemies.

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