How to paint furniture white. How and how to paint wooden furniture

Engineering systems 29.08.2019
Engineering systems

We all often find ourselves wanting something new in the familiar interior of the house. Usually on the surface simplest way- rearrangement of furniture. But it does not always give the desired result. And then an idea comes to mind: you need to change the furniture itself, and not its location in the room.

But how often can we afford to throw away old things and buy new ones? Moreover, many pieces of furniture may not be able to afford the family budget.

We know a much more economical and easier way to change and refresh the interior of your home. This is the painting of old furniture.

Necessary materials and tools

The often beloved Soviet-style furniture is made so high quality that it can last for many more years, which cannot be said about modern models. In addition, old vintage home furnishings are now in vogue more than ever. Therefore, by painting it is the best solution.

How to paint furniture without noise and dust, and not turn an apartment into an object painting industry reeking of toxic substances? To do this, we need to stock up the right tools and materials.

For painting work you need:

  • A piece of furniture that needs to be painted;
  • masking tape;
  • Gloves;
  • Dye;
  • Roller and brushes;
  • Tray for paint.

Before you start painting, the surface of the furniture must be prepared. This requires:

  • Putty;
  • Roller and brushes;
  • Paint tray;
  • Gloves;
  • Protective glasses;
  • Fine sandpaper;
  • Rubber spatula;
  • Sander or wooden block.

Having previously prepared everything you need, you can get to work. Before you paint the furniture, you need to prepare it to avoid further mistakes.

How to prepare furniture for painting

Proper surface preparation will ensure a high-quality painting that will shine in the sun and delight the eye.

  1. First, carefully inspect the furniture you are going to restore for minor damage. If necessary, repair or replace installed mechanisms: . Exfoliated particles of old varnish must be removed. Remove the doors, take out the drawers and unscrew the handles and locks from the outside.
  2. Sand the surface (both glossy and matte) with fine-grained sandpaper. It is this skin that will not leave deep scratches which will be difficult to cover with a primer or paint. For more convenience, you can use a grinder.
  3. First you need to cover the surface of the furniture with a primer, and after that, with the help of putty, close up problem areas. This will ensure good adhesion of materials. Degrease the surface with vodka or alcohol - they do not leave a slippery film.
  4. Apply so that it soaks well any minor damage, scratches, cracks. For this, it is better to use a brush. Wait for complete drying.
  5. Using a rubber spatula, apply putty to furniture defects and carefully cover.
  6. After the putty dries, sand the places where you applied it. This should be done with a grinder or fine-grained sandpaper stretched over a bar. Depending on how deep the defects were and what layer of putty you applied, this operation may need to be repeated several times.
  7. When these works are finished, get rid of dust on the surface and prime.

Tip: when buying a primer, try to choose a shade that is as close as possible to the color in which you want to see your furniture. This will not only ensure an even color, but also save on paint.

What paint to paint the furniture?

Varnishes, which are now used for painting, are of the following types:

  • Alcoholic;
  • Epoxy;
  • Alkyd;
  • Nitrocellulose;
  • Oily;
  • Polyurethane.

Lacquer, unlike paint, creates a surface with higher hardness and durability. But if you decide what paint to paint the furniture, then make a choice from the range below.

    1. Among the paints for furniture processing, acrylics are traditionally used. They are more stable than others, dry quickly, are easy to apply, and are well suited for the kitchen or children's room. In addition, acrylic paints have a less pronounced odor and are easily diluted with water, which saves material.
    2. Acrylic paints in spray cans will greatly simplify and facilitate your work. Such paint falls on the surface easily and evenly, and dries faster than conventional paint applied with a brush or roller.
    3. Enamel lacquer paints applied to wood give the surface shine and gloss. If you want a matte effect, then oil paints will help you with this.
    4. Transparent paints will help you preserve the natural. The range of the range is very large, and the consistency allows you to mix different shades with each other, so that you always have a choice in which color to paint the furniture.

Do-it-yourself furniture painting (for example, a wooden kitchen cabinet)

You probably have furniture in your home that you would like to update. Most often this is kitchen cabinets, since they are especially affected by moisture and mechanical stress.

Let's try painting on the example of such a kitchen cabinet with my own hands and you make sure to color old furniture actually quite easy at home.

Please note: if you buy kitchen cabinets without finishing, then most likely it will be birch furniture. Such wood has a fine-grained structure, and stain looks great on it. For example, by applying cherry stain, you can easily achieve cherry color.

Step 1: Sand the wood. This - milestone preparation. Take 120 grit sandpaper and lightly sand the wood in the direction of the texture so as not to scratch the surface. Use 220 grit sanding again to remove any small scratches and make the surface smooth.

Stage 2: we apply impregnation to the wood. Before doing this, carefully wipe the dust from the surface. The applied impregnation layer acts as a sealant and contributes to a more uniform staining. Let the primer dry completely.

Step 3: Apply stain. It is better to apply it with a brush, in circular motions, so that the product is rubbed into the texture of the wood. Make the final pass in the direction of the grain of the wood so that the final coat is even.

How to paint old furniture?

You probably have a lot of old furniture left, which is a pity to throw away and nowhere to put it. She collects dust in the country, in the garage, in the barn. And many pieces of such furniture are very comfortable, light and inexpensive material. give them new life you can simply paint it in a different color and refresh the coating. In addition, reconstruction by painting will significantly strengthen the surface, which is subject to various damages due to its technical characteristics.

Before you paint furniture made of chipboard, it must be carefully prepared. There are two ways to clean the surface:

  1. Chemical way. It involves the use of special chemicals to remove the old coating. You need to choose such a tool depending on the type of past coverage. Be sure to use gloves when working.
  2. Thermal way. IN this case processing is carried out with hot air or steam. To do this, you need a building hair dryer. Point it at the surface and hold until the layer of paint or varnish softens so that it can be easily removed with a scraper.

After cleaning, the surface must be puttied and rubbed with sandpaper.

For painting old furniture made of chipboard, it is easiest to use in spray cans. You will cope faster, and the layer on the surface will turn out even and smooth. Oil or alkyd paints can also be an excellent option.

Tip: if you use brushes when painting furniture, it is better to buy new ones. Pay attention to how firmly the bristles hold. If the hairs begin to fall out during operation, this will have a very bad effect on the quality of the coating.

Interesting interior solutions (what color to paint the furniture)

As you know, old furniture is painted not only to update, but also to match the interior. Fashion trends in housing design, they can go well even with the old Soviet wall, if you work on it a little.

It is enough to repaint such a wall, using the guide in our article, and play with the arrangement of its elements.

The most important thing is to decide in advance in what style it will be sustained. And even the classic Romanian wall of the 80s, long bored and unfashionable, can be turned into a multi-level, fully functional part of the room, and not just a piece of furniture.

In the photos below you can see examples of how you can arrange an old wall to match the new design trends. Pay attention to how the new color of the furniture and its fittings harmonizes with the color of the walls in the room.

Here you see an old wall that has been repainted in a different color:

And here are the solutions for how to rearrange the elements of the walls:

These photos will help you decide what you want to see your updated furniture.

In painting furniture, as in any work, there are secrets. They will not only help you get through the process faster, but will also save you money and ensure perfect execution.

  1. Choose materials (primer, putty, varnish, paint) from one manufacturer. In this case, they will be guaranteed to be compatible with each other. Most often, the manufacturer develops, in accordance with the operating conditions. So it will be easier for you to choose the optimal material.
  2. Don't be afraid to play with colors. Properly selected colors will help to visually enlarge the space. The contrast between the colors of the furniture and the walls will create a unique style in the room in any direction.
  3. Before starting work, be sure to stock up on a roller and several brushes of different thicknesses. Using a roller, it is more convenient to paint wide surfaces, and brushes will be needed to paint the ends of furniture parts and finishing fittings.
  4. Use . It will help you protect already painted and dried surfaces from paint ingress. It is not very convenient to use a solvent in such cases - it will damage the paint layer. Masking tape will save you from such mistakes.
  5. At painting work use a respirator mask or ventilate the room thoroughly! Although most modern paintwork materials non-toxic and do not emit pungent odors, precaution is never superfluous.

Furniture painting video

We hope you find this article helpful when you decide to update your furniture with something as simple as painting. As you can see, in this way you can completely transform the whole house, and not just a closet or wall.

If you have any questions during the acquaintance, please ask them in the comments. We will gladly answer you. Surely many of our readers have experience in such work. Share it with us, tell us about the features of the process, what difficulties you encountered and how you solved them. Good luck in your work and comfort in your home!

Refresh or Refresh old interior restoration of old, sometimes shabby and cracked furniture will help. Almost everyone has such furniture, inherited from their grandmother, which is a pity to throw it away.

And it is worth gathering dust in the country or in the garage. In this article we will look at how to properly and how to paint old furniture.

Old chest of drawers cleaned for painting

Before painting old furniture, it must be carefully prepared. So that in the future she will please her updated appearance for a long time.

There are two ways to clean the surface:

  • Chemical is the use of special chemicals. They are selected depending on the type of previous coating. Do not forget about safety precautions, be sure to wear gloves before work.
  • Thermal is the use of hot air or steam. Soften with a construction hair dryer old paint on furniture and remove with a scraper and clean with sandpaper.

What you need to work

Some tools you will need when painting furniture

Before starting work on painting old furniture, you should immediately prepare the tools and other available tools that will be needed in the process:

  • Paint in cans or cans.
  • Lacquer, matte or glossy.
  • Putty and primer.
  • Newspapers or film.
  • Gloves and goggles.
  • Respirator or gauze bandage.
  • Sandpaper of different grits.
  • Masking tape.
  • Rubber spatula.
  • Paint tray, one or more.
  • Water and detergent.
  • Roller and brushes.
  • Rags.

Having prepared everything in advance, you can not break away from the workflow.

Advice! It is better to buy a new brush for painting and, when choosing, carefully check the villi so that they do not pop out. In the worst case, the surface of the furniture will not be uniform and smooth.

Choice of finishing materials

Different types of finishing materials


  • To paint old furniture, we need more than just paint.
  • You also need to purchase a primer, preferably the same shade as the paint. So we will apply fewer layers of paint to the product.
  • Putty may be needed if the surface has deep cracks, scratches and chips.
  • And it would be nice to cover the updated furniture with varnish, for its longer use and spectacular appearance.

Choosing a paint

Of the variety of paints for furniture, water-based paints are best suited.

These include thixotropic and acrylic paints:

  • acrylic paint– easy to apply, dries quickly and does not have a strong pungent odor.
  • Thixotropic paint- a dense consistency that does not leave streaks and after drying it looks like plastic.

Important! When buying paint, you need to pay attention to what it is intended for. Some types are used for garden furniture, this is not suitable for home use.

Choosing a varnish

Lacquers are diverse in their properties and chemical composition.

The following types are suitable for home furniture:

  • Water based varnish– suitable for any surfaces, does not smell and is not toxic, but dries for a long time.
  • Nitrolac- used for small parts and wears out quickly.
  • Shellac lacquer- the most popular, creates the perfect gloss, durable, but it has a rather high price.
  • Polyurethane varnish– wear-resistant, good contact with wood. Diluted with solvent before use.

Painting process

Painting old furniture with your own hands at home is not very difficult. The main thing is to know exactly what you want and prepare in advance.

Step by step coloring instructions:

  1. First, let's analyze the piece of furniture that we will update. We remove the doors, pull out the drawers and unscrew the handles and locks. We seal surfaces that cannot be removed, glass and mirrors.
  2. Next, as it should, we will wash it, for this we dissolve a little in a bowl of warm water. detergent. After washing, you need to let it dry.
  3. We put on a gauze bandage and goggles so that the dust does not clog and does not settle on the mucous surfaces.
  4. We clean the surface with fine-grained sandpaper and prime it. If there are deep cracks or scratches, they must be filled with a rubber spatula.
  5. We prime again, it is worth choosing an acrylic primer for the future color of the furniture. This will allow you to apply fewer layers of paint. After drying, go over the surface with sandpaper again.
  6. We remove dust and dirt residues with a vacuum cleaner or a dry brush. From wet rags, dust and small particles clog back into cracks and crevices.
  7. Do not forget to cover the floor and nearby objects so as not to stain them with paint, especially if we are working with a spray can.
  8. Do not forget to open the windows, as you need to work with paint in a well-ventilated area. Make sure there are no flying nearby small insects, they can get into a fresh layer of paint and have to redo everything.
  9. Wear gloves to protect your hands from paint contamination. Do not forget that you need to paint in the old home clothes, which is not a pity to spoil.
  10. If we paint with a spray can, it must be shaken before use. We apply paint from a distance of about 30 centimeters, with smooth movements and as thick as possible, in order to avoid streaks.
  11. If the paint is in cans, use the paint tray. With a roller, paint wide surfaces, corners and small details with a brush.
  12. We wait for the paint to dry completely and apply a new layer. For an even and rich color, two to three layers are usually applied.
  13. After all the paint has dried, apply an acrylic glossy or matte varnish. This will make the product wear-resistant and give the paint a beautiful and deep color.
  14. Now we can remove the masking tape and the protective film from the protected surfaces. Before using new furniture, at least eight hours should pass.

In the video in this article you can see the process of preparing and painting old furniture.

Painting furniture from different materials

Whatever material the furniture is made of, the process of preparing it for painting and painting itself is practically the same. There is also no difference in finishing materials used for this.

Of course, each material has its own distinctive little things, taking into account which we will get high-quality painted, updated furniture.

Painting MDF furniture

To begin with, the surface must be cleaned and degreased, then rubbed with coarse sandpaper and applied with an acrylic primer. It will fill all the pores of the panel, and the paint will lie evenly. The paint can be applied with a spray can or spray gun, brush or roller. If a second coat of paint is needed, wait for the first coat to dry completely before applying the next one.

If the painting of the old furniture was successful and the coating is perfectly even, it can be additionally varnished. This will not only give an elegant shine to the product, but also increase the durability and wear resistance of the coating. For a more even and shiny surface, the varnish should be applied in several layers, waiting for each of them to dry.

Important! Lacquering only needs to be perfect smooth surface, as varnishing will highlight all the roughness and smudges.

If suddenly the product could not be painted without flaws, it does not matter, you can combine several different colors, they will hide the bumps. Defects, drawings or painting are also well masked. Overhead glued pictures will also look good.

Painting furniture from chipboard

Having cleaned and degreased all surfaces, we putty them and rub them properly with sandpaper until the hand feels a smooth surface. Paint for old chipboard furniture is used acrylic, oil or alkyd.

If, after the first layer of paint has dried, roughness is found, they can be cleaned with fine-grained sandpaper. After letting the paint dry, you can apply the next layer.

Advice! Painting old furniture can be more than just paint, now big choice varnishes. It's not only good protection surfaces from dirt, fungus and moisture, but also effective appearance.

Types of varnishes that are used for painting:

  • Alkyd.
  • Oil.
  • Alcoholic.
  • Epoxy.
  • Nitrocellulose.
  • Polyurethane.

Varnishes are good because they make the surface more resistant and hard. If you choose paint, then acrylic is perfect. It is easy to use, just diluted with water, it is stable and dries quickly, it has a less strong smell.

Painting natural wood furniture

Natural wood is most often simply varnished, but if the old furniture has already been previously painted, then it is better to cover it with paint again.

The principles of preparing old furniture for painting are almost the same as for products made from other materials. A distinctive feature of a tree is a phenomenon called "pile up". This is when wet compositions are applied to it, for example, stain, enamel or varnish. It is not difficult to eliminate this effect, it is only necessary after the first primer to grind the surface with very fine sandpaper.

Types of painting furniture made of natural wood:

  • Toning- painting with preservation of the visible structure of the tree.
  • solid painting- This is the usual coloring.
  • Varnishing- varnished surface.

If we want to achieve a clear pattern of wood, it is best to take stain for staining. Her a large assortment includes a rich tint range of natural wood.

Landscaping a summer cottage and a house is a very interesting, creative and energy-intensive process. Each owner wants to create a unique cozy image and comfortable conditions for work or leisure, spending as little as possible financial resources, strength and time.

Do-it-yourself painting of furniture for a bath and a summer residence is one of the ways to satisfy creative impulses, show imagination and save a little.

Main stages

Regardless of the type of wood, materials for painting and the desires of the owner, there are steps that are mandatory for all types of work:

  • cleansing
  • sanding (if necessary)
  • primer
  • paint application
  • varnishing.

Based on the desired end result, other actions are added to this list - the use of templates, special compounds or fixtures.

For do-it-yourself painting of country and bath furniture, water-based coloring compositions are recommended, because it is difficult to achieve maximum safety in conditions of hand-made work.

But, if the owner manages to create a perfectly ventilated room and complete desertion for the drying period of the product, or the weather will allow you to perform manipulations on fresh air, it is quite possible to resort to other types of means.

The most popular paint is acrylic, as it is odorless, easily diluted with ordinary water, applied evenly and retains a rich color during operation. In addition, accidental “blunders” and unnecessary pollution are easily washed off without leaving unpleasant streaks and marks. The primer is also better to choose acrylic.

As part of the equipment, you can use rollers and brushes. The first is very convenient to apply paint on large surfaces, the second is to paint over especially tricky folds and corners. The best option is a combination of a roller and a brush. When buying these items, you should pay attention to the purpose: are they suitable for acrylic paint.

How to paint?

Before grabbing a brush and starting art, it is worth deciding on the desired end result: what color is needed, whether the product will be monophonic or combine several shades, whether additional elements decor.

If you just need good-quality furniture with high-quality paintwork- it is better to give preference to one juicy tone. Slightly diversify the interior and bring brightness will allow a combination of colors in two or three shades. For the children's corner suburban area You can even use the entire palette of rainbow colors.

The method of decorating large furniture (wardrobes, sofas, tables) with gold and silver lace has become very popular among summer residents. This is done quite simply: immediately after the first layer of paint, pre-cut lace is applied to the product for a minute, after which the surface is dried and covered with the next layer. The result is an intricate pattern in the style of "retro".

Brief progress overview

  1. Surface preparation. If New furniture not sanded, it must be done, otherwise the color coating will be uneven and rough. After sanding, blow off/wash off all wood particles and dust, wipe the product with a dry, clean cloth and allow to dry completely.
  2. If there are flaws in the form of small cracks, holes and chips (and this happens), they should be caulked.
  3. The first main stage is the primer. You can do it without it, but then no one will vouch for the strength of the coating, the paint will easily peel off after a year of use, leaving unpleasant traces. The primer will reliable protection from premature wear of the product, and the color will turn out smoother, more holistic and brighter. It is advisable to pay attention to the instructions for the primer composition: how many hours to dry, whether to apply a second layer and when.
  4. After the primer is completely dry, the second main stage begins - painting. There are no issues with a monochromatic coating. But the combination of colors must first be selected, and then carefully placed on the surface. It is recommended to use a special mounting tape to divide into parts and paint over the product gradually: apply the first color → let dry → glue → cover the next area → and so on.
  5. To achieve a durable coating and rich color, the product is covered with a second layer, similar to the first, after complete drying. How long the paint dries, and under what conditions, is indicated in the instructions for the composition. Do not neglect the recommendations and time frames contained in the paint insert.
  6. At the end of all stages, you can cover ready product varnish for even greater durability and glossy sheen.

Thickened paint must be diluted to its normal state before reuse, otherwise drops, clots will form on the surface of the furniture, the layer will be uneven.

Over time, any, even a carefully designed coating, will begin to become unusable. If after the end of the work there are some materials left, they should not be thrown away. Subsequently, they will be useful for masking the resulting cracks, scuffs and other defects.

If you don’t want to mess around with paints of different colors, brushes and mounting tape, but show your imagination and create an original country furniture I really want to, you can simply pour the paint onto the surface of the future creation and let it flow freely along the edges of the object. It will turn out a rather daring version of the decor with smudges. Only the color with this performance is better to choose a bright one.

Furniture is an important component of the organization of the space of any room, so a lot of attention is paid to its selection, manufacture and placement. As a rule, inexpensive furniture is made of chipboard - a material prone to scratches and chips during operation. Sometimes the furniture goes out of line with other interior details when performing cosmetic repairs rooms, such as changing the color of walls or flooring.

In order for chipboard furniture to blend well with surrounding objects, look modern and creative, its surface can be repainted. The process is not difficult, so all work is done by hand. The furniture restored in this way will last a long time, and its appearance will become different from the standard facades of budget cabinets and chests of drawers.

Tool selection

There are several ways to paint old products yourself. The most high-quality coating without streaks and sags is provided with the help of an airbrush, however, at home, this method is far from always acceptable. In order to repaint the furniture at home, you will need the following tools:

1. grinder;

2. fine sandpaper;

3. putty for wood products;

4. foam roller or wide brush for flat surfaces;

5. narrow brush to paint the ends;

6. primer;

7. coloring compositions desired colors and types;

8. masking tape;

9. personal protective equipment (respirator, gloves, goggles).

paints and varnishes

The desired result is achieved by using coloring matter of various quality. Restoring the protective layer and updating the gloss on the facade of the furniture is done using a colorless varnish. To correct or change color solution it is necessary to paint the old furniture with an opaque suspension.

According to their composition, all paints are divided into two main groups: with an organic and aqueous solvent. To create a hard and durable coating, chipboard can be painted with solvent-based enamel (for example, Tex, Dulux, Dufa Hochglanzlack). However, the drying process is accompanied by the release of toxic fumes and a strong odor, which is not always acceptable in a residential apartment.

The best option for do-it-yourself furniture restoration is a water-based acrylic mix (well-known trade marks Beckers, Sadolin Aqua, Feidal). This type of coating combines good adhesion to wooden surfaces, strength, water-repellent properties and color retention throughout the entire period of operation. Absence harmful secretions is an important advantage water compositions allowing you to paint furniture facades at home on your own.

Surface preparation instructions

It is possible to qualitatively paint laminated furniture only if it is carefully carried out. preparatory work. Experts recommend pre-treatment as follows:

1. Carefully dismantle all interfering elements from the surface to be repainted: handles, locks, overhead strips;

2. Treat chipboard with fine-grained sandpaper to create a slight roughness and grout small scratches;

3. Prime the treated surface with a wood compound (acrylic primers Galamix, Teknos Woodex and others are suitable). The shade of the primer is selected to match the solution with which it is subsequently planned to paint the chipboard (especially if the coating will have White color);

4. scratches, chips and other defects on the chipboard must be leveled with putty, and then reapply the primer;

5. Immediately before painting the prepared surface, it should be additionally degreased with alcohol.

Painting work

Chipboard can be repainted with a roller or brush. The roller provides more economical consumption And uniform distribution paint on a flat surface. In order to paint the cabinet with your own hands in the presence of a decorative relief, you will have to use paint brush. In both cases, to obtain a uniform coating, painting must be done in unidirectional movements. The finishing layer is applied along the long side of the furniture facade.

To ensure good adhesion, the prepared surface must be free of any contamination. Qualitatively paint the front side of the chipboard will come out in two passes. The second layer lies on the completely dried first. The curing time of water-based paint is about half an hour. During drying, it is not recommended to open doors and windows in the room.

If desired, the furniture is painted, combining different colors in accordance with common idea interior. To distinguish between areas with different shades on the surface of furniture made of laminated chipboard, you should use a special masking tape, which, after performing its functions, can be easily removed without damaging the coating. The border that separates different colors, can be additionally painted or trimmed with polyurethane molding.

The combination of shades achieves a change in the visual perception of space: in order to lighten the dark corner of the room, you can repaint the furniture located in it in white. The transitions of tones between the walls of the room and the elements of furniture can be either smooth or contrasting, depending on the style of the interior.

Restoration of wooden pieces of furniture is an affordable business not only for professionals and specialized workshops. Painting furniture with your own hands is real and simple.

Painting is great way update old furniture and revive your interior

Refurbishing old furniture great idea, which will not only save, but create original furniture for modern interior and enjoy your own work. Each master knows the subtleties of working with wooden surfaces, we will introduce you to some of them. This technology suitable for various wood chip surfaces, chipboard boards and veneer.

The very first

So, let's get down to the most important thing - preparing the furniture for painting. It is necessary to stock up on materials and tools for work.

  1. From the category of means for removing old paint, we recommend using. You can buy it at an auto shop. It perfectly removes the old coating in just a few minutes. The wash has a gel-like consistency, fits well and does not spread over the surface. When working with a wash, it is recommended to use a respirator. Another way to remove the old coating is to traditionally sand the surface, using an emery sponge or grinder. The smooth texture of veneer is initially even and smooth, and as a result of processing, the surface may lose its glossy sheen, so when painting veneer, you should clearly consider whether the surface is needed: matte or glossy. To give a glossy sheen, the veneer should be finished with a top coat of varnish.
  2. Prepare a small spatula, a medium-hard metal brush. A spatula is needed to remove the old coating from a wide area, a small metal brush to remove paint from the sides and corners.
  3. Velor roller, synthetic brush. You can easily find these tools at any hardware store. Masters advise using a synthetic brush when applying acrylic paint, which is sold in an art store. Unlike a traditional building brush, it “lays down” better and leaves no marks.
  4. You will need aids such as an emery sponge, gloves if available, sanding equipment.
  5. Now you need to remove all the fittings, remove the locks, handles, if it is a chest of drawers or a cupboard, pull out the drawers, shelves, remove the doors from the hinges (find out more information about).

It is important to clean the surface of the painted furniture well.

About furniture paint

There are thousands of recommendations on what paint to paint furniture with, but veneers and other woodworkers advise choosing acrylic paint water based. Of the many types for homework, acrylic and thixotropic paint is preferable.

Acrylic paint dries quickly, has no pungent odor, and is easy to apply. Water-based paint is wear-resistant, acrylic surface easy to maintain and durable. Water-based paint can be thinned with water, if necessary, for example, to achieve a lighter tone.

Masters recommend paying attention to the description for what purposes it is intended. For example, nitro, glyphthalic and pentaphthalic paints are suitable for repainting garden and garden furniture, but not suitable for home furniture. The paint is suitable for color matching, tone tinting.

Thixotropic paint has a dense consistency, does not run off and does not leave smudges during application. It lays down perfectly and after drying creates the effect of plastic.

To achieve a clear effect of a tree pattern, it is necessary to take stain or mordant for staining. The stain is presented in a wide range of types, has a rich range of natural shades of wood. The agent has a low impregnation class, approximately 0.3-0.5 mm. The layer is easily removed with grinding equipment or sandpaper. The effect of the stain is still not as natural as that of the mordant.

With the help of stain, you can highlight a beautiful woody pattern.

The mordant gives the effect of a natural coating, it is hardly possible to understand that the surface is painted. The dressing contains elements of tannins, due to which a high class of adhesion to wood is achieved.

Types of varnish are diverse in properties and chemical content. There are the following types of varnishes suitable for repainting home furniture:

  1. Nitrolac. This type is used for coating small parts made of wood. It is easy to apply, dries quickly, but has a low wear resistance class.
  2. Water based varnish. Suitable for all kinds wooden surfaces. This varnish is odorless, non-toxic, but dries for at least a day.
  3. Polyurethane varnish - best option. Excellent adhesion to wood, high wear resistance class. This varnish must be diluted with a thinner before application. It is used for application on veneer and other wooden substrates.
  4. Shellac varnish is one of the modern and popular types of varnishes. With it, you can achieve the perfect gloss or aging effect. It has a low strength class, belongs to the category of expensive varnishes.

Masters use special tools and materials in their work, they have experience and daily practice with woodworking. But you, too, can achieve the perfect result at home if you take into account all the subtleties of repainting furniture, even in the absence of technological equipment like in a workshop.

Preparing furniture for painting

The next step is to remove the old paint from the furniture. Take a small glass jar and pour some car wash. Take a construction brush and carefully apply the remover to the surface of the furniture, do not forget to generously apply the remover to the side and corner parts of the furniture. Let it dry for a while, it will take a couple of minutes. Apply another coat of remover and immediately proceed to remove the paint with a spatula. This technology will make it easy to get rid of the paint layer down to the wood. You'll see, it's easier and faster than if you were to remove the paint with sandpaper.

You can remove the old paint with a spatula, pre-treating the surface with a wash

Now we need a prepared metal brush, with it you can easily remove paint from the sides and corners. So, the base is removed, and this is already half the battle, but you still can’t do without sandpaper. Take a small piece of sanding sponge and work the surface, corners and sides of the furniture. Ideally, if you have sanding equipment, this will speed up the process and make the surface smoother and more even. Take a damp cloth and wipe the wood, allow time for the surface to dry well and you can start painting.

In detail, inspect the furniture for chips, dents. For example, if there are such defects, perform puttying followed by grouting, and level the surfaces with a primer. But, if there are no such problems, then we move on.

Everything is ready for painting

The paint is selected and prepared, and there is also a velor roller and a brush with synthetic bristles. To make the painting look perfect, we start painting from the sides with a thin brush. It is important to paint very quickly, that is, intensively sweeping the brush from side to side, as the paint dries quickly. Having painted the side and corner areas, we proceed to painting the surface.

We take a roller and apply paint on a wide surface of the furniture. Paint quickly to create a perfectly smooth surface. The first layer of paint is applied, we give time to dry, about 20 minutes. And yet, the masters advise, while waiting, close the can of paint, and wrap the roller in polyethylene so that air does not penetrate.

Inspect the surface after the first coat, you may notice small burrs or roughness, you can use a soft emery sponge to remove them.

The second layer must be carried out, also starting from the side and corner parts and ending with applying color to wide areas of the furniture. If, in your opinion, the color is sufficiently saturated and acceptable for the interior, then you can not apply the third layer.

If you want a deeper and more saturated shade, apply the final, third coat of paint, after allowing the surface to dry for 20 minutes. If you want to achieve a glossy shine, wear last layer varnish.

There are many technologies for working with wood, but all stages are subject to the same rules: preparation, processing with preliminary means, painting and finishing layer, installation of fittings and furniture connecting elements.

Most of the work is done, and for sure you are already proud of the result. It remains to wait until the paint is completely dry and you can return the elements of furniture fittings and arrange drawers and shelves.

You have already found a worthy place for updated furniture in your home, it's time to see the result of labor in the chosen place.

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