How to get rid of the smell of new or old furniture. How to get rid of the smell of furniture? What to wash new furniture from smell

Engineering systems 17.06.2019
Engineering systems

When buying new cabinets in the apartment can smell with glue and varnish for a long time. Remove the smell of new furniture from chipboard or MDF is quite possible. For this you need to use ozonizers or use folk remedies.

Reason for the smell of new furniture

New cabinets, including a wardrobe with a computer table, wardrobe, libraries cannot but smell in the first six months after installation. The smell gives glue, which is used in production for the formation of chipboard, as well as, in some cases, furniture varnish. If furniture is crushed with inserts from leatherette or laminate, then this material can also give its note in the fragrances palette.

There is nothing harmful in these smells if the material toxicity is at the level of E1 or E2. But if the room is small and poorly ventilated, then an unpleasant fragrance can still cause annoyance from the owners.

Get rid of smell from furniture

If new furniture from MDF or chipboard smells, then it is necessary to speed up the room where it is installed. If the cabinets are made of natural woodThe smell of wood will stay longer than the weather. It is not worth struggling with him, as this is the first sign of dear and high-quality furniture.

When choosing cabinets from cheaper materials, you can immediately arrange furniture in the living room so that it is closer to the window. You can also hide it for a while in non-residential room (in the storage room or on the balcony).

Embedded cabinets from MDF or DSP are better not to mount in close rooms, if there is an allergy on the smell of formaldehyde or, if it is made of material without specifying a class of toxicity that meets European standards.

If furniture from chipboard or MDF, then help:

  • road ventilation and ozonation;
  • the use of substances that absorb unpleasant odors (bags with salt or fragrant tea (ordinary black, green, jasmine, with different flavors);
  • closing sections from chipboard silicone, varnish or scotch;
  • air fresheners.

The packets laid inside the cabinet with salt or tea are absorbed not only the smell, but the molecules of formaldehyde resins themselves. This is the easiest and effective method Get rid of an unpleasant fragrance.

Also help liquid to eliminate odor, essential oils, including citrus fragrances, as well as surface processing with soft detergent to care for furniture. The peculiarity of professional tools for care for cabinets from chipboard and MDF is that after them a protective film remains, which closes the possibility of spreading the smell of resins or varnish.

Remove persistent smells of MDF and chipboard

The smell from the furniture from MDF is also held for a long time, as from the chipboard. The best way Combating him is an ozone generator. It is left in the included state for several hours and the resistant smell is neutralized. Many hostesses also use aromatic sachets (mixes of dried flowers and herbs), as well as simply unfolded in the corners of oranges or tangerines. This is enough for a while, but if the furniture stands in the room for a long time, then this method can be quite effective.

Top absorbing substances:

  • cook or Sea Salt;
  • vinegar (poured into a small capacity);
  • dry tea or herbal mixes;
  • coffee grains or ground natural coffee.

In the most extreme case, if the smell does not want to disperse, it may make sense to complain to the manufacturer and replace low-quality furniture. When ordering, you need to take into account the factor of the appearance of outsiders in the apartment and stipulate it in advance with the company that will make cabinets for the house.

If the manufacturer is good, for example, like our company Rosmebel, then all these little things will be taken into account and stipulated at the stage of creating a project.

Buying a new cabinet or bed is a significant event. Choosing new interior items, we strive to simplify your life and fill the house with comfort.

Whatever stylish and comfortable acquisition, it is sometimes difficult to get used to it, because together with buying a specific smell penetrates into the house. It is pleasant to call him with difficulty. How to get rid of the smell of new furniture, and why does he appear at all?

Usually the purchase of a new interior object is planning in advance. Then, not one store or warehouse bypass before stopping the choice on something specific. Before buying, you should familiarize yourself with quality certificates - they are obliged to provide the seller. However, paper confirmation of the safety of materials and production technologies does not always save.

In the store or in a warehouse it is quite difficult to "sniff" the upcoming acquisition, as all sorts of "production" smells are mixed. Often, with the turn truly face only at home. Cabinets waters or cleaning furniture from smell are also not always effective.

It is interrupted by aromas of detergents, and then appears again. Far from anyone knows than washed new furnitureTo remove the smell. Some it seems to smell the "new" should any thing, but this is not always the case.

Elimination of furniture odors should start from the main thing: to understand what the purchase flams. In most cases, a specific aroma exudes economy-class furniture, cheap manufactured from production waste. So that the sloping material serve longer, manufacturers add to Chipboard formaldehyde and phenol.

These areas that are not closed with trim, joints and rear walls of cabinets are the most fragile. The reasons of smell become adhesives, impregnations, varnishes used in production.

These substances (especially formaldehyde) are very toxic, can cause allergies and quite for a long time To poison (in direct and figurative sense) the life of households. If you have a sharp smell of new furniture in the apartment, how to get rid of it?

Get rid of the smell of furniture in the apartment

The first thing to be taken after the new furniture is listed in the house and is collected - to ventilate the room. Ideal - draft. Often the smell of furniture will not destroy in one procedure, but becomes less pronounced.

If he does not become weaker, more serious measures should be taken. Choosing how to get rid of the smell of furniture, you can go one of two ways: to trust the people's methods or contact specialized means.

Folk Methods

How to remove the smell from new furniture, without resorting to spends on household chemistry? Help drivers will help.

Salt bags or tea

In each kitchen, there are means that effectively eliminate the smell from furniture from the chipboard, how to get rid of a sharp chemical flavor of tea and salt, a few know. Everything is simple.

Portion tea bags are folded on the shelves and in the corners of the furniture. Previously, all surfaces should be subjected to a wet wipe. What tea is taken - no matter, black, green, with fillers made of herbs or fruits.

The main thing is that bags are dry and unused. About the week they do not remove them, during this time tea absorbs unpleasant chemical flavors. Then the bags are recycled as a household garbage: it is impossible to brew a drink from them!

Similarly, linen bags with salt act.

Hydrogen peroxide or vinegar

The saucer should pour hydrogen peroxide or table vinegar and place them around the room.

Removal of odors from furniture occurs by neutralization. It is better to change the contents of the scenes every day for 3-4 days.


After festive dinner, in honor of the new acquisition, do not throw crusts from lemons or oranges. They will help in such a matter as the removal of the smell of upholstered furniture and products from chipboard and leatherette.

It is enough to decompose the crusts inside the cabinets or in the drawers of tables and sofas, and soon a unpleasant reminder of the novelty will disappear.

Coffee will become good decision Tasks how to get rid of the smell of paint from furniture.

The thickness of the drink is poured into a stable tank without a cover and placed inside the source of the closet or a table.

Since it is not possible to remove the smell of furniture from DSP with heavy wash - not an option due to the risk of stretching, it can be used to absorb specific fragrance charcoal.

It is a magnificent and natural absorbent, quickly saving from the formaldehyde dull.

Specialized means

How to remove the smell of new furniture from chipboard or other materials using specialized funds?

Finally forget about smells and give freshness to the house will help the ozonator. This tider works efficiently and efficiently. He eliminates not only the odorless signs of just acquired objects of the situation, but also allows you to solve the problem how to get rid of smell old furniture. It is usually "souls" of sharpness and dampness.

The principle of ozonizer's work is based on the ability to eliminate the molecules of caustic odor due to ozone spraying. At the same time, the air in the apartment is cleared and disinfected, pathogenic bacteria in it, fungi, mold spores die.

When buying a device, attention should be paid to its performance: the higher it is, the more efficient and for a shorter period of time, the ozonegenerator can cope with such a task, how to remove the smell of new furniture.


Quite often, after buying household items in front of their happy owners, the question arises, how to get rid of the smell of upholstered furniture or cabinets from chipboard. Sources of unpleasant aromas are all sorts of adhesives, varnishes and impregnations, which are used in production. These evaporation cannot be called harmless, some of them are very toxic.

If the smell of furniture is present, you can get rid of it in a few steps:

  • after assembly wipe all parts wet cloth with adding to water detergent either vinegar or citric acid;
  • if possible, leave for a day-two cabinet doors open, and drawers - advanced;
  • be sure to ventilate the room where the furniture is installed;
  • additionally, use the means absorbing unpleasant odors - flavored sachet, charcoal and other (for example, pieces of citrus suthers, tea bags, coffee, vanilla, cinnamon, etc.).

You should pay attention to the quality of purchase before it acquisition, ask the seller to provide required documentsconfirming the quality and safety of materials and production methods.

Preference should be given to the furniture, which is made of natural wood. It is especially true for the interior items of the children's room.

Production conditions for the manufacture of new furniture and materials used to finish the interior items create a background odor, which destroys only over time. Toxic evaporation of glue and the natural smell of chipboard evaporate during transportation and storage in stock. If you purchased household items from a new collection, it is likely that the smell of new furniture will be sharp and unpleasant. To get rid of discomfort delivered to him, we should use the recommendations given in our article.

Modern technical devices manufacturers have long developed a device that can eliminate even the most unpleasant and eater aroma.

In connection with the presence of such harmful substances, new furniture headsets They can negatively affect the well-being of residents and cause allergies.

Often buyers living on one territory with recently installed kitchen Or just brought up soft furniture, no odorless smell notice. Many even consider it a pleasant, subconsciously associating with the update and improvement of living space. However, any furniture, especially budget, is designed from the wastewatering industry with the addition of hubblers and resins.

This device is the ozonizer. The essence of his work is to generate ozone from atmospheric airwhich is a neutralizer of any smell.

Specific smell can publish new leather furniture.

A less toxic is considered the type of high-quality road furniture, the surface of which is processed using the maximum natural components. It does not have chips with a bare inner filler, and the main part is represented by natural wood or textiles. With the problem of an unpleasant smell, you can face during the operation of the old furniture. It also provokes allergies, asthma and unsafe in the habitat of children. It can make pests that provoke outbreaks of diseases.

To understand what to do to eliminate the smell from the furniture, first of all you need to find it the root cause.

If you do not belong to the number of smell lovers, spread your leather sofa or chairs, then open all the windows in the room.

Wood chips So often used chipboard is bonded by various chemical compositionswhich presents phenol and formaldehyde. After evaporating, these substances can cause an allergic reaction and provoke headache. Thus, the smell of new furniture is an invisible enemy, and it is really worth fighting with it. Remove the stimulus is necessary using the most effective methods.

There is I. budget wayallowing you to provide a safe environment in the room.

The most strongly specific fragrance makes chipboard and varnish used to cover furniture items.

Also, the surface of the old furniture from time to time is recommended to wipe special disinfectantsbecause It is possible that the cause of the formation of a patch fragrance lies in the spread of bacteria and fungus.

Get rid of the smell of new furniture with a specialized agent

To get rid of the problem and the first time determine how to get rid of the smell of new furniture, you must use the finished solution.

If the source of unpleasant smell is soft furniture, spread sofas and armchairs as far as possible, and ventilate the room.

Because the smells are very deeply and firmly absorbed into the tissue, it will be quite problematic to get rid of them.

I will finally get rid of the smell and refresh the air in the room will help the ozonator. It works quickly and efficiently, eliminating the aroma of old furniture. The principle of operation of the means is the elimination of unpleasant odor molecules by spraying into the air of ozone.

Removing odor with upholstered furniture can be a rather painstaking task in the event that it smells like a sharpness.

Just before proceeding to manipulation, check the effect of funds on the back of the sofa. Some kinds of upholstery concentrated liquids can deform.

Look at the percentage of natural composition and give preference to furniture with a simple design.

The ozonizer is an obvious advantage, but due to the high cost, it may not be possible every consumer. Alternatively, a liquid spraying on the surface of the new furniture and an forming film that prevents the smell is used. Such a liquid is not recommended as an agent for allergies. In addition, it is not suitable for upholstered furniture. There is a budget way to provide a safe environment in the room.

Just generously treat the stain with acetic solution or exterminate smells, after which it will rain complete drying.

A measure of preventing an unpleasant smell is to purchase proven furniture.

A measure of preventing an unpleasant smell is to purchase proven furniture. Posted in the cabin, pay attention to the nature of the air. If you breathe hard, and you feel unpleasant toxin, it is better not to buy this subject The interior so that it does not become your potential enemy. Look at the percentage of natural composition and give preference to furniture with a simple design.

Instead of citrus crusts, you can put a sauzer saucer in the room or use special aromatic sachets with essential oils.

In extreme cases, you can resort to the help of shop sachets and fresheners.

New furniture can source various hazardous substances - ammonia, methanol, styrene, acetone and others.

Eliminating the smell of new furniture: Program

A person who is looking for a way to get rid of the smell of new furniture can be used folk methods. They are not so effective, but also work.

  1. To get rid of the unpleasant smell of old furniture, many use tea bags and citrus fruit crusts. This is a natural neutralizer.
  2. The budget way is to establish a container with a vinegar, a sternum smell absorbator, or buy inexpensive sachets with a prepared mixture.
  3. If you do not work yourself to remove an irritating fragrance, contact professionals (cleaning companies) or refuse an unsafe subject for your own health.
  4. To remove the harmful smell, you need to speed up the room more often and follow the receipt of fresh air.

If, despite all manipulations, you still feel the smell of sharpness, it may be necessary to rent furniture in cleaning, because It is possible that the source of the smell is in the deep layers of the upholstery.

Delete nasty smell with soft leather furniture.

Choose any method available to you to improve the atmosphere in your housing.

Traditionally, the neutralization properties of odors are a table vinegar.

If such a fragrance makes new furniture, most likely, it was in high humidity and dampness for a long time.

Trying to prevent a destructive purchase for health, try to carefully read the certificates of conformity for furniture and inspect it.

Video: Hostess Tips: How to get rid of smell in furniture?

Not always smells emanating from new furniture are unpleasant. But this does not mean that they are absolutely safe for the health of households. Mostly furniture products, including upholstered furniture, are made of chipboard (wood-chipboard). And the chipboard is the main source of formaldehyde and phenol, toxic substances representing a certain danger to humans. The most sharp fragrance comes from the unlocked ends of furniture and chips, where the chips and resin are bare.

Lacquer wooden furniture, also exudes the smell and emits to the air harmful substances. The airline apartment is polluted, and this negatively affects the well-being of people.

Laminate can also be used in the furniture production, decorative tile, upholstery materials impregnated with special substances that allow furniture for a long time to preserve an impeccable look. This "chemistry" will not only smell, but can cause allergic reactions, headache, asthmatic attacks and other unhealthy reactions of the body. In the risk zone are children and elderly people.

To reduce the risk of possible poisoning to zero, you need to buy certified furniture that meets established standards and quality control. In case of discovering chip or other damage, the purchase should be returned to the store.

Application of specialized funds

Smells exudes any furniture, whether it is a set for a bedroom or kitchen Area, rack for books or sofa transformer. Bring the smell of new furniture will help a modern device capable of a short time Eliminate any, even the most eater fragrance. It is called ozonizer.

The device generates ozone from the air, which is a neutralizer of smells. It is enough to turn on the ozonator to the network and give it to work for several hours. The windows and doors in the room should be closed.

The ozonator will not only remove the unpleasant smell, but also disinfects the air, while all harmful and toxic compounds will be neutralized.

The disadvantage of the ozonator is only one - high cost. Not every family can purchase it to eliminate the smell of new furniture. You can find a liquid to eliminate odors. According to the instructions, it is divorced by water and applied to solid surfaces of wooden and plastic furniture, forming a film. Film coating will prevent the spread of unpleasant flavors.

However, liquid also has shortcomings:

  • it can only be used for wood products, chipboard and plastic;
  • people prone to allergic reactions, it is not recommended to use it.

We use sweater methods

There are quite available tools Combating smells, especially since they are in every home.For example, bags with tea (black, green, herbal) or crusts from orange and lemon.

If the unpleasant smell comes from a new cabinet, books Shelves Or bedside tables, you need to push all the boxes, open the doors and decompose the bags with salt or tea bags in all separations. Neutralization of the smell will last a few days. And then it is recommended to organize a good room and wipe all the surfaces with water with the addition of several lemon juice drops.

If the source of the smell is upholstered furniture, it is laid out, and around the citrus crusts. Another option is to put a saucer with vinegar or take advantage of aromatic sachets.

It happens that new furniture smells like a stale. This suggests that she was stored in a room with high humidity. You can remove the smell in the following way: hold the furniture day on draft, and then warm the room with a fireplace or another heater. However, these actions may not be enough. If the source of the unpleasant smell passed back in the upholstery, the furniture must be passed into cleaning or return to the store on the warranty coupon. Moreover, probably from damp, the case in the near future is deformed.

How to remove a specific aroma of leather furniture? Premises first need to be used, while the sofa or chairs should be decomposed. When a strong smell goes, you need to decompose the same absorbent substances around the leather products: tea bags, sabrus bags or citrus peels. You can put near the sofa container with ground coffee grains. However, set up on a long period, up to several months, getting rid of smell, source.

And do not forget to regularly ventilate the room, then neither new furniture nor old will deliver discomfort in the form of foreign odors.

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