Decorating the fireplace with decorative stone, plaster tiles and other materials. Fireplace decoration with decorative stone Fireplace decoration with decorative stone

Landscaping 25.06.2019

A fireplace in the house or in the country is a place of attraction for the whole family. Of course, I want it to be beautiful, but practicality will not hurt either - soot and soot, dirt or tar from firewood, all this often ends up on the walls of the portal. For this reason, the surface must be easy to clean. In addition, the finish of the fireplace must be heat-resistant - although the sides of the fireplace are heated far from such temperatures as the stove, this requirement should not be neglected. Not many materials satisfy these requirements. It is a heat-resistant plaster, special types ceramic tiles and stone - natural or decorative.

Fireplace plaster

Plaster is one of the simplest and practical options decoration of a brick fireplace. Several years ago, plastered surfaces were whitewashed or painted. Today there is an opportunity over ordinary plaster, apply a layer of decorative with a different texture.

Types of plaster for fireplaces

Decorating a fireplace with plaster is popular for the reason that any design can be developed. The second plus is if everything is done correctly, to achieve smooth surface, the finish is beautiful and durable. For plastering fireplaces, the same compounds are used as for brick ovens... Although the heating temperatures of the surfaces are different, plaster mix do the same. There are two options: do the plaster yourself or buy a ready-made one. If you have no experience working with clay and determining its fat content, it is better to buy. Store plaster for fireplaces and stoves contains additives and additives that make the surface more durable, cracks appear less often in it.

Typically, each manufacturer has two formulations with different properties... The first is basic, for rough finishing. It can be applied in a fairly thick layer - up to 10 mm. After drying, the second layer is laid - the finishing one. It contains more finely ground substances, is applied in a thin layer - usually up to 3 mm, the surface is smooth. Such a surface can already be painted if it has been plastered evenly) or decorative plaster can be applied.

If you want the minimum cost of finishing the fireplace, you can do plasters from clay, sand and lime on your own. But, we repeat once again, without experience with clay, it is difficult to ensure that homemade plaster does not crack. Compositions for plastering a fireplace for making them with your own hands are different, here are a few proven ones:

  • Clay-limestone:
    • 1 part of clay and slaked lime + 2 parts of sand;
    • on the basis of slaked lime - 2 parts of lime, one part of gypsum and one sand.
  • Cement-clay: one part of clay and cement (M 500) + 2 parts of sand;

In order for the plaster solution for the fireplace to be more durable, reinforcing fibers are added to it. Previously, it was finely chopped straw, later - asbestos fibers, and today it is mainly glass or fiber fibers that are added. The fraction of this additive is small - 0.1-0.2 parts. It is added to dry components (cement and sand), everything is mixed. The dry mixture is added to the clay and / or lime dough, mixed thoroughly again, and water is added if necessary.

It is better to take lime already slaked, in the form of a lime dough. If you extinguish it at home, unreacted particles always remain, which, during the operation of the fireplace, are then extinguished, destroying the plastered surface. As for sand, its amount is precisely selected depending on the fat content of the clay. The solution must be sufficiently flexible. The fat content of the solution is checked with a piece of wood. Dip it into the solution and remove. If an even layer 2-3 mm thick remains on the surface, the solution is normal. If the layer is thick and lumpy - you need to add sand, if the stick is almost clean - add clay.

The clay is pre-soaked (for 2 days or until all the lumps are dehydrated), then rubbed through a metal sieve with a 2 cm mesh. The ground clay dough is pushed through the mesh again, but already with a fine mesh - 0.5-0.7 mm.

The sand needs to be quarried, it must be clean and dry. It is also sieved before use.

For those who do not want to go around with home-made compositions, we will cite several companies that produce plaster for fireplaces and stoves. The following compositions showed themselves normally:

  • Plitonite super fireplace refractory;
  • Petromix KU;
  • heat-resistant plaster Terracotta;
  • Bossnab;
  • RSh parade;
  • rtner;
  • HЕFNERPUTZ stove plaster.

The list includes both domestic and European manufacturers. It cannot be said that Russian trains are worse, but it is easier to work with imported ones.

Features of plastering stoves and fireplaces

The technique of applying the solution itself is no different: a certain layer is applied (sprayed) with a spatula or a special bucket, then it is leveled (you can use beacons). The main points are to prepare the surface of the fireplace for plastering:

  • First, all the old finish is removed from the walls, if any - paint, lime, the remains of plaster, mortar, etc. Only clean brick should remain.
  • For better grip plaster mortar with a surface, the seams deepen by about 1-1.5 cm. Take a jointing, chisel or screwdriver and scrape off the solution in the seams.
  • All the gaps that exist are sealed with a repair compound or heat-resistant sealant (which can withstand heating up to 800 ° C).
  • When everything is ready, take a long-bristled brush and clean the surface well. It must be clean.
  • Next are the options:
    • If the surface of the fireplace is relatively flat (less than 5 mm drop), the walls can be moistened and the plaster can be applied.
    • If, due to the curvature of the surface, the layer has to be made more than 5 mm, reinforcement is necessary. A metal mesh with a fine mesh is stuffed onto the walls of the fireplace. It is fastened with nails that are hammered into the seams (the seams can not be embroidered, or embroidered, but not so deep). In order for the hats to hold the mesh, they put on metal washers of the size more size cells. Plaster is applied over this stack. In this case, you can be sure that the plaster will not fall off.

Before plastering the fireplace, carefully read the instructions on the package. It usually describes under what conditions and how to apply the plaster. But the masters advise to melt the fireplace, warm up the walls to 60 ° C, then moisten the surface and start plastering. The walls are heated so that the brick takes its "working" dimensions. In this case, it is less likely that the plaster will tear when heated. Moistening with water is necessary so that the mortar is not too dry: the brick is hygroscopic. If it is dry, it quickly draws water out of the plaster and it becomes too dry, does not harden to normal. The result is cracks in the surface.

A few more points regarding drying. When plastering a fireplace, apply at least two layers. The second can only be applied after the first is completely dry. To speed up drying, you can organize a draft, but you cannot heat the fireplace. The same applies to the second - finishing - layer.

See the next video for the technology of plastering stoves and fireplaces.

Facing the fireplace with tiles and porcelain stoneware

The fireplace is decorated with tiles or porcelain stoneware using special heat-resistant glue. Not all tiles are suitable for such works. It should tolerate heat well, be strong, dense (with small pores), plus it should be easy to clean.

Decorating a fireplace with ordinary ceramic tiles is a lottery. If you're lucky, it will stand fine, if not, after a while the glaze layer will be covered with a network of thinnest cracks. The view will be "not very", it will be difficult to wash. If possible, it is better to use special materials:

  • Terracotta. The tile with an unglazed surface is distinguished by its characteristic color, thanks to which it got its name. It has a coefficient of thermal expansion similar to that of a brick, therefore it does not crack.

    Terracotta - tiles for finishing fireplaces and stoves

  • Majolica. This is the same terracotta tiles only with glaze applied to the front side. The technology is more complex, the price is higher. Decorating a fireplace with majolica requires careful development of a sketch - you will not be able to cut such a tile anymore. High qualification of the master is also required - the slightest deviations are striking. Apparently, for this reason, and even because of the very high price, one can often see fireplaces and stoves with fragments of majolica. I must say that these fragments greatly decorate and enliven the interior.

    Majolica - colorful and beautiful

  • Heat-resistant clinker tiles. It is made from a mixture of several types of clay, with the addition of chamotte. It is molded, pressed, then fired. The result is a thin - 9-12 mm thick - and durable tile. Colors range from whitish gray to brown.

  • Porcelain stoneware. The production technology is similar - first the composition is pressed, then fired. The components differ: in addition to several types of clay, quartz sand, fine granite or marble chips, dyes, oxides and metal salts. The structure of porcelain stoneware is low-porous, it tolerates both high and low temperatures. The technology makes it possible to obtain material that imitates marble, other natural stones, terracotta, clinker and majolica. The disadvantage of porcelain stoneware is that it is difficult to cut and has heavy weight... For facing fireplaces, slabs of small thickness are used, therefore the weight is not terrible, but you can give the cut to the company (you just need to know exact dimensions required fragments).

    Furnishing the fireplace with porcelain stoneware - you can develop a design in any style

  • Tiles. The production technology is not much different - the clay is molded and fired in a kiln. The main difference is the form and method of installation. The tiles are installed during the laying of the stove or fireplace - the fragments are fixed in the seams with wires. So finishing the finished fireplace with tiles is impossible.

Special tiles for facing fireplaces and stoves are made in small or medium format, and the same porcelain stoneware is found in large slabs. Seamless styling certainly attractive, but there is no guarantee that such a finish will not fall off. The coefficient of thermal expansion is quite different, because of this, incidents are possible.

Technology for installing tiles on the walls of the fireplace and chimney

All of the listed types of tiles, except for the tiles, are mounted on fireplaces using a single technology. Fireplace tiling starts with preparatory phase, and it one to one coincides with the one described above: clean the surface, expand the seams, heat up to 60 ° C, moisten and you can start decorating the fireplace with tiles.

For large irregularities, plaster the fireplace. Solutions - any containing clay and cement, but not containing lime. Preparation is standard, as is the plastering process. The difference is that the second leveling layer does not need to be applied.

It is necessary to lay tiles on the walls of the fireplace after complete drying. The laying technology is standard, the difference is in the thickness of the seams. For a fireplace, it is better to make them larger (to compensate for the different amount of thermal expansion), therefore, instead of crosses, pieces of drywall with a thickness of 9.5 mm are used.

The glue is applied to the wall or tile, leveled with a notched trowel. The tile is pressed against the surface, swaying it from side to side, set in the desired position. Set the distance between the fragments using drywall spacers. Take it out 3-4 hours after installation.

The tiles on the fireplace are left to dry. Exact time depends on the glue used and the weather, it is usually indicated on the package with glue. The last step is filling the seams. A special grout is also used, it is better to buy it together with glue - from the same company, so that there are no problems with compatibility. The process is also standard - the composition is diluted with water according to the instructions, the seams are filled with a rubber spatula or from a construction syringe. The freshly applied mortar is leveled, forming a beautiful seam. The excess is wiped off with a soft cloth.

There are tips from the masters:

  • To ensure that the tile does not fall, attach a metal mesh with a fine mesh to the wall. Better yet, hammer nails into the seams and braid them with soft steel wire to create a wire frame. This option better than those that in difficult places the mesh can be made thicker. This step is necessary if you are going to mount heavy porcelain stoneware or large format tiles.
  • In order not to put a thick layer of glue, apply it both on the wall and on the tiles, and here and there remove the excess with a notched trowel.
  • Before laying tiles, lay them out on the floor so you can realistically estimate how attractive the finish will be.
  • After laying each tile, remove excess mortar from the joints. They will then be filled with a special paste. The surface of the tile is immediately wiped clean - if the glue hardens, it is almost impossible to clean it.

The main thing in this work is to ensure that no air cavities form under the finish. Air has a high coefficient of expansion and, when heated, it will someday tear the tile from the wall.

Video tutorials on decorating a fireplace with tiles

No matter how much you read about how to do it, it is much more useful to look - you can grasp more details.

How to veneer a fireplace with stone

Technologically, decorating a fireplace with stone is not much different from laying tiles. The difference is in working with the material itself, but there are almost no technical features. The only thing - when using natural limestone, be sure to wrap the fireplace with a net. Without it, it will fall off.

Decorating the fireplace with stone is one of the options

Features of working with artificial gypsum stone

This type of decorative stone is inexpensive and lightweight; fireplaces can be trimmed, especially without overloading the floors. There are only some nuances, without which you will not achieve a good result.

The technology for the production of gypsum stone is such that on each element there are some irregularities, nodules, protrusions. We grind them with a knife, since plaster is cut without problems. We grind each cladding element so that a frame with an angle of 45 ° (or so) forms at the back, along the perimeter.

Moreover, the corner elements of plaster decorative stone are often several millimeters higher than ordinary ones from the same collection. To make the cladding look monolithic, you also have to remove this difference - grind it down. When all the cladding elements are fitted, they can be glued in place. Heat-resistant glue is used for facing fireplaces, although with the correct design it almost does not heat up.

Working with natural stone

Most often, fireplaces are faced with natural stone, sawn into plates. It is also called flagstone or stone tiles. The shape of all the fragments is different, you have to adjust to make everything look beautiful. In this case, it is definitely better to first lay out the whole picture on some plane, select and process the elements. Only after the mosaic has been folded can it be glued. The whole technology of installation on the walls of the fireplace is described above and is practically no different. The whole process can be seen in the video.

Interesting options for finishing fireplaces (photo)

All the methods described above can be combined, creating a finish in different styles... Sometimes it turns out very beautifully. We post some already implemented ideas below.

There are two options to achieve this effect - paint an existing brick fireplace or cover with clinker tiles.

It is polished porcelain stoneware

This is unpolished porcelain stoneware, small format. As you can see, it fits well into rounded shapes. Horizontal surfaces and columns - also porcelain stoneware with a similar texture, but already in the form of slabs

Smooth clinker tiles - strictly and functional

Tile inserts - beauty

Mantel decorative stone in our time, it is quite common. First, it's cheaper.
By parameters decorative elements are not inferior to natural ones. Facing with this element will be the subject of this article.
Cladding is the final job that can ruin everything, so it must be done correctly. You can watch a video of this work.
Instructions will be given on the rules of conduct of work.

First, you should look at the photo and choose desired design... This will determine the color and size of the items.
After that, you make a purchase and you can get to work. The fireplace can be active or made by a portal.
Our instructions apply to both options. Where required we will make reservations

Surface preparation

Facing fireplaces with decorative stone begins precisely with this work. We need to make a base for the installation.
It will also determine the quality of bonding surfaces. If this is not done correctly, then the durability of the structure will be significantly reduced.
For the portal, it will be enough to clean the plane from the previous coating and cover it with a primer.
For the current structure, everything is somewhat different:

  • We completely clean the surface from the previous coating. For this we use a metal brush.
    The old tiles and plaster should be removed as well. You can also use a chisel. But the surface must be completely clean;
  • Now we need to make a deepening of the seams. This will largely determine the quality of the bond.
    They should be deepened by about one cm. For this we use a chisel and a hammer;
  • For a high-quality connection of the mortar and the wall, we need to pull the mesh onto a plane. To do this, you need to drive nails into the seam.
    If the masonry is strong, then we make holes with a perforator and then screw in the self-tapping screws there;
  • We cover the plane with a primer. It will provide a high-quality connection of materials.
    For this we use a brush or a spray gun;
  • After that, we cut the mesh to the desired size and hang it. Just do not forget wearing washers on hats. They do not allow the mesh to subside.
  • We do an inspection and determine the level of application of the cladding. For this we use a plumb line and building level.
    After completing the work, the fireplace must have the correct geometric shape. We install beacons to determine the height.

Solution preparation

The decorative stone for facing fireplaces is, of course, best placed on the mortar from which the masonry was made. It will connect with the highest quality and increase the durability.
V the given time in general, there are three types of solution, from which you can choose exactly what you need.

Clay mortar

This mixture works best for. She fully meets all the parameters.
It will withstand high temperatures and is resistant to temperature extremes, but it is much more difficult to prepare it.

  • We start by determining the fat content of the clay. The proportion with sand will also depend on this.
    This is one of the most important parameters. We make a dozen balls with different proportions. And let them dry completely;

Attention: When making balls, do not forget to number them and write down what proportion was used in each case.

  • After complete drying, we let them on a hard surface from a height of one meter. One that will not break or deform and will have the correct proportion;
  • Now we take clay and pass it through a sieve. We need to remove the weight of debris and stones.
    The mixture must be clean;
  • Now we put it in a container and fill it with water. We leave in this form for a day.
    The material should become plastic and sour. Collect the required viscosity;
  • After a day, we begin to add sand in the desired proportion and remix the mixture. Add water if required.
    There should be a viscosity of thick sour cream. We knead all the lumps with our hands;
  • Now we need to make the solution homogeneous. For this, a drill with an attachment is best suited.
    It is she who will make the whole mass completely homogeneous;

Attention: If you are using solid fuel in the fireplace, then it is worth adding about 10 percent of chamotte powder to the solution. This will allow the masonry to withstand higher temperatures.

Cement mortar

This solution is also used for laying a fireplace. Only if you are using solid fuel, then it will not be as durable as in the question with clay mortar.

  • First, fill in the sand and then add cement to it in the right proportion;
  • Stir to dry and achieve uniform distribution components;
  • Now add water in the required amount and mix at the same time;
  • We bring the composition to homogeneity using a drill with a nozzle.

Dry mix solution

Decorative stone for facing the fireplace is also placed on a mortar from a dry mixture. Its price is quite different, but it is perfect for attaching elements to a portal.
The sequence of its preparation is as follows:

  • It is best to pass the dry mixture through a sieve before use, while separating all the debris;
  • After that, you need to pour it into a container. The best way to do this is to use a plastic paint bucket.
    It has an edge without edges and a flat bottom. In it, the kneading can be done in the best way;
  • Add water and mix at the same time. Full uniformity can be achieved with a hen drill. Bring the mixture to a thick sour cream.

Making fireplace cladding

Now after correct preparation plane and the solution made, you can proceed to. For this, there are rules that should be followed.

All work is done entirely by hand:

  • Before placing the parts, spray the attachment plane. To do this, we make the solution more liquid, at the level of liquid sour cream, spray it onto the mounting plane with a ladle.
    This work is not done for finishing portals;
  • Facing fireplaces with decorative stone starts from the bottom row and from the corner and then moves up;

Attention: Never make mortar fixing without first trying on the elements. Before installation, it is necessary to completely fit all the parts and after that do the fastening.

  • It should first be spread out on the floor in full size all details. We make a pattern.
    There should be thicker elements in the lower part;
  • Take a corner piece and try it on a plane. We immediately try on others from the row.
    If necessary, we adjust the part using a grinder and a cutting wheel;
  • After a high-quality fit, we take a notched trowel and apply the solution to the surface of the element;
  • Each paving row should be checked with a spirit level. Configuration should not be violated;

  • We press it into place of installation and at the same time do a little rotational movements... The part should sit on the solution and there should be no air pores.
    The mixture should protrude from the seams;
  • There are two styling methods. It is seam and seamless.
    The second is simpler. When applying the first option, you will need to respect the seam size.
    This is achieved by using plastic crosses or wedges;

  • After fastening, we wait a little until the mixture dries up and remove the excess. The seams should be walked with the corner of the spatula and cleaned;
  • We are waiting for the solution to dry completely and fill the seams. After letting dry a little, wipe them with a rag;
  • After the surface is fully veneered, a protective coating is applied. Wax mixes are best for this.
    They will protect the surface for a long time.

Facing with artificial stone is carried out in three stages. Let's figure out what to do:

  1. Prepare the surface - this affects the life of the structure. If it is done incorrectly, the cladding will not last long.
  2. Select material:
  • parts should be multiples of the surface width to reduce waste;
  • see that the building material can withstand high temperatures;
  • artificial stone should fit into the overall decor.
  1. Do-it-yourself cladding.

Advantages of artificial stone:

  • has soft mechanical characteristics, which makes it easy to work with;
  • the structure will weigh a little, since the material used consists of flexible and lightweight components;
  • on the construction market the stone is presented in a wide variety of shapes and textures;
  • the price of an artificial stone is much lower than that of a natural material;

There is a list of rules to be followed when working on decorating a fireplace with an artificial stone:

You should understand what you need to pay attention to when making facing of different surfaces:

  • wood coating is very susceptible to moisture destruction, therefore, it should be covered with waterproofing, for example, pigment, before processing with artificial stone;
  • an important next step will be the installation of the plaster mesh with special fasteners. To do this, you need to make holes in the masonry with a puncher and insert self-tapping screws into them. Caps should be fitted with caps. Under such circumstances, the mesh cannot fall off under load. The fasteners should be about 15 cm apart vertically, and horizontally - 5 cm;
  • the plaster on the mesh needs to be adjusted in such a way that its layer is 1 cm. It must dry completely, after which it is worth continuing to work.

All the same actions can be carried out when laying artificial stone on concrete or metal surface only with the difference that waterproofing will not be required

Necessary tools for work:

  • self-tapping screws or nails for fastening elements;
  • spray gun for moistening before laying the fireplace surface;
  • construction hammer and trowel;
  • grinder, drill;
  • a bar with a flat surface;
  • utensils for mixing the solution.

It should be remembered that laying is carried out only on material that transfers elevated temperature... Clay works well for these purposes.

At the very beginning of the processing of the fireplace with artificial stone, the decoration begins from the corner of the fireplace. In the process, you need to alternate material that has different lengths.

First, the largest parts of the stone are attached, using a small amount of mortar for this. This will make it easier to lay the material in the future.

With a trowel, apply a solution of 1.5 cm layers on the stone. Make sure that the surface is evenly covered.

When laying the stone, lightly press on it, moving it to the desired position. This will fix the element better and fill the seam completely.

If you are doing the cladding in a very dry room, then the surface of the fireplace and the inside of the artificial stone should be moistened with a wet brush or spray bottle.

If you are using seamless masonry, then the material should be moistened, regardless of the room temperature.

How to properly perform artificial stone decoration

There is no big difference in cladding with artificial and natural materials, the laying is carried out according to an identical scheme.

  • when installing artificial stone, it is required to alternate types, size, change colors and texture of the material so that the fireplace looks natural;
  • it is advisable to start laying from the top of the fireplace in case joining will be used in the future;
  • the seams must be made when facing the same size, but make sure that they are not very even. Ideal result - seams of different thickness, located in the same plane. Avoid placing them horizontally one under the other;
  • stone may have uneven surface and thickness. This does not affect the finished appearance of the structure.

When the artificial stone has a rectangular shape, special attention should be paid to the vertical seams, controlling the intersection of these lines with the horizontal ones. It should be done at an angle of 90 degrees.

You should not use mixtures with which the tiles are laid.

To fill the seam completely, you need to use a bag made from a regular plastic bag with one corner cut off, with the hole slightly smaller than the width of the seam.

After filling the bag, you should press on it and squeeze out the solution as little as possible so that it does not fall on the outside of the material.

After the solution begins to harden, you need to remove the excess with a trowel.

Completion of work

As soon as the cladding operations are completed, the surface should be allowed to dry completely. Further, the artificial stone must be treated with a hydrophobic composition.

Tiles, natural minerals or porcelain stoneware are the most popular and durable finishes. A huge selection of colors and textures of these materials allows you to make a fireplace in any style, from classic to modern. At the same time, facing a fireplace with your own hands allows you to significantly save money not only on its decoration, but also on masonry, because the requirements for the appearance of the brick are significantly reduced.

Stone fireplace decoration - photo

The cladding of a wood or gas fireplace can only be carried out using fire-resistant materials and a mortar with a coefficient of thermal expansion similar to that of a brick, otherwise the cladding layer will begin to detach and crumble over time. Most often, fireplace cladding is performed using the following materials:

  • Fired clay clinker or terracotta tiles;
  • Natural or artificial stone;
  • Porcelain stoneware.

The cladding technology depends on the selected material, and in order to better understand which material is right for you, we will take a closer look at each of the finishes.

Ceramic tiles: terracotta and clinker

Fired clay tiles are similar in composition to refractory red bricks, from which fireplaces are usually laid. Due to the similar structure and manufacturing technology, ceramic tiles expand when heated together with the material of the fireplace. Upper layer ceramic tiles can be additionally coated with glaze, which will give them water-repellent properties - such a finishing material is not afraid of water accidentally falling on the fireplace, or soot, which is easy to wash off from a smooth surface.

Photo - fireplace decoration with ceramic tiles

Ceramic tiles are different shapes and sizes, they also produce elements for facing projections, corners, shelves. The color scheme of terracotta tiles, as a rule, is close to natural materials... Laying the tiles is quite simple and does not require the use of a special tool; fitting and cutting are performed using a grinder with cutting and grinding wheels.

The tiles can be laid on a special heat-resistant adhesive composition, intended for stoves and fireplaces, or for a solution of clay with sand and the addition of sodium chloride - 100-200 grams per bucket of solution. Salt makes the solution more plastic, which excludes cracking when the fireplace is fired.

Laying and tiling technology:

  1. The surface of the fireplace is cleaned of old cladding: whitewash, plaster, paint. The seams between the bricks are sewn 1 cm deep, after which the dust is removed with a brush. In this case, the surface of the brick can be moistened with a spray bottle.
  2. If there are small irregularities and depressions, they are sealed with heat-resistant mastic or clay mortar, and then dried.
  3. If the quality of the brickwork is low, and the layer of mortar for laying the tiles is more than 5 mm, it is recommended to pre-level the surface of the fireplace with a grinding wheel.

  4. Before finishing, the fireplace must be heated for several hours at low heat in order for the brick to evenly warm up. Its surface should not be hot, optimum temperature- about 30 degrees.
  5. Cover the masonry surface with a primer using the usual paint brush or roller. The primer reduces dusting, ensures good adhesion and uniform drying of the adhesive solution. Dry the primer for one to two hours.
  6. Lay the tiles from the bottom. A row of tiles is preliminarily laid out, picking it up by color and texture, if necessary, trim and grind the edges. If corner pieces are used, they are glued first.

  7. The glue is diluted according to the recommendation on the package and thoroughly mixed with a construction mixer. A drill with a hard wire attachment can be used.
  8. The solution is applied to the surface of the fireplace with a flat spatula, carried out over the surface of the glue with a notched trowel and firmly pressed the tile. At the same time, it is more convenient to glue from three to five tiles, checking them by level and plumb line. To ensure equal distances between individual tiles, you can use plastic corners for tiles or trimming terracotta tiles of the same thickness by inserting them into the seams.

  9. Dry the tiles at room temperature for 1-2 days, after which they start grouting. As a grout, you can use special solutions or a mixture of clay with fine washed sand, as well as add various dyes to it.

  10. If the tile is not glazed, its surface can be treated with heat-resistant varnish - this will make it easier to wash off soot and dust from the finish.

Fireplace decoration with natural and artificial stone

Natural stone used for facing fireplaces is expensive, especially when it comes to marble or granite. Processing these materials requires special tools, especially for granite, which is difficult to cut and grind, as well as special skills. A simpler stone: shell rock, limestone, rubble stone, can be used for cladding a fireplace with your own hands.

Artificial stone is a finishing material based on Portland cement, in which crumb is a filler natural stone, expanded clay or other solid component. An artificial stone is obtained by vibrocasting or vibrocompression, as a result of which it is not inferior to natural stone in strength and moisture resistance. Artificial stone can have completely different texture and color, which allows you to create a unique fireplace design.

Photo - decoration of the fireplace with artificial stone

The technology for laying natural and artificial stone is almost the same. They are placed on heat-resistant glue or mastic, and especially heavy stones are additionally fixed on an anchor.

Porcelain stoneware

Porcelain stoneware is a durable finishing material with a wide variety of colors. When finishing with porcelain stoneware, you can achieve the effect of facing the fireplace with marble, granite, serpentine and others valuable breeds stone. At the same time, the price of porcelain stoneware is much lower, and its processing is easier.

Furnishing a fireplace with porcelain stoneware - photo

Facing the fireplace with porcelain stoneware is possible both for adhesive solutions and on a frame made of metal profile... The technology of laying on glue is generally similar to facing a fireplace with terracotta tiles, so we will dwell on the second option in more detail - fixing porcelain stoneware on a profile frame.

This cladding method is good for fireplaces with large quantity chips, uneven masonry, extremely unattractive appearance. It allows you not only to give the fireplace new look, but also to level out all the flaws in the masonry at no extra cost.

There are other ways of decorating fireplaces and stoves: plastering followed by painting, facing with tiles, mosaics. Knowing the technology of finishing and facing the fireplace, you will surely choose a design according to your taste.

We use plaster

If your old fireplace does not look very good outwardly, and there is not a lot of money in your pocket, you can breathe into it new life I only use plaster. If your fireplace is decorative, you can use Rotband, Knauf, Fugenfuller starter putty. If you have a working fireplace on wood, you need to use a special solution of fireclay plaster to finish it.

First, imagine how it will look. V in this case There are a lot of options, you can create any structure from good plaster:

  1. under the tree;
  2. under a stone;
  3. brickwork;
  4. vintage english style.

Apply the first layer of plaster and wait until the mortar is completely dry.

The second layer already needs to create the selected texture. Don't be afraid to mess up, sometimes bizarre shapes end up looking very nice, you couldn't do it even if you wanted to.

Next, you should paint the resulting structure in natural colors, it is recommended to use natural paints. You can even paint in two or three layers to achieve an uneven effect, in the end you should get something like this:

Fireplace decoration - best photos

Photo - decoration of a decorative fireplace

Living room interior with fireplace - photo

Beautiful stone fireplace in the living room - photo

The hearth decorates any home. It's always nice to wrap yourself in a blanket, sitting in front of your fireplace, and enjoy the flames of the hearth.

V modern interior increasingly began to install decorative fireplaces made of stone, applying artificial materials to simplify finishing work. After all, the use of natural stone obliges you to create a foundation for the structure and carry out complex construction manipulations.

In this article, you will learn about the advantages of artificial stones, read the recommendations for the right choice material and get all necessary information for decorating the fireplace with your own hands. In the photographs, you can clearly see the varieties of decorative stone finishes and ready-made lined fireplaces.

Advantages of decorative stones

Artificial stones are used to decorate electric and wood-burning fireplaces, gas structures, biofireplaces and fireplace stoves. Due to the achievement of the maximum similarity of structures, the decoration of the fireplace with decorative stone complements general style interior.

Such facing stones have a number of advantages:

  • high refractory performance;
  • retain their natural color for a long time and appearance.
  • convenience when decorating due to the lightness of the material;
  • a variety of colors and textures allow you to select stones for fireplaces in the desired style;
  • low cost compared to natural stone;
  • ease of independent use, convenient cutting and laying;
  • does not emit harmful odors, as it belongs to the environment clean materials, does not contain impurities and toxic reagents.

Artificial stone is made from cement with the addition of expanded clay, pumice or. Dyes are added to give the desired colors to the material.

  • Thanks to these technologies, artificial stones weigh about half the weight of natural ones.
  • With a low cost price, the external texture of the material differs little from natural stones, sometimes it is difficult to distinguish them from each other.
  • The appearance of the material follows the natural shape of the cobblestones. They come in the form of chipped, sawn rubble stones.

According to individual orders of customers, they make completely unusual shapes and colors.

To veneer a stone fireplace with your own hands, you need to purchase the appropriate materials.

Choosing a decorative one from all the variety, you should be creative in solving this issue, decide in advance on the style of your design. It is important to keep in mind the following tips:

  • You should not chase the goods of foreign companies. Most often Russian counterparts have the best quality and at the same time have a low cost.
  • The fireplace is decorated with stone using heat-resistant products. Before purchasing decoration stones take into account the heat-resistant characteristics, depending on the type of hearth used. If you decide to use non-heat-resistant decorative stones for cladding, then toxic substances may be released when heated.
  • Check out the quality certificates for products, such documents will give a guarantee for compliance with the specified parameters. If they refuse to provide you with certificates, this indicates the dubious quality of the product. It is possible that the production was carried out using harmful components.
  • Purchase material from well-known manufacturers that have been working for a long time and have proven themselves in the industry.
  • Quality products on cardboard packaging have a brand logo and manufacturer's coordinates.
  • Before buying, pay attention to the appearance of the artificial stone, the presence of defects in the form of cracks or chips, as well as other signs of marriage, is unacceptable.
  • Pay attention to the date of production of the stone, as the process of hardening of the material is carried out within a month after release. Only after this time the material acquires its strength.

In addition to decorative stones, you will need to stock up

  • heat-resistant glue;
  • water-repellent impregnations with protective properties;
  • grout;
  • a cleaner designed to remove cement residues from the surface;
  • specialized varnish for facing surfaces, creating the effect of a wet stone.

For facing the fireplace, a special adhesive is used. It must be selected taking into account the main surface: a high-quality connection can only be in the case when the composition of the decorative stone coincides with the base of the glue.

  • For example, gypsum decorative stone is glued with gypsum glue, while cement stone requires a cement-based adhesive.

Moreover, if the main surface has depressions, then mastic is used. It can fill all the irregularities with high quality.

Preparatory work before veneering

After selection facing material you can start preparatory work... For preliminary preparation, decide on the surface on which you will lay the artificial stone.

  • These works can only be carried out at an air temperature of more than 5 0 С, since low temperatures affect the quality of gluing surfaces.

To prevent contamination of the elements, the stone should be facing from top to bottom. Thus, the work performed will have a neat and tidy appearance.

Use a fine-toothed hacksaw to cut parts of artificial stone, in this case the edge will be even and beautiful.

  • When used as a base wooden surface it is pre-covered with waterproofing.

If the fireplace is made of metal or concrete, no waterproofing is done.

Please note! For severe unevenness in concrete or brick walls the fireplace must be plastering.

  • A plaster mesh is attached to the base with special fasteners.
  • On top of the mesh, plaster is applied and wait until the layer is completely dry.

If the thickness of the materials has discrepancies or the shape of the decorative stone of an uneven structure, then it is worth laying them in a chaotic manner. So overall composition will look natural and believable.

Required tools

Before carrying out construction work, prepare the appropriate tool:

In addition to the tools indicated in the photo, it is advisable to have:

  • self-tapping screws or nails for mounting auxiliary materials;
  • a spray gun or brush for wetting the surface of the base before applying the glue;
  • construction trowels;
  • regular and rubber hammer;
  • grinder with a stone disc;
  • screwdriver and drill;
  • even bars of wood as guide posts;
  • the container in which the solution is stirred.

Stone cladding

Decorating the fireplace with decorative stone is shown in the photo, we will analyze the main stages of the facing work and focus on important nuances the process itself.

The entire base surface of the fireplace portal is cleaned. It is important to pay special attention to this, because the result of all the work depends on the preparation of the foundation.

If the portal is brick, it is cleaned, removing excess mortar or uneven seams. Use a sharp, sturdy metal object to make a groove in the seams between the bricks.

  • In case of unevenness of the main surface, it is leveled with plaster or cement mortar, applying it to the mesh.

Before finishing work, make a drawing and lay all the parts on the floor. Try on one row and check the configuration before starting dry installation.

  • When using tiles that have irregular shape, it is necessary to mark it from the seamy side, the numbers of neighboring parts are prescribed on the edges.

It is important to know that a tiled fireplace will turn out to be even if Finishing work start by strengthening thick stones. They will become a guide for applying glue under the delicate details of the masonry.

  • When laying stone tiles, take them from different boxes to distribute the pattern evenly, as they may differ in color and thickness from each other.

If possible, make seams between the tiles of the same width so that the pattern will match in the future.

  • When covering the fireplace with seamless masonry, press all the parts tightly to each other.

If you want to clad "like a brick" or using rectangular parts, keep an eye on the verticality of the corners. Closely control the connection of horizontal and vertical planes, maintaining the angle of 90 degrees.

  • To do this, you can use a special template on which the thickness of the seams and the intersection of perpendicular lines are marked.

The finishing process always starts from the bottom corner. After finishing the facing of the corner surface, they move to the upper horizontal row. Further, the main work is carried out, which is carried out from top to bottom.

  • After finishing the work, you need to stand for at least a day until the glue is completely dry, then you can proceed to rubbing the seams.

Important! Pre-check the quality of the grout on the trimming of the decorative stone - whether it leaves traces on it.

After the surface of the entire structure has dried, it is treated with a special fire-resistant hydrophobic composition. Thus, a protective film is created that does not allow moisture to pass through and preserves the decorative stone during deformation or external impact on the fireplace. Dust is easily erased from such a surface. Also, the protective film preserves the structure of the artificial stone at temperature extremes.

It is advisable to trim the front and side part portal. For the upper part, choose solid planes from ready-made slabs made of natural or artificial stone.

DIY decorative stones

With little experience in construction works you can make facing stones yourself required size and colors.

For this, silicone molds are used, into which a solution of cement, sand and dyes is poured.

According to some technologies cement mix replaced by alabaster. In this case, all the constituent components are immediately mixed, diluted with water to the required consistency and poured into molds.

In the forms, the material must completely harden, only then can it be used to decorate the fireplace.

Decorating the fireplace with decorative stones is available for any person. At first glance, it seems that it is very difficult and time-consuming, although it is not. If in the process something does not work out for you, remember that you can always redo it.

The main thing is to choose the right parts and be creative with the process, following the recommendations. In this case, the fireplace will fill the hearth with beauty and charm, while delighting your whole family for many years.

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