Plants with a large number of stomps. Stitza at the plant: definition, location, functions

Reservoirs 20.06.2020

Option 1.

Exercise 1.

What concept should be entered into place of passing in this table? 1) Vintage 2) Pestle 3) Stamen 4) Zajaz

Task 2. P (2)


How many seeds of the total will germinate in the 7th day?

10% 2) 12% 3) 15% 4) 17%

Task 3.

Set the correct designation of the types of roots.

1 - Potion root, 2 - side root, 3 - main root

1 - Main root, 2 - Puttingure root, 3 - side root

1 - Main root, 2 - side root, 3 - godflower root

1-side root, 2 - gathering root, 3 - main root

Task 4.


Plant name

Number of stomps per 1 mm3

Place of growth

On the top surface of the sheet

On the bottom surface of the sheet

Water lily





Wet forest

Apple tree


Fruit garden





dry places

4) Draw a dust and mark the main parts of the dust in the figure.

Task 5.

Set the sequence of layers in the stalk of the wood plant, starting from its surface. In response, write down the corresponding sequence of numbers.

1) Loub.

2) Cork

3) Wood

4) Cambier.

5) Core

Task 6.


The flower is a modified escape adapted for sexual reproduction. Its function is the formation of fruits and seeds. That is why the flower is otherwise called the seed reproduction organ.

In order to perform its main function, the flower has a specific structure. It consists of a flower maker, a colorful, blooming (sewers and petals), stamens and pestles.

The flower make is part of the stem, on which the rest of the flower are located. With the help of a flower flower supplied with nutrients and grows. The color is located on the top extended part of the flowerwalk. Tolerackers are attached to it, which are located rings (circles). The first ring form usually greenese cups, which are free in some flowers, and others have grown. All together they form a cup of flower. It performs a protective function. Above the cup is a whitewash. It usually consists of painted petals, which serve to protect the stamens, pestles and to attract
animals - pollinkers of plants. The color of petals depends on chromoplasts or from cell juice pigments. From the cup and the bunny is formed by the perianth.

Inside the perianth behind the petals are the stamens. Each stitch consists of an anther and a sticky thread. The sticky thread holds the boot, which consists of pollen bags in which pollen develops.

In the very center of the flower is a pestle (pestles). The pestle consists of a wound, a column and a stall. In Zezazi there are soverees, of which, after pollination and fertilization, seed develops. From Zagyazi, the column is located on which the stitch is located. The stitch is the upper part of the pestle, where it gets and from where the pollen grain is germinated. A snap is distinguished by adhesive liquid for trapping pollen grain.


Answer student

Cover text

Basic flower function

Place where pollen develops

Seed develops from ...

Task 7. P (5) Describe a plant for morphological attribute.


A) a reprehensive;

B) Stelcling

Root system:

A) rod;

B) urine

Residential leaves

A) mesh;

B) parallel;

C) arc.


A) cherry

B) Sitty


A) simple;

B) double.

Independent work on the topic: "Plant organs"

Option 2.

Exercise 1.

The table below between the positions of the first and second column there is a relationship.

What concept should be entered into place of passing in this table?

Receptacle; 2) Pestik; 3) the stitch; 4) ovary.

Task 2. P (2)

Examine a graph of the dependence of the number of sprouted seeds of a certain mass (3-4 mg) on \u200b\u200bthe duration of finding seeds in the soil (along the axish. Time has been postponed (in days), and along the axisw. - The number of sprouted seeds from the total number of them (in%)).

How many seeds of the total will germinate in the 11th day?

10% 2) 12% 3) 15% 4) 17%

Task 3.

Set the correct sequence of layers in the steam plant, starting from the surface.

Core - Bark - Wood - Cambier;

Bark - Cambier - Wood - Core;

Cora - Wood - Cambier - Core;

Wood - Cambier - Core - core.

Task 4. Using the table "The number of wells in some plants", respond to the following questions.


The number of stomps in some plants

Plant name

Number of stomps per 1 mm3

Place of growth

On the top surface of the sheet

On the bottom surface of the sheet

Water lily





Wet forest

Apple tree


Fruit garden





dry places

1) What function is the dust of the sheet?

2) How are the Stitza in most plants presented in the table?

3) Explain why the oak and apple trees have dust on the bottom of the sheet.

4) Draw a dust and mark the main parts of the dust in the figure.

Task 5.

Set the root sequence, starting from the root case.

1) root case

2) suction zone

3) division zone


5) Stretching Zone (Growth)

Task 6. Read the text. Perform the tasks below.


After ripening, pollen takes the transfer of pollen grain on the pistil stil. This process is called pollination.

In some plants, the ripe pollen falls on the pistil of the same flower, which leads to self-pollution. However, most plants are pollen from a single flower with wind, water, animals, a person is transferred to the pistil of another flower. Such pollination is called cross. The most common in nature is cross-stallion with animals (insects). Special glands are developing in the flower to attract insects in the flower - neckers excreasing sugar liquid (nectar). Flying from a flower on a flower and eating nectar, insects pollinating flowering plants, carrying pollen on the paws.

In many wood, steppe and meadow plants, cross-stop pollination is carried out with the help of wind. These plants are shielding. In their flowers, the pistil is usually a long and branched, and the stamens with long thin strain thumping threads, easily spinning with the blow of the wind.

Flowers of insectainable plants large have a bright color. If the flowers are bright, but small, then they are collected in inflorescences.

Winding plants bloom in spring to the dissolution of the leaves.

The task:

Cover text

Fill the table. If the named feature is characteristic of this plant group, the "+" sign is set, if not, "-".

Signs of wind-sour and insectopillary plants.


Insectopillary plants

Wind plants

1 large bright flowers

2 Small bright flowers collected in inflorescences

3 Availability of nectar

4 Small Invpercant Flowers, often collected in inflorescences

5 Availability of aroma

6 pollen small, light, dry, large number

7 Large sticky rough pollen

8 plants bloom in spring to the dissolution of the leaves

Give an answer to the question.

Why, when the clover seeds were delivered to Australia and sowed them, the clover was well blooming, but there was no fruit and seeds?

Task 7. Describe a plant for a morphological basis.


A) a reprehensive;

B) Stelcling

Root system:

A) rod;

B) urine

Residential leaves

A) mesh;

B) parallel;

C) arc.


A) cherry

B) Sitty


A) brush;

B) basket;

C) head;

Task 4.

What functions perform the dust of the sheet?

How are the stomach in most plants presented in the table?

Explain why aquatic plants have the greatest amount of stomps on the top of the sheet.


Answer student

Cover text

Basic flower function

Which organ supplies a flower with nutrients?

What part of the perianth attracts insects - pollinkers?

From which the color of petals depends

Place where pollen develops

Seed develops from ...

Explain the meaning of the expression "Who cuts off the flower, that cuts the seed."

Answer form to independent work

1.7 number of stomps and their distribution on the sheet

The number of stomps on the surface of the sheet ranges from several hundred to 1000 per 1 mm and sheet surface. In most herbaceous plants, Ustitsa are located on both sides of the sheet. Many trendy plants have dust only on the lower side of the sheet. The same feature is different and most of the tree species (birch, oak, poplar, etc.). Despite the fact that the stomaps are a very small part of the sheet area (the area of \u200b\u200btheir opening holes is about 1%), the release of water vapor through the open ustitz is performed freely. According to the law of Stephen, the diffusion of water vapor surfaces is proportional to their diameter, and not their area. In this regard, evasion from the vessel with many holes is faster than from a vessel with one big hole. For this, however, one condition is necessary, namely, the fine holes must be located at a certain distance from each other. The location of the Stitz in the epidermis of the leaf just this corresponds to.

Evaporation from the edges of the holes is faster than from their middle. In the middle of the hole, evaporating particles have a greater impact on each other, and evaporation slows down. On this basis, the greater the perimeter ratio to the area of \u200b\u200bthe hole, the more intense the diffusion of carts will go, since this relationship is the greater, the smaller the diameter of the opening.

From the above, it follows that the total diffusion rate through a finely jifted membrane will occur with almost the same speed as from the vessel without a membrane. The latter is clearly seen from the scheme in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Scheme of evaporation of water vapor from an open vessel (1) and through a finely dended membrane (2).

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Ustian at the plant is the pores in the layers of the epidermis. They serve to evaporate excess water and flower gas exchange with the environment.

For the first time they became known in 1675, when Naturalist Marcello Malpigi published his discovery in the work of Anatome Plantarum. However, he could not solve their real appointment, which served as the impetus for the development of further hypotheses and research.

Study history

In the XIX century, the long-awaited progress has come in research. Thanks to the Hugo background, I pray and Simon Schwender became known for the basic principle of the work of the Ust and their classification by the type of structure.

These discoveries gave a powerful impetus in understanding the functioning of pores, however, some aspects of the forced studies continue to be studied so far.

The structure of sheet

Parts of plants such as the epidermis and dust are belonging to the internal device of the sheet, but first should be examined by its external structure. So, the sheet consists of:

  • Sheet plate - flat and flexible part responsible for photosynthesis, gas exchange, water evaporation and vegetative reproduction (for specific species).
  • The grounds in which the servant for the growth of the plate and the painter is located. Also with it, the sheet is attached to the stalk.
  • Highlight - paired formation at the base that protects the stubby kidneys.
  • Cesh - a narrowing part of a sheet connecting the plate with a stem. It is responsible for vital functions: light orientation and growth through educational fabric.

The external structure of the sheet may vary somewhat depending on its shape and type (simple / complex), but all parts listed above are always present.

The internal device includes epidermum and dust, as well as various forming fabrics and veins. Each of the elements has its own design.

For example, the outer side of the sheet consists of living cells other than size and shape. The most superficial of them have transparency that allows the sunlight to penetrate the inside of the sheet.

Smaller cells located are somewhat deeper, contain chloroplasts, giving green leaves. Due to its properties, they were called closing. Depending on the degree of moisturizing, they are compressed, they form alloy the gaps.


The length of the Ustian in the plant varies depending on the type and degree of coverage of them. The largest pores can reach in the amount of 1 cm. Form the dragging cells regulating the level of opening it.

The mechanism of their movement is quite complicated and varies for different types of plants from each other. Most of them - depending on the water supply and level of chloroplasts - the tumor of cell tissues can both fall and increase, thereby adjusting the opening of the Ust.

Purpose of allocated gap

Probably there is no need to stop in detail on this aspect as the function of the sheet. Even a schoolboy knows about it. But for what is the dust? Their task is to ensure transpiration (the process of water movement through the plant and its evaporation through external organs, such as leaves, stems and flowers), which is achieved due to the operation of closing cells. This mechanism protects the plant from dried in hot weather and does not allow to begin the process of rotting under excessive humidity. The principle of its work is extremely simple: if the amount of fluid in the cells is not high enough, the pressure on the walls falls, and the tiled crack is closed, keeping the moisture content desired to maintain life.

And on the contrary, its oversuetting leads to strengthening the pressure and opening pores, through which the excess moisture evaporates. Due to this, the role of Ustyz in the cooling of plants is also large, since the air temperature is decreasing precisely by transpiration.

Also under the gap is a air cavity, serving for gas exchange. The air penetrates into the plant through the pores so that in the future to join and breathing. Excess oxygen then goes into the atmosphere by all the same digestive gap. In this case, its presence or absence is often used to classify plants.

Leaf functions

The sheet is an external body, with which photosynthesis, breathing, transpiration, suitation and vegetative reproduction are performed. Moreover, it is able to accumulate moisture and organic substances by means of stomach, as well as to provide a large adaptability to complex environmental conditions.

Since water is the main intracellular medium, the elimination and circulation of fluid inside the tree or the flower is equally important for its livelihoods. At the same time, the plant assimilates only 0.2% of the entire moisture passing through it, the rest of the same part goes on transpiration and guttation, due to which dissolved mineral salts and cooling occurs.

Vegetative reproduction is often occurring by cutting and rooting the leaves of flowers. Many indoor plants are grown in a similar way, because only so you can save the purity of the variety.

As mentioned earlier, it is helped to adapt to various natural conditions. For example, the transformation into spines helps deserted plants reduce the evaporation of moisture, the mustache enhances the functions of the stem, and the large dimensions often serve to preserve liquid and beneficial substances where climatic conditions do not allow supplying reserves regularly.

And this list can be continued infinitely. It is difficult not to note that these functions are the same for the leaves of flowers and trees.

What plants have no stomit?

Since the allocated gap is characteristic of higher plants, it is available in all types, and mistakenly consider it missing, even if the tree or flower does not have leaves. The only exception to the rule is laminaria and other algae.

The structure of the dust and their work at conifers, ferns, horsages, femaners and differ from those in the flowering. For most of them, the breakfasts are open and actively participate in gas exchange and transpiration; The exceptions are cacti and succulents, whose pores are open at night and closes with the onset of the morning in order to save moisture in the arid regions.

Ustoitsa at the plant, the leaves of which are floating on the surface of the water, are located only in the upper layer of the epidermis, and at the "sitting" leaves in the lower. For other varieties, these slots are present on both sides of the plate.

Location Ustiana

Ustical gaps are located on two sides of the sheet plate, but their number at the bottom is somewhat larger than in the top. This difference is due to the need to reduce moisture evaporation with a well-lit sheet surface.

For monocotional plants, there are no specifics regarding the location of the dust, since it depends on the direction of growth of plates. For example, the epidermis of plant leaves, oriented vertically, contains the same number of pores both in the upper and lower layer.

As mentioned earlier, the floating leaves on the bottom side are missing, as they absorb moisture through the cuticle, as well as completely aquatic plants, which do not have this pore at all.

Ustian coniferous trees are deep under the endoderma, which helps to reduce the ability to transpiration.

Also, the position of the pore varies relative to the surface of the epidermis. The gaps can be in short with the rest of the "skin" cells, to leave higher or lower, form the right rows or bepriced by coating fabric is chaotically.

In cacti, sukullents and other plants, which have no leaves or modified, transformed into the needles, the stomaps are located on stems and fleshy parts.


The dust of the plant is divided into many types depending on the location of the accompanying cells:

  • Anomocyt - is considered as the most common, where side particles do not differ from others in the epidermis. How one of its simple modifications can be called a laaterocyte type.
  • Parasitic - characterized by a parallel adjoining of accompanying cells with respect to the nutritional gap.
  • Ditzite - only two side particles has.
  • An anisocyte - type inherent in the flowering plants, with three accompanying cells, one of which differs significantly in size.
  • Tetracite - peculiar to single-bedroom, has four accompanying cells.
  • Encycloclic - in it, side particles are closed by a ring around the closures.
  • Pericitite - it is characterized by a stompeant for it, not connected to the accompanying cell.
  • Desmocyte - differs from the previous type only by the presence of a clutch of a slit with a side particle.

Here are only the most popular species.

Effect of environmental factors on the external structure of the sheet

For the survival of the plant, the degree of its adaptability is extremely important. For example, large sheet plates and a large amount of stomit are characteristic of wet places, while in the arid regions this mechanism acts otherwise. Neither flowers nor trees differ in size, and the number of pores is noticeably reduced to prevent excess evaporation.

Thus, it is possible to trace as parts of plants under the influence of the environment over time are modified, which affects the number of wells.

Which discovery published in 1675 in his work Anatome Plantarum.. However, he did not understand their real function. At the same time, his contemporary Nehemiah Grew developed a hypothesis about the participation of the stitches in the ventilation of the inner environment of the plant and compared them with insect trachea. Progress in the study came in the XIX century, and at the same time, in 1827, the word "Stoma" was first used for the first time. The study of Ustians at the time was engaged in Hugo Background Mol, who opened the basic principle of opening the Ustyz and Simon Schwenden, who classified the dust of their design.

Some aspects of the functioning of Ustians continue to be intensively studied and now; The material mainly serve Commelina ordinary ( Commelina Communis), Bob garden ( Vicia Faba.), Corn sugar ( Zea Mays.).


Dimensions of Ustian (Length) range from 0.01-0.06 mm (larger there are hydrocarbons of polyploid plants and in leaves growing in the shade. The largest estents were found at the extinct plant Zosterophyllum, 0.12 mm (120 μm) It's time consists of a pair of specialized cells called closing Cellulae Claudenteswhich regulate the degree of openness of the pores, between them is the allocated gap (Porus Stomatalis). The walls of the closure cells are thickened unevenly: directed to the slit (abdominal) thicker walls directed from the gap (the dorsal). The gap can expand and narrow, adjusting transpiration and gas exchange. When there are few water, the closing cells are tightly adjacent to each other and the allocated gap is closed. When the water in the closing cells is much, then it presses on the walls and the thinner walls are stretched stronger, and the thicker are drawn inside, the slot appears between the closed cells. Under the slit is the tagging (air) cavity, surrounded by cells of the leaf pulp, through which gas exchange is directly. Air containing carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide) and oxygen penetrates inside the leaf tissue through these pores, and further is used in the process of photosynthesis and breathing. Excess oxygen, produced in the process of photosynthesis by internal cells of the sheet, is back to the environment through the same pores. Also, in the process of evaporation, water pairs are distinguished through the pores. The cells of the epidermis, adjacent to the closing, received the name of the accompanying (side, adjacent, near-sicious). They are involved in the movement of closing cells. The closures and accompanying cells form a well-width complex (an alloy apparatus). The presence or absence of a wellhead (visible parts of the dust ustish lines) It is often used when classifying plants.

Types of Stitz

The number of accompanying cells and their location relative to the nutritional cracks allow to allocate a number of types of stomps:

  • anomocyte - accompanying cells do not differ from the remaining cells of the epidermis, the type is very common for all groups of higher plants, with the exception of conifers;
  • daizitic - characterized by only two accompanying cells, the total wall of which is at a right angle to closing cells;
  • parasitic - accompanying cells are located parallel to the closing and allocated gap;
  • anisocyte - closing cells are surrounded by three accompanying, one of which is noticeably larger or smaller than the others, this type is found only in flowering plants;
  • tetracite - four accompanying cells, characterized for monocoons;
  • encycloclic - accompanying cells form a narrow wheel around closing cells;
  • aktinocytic - several accompanying cells, radially divergent from closing cells;
  • peripitite - the closing cells are surrounded by one side accompanying cell, the stompe is not connected to the accompanying cell by the anticline cell wall;
  • desmocyte - closing cells are surrounded by one accompanying cell, the mouth is connected to it with an anticlassic cell wall;
  • polocyte - closing cells are surrounded by one accompanying non-fully: one or two epidermal cells are adjacent to one of the wellhead poles; Ustian is attached to the distal side of the only accompanying cell having a U-shaped or horseshoe form;
  • stefanocytic - Ustiets, surrounded by four or more (usually five to seven) weakly differentiated accompanying cells forming a more or less reinforced socket;
  • laterocyt - this type of alloying apparatus is considered by the majority of botany as a simple modification of anomocyte type.

The wadototal is common is the parasitic type of dust. Changing cells of the column (beanoid) shapes - they are visible from the surface of the sheet - they carry chloroplasts, subtle unfulfilled sections of the shell form protrusions (nozzles) closing the nutritional gap.

The outer walls of the closing cells usually have grown, which is clearly visible on the cross section of the dust. The space limited by these growths is called the front courtyard. Often, similar grows are observed in the inner shells of closing cells. They form a backyard, or internal, connected with a large interclauder - a fuel cavity.

At the monocycle parasitic structure of the Ustiz was marked with the cereals. The closing cells have a dumbbell shape - narrowed in the middle and extended at both ends, while the walls of the extended sections are very thin, and in the middle part of the closure cells are strongly thickened. Chloroplasts are located in bubble ending cells.

Movement of closing cells

The mechanism of the movement of closing cells is very complex and unequal at different types. In most plants with unequal water supply at night, and sometimes in the afternoon, the tour in the closure cells decreases, and the allocated gap closes, thereby reducing the level of transpiration. With an increase in the turgora, the Ustian open. It is believed that the main role in changing the turgora belongs to the ions of potassium. The presence in the closure cells of chloroplasts is essential in the regulation of the turgora. Primary starch chloroplasts, turning into sugar, increases the concentration of cell juice. This contributes to the influx of water from neighboring cells and increase the tour pressure in closing cells.

Location of Stitz

Divorous plants, as a rule, at the bottom of the sheet have more stomps than in the top. This is due to the fact that the upper part of the horizontal-located sheet is, as a rule, is better illuminated, and a smaller amount of stomach in it prevents over-evaporation of water. The leaves with the dusts located on the underside are called hypostomatic.

At one-bedroom plants, the presence of alloites in the upper and bottom of the sheet differently. Very often, the leaves of single-bedil plants are located vertically, and in this case the amount of stomps on both parts of the sheet may be equally. Such leaves are called amphistomatic.

There are no floating leaves on the bottom of the dystian sheet, as they can absorb water through the cuticle. The leaves with the dusts located on the upper side are called epistomatic. There are no dodger leaves in the Ustian.

The dust of coniferous plants are usually hidden deep under the endoderma, which allows you to strongly reduce the flow of water in winter to evaporation, and in the summer - during drought.

Mukhov (the exclusion of anthurserotovy) is missing.

Hydian also differ in terms of location relative to the surface of the epidermis. Some of them are in short with other epidermal cells, others are raised above or shipped below the surface. At one-bedroom, the leaves of which grow mainly in length, the dusts form the right parallel rows, while the bombards are located randomly.

Carbon dioxide

Since carbon dioxide is one of the key reagents in the process of photosynthesis, most plants are open in the daytime. The problem is that at the entrance, the air is mixed with water vapor steaming, and therefore the plant cannot obtain carbon dioxide, simultaneously without losing some amount of water. Many plants have protection against evaporation of water in the form of clutching of wax sediments.

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  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 tons. (82 t. And 4 extra). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  • Atlas on the anatomy of plants: studies. Handbook for universities / Bavto G. A., Yeremin V. M., Zhigig M. P .. - MN. : Uradai, 2001. - 146 p. - (studies. And studies. Benefits for universities). - ISBN 985-04-0317-9.
  • COLIN MICHAEL WILLMER, MARK FRICKER. Stomata. - Chapman & Hall, 1995. - ISBN 0412574306.


Student characterizing dust

"This is Brother's Brother - Anatole Kuragin," she said, pointing to Kavaleargard's handsome, who passed by them, from the height of the head raised through the ladies looking somewhere. - How good! is not it? They say, marry him on this rich. . And your Cusin, Drubetskaya, is also very see. They say millions. - How, this is the French Messenger himself, - she answered the crankure to the Council's question, who is. - See how the king is some. All the same, Mila, very miles of the French. No mile for society. And here and she! No, all the best of all our marry is Antonovna! And just just dressed. Charm! - And this, thick, in glasses, Pharmal World, said Peronskaya, pointing to Bezuhov. - With my wife, then place it: then the jester pea!
Pierre walked, overturning his thick body, spreading the crowd, nodding to the right and left as casually and good-natured, no matter how he walked around the crowd of bazaar. He moved through the crowd, obviously looking for someone.
Natasha gladly looked at the familiar face of Pierre, this is the jester of the pea, as Pearon called him, and knew that Pierre them, and in particular her, I found out in the crowd. Pierre promised her to be on the ball and introduce her cavaliers.
But, without reaching them, Duhukhoy stopped beside a low, very beautiful brunet in white uniform, which, standing by the window, spoke with some high man in the stars and ribe. Natasha immediately recognized a low young man in white uniform: it was Bolkonsky, who seemed very rapid, who had fun and had fun.
- Here is another friend, Bolkonsky, you see, Mom? - Natasha said, pointing to Prince Andrew. - Remember, he spent the night in Otradnaya.
- A, you know him? - said Perona. - I can not stand. Il Fait A Present La Plie Et Le Beau Temps. [It has now depends on rainy or good weather. (Franz. The proverb that is important that he is successful.)] And the pride is such that no boundaries! Papey went. And contacted Speransky, some projects write. See how the ladies drawn! She says with him, and he turned away, "she said, pointing to him. "I would decorate him if he did that with me like that with these ladies."

Suddenly everything moved, the crowd spoke, moved, again it was concluded, and between the two reassembled ranks, with the sounds of the music who had warned, the sovereign. Behind him was the owner and the hostess. The sovereign was quick, bowing to the right and left, as if trying to get rid of this first minute of the meeting. The musicians played the Polish, famous then according to the words worked on him. These words began: "Alexander, Elizabeth, you delight us ..." The sovereign went to the living room, the crowd knocked to the doors; Several people with changed expressions hastily passed back and forth. The crowd again fled from the door of the living room, in which the sovereign appeared, talking to the hostess. Some kind of young man with a confused appearance came on the lady, asking them to be destroyed. Some ladies with persons who expressed perfect forgetfulness of all conditions of light, spoiling their toilets, crowded. Men began to approach the ladies and to build a pair of Polish.
Everything was broken, and the sovereign, smiling and not in the tact by handing the hostess at home, left the door of the living room. The owner with M. A. Naryshkina went behind him, then Messengers, ministers, different generals who were not clever called Peron. More than half of the ladies had cavaliers and walked or prepared for ITTI in Polish. Natasha felt that she remained with his mother and sonia among the smaller part of the ladies pushed to the wall and not taken in Polish. She stood, lowering her thin hands, and with a dimly rising, slightly defined breasts, holding back his breath, brilliant, frightened with her eyes, with an expression of readiness for the greatest joy and the greatest mountain. Neither the sovereign did not occupied, nor all the important persons in which Paronskaya pointed out - she had one thought: "Is it really that no one will come to me, really I will not dance between the first, will I really not notice all these men who now, It seems, and do not see me, but if they look at me, they look with such an expression, as if they say: a! It is not her and nothing to look. No, it can not be! " - she thought. "They should know how I want to dance, as I dance perfectly, and how they fun to dance with me."
The sounds of Polish, who lasted for quite a long time, have already begun to sound sad, - the memories of Natasha's ears. She wanted to cry. Perona departed from them. The count was at the other end of the hall, Countess, Sonya and she stood alone in the forest in this alien crowd, uninteresting and unnecessary. Prince Andrei passed with some kind of lady past them, obviously without recognizing them. Handsome Anatole, smiling, something told the lady, which he led, and looked at Natasha's face, which look at the walls. Boris turned two times past them and dismissed every time. Berg with his wife, did not dance, came to them.
Natasha seemed insulting this family convergence here, on the ball, as if there was no other place for family conversations, except on the ball. She did not listen and did not look at faith, something that spoke about her green dress.
Finally, the sovereign stopped beside his last lady (he danced with three), the music was silent; The concerned adjutant came to the growth, asking them to be built somewhere else, although they stood at the wall, and with the choir there were distinct, cautious and fascinating the dimensional sounds of the Waltz. Sovereign with a smile glanced at the hall. Passed a minute - no one has started yet. Adjutant, the manager approached the Countess of Bezhova and invited it. She smiling raised her hand and put her, without looking at him, on the shoulder of the adjutant. Adjutant manager, master of his case, confidently, leisurely and dimly, hugging his lady tightly, he finished with her first Glyssad, along the edge of the circle, at the corner of the hall picked her left hand, turned her, and only dimensional sounds were heard from Clicks of spurs of fast and dextering legs of the adjutant, and every three clock on the turn, as it were, the lady's velvet dress flashed. Natasha looked at them and was ready to cry, that it was not she dances this first tour of the Waltz.
Prince Andrei in his Spanish, White (Cavalry) Unidire, in stockings and shoes, lively and cheerful, stood in the first rows of a circle, not far from the growth. Baron firgoph spoke with him about tomorrow, alleged the first meeting of the State Council. Prince Andrei, as a person close to Speransky and participating in the work of the Legislative Commission, could give faithful information about the meeting of tomorrow, which various senses went. But he did not listen to what the firgof said him, and she looked at the sovereign, then on the dancers of the cavaliers, who did not decide to join the circle.
Prince Andrei watched these retaenties with the sovereign of the cavaliers and the ladies who were coming from the desire to be invited.
Pierre approached the prince Andrew and grabbed his hand.
- You always dance. There is my Protegee [Friend], Rostov is young, inviting her, "he said.
- Where? - asked Bolkonsky. "It's guilty," he said, turning to the baron, "we will bring this conversation in another place to the end, and you need to dance on the ball. - He came forward, in the direction that Pierre pointed him. The desperate, the fading face of Natasha rushed into the eyes of the prince Andrei. He recognized her, guess her feeling, realized that she was a beginner, remembered her conversation on the window and with a fun expression of the face approached the Countess Rostova.
"Let me acquaint you with my daughter," said Countess, blushing.
- I have the pleasure of being familiar, if the Countess remembers me, "said Prince Andrei with a courteous and low bow, completely contrary to the remarks of Perona about his rudeness, coming to Natasha, and enters the hand to hug her waist before he agreed to invite her dance. He suggested the Waltz Tour. That fading expression of the face of Natasha, ready for despair and delight, suddenly lit a happy, thankful, children's smile.
"I have been waiting for you for a long time," as if I told this frightened and happy girl, my boyfriend who was ready for the ready-made smile, raising his hand on the shoulder of Prince Andrew. They were the second couple entering the circle. Prince Andrei was one of the best dancers of his time. Natasha danced perfectly. Her legs in ball satin shoes quickly, easily and independently did their job, and her face was shining with delight of happiness. Her bare neck and hands were thin and ugly. In comparison with the shoulders of Helen, her shoulders were thin, chest is uncertain, the hands of the thin; But at Helen, it was already as if Varnish from all thousands of views, sliding according to her body, and Natasha seemed to be a girl who was scolded for the first time, and which would be very shameful, if it would not have assured it that it was necessary.
Prince Andrei loved to dance, and wanting to get rid of political and smart conversations, with whom everyone treated him, and wanting to break this annoying circle of embarrassment for him, formed from the presence of the sovereign, went to dance and chose Natasha because Pierre pointed him And because she first came from her pretty women; But barely hugged this thin, mobile mill, and she moved so close to him and smiled so close to him, her charms hit him in his head: he felt himself revived and rarely, when, translating her breath and leaving her, stopped and began to look On dancing.


Water mode / Quantitative Indicators of Stitz / Leaf plates / Betula Pendula Roth / Development stability / Anthropogenic / Biotic and abiotic factors / Water Regime / Quantitative Indicators of Stomata / Leaf Blades / Developmental Stability / Anthropogenic / Biotic and Abiotic Factors

annotation scientific article on biological sciences, author of scientific work - Belyaeva Julia Vitalevna

This research is devoted to the study of the water regime of Betula Pendula Roth. The assessment was carried out according to the results of the study quantitative indicators of Stitz sheet plates. Analyzing was conducted in the summer. It was found that at the beginning of the summer, the water-holding capacity indicators are high, and at the end of summer, closer to the autumn is low. The data obtained show a strong dependence of the amount of wells from the contamination of the air places of growing the study of the view.

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  • Kavlenova L. M. Problems of the organization of the organization of the phythytonitoring of the urban environment under the conditions of forest-steppe. Tutorial. Samara: Publishing House "Univers Group", 2006. 223 p. Bukharina I. L., Povaritina T. M., Vedernikov K. E. Ecological and biological features of woody plants in the urbanized environment. Izhevsk: FGOU VPO Izhevsk GSHA, 2007. 216

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This Research Work Devoted To The Study of the Water Regime Betula Pendula Roth. The Evaluation Was Conducted According To A Study Of quantitative Indicators of Stomata Of the Leaf Blades. Analyzing Was Conducted in the Summer. It Was Found That In The Early Summer High Performance Water-Holding Capacity, and at the end of the Summer, Closer to the Fall Low. These Data Show A Strong Dependence of the Number of Stomata On Air Pollution Habitats Studied Species.

Text of scientific work on the topic "Results of study of the number of stitches of the sheet plates Betula Pendula Roth. growing in anthropogenic effects (on the example of O. Togliatti) "

Ground ecosystems

Results of the study of the number of stitches of the sheets of Betula Pendula Roth., Growing in the conditions of anthropogenic impact (on the example of G.O.Tolyatti)

© 2015 Yu.V. Belyaeva

Institute of Ecology of the Volga Basin of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Togliatti Received 12.01.2015

This research is devoted to the study of the water regime of Betula Pendula Roth. The assessment was carried out according to the results of the study of the quantitative indicators of the stitches of sheet plates. Analyzing was conducted in the summer. It was found that at the beginning of the summer, the water-retaining capacity indicators are high, and at the end of summer, closer to the autumn-luxury. The data obtained show a strong dependence of the amount of wells from the contamination of the air places of growing the study of the view.

Keywords: water regime, quantitative indicators of stomens, leaf plates, Betula Pendula Roth., Development stability, anthropogenic, biotic and abiotic factors.


Togliatti City District is one of the most developing centers of Russia. The main sources of pollution of the atmosphere are the largest enterprises of the automotive industry, petrochemistry, chemical fertilizer and building materials, CHP and boiler houses, automotive and rail transport with high density of motor transport streams, river port. Additional - population growth, intensive development by residential and administrative buildings. The pollution of the atmospheric air of Togliatti revealed that the atmosphere of the central district (2 and 1.3 times higher than the permissible) is most contaminated, then the Komsomolsky district follows (in 2 and 1.1 times higher than the permissible), then the Avtozavodskaya district (in 1, 9 times), the suburban zone is minimal (according to the Volga UGMS FGBU, 2015).

The high degree of contamination inherent in such cities leads to the weakening of certain types of wood plants, their premature aging, reducing productivity, damage to diseases and pests, drying and death. Betula Pendula Roth, is a common woody view in urban plantations

For sustainable types of woody plants

characteristic features such as greater number 1 2

stitz per 1 mm sheet surface; Less duration and degree of openness of them during the day; the large thickness of the cuticle and the presence of additional coating formations; Little thickness and ventilability of spongy parenchyma; A smaller value of the height of the parisades to the height of the spongy.

Belyaeva Julia Vitalevna, Assistant, [Email Protected]

Scientific research on the study of adaptation mechanisms, growth and development of wood plants, as well as their survivalability in the conditions of negative anthropogenic impact of industrial and developed cities. Currently, it is relevant work in the field of environmental monitoring, which includes chemical, physical and biological methods for assessing the quality of the medium. We conduct a comprehensive ecological and biological assessment of the state of urban wood plants. Using an ecological and biological assessment, it is possible to obtain specific data on the state of green spaces in the conditions of an urban environment exposed to anthropogenic and climatic influence. In the Samara region, the summer of 2010 was distinguished by the three months of the absence of rains, extreme air dryness and as a result of numerous fires that took a lot of hectares of precious forest. Heat, temperature of more than 40 ° C, plus 45 ° C in the shade, plus 70 ° C on the basis, dry ground at a depth of 3-6 m., Constantly scoring sun, as well as reflected heat and light in the city feature. These factors influenced Betula Pendula Roth., Growing in the city and suburb. Over the next years, a fact revealed to say that the individuals of Betula Pendula Roth. continue to suffer and dying. Therefore, there is a particularly acute problem in the effectiveness of this type of plant, about the activities to restore landing Betula Pendula Roth. or replace other more sustainable species, as well as about stabilizing the environmental situation in the city.

Material and technique

It is known that the processes of water evaporation (transpiration) and gas exchange in plants occurs through the dust. The contamination of the atmosphere affects the rustic apparatus of plants, which leads to

violation of the functions of the stitches and the death of the plant. Calculating the amount of stitches on the sheet plates and comparing with the control, you can get data speakers on the state of the plant, its adaptation ability, as well as reveal the places of increased pollution.

Research areas are located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe continental climate of moderate latitudes with characteristic arctic and tropical air. In winter, this is manifested in the form of severe frosts, and in summer - sharp fluctuations in temperature during the day. In the year, the average monthly air temperature in Togliatti varies from + 20.7 ° C in July to -11 ° C in January.

The purpose of the study was to assess the state of Betula Pendula Roth, under conditions of anthropogenic pollution of the city of Tolyatti, using the anatomy-physiological characteristics of sheet plates.

Studies were conducted in 2013-2014. On five experimental sites of two administrative districts in various types of plantations. In the Avtozavodsky district it is an industrial zone and a victory park. In the central area it is Bankin Street and suburban forest. The control platform was located in Uzjukovsky Bor (25 km from the city feature).

The object of the study was Betula Pendula Roth, growing in all areas of the city and for the city feature. This is a kind of plants of the genus Bereza (Betula), the Birch family (Betulaceae). Fast-growing woody breed. Very vigorous, her crown of Odene, skips a lot of light.

The subject of the study is the quantitative indicator of the basic plate of Betula Pendula Roth. This technique is tested for Betula Pendula Roth, growing in various natural cenosis and intracity territories. Tolyatti, Samara region.

An assessment of the anatomy-physiological state of the leafy plates of the test species was carried out in June, July and August the method developed on the basis of standard techniques. The study of the anatomy-physiological indicators was carried out by counting the amount of stomps by 1 mm2 using a microscope. Mathematical processing of the data obtained was carried out using Microsoft Office - Microsoft Excel. A correlation analysis was used to interpret the results obtained.

Middle Age Plants used for analysis. The leaves were taken from the bottom of the crown, at the level of the raised arm, from the maximum amount of available branches (from branches of different directions, conditionally - north, south, west, east) 10 leaves from each tree on each site. The leaves took about one, mean for this type of size.

Hydice counting was carried out in laboratory conditions. On the evaporating surface of the sheet prepared for the experiment, the scalpel at a right angle to the central alley was made by surface cuts after 2-3 mm and a thin layer of epidermis was cut off. The epidermis of the leaf plate was placed in a drop of water on the glass slide, covered with the cover and considered under a light microscope at a low increase, and then the microscope was translated into a greater increase with an x40 lens, an ocular x16. At the same time, the microcompute was slightly changing the focus to detect all the dust on the site under consideration. The average number of wells in the field of view of the microscope was determined, examining several (3-4) fields in different parts of the drug. Calculated the amount of wellheads in the light spot in three places on each sheet: two places were chosen on the mentally defined direct from the central vein to the edge of the leaf, and the third on the top of the sheet.

Results and discussion

The results of the study showed that Betula Pendula Roth., Growing in the city of the city-industry zone, Victory Park and Bankin Street accounts for a larger number of stomps per 1

mM List surfaces, compared with suburban forest and control - Uzjukovsky Bor. The maximum increase in the number of stomps per 1 mm2 sheet plate is marked in the industrial zone. When approaching the highways, the amount of stomps increases sharply. The resulting indicators of the number of stitches of sheet plates in 2014 are higher than in 2013 due to the fact that 2014 was further dry than 2013. The summer season of 2013 was characterized by frequent precipitation in the form of rain. A visual comparison of the sizes of stomps from the leaves from different points of the city showed a visible decrease in their size as the air pollution.

The integrity of the nutritional cells is broken under the influence of chemical air pollutants. The closure cells of the Ustians are not able to adjust the width of the allocated gap. From this dust, the water flow rate on transpiration is constantly open and increased. What makes the plant in this situation? Increases the amount of stitches on its sheets, thereby compensating for the decrease in the size of the leaves. Reducing the area of \u200b\u200bsheet plates irreversibly leads to a reduction in the nutritional apparatus, therefore an increase in the amount of ducts with a decrease in the total area of \u200b\u200bthe leaves leads to the preservation of the functions of gas exchange and transpiration of Betula Pendula Roth sheet plates. The data obtained in two years of study, suggest that the decrease in the size of sheet plates is compensated by an increase in the amount of dust. Compared to the reference section 202

Ground ecosystems

in the industrial zone 445 (an increase of 2.2 times) was noted, in the Victory Park 411 (increase by 2 times), on Bankin Street 334 (1.6 times) and in the suburban forest 244 (1.2 times). From diagram

it can be seen that for the year, the number of stitches of the sheet plates increased by an average of 3.5 times.

500.00 A ■ O G 450.00 I S s s ï 400.00 II G 1 350.00 § Üj ^ 300.00 IÄ S E 250,00 II ¥ 4 200.00 3 4 * 150.00 461.00 4ï!), 00 - ■

206, oO ^^^ i - ^^^ 231.00

Uzjunovsky Bor Forest Urban Street Banykin Victory Park Promzone

Number of Ustyza N1mm2 (2013) 198.00 231.00 319.00 392.00 429.00

Number of Ustiz N1mm2 (2014) 206.00 257.00 348.00 430.00 461.00

Fig. Results of estimating the number of stitches of the Betula Pendula Roth sheet. for 2013-2014 Conclusion

On the basis of calculations was calculated

the average number of stomps per 1 mm sheets plates. Experienced samples are collected from various sites. According to the results, a graph was constructed, in which the average data from different points of study was expressed in a curve of a line indicating an increase in the amount of stitches as the air pollution increases. The experimental data obtained by us indicate that in G.O. Tolyatti, in conditions of complex contamination of atmospheric air, the increased content of vehicle exhaust gases is observed a weakening of the life state of Betula Pendula Roth, which is expressed in the deterioration of the anatomy-physiological characteristics of the leaves. However, an increase in the amount of stitches on a sheet plate, a change in the area and mass sheet, dispersion, sheet anatomy, should be considered as the adaptation of the Betula Pendula Roth population, to the conditions of technogenic pollution of the urban environment.

Betula Pendula Roth, well adaptable view. But every year the anthropogenic load is so big that it becomes more dead individuals than adapted. It is clear that to improve the ecological situation in Togliatti, Betula Pendula Roth is needed, in places where there is no vegetation, and there are roads with a large automotive load (for example, an industrial zone). Preserving the individuals of Betula Pendula Roth, as well as landing young samples, because the death of one type of plants means the threat of existence from 10 to 30 species of living beings.

Ecological and biological assessment of the state of woody plants according to various bioindication indicators should be used when

connection of the state of the plant and the urban environment.


The author expresses deep gratitude and sincere appreciation to his scientific leader C.B. Saxon (IEVB RAS, Tolyatti) for understanding, support and valuable advice, V.N. Kozlovsky (Pvgus, Tolyatti) for the direction of true and invaluable support, O.V. Kozlovskaya (PVGUS, Togliatti) for a personal example and invaluable support, A.B. GRA Benkina (RGGU, Togliatti-Moscow) and A.C. Match-Kina (VEU, Togliatti) for help in field fees of material and friendly support, M.A. Pookov for constructive criticism (Pvgus, Tolyatti), V.M. Vasyukov (IEVB RAS, Togliatti) and A.B. Ivanova (IEVB RAS, Togliatti) for valuable advice and a good attitude. Special thanks for understanding and patience of my dear mother L.V. Belyaeva.


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Results Quantity of Stoma Lamina Betula Pendula Roth., Growing under Anthropogenic Impact (Illustrated G.O.Tolyatti)

© 2015 Y. Belyaeva

Institute of Ecology Of Volga Basin Of Ras, Togliatti

This Research Work Devoted To The Study of the Water Regime Betula Pendula Roth. The Evaluation Was Conducted According to A Study of Quantitative Indicators of Stomata of The Leaf Blades. Analyzing Was Conducted in the Summer. IT WAS FOUND THAT IN THE EARLY SUMMER HIGH PERFORMANCE WATER-HOLDING CAPACITY, AND AT THE END OF THE SUMMER, CLOSER TO THE FALL - LOW. These Data Show A Strong Dependence of the Number of Stomata On Air Pollution Habitats Studied Species.

Key Words: Water Regime, Quantitative Indicators of Stomata, Leaf Blades, Betula Pendula Roth., Developmental Stability, Anthropogenic, Biotic and Abiotic Factors.

Belyaeva Julia Vitaljevna, Assistant, [Email Protected]

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