The dimensions of the terrace are standard. We make a terrace with our own hands

The buildings 18.10.2020
The buildings

Many individual home owners often think about new extensions. After all, when you yourself are the owner of a summer cottage or a personal plot, you definitely want to do something exclusive and as comfortable as possible. Consider one of the most common options for outbuildings - a veranda. At the same time, we will analyze the methods of its construction with our own hands.

The need for a veranda. Functions

The need for a veranda for your own home is obvious, because it is a place where the whole family can easily gather for a summer dinner with barbecue, and at the same time hide from the evening rain and watch its threads through the extensive windows. But at the same time, you want to have the opportunity, being on the veranda, to warm yourself from the autumn wind. It is often assumed that a certain greenhouse should be placed inside such an annex. Hence the functions that this building should have:

  • good roof, preferably transparent or matte,
  • huge windows,
  • warm walls,
  • large space,
  • close connection with home.

Such an extension to the house is sometimes also called a terrace.

Design of possible options with a photo

For clarity, we present several options for an attached veranda. For example, here's a design for a simple summer house-related structure.

A simple open veranda does not protect from the cold

Here we see a classic version: the roof of a residential building is initially extended, then the hanging edge is supported by pillars, after which the floor is paved. The open veranda is ready. However, in autumn, as in the photo, it will be very cold and uncomfortable inside such a space.

Another thing is when the veranda is finished with glass. Then the wind will not blow into it. Here's a variation on a similar design.

Veranda with glass walls in the form of windows protects well from the wind

Here the columns are already solid, made of brickwork, and the area between the columns is closed with huge windows, which simultaneously provides aesthetics, and protection from the wind, and excellent visibility.

An even more reliable option in terms of heat is a capital veranda.

The building in this case is more like a room in a house.

Here the terrace is, as it were, part of the house. The degree of glazing is also great, but there are solid walls and underfloor heating powered by home heating or electric current. Although the feeling of the presence of the surrounding world is still created.

How to build with your own hands: step by step instructions

Project and drawing

We start with the design. It is necessary at this stage to determine the size of the veranda. The width of the building is usually taken no more than 3 m, otherwise the terrace will be too cumbersome. But as for the length, then the owners must decide for themselves whether to stretch the veranda to the whole house or not. Most often, a summer room is attached only to half or a third of the building.

  1. Foundation. For the veranda, the columnar is the most successful option. At the same time, several metal or asbestos pipes are simply laid into the project, which will be dug into the ground, standing to the depth of soil freezing. Their insides will have to be concreted with reinforcing rods. It is advisable to connect the protruding pipe heads with a grillage - a concreted tape around the perimeter.
  2. Walls. There is a consensus on this issue: it is better to use the same material from which the house is built, because each type of building element has its own degree of expansion. For example, a wooden veranda can deform a little over time and "press" on a brick house. If the hut is made of logs, then a terrace made of boards will be just the way.
  3. Roof. It is usually single-pitched. There is room for design ideas. Most often, a transparent roof is made, for example, of colored polycarbonate. You can use thick glass, but it is enough and just to extend the roof of the house, be it slate or shingles. The main thing is to withstand the necessary bias. Usually, the slope angle of the veranda roof is less than that of the roof slopes of the house, since the width of the extension is small. The large slope angle of the veranda roof will underestimate its front part too much.

We will talk in more detail about the choice of suitable components at each stage of construction in the process of describing the general step-by-step instructions. Having decided on the materials and dimensions, they make a drawing or sketch.

Typical scheme-drawing of the veranda of the house

The figure indicates the dimensions of the future building, as well as important dimensions, for example, the distance between the connecting elements, the slope of the roof, etc.

Required materials and calculation with detailed examples

As an example, we will write down the instructions for the construction of a wooden frame for a lean-to veranda 3 meters long and 2 meters wide. The height of such an annex will be taken equal to 2 m directly near the house and 1.7 m from the front side.

For the construction of such a veranda, we will use the following components:

  • wooden beams 100 mm x 100 mm with a total length of 42 m,
  • logs in the form of wooden beams 50 mm x 100 mm each 3 m long (with a margin) - 4 pieces (for 3 meters of the building, according to building codes, 4 supports for the roof are enough),
  • edged boards 20 mm thick for walls, board dimensions: 200 mm x 3 m, 200 mm x 2 m, their total area is 10 m 2,
  • boards for roof lathing with a thickness of 25 mm, with dimensions of 150 mm x 3 m, with a total area of ​​4.5 m 2,
  • floor boards with an area of ​​2 mx 3 m, that is, an area of ​​6 m 2, the size of the boards: 30 mm x 250 mm x 2 m,
  • nails about 2 kg.
  • a metal or asbestos pipe with a diameter of 100 mm for a foundation with a length of 1.5 m - 6 pieces (1 piece for each meter of the length of the building is quite enough according to building codes),
  • polyethylene with an area of ​​approximately 1 m 2 (for 6 pipes),
  • mastic for coating pipe ends - 1 bucket,
  • fittings with a diameter of 8 mm - 12 rods (2 per pipe), 1.5 m each (according to the length of the pipes),
  • cement 15 kg,
  • sand 45 kg.

Let's show how the materials were calculated.

To pour concrete into the insides of pipes with a diameter of 100 mm inserted into the ground, you will need a little cement and sand. The total volume is equal to the product of the number of pipes by their volume. The latter is calculated as the product of the cross-sectional area of ​​the pipe by its length: V = 0.1 x 0.1 x 1.5 = 0.015 m 3. Here, for simplicity, the cross-sectional area of ​​the pipe is taken as the cross-sectional area of ​​a square 100 mm x 100 mm.

For six pipes, the volume will be as follows: V total. = 6 x 0.015 = 0.09 m 3. Let's take the volume of solution we need equal to 0.1 m3. According to building codes, to prepare such a volume, it is enough to take 15 kg of cement and 45 kg of sand.

Let's also count the lumber. Beams 100 mm x 100 mm are needed as connecting elements of the frame. We will have three horizontal straps, namely the lower perimeter at the floor level, the window sill perimeter, the same at the roof level. We will also have vertical posts, according to the number of pipes, 6 pieces of 2 m high are enough. In total, summing up everything, we get the total length of the beams 100 mm x 100 mm: L = (2 m + 3 m + 2 m + 3 m) x 3 + 2 m x 6 = 42 m.

On the walls of a standard height of 1 meter for verandas, you will need the number of boards that will cover an area equal to the product of the perimeter of the building by a height of 1 m: S = (2 m + 3 m + 2 m + 3 m) x 1 = 10 m 2.

The boards for the lathing under the roofing will be mounted with slots equal to their width. Therefore, half the approximate area of ​​the roof covering is sufficient. The latter is approximately 3 mx 3 m = 9 m 2 (taking into account the slope of the roof). This means that 4.5 m 2 is enough for us.

Construction tools

We need the following tools to work:

  • hacksaw,
  • hammer,
  • axe,
  • shovel for mixing the solution,
  • bayonet shovel for digging.

How to build: step by step instructions

  1. First you need to mark the future veranda. Relying on our own drawing, we find the installation points for the foundation pipes. The maximum possible step between such supports is 2 m. It is advisable to retreat at least 4 cm from the foundation of the house and also determine the places of the holes for the supports along the building.
  2. The depth of the foundation pipe cavities should be about 1.5 m, depending on the region. The holes themselves can be dug with a shovel. There is an option to drill them with a universal hand drill. It is sold in many hardware supermarkets. After preparing the cavities, they are filled with solid polyethylene for waterproofing, and then metal or asbestos-cement pipes are inserted into them. After that, two or three rods are pushed into each such element, and concrete is poured. The top end of each pipe must protrude at least 20 cm above the ground.
  3. After the concrete has hardened, you can proceed with the installation of the floor. But first you need to either make a grillage - connect all the pipes with a concrete tape, or at least add rubble over the total area of ​​the future veranda. If the described manipulations are not done, debris will subsequently accumulate under the floor of the terrace, and the coating itself will turn out to be cold for the feet of the owners.
  4. Consider an option without a grillage, when the entire planned area of ​​the veranda is covered with rubble. It is both cheaper and easier. After filling our plot of land with stones, they need to be leveled with a shovel. Next, it is necessary to lay wooden beams with a profile of 100 mm x 100 mm along pipes protruding from the ground, coated with mastic, fastening them in the corners with standard locks. These locks, made with an ax, are also called cuts or notches. Their options are shown in the diagram below. The future floor will rest on the described beams.

    The diagram shows various types of locks for connecting beams, we use the simplest

  5. In the next step, we build the veranda frame. Vertical posts are also made from beams with a section of 100 mm x 100 mm. We fasten them to the perimeter of the base. After installing the verticals, we cover the flooring with edged boards with a thickness of 30 mm. We nail the floorboards to the beams.
  6. We install the window beams at a height of 1 m, at the same time fastening the verticals with them. The profile of the sill beams can also be equal to 100 mm x 100 mm. To connect the beams in all cases, we use the classic lock, which was mentioned above. We also use screws or nails. All connections can be reinforced with metal corners. After installing the window sill beams outside the veranda, we nail the edged boards to close the space from the floor to the window sill beams.
  7. We make the upper harness of the future veranda. To do this, we connect the verticals with the same beams, then we rely on this structure with standard joists for mounting the roof.

    Important to remember! Since a typical veranda uses a pitched roof, the front verticals should end up lower than the rear ones adjacent to the house by about 30 cm.If we did not take this into account right away, you can take a hacksaw and saw off the standing beams.

    The wooden frame of the veranda, in this case it is made close to the house, part of the frame rests on the foundation of the house, this option is acceptable

  8. To erect the roof of the terrace, a crate is nailed onto the logs. Then the sheets of roofing material are fixed and the same solid material is laid, which adorns the slopes of the common house roof. There are also other options here that will provide an exclusive architectural form. For example, frames can be mounted on logs and "filled" with extra strong glass. This solution will provide additional heating of the room from the sun, even in winter.

    On a note. In recent years, another possibility has become widespread: it is enough to screw the sheets of polycarbonate used for the construction of greenhouses to the logs with screws. It is a very convenient and practical material. It bends well, which allows you to create arched structures. With its help, it is easy to make the most unusual roof at the veranda.

  9. We may not fill the space for windows if an open veranda is enough for us. If it is decided that the building will be closed, it is enough to install ordinary glazed wooden frames. At the same time, window frames can be "equipped" with multi-colored glass, you get exclusive stained-glass windows, noticeable even from afar. A similar example can be studied in this photo.

    Stained-glass windows in the design of a wooden veranda, glass here is custom made

  10. Special attention must be paid to the installation of the door. The opening for this element is initially laid in the project on the side of the terrace. In no case should you install the veranda door directly opposite the common house entrance, otherwise drafts cannot be avoided!

Final finishing of floors, walls and ceilings. How to insulate and what

In our example, the lower part of the veranda is trimmed with planks. It is easy to insulate such walls with polystyrene from the inside. You just need to glue the slabs of material with assembly glue. Outside, the plank walls are easy to "sheathe" with siding, it is screwed to the tree with self-tapping screws. For additional insulation, the insulating material on the inside can be finished with aesthetic panels, for example, made of plastic.

There is an option to close the space between the sill beams and the floor instead of boards with sandwich panels or OSB boards. In the latter case, it is enough to use sawdust enclosed in polyethylene as an insulating material. Plastic sawdust bags are attached with metal mounting tape and nails. And the inner surface, after fixing the plastic bags with sawdust, is finished with plywood. There are no boundaries for design ideas, the final decision depends entirely on the owner.

In conclusion, we suggest watching a video on the topic.

Video: How to attach a wooden summer terrace to the house

We have provided design options and detailed instructions for the construction of a veranda, which is a continuation of a private house. It remains to add one last note: when inventing an unusual, stylish veranda, do not forget about building codes and rules, and also try to make sure that even at the stage of the project your veranda does not spoil the overall picture of the house.

A veranda is a great way to organize an additional room in the country or in a private house. Do not forget that this is a kind of "visiting card" of the whole house: guests see the design of the veranda, then go inside the house. Before decorating the veranda, you need to choose whether your extension will be open or you decide to completely close it and make a cozy place with a gorgeous view from the window. This choice imposes some restrictions on the choice of the necessary furniture and design in general.

It would be a great idea to decorate the veranda with garlands, at night it looks very beautiful

In warm weather, guests can be received in the veranda

Veranda, this is a great place to relax in the fresh air

The veranda can be either a closed or an open building with any type of roof, while it must be part of the house. The terrace is located outside the main building, therefore the design of the terrace should be planned initially. When building a terrace, an elevated base is additionally created, often at a certain height from the ground. It must be fenced, otherwise it will be considered an open area outside the house.

The veranda with the house has a common foundation, which distinguishes it from all other types of additional structures. The advantage is that it can be built together with the house or erected as an additional structure. Often, verandas are created of a closed type, allowing you to design it even as a separate room, especially in summer.

To create a good view, choose a large space, while windows can be on 2 or 3 sides. The porch should not be confused with the veranda, because the roof and walls are absent or they do not border the main building. Do you want to create a full-fledged room, like in a private house? Insulate and completely close the extension, decorate it in the desired style and arrange functional furniture.

A veranda decorated with curtains will look very beautiful.

Even in the smallest veranda, you can organize a place to relax

How are terraces and verandas separated?

Verandas can be closed or open. To save time, it is worth planning the structure before constructing the main building. If the foundation is solid, the level of risk of cracks on the walls of the additional building will be significantly reduced. The extension must be documented along with the plan, as part of a private house or summer cottage. If you decide to create a veranda after the construction of the main building, be prepared to pay additional funds to complete the entire package of documents. Exterior decoration should be as similar as possible or done in the same style as the whole house.

Veranda is a great place to relax and have tea

The chandelier in the design of the veranda will look very beautiful

You can relax in such a veranda at any time of the year.

Terrace design is divided into three types.

Open type - an area without a foundation, which can additionally be covered with a canopy.

    Great for summer vacations in the country. It is not popular due to its specific climate.

Closed version - equipped with a foundation separate from the main building, walls are installed.

    If you want the terrace to serve all year round, take care of the installation of ventilation and heating systems.

The universal terrace is one of the most popular options, thanks to the additional connector for double-glazed windows and doors, which makes it easy to convert an open version to a closed one.

Equipped with a mechanism for folding roofs and walls. Built on a foundation, easy to install heating system

You can choose any type based on your desires and capabilities. It is better to take care of this even before building a house, the creation of a separate building will be much more expensive. In addition, you will waste time on completing an additional package of documents.

You can decorate the veranda with fresh flowers

It will be a pleasure to relax in such a veranda.

Step-by-step plan for closing the veranda

First you need to draw a detailed diagram. Then choose the material. One of the best ways is to cover your veranda with polycarbonate.

The advantages of this method:

    high strength material, especially if you use a monolithic version;

    able to trap ultraviolet radiation;

    environmentally friendly, which is especially important if there are children in the family;

    many options are available in different colors, this makes it possible to decorate the veranda in any style.

Before construction, it is necessary to draw a diagram, select a material, and then begin to engage in the construction of the frame. It is necessary to choose a frame made of brick or wooden beams. If you do not want to spend money on buying new material, make a frame from what is left after the main building.

Veranda design with growing tree

In the veranda, you can put a sofa, a fireplace and spend your free time in the fresh air

A veranda near a small pond will become your favorite place to relax

Advice! Do not forget to do the necessary calculations for the sheets of this material and calculate the minimum bending.

Be sure to read the rules for installing polycarbonate before installing it:

    each step of the crate can be from 60 to 80 centimeters;

    in order for condensate to flow out without problems, it is necessary to install vertical channels vertically;

    sheets must be connected with special profiles;

    thermal washers are used to secure sheets, they do not damage the coating;

    The protective film can only be removed after all installation work.

There are many other materials, you should choose based on the characteristics of your home. The advantages of polycarbonate are that it is suitable for any type of private house or summer cottage.

A veranda hung with curtains will look very beautiful

The veranda can be glazed and you can relax there on the windiest days

Interior decoration of the veranda

You yourself can choose the design of the veranda. But there are certain rules for interior decoration that must be followed to create a cozy atmosphere. The extension is created close to nature, so the style should be as close to natural as possible.

Style selection

The style must be chosen the same as in which the house was decorated or be as similar to it as possible. It is not necessary to create a veranda in the same style, you can take the highlights from the interior design of a private house and place them in the veranda. Styles such as country or Provence are best suited for her. The interweaving of comfort and simplicity creates a place ideal for relaxation. Unusually, while harmoniously, the Japanese style will look.

Flowers in pots will perfectly complement the interior of the veranda

The veranda can be glazed and you can spend your free time there even in cold weather

You can decorate the veranda with flowers

Materials (edit)

Remember the basic rule: no artificial materials, everything must be natural. If you have a lot of space, you can make an additional wall of stone, which will resemble a loft. The floors are decorated using porcelain stoneware - a wear-resistant material that can last for a long period of time, while it requires a minimum of effort to maintain. It is best to use panoramic glazing that transmits light to illuminate the plants.

Advice! Install glass sliding doors that allow freshness to come in at a certain moment or, on the contrary, protect from rain.

Veranda is a great place to relax outdoors

In the veranda, you can put a sofa, a table and receive guests


Choose based on the purpose of the veranda: you can create both a small cozy place to relax and a full-fledged dining room, hallway or living room. If you are not going to create a kitchen from an extension, it is enough to purchase a designer table and light chairs so that you can sometimes chat over a cup of tea. You can cook a shish kebab, then you will need a barbecue.

If you need a veranda for country feasts with a huge number of friends and relatives, then the planning must be carried out taking into account all the rules. Divide the cooking and eating areas separately. In the first, you need to put an oven and grill, a cutting table and separately purchase cupboards. By correctly organizing the placement of kitchen furniture, you can save yourself from the kitchen inside the house.

On warm days, the veranda is a great place to relax outdoors

You can put chairs in the veranda and spend your free time there

You can put a sofa in the veranda and enjoy the surrounding beauty

Choosing furniture

Choose garden furniture, it is made of durable materials, perfectly tolerates external influences. Such furniture is not afraid of moisture, cold or strong sunlight. It is enough to buy one large table and comfortable chairs. You can put a large sofa for the whole family.

If you are creating a relaxation room, it will not be superfluous to put a coffee table. In the case of creating a full-fledged kitchen, purchase cabinets, otherwise they will be useless. A rocking chair and slides with various plants look great to create a relaxing atmosphere.

Space around the main room

The veranda should be in the same style as the surrounding landscape. If there is a garden, it should organically continue the style of the extension. For example, you choose the English style for your veranda, make sure that the garden is in the same style. It can be organically combined with other areas surrounding the house:

    create your own greenhouse or a small winter garden right in the annex;

    a playground for children to have fun while adults are busy with their own business;

    you can build a bathhouse and combine it with a veranda: take a steam bath, then ate barbecue.

If you approach the design responsibly, a simple extension can turn into a full-fledged additional room or a functional resting place.

The veranda can be glazed and you can relax even when there is a strong wind outside

You can decorate the veranda with curtains, they will sway beautifully in the wind

How to choose curtains for the veranda?

Curtains will help to complement the design of the veranda in a private house, which can be:

    transparent - an easy option will help create a romantic atmosphere, it will not be able to protect you from the wind;

    acrylic option - capable of repelling dust and dirt, a huge variety of options are available so that you can choose curtains for a specific veranda style;

    PVC film is the most practical option, capable of creating coziness even in bad weather, but it looks much worse than the two previous options;

The type of curtains in a private house must be chosen based on your requirements. If you want to protect yourself from the sun and nosy neighbors, you should choose classic fabric curtains, fastened on hooks. It is worth tying up with special grabs, the most popular options are magnets and hairpins. It is not worth tying the curtains too high, and also observe symmetry.

Should I add plants?

Summer in Russia is incredibly hot, you can save yourself from this not only with curtains and curtains, but also by planting plants. Vertical landscaping is ideal for an open veranda to cover existing openings. Our climate is favorable for various climbing plants, so you can give your veranda an incredible appearance and at the same time escape from the sun without additional money.

Vertical gardening can make the air humidier by reducing dust levels. If you want to give the extension an unusual look, you can purchase rare plants on your own, but you will have to spend a considerable amount of money. You can use the classic version: hedges serve as a decor. It is worth decorating the veranda not only inside, but also outside, planting conifers and small shrubs nearby.

The veranda is being built so that it becomes a great place where you can take a break from the daily hustle and bustle, relax and forget about all the problems. Alternatively, you can turn it into a place to work with a perfect view.

Video: Veranda Design

50 photos of veranda design ideas:

The owners of private houses and summer cottages are very fond of equipping such a place on their homestead, where it would be pleasant and comfortable to relax, eat and even work in the fresh air.

Such a place can be a terrace attached directly to the house. And if you still don't have it, it's time to start building.

The most important thing to do before an extension terraces to the house, this is its design, taking into account the purpose, location, shape, size and, of course, the material that will be needed for construction. Let's deal with all these points in order.

Purpose - what are you planning to use the summer terrace for

Before you build your deck, think about how and why you will use it. If you need a terrace in the country for a family vacation, then a small building with a roof that provides protection from the sun and rain is enough. If you have a private country house, where you often host guests, arrange parties, then you should also plan a place for installing a charcoal or electric grill, in the fresh air. In this case, it would be advisable to build a structure of brick or stone, paved, for example.

How to choose the right terrace layout

Choosing a place where it will be attached terrace to the house there are several factors to consider:

  1. Where the sun rises.

If you often relax on the summer terrace in the morning, for example, at breakfast before work, then it is better to attach the terrace to the house on the east side - the sun, rising in the morning, will flood it with its light and cheer you up for the whole day.

On the other hand, it is possible to allocate more time for rest in the evening, then the western side, where the sun shines for the longest, will be an excellent place to add a terrace to the house.

Planning to hide in the shade of a summer terrace in the sunshine? Then determine the place where it is most shady during the day.

  1. Away from the road.

Roads are not only unnecessary noise, but also exhaust gases, which are very harmful to breathe. In such conditions, the rest will not be complete, therefore, it is better to build a terrace in the country house or on the site of a country house from the side where there is no carriageway.

  1. Conveniently close to the entrance.

It is good if there is a direct exit to the terrace from the house - from the front door or from the kitchen. Thus, having attached a veranda, it will be convenient for you to set the table for breakfast, lunch, dinner or receiving guests.

What is the most optimal summer terrace size

For a family of 3-4 people, a 10-12 m² summer terrace is quite enough. but if you want to put a rocking chair on it or hang it, perhaps even make a small play corner for children, then you should make a larger terrace project.

In addition, the size of the terrace depends on the size of the house itself and the area surrounding it. A veranda that is too small will look ridiculous against the background of a large house, while a large terrace near a small house will also not cause enthusiastic reviews.

Summer terrace shape

A terrace attached to the house will look most beautiful in a rectangular shape. Its straight lines, combined with the lines of the house, will look harmonious. In addition, this shape will facilitate the construction process itself.

To make the terrace look more original, several levels should be foreseen during its construction. So, a summer terrace made of stone can easily take arbitrary shapes. If you build it from wood, then you can give originality by cutting off the edges with a jigsaw.

Country wooden terraces photo

In any case, the most important thing is that the terrace attached to the house was compatible with its architecture or the style of other buildings on the site.

Of course, the project does not end on the project itself, and then the stage of adding a terrace to the house follows. But more on that in the next article.

The terrace is an excellent option for a summer vacation in a country house. Agree, after all, outdoor recreation surrounded by greenery is much more pleasant, but what can I say in good weather there you can not only spend your free time, but also arrange family lunches and dinners.

What is the terrace.

The terrace is basically an open space that adjoins the house. Thanks to the terrace, the very area of ​​the house is expanding. In cold weather, it can be turned into a veranda using a sliding glass panel, which can be removed in summer, as it can be easily rolled up with rollers.

Basically, the terrace is built on supports. Which can be made from reinforced concrete blocks, wood or metal, the terrace itself is built mainly from wood. Under the supports, a bedding of pebbles or coarse sand is directly made, all this must be compacted and brought to the desired level. After that, wooden logs are installed, on which the terrace will be located. The finished terrace can be tiled or trimmed with wood. It is also worth considering the fact that wood is quite sensitive to moisture, so all wooden coverings can be made removable so that in bad weather they can be removed and put into the utility room.

Before you start building a terrace, there are several important aspects to consider.

Before any construction, it is necessary to plan the site, what size the terrace will be, where exactly it will be located, what is necessary for this. Plan the place where the foundation will be located (if necessary).

During the concreting of the foundation for the terrace, it is worth noting the fact that it is not necessary to bury it deeply into the ground, the easiest way is to remove the vegetative layer of soil, this is necessary so that it does not sink after precipitation.

The construction of a terrace is unacceptable without a solid flooring, it is best to make it from a deck board, which is placed with a gap of three to five millimeters so that the water can drain freely, and also so that the flooring has the ability to ventilate after the rain.

The most resistant to moisture and decay is such a tree species as larch, which is used for flooring. In order for the terrace to have a canopy, it is necessary to establish a foundation that will be designed to support it.

Sometimes the terrace is placed under the same roof with the house to which it is attached, or it is additionally attached to the base established for this.
Today, frames are quite often used; for a terrace, made of metal, they are considered a sufficiently strong support for a canopy made of polycarbonate. This model of the terrace will seem airy.

Each terrace, raised above the ground, requires fencing; for this, you can purchase ready-made plaques and railings in a hardware store.
Where is the best place to place the terrace.

As for the location of the terrace, it is typical for the southern regions that the terrace would be located in the place where during the day, during the hottest periods, it would be shaded. In the northern and central regions, care must be taken to ensure that the terrace is protected from the wind and always be illuminated by the sun, especially in the afternoon.

Basically, the terrace is located on the opposite side of the main facade of the house, and there is sometimes an additional entrance to the house. This is not to say that there is a specific place for the location of the terrace, everything here depends on your desire.

In the case when the terrace is being built simultaneously with the house, then the foundation for them is created as a single one, in order to avoid various shrinkages, etc., and both the material and the depth of the laying should be the same. In cases where the terrace is attached much later, then its foundation and the foundation of the house are not connected.

One of the most important factors in the construction of a terrace is whether it will have a good view from the terrace, and whether it will spoil the appearance of the house itself.

The size of the terrace.

The size of the terrace directly depends on its functional purpose, the size of the house and the composition of the garden. The attractiveness of the future terrace depends on the selection of landscaping elements, as well as on the thoughtfulness of its planning.

If the terrace is calculated as a place for a quiet rest, then a lot of space is not required for this, and an area of ​​three by four meters is enough. If it is planned to receive guests, the location of the barbecue, etc., then in this case the area should be much larger.

Terrace shape.

Most often, a rectangular shape is chosen for the construction of a terrace adjacent to the house. Despite the fact that this form is considered somewhat strict, it is most suitable for the outlines of the house, which basically has the same shape. In order for the terrace not to seem too conservative, when paving it, you can use several types of coverage, add a variety of decorative elements, etc.

The terrace adjacent to the house can also have a rhombus, semicircular or trapezoidal shape. In cases where the recreation area is located at a distance from the house, then it will not hurt to give it smooth outlines, thanks to this it will perfectly fit into the garden.

Terrace paving material.

Today there are many materials that can be used for paving a terrace. When choosing them, one should take into account the appearance of the house, as well as the design and relief of the backyard territory, the climate, the requirements for outdoor coatings, etc.

When the house is built in a modern style, it is best to use colored concrete slabs or porcelain stoneware for paving it. For a house made of wood, wooden flooring is best suited.

When paving a terrace, it is very important that the surface is level and safe. In no case should it be slippery, and water after rain should not stagnate on it. Sometimes, when paving a terrace, electric heating is used, in which case the terrace area dries out quickly after rains and snow does not accumulate on it in winter. For its better drying, and in order to avoid the accumulation of puddles, it is mounted with a slope equal to two percent from the house to the edges.

In cases where wooden flooring is laid, so that the wood does not get wet, a foundation is made from below, mainly of concrete. In this case, the surface of the terrace is raised above the ground, and the space under the floor is made ventilated.

Wooden terrace construction.

If you nevertheless decide to start building a terrace yourself, then the simplest option would be to build a terrace made of wood.
As mentioned above, you first need to mark the territory on which the future terrace will be located. To do this, having decided on the size of the terrace at the intersection of straight lines, it is necessary to drive in stakes. After all the stakes are driven into the ground between them, it is necessary to pull the lace, directly fixing it to each stake, thus obtaining the extreme boundaries of the future terrace.

Piles are dug in along the perimeter of the future terrace, for this a deciduous beam is used, which has dimensions of 100x150 or 150x150, its height should be limited to the level at which the floor joists will be located. The distance at which the piles should be located is about one meters. In those places where the perimeter of the terrace adjoins the main building of a residential building and a load-bearing bar is installed at the corners of the building, its height should be equal to the height at which the future canopy will be located. The resulting structure is sewn together at ground level, at the level at which the floor will be located (the thickness of the floorboard must be subtracted), as well as at the level where the canopy will be located.

To do this, it is recommended to use a board made of such material as larch, its size should be 150x50. The board must be fastened to the timber through M8 bolted joints with corrosion protection. Thus, having fastened all the necessary details, you get the frame of the future terrace.

After the frame of the terrace has been assembled, the floor can be laid. The level at which the lags will pass is already set. The logs are attached to the length of the terrace in one meter increments. For the lag, you must use the same board as for sewing the timber. The supports for the logs are located at a distance of one meter. For the floor, it is best to use a softwood grooved board, which has a thickness of thirty-two millimeters to fifty millimeters. The board is attached to the logs with finishing nails through the groove. First, the combs of the board must be greased with PVA building glue.

After the floors are ready, you can proceed to the roof. For the rafters, from which the roof frame of the terrace will be mounted, it is necessary to use boards easier than for the lag, for example, 40x100. They must be fastened "on the edge" to the boards repeating the level of the roof, the step should be equal to sixty centimeters. As for the rafter board, it is attached along the width of the terrace. On it, across, a board with a thickness of twenty millimeters or plywood, having a thickness of ten millimeters, is laid.

In principle, the canopy can be considered ready, it remains only to put a protective layer from rain and snow. In this capacity, you can use galvanized sheet, metal tiles, soft tiles or other types of roofing material.

After the roof of the terrace roof is completed, it can be considered almost finished, it remains to install fences and stairs. You can buy these materials in a hardware store, to continue the compositional plot, you can install wooden stairs and fences, you can of course give preference to forged ones, then you just need to instruct the craftsmen, take the dimensions and make these details of the terrace.

The wall of the house, to which the terrace mostly adjoins, is sheathed with a block house or clapboard. In order to protect the tree from pests and directly from decay, it must be treated with a special antiseptic composition. For the final finishing, it is coated with varnish or paint.
The final stage in the construction of the terrace will be the installation of benches, lamps, etc. The most popular terrace furniture today are rocking chairs, armchairs, chairs, tables, bedside tables, etc. collected from rattan and vines.

The terrace, like the patio, is an open structure on a suburban area. It is erected somewhat elevated above ground level or at the floor level of the main building and may have side rails. Sometimes the building is built in the form of an extended porch.

The main task of the extension design is the harmonious arrangement of the terrace in the landscape design of the suburban area. It is preferable that the terrace plan is included in the overall design of the site. In this case, it is being built on a single foundation with the main building. During construction, you can use common materials and design solutions. Due to the general design of the buildings, the terrace will organically fit into the architectural ensemble.

If it was planned after the construction of the main building, a separate project must be made for the extension.

When designing, one should take into account the climatic features of the area and the condition of the soil of the suburban area. Since the structure is planned to be attached to a wooden or brick built house, the state of its foundation and other structures that will adjoin the terrace are being investigated.

For the construction of an open terrace, permits are not required. Such structures are considered temporary by law. If a closed-type terrace with foundation equipment and glazing is being built, it is defined as a veranda. Its construction must be formalized as a redevelopment. To obtain permission, the extension project is submitted to the chief architect of the district. Then changes are made to the general design of the suburban area.

Placement, shape and size of the terrace

The choice of the location of the extension will determine the convenience of its use, the conformity of the terrace and its protection from atmospheric influences. More often, the terrace is attached to the front side of the house, simultaneously performing the functions of a porch, a canopy, and a place for relaxation and feast.

If the structure is not tied to the main entrance door, it is equipped from the side of the kitchen or living room, equipping a separate exit from these rooms. This will allow you to serve food and invite guests to an outdoor table. In another version, it is located around the perimeter of the house with one or more entrances.

It is better to choose a place for a terrace in the shade of trees growing on the site. If the area around the house is not shaded, preference is given to the east or north side of the main building. But such an arrangement is planned if the suburban area belongs to a region with hot summer weather.

The size of the terrace depends on the possibilities of the site and the nature of its use. For free movement along it, the width of the extension must be at least 120 cm. The area of ​​the dining area is determined taking into account the number of residents and possible guests. Seating 6 people at a table on the terrace will require about 8 m2 of equipped space. For additional relaxation space, the placement of sun loungers or a sofa is taken into account with ensuring free passage.

The shape of the terrace is chosen based on the personal preferences of the owners and the free space at the house. An open terrace can have various configurations - rectangular, rounded or with broken contours. For a closed building, you should consider the convenience of erecting a roof over it. For a non-standard structure, you can use modern glass roofing elements.

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Materials for arranging the terrace

The main criterion for choosing a material for the construction of a structure is a harmonious appearance of the terrace in the landscape of the territory and compliance with the main architectural style. But there is no need to use the same types of materials as when building a house.

Attaching support columns for the roof can be made of brick, and the balustrade and floor can be equipped with wood. If the house is wooden, the elements of the terrace are made of the same material. As an exception, roofing and enclosing elements using glass look neutral. They are harmonious against the background of wood, brick or stone. Forged fences fit well into the look of only a stone or brick house.

The choice of floor covering for the site depends on the degree of its openness. If special requirements are imposed on the terrace floor - resistance to large temperature extremes, high humidity and loads, porcelain stoneware or ceramic tiles are used as a coating. In the traditional version, a wooden floor is preferred. For open types of structures, a terrace or deck board can serve as a finishing coating. The solid board can only be used in indoor areas. The tongue-and-groove connection of the boards prevents the normal flow of rainwater.

If you plan to build a terrace yourself, you will need a set of the most necessary tools:

  • shovels, yamobur, mortar containers - when pouring the foundation;
  • circular saw, jigsaw and tape measure - for cutting and processing material;
  • drill, hammer, screwdriver - to secure it;
  • chisel, plane, ax - for fitting wooden elements;
  • level, construction cord - for the correct installation of structures.

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