The skin on the cheeks is strongly peeling. The skin on the face is peeling - what to do? Seek help from a specialist

Landscaping and layout 12.06.2021
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Peeling skin can be caused by a variety of factors..

In order to cope with the problem, it is very important to establish and eliminate the causes of its occurrence.

Of no small importance is the use of effective folk recipes - masks, scrubs and lotions.

So, the face is strongly peeling - what to do at home?

In women, this problem is observed much more often than in men.... This is due to the higher sensitivity of their skin to external factors. However, sometimes the cause is various pathologies of internal organs.

The main factors that provoke skin flaking include the following:

Quite often, various skin diseases are the cause of noticeable problems.... These include the following:

Quite often, the cause of skin problems is various diseases of the internal organs.... These include the following:

  • dysfunctions of the digestive system;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • pathology of ENT organs;
  • diabetes;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • menopause;
  • gynecological problems in women.

How to get rid of flaky skin on the face? This question is of interest to many women. If the cause of the problem is the influence of external factors, home methods will help to alleviate the condition.

First of all, you need to provide your skin with complete care:

Vitamin and mineral deficiencies are a common cause of problems.... To improve the condition of the dermis, you need to give up junk food and switch to a healthy diet.

To do this, it is necessary to completely exclude alcoholic beverages, fried foods, pickles, sweets.

The basis of the diet should be foods with B vitamins.... These include liver, fruits and vegetables, eggs, nuts.

It is also very useful to use fermented milk products. Special preparations will help to replenish the supply of vitamins.

Red spots on the face are peeling and itching - how to treat? This question worries many people. In difficult cases, it will not be possible to do without medication. However, only a dermatologist should prescribe such funds.

An effective drug is Hydrocortisone ointment.... However, this product contains hormonal ingredients, so it should not be used without a doctor's prescription.

With high dryness of the skin, Panthenol can be used.... To do this, it is enough to spray the spray on the damaged areas and leave for a few minutes so that the product is absorbed.

Excess mousse can be removed with a damp disc. This substance can be used up to 4 times a day.

An effective remedy is Bepanten cream, which can be used without restrictions.... This drug can be used even for peeling in a child. It stimulates the restoration of the natural protective layer of the dermis.

Folk remedies for flaking skin include effective lotions. You can cook them yourself. For owners of dry skin, it is enough to cleanse it with a cotton sponge soaked in a mixture of milk and boiled water.

You can also make such tools:

Those with oily skin should look at a different lotion.... To make it, you need to take the zest of 1 lemon, add a couple of tablespoons of chamomile flowers and the same amount of sage herbs, pour in a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse for a couple of hours.

Add lemon juice, 100 g of vodka and 30 g of camphor oil to the strained product. To deal with flaking and inflammation, you need to rub the skin with this lotion every day.

Answering the question of how to remove flaking on the face, one cannot but advise home scrubs and peels. It is important to consider that their composition should not be too aggressive. This will help to avoid the appearance of microtraumas.

So, to get rid of flaking, you can use the following formulations:

A properly selected and prepared mask at home from peeling the skin of the face will allow you to achieve excellent results. The most effective remedies include the following recipes:

For the mask to bring good results, it is very important to use the product regularly.... Before applying any composition to the face, it is imperative to do an allergy test.

Peeling skin is a common problem that causes many inconveniences for people.... To cope with this violation, you need to provide the dermis with complete care, eat right and use effective folk recipes.

The appearance of rough or very dry areas on the epidermis is a common problem of modern girls. Peeling skin on the face can be a sign of a serious illness, or at least a signal of vitamin deficiency.

Causes and Symptoms

The causes of peeling skin on the face can be very different. In the autumn-winter period, vitamin deficiency is very common, due to lack of vitamins, the body begins to "save" useful substances, and the epidermis does not receive them. Allergies can be a possible cause. Diathesis causes itching, peeling, redness in certain areas of the face.

Depending on your immunity, this may be one of the manifestations of a cold. In addition, do not forget about skin diseases: psoriasis, eczema and even lichen. Very often, the skin begins to peel off during pregnancy. This is due to a radical restructuring of the body, an increase in some hormones and a decrease in the production of others.

Why does peeling appear:

  1. The use of low-quality cosmetics. As a result, allergies, dermatitis, rashes;
  2. Diseases of the skin;
  3. Vitamins are delivered to the layers of the epidermis in a missing quantity;
  4. External factors: in the summer, you dry your skin with the sun's rays while sunbathing, wash your face with hard water, do not lubricate your face with moisturizing cream.

Peeling and dryness are not a disease, but ways of expressing by the body, protest that it lacks something (care, vitamins). Severe flaking of the skin on the face almost always accompanies redness. This symptom appears due to the fact that certain areas of the face are inflamed, the epidermis is trying to regenerate them, but due to dryness, this process is impossible.

Often with peeling, itching appears (the skin on the face is trying to cleanse itself of dead cells), dryness (especially in the sensitive areas between the eyebrows and on the nose), keratinization of the upper layers of the epidermis (defensive reaction).
Video: combating dry skin


This process is inflammation of dry tissue. Combating this problem requires a comprehensive approach. All treatment consists of two steps:

  1. Cleaning;
  2. Moisturizing.

To eliminate any dermatitis, you also need to find the cause of its appearance. If you think that the reasons described above are the main ones for the appearance of peeling, then try to minimize the influence of irritants as much as possible. Start taking vitamins right away. These can be complexes such as Aevit or Vitrum, or individual substances, for example, E in drops or B externally.

Be sure to cut back on junk food and drinks. You need to forget about instant coffee and fatty foods. Be as careful as possible with artificial seasonings and even more so, fast food. Drink at least 1.5 liters of ordinary clean water per day.

Scrubbing products

First of all, to treat flaking on the skin of the face, you need to do scrubbing... Depending on the type of your epidermis, you need to choose the most suitable option:

You can choose your own remedy for peeling skin on the face only by testing, because home recipes are always selected individually. At home, a salt scrub will help to quickly get rid of dry protruding skin. You need to combine a bed of fine sea salt with any essential oil and scrub your face for 3 minutes. A burning sensation may occur on the sensitive epidermis. Remember, the rougher the skin, the more salt particles you need to pick up.

Clay will help to remove the rash and compaction of problem, flaky areas. For young problem skin, it is recommended to choose blue, for dry - pink, for cleaning and rejuvenation - green and black, in order to scrub the normal epidermis - white is useful. This unique natural mineral will help relieve irritation and remove flaking on any areas: ears, between the eyebrows, on the nose. In addition, professional dermatology does not allow moles to be affected at home, that is, they cannot be massaged with harsh abrasive substances. Clay can gently eliminate foci of inflammation even in the most sensitive areas (moles, eyelids). In addition, it prevents flaking not only on the skin of the face, but also on the scalp, provides treatment for dandruff, helps to remove acne and blackheads.

Moisturizing masks

After keratinization is prevented by peels, you need to start active moisturizing of the skin. The fact is that our face suffers most of all in winter and in spring and summer. In the fall, the skin copes with external factors for the first months: it is full of vitamins and strength.

Photo - Peeling mask

Peach oil will help provide deep hydration. This ester can eliminate flaking on the eyelids, as it is completely safe for the eyes. You just need to apply it undiluted on the face every evening.

Useful folk masks:

  • 1 ripe banana with a spoonful of olive oil Keep for 10-15 minutes.
  • 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese, sugar, milk and olive oil. Apply for 5 minutes.
  • Mask with grated carrots, oatmeal and milk - soothes irritation and reduces flaking.
  • If you have peeling and the skin quickly turned red spots, then a glycerin mask or face cream based on this substance will help. Glycerin moisturizes even the deepest layers of the epidermis, thereby not only providing effective treatment, but also helping to prevent further keratinization.

"Bepanten" or Panthenol will help to quickly remove dermatitis - just a couple of applications will be enough. If you don't have this remedy at hand, then you can make your own natural ointment from aloe vera juice and olive oil.

Sometimes red spots and peeling appear on the wings of the nose, such focal inflammation indicates a lack of vitamins and fatty acids in the body. To solve the problem, simply apply a solution of olive oil, vitamin E or B to the problem areas. The redness will disappear immediately, and you will no longer feel tightness.

How to get rid of severe flaking

Self-care tips:

  1. Don't try to mask the flaking, you will only make it worse. Foundation creams can dry out the skin, and medicinal ointments containing retinol can even contribute to inflammation;
  2. On the affected areas, the scrub can be done twice a week, but masks at least 3 times. And it is better to choose a product for daily use;
  3. If after an operation (for example, aesthetic cosmetology), you have peeling, then immediately go to the doctor. Itching, redness, keratinization of the upper layers are the first signs of future edema;
  4. Peeling is often manifested in complex diseases, say, ichthyosis or xenoderma. As soon as you notice red scales, itching and pain of certain areas of the skin - go to the hospital, do not self-medicate;
  5. When peeling skin, do not go outside without applying a cream, always take off your makeup at night and limit the use of tonal creams on your face (the only exceptions are those that contain natural ingredients).

Cosmetologists like to repeat about the main rules of healthy skin: cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing. All skin types need them equally, but sometimes problems arise even with good external care. In the spring, many women - both young girls and mature ladies - note that the skin can become covered with red spots, dry out a lot and even itch. Although this problem, like the solutions, is universal (for both men and women) and does not depend much on gender.

It depends on the causes of peeling, because the ailment can be of both a cosmetic nature and be a symptom of serious internal disorders.

However, it is imperative to take steps to eliminate the defect: slight redness quickly turns into a drying spot, which actively peels off and grows, or its color becomes more intense and noticeable.

From a slight defect, the problem grows to universal proportions, spoils the mood and lowers self-esteem. And here it is almost impossible to cope without long-term treatment and the help of specialists.

Why is the skin on the face peeling?

The epidermis (the top layer of the skin) is renewed regularly. Peeling is a visual sign that the old cells, for some reason, did not have time to "leave" in time:

  • either new ones quickly share,
  • or the old layers are slowly peeling off.

Regular cosmetic procedures (the simplest and gentlest cleanings) help to cope with the problem and facilitate the process of replacing cells. But due to internal failures, only care procedures cannot solve everything.

In spring, the skin of the face flakes and turns red for a number of reasons:

  • cell renewal begins to occur at an accelerated pace;
  • redness and drying spots can be allergic;
  • seasonal rashes with certain skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis).

In the first case, you will need a complex of cosmetic procedures, in the second - special agents prescribed by a doctor (antiallergic pills and soothing ointments).

For the treatment of skin diseases, the help of a dermatologist will be required in order to delicately solve the problem without aggravating the skin condition.

In any season, the skin reacts poorly to:

  • irregular care;
  • incorrectly selected cosmetics;
  • drying decorative cosmetics;
  • sudden changes in temperature, cold and weathering;
  • lack of water in the body;
  • dry air, excess of direct sunlight;
  • poor quality or unbalanced nutrition;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • weakening of immunity, nervous tension and stress.


I'll tell you a little more about some of the reasons that we often neglect.

About nutrition and health

You can talk a lot about bad eating habits (soda, salty and sweet snacks, pickles, smoked meats and delicacies), however, most of them affect the body in the following ways:

  • removes fluid from cells;
  • creates an additional load on the alimentary tract (stomach, pancreas, intestines);
  • complicates the work of the liver and urinary system.

All this leads to the fact that the body redistributes forces and sends less nutrients to the skin.

In certain diseases, non-compliance with the food diet can provoke not only rashes, but also other serious disruptions in the work of the organim. For relatively healthy people, this can be a test during times of stress and with a seasonal weakening of defense mechanisms.

Smoking, coffee and alcohol have similar effects. Dehydration is a common problem for aspiring fitness enthusiasts.

About care and weather

There are also people who prefer to use a mixture of salt and soda for washing, and for peeling.

And cosmetologists are sounding the alarm: everything that you save now will have to be spent with a trinity in the future in order to maintain healthy skin:

  • special hypoallergenic moisturizers,
  • and in adulthood - hyaluron in all types and forms, to make the face even a bit younger, and wrinkles - not so deep.

Even oily skin becomes dry and flaky from such a budget cleansing, but pimples and greasiness do not decrease. It is in vain to dry the skin and alcohol-containing products.

The sun, air conditioners, wind and cold are the enemies of a healthy epidermis if there are too many of them. These weather factors must be balanced with protective equipment.

If you often fly on airplanes, work in an office with dry air, then regularly use moisturizing and express products (now there are very funny and convenient disposable masks with a non-woven base and refreshing sprays for skin based on).

Of course, the whole problem cannot be solved that way, but the skin will become a little easier, and it will turn out to be in order much faster if the basic care is not neglected.

In the beauty salon

Professionals will also help you with peeling problems. Among their rich arsenal are the following:

Peelings(Ultrasound, hardware), based on fruit acids - they remove the upper stratum corneum of the skin, accelerate cell renewal and improve their nutrition;

Hyaluronic acid- this component does not cause allergies and moisturizes at the cellular level, replenishing the natural structure. Such techniques include peelings and masks with hyaluronic acid, injection techniques (mesotherapy, biorevitalization), which not only moisturize, but also rejuvenate.

The effectiveness of salon care depends on how carefully you take care of yourself in your daily routine, whether home procedures are enough. If the beautician is a proven one, then from time to time you should ask his opinion about how your skin is changing and what means will help maintain your youth and health. This will allow you to update your cosmetic bag in a timely manner and use really useful products.

At home

Useful peeling agents can also be used independently as prevention or regular care. Perfectly moisturize masks made from dairy products containing honey, cucumber or cucumber juice, eggs (you can quail), vegetable oil.

Choose formulations that are free of allergic components, pre-test unfamiliar ingredients on the bend of the elbow.

Examples of quick and effective masks are below:

  • Mix 1 tbsp. fat cottage cheese and 1 tsp. honey, add milk to a pasty consistency, apply the mask for 15 minutes, and then gently rinse with warm water.
  • Make a banana puree from 1 fruit, stir in 1 tbsp. vegetable oil (preferably olive oil), bring to a homogeneous state. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes, then wash off.
  • Flaxseed has good moisturizing and cleansing properties. 1 tbsp dry seeds need to be boiled to the state of porridge, and when it cools down a little add 1 tbsp. jojoba oil. Lubricate the problem area, and after 3-5 minutes, carefully remove the remnants.
  • Shake 1 chicken (or 2 quail) raw eggs and add oatmeal and olive oil (1 tablespoon each). After thoroughly mixing all the ingredients, apply to the skin. Wash off the mixture after 15-20 minutes.

Care after such masks is completed with a nourishing cream.

Among the popular beauty trends are natural vegetable oils (almond, cocoa butter, macadamia, argan, peach). Apply them to cleansed skin daily (for treatment) and 1-2 times a week for dryness. The excess can be blotted with a napkin after half an hour.

Facial massage will also be useful for improving blood circulation and nutrition - ideally, you can be like special sessions with a beautician, but at home you can do a light massage yourself for 2-3 minutes, patting, stroking and slightly pinching your cheeks, forehead, chin.

Instead of output

The skin is a delicate and sensitive organ that signals us about problems. If you have neglected your health for a long time, then get ready for a long payback in the form of care and treatment.

Many people may be at risk for flaky skin - due to predisposition, lack of proper care and cleansing, illness. But dryness and flaking is not an eternal diagnosis, they can and should be fought with. And believe me, the result is worth it!

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Peeling of the skin on the face is a fairly common and frequent problem among the weak half of humanity. For your information, in men this problem is much less common, due to the fact that the sebaceous glands work differently in them than in women. Therefore, women, regardless of age, should be much more careful about the condition of their skin.

The problem of peeling skin on the face can be caused by external factors, as well as possible internal changes in the body. What are the true causes of flaky skin? How to get rid of unpleasant symptoms when the problem is "on the face"?

What causes the skin to peel off

The main reason is lack of moisture. The first sensations of such dehydration, skin tightness, itching and irritation. , small cracks, such visible symptoms are very difficult to mask and hide from prying eyes. When applying tonal means to mask problem areas, a far from aesthetic look is obtained.

Cold wind, frost, direct sunlight, dry air in apartments, especially during heating (if you do not maintain optimal humidity in the room), only exacerbate this problem. Under the influence of these factors, peeling of the skin will bother everyone, regardless of age and type of facial skin. Try to cover your face with a scarf in severe frost and wind, and in summer, hide your face from the sun under the brim of your hat.

And, of course, do not forget about the negative environmental factors that affect the general condition of the entire human body.

Genetic predisposition. If you have naturally dry skin, then this problem occurs much more often. This suggests that the skin is initially prone to flaking. However, for owners of oily skin, peeling sometimes causes a lot of trouble, and if you do not take any action, then this problem only gets worse with age.

It is necessary to properly take care of the skin of the face with such a problem, keep in mind that the lack of proper hygiene or, conversely, excessive care, thorough cleansing, especially with hot water and soap, on the contrary, contributes to peeling even more. Thus, it dries up even more and redness and severe irritation can occur, as you deprive the skin of the protective barrier. For this problem, it is best to use cleansing products based on fatty oils.

The reason is a lack of vitamins

Another important reason for the flaking problem is a lack of vitamins in the body. According to statistics, this problem most often occurs during the period of vitamin deficiency, in the spring or in winter. So take a multivitamin as directed by your doctor, eat more fruit, and try to use a cream to moisturize your skin at least in the morning and before bed.

In addition, dry, red skin can cause pollen, certain foods, or food poisoning.

There is one more reason, it is extremely rare, but it still takes place - these are small scratches, cracks, wounds, cuts.

There are times when skin peeling is caused by improper use of cosmetics. To avoid this, always rinse your makeup thoroughly before bed.

The appearance of peeling of the skin in a child is most often associated with an allergic reaction to any food product or banal weathering.

What actions should be taken at the first signs of peeling of the skin in order not to harm even more:

  1. The first step is proper cleansing. As it turned out, the lack of moisture in the skin is one of the main reasons for the appearance of dryness and flaking of the skin. The main task is to eliminate the factors that lead to the occurrence of this problem. To do this, you need to stop washing your face with soap, it is better to use gentle cleansers that do not contain alcohol (the choice is quite varied);
  2. The second stage is moisturizing. Wipe your face with a cotton pad soaked in lotion or tonic, then, while the skin is still dry, apply a nourishing ointment in a circular motion (it prevents moisture loss). Attention, it should be applied no later than 30 minutes before going outside.


Of course, if you have tried a large number of different methods and means, and there is no result, the skin continues to peel off and it may only get worse, then the best time is to sign up for a consultation with a specialist. A dermatologist is dealing with such problems, he will be able to determine the exact cause of skin peeling and recommend effective drugs to eliminate this problem.

After all, peeling caused by non-external factors may indicate serious diseases, such as psoriasis, eczema, seborrhea,. All this is treated, a comprehensive course of antihistamines and sedatives is prescribed, as well as the use of local remedies to treat the affected areas of the skin, but only a qualified specialist can prescribe such drugs.

Do not self-medicate under any circumstances - this can aggravate the situation. If the test results do not confirm any serious disease, then curing the peeling of the skin will not pose any particular problems.

The first thing that the doctor will recommend is to adhere to proper nutrition and give up bad habits, if any. Nothing fatty and fried, banned fast food and fast food cafes. Your weekly menu should include vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, cereals, dairy products. Most often, when treating the problem of peeling, an ointment is prescribed, the composition of which includes 0.5% hydrocortisone.

If there is no result, and the ointment does not solve the peeling problem, then perhaps the use of a remedy with dexapanthenol (Panthenol, it is prescribed for any burns). It perfectly moisturizes and promotes rapid regeneration of skin cells. Another excellent remedy is Bepanten, which most mothers use to combat diaper rash on the baby's skin. By the way, they are recommended to use them as a prophylaxis against peeling of the skin in winter.

We solve the problem with folk remedies

Home remedies that our grandmothers have used for a long time, in the absence of other cosmetics, have a good result in the fight against the problem of peeling. But keep in mind that homemade remedies are just additional care for problem skin, which are ways to alleviate its condition and improve its aesthetic appearance.

It has been proven that peeling of the skin on the face appears due to the excessive formation of a layer of dead cells on the surface of the skin. To remove the top layer of dead cells, you need to use a face scrub with fine particles.

Such cosmetics can be purchased at any pharmacy or in a specialized store, or it is possible to prepare it yourself at home from the available tools that every woman has, the result will be the same.

Here are some of the most common and easy-to-make scrubs that every woman can make at home:

Natural coffee scrub

Many people cannot do without freshly brewed coffee in the morning. Do not throw away the leftover coffee grounds, but leave it for an evening scrub. To prepare it, add two drops of essential oil to your taste, stir thoroughly and apply the prepared scrub on your face with gentle finger movements. Massage in circular motions for about five minutes, and then rinse off the rest of the scrub with cool water;

Fresh cucumber scrub

Remove the skin from the cucumber, chop the pulp on a grater, add two tablespoons of pre-ground rolled oatmeal or oatmeal flakes to the cucumber, stir the mixture until smooth and leave to infuse for half an hour. After the lapse of time, apply on the face in circular movements, avoiding the area around the eyes, massage for five minutes, and rinse the face with cool water.

Do not use scrubs on a daily basis, it can increase skin irritation, it will be enough just twice a week, in the evening, preferably before bed, to significantly reduce external imperfections of the skin and restore it to its former blooming appearance.

Be sure to apply a nourishing cream to your face after cleansing with a scrub. It is especially effective to use in winter, when the body lacks vitamins, and the skin is moisturized.

Fresh Carrot Nourishing Mask

Pour 1 tablespoon of pre-ground oatmeal or rolled oats flakes to the grated carrot and mix thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Pour 1 tablespoon of warmed milk into the resulting gruel and mix everything. Apply gently to face, avoiding the eye area. Leave the mask for 15 minutes, then wash and rinse off the remnants of the mask with warm water.

Benefits of banana for nourishing facial skin

Thoroughly crush the banana pulp until smooth, add 1 tablespoon of ordinary olive oil to it. Mix. Apply the prepared mixture to your face and leave for fifteen minutes.

So, two procedures are behind, cleansing and moisturizing. A facial massage with honey will help to strengthen and consolidate the effect obtained.


Every woman's dream is to have healthy, beautiful, smooth skin or imperfections. Of course, there are extremely few happy owners of such skin by nature, most women have to make a lot of efforts and opportunities to achieve perfect skin and hear cherished compliments in their address.

As you can see, any skin problems can and should be addressed. It is enough to devote a little more time and attention to your skin than usual. And if you still cannot solve this problem on your own, do not be afraid, there is a dermatologist in the clinics, he will determine the cause and prescribe medications. You will see that a positive result will not be long in coming.

The surface layer of the epidermis is constantly renewed: the stratum corneum is rejected and it is replaced by keratinocytes - new cells. Due to unfavorable environmental conditions: climate, allergies, fungal infection, interaction with toxic substances, lack of moisture, nutrients and vitamins, hereditary predisposition, the stratum corneum begins to be rejected intensively, while the formation of keratinocytes is also activated. As a result, peeling appears on the face - what to do and how to restore health and beauty to the skin becomes a particularly significant problem.

Causes of peeling skin

A sharp flaking on the face is a reason to think. This could be due to improper skin care or internal problems.

Peeling reasons:

  1. Lack of moisture. In 97% of cases, the skin begins to peel off due to dehydration. Thirst, dizziness, dry mouth, weakness, low blood pressure, nausea, palpitations are also signs of a lack of fluid in the body. Usually, these symptoms are caused by insufficient drinking, intense sweating, and the use of diuretics.
  2. Improper care. Peeling of the skin on the face, caused by improper care, most often occurs in people with a sensitive type of skin, which are characterized by an acute reaction to any external intervention.
  3. Incorrectly selected or substandard cosmetics. Another reason why the skin on the face begins to peel off. More often this is observed in women, since it is the weaker sex that tends to get involved in cosmetics.
  4. Unfavorable environment. These include temperature changes, exposure to direct sunlight, wind, very dry air in office premises (especially in winter). In this case, the skin on the face flakes off chronically, due to prolonged contact with an irritant, and in addition, dryness is observed. There may be slight redness, swelling, slight itching and burning, soreness, cracks, thickening of the skin. Hives, rhinitis, asthma attacks, conjunctivitis are not observed.
  5. Allergy. Redness and peeling can be provoked by animal hair, pollen from flowering plants, and some medications. Skin problems stop when the irritant is removed.
  6. Diathesis. It develops as an allergic reaction, although experts do not consider it an allergy. The signs of diathesis can be very different, but in most cases there is dryness and swelling, the skin turns red, itches, flakes. Particular discomfort is felt at night. Sometimes vesicles and papules appear on the face. Diathesis can be contact (for example, with the local use of unsuitable or low-quality cosmetics, ointments) and atopic, which is a manifestation of an allergy to something (wool, pollen, some products).
  7. Avitaminosis. Peeling on the face may be due to insufficient intake of vitamins and minerals with food. As a rule, a lack of vitamins A and group B is reflected in the skin condition in a similar way.

Insufficient use of keratin (vitamin A) is also manifested by night blindness, inflammation of the cornea and mucous membranes of the eyes, bronchitis, urethritis and inflammatory processes on the intestinal mucosa.

With a lack of vitamin B2, the mucous membranes of the eyes, the skin between the nose and the upper lip, on the eyelids become inflamed, sores appear in the corners of the mouth, cracks in the lips, muscle weakness, anemia.

Deficiency of vitamin B3 is manifested by general weakness, diarrhea, paralysis, in addition, hair falls out, the tongue becomes inflamed, hallucinations, delirium, and insomnia are possible.

With a lack of vitamin B6, the development of fungal inflammation on the skin, anemia, insomnia, irritability, weakness and inflammation of the mucous membranes is characteristic.

Drowsiness, malaise, muscle pain, depression, increased fatigue and decreased blood pressure are characteristic signs of vitamin B7 deficiency.

Also, peeling of the skin of the face can be associated with some diseases:

  1. Ichthyosis. Signs of the disease are very dry, rough and rough skin due to a significant increase in the number of horny cells. Most often, due to ichthyosis, the skin on the face peels off in young children (1-4 years old) and adolescents.
  2. Seborrheic dermatitis. The disease manifests itself in the form of itching, redness and peeling of the skin, it affects only areas with a large number of sebaceous glands and hair. It develops as a result of a decrease in immunity, with severe sweating, stress, inadequate hygiene, alcohol consumption, and an unbalanced diet.
  3. Psoriasis. Red-pink spots in psoriasis are flaky and itchy, rarely appear on the face (they can be seen on the forehead, temples, neck), more often they are localized on the body. Psoriasis is characterized by periods of remission and exacerbation. Alcohol consumption, hypothermia, prolonged exposure to sunlight, stress, medication provoke the disease.

In what cases is it necessary to see a doctor?

If the skin on the face peels off, then this is not always a consequence of dehydration and a harmless lack of vitamins. In some cases, such problems with the skin indicate diseases that can worsen over time.

Signs to see your doctor:

  • dry flaky skin itches a lot, there is a burning sensation;
  • erosion, spots, ulcers, abscesses, cracks appeared on the face;
  • peeling is accompanied by dizziness, diarrhea, joint pain, headache, hallucinations, insomnia, paralysis;
  • flaky spots differ from the rest of the skin in color;
  • the skin is bright red and swollen;
  • peels off the skin in the nasolabial folds, on the eyebrows, at the eyelashes, on the head.

How to get rid of flaking

Flaky skin on the face can be treated, and creams containing no more than 0.5% hydrocortisone will be especially effective. Apply the product once a day to problem areas for 14 days. It is forbidden to use such creams for a longer time, since this is not ordinary cosmetics, but a medicine.

What if the peeling is very strong and conventional moisturizers cannot cope with it? In this case, the use of drugs that contain dexapanthenol is effective. This, for example, "Panthenol" in the form of a cream or spray, prescribed by doctors for burns, "Bepanten" (can be used as a means of preventing peeling in winter).

If peeling and irritation on the skin is not caused by an ailment, then it will not be difficult to cope with them on your own. You need to act according to the following scheme:

  • remove dead cells from the surface with a scrub (it should be soft, without abrasive particles that can injure the skin);

You can make an excellent scrub with your own hands. Pour boiling water over oatmeal and leave for 20 minutes, add egg white and apply on face. Massage for 2-3 minutes, then rinse. You can use thick coffee, fresh apple and cucumber slices, watermelon pulp as a scrub.

  • make a nutritious mask, it can be purchased or made from products that are always at hand (sour cream, cottage cheese, egg yolks, cream, boiled potatoes fight against peeling);
  • leave the mask for 20 minutes, then rinse with water;
  • lubricate your skin with moisturizer.

Anti-peeling masks

In winter, masks must be done. Especially useful are formulations with yolk, vitamins, cottage cheese, cream:

  • mix 0.5 tablespoon of honey with 2 yolks and 0.5 tablespoon of vegetable oil, spread on your face every 5 minutes (the previous layer does not need to be washed off), leave for 20 minutes and rinse off with a cotton pad dipped in a decoction of linden flowers;
  • slightly warm up vegetable oil (olive, wheat germ, almond or linseed oil) and lubricate your face with it, rinse off with warm water after 30 minutes;
  • mix the egg yolk with 1 teaspoon of crushed oatmeal and 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil, apply on face and rinse off after 15 minutes with warm water;
  • take in equal parts cottage cheese, cream, milk and sour cream, mix and apply on your face, wash with warm water after 15 minutes.

A balanced diet will help to combat flaking and irritation of the skin. On the table must be fresh vegetables and fruits, seafood, fish, dairy products, nuts. In autumn, winter and spring, it is advisable to take special vitamin and mineral complexes.

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