Is it possible to return love if she passed. Return a leaving love? If the feeling really was, then it is possible

Gardening 16.01.2021

Passing through difficult periods of relationships, many married couples think, and can they return to the former love? Unfortunately, some do not see the exit and consider divorce the only true and inevitable solution. Others decide to just live separately for several days or weeks, and it can help, but if parting lasts too long, it will only hurt.

In difficult periods of relationships, some of the spouses can find themselves another person, more desirable, new and attractive, so at least for the first time, until the feeling of novelty, they will forget about marital vows. In addition, at such a black strip for a family, a person can even justify his infidelity and blame in all circumstances or even his spouse.

Most divorces are the result of human egoism, attempts to find an immediate solution to the problem, the desire to correct everything, without attaching their own efforts and not recognizing their responsibility and guilt.

But if the victory has already passed, is there any hope to keep marriage?

The answer is unequivocal: yes! Even if there was a betrayal and betrayal? Yes. Divorce is necessary when emotional and physical violence was present in marriage. But even with serious problems, some pairs can establish relationships. And the difficulties are all. The question is how people are coping with them, as far as they can forgive.

The solution to the problem begins with the fact that both stop the war. They understand that to return love, they must stop quarrel and declare a truce. They must treat each other with love, and not by clarifying relationships. They must give each other promise to be together and survive all together, even when it is hard, even when they are angry with each other. Love should be their daily choice.

But sometimes love - like the ocean in the clock is low, when strong feelings simply leave you. But remember that the tide should be tide. Wedding oaths to be together in the mountain and joy, in illness and health - this is the main reason to forgive, be together and work on relationships. Motivation is enhanced when there are children. Love is important, but the oaths that people give each other remind them of her importance.

In addition, studies show that the divorce does not eliminate its cause, and it is transferred to the next marriage. Statistics of divorces shows that they are more likely in re-marriages, because people have not removed the reason that happens in their themselves, or simply in reluctance to work on relationships. So return love can be easier and better for both than a divorce that is much painful to transfer.

Is it possible to return love - a very difficult life question. Many philosophers, psychologists, poets and writers, and even the most ordinary people who faced life with a similar problem were engaged in searching for this question. And most of the people who succeeded, confidently say - "You can return love" ... But only if it was mutual and both halves sincerely wish her return.

First of all, you decide clearly for yourself, or whether you need your feelings to come back to each other? Because fighting for anything, in this case, for the return of love, it is only if you are sure that you need it. If you can't affirmatively answer this questions and do not know exactly why you need this love, it is better not to return it, because Attempts to do this will bring you only additional suffering and torment.
Psychologists confidently say that returned love can be in two cases:

  • If the previous feelings felt in the relationship and the past life passed;
  • If a loved one left you.
The first case will require much less effort, because The foundation of your relationship is most likely not yet destroyed, and you have a real chance to restore the former feelings that are built on it. As a rule, it happens like this: you created a family and thought that in your relationship there will always be romance, passion and a strong sense of love. But years have passed, and you noticed that the strength of your love to each other was noticeably less, or love was completely faded, and only the habit and affection remained. Everything else went somewhere. In fact, love in your relationship is still there, just you, and your partner, do not see her for the veils of ordinary household problems.

Typical household family questions: how to earn money, how to feed the family and the like with ease of ease to the background all the oldest feelings. And you, like, do not want to destroy the family and with your head to rush into the Out of a new relationship with another person, but an emptiness has formed in your heart, and it suffers from a lack of love.

The main thing in that case, do not wait and do not hope that everything will decide by itself, but act:
Take the initiative to your hands, make love again return to your life. Come up with what you can surprise your loved one. We rest more together, and for this you do not need a lot of money at all, go together on a trip, for a walk, in a movie for a romantic comedy.
It perfectly helps in this case to do any case that you have loved to do before the wedding in the midst of your relationship. Moreover, it may be all that the soul is pleased: meetings with friends, rides in nature, shopping for products or clothing, travel - all that you used to do together and received pleasure from it.

Washing, cleaning, cooking wait - Invite your beloved person on the evening walk, capturing a bottle of wine, go together to dine into the restaurant.
And, of course, do not forget about the benefits of regular sex, which is not only able to resurrect your feelings, but also just prolongs your health.

The main thing is not to despair and think that love forever left your family. The fact that she weakened and disappeared behind the vehicle of household problems is a normal phenomenon, so sometimes occurs in almost every family. And, believe me, there is nothing irreparable, you can return everything to all!

If a beloved person left you

It is much worse and more difficult to solve the problem if you have already destroyed bridges, and your loved one left the family. In this case, first of all, you need to understand yourself and answer the question what exactly do you need: so that this person is near, because you love him, or because just afraid of loneliness? The answer to this question is very important, because It depends on what exactly you should do.

The truth of life is that in most cases people are simply afraid to stay alone and because of this they cling to the one who left or wants to leave. The best way out of this situation is not to return love. Think carefully once again, why do you need a number of people who does not want to return your feelings, which has already left, and, it means he does not want to be with you.

If you do incredible efforts, then such love can be returned, for example, playing on a feeling of jealousy or pity. You can even forgive betray. Only believe me, you do not need it. Most psychologists - family-friendly specialists are confident that if a person loves you, he will not leave anywhere, and if he left, he never loved you, and for such love should not fight.

No need to be afraid of loneliness, because Having lost something in one, you will definitely find something new in the other. Perhaps the love of all of your life attached somewhere very close to you, and you just do not notice her, because Your head and heart are engaged in experiences from loss, and you cling to our past persistence.

When love comes - the world around becomes another. But when she disappears - everything loses its meaning. What had previously brought joy - I don't please at all that forced you to smile - I lost all the meaning. It is hard to survive such a loss, so do not hurry to do it. A person has always a chance to fix what happened, not everything, but much of what is happening in life. Therefore, instead of sad and suffer, try changing what is happening and who knows whether your love will not return very soon.

We disassemble, can I return love

When love leaves, leaving behind the destroyed relationships and bewilderment, it is very difficult to take it. After all, at the first signs of the approaching storm, it seems that everything is not so scary, has not yet become very bad. Because few, feeling cooling from the beloved, at least for a minute thought about what was happening. For some reason, many are convinced that it could seem to them and what should not be made from the fly of an elephant and it is better to wait for a storm than to seem stupid or insecure.

Even if really feelings stopped being the same, you are sure that then everything goes out to be soldered, if you do not put pressure and not to show that it hurts. Of course, sometimes some representatives of the beautiful half of humanity tend to greatly exaggerate problems or create them from scratch. What is connected, first of all, with the desire to constantly feel admiration and passion, and in the second, with a low self-esteem, to raise which they, for some reason, requires every month of admission to love and heaps of compliments. But it is precisely because of fear to look so ridiculous and intrusive in the eyes of the chosen one, many miss the moment when it was necessary to seriously think about what something clearly did not use the chance to fix everything.

When the moment is missed, it is difficult to predict whether love will be able to return, because it does not rarely begun when a person understands that she left not for some certain reasons, but it passed time and everything ended. But all the same in most situations, especially if a long-term relationship is associated, the chances of reviving the former passion are very high.

Do not despair when the right moment is missed. With a big desire and self-confidence, there is nothing impossible. And for this, first it is very important to understand whether it is indeed that this man of roads to radically change the style of behavior and even a lifestyle. Is it worthy of such victims and is it not better to let him go, freeing the place in the heart to meet with those who will appreciate and accept the one.

If you are sure that he is the same and really there is a share of your guilt, that he left, then stop sad and cry and for business. Take the courage, bow to scarves to wipe the tears and, taking a blank sheet of paper, describe all those moments that you think led to a rupture. Remember all the quarrels and claims that exchanged that he put you in guilt most often.

Even if I tried to get away from the clarification of the relationship and closed in myself, remember that you said to him that he began to feel uncomfortable and unpleasant. Look for the main claims that exchanged each other. They are the key to fix everything. Better look better, you do not solve the problem. Strong relations are built solely on mutual understanding. To conquer little and conquer the heart of a man, it is still necessary to hold nearby.

Any beauty becomes familiar when you live with a man for many years. In the end, with age, she begins to disappear, but mutual understanding in happy couples is becoming stronger and stronger. It is thanks to this, people live so many years together. But his absence is the cause of frustration and break. Therefore, your task is not easy to interest your beloved, but let him understand that you have changed for the better or again became the one in which he once fell in love.

Doubt your abilities, tormented fears that you will not handle, and you think that men go when they decided everything for themselves, think about what. It is much easier for you to revive feelings in it than anyone else. You know each other for a long time, you are united by a lot of memories, most of our good, otherwise why would you like to return everything, and to ignite the former passion easier when the coal remained. It's like a bone. It is much easier to inflave the recently coals than to divide the fire at a naked place.

So do not lose time with a gift. Apologize in front of him for everything bad, what they did: offended, heated, unwittingly cast a doubt on male dignity, did not support when it was necessary. The main thing is not to apologize for, and the process itself, the desire to recognize your mistakes. Let you not consider them that, but it considers them to be. Just do not apologize, giving him to understand what walked and enough, it's time to go back. Do not attempt to decide for him. Leave him the right to choose. Otherwise, he will perceive it as the next encroachment on his freedom and an insincere try to get from him what you want.

So that your apologies go from the bottom of my heart, it is worth really understanding why certain actions or words he considers erroneous. You can not fix what you do not consider wrong. And accordingly, everything will return to the circles again, and he knows about it. Therefore, it is not hurry back, if at all thinks about it.

You can not understand what is wrong, then ask him about it directly. The frank conversation did not interfere with anyone. And in the future, discuss all the misunderstandings and tapping on the same day when they happened, so as not to save the negative and not pull the Claim the Claims, which again will cover your pair.

Is it possible to return my husband's love

  • Surprise him and make a woman see in you, and not the one that disappointed or offended. Let him understand again: how beautiful you are and adorable. Men love their eyes, so do not just follow yourself even more carefully, but do it all the time and when go outside, and when you are at home. Home wardrobe deserves no less attention, and sometimes more than the clothing we wear on the street or work. After all, you should look luxurious for your man, first of all, for yourself, and not just for others. Let him understand that you understand this and try to be always on top.
  • Share the figure. If it is unnecessarily big, lose the extra ten kilograms. Good, come across the sport to keep it in a tone. Exercise classes will help to get together with thoughts and restore energy and, as a result, faith in what everything will be fine with you. The representative of the fine sex, whose body breathes health and filled with creative energy, will not leave anyone indifferent.
  • And if you can demonstrate success with the opposite sex, the more this should be used. All men in the soul owners, and when he see that you are successful, it will definitely think: it did not hurt with the departure.
  • Do not limit your life by the "House-Work-House" route, turning into a princess that is sad and is waiting for a prince. Let you have new interests and classes. A woman who knows what he wants, will be able to awaken the feeling of feeling much faster than the one who fell into depression and completely refused everything that she was pleased.
  • Take advantage of presented freedom. Get out what you have long dreamed of. Learn a foreign language, sign up for martial arts, think about career growth, boot a pet.
  • Pay attention to intellectual development. The more you read and find out, the better your speech becomes, the intellectual level becomes rising. And who knows if these changes will make a different look at what is happening.
  • It is no secret that many are waiting for the relationship exclusively to the holiday and fun. In fact, this is daily work and responsibility, both for yourself and for those who are near. And if your man did not want to understand this, is it worth changing for him. Is it all bad for you really without him.

Unfortunately, no one is insured against disappointments and losses, but it does not mean at all that it is necessary to sit, folded up and watching how memories of your love are becoming weaker and weaker. It is hard to lose what is so expensive and important. Remember, there is always a chance to return the lost. It is not easy, and sometimes it is almost impossible, but when this is what you really need, you will find the strength and the opportunity to return love, no matter how hard it is on this path.

"Do you love me?" - Three simple words that pronounce most often at the rate of something more than a single response. There may be disappointment, doubt, displeasure from relationships and brewing problems may be hidden.

"Do you love me?" - Once again, the girl of his beloved asks. Three simple words that pronounce most often at the rate of something more than a single response. There may be disappointment, doubt, displeasure from relationships and brewing problems may be hidden.

"Well, of course!" - he answers. And in his voice across notes of doubt, irritation, fatigue. He said to dismiss. Or maybe this phrase is the beginning of the end? Latest lies for benefit? How to return the love of the guy and is it possible to return the love of her husband - while your overall "bonfire" is finally not ugas?

If an imbalance is planned in the relationship if you feel like love leaves your pair, you should not act on your own, otherwise it is not possible to avoid mistakes. System-vector psychology Yuri Burlana makes it possible to understand how to save relationships with your beloved, protect yourself from disappointments and.

Why does love inevitably fuss?

Love is fleeting - this rule is checked for thousands and millions of couples in practice, in relations. Similar transformations are disturbed: someone because of the extinction of feelings is forced to part, and someone finds the strength to overcome the difficulties and finds a way to return to the relationship with her husband or a guy a former brightness and passion.

How to return love to the relationship in which she is almost fading?

We used to think that the existence of a couple justifies love only. But in order for the Union to live longer, it is worth a change to this feeling.

The article is written on the materials of the training " System-vector psychologyยป

Can I return love? Is it possible to glue a breakdown of the cup? Is it possible to enter one river twice without severe consequences? Need to look back? And what if, despite all the famous truths, already looked back? If not just looked back, and turned face to the past? If I started a conversation with him? If all thoughts are only about how it all happened? How could it happen so that we are no longer together? After all, then it seemed that we were a whole. Those the most notorious halves who were able to learn friend's friend in the domestic domestic cycle. And how many memories are tormented by the soul, if only give them the opportunity to break out!

Once he began to gather on Saturday, on a natural day off. It seemed to me strange, but nothing can be done, so it is necessary. All day I suffered in doubts, then I started writing a stalking SMS. Without how long thinking, he replied: "Fool, I'm at work, tel ******!" And this named was more expensive for me any gifts!

How many happy moments! The most real, sincere, colorful days! When without a shadow of doubt about the question "Do I love?" Ready answer: "Yes!" When you feel happiness with all my body, all your being. You wake up in the morning and have a long time in his cute features. You constantly think about him, jealous of him to madness, and then, at night, thank God for meeting him ...

We quarreled with him, I won't remember because of what, but quarreled seriously. It was too late. I put up home. I wanted to show how it is insulting and hurt. I stood in the doorway, and he called to sleep. I asked: "Why?", "For Happiness," - was his answer. That evening I went all around. I walked home, was the strongest wind and snow beat right in the face. Everything, even nature, returned me to him. Tears on the cheeks instantly dried in the cold and turned into ice. Come home. So quiet, empty and unbearably. I called him and asked for. And he came.

It happens that a man says a lot of beautiful words, but they are so empty and insignificant. And it happens that a man is silent, but this is silent than any confession. A man from my past was so. He never said how he loves me how he misses me, as he was waiting for me. But every day, day to day, he was near: both in wealth, and in poverty, and in illness, and in health. And is it not the main thing in life? I was not married to him, we met only a year and a half. We did not even live together, but went to each friend's friend. But how much heat, good, coziness and love, he gave me.
And then we broke up. Broke up for my fault. I agreed with the father of my three-year-old at that time the sins and managed to get pregnant from him for the second time, while my true man was on vacation. Yes, a woman will understand me why I resumed communication with the father of the child, why I wanted to save the unborn baby and marry my children's father, not even loved him.
How stupid was to deceive himself. I could not live a few days with unloved, nasty man. I came to my mother and roared all evening until I had to drag home. There I was blocked in the bath and washed clock, and then ran out of the room to the kitchen. As if it is possible to escape from the unloved. At one point, I just understood that I could not live anymore anymore. Overnight, I kicked out the unbearable cohabitant. All the time I have solved my problems, my man was patiently waiting. On that day, when I ruined the relationship with the father of the child, my man came home to me and helped to take. He saw someone else's things and, for sure, he was unpleasant. But he did not appoint a mind, he just fed me, she caught and calmed down. I made an abortion. I could not give this baby for my man's child, in no way. Yes, and I could not lie to such an extent and never could never. He did not know anything about it. But he was near, when I was so bad and so scary that the most different thoughts climbed. He was near at night, when I thought that if something had happened to me, he would at least be able to do something at least, and I would not be alone.
I do not know, perhaps he guessed about something. Perhaps someone said to him then or later. But I could not tell him the whole truth. Maybe in vain. I could not trample his male pride and tend about what "faithful" I was in his absence. I could not forgive myself for it.
We have survived this crisis in my rather life. But could not continue. Why? I really wanted certainty in life. I wanted to hear from him as I need me !! But I did not wait for these words ... He said that he was not experiencing passion and he did not pull him to me. What if I find someone better, I can safely try to build relationships with him. My heart was broken! After all, it was for him that I sacrificed my family for our love. I sacrificed my second who had not yet born baby, father, husband and part of myself with them ...
In the end, he could not resist my onslaught. He began to come late or not come home at all, and he was right! After all, I did so cruelly with him. After another quarrel, he just decided that it was pretty enough. He, as a real man, he began and finished our relationship with him himself.

More than a year has passed since those bloody events. Only now I was able to look back and look into the eyes of the past. And what did I see in them? I saw my happiness: Martured, confused and dead. And if there were live water in the world, able to revive it small, which remained in the soul of this man, I would give a lot for the salvation of my soul.

P.S.: Thank you, native, for this happy time.
And sorry if you can, for everything!

Fatal Beauty

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