Marina Kim TV presenter personal biography. Biography of the leading first channel Marina Kim

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Marina Kim - Young charming TV presenter, actress and journalist. She led popular TV shows "Good Morning", "News". Her personal life interests many fans. Does she have a husband from whom her children were born? Marina is named the most attractive TV presenter. In detail about her life will be discussed in this article.

Marina Kim.

Marina Evgenievna Kim was born in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) in 1983. Future TV presenter has grown in an international family. Dad was Korean, Mom - from the Baltic States. No one in the family had a personal intersection with the world of art. Father's life was associated with business. Mom worked as a teacher. There were two children in their family (Marina had an older brother Anton).

During high school training, the girl was fond of dancing. She attended a ballet school. At sixteen years, Marina notices his attractiveness and decides to show himself to the world. She begins to work the model. Also, a girl starred in various clips.

Marina Kim: Photo

When Marina graduated from school, then on the advice of parents decided to enter the university to learn from the Region, a specialist in European research. For two years she studied there, then translated into the Moscow State Institute of International Relations.

After studying at the university, Marina began to study North America. Her diploma work was devoted to the economic development of America during the Board of Bill Clinton. The practice of Marina took place in the Federation Council and at the Institute of Canada and the United States.

Start of creative career

Student at the fifth year of the university, Marina Kim was invited to work on television. Its first television program was the "markets" on the RBC TV channel. After studying at the institute, she entered TV presenters.

Three years later, she received a personal invitation to the TV channel "Russia" in the program "News". In her life it was a great success. Ernest Matskavyusius was first a partner of Marina. Evening "news" brought her great fame. The girl has already recognized many viewers: adults and children. The Marina had a certain talent.

Marina Kim leads the program "Evening News"

After a while she was already sixteen hourly edition of the Vesti program. Alexander Golubev became partner of Marina. Next, the business of the young TV host went uphill. Her success grew up every day. Marina was soon entrusted to prepare reports for the TV shows "to lead weeks" and "lead on Saturday". An attractive young girl was immediately seen by the audience and experts. All noted high professionalism, intelligence, readiness, erudition, artistry and skill are held in front of the camera along with beautiful appearance.

Love for dancing since childhood and good plastic led Marina to the project "Dancing with the Stars." This is a popular show leaving on the channel "Russia". It started in 2006. This is the adaptation of the famous English television program. Professional dancers along with cinema artists, TVs, singers, etc. take part in the show. Marina took part in it in 2012. She danced with Alexander Litvinenko.

During the participation in the show "Dancing with the Stars"

The couple was awarded the honorable second place. Marina's participation in this show was successful. She was offered to host the entertainment television program "Big Dancing Close-up". There, she also demonstrated her high art of TV presenter, humor and charming. Thanks to Marina Kim, the rating of any show increased dramatically. This took note of television staff. Now everyone sought to invite a talented girl into his program.

The flourishing of the popularity of the TV host

In 2013, the young TV presenter was waiting for another success and promotion. The Russian TV channel, which was so successfully played by Marina for several years, invited it to the informational and analytical program "Week in the city". It was originally called "news-Moscow". She tells about the new events that occurred in the capital over the past day.

Her beauty and charm was highly appreciated. It was thanks to the talent and personal qualities of Marina after all came to the "Channel One". In 2014, she was entrusted to be a TV host famous program "Good Morning". Many famous leading and actors led this program. It comes out every morning, and the inhabitants of the country look at her, going to school in the morning and to work. It communicates news, as well as useful information. Interesting personalities are also involved in it.

The task of the TV presenter is to set up the audience to the desired optimistic way, so that the day passed easily and successfully, and just raise the mood, charge the cheerful spirit for the coming day. Marina had quite successfully. Because she most liked this occupation, and it felt the audience.

TV presenter on the set on the "Channel One"

In 2014, Marina decided to take part in a rather popular show "Ice Age". Many viewers love to watch colorful figure skating champions - athletes in a pair with artists, TV all. Marina's Ice Partner turned out to be a professional - Athlete Sergey Slavnov. However, something went wrong, and the couple went from ice, and did not appear on the television screen.

Next year, Marina took part in the documentary film "Pyongyan-Seoul. And further ... " He was shown on the TV channel "Russia". Together with Marina Kim, the audience could see on the screen in this film of the famous journalist Sergei Brilieva. He, as well as she, led the program "News" on "Russia".

In 2015, Marina was invited to comment on May Day demonstrations in the live channel. Together with her, stepped in Red Square and commented on what was happening the journalist Sergei Babaev. Also Marina Kim was the leading and moderator on round tables of various forums. She had to discuss major problems of modern people.

Marina Kim in the workplace

I tried a TV presenter also in cinema. In 2006, a film was released with her participation, which was called "Serko". He was filmed by a French director. Her partner on the screen was Alexey Chadov. The girl, as always, showed high artistry in it.

Marina also performed a major role in the comedy "Bishkek, I love you." In the documentary film "Nonpare Pyongyang" Marina Kim starred as a leading and author. It was removed specifically for the "Russia-24" channel.

Personal life

Marina Kim is one of the most mysterious TV presenters. Personal life of such people is under a dense veil hiding it from society. But it is known that she has children. But the identity of her husband Marina is thoroughly hiding. And is it in general? There were numerous rumors about her novel with a partner in the Dance Dance project Alexander Litvinenko. However, both of these rumors denied. So whether this novel had a place, remains a mystery.

Marina with Brett Ratner

A little later, information about the love of Marina and the Hollywood director Brett Ratner appeared. They met in 2011 on the Caribbean. Girl celebrated New Year holidays there. They argue that lovers together so far. They do not make out their relationship and occasionally occasionally in the territory of Russia and the United States. In social networks, you can often see their joint photos.

Marina Kim with his children

Perhaps Brett and is the father of her daughters? In 2014, the Marina had a daughter born. She was called Briana. A year later, the woman was filmed in a rather dangerous show "Without insurance." It needs to perform complex jumps and tricks. It turned out that Marina did all this, already, being pregnant. In 2016, her daughter Darin was born.

Marina is not from those moms who dissolved in children, she cannot live without her work and self-development, do not mind to publish a beautiful photo in Instagram and go to a secular party. By the way, Marina does not say about his personal life, as well as the father of his girls, whose name is still unknown. The leading "good morning" on the "first" two daughters - 4-year-old Briana and 2-year-old Darina. About how she hates playgrounds, why it is difficult for her to spend the whole day with children, Hateters in Instagram, about new projects and dreams, Marina spoke in a special project PEOPLETALK and ..

You are in great shape and feel free to demonstrate a figure in Instagram. How do subscribers react to such photos?

I don't like boobs, but even if a little bit more visible, they write immediately in the comments: "God, what a nightmare, what shame, sled, dismiss it from the first channel, care for her children!" Really, we have such a society with a dense in this regard! And they do not stop, they splatter saliva, they can not digest this at all, they write again, the disputes begin, but it must be said that there are those who enter me.

And "live" ready for comments?

Conservatives we have at work. For example, the "Good Morning" program cannot be done with an open breast. But for me, for example, when the breast is like this ( shows) - It is not open, this is normal. And for the program on the federal channel - no. Call Orthodox activists, pensioners, swear. On May 9, I had a dress where the shoulders can be seen, it turns out, and this can not, looks naked.

And where do you draw strength to not get into a fight? After all, you have two more children!

I must confess - I am not interested in spending all day with children, dissolve in them, to be Natasha Rostova during the motherhood. If I have a whole day with children, it climbs me. I do not know anything darker in life than the playground. Children as if honey is namazano, they ride on the same creaking swing Million times. And I, when I get there, I feel the most unfortunate man in the world, it seems to me that life passes by. And I decided for myself that I don't want to spend my life on the playground, so I delegated these powers of Nyan. I am in order to spend high quality time with children and do not shine in front of them. But the only thing I want to say is that women who have no money for a nanny, and this is in our country a completely normal story, such 60-70%, so, these women make a feat, I speak without jokes, without irony. How they cope, I do not know. I could not so.

Girls. Dress, Il Gufo. ( Marina. Dress, shirt, sorelle; Shoes, EcoC.

How do you explain to children that you can not do something? How do you punish?

I did not beat in my childhood, I can not imagine how to do it. I explain my position, however, the children taught me that not everything happens right away. They cannot immediately understand everything, and I did not know before that. I did not know what to give people time to adapt to my request or wishes.

Daughters know who you work, watch you on TV?

Yes. I come from work. They say: "Mom, what, Timur was today? I was at work?" And we have on the channel there is a new project in which Briana participated. To drag it there, I had to say that she would be a TV host. She came, and there was an interview with Dima Shepelev. And she goes on stage, all the cameras are tuned to her, sits on the chair, opposite Dima sits down, and she is: "And who is it? What is the TV list? TV presenter should be here. " It seems to me that the theater is crying.

By the way, about work - plan new projects?

There are new projects, but I can not talk about it yet. I have a lot of participating in the first channel programs as a guest. Now there was a World Cup, we had forecasts, specialists, besides, I conduct concerts. Soon we go to St. Petersburg and from there all week we make a "good morning", because there is a big holiday in honor of the day of the Navy. And I really liked working on Red Square. There was a day of Russia, and the first channel organized a big holiday. On the stage, on Red Square, you are 100 thousand people in front of you, and this is a very cool impression. I always work in the frame and I do not see the audience, only the operator, which "Dashirak" eats, and here such a crowd, completely different energy, completely different sensations. I now understand why, for example, at my concerts descends to the audience from the scene, because it is such a buzz, such a feedback!

Briana. Dress, MSGM. ( Marina. Dress, sorelle; Shoes, EcoC.

Sport burling helps help?

Yes, I am engaged in the studio, because it is five minutes from the house, with a teacher in Pilates, but we make a mix. I can't do a whole hour. I'm bored, I am ready to run, I do everything except the lessons yourself. Therefore, I am only 30 minutes, but every day, if there is no work. We take something from Pilates, do something with dumbbells.

Briana. Dress, Il Gufo. ( Marina. Dress, shirt, sorelle; Shoes, EcoC.

And girls teach to sport?

Briana went to Antigaviti, she liked. But we have the youngest, Darina, very athletic, "whipped", on the horizontalist hanging so cool, I want to send it somewhere.

Tell me why you do not disclose the name of the Father of Girls?

Father or fathers? ( Laugh.) When I ask me, I say: "Look at my older daughter - a blonde, my youngest daughter who is already becoming a blonde, so what do you want if the papa African American?" I'm just so accustomed to joke on this reason that I stopped reacting at all. Honestly, I had an experience when I talked about the details of personal life, and I did not like it. I did not like how it affected the relationship itself. I did not like how it affects work when everyone is suitable and starts to know something, ask, comment. That's not mine. I am ready to be very frank about motherhood, about work, about what a person I am, but everything concerns personal ...

Darina. Dress, Simonetta Mini. Briana. Dress, MSGM. ( Marina. Dress, sorelle; Shoes, EcoC.

Your biggest recognition was about the novel with Hollywood director Brett Ratner, and you no longer have given comments on this.

Well, it was just a negative experience. It was terribly bad influenced this interview to all the verge of my life, and I will not do any more.

Darina. Dress, Il Gufo. ( Marina. Dress, shirt, sorelle; Shoes, EcoC.

So you are no longer together?

Famous TV presenter of the program "Vesti", as well as the finalist of the show "Dancing with the stars" Marina Kim does not cease to surprise the viewers with his confusing relationships with men.

Three months ago, the bright leading TV channel Russia in a pair with a charming dancer Alexander Litvinenko fascinated all members of the jury of the project "Dancing with the stars" by passionate relations that accompanied all their performances. At the same time, the couple itself showed his feelings in public without constraint. And soon made a statement in the press on his serious relationships and distant plans.

We both say the language of the dance, in each of our number the absolute truth. All we feel, show on the parquet, "said Marina Kim about his relations with Alexander Litvinenko.

In the life of one of the most beautiful and sensual project pairs of the project, as well as on the dance floor, constantly burst passion. The couple would swear, it was put up, he quarreled, he was happy. And the audience, judges and choreographers were all this witness.

However, at the end of the project in the relations of Marina and Alexander, there were some changes that have already become difficult to explain from the point of view of traditional situations.

Recently, Marina Kim has noticed a man with a completely different man - with a choreographer "Dance with the stars" Rodion Baryshev, who before that always remained for the scene and took an active part in the production of all the dances Kim and Litvinenko.

A couple came to one of the capital's hotels. Holding hands, they visited the foyer of the expensive hotel "Swissotel Red Hills". They kissed himself several times at all, and then sat with the hotel manager to discuss the organization of someone's wedding.

Any conversational behavior would seem very intimate. They did not seek to hide their gentle feelings from prying eyes. On the contrary, they would rather convince anyone in the exclusiveness of their mutual gusts.

The couple talked for a very long time with the administrator on the organization of the wedding. They were represented by restaurants and offered to use the services of a wedding concierge. After a while they left.

Later, was able to reach Marina, but the question of the wedding she flatly refused to comment.

After another day, it became known that in the Moscow International Music House, Marina Kim will perform within the framework of the Dance Show "Randevu" together with two dancers - Alexander Litvinenko and Rodion Baryshev.

A new concert number, which has recently worked for a trio, was put on the topic of a love triangle and was called "Chess". In the plot of dance, men fought for the heart of the girl. And the heroine, which Marina Kim played, rushed between Alexander Litvinenko, dressed in black clothes, and Rodion Baryshev in bright apparel. As a result, the girl cannot make a choice and one remains.

After the speech of managed to communicate with a dance trio:

We had a triangle throughout the show, "Litvinenko said jokingly," because Rodion was with us and a mother, and dad, sexOdologist, psychologist and analyst. In part in the show, everything went, only he was all the time behind the scenes.

At the same time, according to the video interview, it can be seen that Marina herself with both partners behaves like very close people. Even in the presence of Litvinenko, Kim gives the will of emotions, he allows himself to koxes with choreographer, while being in strong arms of Alexander. To the question of, which of them is a couple in love with a couple, all three missed, explaining that they threaten and after the end of the project, a lot of time spend together.

We always together - Marina said fun. - And on vacation, and go to the bath. Such a creative friendly union was formed.

His dance about the love triangle Litvinenko explained that there are often such situations in life.

In each person there is black and white, "Alexander said. - So in our room this idea, there is a man's light and dark man. Two different people with different glances, and a woman is torn, can not decide.

I am very lucky in life with men, "Kim concludes concisely. - In fact, in the life of any woman there is such a choice, sometimes she makes him all his life.

October 19, 2016.

In an exclusive interview with the magazine TV program, the leading of the first channel honestly told about why the first months of the life of the second child became a real test for her

In an exclusive interview, the magazine "TV program" the leading channel honestly told about why the first months of the life of the second child were for her a real test.

In early October, Marina Kim returned to the ether of Good Morning, although only three months passed since its second birth. July 2, she gave birth in one of the Miami clinics. Paul baby and his name until this point remained secret. Many wrote that Marina gave birth to a son. For the first time, all points over "I" Marina puts in this interview.

- I learned about my pregnancy.

I really worked hard. Several months literally slept and eaten in the car to do everything. Infinitely jumped on a trampoline, made Salto there, it was all with wild compression. I was so immersed in the work that I did not even notice the cycle delay. He sensed only in three months, thought: "We must go to the doctor." It turned out that I am pregnant. At the same time, I had a hound hormone hCG. And this is one of the likely signs that the child may be unhealthy. I'm terribly frightened, but the doctor explained that it happens on this period - three months. "You are," the doctor asked, - jumping on the trampoline, did not really know that they were pregnant? ". I didn't know the sex of the child almost before childbirth. On the ultrasound, first said that the girl, then they said that the boy, then there was a girl again ... I was ready for any option. But her daughter was born!

- Briana also appeared in America. I liked everything then, therefore, deciding the question with the second childbirth, I decided to fly again to the States.

- Were not afraid of flight on a large period of pregnancy? There is an opinion that it is dangerous.

- I do not believe in all this nonsense. My doctor believes that the 12-hour flight is safe.

- The name did not come up in advance?

- There were no options and blanks at all. During the childbirth, doctors and nurses were tortured me: "And how do we talk to her when we get it?" I say: "I don't know!". They laughed: "Well, okay. Let's call her Klava. " American doctors for some reason knew only the Russian name. And then I decided - let the Darin be. After all, this girl is a real gift. Thank God that I managed to save it. Happiness that my daughter's health is all right. I was very worried about this! I have had very intense training, I ate all kinds of sports additives - I started and ended the day with them. And despite all this, God sent me this gift.

- You have a beautiful combination now, two daughters - Briana and Darina.

- Yes. I am true, now I confuse someone's name. My mom also has two children: I and Brother Anton. And she called me all his life Anton, and his marina. I was offended at her! And now I understand that when you have two children - this is normal.

TV presenter admits that sometimes in a hurry confuses the names of their children.

- My head is also worried about. But I do not feed the breast. Almost from the first month of your life, the child lives on the mixture, so I can leave it with a nanny or grandmother. Two years ago, when Briana was born, I also went to work in three months. Only then on the courtyard was September, and now October. The feeling of the complete dejum. The eldest daughter was on breastfeeding. I was very nervous, all the time left milk. Then he began the "Ice Age", daily workouts. And it was, of course, a nightmare! I sent milk with the driver, he stuck in a traffic jam, at that time the child was digging at home from hunger ... everyone was on the platoon. A month later I translated Briana to the mixture, and then we exhaled. All working mothers who feed the children with breast milk, you need to put a monument! It's terribly hard! For example, I realized that I could not, I do not cope. Either breastfeeding, or work. I thought I would have a full and calm child, I would stop nervous - and this is the most important thing. But, unfortunately, my expectations were not justified! Darina behaved exactly just like her sister. On the second month of life, my children become like mad. Something bothers them - whether the belly, or something else. We did not sleep at night. I already thought to open the window and throw it away.

- How often do you have to leave all night?

- Graphs can change. But in general, the night ether (when you come to work at five in the evening, and you leave at 9 am the next day) happens 1 - 2 times a week. Plus once a month there is one week that you work for five days from 7 to 9 am in a mobile studio. I have a nanny, they change. And grandmother.

- You told that I was looking for a nanny for Briana for a very long time.

- With this, we really have a hard story. Casting is still. I constantly watrate new nanny, and this is a very difficult process. It is necessary that the person approaches not only the child, but also to me. Now the nanny, which raised Briana, moved to the baby, because she best copes with infants. And for the elder, it turns out, you need another nanny. We have a terrible active child, my grandmother cannot cope with her. Selection of the second nanny while in the process.

Briana sick seven days. It was a real horror! I'm hard to worry childhood diseases

- Why did the search dragged?

- It seems to me that this is the most difficult selection that I carried out in my life. I spoke with friends who manage large corporations. They are subject to hundreds and thousands of people, but the same story with nanny. Nanny lives with us in the house 24 hours a day. In fact, she becomes a family member. It's how to get married or take a foster child. I generally worry with difficulty when some new people appear in the house. It's hard for me. Plus, even the difficulty is that Darina is a difficult girl. The first months she was crying all the time, did not sleep. She was hampered either colic, or intracranial pressure. I dont know. We did not even figure out the reason, because on the example of the Briana I understood: all this will pass. Now Darina has a feature: we feed the child only in a dream. It needs to be specified, put it to fall asleep, and only then she can eat. If you feed it in a wakeful state, it worries, worries enough air. And can not really eat. This is a feature. While we ourselves understood this, three months have passed. To this, it was just necessary to attach. But not all nanny are ready for such a turn. Someone comes, frightens. In general, for me the selection of nanny is a juicer. Very heavy, painful process.

- About the kindergarten for Briana did not think?

- She went there in America a little, in Miami. There they have, however, are not gardens, but schools for children. Everything went well, she was absolutely happy. But when I gave birth, literally in two weeks Briana slightly slightly with some cruel intestinal virus, which picked up in the garden. She had a temperature under 42 degrees. We called "ambulance", rushed to the hospital. Briana sick seven days, did not eat anything and did not drink. I was very afraid of it very much and for her, and for younger, I was afraid that she would also picked up this infection. It was a real horror! I decided that the first six months of the life of Darin will not drive to Briana to protect the baby. Because all these kindergartens, even the best, all the same bacylosplane. I am very hard to worry childhood diseases, I can not get rid of this alarm.

Give birth to a second child, like the first, Marina decided in America

"We have a war at home"

- How did Briana accepted his sister? With jealousy already encountered?

- She is very jealous! It falls on the changing table, the legs hang out at the same time, and says: "Mom, dug me. Mom, change diapers. " Takes sisters nipples, sucks. "Mom, take me too on the handles. Mom, give milk. " She climbs into her crib. Rides on her rocking chair. In every way trying to show that she can also be small, so the second girl is not needed. He tells me: "Leave her. Put. Give Nyan. "

- Have you been ready for this?

- Yes of course. First time after childbirth, while I was in America, I tried to spend as much time with Briana as much as possible. An error when moms, give birth to a baby, immediately switch to it. If there is no possibility, there is no nanny, then it is clear whether the choice does not remain. Now the eldest daughter has completely occupied me. Small so far simply lies, joins us only at the time of wakefulness. But when she starts to run, crawl something, I think war will begin. Briana is still in nature a commander. Everyone says what to do. She will build a little.

- Briana is not at all like you, she is blue-eyed blonde. And Darina whose appearance took? Judging by the first photo from the hospital, her hair is yours - dark.

- Briana first was black too. Then it began to brighten and reached the absolute blonde. Everyone is asked: "Why does the child look like you?". I have already prepared for this joke: "Yes, we paint it in the blonde!" Darina also brightens now. And the eyes are exactly such as the sister, - gray-blue. It turns out, she is also not in my suit. At least for now.

- Your girls, it turns out, went to dad?

- Honestly, they are not like anyone at all. Briana rather reminds my Russian grandmother. And about Darin, nothing is not clear.

- How much dad girls participate in their lives?

- Like all men. Prefers to do it at the distance. You know, there is a discharge of husbands that help a lot. Now there is even a fashion so there is: Mom at work, and a young dad in the park cuts circles with a carriage. In my life, this was not happening. Love, attention - all this. But that the dad girls become an analogue of nanny - this is not happening.

- Would you like this?

- I calm towards it. To each his own.

"Lucky and helplessness"

Paul Child Marina did not know the birth. At first, doctors said that there would be a girl, then - that the boy ...

- You said you were difficult to switch to motherhood. And now you have all these dual sizes. How do you cope with this psychologically?

- Oh, even worse. The second births turned out to be a great blow. I did not even expect. It seemed to me that I was so prepared, I can't hurt me. And in fact, the first month after childbirth I was in a completely shock state. Of course, all this is due to the fact that you are not sleeping, you decide the question of the breast, you set up feeding. Then, on the contrary, try to cut. The child does not take the chest, then the nipple. Everyone who worried is familiar. And accordingly, the brain is busy only by this. I experienced a huge stress. Feelings can be compared only with some natural catastrophe - tsunami or earthquake. This is a whole restructuring - not only physiological, but also at the level of the soul, subconscious. It seems to me that I just now moved away from this state.

- It looked like a postpartum depression?

- No, there was no depression. But inside the feeling that the world collapsed. I remember how it was worried with Briana. I thought that the second time it would be easier. But here the world collapsed again. And this, despite the fact that I had a nanny, and help, everything is equal. I experienced confusion and helplessness. I understood that I just do not cope with two children.

Transformation occurs painfully. I want to regret yourself, stay at home, do nothing

- Do you go to work with joy?

- Sure! I want to switch your head. To speak and think not only about the children, but also about something else. Now I am a program for myself - I will actively lose weight, play sports, sit on a diet, I will try new cosmetic procedures. I have a goal - in three months I want to be in the form, in which it was before childbirth. I will tell about all this in my video blog - share experiences with other mothers.

- Now, probably, it seems to you that nothing in life is not scary?

- Not quite, a feeling of some immunity, greater stability, personal wealth appeared. As if you were in myself reached a new level. Any transformation occurs, of course, very painful. I want to regret myself, stay at home, nothing to do. None nor the second child is pleasing. You think: "Take away. And I want to leave somewhere. " All it was. But now, fortunately, it passes.

Private bussiness

Marina Kim was born on August 11, 1983 in Leningrad. He graduated from the Faculty of International Relations of MGIMO, as well as televiser courses at the Institute for Adjusting the Qualifications of Radio Workers and TV. In 2004, it became the program "Markets" on RBC-TV. In 2007, he moved to the "Russia" channel, where he led "news", including evening issues in a couple with Ernest Mazkavicius. In 2012, he participated in the "dance with the stars" (with Alexander Litvinenko), took 2nd place. In 2014, he moved to the first channel where the "Good Morning" program leads. Was a participant of the "Ice Age" show and "". Mom of two daughters - Briana (2 years) and Darins (3 months). About Father Marina says: "I am a public person, but I want to keep this part of life."

Marina Kim is one of the most mysterious TV presenters of our country, about her personal life and children, photos of which can be found in the Internet a little. Marina successful journalist, worked in various television projects, leads a rating transfer on the main channel of the country. Marina Kim has time, and work and engage in two children.

Personal life

Marina Evgenyevna does not like to talk about his relationship with the opposite sex, she leaves answers to any questions of journalists. However, since the TV host works on the main TV channels, it became more difficult for her to hide a personal life from friends of journalists.

TV presenter Marina Kim.

When Marina Kim was involved in the famous TV show "Dancing with the Stars", fans and project colleagues, began to suspect her in love story with Sasha Litvinenko.

But not a young man not Marina Kim, these rumors commented. Somewhat later in one of the stories to journalists, the popular TV presenter admitted to meet with Brett Ratner director from the United States of America.

It is known that young people have met each other in 2011 on the Caribbean, where Marina's winter holidays celebrated. There are rumors that love relationships are saved, and to this day. Marina and Brett are seen in the free time.

Marina Kim with Brett Ratner

Daughter Briana

In the late spring of 2014, the teletector Marina Kim gave birth to a second baby. Births took place in America, among the rest of the feminine Marina was the youngest, some women were forty and even in fifty. Oddly enough, the doctors calmly treated the age. Marina Kim gave birth to a daughter, with normal growth and weight, TV presenter girl called Briana. On breastfeeding, the baby was three months old, after which Marina had to go to work, and the daughter was transferred to the mixture. Baby's hair was first dark, but after some months began to be blighted. Now the girl is like a blonde at all.

With daughter Briana

In May 2017, Briana celebrated his third birthday. TV presenter Marina Kim often publishes photos of children in social networks, nonon answers questions about personal life.

Daughter Darina

The news of the second pregnancy found Marina Kim surmoved. In 2016, the teledictor was then involved in the show "without insurance." Marina trained intensively, ate and slept in the car, so as not to spend precious time on the road. During the preparation for the show Kim, the clock has rejected jumping on the trampoline, performed flip and other exercises. As one day she remembered that he did not follow the cycle for several months and hurried to the doctor.

The ultra-sound examination confirmed the pregnancy, the period of which was a little more than three months. The doctor was very surprised how Marina was able to endure a child, jumping on a trampoline all time.

TV presenter during the second pregnancy

The gender of the toddler could not determine for a long time, first the doctors assured the girl would be born, then they suggested that the marina will have a son. As the lead itself told, she was ready for any option. Marina, as the last time, flew to give birth to the kid in the United States.

Marina with daughters

During childbirth, doctors asked what the child's name is to say hello to him immediately, but Marina still did not know how to call her daughter. Kim was very worried about the health of the baby because intense sports and special food for training could harm her.

The girl was born healthy. Marina decided that this was a real gift from God. The second daughter the lead called Darina. The baby, like her older sister, Marina was breastfeeding for three months, then went to work again.

Marina with her husband

Marina Evgenievna with children helps Mom and two babysitters. The difference between the daughters of Marina two years. It is noteworthy that both girls have blond hair, although at birth they were dark, as well as the same gray-blue eye color.

In one of the interviews, the TV presenter told that girls had one dad, a man helps the family materially. Photo of children, like their personal life, Marina Kim does not like to exhibit on a general review, but in instagram you can see a couple of pretty pictures.

Marina with the second daughter


Marina Kim was born in St. Petersburg in August 1983. Father by nationality Korean, he grew up in Kabardino-Balkaria, Mom Russian, she lived with his family in the Baltic States. In addition to her daughter, parents brought up the Son, it is known that the brother is older than Marina. Like all children, the future TV presenter studied at school. In addition to ordinary lessons, she received additional education.

The girl went to the dance studio. At sixteen years, the girl quite successfully tried herself in the model business.

M. Kim

Marina also took part in the shooting of music clips. Extinguished eleven classes, Marina Kim successfully passed the exams in St. Petersburg University at the Faculty of International Relations. Having studied two years, in the hometown of Marne, there was a translation into the famous Moscow MGIMO. The girl continued to receive education in the same specialty. Being a fifth year student, Marina Kim led the transmission of "markets" on the RBC channel. Practical classes Marina worked out in the Federation Council, and at the Institute of America and Canada.

At the end of the university, Marina Evgenievna Kim was awarded a diploma of a specialist in research of North America. After some time, Marina passes training on TV presenters. Two years after the Institute, Marina Kim becomes the leading program of "News" by her partner then Ernest Mackevicyus became.

Marina's professionalism was marked by the leadership, the rating of the TV presenter is actively grew. Soon, Marina was commissioned to lead the program that was published at 11 o'clock in the afternoon, and at the same time at 16 o'clock. The TV program "News" she spent jointly Sasha Golubev. In 2012, Marina Kim took part in the seventh season of the Dance with Stars project with Alexander Litvinenko. Young people were able to win the second place and sympathy of the audience.

On the show "Dancing with the Stars"

This debut in the entertainment show became a new step in the career growth of Marina Kim. A talented lead called a new project "Big Dancing Closeup". A year later, Marina begins the work of the news program "Week in the city", the girl tells about all the significant events of the occurrence in the capital in seven days.

In 2014, Marina Kim was invited to work at the first channel. The TV show "Good morning" was chosen, consciously, since the girl was tired of conducting serious programs. In which daily had to talk about disasters, politics and various cataclysms.

In the morning gear, Marina often speaks of culinary dishes, recipes, utilities that can be used in cooking, congratulates on the holidays of artists who are daily in the studio of the morning transmission, and gives the viewers of positive emotions. Marina Evgenievna Kim has an author's project about the events on North Korea.

The transfer "Good morning" on the first

This service of the TV host was not simply given, since the locals are not in a hurry to go on frank conversations, for this they may be seriously punished.

Marina Kim Talented actress, the first time she starred in the film director of French director Joel Farge. Talented leading also played the role of an abandoned girl in the youth comic movie "Bishkek, I love you." In the hire of Kyrgyzstan, the film collected the full halls of grateful spectators.

Marina Kim Famous TV presenter, brings up two children, the questions about his personal life prefers to be silent than even more the interest of fans and colleagues.

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