Types of all tools for work. Construction Tool: Concept, Classification

The buildings 29.08.2019
The buildings

Hand tools and devices used in the work should:

  • correspond to technical parameters security requirements;
  • contain in good condition;
  • applied by appointment;
  • used by workers who have appropriate training and admission to work with it.

The entire handmade plumbing tool must periodically at least 1 times a quarter to be inspected by the engineering and technical worker appointed by the order by the division.

Transfer the tool in the toolboxes.

When storing and carry, the sharp edges of the fitting tool must be protected from mechanical damage (caps, cases, etc.).

When working near electrical installations and other stress objects, an isolated or non-conductive plumbing tool should be applied.

When working near flammable or explosive substances, a fitting and assembly tool that does not form a sparks should be applied.

Manual shock, push and cutting tools The handles must be made of dry wood solid and viscous rocks that do not have bitch. All wooden handles must be smoothly processed, not to have burrs.

Fixer hammers and sledgehamps should have a flat, slightly convex surface, reliably planned on the handles, stitched with soft steel-spared wedges, and the files and the chisels must have wooden handles with metal rings.

The axes should have a flat, without jar, the surface of the cutting edge and is reliably planted on the handles of a special shape (strain), crackned by soft steel-starved wedges.

The handles (cuttings) of the shovel must be firmly fixed in the holders, protruding from the holder part of the handle must be cut into the plane of the shovel. Handles must be made of dry wood hardwood wood and have a smooth surface.

All cutting and chopping tools (chisels, spacing, cores, etc.) should not have oblique and dried heads, as well as cracks, burrs, stall and chipping pieces, damage on the cutting edge, sharp edge on the side of the side. The length of the chisel should be at least 150 mm, and the length of the beard, the core - no more than 150 mm.

When using the ticks, protective rings that protect the workpiece running from the accidental drop should be applied. The sizes of the rings must correspond to the size of the processed billets. FROM inner Tick \u200b\u200bhandles must be focusing, preventing squeezing fingers. The surfaces of metal handles of ticks should be smooth, without dents, jar, burrs.

Washing keys should correspond to the sizes of nuts and bolts heads and not to have cracks and cares, the working surface of the gauge keys should not have knocked and crumpled faces, and the arms are burrs. It is forbidden to apply gaskets between the yawn key and the edges of the gear and increase the keys by connecting another key or put on them pipes or other levers, if it is not provided by the key design. Increasing the key lever can be used only from special installation keys designed to work with an enlarged impact shoulder.

Sliding keys should not have increased backlash in moving parts.

When working with chisels and other manual tools for cutting metal and other materials, employees must be provided with safety glasses with unbreakable glasses or grid.

Visks should be firmly attached to the workbench in such a way that their sponges are at the level of the elbow working. Sponges of the vice must be parallel, have a notch and provide a reliable clamp of the processed products. Thistles on the workbenches should be in complete condition, firmly capture the clamping product. Visits should be installed at a distance of at least 1 m from each other. To protect workers from flying fragments, fencing from nets with cells is not more than 3 mm, a height is at least 1 m.

When working a shock action tool, workers should use protective glasses to prevent solid particles from entering the eyes.

Work with a tool (files, shabra, etc.), the arms of which are planted on pointed ends without metal bandage rings, is prohibited.

Saws (sheckers transverse, inuchic, etc.) should be properly divorced and cool. Pen pens must be properly and firmly fixed, smoothly and smoothly cleaned. Loan saws should have a durable core and the correct tension of the web.

The tool in the workplace should be located so that it is eliminated by the possibility of its rolling or falling. Putting the tool on the railing of fences or non-log edge of the fields of forests, scaffolding, as well as close to open hatches of the wells is prohibited.

They also read.

To twist fasteners (bolts, nuts and screws), a manual tool is used. Below is a list hand toolwithout any auto mechanic can do without any. Specialized tool in this list is not included.

You had to take some kind of tool for breaking several times? So you need to buy it!

Most of the car mechanics will not refuse their young colleague in the request to borrow sometimes one or another tool. But if some tool needed for you several times, - buy it as soon as possible. In addition, returning a tool taken off, check that it is clean, and return it to the hands of what you took it. Thus, you will strengthen the confidence of your colleagues.

  • Set of 1/4-inch connecting sketch
  • Cutting with 1/4-inch connecting square equipped with a snoring mechanism
  • Two-link extension to the end heads with 1/4-inch connecting square
  • Six-tech extension to the end heads with 1/4-inch connecting square
  • Curlon with 1/4-inch connecting square
  • Set of end heads with 3/8-inch connecting square
  • Set of heads TOX with 3/8-inch connecting square
  • Intor head under 13/16-inch cork, with 3/8-inch connecting square
  • The end head under a 5/8-inch tube, with a 3/8-inch connecting square square, equipped with a snoring mechanism
  • One-and-a-half extension to the ends of the head with a 3/8-inch connecting square
  • Three-link extension to the elder heads with a 3/8-inch connecting square
  • Six-tech extension to the elder heads with a 3/8-inch connecting square
  • An eighteen-seamy extension to the brass heads with a 3/8-inch connecting square
  • Universal hinged link to the brass heads with a 3/8-inch connecting square
  • Set of 1/2-inch connecting sketch
  • Curlon with 1/2-inch connecting square, equipped with a snoring mechanism
  • "Breaking" Gorog Long Length with 1/2-inch Connecting Square
  • Five-linked extension cord for elder heads with 1/2-inch connecting square
  • 3/8-inch adapter for 1/4-inch connecting square
  • 1/2-inch adapter by 3/8-inch connecting square
  • 3/8-inch adapter per / 2-inch connecting square
  • Set of combined wrenches with a landing size from 3/8 inches to 1 inches
  • Set of combined wrenches with landing size from 10 mm to 19 mm
  • Set of wrenches under fastening with an internal hexagon, with a landing size of 1/16 inches to 1/4 inches
  • Set of wrenches under fasteners with an internal hexagon, with a landing size from 2 mm to 12 mm
  • The end head under fastening with an internal hexagon, with a landing size of 3/8-inch
  • Caid wrench 13 mm / 14 mm (with a split head having hexagonal zev)
  • Caid wrench 15 mm / 17 mm (with a split head having hexagonal zev)
  • Caid wrench 5/16 inches / 3/8 inches (with a split head having a hexagonal zev)
  • Caid wrench 7/16 inches / 1/2 inches (with a split head having a hexagonal zev)
  • Caid wrench 1/2 inches / 9/16 inches (with a split head having a hexagonal zev)
  • Bands bags
  • Ostrogubs
  • Adjustable key (Swedish)
  • Clamp pliers (with fixation)
  • Expander for mounting / dismantling of stop rings
  • Electrician pliers Calculate or crimping
  • Hammer with a ball bridge
  • Rubber head hammer
  • Understandable hammer (with an inelastic blow)
  • Set of five screwdrivers with flat sting
  • Set of their four screwdrivers with cruciform polar filips
  • Screwdriver Togh number 15
  • Screwdriver Togh №20
  • Set of horn plugs type "goose paw" (inch)
  • Set of horn plugs type "goose paw" (metric)
  • Personal file
  • Kerner
  • Purifying (different sizes)
  • Chisel
  • Folding knife with several blades
  • Tool for servicing spools
  • Tester for checking cooling systems
  • Key to dismantle filters (large sizes)
  • Key to dismantle filters (smaller sizes)
  • Electric tester
  • Calibal probe for measuring gaps
  • Scraper
  • Mount
  • Knife with retractable blade
  • Magnetic property
  • Dynamometric Key
  • Micrometer on the range of 0-1 inches
  • Micrometer for 1-2 inches range

Why did Phillips become the generally accepted name of one of the types of screwdrivers?

In 1936, the inventor Henry Philips (Henry M. Phillips) patented a screw with Phillips type head. Conducting Schlit The head of this screw does not reach its edge, so the sting of the screwdriver is always fixed in the center of the screw head.

Fig. Safety glasses - the most necessary belonging Any tool set

Fig. Combined wrench. Both key heads are designed for the same bolt head. Please note that the Horn head is turned at an angle to the key handle to make it easier to work in close places.

Fig. Three horn keys of different quality. The cheapest (left) is made of fragile steel, it is thicker and gross standard key (in the center). On the right shows the key professional quality (and the corresponding price)

Do not use such a tool

A young mechanic who came to work in the workshop, coming to work on the first day, put his drawer with tools on the workbench. Another mechanic seeing that in it, along with a complete set of high-quality tools, lies several adjustable keys, said: "Element it away from the eye of the superiors." The moving sponges of the adjustable key often slip on the surface of the head of the bolt or nut, twigrating sharp edges, and to promote such a damaged fastening item becomes much more difficult.

Fig. Caid wrench with a split head having a hexagonal zev. Also known as the "plumbing", "plumbing key" or "pipe key". Zev of this key covers most of the strings of the hex profile pipe fittings and allows you to maximally capture the item, without damaging it

Fig. Caid wrench with a ring head. It is recommended for loosening and tightening bolts and nuts in cases where the end key cannot be used. Heads on both sides of the key have a different number. Such key is preferable to the horn key, because it covers the bolt head around the perimeter, and not just on both sides, like a horn key

Fig. The horn wrench is a general-purpose tool. Heads on both sides of the key have a different landing size (number). Horn Key Do not use for tightening "until the stop" or attenuation of a strongly tightened threaded connection due to the danger of its breakdown from the head of the bolt or nut

Fig. Screwdrivers with flat sting (left) differ in length and thickened sting. The sting in thickness should correspond to the width of the slot on the screw head. Screwdrivers under the head of the Phillips type (right) differ along the length and size of the "Piglet" on the tip of the sting. The smallest "patch" at a screwdriver Philips No. 1, at the screwdriver Phillips No. 2 (it is shown in the photo) - it is more common - it is more. The most stupid tip at the screwdriver Philips No. 3, designed to work with the largest screws

Acceptance using grinding paste

Apply a bit of grinding paste used to wipe the valves on the head of the bolt or screw. She "grab" sting a screwdriver or another tool, not allowing it to "break" from fasteners. Such a paste in tubes can be bought at any auto parts store.

Fig. A variety of ticks. Combined pliers (extreme left) are often confused with plumbing clamps (second left)

Fig. Hammers with a ball brisk (at the top) existing on sale differ in the weight of the head (usually indicated in ounces). Below shows a hammer with a soft (plastic) brought. The hammer head should always be softer (possess higher plasticity) than the material being processed. To avoid damage in the processing of cast-iron or steel engine parts, laying between them and a hammer with a steel head of a tree bar or similar material.

Fig. Different kinds Shorts of end keys

Fig. Various options for extension cords (extensions) of the end heads. Universal hinged oven shown in the center (bottom), convenient to work in hard-to-reach places

Fig. The end heads are twelve marked, hexagon and eight-marched. It is better to use hex heads as they cover all six facets of a standard bolt head or nut, allowing you to make more effort without breaking the edges of the head

Fig. The hexagon head is adjacent to all the faces of the head of the bolt or nut. The twelve head when applying excessive effort can "disrupt" the edges of the head of the bolt or nut

Fig. Intor heads: Standard twelve chamber short (left), hinged (center) and elongated (right). Last two - hexagon

Fig. Standard files. Never use a file without a handle

Fig. Mechanical collet grip (at the top) and telescopic probe with a magnet at the end (bottom) are an indispensable tools if you need to get a small part that fell into such a place where you can not get to the fingers

Fig. Stethoscope - With it, the mechanic "listens" the engine, looking for a place from which suspicious noise

Fig. Typical sharpening machine. Pay attention to the protective screen installed on it. But, although the screen and provides certain protection for the eyes, working on such or any other machine. Be sure to protect your eyes with protective glasses.

Fig. Hack saw. Tubes of the hacksaw blade must be oriented towards the saw handle. The thinner of the sawn material, the smallest should be the teeth of the hacker canvase

Fig. Drill (at the top) with spiral grooves (grooves) and sweeping (bottom) with straight cutting edges

Fig. Cutting edge of the drill

Fig. Diverse Boots (Left) and Chisel (Right)

Fig. The battle of this chisel was spun, and this is dangerous. When hitting the hammer on such a chisel, the sharp shards of the metal can be broken down and damage you. Having found a tool with an intertwined brine, stripe the intellined part, as shown in this photo. This will avoid the danger of injury (b)

Fig. Thread cutting using hand ds

Fig. Tagged - rough and finishing. Cutting testers are usually used to clean or update the existing thread in detail.

Fig. Dies are used to cut the outer thread on cylindrical rods, and taps - for cutting internal thread in holes

Fig. Installing a tester B. drilled hole. To obtain the required gap in the thread, the hole diameter must accurately match the size of the tap. The drill of the corresponding diameter is called a drilling under the thread

Fig. For ordered storage small details Conveniently inexpensive cellular tray

Fig. To work, a good portable luminescent lamp is very necessary. The fluorescent lamp is heated not as much as the incandescent lamp, and will not cause fire with a random hit of gasoline splashing, unlike unprotected incandescent lamps used in some emergency lamps.

Fig. To begin with, it is enough to have a set of only the most required tools. Experienced, highly skilled auto mechanics spend annually thousands of dollars to buy a tool, such as what is assembled in this large (and expensive) toolbox

№ 2/2008

Construction organization acquired welders and perforators. How to recover them: as fixed assets or tools? Tell O. different options Taking into account the changes that happened in 2008.

Fixed assets or material reserves?

IN this case Both options are possible. In accounting and tax accounting, the acquired equipment can be taken into account both both fixed assets and as tools. Consider more.

Accounting for equipment as fixed assets

Recall that the main difference of fixed assets from material and industrial stocks is that the cost of their acquisition cannot be taken into account immediately when commissioning the facility.

Their cost is repaid gradually by depreciation.

Accounting. In order for the specified equipment, the instrument, etc. to consider in accounting as facilities of fixed assets, it is necessary that the terms of paragraph 4 of PBU 6/01 are fully implemented:
- the object should be used in production purposes over the period over 12 months;
- not to integrate for subsequent resale;
- bring economic benefits in the future.

If the acquired equipment meets these conditions and its cost above the limit established in the organization's accounting policy to account for assets in the composition of material and production reserves (or over 20,000 rubles), it should be taken into account on account 01 "Fixed assets".

Depreciation is accrued in one of the following methods: a linear way; method of reduced residue; way to write off the cost of the sum of the period of years useful use; The method of writing off the cost is proportional to the volume of products (works).

When solving the question of attributing certain objects to fixed assets and choosing a method for accrualing depreciation, it is necessary to take into account that from the cost of fixed assets will have to pay.

The tax base for calculating this tax is fixed assets calculated by the accounting rules.

Tax account. The following criteria are established in tax accounting for assigning assets to depreciable property:
- They must be owned by the organization;
- used to extract income;
- must be more than 12 months;
- The cost must exceed 20,000 rubles.

The cost of amortized property is repaid by depreciation.

We draw attention to the fact that earlier objects worth over 10,000 rubles belonged to the amortized property in tax accounting. Changes in the cost submitted by the Federal Law of July 24, 2007 No. 216-FZ were entered into force on January 1, 2008. So now the organization can establish a single limit of value for accounting and tax accounting. This will avoid the emergence of tax differences.

The useful life of acquired objects for tax accounting purposes is determined by the organization in accordance with the classification of fixed assets approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 1, 2002 No. 1.

Depreciation is accrued with a linear or nonlinear method (clause 1 of article 259 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Accounting for equipment as material reserves

If the acquired equipment does not comply with the criteria for assessing fixed assets, it is accounted for in the composition of material and production reserves.

In order to ensure the safety of these objects during operation, proper control over their movement should be organized in the construction organization (paragraph 5 of PBU 6/01).

Accounting. It should be noted that the accounting of special tools and special equipment has its own characteristics.

To be guided by the methodological instructions (order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia of December 26, 2002 No. 135n.).

In accordance with paragraphs 2 and 3 of the methodological instructions, a special tool and special devices - this is technical meansWith individual (unique) properties and intended to ensure the conditions for the manufacture of specific types of products, work, the provision of services. These include: tools, stamps, molds and other types of special tools and special devices.

Under special equipment is understood to be repeatedly used in the manufacture of labor equipment that provide conditions for performing specific (non-standard) technological operations. In paragraph 5 of the methodical instructions, an exemplary list is given: this is a special technological equipment, including welding used to perform non-standard operations.

It should be noted that the technical means and technological equipment intended for typical types of work and typical operations, as well as other equipment general As special equipment cannot be taken into account.

A specific list of wages taken into account in the composition of special tools, and special equipment organization determines independently based on the features. technological process in the construction industry (p. 8 of methodical instructions). Such a list must be approved in accounting policies.

Special tools and special equipment are taken into account before transmission to production in the composition current assets According to the "Materials" on a separate subaccount:

Debit subaccount "Special equipment and special clothing in stock" Credit
- Acquired special tools.

The transfer of them to operation is reflected in the record:

Debit subaccount "Special equipment and special clothing in operation" Credit subaccount "Special equipment and special clothing in stock"
- Special tool was put into operation.

The cost of special tools and equipment is redeemed in accounting or in proportion to the volume of products or a linear method (p. 24 of the methodical instructions). However, when performing individual orders and when used in mass production, their cost can be paid completely at the time of transfer to production with the assignment to the appropriate accounting accounts:

Debit credit subaccount "Special equipment and special clothing in operation"
- The cost of a special tool is written off.

Tax account. In accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 254 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the costs of acquiring instruments, devices, inventory, etc., and without clarification, what kind of tools should be special or not. Unlike the amortized property, the cost of the tools is taken into account as material expenses at the same time at the time of transferring them to production (paragraph 2 of Art. 272 \u200b\u200bof the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Select option: pros and cons

Thus, if the acquired tools do not meet the requirements of their attribution to the amortized property (for example, used less than 12 months), but at cost exceed the limit of 20,000 rubles, the organization can recognize their value as part of material expenses at the same time. After all, for material costs The tax legislation is not established, the main thing in this case is that they correspond to the concept of the instrument. This will save on taxes (income tax and property tax).

If the organization will take into account the tools in the main funds in accounting (such an opportunity in the given methodological instructions are also provided for accounting for special tools and equipment), then, as already mentioned, she will have to "overpay" property tax. Therefore, it is necessary to decide what to choose a method of accounting.

The plumbing tool is used for manual processing different materials. With it, various operations are performed, while it is reasonable that the quality of finished work depends not only on the skill of the artist, but also from the right choice quality tools. Our article will provide you useful information About what kind of plumbing tools should certainly find a place in the home workshop.

Vice - serve for tough fixation of the workpieces, which are tightly clamped with shifting sponges. The strength of the fixation of elements naturally affects the quality of its processing. The visks are the desktops that themselves are fixed on the hard base (screwed to the edge of the workbench, torere), or manual, intended for processing with a file with small parts.

The file is a metal bar with a notch, which although it refers to the category of a metal-cutting tool, is often used to work with plastic, wood, etc. Set homemade Masters Requires a set of files various shapes: flat, triangular, rhombid, semicircular - all options will be required when performing important locksmiths. You are also unlikely to do without footlights with a shallow notch for handling small parts.

The adjustable key is designed to twist and unscrew the bolts, nuts, various elements of the pipeline. The versatility of keys, which consists in the possibility of controlling the gap between sponges, provides the possibility of using one tool for bolts and nuts of different sizes.

The wrench is a less "advanced" analogue of the adjustable key. It has similar functions, capturing products by means of special oz or contour protrusions / recesses. Spanners in the wizard set must be somewhat, as they are selected separately for each nut of a certain size.

The diameter is a small steel rod (diameter - 2.5-6 mm; length - 20 cm) with an acutely sharpened end or a plug-in needle, which is used to mark up the designations of parts on metal.

Pliers - optimal tool For reliable capture of parts and disintegration of metal elements of small sizes (wires, wire). The inner surface of the sponges is traditionally equipped with two semicircular recesses with teeth to enhance the quality of fixing nuts.

The chisel is the oblong rod, sharpened with one of the sides, is used to cut the metal and stone. This shock-cutting tool is used in a set with a hammer or sledgehammer: affecting the hammer on the bubble part of the chisel, you give it a shock acceleration for confident splitting / cutting the material being processed.

Pobble - need to break through the hole in stone wall or metal sheet. In order to create holes different sizes It is worth taking care of the presence of several types of missiles.

Kerner is an indispensable solid tool for marking the center of the future hole on metal surfaces. In accordance with the name of such a central well (Kern) tool and got its name. Keernation is made by blowing hammer to the Cerennik Zatilnik.

The soldering iron is logical to solder parts. Choosing a soldering iron, do not try to purchase a big copy copy - for homework It is quite suitable for a soldering iron with a capacity of 65-100 W.

Desktop anvil - applied as a support, if you need to cut or renew metal parts (tin blanks, wire, rod).

Screwdriver - serves to twist / unscrew screw screws and screws. Three categories of screwdrivers are isolated: flat and cruciform are used for appropriate fasteners, universal models are used everywhere.

A hammer - standard toolwithout which it is impossible to do in almost any area of \u200b\u200bconstruction and repair work. In a plottery, they use a hammer with a square or round brick. The opposite brought the end of the working surface, called the toe, is used for the purpose of editing and pulling the metal.

Grinding machine (sharpened) - optimal choice To drain the tool and stripping parts. As a rule, we produce desktop grinding machines that are similar to the visets are fixed on the hard base. With help grinding machine Knives, axes and chisels will always be in shape.

Hoven for metal - structurally consists of a frame and a replaceable hacksaw blade and is intended for sawing metal parts. Woven beams are presented in various options: models with small teeth are used for cutting solid metals, with large - for soft metals and plastic.

Hello everyone! Today I will tell you what instruments may be needed for absolutely any repair of any complexity.

The most important tool without which one cannot do not do one repair is perforator. This universal tool combines the functions of such tools as a drill, a jackhammer, a mortar mixer, a screwdriver. In order for the perforator to perform as many functions as possible, it is necessary to purchase the following components for it:

- drill for perforator diameter 6 mm, 8 mm, 10 mm (the most commonly used dowels have a diameter of 6 mm, anchor is better to use a diameter of 8-10 mm);

- cartridge with adapter (because Metal drills in the perforator just do not insert, the cartridge will be required);

- mixer for kneading a solutionwhich is inserted into the cartridge;

- peak and shovel To destroy concrete, inserted directly into the perforator.

The second most important tool for repair is screwdriver. The screwdriver, in contrast to the perforator, performs two functions: the first is twist and unscrew the screws, dowel, anchor, bolts And the second is metal drilling holes. As for the perforator, some components should be purchased to the screwdriver:

- Set of bits To twist various screws;

- metal Drill Set different diameter;

- bit for twisting anchors and bolts.

If you need to cut off the desired length of a metal corner, a channel, a pipe or a plastic panel, then without bulgarian You can not do. For the grinder, three types of discs should be purchased: cutting on metal, diamond and grinding. Using cutting disc on metal, you can cut any hardware and plastic. Using diamond Disc, It will be possible to cut products from concrete, asbestos cement and ceramics. Finally grinding disk You can grind various metal products.

Without building level Not one repair does not cost. If you need to align the wall or floor, then without a level can not do. Levels are of different lengths: from 20 cm to 2.5 meters. For installation of windows and doors, 40 centimeter level is suitable, 2-meter level will suit alignment of the walls of ceilings and floors. The most popular level is bubble alcohol level. Thanks to alcohol, the level can be used when minus temperatures. For repair should be purchased building levelwhich combines horizontal, vertical and swivel levels.


As they say in the proverb - "Seven times will die and once a rejection" and this will help us roulette. Roulets differ along the length of the measuring tape, and the length of them varies from 1 meter to 10 meters. The most optimal for repair will be a roulette of 7 meters long.

For sawing boards, bars, fiberboard or chipboard will need hacksaw. Repair will use hacksaws with large teeth and small teeth. Hoven with large teeth is easy to cope with thick boards and bars, and the knife with a small tooth is suitable for plywood, dvp, chipboard and plastic.

- The most indispensable tool used throughout. The variety of hammers is now on the market just shook. For repair you will need the easiest hammer with wooden or metal handle, square cross section, one side of which flat, and the other smeshen at an angle.

- These are pliers and pliers in the "one face". They can have a snack wire, pull the nail or bend some detail. Passatia must be with insulating plastic on the handles, for execution electrical work.

For repair it is best to purchase combined wrencher set With dimensions from 6 mm to 22 mm.

Designed for sanitary work.

designed to determine direct corner. It is very important that divisions and numbers are carved on the corner, and not painted paint. Otherwise, in the future, all the figures and divisions will necessarily erase.

It is intended to extract nails from wooden elements And to dismantle old wooden structures.


If during the repair it will be necessary to smear the putty crack, align any surface, smeared mounting foam, then you will help you spatulas. For repair you will need three types of spatulas: narrow, wide and gear. Narrow spatula 60-80 mm wide is designed to apply putty on a wide spatula and for putty in narrow places. Wide spatula 200-400 mm width is designed for shtpocking walls, slopes, etc. Designed to apply adhesive mortar to the surface of the tile or decorative stone.

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