Painting of metal products. Painting of metal surfaces

garden equipment 29.08.2019
garden equipment

High-quality painting of metal is impossible without its protection against corrosion. Carrying out a complete cleaning of the surface, it is necessary to achieve excellent adhesion (adhesion) of the metal to the enamel.

Preparing for painting

The painting process includes the following operations:

  • surface preparation;
  • degreasing;
  • padding;
  • enamel application.

Delete old paint and rust can be done with sandpaper or a wire brush. Dust and various stains are removed with cleaning products or soapy water.

Our company paints all kinds of metal products in Moscow. If it needs to be done on old surfaces, then before that it is necessary to perform preliminary work with high quality, otherwise the paint will last a short time.

With temperature changes, it will peel off, and if moisture enters, internal corrosion will occur. It is important to use abrasive equipment when cleaning metal.

For better adhesion to enamel or primer, it is necessary to degrease the surface before painting. External contamination is always present on all structures and parts, so the paint will:

  • roll off metal
  • or give a motley film.

Painting metal structures requires a primer, their surface must be clean and dry before that. Experts recommend that before painting, treat the surface with a rust converter, it creates a coating. These paints compared to oil paints:

  • elastic;
  • High Quality.

However, their price is higher. Surface finishing materials are created taking into account operating conditions.

Types of painted metals

For each type of metal, in order for its painting to be preserved for a long time, it is necessary to choose the right paint.

The most common is black iron. Its surface is painted oil paint, sometimes used alkyd. To prevent rust from appearing through the paint, it is necessary to treat the surface with an alkyd primer, it must contain zinc compounds.

As a rule, non-ferrous metals are varnished:

  • polyurethane;
  • epoxy.

Galvanized roofing will last twice as long when applied to it alkyd enamel. Poorly done cleaning will negate the paint job. We provide painting services for all types of metal surfaces. Contact us and you will be satisfied with the work performed.


After cleaning, the surface is expected to be primed, which is necessary for high-quality painting. The primer is an intermediary between metal and paint, a rust protector. It is applied:

  • spraying;
  • roller;
  • brush.

For each type of metal, the type of primer intended for it is selected.

Metal painting - technique

It's best to paint before you start. small plot, wait until it dries, if you like it, then proceed to painting the entire surface.

It is necessary to apply paint with a roller, paint hard-to-reach places with a brush. Metal painting is carried out in three layers. The subsequent layer is applied not earlier than 30 minutes after the end of its painting, and not later than 3 hours of drying.

Today, one of the most popular methods of painting is powder coating of metal. Before painting, the surface of the product is subjected to special treatment. Following this spray, it is applied to it polymer coating. It is presented in the form of a powder. It is able to adhere tightly to the surface. To give colored metal products of the highest quality and durability, they are subjected to high-temperature processing in a special chamber.

Incorrectly painted metal products or not painted at all will ultimately cost you much more than the money saved. Our company offers custom-made painting of any metal surfaces.

Metal structures are widely used in many areas of human activity. Metal products are inexpensive, they are practical, easy to install and transport. However, metal structures need constant care, as they are highly responsive to impact. environment.

Metal painting is not only one of the ways to protect the product from corrosion, but also a great opportunity to improve appearance designs.

Painting of metal products is necessary to give them additional protective and decorative properties. Coloring is widely used as a method of protection because of its simplicity and relative cheapness. In addition, unlike other protective coatings, paint color can be chosen.

How is metal painted?

Applying an anti-corrosion coating is absolutely possible for any metal surfaces. Various paints are used for this, but best method Powder coated metal is considered. The main advantages of such a coating can be called high strength, durability and economy.

Powder coating can be applied to most existing metal products.

The dimensions and type of construction do not matter: the paint is equally successfully used for both external and internal work.

The whole process of spraying polymer powder paint is safe and fully complies with high environmental standards.


The durability, cost-effectiveness and environmental friendliness of powder coatings are pushing traditional paint out of the metalworking industry, particularly in the automotive industry. In this way, you can paint not only the body, but also the engine and other parts. Protection of large structures is also achieved by applying a layer of paint.

By and large, we are all indifferent to the color of the power transmission line mast, but its service life is important, and the easiest way to protect the mast from corrosion is painting. Painting of metal products with a decorative and protective purpose is important in architecture, where many metal structures are used. These are fences and gates, bars on the windows, fences and fences, metal doors and railing.

An additional advantage is the possibility of painting metal products of complex configurations.

Do not stand aside and furniture, mainly office and industrial. Metal tables, workbenches, racks, cabinets and safes are painted.

Types of paints for metal

A wide range allows you to choose the right paint that is optimal for each surface and its purpose. In particular, for painting metal in the city of Moscow, the following options for coloring mixtures are presented:

1. Paints applied with an airbrush. Allows painting hard-to-reach places of the product.
2. Paints used to protect non-ferrous metals.
3. Paints for quick application to metal, which do not require prior removal of rust.
4. Polymers for powder coating.

On the one hand, the painting of metal products follows the path of simplifying the process, and on the other hand, it is becoming increasingly difficult to choose the right one in the kaleidoscope of assortment.

Oil paint is better suited for interior surfaces, it quickly loses color and cracks on the outside, and it also does not tolerate temperatures above 80 degrees.

Alkyd paints are used for galvanizing, they fit well, but are also sensitive to high temperatures and combustible.

Many now prefer acrylic paints - they are durable and do not fade, protect against corrosion. Withstand temperatures up to 120 degrees - they can cover heating batteries. These paints are environmentally friendly and do not burn.

The choice of paint for metal should be made, first of all, based on the purpose of the product prepared for painting.

Paint that was applied to the structure without violating the norms technological process, provides quality protective layer and also performs an aesthetic function.

Powder coating of metal products

Powder coating technology can be used to paint ceramics, glass, heat-resistant plastic, wood, but the most common material is metal. Metal can be any: steel, cast iron, stainless steel, aluminum and its alloys, galvanized steel, non-ferrous metals, etc.

We paint everything: rivets, fences, canopies, doors, self-tapping screws, clamps for fastening facades, instrument cases, lamps, terminals, containers, bins, radiators, racks, supports, frames, ebbs, parapets, facade cassettes and much more.

How to order metal painting in Moscow?

In order to learn more about the options for applying an anti-corrosion coating to metal, please contact our consultants at any of the telephone numbers provided.

We will select a painting method that will best meet your requirements. Metal painting in Moscow is carried out only by qualified specialists in rooms equipped with modern technology.

If your product meets the parameters of our equipment in terms of dimensions and weight, then we will paint it with high quality and in a short time.

Painting Metal necessary to protect the metal from adverse factors external environment. Together with a primer, such painting creates a strong anti-corrosion bond.
Our company uses the following types of painting: aluminum, liquid plastic, for galvanized metal and for non-ferrous metals and alloys.

Metal Painting Technology

Depending on the type of metal, the stages of painting and surface treatment may differ, but in any case, there are three main stages in the metal painting technology:

  1. Surface cleaning and degreasing.
  2. Primer and surface putty.
  3. Direct coating application.

When choosing a material for painting, we focus on the specifics of the metal and its further operating conditions. One material may be ideal for painting a given metal, but completely incompatible with another. We carry out all the work on painting metal products in the workshop, but if necessary, we can go to the site.

Metal Painting Price

The price of metal painting will directly depend on the type of metal product, the complexity of painting it, and the materials used. We carefully consider everything possible nuances when working with a particular metal.

The main problem of any metal (both black and non-ferrous) is corrosion. This term is often rather narrowly understood only as rusting, but in fact corrosion is the process of destruction of a material under the influence of the external environment. It is practically impossible to create conditions in which metal products would maintain the "status quo" without additional anti-corrosion treatment - iron and its analogues always tend to self-destruct. Obviously, a corroded metal can no longer be considered high-quality and reliable: the surface loses its strength, decorative properties and over time it falls into disrepair.

Anti-corrosion paint: which product to choose?

On ferrous metals, corrosion looks like rust, which is familiar to our eyes, while on non-ferrous metals it can appear as a white-green coating. Not only does this weaken the metal, corrosion spoils the appearance of the product. Specialized paint successfully copes with both problems. One of the main conditions for the success of the enterprise is to ensure good adhesion to the substrate, for this the surface to be treated must be prepared for painting.

More widely represented on the market paints and varnishes for ferrous metals, as the demand for them is greater. In addition, the processing of non-ferrous metals is more expensive, and primers for them, as a rule, belong to the upper price segment.


First of all, the object to be painted must be cleaned. Some materials may be labeled on their packaging to be applied directly over corrosion, but they are referring to firmly adhering rust, not flaky layers. Whatever paint you choose, the surface must be thoroughly cleaned with a stiff brush or even sandpaper to remove old paint and loose rust. Then the surface is thoroughly washed with the use of special cleaning agents and dried.

Process steps

There are several approaches to painting metal surfaces. The traditional way- three-part, when the whole process is divided into three stages:

To save time, you can use specialized products that combine several functions. For example, "2 in 1" products - an example is the Universal anti-corrosion enamel primer.

Surface cleaning takes place in the usual mode, and then you can do without intermediate priming, since this material combines both anti-corrosion and decorative functions. Products are released at 6 ready-made colors, dries quickly (interlayer drying time does not exceed 1 hour), has no pungent odor and has high weather resistance. Enamel primer is perfect for both indoor and outdoor use. The product retains an attractive surface appearance and does not require renewal for up to 5 years.

Finally, the most versatile and common tool of all possible is the 3 in 1 material. In the TEX product line, this product is represented by 3 in 1 anti-corrosion enamel "Rzhavostop".

The use of this material does not require preliminary surface preparation, the enamel can be applied directly to the remnants of tightly adhering rust. "Rzhavostop" works equally well on rusty surfaces and clean metal. The priming step can also be skipped, as the enamel contains anti-corrosion pigments. Products are released at 13 color solutions, including - with a metallized effect: golden, silver and bronze "Ruststop" are on the market.

Tools and painting conditions

Best decorative effect achieved by spraying - the material lays down more evenly. But since not every home has this equipment, traditional tools can be used. For large flat surfaces, a synthetic roller with a short pile is suitable, and it is better to paint small and complex surfaces (lattices, fences) with a brush.

Before starting work, read the instructions that came with the product and find out at what humidity and temperature it is best to paint. The more carefully you follow the recommendations, the longer the coating will last and the better the metal will be protected. Painting should be carried out at a temperature not lower than +5°C and air humidity not more than 80%. An increase in humidity and a decrease in temperature increase the drying time of the material.

Metal is one of the most demanded materials for the production of products in various fields, but unlike plastics or natural materials having their own attractive color, the metal needs to be painted. Painting of metal products is necessary to give an aesthetic appearance and protection against corrosion of steel or cast iron.

Powder coating metal - a monolithic coating adapted to different conditions operation. The resulting coating on metal products is resistant to salt environments and abrasives.

In industrial environments, use paint and varnish products based organic solvents is gradually being replaced by powder paints, as this technology has a number of advantages over the classic painting of metal products. Powder paint is a polymer powder that has various shades and properties. The catalog "Euro-Decor" presents certified high quality products.

The use of painted metal products

Painting of metal products is in demand in industries where there is a need to give metal products an aesthetic appearance and protect against corrosion. Used for painting surfaces in contact with food, or located in residential premises. Aluminum radiators, household electrical appliances, including freezers and cold rooms, washing machines, as well as various items interior.

Coloring of hardware is also used for outdoor conditions. Types of painting adapted for service in conditions of constant atmospheric action are used. Constant fluctuations in temperature and humidity, as well as ultraviolet radiation, are not dangerous for a metal structure if the right, certified by the QUALICOAT system, powder paint is selected.

Powder materials can be used to paint any type of metal, made of non-ferrous and ferrous alloys, which makes them very popular. If the technology is followed, the appearance of air inclusions and, as a result, swelling of the surface, is completely excluded between the paint layer and the metal surface. This method of painting metal products has shown itself especially well in the cities of Russia, where there is always a damp climate that negatively affects the painted metal constructions and regular paint coatings that need to be updated regularly.


Metal painting is carried out with powder paints with different composition, but belonging to one of two groups, according to the technology of coating formation.

  • Thermoplastic mixtures - the coating is obtained due to the melting of the powder mass, followed by solidification. Resistant to water, weather and other factors, but has a reversible structure. The thickness of the painted layer is from 250 microns or more.
  • Thermoset mixtures - the formation of a three-dimensional structure occurs as a result of thermal action on the powder, but thermochemical reactions are the driving factor for formation. Painted metal has an irreversible structure and a small layer thickness - from 80 to 120 microns, resistant to solvents.

Coating features

Powder coating metal products based on epoxy resins has high-quality characteristics in terms of mechanical stability and is characterized by good adhesion, however, it does not tolerate overheating, as a result of which it can acquire yellow. When exposed to ultraviolet radiation, upper layer starts to crumble like chalk. Suitable for painting metal products indoors.
This shortcoming compensated in compositions with epoxy-polyester fillers, which have the ability to create polyester films on the surface. Thanks to this solution, it was possible to reduce the likelihood of yellowness and at the same time increase the temperature limit.

For the full-fledged outdoor operation of metal structures, polyester blends are produced, they are completely neutral to atmospheric effects and therefore do not collapse. To give the painted product high wear resistance, metal painting is carried out polyurethane paints resistant to contact with mineral oils, solvents and liquid fuel.
It is possible to paint metal and metal products not only in Moscow, but also in any region of Russia, by contacting us or our representatives, you will receive information about companies providing services for painting metal and metal structures.

Painting of hardware

The basis for good adhesion and, accordingly, a long service life of a metal product coating is high-quality preparation for painting. Surface sheet metal or the parts are pre-washed with degreasing solutions, the final wash is carried out with specially prepared deionized water. The product is dried and the next step is finishing mechanical cleaning, with a layer of coloring powder applied.

Powder spraying on metal is carried out by two methods:

  • Spraying by electrostatic method - paint particles receive a charge, flying past a high-voltage electrode;
  • Spraying by tribostatic method - the paint is charged by friction on the inner surface of the sprayer made of a special material (most often, Teflon).

After melting, polymerization in a thermal chamber and cooling, the painted metal products are ready for use.

Caring for a painted product

Subsequent care of the metal product is carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, and if the operating mode complies with the recommendations in the instructions, then the service life of the coating significantly exceeds the guaranteed one.

Our company supplies expendable materials for powder coating to enterprises in Moscow, as well as to most regions of Russia, which makes it easy to find a contractor and be sure of the quality execution of the order.

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