Is it possible to paint with oil paint over water-based. How to use acrylic paints? Is it possible to paint with alkyd after acrylic enamel

garden equipment 17.06.2019
garden equipment

Decided to start a renovation, but do not know how to paint with acrylic paint? It doesn't matter just this article will tell you everything about preparation, painting and various important nuances, which will be useful when painting walls. But first you need to get to know acrylic paint better to see all the advantages of this material.

What is acrylic paint

Acrylic paints are a paint and varnish material made on the basis of acrylic resins. This paint is odorless, it can be safely used in children's rooms. It belongs to the water-based group, so you can wash the brushes and dilute it with plain water. In the process of drying, evaporators disappear from the substance, and the mastic creates a reliable and durable film. Acrylic paint is able to cover any surface, and the time for complete drying can be from 5 to 30 hours, depending on the temperature and season. Let's take a closer look at all the benefits:

  1. Has no smell.
  2. Diluted with water.
  3. Fireproof.
  4. Eco-friendly.
  5. Dries quickly.
  6. Easy to use - all you need is a cloth and water to clean the surface.
  7. Rich color spectrum.
  8. High adhesive qualities.
  9. It has pores, which allows the building to breathe.
  10. Resistance to chemical and atmospheric environments.
  11. Service life is about 20 years.

In the case of outdoor acrylic paint, the service life is 10 years.

It is possible to carry out painting with acrylic paint at a temperature of -30 °.

Acrylic paint can have a different spectrum of coverage, gloss, matte or pearl with different textures.

Where is acrylic used?

To date, acrylic paint is used in various fields:

  1. In construction - painting the walls and facades of various buildings.
  2. For painting cars - acrylic car enamel is considered an economical option, painting metal constructions auto, paint consumption is 3.5 times less than nitro enamel.
  3. In cosmetology - to create varnish on water based, to exclude acetone from use, which is harmful to health.

Due to environmental friendliness, acrylic paint is used in hospitals, schools, kindergartens and other institutions. To ionize the air, silver particles are added to the paintwork materials, so you can safely paint a children's room or your bedroom.

Moving on to painting

As in any work, preparation is indispensable, the better it is done, the easier it will be to paint. The first step is to remove all the furniture from the room. If this is not possible, then you need to put it in the center of the room and cover it. Remove all the facades of switches and sockets, plan to paint the ceiling, then the chandelier is also superfluous.

Old wallpaper needs to be peeled off to clean concrete or plaster, depending on what your house is built from. Unless, of course, you have special wallpapers for painting, and you plan to paint over old color, then peel off the wallpaper in this case, there is no need, provided that the quality of the coating is in excellent condition.

Inspection of the quality of the walls

Walls for painting must be perfect, otherwise all errors after painting will be evident. Therefore, if the surface has chips, cracks and dimples of shallow content, then they need to be puttied. But before this process, the surface of the walls needs to be rolled with a roller with a primer solution. Traces of mold or fungus were found on the walls - should be removed or treated with an antiseptic composition. Only after that, depending on the surface defects, it is possible to plaster or putty the walls.

Painting can be done on a puttied surface or pasted over with special wallpaper. It all depends on finances and circumstances. What I want to say by this is that it is much cheaper to paint a puttied surface than a wallpapered one. And in some cases it is necessary to putty and paste over at the same time, this is due to walls that have small cracks. For these purposes, non-woven or fiberglass wallpapers are used, as they have a large margin of safety.

Prime wall primer

To increase the adhesion of the paint to the wall, it is necessary to generously prime all work surfaces and wait until completely dry. Large plots you can roll it with a roller, and those that are inaccessible to pass with a brush, as a rule, these are all corners.

What tool do you need for painting

In order to be able to work calmly without being distracted, it is recommended to prepare the entire tool in advance:

  • brush - if you plan to make original drawings or painting, you will need several brushes of various sizes;
  • roller with a pile of medium length;
  • telescopic (extending stick) for painting high areas, including the ceiling;
  • paint tray with rolling board;
  • several spatulas of various sizes;
  • covering oilcloth for floor and furniture;
  • drill and paint mixer.

Personal protective equipment:

  • overalls with long sleeves;
  • bandage respirator;
  • protective glasses;
  • gloves.

The paint itself is not dangerous, but it will be extremely unpleasant, especially when painting the ceiling, getting liquid into your eyes or mouth. Here we come to main topic- how to paint the ceiling with acrylic paint.

Surface painting with acrylic paint

In order not to stain the floor, it is recommended to lay an oilcloth, otherwise you will have to clean the floor later, this is not difficult, but still extra work. You planned to paint the ceiling and walls, then we start from the ceiling so as not to flood the painted walls with sweat. But before you start painting, you need to mix the paint with a mixer, as a thick substance settles at the bottom. A thick mass can be diluted with water and mixed again. Ready composition it is necessary to pour into a special bath or, as some call it, a cuvette for squeezing the roller. It has a container for paint and an inclined wringer board on which excess paint remains. Thanks to this device, the roller will be evenly saturated with paint, so it's better than dipping in a bucket and rolling paint on the wall. In the latter case, the paint will lie unevenly. Of course you can use Blank sheet plywood and roll out the roller first on it, and then apply paint to the wall.

In hot summer weather, acrylic paint dries quickly, so you need to paint the wall from corner to corner. If you hesitate and combine the dried layer with fresh paint, then a strip will appear that will be difficult to paint over. Therefore, it is necessary to have time to paint the first layer before it starts to dry. You need to start by painting the corners with a brush, after that it is rolled from the corner with a roller. Strongly wet the roller should not be, otherwise there will be streaks. You need to roll the paint from the middle up and down, so the paint will be evenly distributed than if you start from the bottom up. We covered one wall with the first layer, go to another and so on in a circle.

Having rolled the first layer around the entire perimeter, it is necessary to wait for time, in the heat it is about 20 minutes to 1 hour. After that, you can go through the second layer, but already with a diagonal or longitudinal direction of the roller, so the surface will be better painted over. You can finish this, but if after the second time there are unpainted spots, then you should repeat the painting process of the surface for the third time. I want to remind you that the walls are painted only after the ceiling is painted. And how to paint the ceiling with acrylic paint, we will learn below.

ceiling painting

Painting the ceiling is a little more difficult, the fact is that the hands are all the time on weight, which makes them tired quickly. Make it a little easier this work telescopic stick, which is worn on the roller. The principle of painting is the same as in the case of walls, the first layer is rolled with a roller along, the second across, the third diagonally. If there is whitewash on the ceiling, it should be torn off, for this you need to wet the surface with warm water and remove the whitewash layer with a spatula. After that, the surface is washed with a sponge and water from the rest of the chalk mass. Next, the ceiling is primed, puttied, and painted. Ceiling paint with whitewash should be liquid, thick can create heaviness, and the chalk mass can fly off.

Many are interested in - and you can paint with acrylic paint directly on the whitewash. Of course, it is not advisable to do this, but it is possible, if you are too lazy, to wash off the whole thing. To do this, you need to buy a deep penetration primer and soak the whitewash layer so that it adheres well to the floor slab. Allow time to dry well and you can paint. But there is one caveat - if you drive a whitewash roller for a long time, it can get wet and swell. That is why you need to do everything quickly, and after the first layer, let it dry well.

For ceiling surfaces, special acrylic ceiling paint is sold, which has white, super white and milky white colors. To create a special tone, you can use color paste.

Art painting

We decided to paint the wall with an outlandish pattern, but you have no idea where to start. As in those cases, the surface must be made perfectly smooth with a finishing putty, primed with prime and allowed to dry. After that, you can paint the walls with acrylic paints. The finished drawing should be varnished, so it will look aesthetically pleasing while remaining in its original form.

Painting a wooden surface

Using acrylic on wood is not much different from using it on concrete or plaster surfaces, with the exception of metal and plastic.

Acrylic paints are popular among artists and are widely used for painting on wood. Such popularity arose due to the ability of paint to create a protective film that envelops the painted object. Such a coating does not fade or crack, resists aggressive influences and sudden temperature changes. Professional artists use paint tubes for painting, which allows you to achieve a watercolor effect using special solvents and plain water.

Technique of using acrylic on wood

How to paint with acrylic paint correctly - before painting, the wood is sanded with fine sandpaper, after which the ground is applied. Then the grinding process continues. This technique allows you to better paint a wooden object.

The widespread use of acrylic paint is in demand because of the versatility and uniqueness of paintwork materials. And the ease of applying paint to any surface allows for self-painting.

When the question arises of painting any element or detail, then stories of unsuccessful painting over old paint, as well as the fact that before the next painting, the old paintwork must be removed. Let's try to figure out whether this is so and how, as well as in what sequence it will be performed removing old paint.

To calculate paint consumption, you can use the paint consumption calculator.

You can of course take the easy way and paint the surface without pre-cleaning, and perhaps you will find this optimal, fast and correct in this moment time solution, but it's not! It should be said right away that painting over the old paint will bring a short-term effect and after a while the new paintwork will begin to swell, peel off and most likely disappear. Below we will talk more about painting over old paint because it still exists. In order to avoid such unpleasant consequences, you must do the following:

  • Remove all layers of old paint;
  • Degrease the surface;
  • Treat with a primer.

Only after following this sequence can you start applying a new paintwork.

There are the following options for removing old paint:

  • Paint annealing;
  • Sandblast;
  • Chemical wash old paint (from special formulations)

The best way to clean metal surfaces from paint today is a special liquid.

Tools that come in handy for removing old paint and painting the surface.

  • The paint remover itself or a special chemical composition for this;
  • Protective gloves;
  • Respirator to protect the respiratory tract;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Putty knife.

When choosing chemicals for removing old paint must choose quality formulations, such materials are certainly not cheap, but the result from their use will be an order of magnitude higher than from the use of cheaper analogues.

Protective gloves must be worn before surface treatment. In addition, it is necessary to protect the upper Airways from harmful fumes and toxic toxins that are released when liquid interacts with old paint.

It is important to remember that after applying a layer of special liquid to the old paint, it takes a certain time for the peeling process to begin. The time that must be endured is often indicated in the instructions.

After the exposure is completed, you can safely proceed to removing old paint. To do this, you can use a spatula, prying off the exfoliated layers of old paint with it and removing it from the surface. It should be noted that if the old paint has several layers, then re-treatment of the surface will be required.

For better cleaning of the surface, after processing and removing the old paintwork, it is recommended to clean it also with sandpaper (it is necessary to remove tiny particles old paint and level the surface).

Last cleaning of old paint performed with a solvent (White spirit).

Next, we will consider painting the walls with old paint and talk about the stages of such painting. Before starting to paint the walls with old paint, it is necessary, as in the case of metal, to treat the surface to be painted well, to remove old layer paint, rust, mold,

If you do decide to apply a layer of paint over the old coating, then there is a possibility of incompatibility colorful materials, discoloration, and when dry, bubbles, cracks, paint may peel or peel off.

It is possible to remove it without it, only in cases where the compositions of the paints do not differ, but it should be noted that the original color may not differ significantly as a result. In order not to make a mistake with the colors, you can conduct a small test before painting: small plot walls you will need new paint, let dry for 30-40 minutes. If the result suits you, then you can safely start painting on the old paint.

Old paintwork, rust, small bumps, you can remove with metal brushes or special scrapers. Large defects on concrete, stone, brick walls they are removed with grinding stones, such as pumice, and wooden ones with planers, chisels. If mold is present on the wall, then such an area must be treated with a bactericidal solution against mold. After applying such a solution, after 12 hours, fungal infections are easily removed with a spatula or a stiff brush.

For residential premises, water-dispersion paints, or water-based paints, are the most suitable option.

Conclusion A: Basic requirement before painting the walls with old paint- these are carefully protected, leveled, dried surfaces, only after all these procedures have been carried out, you can start applying the paintwork.

There are many ways to apply paint to walls and ceilings: brushes, rollers, sprayers, foam tools. The final result, as well as the life of the paintwork, will depend on the chosen method of painting. Painting with a roller is the most popular and inexpensive method, since it is convenient to apply paint with it and distribute it over the surface. But for such hard-to-reach places as wall corners, skirting edges, etc. it is more convenient to use a brush. For large surfaces, a spray gun is more convenient, faster and more uniform, and the surface to be painted will look better than when applied with a roller or brush.

Very often in construction and finishing, artwork acrylic paints are used. Such coatings are very popular. This is due to their unusual color brightness and durability. Many people wonder what can be painted. The technology and application of coloring acrylic is worth studying. Well, we invite you to get acquainted with how to properly paint walls, facades, wooden and hardware, tissues and even nail plates.

What is acrylic paint?

Acrylic-based paints are a substance based on polyacrylic polymers: methyl, ethyl and butyl. Also, some polymers are used to turn them into a foamy form. It is dispersed, diluted with water and formed with pigment pastes. Also, for their splitting, a solvent is used, consisting of chloroform, ethanol and ether. They give off a very strong smell.

Acrylic itself is synthetic material with transparent texture. He has good mechanical characteristics and resistance to high temperatures. Acrylic substances are very light and durable, resistant to UV radiation. The composition of the paint includes acrylic itself, small dispersion particles of plastic that tend to dissolve in water. After the paint dries, a film is formed that protects the painted surface from external influences. Here is the composition of any acrylic coating:

  • binder;
  • toner;
  • filler;
  • solvent;
  • additional particles.

The first binder connects all the ingredients. This allows the coating to be well combined with different surfaces. Acrylic resins often act as such a binder. They give the paint strength, durability, resistance to abrasion. The type of acrylic resin determines the quality of the paint.

A soluble powder is used as a pigment. It can be of the following types:

  • with organic origin;
  • with inorganic origin;
  • made artificially;
  • from a natural source.

The process of making paints acrylic base not that complicated. First, an acrylic composition and a coloring pigment are installed in a container, then all components are mixed into a homogeneous mass and packaged in a separate bowl.

Advantages of acrylic paint

Acrylic paints have a lot of advantages over other paints and varnishes. They are most suitable for finishing works. They are versatile and suitable for any surface. And here are their other advantages:

  • Environmentally friendly. For their manufacture, substances that are harmless to humans and do not affect health are used.
  • Comfortable and easy to work. They do not have a special smell, so they are easy to work with.
  • Fireproof. Do not ignite, do not contain flammable substances in their composition.
  • Availability of unlimited color palette. Great amount shades allows you to use it not only in coloring various designs but also used by artists to paint pictures.
  • Dry quickly. After 1-3 hours after painting, it dries.
  • Elastic, durable, easy to care for, resistant to abrasion.
  • They do not contribute to the accumulation of dirt, allow air to pass through, and are resistant to moisture.
  • They differ in the duration of operation (they do not lose their attractiveness for 10 years).
  • Have broad scope applications. They are used in rooms, as well as outdoors under open sunbeams.
  • Versatile and multifaceted. Used in combination with others building materials. They can be applied to any surface, excluding some types of plastic.

What can and how to paint

So, this species paints are used both in the construction industry and in painting. Sometimes they put drawings on the surface of cars or make nail designs. If you still do not know how to paint with acrylic paint, then use the following tips:

  • clean the surface from dust, dirt and greasy stains;
  • material with high moisture absorption must be treated with a primer;
  • if the composition is too thick, add water and solvent;
  • apply better with a roller, brush or spray gun;
  • work should be carried out at a temperature not lower than +10 °С;
  • brushes paint container, paint container and other accessories clean with plain water.

If you have not completely used up all the paint, then close the jar tightly with a lid so that air does not get in there, which can change its properties and make it unusable.

Varieties of acrylic coatings

Depending on where acrylic paint is used, it is divided into the following types:

  • outdoor;
  • internal;
  • automotive;
  • used in painting.

The facade acrylic coating contains substances and additives that improve its resistance to sunlight, humidity and abrasion. This paint can cover facades, fences, benches, gates and other outdoor surfaces.

Internal paints have less resistance to external irritants, but they are perfectly exploited. Finishing interior paints available separately for walls and ceilings. Universal compositions with acrylic have also been developed, suitable for both indoor and outdoor work.

Depending on the additional features paints with acrylic are found:

  • lightfast;
  • moisture resistant;
  • well tolerated by mechanical stress;
  • washable.

Similar coatings with acrylic can still shine beautifully. In this regard, the following colors are distinguished:

  • glossy;
  • matte;
  • silky matte;
  • semi-gloss.

A little about thinners

It is best to dilute acrylic paint with water, because it is water-based. But when the coating dries, a film forms on its surface, which no longer allows water to pass through. Therefore, all working tools after painting should be washed immediately before they dry out.

How much water is needed to dilute? The ideal mass will be a ratio of 1: 1. If you dilute 1: 2, you get the thinnest layer that impregnates the surface. The thinner the coloring layer is needed, the more water is added to the composition.

Some manufacturers offer their thinners directly. With them, the paint can already take on a glossy or matte look.

To dilute it, it is first crushed to a powder state. Next, this powdered mass is poured twice with hot boiling water, waited for cooling and the water is drained, and the paint is mixed. Such a processed mass is already suitable for second-rate work, because it loses some of its properties.

Acrylic paints in painting

All artists know one feature of acrylic paints - after drying, they darken. They are used as an alternative to oil tubes and use the same techniques for applying to canvas. Unlike oil, acrylic dries much faster.

For background images, masters use a liquid consistency diluted with water, and for expressiveness they use a pasty mass. To do this, they often use special thickeners. Acrylic is good because it does not crack, unlike oil. It lays down very evenly, has a shine and does not require fixatives and varnishing.

Artists paint with acrylic paints on wood, glass, metal, linen, canvas. Fresh smears can be easily removed with water, and dried ones - only with special solvents. To create acrylic paintings, gels, pastes, putties, glue are used. Such masterpieces are distinguished by a special color rendition.

How to paint with acrylic paint correctly?

Applying water-based coatings is very easy. To know how to paint with acrylic paint, you need to get acquainted with some technological points and subtleties. We invite you to get to know them:

  • First, prepare the surface for painting. Check the ceiling for dirty, greasy and dusty residues. Then level the base perfectly. Treat the ceiling with a primer that protects against mold and mildew and saves paint costs.
  • If old paint remains on the surface, then carefully remove it with a spatula.
  • Be sure to seal cracks and chips with putty and wait for drying.
  • Make a grout, apply a primer.
  • After that, you can start coloring.
  • Take care of the tools first. What kind of roller to paint with acrylic paint is of interest to many readers. In addition to this device, you will need brushes, a reservoir for paints, stairs or a table.
  • Work should start from the corners, painting them with a brush. When you paint over all the edges around the perimeter, take the roller and boldly, stroke by stroke, paint over the entire surface.

Methods for applying the coloring mass to the surface

Acrylic paints can be applied to the surface in two ways. The first is to dilute the coatings with water or special mixtures. Such a composition can be applied in several layers. In the second case, a pasty form of paint is used, which is achieved with a special thickener. Never dilute the paint in the container in which you bought it, take a separate container, otherwise the moisture will evaporate and the residue will become unusable over time.

Painting wood with acrylic

Quite often, people ask themselves the question: "Is it possible to paint a tree with acrylic paint?" Yes it really exists special kind acrylic coatings for wooden surfaces. the latter require preliminary priming. For external works a water-based primer is suitable, and for interiors - an oil-based primer. A quality primer is good antiseptic. The answer to the above question is unequivocal: "You can paint wood with acrylic paint." Many people paint a beam or a wooden facade with it.

Facade finishing

Painting the facade of the house with acrylic paint is not so difficult. You just need to do the following:

  • Make sure that there is no dirt or loose plaster on the walls. Check the surface of the facade for strength. Look for fungus anywhere on the surface. Putty all cracks and defects.
  • Apply primer. This will improve the adhesion of paint to the surface of the facade and save material.
  • Take a roller and start painting. You will also need a brush. In some cases, a spray gun is used.

It is important to note that painting the facade requires the application of two layers. The second layer should be painted only after the first has dried. Acrylic paint dries quickly, so stroke after stroke must be applied quickly, otherwise the boundaries of new joints may be visible.

Combination of acrylic and oil texture

It is necessary to apply the varnishing material, having thought through all the details. Coverage must be reliable and long term have original appearance. It is especially important to consider what kind of painting the surface has been exposed to before. What can be painted with acrylic paint, you already understand. It adheres well to many surfaces. But what if the room was previously repaired with another coloring material? For example, can you paint with acrylic paint over oil paint or not? After all, so often in the old "Khrushchev" of the last century, the panels of kitchens and bathrooms were painted with an oil coating.

So do you need to remove oil paint before applying acrylic or not? Experts answer that it is possible to combine these two paints, only you need to use a special acrylic coating "Master-121". He has excellent adhesion, it is considered universal. It is important that there are no cracks or chips on the old coating. First, the oil cover is sanded with fine sandpaper, wiped from dust, degreased, and only then they start painting.

Hot batteries and acrylic coating

During repairs in apartments, many are wondering if it is possible to paint batteries with acrylic paint or not? After all, such a coloring agent must endure high temperatures up to 90-100 ° C. It should not only look aesthetically pleasing, but also protect the metal from corrosion.

We can say that universal acrylic paint is also suitable for painting batteries. It is important that during painting work heating was turned off. Do not paint on hot batteries to avoid uneven layers and loss of color.

combination with enamel

In addition to oil and acrylic coatings, enamel compositions are also found. They paint metal, wood and plastered surfaces. If drying oil is added to the oil, then varnish is added to the enamel. With it, the coating becomes glossy and aesthetic. If we consider whether it is possible to paint, then the answer is categorical: "No!". acrylic coating will simply lift the enamel, fold it. All this is because these two products have different diluents or solvents. If, nevertheless, such an action must be performed, then first a layer of a neutral composition must be applied to the enamel surface.

Repairing painted surfaces is an inevitable process. Even under the condition that earlier finishing was done competently and with high-quality materials.

At the moment, there are many ways to remove old paint.

  • mechanical methods. Acrylic enamel and acrylic paint or other coating peel off sharp objects or a power tool, such as a drill with a nozzle.
  • thermal methods. In this case, the paint is softened, for example, with a building hair dryer, and then removed.
  • Chemical methods. The finish is removed with a variety of washes.

However, the process of removing the old coating is long and labor-intensive. Yes, and the price of the issue is quite high, especially if you need to remove paint from large area or complex surfaces. Because of this, many of us prefer to apply the new finish directly on top of the old one. The question often arises as to the compatibility of the finishes.

In this article we will talk about whether acrylic paint can be applied to enamel and vice versa. But first, let's look at the basic concepts.

Varieties of paints and varnishes

Part paintwork materials includes binder, fillers, pigments, solvents/thinners and additives. In order to correctly apply paintwork materials during repairs, you need to know exactly their composition.

Main Components

All paints are divided according to the type of binder used and the type of solvent.

  1. The binder determines the main qualities of the paint, the service life of the coating and the speed of its drying.. There are 4 types of binders used for paintwork materials: alkyd and epoxy resins, oil (on drying oil), latex, acrylic polymers.
  2. Solvent components are divided into actual solvents and diluents.. The former reduce the fluidity and viscosity of the material. Thinners only reduce the viscosity of the paint.
  3. To improve the characteristics of paintwork materials, additives are added to their composition.: stabilizers, emulsifiers, fungicides, antiseptics, etc.
  4. To separate category relate special paints . These are anti-corrosion coatings, for example, Zinga conductive paint. Analogues with antiseptic properties that protect the base from mold and decay. Compositions for removing small defects (irregularities, scratches, cracks), etc.

Oil and enamel formulations

Materials based on alkyd and acrylic resins include oil and enamel paints. They are suitable for painting metal, wood and plastered surfaces.

After drying, it is non-toxic, light and moisture resistant.

  1. Oil paints are produced on the basis of drying oil. As thinners for them are White Spirit, gasoline, turpentine or solvent naphtha. The price of the compositions is low, but they dry for a long time (up to several days). The main disadvantage is that over time the coating turns yellow.
  2. Lacquer is added to enamel compositions as a binder. It gives the coating gloss and aesthetics. The instruction recommends using such paints for external and for metal, wood, concrete, plaster. Enamels are moisture and light resistant. They also have anti-corrosion resistance.

Emulsion and dispersion materials

Such paints are diluted, but do not dissolve with water. In them, the binder and pigment particles are distributed in liquid medium thus creating a stable emulsion.

When the coating dries, it does not wash out with water.

  1. Emulsion compositions are economical, have environmental friendliness and fire safety.
  2. They fit well on almost any substrate.
  3. Dries quickly, does not have a strong smell.

Many people think that water-based and water-dispersion formulations are the same.

However, they are different.

  1. Matte emulsions are washed off over time. The dispersions are water-resistant and suitable for use in wet areas.
  2. Water-dispersion compositions are usually white, water-based analogues have a variety of color palettes.
  3. Dispersions cannot be used at temperatures below +5 degrees. However, when modifiers are added, they are thermally stable. Such, for example, fire-retardant paints for metal Polistil.

The best analogues of water-diluted paints are based on acrylic resins and polymers.
They have high elasticity and strength.

  1. Such compositions are frost-resistant after their complete drying.
  2. Possess vapor permeability.
  3. Suitable for alkaline substrates (concrete, plaster).
  4. These paints are well tinted.
  5. Resistant to ultraviolet, retain the original color for a long time.
  6. They have the ability to repel water.
  7. They have high mechanical stability.

About paint compatibility

Based on everything written above, we will answer main question articles - is it possible to paint on enamel with acrylic paint and vice versa.

  1. Based on their composition, acrylic coatings fall only on the same old coating. They cannot be applied over alkyd enamels due to diluent/solvent incompatibility. The new coating will simply fold (raise) the enamel.
  2. In addition, it is undesirable to apply emulsion and dispersion compositions to old ones. The same applies to lacquered bases.
  3. But, after emulsion and dispersion materials, any enamels and paints can be used.

Now about how, without removing the enamel, apply a coating of acrylic paint with your own hands.

To do this, you need to create an intermediate layer, in a stable state, resistant to both acrylic and organic solvents.
It should consist of polyesters, (for example, epoxy resin, polyurethane) on amine hardeners.
Such compounds are dissolved with acetone.

Now many liquid described composition is sold.

One of the best materials is "Inter Troton Spray".

  1. First, apply liquid putty over the enamel.
  2. Next, cover the surface with acrylic primer.
  3. Then you can paint the base.


If you are not able to remove the old paint, then a new coating can be applied to it. However, there are nuances here. Some types of coatings are incompatible, so between them you need to create an intermediate layer of neutral compositions. By watching the video in this article, you will expand your knowledge base.

The choice of a particular type of paint should be approached as responsibly as possible, since the durability of the coating, its aesthetic characteristics, as well as the possibility of providing conditions for a comfortable stay of a person in the room depend on the solution of this issue. When choosing a coloring composition, one should also consider whether this painting will be the first or whether it will be a repair of a previously painted surface.
Many property owners who decide to make the premises of their apartments or houses redecorating interested in answering the question: "Is it possible to paint with acrylic paint surfaces that have previously been painted oil paint
It should be noted right away that trying to find the answer to the question posed among the sellers of building materials stores or specialists who have worked their entire labor activity with only one of the specified compositions, it should not. Most of these people may not even know what initial components these paintwork materials are made of, so they cannot conclude that they are compatible. After receiving a response from them, House master runs the risk of hearing a purely individual opinion and, as a result, making the wrong choice.

Characteristic features of oil and acrylic paint

Before answering the question posed in the title of the article, it is necessary to talk in detail about the characteristics of each of these paints and varnishes.

Oil paint

Even in the most last years of the previous century, oil paints occupied a leading position in coatings market. These coloring compositions were in demand everywhere, they were applied to any, both internal and external surfaces of premises for any economic purpose. The positions of oil paints were somewhat shaken after the appearance of nitro enamels on the shelves of stores. And after the widespread production of water-dispersion coloring compositions was established, oil paints became less in demand in comparison with other paintwork materials.

Currently, oil paints are used very rarely. However, many home masters of the "old school" still tend to use only them, explaining their choice for the following reasons:

  • Oil paints are low cost. Until oil formulations will differ from their analogues by more favorable prices, they will be in demand. Oil coatings are available to any buyer, regardless of the thickness of his wallet, which allows you to save quite decent amounts of money during the painting of large areas.
  • Oil paints are resistant to moisture. They perfectly protect wooden, concrete and metal surfaces from the damaging effects of water. Can be used for coloring interior spaces, and any external surfaces: facades of houses, roof structures, poles, fences, etc.
  • Ease of use. Absolutely no instructions are required to paint any interior or exterior surface. All you need is a can of paint and a brush. Sometimes it is required to add a certain amount of solvent and mix the composition.

By the way, many home craftsmen who do not know whether acrylic paint can be applied over oil paint opt ​​for oil paintwork materials. They explain their actions by the fact that previously the surface has already been treated with paint based on drying oil, which means that there is no need for additional surface preparation. Simply put, if such paint has already been used, it means that in order to avoid problems, experiment and, as a result, it is not worth the risk.

Despite the many undeniable advantages, oil paints and varnishes are not without certain disadvantages, the main of which are the following indicators:

  • Small selection of colors. As a rule, in construction stores you can find oil paint, represented by only a dozen shades, which has a very negative effect on the possibility of developing a variety of design solutions.
  • The coating has low strength. Often, cracks and chips appear on the surface painted with oil paint. Elimination of these defects is possible as a result of re-staining, which takes certain time and requires investment.
  • Oil paint fumes are toxic. The room in which painting is carried out using oil paintwork materials is filled with a persistent smell that is unsafe for human health, therefore, when performing this type of work, it is necessary to organize effective ventilation. Until the surface to be painted is completely dry, it is forbidden for a person to be in the room.

Oil paints and varnishes are made on the basis of drying oil. In turn, drying oil can be either natural or 45% composed of synthetic additives. To give the paint a particular color shade, mineral pigments are added to the drying oil, after which the composition is mixed until the consistency of a homogeneous viscous mass.

acrylic paint

Consider the advantages and disadvantages of acrylic paint. The advantages of using acrylic coloring compositions include the following characteristics:

  • Ecological purity. In the composition of paints and varnishes of this variety, components harmful to the human body are completely absent, which in our time is considered a very important characteristic. Even in the course of direct work with paint, when painting a particular surface, the painter does not smell.
  • The widest range of colors. Currently, acrylic paints are represented on the paint and varnish market by a wide range of color tones. Even in the event that the desired tone is not on the counter, the paint of the color desired by the buyer will be prepared directly in his presence, by mixing two or three samples of paint of different color shades on a special machine. This opportunity allows you to implement any design development.
  • High degree of resistance to moisture, ultraviolet radiation, temperature changes. This allows you to use acrylic paint for both interior and exterior surfaces. Also, it should be noted that the layer of acrylic paint laid on the surface to be treated is vapor-permeable, as a result of which there will be no accumulation of moisture on the walls.
  • Coating durability. Compared to its oil counterpart, acrylic paint will last at least 2 times longer.

The only downside to acrylic paint is its high cost. What will you do? You have to pay for high quality
Acrylic paints are made up of an acrylic composite and water. After applying the paint, during its drying, moisture evaporates and polymerization of the components included in the composition, as a result of which high strength layer.

How to apply acrylic paint over oil?

And now, knowing the main advantages and disadvantages of each paint, taking into account the features of their chemical composition, we will answer the main question: “Is it possible to apply acrylic paint on oil without completely removing its layer?”

In the event that the layer of oil paint adheres firmly to the surface, does not peel off, there are no cracks and chips in it, acrylic paint called "Master-121" can be applied on top. This coloring agent is a universal composition, which is characterized by the highest degree of adhesion even to the most even and smooth surfaces.

Using "Master-121", you can be completely sure that acrylic paint will reliably lie on a layer of oil paint. This option is the simplest solution.

Acrylic paint adheres very well to surfaces previously painted with oil paint. However, to prevent the acrylic paint from peeling off the oil base after a while, the surface to be painted must be treated with the utmost care. In the course of surface preparation, it is necessary to perform the following types of work:

  1. Carefully sand the surface to which the acrylic paint will be applied with fine-grained sandpaper.
  2. Further, dust, dirt, remnants of abrasive material should be removed from the surface, and then degreased. As a degreaser, you can use a solution of soap in warm water.
  3. Wait for the degreasing solution to dry completely.
  4. Paint the surface to be treated with several layers of acrylic paint.

Having completed the full range of the above preparatory work, some home masters still doubt the reliability of such a connection. In order for acrylic paint to adhere well to a surface previously painted with oil paint, the coloring agent must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1.

The fact is that commercially available acrylic paint is a fairly thick solution. After adding water to it in the indicated proportion, a composition with the same properties will be obtained, which will lie on the treated surface in an even and beautiful layer.

In the event that an airbrush is used to paint the surface, acrylic paint must be diluted with a special solvent. This solvent has two varieties, one of which will give the treated surface a matte finish, the other - glossy.

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