There is a transmigration of souls. What is reincarnation: myth, reality or hoax? Memory from a past life

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It is known that at the moment of death the soul leaves the physical body. But the abandoned body may not yet be entirely hopeless. For some time after the soul has left the body, it is likely to be revived. And in these very minutes, the soul of some other person who has just died can move into the body abandoned by his own soul.

That person died completely and irrevocably. His soul had no choice but to leave the physical flesh. But, having left it, the soul, for some reason, did not fly off to other worlds, but found a new body for itself - exactly the one that its own soul left and which it is still possible to revive. In life, it looks like this: sick. He has a clear mind, but he does not recognize any of his relatives and acquaintances and does not remember his life. But suddenly he begins to remember someone else's life ...

1970s - a lot was written in the foreign press about 12-year-old Elena Markard, from West Berlin. The girl suffered a serious injury and was unconscious for a long time, and when she regained consciousness, she stopped recognizing her relatives and understanding her native German language. But instead, she began to speak fluent Italian, which she had never learned.
According to her, her name was Rosetta Castigliani. She lived her life without a break in Italy and died there at the age of 30 after an accident. Helena-Rosetta aroused the interest of scientists. She was brought to Italy. The girl recognized her town and her home, and when she saw her aged daughter, she called out to her by a childhood nickname familiar to both of them.

A similar incident occurred in the 20s of the XX century at the height of the Spanish flu epidemic, which claimed, according to various estimates, from 50 to 100 million human lives. In a crowded Prague morgue, one of the corpses suddenly came to life. According to hospital records, it was a certain Karel Turny, a resident of Prague. He did not recognize the relative who came to visit him. On the same day he was discharged from the hospital. But he did not go to his city apartment, but somewhere in the countryside. In a certain village, he entered one of the houses and declared that he was the owner here. He called himself the name and surname of the owner and gave many details of "his" life here.

Later, the police found that the real owner died of a Spanish flu almost simultaneously with Karel Turny, and their corpses were in the same morgue. It remains unknown how Turnny learned so much about the deceased owner of the house, because no one in that village had ever seen him.

Maniac - he is a maniac in another body

1964 - Two dozen guards and prisoners were killed during a riot in a Texas state prison. Security guard Jimmy Home for a long time could not get out of a coma. When he came to himself, it turned out that he did not remember anything from what had happened to him before the injury. But he had uncharacteristic habits for him and a Mexican accent. After being discharged from the hospital, he left Texas without even saying goodbye to his family.

Some time later, a series of attacks on women took place in various places in the American Midwest. The police recognized the characteristic handwriting of a maniac known to them, a Mexican by birth. But this maniac was caught long ago, he was kept in a Texas prison and was killed during a riot of prisoners. To make sure that he was dead, his grave was opened and the body was examined. There was no doubt that it was his corpse. But, in this case, it turned out that his double, an exact copy, was chasing women ...

Home was eventually caught and subjected to a psychiatric examination. He confessed that he was not Home, but the same Mexican who was in prison and died during the riot. He became like this after his death and has no idea how he got Home's body. He was sent to a psychiatric hospital, where he soon died. His secret has remained unrevealed.

Resurrected artist

It is believed that most often occur during mass deaths - epidemics or wars. The most famous of these cases occurred during World War II.

David Chitlahe Paladin was a typical native of the American hinterland. He studied, like everyone else, in an ordinary school, did not differ in diligence, rather the opposite - several times he ended up in a correctional prison for teenagers. 1944 - he arrived in Europe as a soldier. In battle, he was seriously wounded, was captured and tortured. The Germans placed him, dying, in a concentration camp. The British who came here found him among the corpses. The body was identified by fingerprints and was about to be sent to America, when they suddenly discovered that the young soldier had a pulse.

David was treated in hospitals in Europe, then transported to his homeland. For two and a half years, he did not understand anything and did not recognize anyone, and when he finally came to his senses, he told others in broken English: “I am an artist, my name is Wassily Kandinsky.”

At first they decided that he was not himself, but the young man very soon proved to everyone that he was mentally quite healthy. True, in English he spoke with a strong accent, previously unusual for him. And, even more surprisingly, he knew Russian and French well, which he never learned. Moreover, he spoke Russian without an accent and quite competently.

Later, when journalists and scientists became interested in this case, it turned out that the famous Russian avant-garde artist Wassily Kandinsky died in 1944 in France at the age of 78 in those days when David Paladin was lying in the corpse barracks of a German concentration camp.

David tried to learn as much as possible about his life in America. To this end, he maintained an active correspondence with relatives and acquaintances of the Paladin. Then, without studying anywhere, he began to paint oil paintings. The art historians who were shown them were convinced that these were the originals of Kandinsky.

Later, David moved away from the pictorial manner of Kandinsky and generally began to pay less attention to drawing. He became interested in playing the piano. And this was explained in his previous life: the researchers found out that the real Kandinsky had a musical education and he played this instrument perfectly. Already 5 years after his miraculous revival, Paladin headed an art studio and at the same time (having completed only 6 classes of a regular school!) lectured on theology at the University of Denver.

A logical question arises: why, in the cases described, were the bodies animated by other people's souls, and not their own?
From scientists, we, for sure, will not hear the answer soon. But the occultists have their own opinion. They believe that the soul is strong and weak. A strong soul, unlike a weak one, is able to re-inhabit a human body. Souls inhabit, as a rule, in the bodies of babies. But they can also inhabit the bodies of adults, replacing them with their own souls. According to this theory, the souls of Kandinsky, the Mexican maniac and the Czech peasant were strong. Therefore, they revived the practically dead Paladin, Home and Karel Turnoy.

The rebirth of a dead soul is a mysterious and little-known macrophenomenon. However, there are a huge number of diverse theories on this topic. Researchers disagree on exactly how long the soul of a deceased person is reincarnated, what determines the quality of the life that follows, how transformation is carried out in animals, and in many other issues.

Transmigration of souls after death

The reincarnation process is the transfer of the essence into another flesh. According to a certain theory about the transmigration of the soul, the non-material component, or rather the “soul”, does not undergo the process of death. She remains alive and begins to live the following phenomenon - incarnation.

Incarnation and reincarnation processes are completely different phenomena. The first macrophenomenon is marked by a separate embodiment of the essence of man. The second process characterizes, directly, the very act of moving the soul. Based on substantiated facts, it can be argued that transformation is a real, existing phenomenon. This phenomenon is not included in Christian religious teachings. Orthodox believe that life is unique, and there can be no rebirth. However, different religions have different points of view regarding this issue. In Buddhism there is no categorical denial of this phenomenon.

There is a statement that only the spirit is transformed. This is due to the fact that one individual has a certain number of substances. The spirit is a kind of energy clot of the personality's memory. Spirit components are created at the moment of transfer to other flesh. It is generally accepted that it is the spirit that has information about all past lives. Access to this information is not given to everyone. Of course, there are methods for extracting this information.

How long does it take for a soul to be reborn?

This question does not have an exact answer, since the time of reincarnation is determined conditionally, it is influenced by deeds committed during life and a large number of other factors.

Theory of reincarnation

This phenomenon has been repeatedly studied by scientists, experts in the field of esotericism and parapsychology, who lived at different times, but there are no reliable facts about this. The indicated field of knowledge is not available to man, at least at the moment, however, there are assumptions that humanity considers true and accepts them.

The relocation of the essence of the deceased is often carried out in the flesh of another person, but of the opposite sex. This alternation is due to the fact that a balance is created that is necessary for acquiring versatile experience.

Sometimes, the open state of a substance from a past transformation has an impact on important characteristics that appear in a new incarnation. An example would be masculine character traits in a woman or vice versa. The personality that was created in a previous life is able to influence in other incarnations. Some people believe in this theory and suggest that such an action can be attributed to a personality disorder. The primary cause of such an ailment is considered to be the past incarnation.

The relocation of the spirit from the form of an animal to a human is considered natural, but a certain number of scientists consider the reverse relocation impossible. It should be noted that not everyone agrees with this hypothesis.

There is an opinion that the transformation of the essence into human flesh can take place in the fourth month of gestation. When a baby is born, his memory of past lives is turned off. Usually people do not remember their own lives that were before, but children often retell certain events that they could not get information about anywhere. Similar phenomena are described in the specialized literature. This information seems to be stored on an invisible server, accessed by the elite. Many want to know their secret lives by practicing various techniques.

Of course, there are other claims, such as that reincarnation is temporary. There is a famous expression: "When an actor plays a certain role, she plays an actor." Perhaps that is why acting was banned for a long time by believers, and their bodies were interred behind the fence of the cemetery. This was due to the fact that their souls were considered corrupted.

How long does it take for a deceased person to reincarnate? – Some people tend to believe that this happens when the dead spirit is ready for it. For most, the topic of rebirth in a new body is so intriguing that many directors use it and create their work based on this theory. Even the well-known bestseller "Avatar" can serve as an example. The modern world is a certain school for every soul, and no one knows what follows from the experience gained.

The impact of human karma

It is the karmic component that has a primary impact on the nature of future reincarnations. Everyone has information about what karmic debts are. These are the mistakes that were made in a previous life, but they should be corrected in the present. It happens that an individual is not guilty of anything, but must correct the flaws of the past of his kind, we are talking about family karma, which affects the life of each family member.

It is important to remember to work on the bugs. If a person makes fun of the physical shortcomings of other people, then in the next life he will be “rewarded” with a similar flaw. Thus, there is a reassessment of values, understanding and responsibility for the consequences that the spirit committed in a previous life - this is not a punishment, but a training of the soul. Often, the same karmic goals can pass from one life to another, since a specific lesson is not always understood the first time.

How does reincarnation happen in animals?

There are a huge number of opinions on this issue. However, as well as on the issue of reincarnation of human beings.

A large number of people believe that the deceased animals are returned to the family where they lived. It is worth agreeing with the fact that many people, having lost their dear pet, believe in the transmigration of the soul of a dog that they loved with all their hearts. For them, this is not a joke - they feel her presence in that particular puppy that lies in the alley or was born by a neighbor's dog. And what is no less surprising, this is justified by the behavior of the puppy himself, even other pets in the house quickly find contact with a new friend, as they feel a former friend in him.

But the reincarnation of the soul of a cat is a separate issue. According to the conventional wisdom about a four-legged animal, a cat has nine lives. Some believe that in a cat's body, only this number of lives can be lived. Other scientists argue that after the end of the ninth life, the cat's essence goes to the afterlife and moves to a new stage of development.

Modern science is not able to answer the question of the reincarnation of an animal into a person, as a result, there is a huge number of diverse theories and hypotheses on this occasion, which largely contradict each other.

The rite of rebirth of a person who committed suicide

Most religious teachings do not allow a person to commit suicide. From the theory of reincarnation, suicide is a manifestation of a conscious neglect of the possibility of acquiring an important experience of incarnation. Even if this happened in the family chain of the family, it will negatively affect the karma of each of the descendants. This is due to the fact that even relatives will be responsible for this act, and the next incarnation of such a person will be filled with difficulties and problems, and in any case, you will have to practice suicide.

In certain countries, there is an opinion that the soul of a person who commits suicide lives in the world of the living for a long time, cannot leave this world. There are hypotheses that the substance of the deceased resides at a certain level of the astral, where it is imprisoned in order to comprehend its own deed. Conclusion: the future after suicide cannot be called bright.

In general, there are many diverse hypotheses about rebirth, some of them are similar in meaning, but even the knowledge of all these theories will not give an exact answer, after how long the deceased spirit will move into another flesh. This is still inexplicable, which is why most often there is a feeling that it is not the soul itself that decides, but someone from above.

The question of reincarnation worries theologians and philosophers throughout the history of mankind. Is death forever, or is it to be continued? If yes, then what?

In this article

Can lives be counted or remembered

A single incarnation or seven hundred exponentially? Or maybe nine of them, like a cat? ? Some believe that it is possible to be reborn at least fifteen times, others insist that seven attempts are enough to realize the destination.


Nobody knows the correct answer. Only strange or terrible events make you think about the eternal.

Most laymen are interested in the outside; perceive everything as a joke, a computer game or fun fun.

  1. What is the shape of the previous body and gender?
  2. What part of the world or country did I live in?

Knowledge about rebirths will help correct the present and the future. The past has great power, so work on mistakes is needed.

Special meditations or deep hypnosis will help refresh your memory. Having tuned in to the right wave, we plunge into a trance and go on a journey through the places of memory.

Meditation as one way to remember your rebirth

In dreams we see distant worlds and past lives

Dreamers say that they find themselves in places that are not in real life, but they clearly recognize them. In wanderings on the astral plane, we meet acquaintances, but, upon waking up, we understand that these are strange faces. Perhaps a feeling in the subconscious of the extraneous presence of thoughts, emotions, desires. What other signs indicate reincarnation?

  1. Constant nightmares with similar plots.
  2. Bright, colorful pictures of foreign countries.
  3. Own transformations or amazing metamorphoses of familiar things.
  4. Fantastic dream stories.
  5. The extraordinary reality of what is happening in the world of illusions.

All these phenomena indicate that the soul is painfully trying to remember the previous place of residence.

strange memories

The older the Mind, the less likely it is to remember the past, according to parapsychologists and occultists. Unconscious visions come to children, but parents usually write them off as a wild fantasy. Sometimes they are afraid of revelations and forbid the child to talk about the illusory vision of reality. Non-existent interlocutors or friends are not the fruit of a sick imagination and are not a reason to take a child to a psychiatrist. Try to talk in an interesting and friendly way. Suddenly, the child will be able to remember and realize himself in previous incarnations.

There is a legend that the cry of a baby at birth symbolizes knowledge. But the guardian angel at this moment puts his hand on his head and makes him forget what happened before. Erases memory to keep the secret.

Intuition as a reminder of a previous life

From the point of view of official science, intuition is a projection of the subconscious into reality. Scientists believe that there is nothing mystical or irrational: the brain constantly captures and processes information, and at the right time suggests the right decision. It seems to us that it came from outside, but in fact they themselves generated it.

It happens to everyone: you are walking down the street, thinking about a friend whom you have not met for a long time. After a few steps you see a familiar face in the crowd. Esotericists will call this a premonition. Fundamentalists will shrug their shoulders and say: you first saw a friend in the crowd out of the corner of your eye, and then you thought about him. And not vice versa.

Occultists believe that the higher the level of consciousness and the more rebirths, the more powerful the intuitive flow.

In this video, a powerful mantra that reveals intuition:

Trusting your inner voice saves lives. The media describes many examples of how, feeling discomfort and danger, passengers handed over tickets for a plane or train before a disaster. They did not get into a car that had an accident a few hours later. They went a different way instead of the usual route and avoided the attack of terrorists.

deja vu

Moments that elude understanding appear under the influence of stress, an unusual or unpleasant situation. Smells, sounds, surroundings - you never know when you will feel an amazing feeling.

Scientists studying quantum theories suggest that deja vu directly indicates the multivariance of the Universe and the presence of parallel spaces. Parapsychologists say that these are echoes of experienced memories. The more and more often the effect is observed, the older the age of consciousness.

Empathy as a sign of rebirth and a highly developed soul

Who are empaths? These are people who are able to physically feel the experiences of others. And not only spiritual, but also physical. The degree of involvement in other people's problems is so high that the empath feels them as his own. They perceive the general grief as part of themselves.

Depending on their religious affiliation, they are called Saints, Righteous, or Prophets. In the secular tradition, they are awarded with epithets: “a doctor from God”, “a teacher by vocation”. Such lamps of Light burn brightly and go out early. Often their fate is tragic. Example: Elizaveta Glinka (Doctor Lisa).

gift of foresight

Strong seers come to Earth once a century, and sometimes more. Knowledge obtained from mysterious images cannot always be fully deciphered or openly passed on to descendants. The famous quatrains of Nostradamus are an example of foresight. Due to the peculiarities of the time, the Master could not clearly state the information.

Mikhail Lermontov's poem "I go out on the road alone" is considered by occultists as direct evidence of his involvement in the assembly of Mature Souls. The verse contains these lines:

In heaven solemnly and wonderfully!

The earth sleeps in the radiance of blue ...

At the time of Lermontov, space exploration was far away. But how could he know that the planet looked exactly like this from orbit: surrounded by a bluish halo?

This is what Earth looks like from space

Lermontov's works indicate that his spirit went through dozens of reincarnations. The tragic death of the poet confirms the fact. He lived exactly as long as required.

A look into the past

Information from the past comes in the form of fragmentary memories, unrelated chaotic visions. People are able to remember historical events that happened hundreds of years ago. A tourist from America, visiting Rome for the first time, impressed the guides with the accuracy of describing places that she had not seen before.

Maybe the Jerusalem syndrome, which doctors consider a mental disorder, is a memory?

Jerusalem syndrome is a short-term insanity in especially sensitive natures. Men imagine themselves as Jesus wandering to Golgotha, women experience the suffering of the Mother of God, who lost her only Son.

mental and biological age

It's not about how a person looks on the outside, but how young they feel. It happens that children are serious and concentrated, and adults feel like teenagers to gray hair. Parapsychologists associate the phenomenon with the true age of the soul.

The fewer incarnations there were, the brighter and more emotionally the Spirit manifests itself. Everything seems new, unusual and attractive to him. He never ceases to be surprised and discover the facets of being. Travelers and tireless wanderers most often have young hearts. Examples: Jacques Cousteau, Fedor Konyukhov.

From this video you will find out how old your soul is:

Inexplicable attraction to foreign culture, language, customs

Someone is interested in the philosophy of the East or is thirsty for knowledge of the culture of ancient civilizations. The desire to learn a foreign language or dress in costumes of a certain era can be explained by the theory of life reincarnations.

A striking example is cosplay, a popular phenomenon among young people. Boys and girls choose a real or fictional image that is close in spirit and recreate it with the help of makeup, hair or clothing.

Unexplained fears, phobias and fears

Psychologists believe that we get all the complexes and fears in childhood. Fear of heights, falls or water indicates a violent death in the past. Having unraveled the tangle of phobias, you can get closer to unraveling the origin and purpose of the soul.

Phobias are a product of fears from the past

The feeling that the Earth is not your home

Causeless anxiety, chronic fatigue, anxiety, a feeling of unreality of what is happening. Such emotions arise as a result of the aging of the Consciousness. It gets tired of endless reincarnations and strives to leave earthly limits as quickly as possible. Loneliness, lack of friends, alienation and hostility of relatives are indirect signs pointing to a soul that is ready to leave for the Cosmos.

The premonitions of the old people are based on the feeling, accurately naming the date of departure. Those who are tired clearly know the duration of their stay on Earth and do not regret the imminent death.

They passionately desire to return to their roots, to the boundless space of the Universe and take a break from the difficult path.

Movies and books about the reincarnation of the soul

Popular science and fiction are devoted to issues of life and death.

  1. At the top of this list is Raymond Moody's Life After Life. The author has collected the experience of patients who have undergone clinical death and realized that going beyond the physical shell is real.
  2. Denise Lynn, Past Lives, Present Dreams. In the book, the author gives simple and accessible methods for realizing one's "I".
  3. Sam Parnia What Happens When We Die. In a scientific work, a professor of medicine talks about research conducted with patients who survived coma and short-term care.
  4. The book and film of the same name, The Secret, will interest those who care about the cause-and-effect relationships between our actions and the reaction of the universe.

Memories, reincarnation and the expansion of the boundaries of consciousness have always been of interest to directors.

  1. The cult American film Flatliners was released in 1990. A remake was filmed in 2017. The picture tells about the posthumous visions of a group of young doctors who decided on a risky experiment.
  2. "Narcosis" is not recommended for viewing in anticipation of major surgical interventions. But with full confidence it can be attributed to films that expand the boundaries of consciousness.
  3. The historical picture "The Mummy" will allow you to look at the problem of incarnation from a different point of view.
  4. From domestic series, we advise you to watch the recently released tape "On the Other Side of Death."
  5. The serial mystical drama "Premonition" will tell how, as a result of an accident, a woman acquires the gift of clairvoyance.

Soul is immortal

There are more questions than answers. Are post-mortem sensations real, or are they the last bursts of brain activity before complete extinction? Visions, premonitions, intuition - what is behind these concepts? World experience of numerous reincarnations or blind Faith. Everyone is free to choose a point of view corresponding to religious or other beliefs. Or maybe just follow the advice of Vysotsky:

Wouldn't it be better to be a decent person in life?

A little about the author:

Evgeny Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the keys to success in a perfect ritual. I will provide you with the information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But do not worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

The whole world is one big interconnected spiral, where everything is correlated with each other and moves in turns. It is not surprising that many people in all ages have felt the memory of past lives in themselves. This manifests itself in the streams of inexplicable emotions that seem to attract or repel from a person, place, object. According to the theory of the transmigration of souls, such a relationship is explained by the nature of the information received from past experience. Transmitted through the spiral of time, it affects the current incarnation and after the reincarnation of the soul. A bad place where a terrible thing may have happened to a past incarnation or a person to whom sympathy or antipathy is felt, all this can be waves of memory that comes from a past life.

The question of whether there is a reincarnation of the soul has always worried our ancestors, and in many Eastern religions the topic of the transmigration of souls occupies a very prominent place (for example, in Buddhism or Shintoism). Have you wondered who you are, where you came from, and what is reincarnation? You are now in the right place.

About human cellular memory

How did it happen that you are incredibly fascinated by only a certain part of the historical heritage? Look at ancient Roman frescoes and imagine yourself a resident of that era, or catch yourself thinking that you know more about the customs of another nation than YOU CAN know. Every little thing that you think and how it feels can be related to another time, to your other life ... located in the armor of the genetic memory of past lives

Incarnating in a new body after reincarnation, the souls bring with them both their past experience and all their informational egregore (the so-called "mental condensate"), so the memory of the soul is transferred to every cell of the newborn's body.

Example. Activation of genetic memory can occur when listening to a melody or watching an image from films, the result will be a surge of emotions and interconnected images that seem to belong and do not belong to us at the same time, deja vu is possible, ordinary human memory works in the same way, but completely different details and root causes of such events.

Carl Jung considered cellular memory as part of the definition of the collective unconscious, when we contain not only information about past lives, but also sets of ancient archetypes (an element of the collective unconscious, for example, "Mother", "Father", "Hero", "Dragon", " Wanderer", "Child", etc.), which are transmitted at birth.

Progenitor of homeopathy Dr. Samuel Hahnemann(1755-1843) separated from all cellular memory an additional term - "miasma" (meaning "poisonous fumes, sewage"), denoting pathogenic information and its influence on a person through genetic memory and after the reincarnation of the soul. In the same way, “miasma” is also an accumulated charge of negative emotions that a person keeps for a long time without sources of such energy.

Miasma is an essence in the form of electromagnetic resonance. It can exist both in a latent form and in an active one, its activation is provoked by negative events in a person’s life, resonating at the same wavelengths as the events, the consequences of the influence of such negative cellular memory can turn into, for example, problems in the organs. In summary, miasma is an “energy virus” coming from the memory of past lives. , which is based in our body and soul. The cure for miasma lies in the plane of meditative practices of self-purification and the creation of an internal balance of emotional forces.

2 important points on genetic (cellular) memory

  1. Human DNA and RNA are located in the same place where the entire set of programs of the soul and body is stored, that is, ALL information initially lives inside us. The connection of the soul with the body works at the level of DNA, without it we would be just mechanisms.
  2. We can influence DNA through the growth of our consciousness, identify, change and remove the destructive programs of the subconscious, and therefore change and improve the work of the Spirit and the Body and get closer to the Source of All That Is

External manifestations of cellular memory

deja vu

A phenomenon that hundreds of scientists around the world are still trying to explain. It manifests itself as an obsessive feeling that IT ALREADY HAPPENED, in our opinion, is activated at the moment of deja vu memory of past lives and cells transmit IMPORTANT information to consciousness. Believe and listen to your feelings, the correct interpretation of deja vu is inside you.

Birthmarks and age spots, scars, moles

It is possible to connect the external features of the current incarnation with the memory of past lives. This connection is most often associated with events and associated traumas in that Soul life. Often these events are associated with certain negative charges with which the event passed, that is, the Soul did not let it go to the end and the so-called "information-energetic" imprint remained.

Example: a person was killed by a loved one with a knife in the back, the Soul left with a strong negative charge, after the soul is reincarnated and he is in a new incarnation, in this place he has a birthmark, as a reminder of those events.

Earlier in the article, a case from practice was already described, when a girl turned to me with a question about a birthmark on her body. During the regression immersion in past lives, we found answers to her questions and found out that the stain was a trace of a burn: the ceiling collapsed in a burning building, and the girl was covered with a log. And at the place where the log fell, the girl now has that same birthmark.

And there are many such examples, so I have no doubts about whether there is a reincarnation of the soul after death.

Fears, depression

We know for sure that traumatic situations from childhood affect our lives. Now imagine that such situations have an impact, even from a past life. An incredible emotional shock that the soul could not accept goes with her through her whole life, and after the reincarnation of the soul it goes further, causing inexplicable fears and phobias.

In my practice, I was convinced that fears manifest themselves already in childhood, because the soul has retained the memory of a past life and reacts sharply to similar events in this life. For example, a very common question among my clients is about the causes of fear of heights. In all cases of communication with people, this turned out to be the result of the reincarnation of the soul after death from a fall from a height in a previous life.

As we can see, genetic memory plays an important role in the topic of reincarnation. These are 2 interconnected stories, where both complement the logic of each other's existence.

Remembering our past lives and working on changing our internal programs, we free ourselves from the shackles of negative energy that our cellular memory carries.

The purpose of this work: to come to an ideal inner balance and harmony, when the Body and Soul work together, without oppressing each other.

Remember, the past should not negatively affect the present, it should help not to make new mistakes.

Theories about the reincarnation of the soul

Theory 1. In Hinduism

Hinduism is the center of knowledge about the reincarnation of souls, in many scriptures, which are the essence of Hinduism (Vedas, Upanishads), reincarnation is described as a natural change in the energy state of the Living.

The essence of the theories is that we all live in a spiral cycle and constantly move in the universe, alternating birth and death. Our Soul is reborn thousands of times and gradually strives for the Highest source of happiness, which can be achieved through spiritual practices. The goal of the Soul is to get out of the cycle and rise forever into a new form of being - the spiritual world.

According to the canons of Buddhism, there are five levels in total, where the Soul has the possibility of reincarnation: the human level, the animal world, the level of hell, where spirits live, where gods live. Where we will appear next time depends on the deeds of the Soul in this incarnation, and we will be reborn until our very being dries up, or we reach that same spiritual world.

Theory 2. Reincarnation in the philosophy of ancient Greece

Did you think that Pythagoras himself, a mathematical thinker, was an adherent of the theory of the reincarnation of the soul? Now we mainly meet only with his theorem, but then the philosopher gathered followers around him and came up with the concept that the Soul is given to a person or animal from the HIGHER WORLD for the purpose of multiple reincarnations until it is pure and worthy to ascend again.

Plato's thoughts on the topic of how the reincarnation of the soul takes place were similar. He believed that at the very beginning the Soul is given to people, but when a person commits bad deeds during life, his soul degrades and incarnates in the body of animals and must develop in order to incarnate again in a person, and so on until it is worthy to gain complete freedom. .

Theory 3. Early Christianity

The modern church denies the idea of ​​reincarnation and believes that the soul incarnates only once, but this was not always the case, moreover, it is believed that the early Christians did not hear about heaven or hell at all, but believed in rebirth.

For example, in the 2nd century AD, there lived the Christian philosopher Origen, who was almost the first learned Christian of those years.

The essence of his teaching is that the souls weighed down by evil deeds in the next incarnations will be representatives of the animal world, but through the purification of the soul they will again be able to gain the Kingdom of Heaven. The Soul, strengthened or weakened by the actions of the past and the memory of a past life, will enter a new incarnation. All the actions of our current life will predetermine the next life.

Theory 4. Renaissance

The famous Giordano Bruno is interesting here. A prominent astronomer and scientist also came up with the theory of the reincarnation of the soul, which was one of the factors for burning him at the stake by the church (except for refusing to support the theory of heliocentrism, of course), which was an opponent of reincarnation.

The essence of Bruno's concept: the death of the body does not mean the end, the Soul has the opportunity to visit other worlds in the universe, the church does not affect the relationship of a person with God, but only clouds the mind and confuses the Soul, salvation depends only on the direct connection of the Soul with the Almighty.

It is not surprising that such radical thoughts at that time led a prominent scientist to a terrible fate.

Evidence for the Reincarnation of the Soul

Above, we found out the degree of influence of the memory of a past life on the present life, now we will provide the revealed facts about the existence of reincarnation, including those obtained within our project.

An important part of the evidence base goes back to hypnosis, in your life you have probably met such a situation in a cultural work, when a hypnotist puts a person into a trance, and then extracts facts from the immersed person. Techniques aimed at identifying events and situations from childhood are called age regression, and for memories of a past life - regressive hypnosis.

The goals of these practices have already been described above in the paragraph on cellular memory, the regression technique allows researchers to look beyond human perception and pull out what the Soul hides.

I want to tell the story of a young man., who complained of pain between the shoulder blades. He repeatedly turned to doctors, underwent examinations and received one answer - healthy, clean between the shoulder blades. However, S. did not leave the feeling of a foreign object and painful sensations, and the search for the cause led him to me. After a detailed conversation with him, they formulated a clear request (intention) to find and remember the past life with which this pain is associated. And S. saw a life in which a close friend killed him from behind, stabbing him between the shoulder blades. That is why, in addition to constant back pain, S. did not develop friendly relations with people, he did not trust anyone and was unsociable. This is another example of how people make one request, and in the course of regressive hypnosis, we work through other areas that seem unrelated at first glance.

I have accumulated many stories about fears, "corruptions" that stretch from past incarnations, and are real proof that the reincarnation of the soul exists. Here, for example, is a situation that I often encounter: young man A. is inexplicably afraid of water, despite the fact that in childhood he did not fall into the water and there are no objective reasons for this fear. And, which is quite expected for me, they saw that his past life stopped due to falling into the water, i.e. he just drowned. The soul kept this in memory and transferred it from a past life to the present. .

Documented Cases

Twilight Zone

Brian Weiss is an experienced Western psychoanalyst. He had never been a believer in the reincarnation of souls before, but one of his patients surprised him greatly. During a trance during a standard age regression session, she began to claim that Brian's father and son (who had previously died of a similar heart disease) were contacting her and wanted to convey a message to him. The fantasy of the situation was confirmed by the fact that the patient did not know about the personal life of the psychoanalyst, but she named several personal facts that only his deceased relatives could know, the doctor, impressed, reflected this session in detail in his subsequent research papers. This girl could be a medium without knowing it, and the phenomenon is called the "Twilight Zone", that is, the psychic ability to bring dead people to dialogue who are closely related to the medium's interlocutor.

Boy from Birmingham

Can a child remember his past life? Daisy Thompson's story from Ireland says yes. The girl was born weak and painful for no good reason. Her health was in perfect order, but she ate poorly and did not like to play with children, periodically choking. At the age when she was already able to express her thoughts, the girl began to share with her parents that she was haunted by visions from someone else's life, where she is a seven-year-old boy who lives in captivity and suffers at the hands of an unknown terrible man. According to her stories, from the memory of a past life, it turned out that the boy was kidnapped and lived for some time in the basement, being bullied, the most terrible moment for Daisy was the moment of the death of this boy, he was strangled by the captor.

Parents could not help their daughter for a long time, traditional medicine did not help, and the girl was already weak enough to take a course of psychotropic drugs. Over time, her visions and suffering became stronger, so her parents found a good specialist in regressive hypnosis and reincarnation, in a trance, he found out the details from the child and new facts were formed.

A year before Daisy was born, in Birmingham, four children went missing in a short time. At the same time, a pedophile was imprisoned in the neighboring area, who was supposed to be released soon. The parents, together with the hypnotist, sent the police to the address, the skeletons of four children were found in the basement of the house. The remains were reburied, and the pedophile's sentence was extended (he is unlikely to be released). The soul of an innocent boy suffered after reincarnation and in a new incarnation, and feeling that the killer would soon be released, her pain only increased. From that moment on, the girl was no longer visited by frightening visions and asthma attacks and other negative manifestations of genetic memory disappeared.

Children remember past lives

The European Psychology Research Institute studied the concept of false memories (this is when a person remembers something that at first glance does not belong to his memory). A typical group of preschool children was collected by staff and interviewed over a period of time. Through special psychological tests and interviews, it was revealed that some children remember their past lives very vividly, and the most complete stories were in toddlers. In a number of situations, children were able to describe the last minutes of their past life, given the fact that they simply did not encounter such situations in life and the events described occurred before their birth, it was concluded that children could not come up with such a volume of knowledge that they had previously was unavailable.

How to remember a past life?

This is the most important part. In order for everything to work out and pass without consequences, you already now need to get acquainted with meditative practices and start cleansing the body.

We have a useful one, it describes in detail the preparation of a person for a meeting with past incarnations.

There are several effective ways to remember a past life and realize its impact on the current incarnation:

Method 1 - through regressive hypnosis with a contactee.

Method 2 - through self-meditative immersion

Remembering a past life is absolutely real for any person.

Firstly, the most important and key point is your desire, i.e. what exactly do you want to see, what question do you want answered. This is where we need to move on.

Secondly, focus your attention on what you are doing, whether it be meditation, regression immersion, or other activity. In other words, it is a state of "here and now" - train it

Thirdly, you should practice meditation: be able to enter a state of calm, relaxation and complete confidence in yourself. For those who are not familiar with hypnosis at all, I have recorded test meditations, links to which can be found in the article “How to prepare for a session”. Again, before each meditation, also formulate your intention (verbally or mentally) why you are doing it.

These are perhaps the best steps to start with. Remember that all the answers are within ourselves. Meditations, regressive hypnosis are “tools” that help us not only to remember a past life, but also to get answers, perhaps, to all questions.

You can leave a request on our website and get advice from a regressologist (a person who specializes in memories of past lives and the cure of genetic memory)

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Answer the questions in the comments: how does the memory of your soul manifest itself? Have you thought about it?

The word “reincarnation” is translated as “re-incarnation”. The theory of reincarnation includes two components:

  1. The soul, not the body, is the true essence of man. This position is consistent with the Christian worldview and is rejected by materialism.
  2. After the death of the body, the soul of a person incarnates in a new body after a certain period of time. Each of us has lived many lives on Earth and has experiences that go beyond the current life.

Identification with the body causes a person to experience a strong fear of death. After all, after it, he will completely disappear, and all his works will be meaningless. It makes people act like death doesn't exist at all. In order to distract from the idea of ​​the finiteness of their existence and the lack of meaning in life, people try to forget themselves in fleeting affairs and entertainment. It can be a focus on your family or a strong immersion in work. A person can also resort to such dangerous entertainments as drug use. Belief in the finiteness of life forms a spiritual vacuum in people's hearts. Faith in the eternal nature of the soul allows you to rediscover the meaning of life.

Reincarnation is a law that applies to a person regardless of his faith. The doctrine of reincarnation says that a person is responsible for his own actions. The subsequent birth depends on his deeds in previous lives. Thus, justice is established, and the difficult circumstances of the life of those who have not yet had time to sin are explained. The subsequent incarnation allows the soul to correct its mistakes and go beyond limiting ideas. The very idea of ​​continuous soul training is inspiring. We can get rid of obsession with current affairs, find a new perspective on difficult and depressing situations. With the help of abilities developed in past births, the soul gets the opportunity to overcome those problems that were not resolved before.

Many of us do not have memories of our past lives. There may be two reasons for this:

  1. We have been taught not to remember them. If the family belongs to another faith or one of the family members is an atheist, then such memories will be suppressed. A child's statement about the details of a past life can be perceived as fiction or even as a mental disorder. Thus, the child learns to hide his memories, and subsequently forgets them himself.
  2. Memories can be difficult or shocking. They can prevent us from maintaining our identity in the current life. We can not stand them and really go crazy.

The idea of ​​reincarnation has been supported by various scientists and sages for thousands of years. At the moment, the doctrine of reincarnation is largely preserved in Hinduism. Many travel to India to get in touch with this religion and get a spiritual experience. However, there were also followers of this theory in the West. Below we will consider the great personalities of different historical periods, supporting soul reincarnation theory.

The doctrine of transmigration of souls in the religions of the East

The doctrine of reincarnation is central to many Indian religions. It is also present in Buddhism. For representatives of Eastern creeds, the idea of ​​reincarnation is natural.

The concept of reincarnation of souls is central to Hinduism. It is written about him in sacred texts: in the Vedas and Upanishads. In the Bhagavad Gita, which contains the essence of Hinduism, reincarnation is compared to changing old clothes for new ones.

Hinduism teaches that our soul is in a constant cycle of birth and death. After many births, she becomes disillusioned with material enjoyment and seeks the highest source of happiness. Spiritual practice allows us to realize that our true Self is a soul, and not a temporary body. When material desires cease to control it, the soul leaves the cycle and moves to the spiritual world.

In Buddhism, it is stated that there are five levels on which one can incarnate: the inhabitants of hell, animals, spirits, people and deities. The conditions in which the soul will be born next time depend on its activity. The process of rebirth continues until the being disintegrates or reaches the void, which is accessible to few. Jatakas (ancient Indian parables) tell about 547 births of the Buddha. He incarnated in different worlds, helping to gain liberation for their inhabitants.

Reincarnation in the philosophy of ancient Greece

In ancient Greece, Pythagoras and his followers were adherents of the concept of reincarnation. Now the merits of Pythagoras and his school in mathematics and cosmology are recognized. We all know the Pythagorean theorem from school. But Pythagoras also became famous as a philosopher. According to Pythagoras, the soul comes from heaven into the body of a person or animal and incarnates until it receives the right to return. The philosopher claimed to remember his previous incarnations.

Another representative of the philosophers in ancient Greece, Empedocles, outlined the theory of the transmigration of souls in the poem "Purification".

The famous philosopher Plato was also a supporter of the concept of reincarnation. Plato wrote the famous dialogues, where he conveys conversations with his teacher Socrates, who did not leave his own works. In the Phaedo dialogue, Plato writes on behalf of Socrates that our soul can come to earth again in a human body or in the form of animals, plants. The soul descends from heaven and is first born in a human body. Degrading, the soul passes into the shell of the animal. In the process of development, the soul again appears in the human body and gets the opportunity to gain freedom. Depending on the shortcomings to which a person is subject, the soul can incarnate in an animal of the corresponding type.

The doctrine of reincarnation was also adhered to by Plotinus, the founder of the Neoplatonist school. Plotinus argued that a man who killed his mother would in his next birth become a woman who would be killed by his son.

Early Christianity

Modern Christian teaching asserts that the soul incarnates only once. It seems that this has always been the case. However, there are opinions that early Christianity favored the idea of ​​reincarnation. Among those who supported this idea was Origen, a Greek theologian and philosopher.

Origen had great authority among his contemporaries and became the founder of Christian science. His ideas have influenced both Eastern and Western theology. Origen studied for 5 years with the Neoplatonist Ammonius Sax. At the same time, Plotinus studied with Ammonius. Origen said that the Bible includes three levels: bodily, mental and spiritual. The Bible cannot be interpreted literally, because in addition to a specific meaning, it carries a secret message that is not accessible to everyone. About 230 AD e. Origen created an exposition of Christian philosophy in the treatise On the Beginnings. In it, he also writes about reincarnation. The philosopher wrote that souls inclined to evil can be born in the shell of an animal and even a plant. Having corrected their mistakes, they rise up and gain the Kingdom of Heaven again. The soul enters the world with the power of victories or weakened by the defeats of the previous incarnation. The actions a person performs in this life predetermine the circumstances of birth in the next.

In 553, the theory of the reincarnation of souls was condemned at the Fifth Ecumenical Council. The cathedral was founded by the Byzantine emperor Justinian. By means of a vote, the members of the council decided whether Origenism was acceptable for Christians. The entire voting process was under the control of the emperor, some of the votes were falsified. Origen's theory was anathematized.

Middle Ages and Renaissance

During this period, the doctrine of the transmigration of souls develops in Kabbalah - an esoteric trend in Judaism. Kabbalah spread in the XII-XIII centuries. Medieval Kabbalists identified three types of migration. Birth in a new body was designated by the term "gilgul". In the description of gilgul, Jewish texts are similar to Hinduism. The book "Zohar" says that the subsequent birth is determined by what addictions a person had in the previous one. The last thoughts before death also affect him. Kabbalah also mentions two other types of reincarnation: when the soul moves into an already existing body with evil or good thoughts.

Among other figures of that time, the concept was adhered to by Giordano Bruno, an Italian philosopher. From the school curriculum, we know that he supported the heliocentric views of Copernicus, for which he was burned at the stake. However, few people know that he was sentenced to be burned not only for this. Bruno said that the human soul after the death of the body can return to earth in another body. Or go further and travel through the many worlds that exist in the universe. Man's salvation is not determined by his relationship with the Church, but depends on a direct relationship with God.

new time

In modern times, the concept of reincarnation was developed by Leibniz. This manifested itself in his theory of monads. The philosopher argued that the world consists of substances called monads. Every monad is a microcosm and is at its stage of development. Depending on the stage of development, a monad has a connection with a different number of lower-level monads subordinate to it. This connection forms a new complex substance. Death is the separation of the main monad from the subordinates. Thus, death and birth are identical to the usual metabolism that occurs in a living being in the process of life. Only in the case of reincarnation does the exchange have the character of a leap.

The theory of reincarnation was developed by Charles Bonnet. He believed that at the time of death the soul retains a part of its body and then develops a new one. Supported her and Goethe . Goethe said that the concept of activity convinces him of the correctness of the theory of the transmigration of souls. If a person works tirelessly, then nature must give him a new form of life when the existing one cannot hold his spirit.

Arthur Schopenhauer was also a supporter of the theory of reincarnation. Schopenhauer expressed his admiration for Indian philosophy and said that the creators of the Vedas and Upanishads realized the essence of things more clearly and deeply than weakened generations. Here are his reflections on the eternity of the soul:

  • The belief that we are inaccessible to death, carried by each of us, comes from the awareness of our originality and eternity.
  • Life after death is no more incomprehensible than the present life. If the possibility of existence is open in the present, then it will be open in the future. Death cannot destroy more than we had at birth.
  • There is an existence which cannot be destroyed by death. It existed forever before birth and will forever exist after death. To demand the immortality of the individual consciousness, which is destroyed along with the death of the body, means to desire the constant repetition of the same mistake. It is not enough for a person to move to a better world. There needs to be a change within him.
  • The belief that the spirit of love will never disappear has a deep foundation.

XIX-XX centuries

Carl Gustav Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist who developed the theory of the collective unconscious, also believed in reincarnation. Jung used the concept of the eternal "I", which is born again, to comprehend his deepest secrets.

The well-known political leader Mahatma Gandhi said that the concept of reincarnation supported him in his activities. He believed that if not in this, then in another incarnation, his dream of universal peace would come true. Mahatma Gandhi was not only the political leader of India. He was also her spiritual leader. Following his ideals made Gandhi a real authority. Gandhi's worldview was formed thanks to the understanding of the Bhagavad Gita. Gandhi rejected any form of violence. Gandhi did not distinguish between mere service and prestigious work.

He cleaned the toilets himself. Among the many merits of Gandhi, the main ones are:

  • Gandhi made a decisive contribution to improving the situation of the untouchables. He did not go to those temples where the untouchables were forbidden to enter. Thanks to his sermons, laws were passed that prevented the humiliation of the lower castes.
  • Ensuring the independence of India from Great Britain. Gandhi acted with the tactics of civil disobedience. The Indians had to give up the titles that Great Britain gave, jobs in the civil service, in the police, in the army and from the purchase of English goods. In 1947, Britain itself gave independence to India.


L.N. Tolstoy is a widely known Russian writer. Many of his works were studied at school. However, few people know that Tolstoy was interested in Vedic philosophy and studied the Bhagavad Gita. Leo Tolstoy recognized the doctrine of reincarnation. Speaking about life after death, Tolstoy showed the possibility of two paths. Either the soul will merge with the All, or be born again in a limited state. Tolstoy considered the second more probable, because he believed that knowing only limitedness, the soul cannot expect unlimited life. If the soul lives somewhere after death, it means that it lived somewhere, and Tolstoy claimed before birth.

N. O. Lossky is a representative of Russian religious philosophy. He was one of the founders of the direction of intuitionism in philosophy. Here is how the Russian philosopher proves the idea of ​​reincarnation:

  1. It is impossible to give a person salvation from outside. He must deal with his own evil. God puts man in situations that will show the insignificance of evil and the power of good. For this, it is necessary that the soul continues to live after physical death, gaining new experience. All evil is expiated by suffering until the heart becomes pure. This fix takes time. It cannot happen within one short human life.
  2. By creating a personality, God gives it the power to create. A person develops the type of life himself. Therefore, he is responsible for his actions, for his character traits and for his external manifestation in the body.
  3. Lossky noted that forgetting is a natural human property. Many adults do not remember part of their childhood. Personal identity is not based on memories, but on basic aspirations that influence which path a person takes.
  4. If the passion that caused an unseemly deed in a past incarnation remains in the soul at a subsequent birth, then even without remembering the committed deeds, its very presence and manifestation lead to punishments.
  5. The benefits and hardships that newborns receive are determined by their past birth. Without the theory of reincarnation, the different conditions of birth are contrary to the goodness of God. Otherwise, the born being itself creates them. Therefore, it is responsible for them.

Lossky, however, denied that a person in the next incarnation could be born in the shell of an animal or plant.

Karma and reincarnation

The concept of karma is closely related to the theory of reincarnation. The law of karma is the law of cause and effect, according to which a person's actions in the present determine his life both in this and in subsequent incarnations. What is happening to us now is a consequence of the actions of the past.

In the text of Srimad-Bhagavatam, one of the main Puranas, it is said that the actions of a being create its next shell. With the advent of death, a person ceases to reap the fruits of a certain stage of activity. With birth, he receives the results of the next stage.

After physical death, the soul can be reincarnated not only in a human shell, but also in the body of an animal, plant, or even a demigod. The body in which we live is called the gross body. However, there is also a subtle body, consisting of the mind, intellect and ego. When the gross body dies, the subtle body remains. This explains the fact that in the next incarnation, the aspirations and personality traits that were characteristic of her in a previous life are preserved. We see that even a baby has its own individual character.

Henry Ford said that his talent was accumulated over many lifetimes. He accepted the doctrine of rebirth at the age of 26. The work did not bring him complete satisfaction, because he understood that the inevitability of death makes his efforts in vain. The idea of ​​reincarnation gave him the opportunity to believe in further development.

Relationship Reincarnation

In addition to personal relationships, there are more subtle connections. In previous incarnations, we have already met some people. And this relationship can last for several lifetimes. It happens that we did not solve some problems in front of a person in a past life, and we must solve them in the present.

There are several types of connections:

  • Soul mates. Those souls that help each other move to a new level of consciousness. They often have opposite sexes to balance each other out. A meeting with a soul mate may not last long, but it can have a strong impact on the person.
  • Twin souls. They are very similar to each other in character, in their interests. They often feel each other from a distance. When you meet, you get the feeling that you have known a person for a long time, there is a feeling of unconditional love.
  • Karmic relationships. Such relationships are often difficult, they need a lot of work on themselves. People need to work through a situation together. If there is any debt to a person from a past life, then it's time to return it.

Lossky also wrote about the connection of souls in subsequent lives. The beings of the God realm have a cosmic body and are connected with each other. A person who has true love for another person is connected with him by an indestructible bond. With a new birth, the connection remains at least in the form of unconscious sympathy. At a higher stage of development, we will be able to remember all the previous stages. Then there is the possibility of conscious communication with the person whom we have loved with eternal love.

The soul cannot be content with material enjoyment alone. However, the highest pleasures can be achieved only with the help of spiritual experience, which helps to realize one's spiritual nature. The concept of reincarnation teaches us not to get hung up on transient moments, allows us to realize the eternity of the soul, which will help in solving complex problems and in finding the meaning of life.

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