All that is known at the moment. Cancellation of homework at school in Russia: true or not? All that is known

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In education and science, Boris Chernyshev proposes to cancel homework for schoolchildren. In his opinion, because of the heavy workload, children lose interest in learning. And the freed time can be used for walks on fresh air. The MK correspondent found out how teachers and parents feel about this initiative.

“Schools all over the world are skipping homework, and there is nothing wrong with that. Homework is an unnecessary thing today. We already force children to be at school or in some classes all the time, ”says Chernyshev. According to the parliamentarian, any load after school negatively affects children, not only homework, but also sections.

Opinions of teachers and parents on this issue were divided.

I am positive about not asking children homework, - says Tatiana Klyachko, director of the Center for the Economics of Lifelong Education at the RANEPA. - But the fact is that the education system in our country is now built in such a way that a child partially learns the material through homework. You can't just undo an element. school curriculum. Then we need to rebuild the entire education system. The deputy complains that children do not have enough time for walks, but if it is freed up, it will be necessary to think over where schoolchildren will walk and what they will do with their time, who will look after them. I studied at school for quite a long time, but already then they constantly said that children are overworked and now they say the same thing. But we all grew up, somehow survived and received, in general, a good education. So I don’t see a particular problem in overloading children with homework. Yes, there are countries where children do not have homework, for example in Finland, but the whole educational process is built differently there.

This is the first time I hear about this initiative, - says Maria Selezneva, mother of a third-grader Dima from the Moscow region. - Homework cannot be canceled. After all, it is designed to consolidate the material that was passed in the classroom. When in class it flew into one ear and flew out into the other, then at home you can at least catch up. And if they don’t ask anything, consider that the child will not master this topic. I want my son to grow up to be an educated person. Although it seems to me smart people a lot of people don't like it right now. So they come up with all sorts of initiatives. In general, I sit with him myself, doing homework all the time, because the textbooks are such that Dima himself does not understand the tasks without me. I spend 3 hours a day of my personal time on this. But everything is under my control.

I am completely for this initiative, says the teacher primary school one of the metropolitan schools Oksana Nikolaeva. - Everything a child needs to know, we go through in the classroom. Sometimes it happens that having completed the volume laid down in the class, we go straight to the homework right in the lesson. I know perfectly well whether this or that child has mastered the material. I do not want to load parents with unnecessary work, only non-professional teachers shift the learning process onto their shoulders, asking more “homework” and sometimes including a new topic in it.

I look forward to when such a law will be adopted, - says Andrei, the father of a high school student. - From this study, the child no longer knows where to go. And now the preparation for the exams will begin in the 11th grade. My son has absolutely no free time for anything. He is fond of fishing, but even in the summer he only went to the country a couple of times. Because he is constantly studying - even for the summer he was given homework.

Wow .... Children don’t learn anything at school, the teacher just physically doesn’t have time to pay attention to the whole class, the classes are overcrowded with 40 people, now the children with whom they don’t study at home will lag behind. Who came up with such idiocy? Looks like he suffered a lot in childhood from doing homework, he decided to take pity on our children

We did a lot during this time: we rode a bike for a long time, went hiking, put our house in order, and did programming.

Meanwhile, Russian schools were offered to give up homework 60 years ago. This technique was developed by the St. Petersburg teacher-researcher Elena Yanovitskaya.

Cancellation of homework at school in Russia 2018. News today 08/31/2018

A few years ago, the Ministry of Education Chelyabinsk region has developed a special memo for parents regarding the pastime of the child after school. It consists of three items:

The Ministry of Education, changing the system of education, thus for the first time recognized that homework does not lead to an increase in academic performance and knowledge, but, on the contrary, damages the motivation to study. In other words, according to the Ministry of Education, the "overload" of children, who have to deal with both at school and at home, only reduces their interest in acquiring knowledge.

“That's right,” French President Francois Hollande supported them. - Homework should be abolished because children from poor families do not have time for this. At home, parents do not always pay due attention to students, while at school a student can always count on the help of a teacher.

Having listened to this, the president instructed the pedagogical community to work out the issue. However, not everyone agrees with such a "reform" - some part of the pedagogical environment believes that such innovations will give rise to laziness in children, and experience Western countries, which is referred to by those who propose the abolition of "homework", and is not at all indicative. In countries such as Germany, France or the UK, it is not high school students who are exempt from homework, but rather junior students, and even then, subject to an extended day. And in the States, this idea did not find support at all, although it was also put forward at one time.

As the deputy notes, due to the large teaching load, schoolchildren become indifferent to gaining knowledge. is an opportunity for you to come up with a socially significant initiative and introduce it to our audience of many thousands. We offer you the opportunity to also review and support other proposals, the collection of signatures for which has already been initiated on

Why have canceled homework in schools in Russia. Detailed data as of 08/31/2018

Not so long ago, a “cry from the heart” of the mother of one of the schoolgirls appeared on social networks, which collected more than 2,000 reposts and more than 500 comments. “Yes, I am a bad mother! the woman writes. I don't want to do homework with my child in the evenings. In the evening we come home tired. With a desire to chat, have dinner, and even - what a sin - to watch a movie or read a book. But no, you have to do your homework. Daughter doesn't want to do it. And I can't stand over her head and bark like a country dog ​​at passing cars. Because I work hard. Because I'm tired. Because I don't remember eighth grade math. Because I need to cook buckwheat in the morning and fry cheesecakes. Because I need to pat my husband on the head. Because the evening is a time for joy, not for scandal!

In Russian schools, March and April are the busiest months. Pupils write final control, all-Russian verification work, pass the Unified State Examination ahead of schedule, participate in many Olympiads.

“Schools all over the world are skipping homework, and there is nothing wrong with that. Homework is an unnecessary thing today. We already force children to be at school or in some classes all the time, ”Chernyshov told the Moscow agency.

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On the air of NSN, the head of the NRC Irina Volynets and Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation Evgeny Yamburg expressed different points of view on the proposal to cancel homework.

At the same time, Russia is not the only country where schoolchildren's parents complain about exorbitant amounts of homework. For example, in Italy in 2016, a parent of students publicly criticized the education system, and many parents supported him.

He added that, based on world practice, the benefits of homework are greatly exaggerated. Due to excessive workload, students completely lose their desire for education. That is why, in his opinion, western schools they have been abandoned for a long time.

In the meantime, one must understand that our schoolchildren will not get rid of homework. Educational reforms bypass this. And the only thing that can be advised is to correctly distribute the load. If a child does not want to earn himself a deep stress by the end of the 11th grade, he will have to choose which lessons to prepare for and which ones to gently slow down.

Cancellation of homework at school in Russia last news. Fresh material.

Funds used in project implementation state support allocated as a grant in accordance with the Federation of April 1, 2015 No. 79-rp and on the basis of a competition held by the Civil Dignity Movement ().

“I’m looking forward to when such a law is passed,” is talking Andrei is the father of a high school student. - From this study, the child no longer knows where to go. And now the preparation for the exams will begin in the 11th grade. My son has absolutely no free time for anything. He is fond of fishing, but even in the summer he only went to the country a couple of times. Because he is constantly studying - even for the summer he was given homework.

Cancellation of homework at school in Russia 2018. Latest information as of 18.08.2018

On the air of the NSN, the head of the NRC, Irina Volynets, and the Honored Pedagogue of the Russian Federation, Evgeny Yamburg, expressed various points view of the proposal to cancel homework.

The Ministry of Education and Science proposes to introduce limits on homework for schoolchildren. The department has developed a draft order, which spells out how much time a child should spend at home preparing for school. Junior students are recommended to study no more than one and a half hours a day, graduates - 3.5 hours. Special attention given to first graders. They are recommended to be completely free from homework. And in the lessons do not put "point" marks.

“A huge amount of homework, this is no secret to anyone, leads to the fact that the relationship between parents and children deteriorates, because when parents devote so much time to this preparation, they accordingly demand high marks from children. It causes irritation when a child does not understand something, but for some reason they come from school without understanding what is at stake, with rare exceptions. And parents who do not have either a pedagogical education or the proper level of training, because they went through all this themselves at school for a very long time, are forced to hire tutors. Children of parents who are not able to do this roll into deuces. So, if not a complete abolition of homework, then at least a two-fold reduction in this volume is necessary. This is a very sound initiative, and on behalf of the National Committee, I support it,” she said.

“I'm glad the problem has been brought to the attention,” says Oleg Kirsanov from Irkutsk. - I have two students at home. Son in the fourth grade and daughter is a graduate. They come from classes, have lunch - and immediately for the lessons. Each for 4-5 hours per desk conducts. My daughter is still studying with a tutor in order to pass the exam. Some days she doesn't go to bed until 11 pm. I'm not talking about the need to read additional literature on subjects. And when the youngest is asked the so-called design work on the house, which are electronic abstracts - the whole family is hung up. All are involved. I look for and process pictures on the Internet, my mother makes up a presentation on a computer. I don’t understand why a child is given a task that he is obviously not able to complete on his own? Is that the teacher for show. Pity the kids. By Labor Code we have work week 40 hours limited. And children, it turns out, work twice as much as adults!”

In Russia, the question arises quite regularly about the need for homework, as well as the allegedly excessive workload to which Russian schoolchildren are subjected. So, according to Boris Chernyshov, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education and Science, they take too much energy from modern students. They should be given more free time for outdoor activities, he explains.

With this initiative, I call for the abolition of homework and any preparatory work on Monday for students from grades 1 to 12, because I think that free time necessary not only for students, but also for their parents and teachers. Existing system education provides for a burden on both schoolchildren and their parents, which is often the cause of disagreements in the family. Not all people are knowledgeable enough, competent and have free time, so I believe that educational tasks should be performed by teachers in their own time. work time. Latvia needs to follow good example EU countries, where assignments for Monday and holidays have been canceled for several years, which did not affect the quality of education and knowledge of schoolchildren. They always say that children are the future and priority of our state. But why then are the rights of children violated?! Given the excessive workload on children during the week, it would be quite logical to use the weekends due to them for relaxation. As we parents say to children: “Your job is to go to school, and parents to work.” Then why don't grown-ups take their work home on weekends, while children SHOULD do it?!

“When will the Duma start doing what they should be doing? Is he a teacher or a professional in this field? You can do nothing at all, issue a diploma right away, and everything will be fine. There are no tasks, you understand? Another thing is that they can be different - creative, project activity etc. But not a single normal person has yet been trained without working at home. I do not know what kind of education this deputy received, I cannot evaluate his words. But in general this is nonsense, if you call a spade a spade. Nobody will cancel anything. This is such nonsense, you know, fake news. There can be no law on this subject. Noise, just informational noise. Commenting on this is ridiculous,” he said.

Irina Volynets linked the low level of children's understanding of new material with the unsatisfactory work of teachers.

But, on the other hand, we need to do everything now to make education for modern children based on modern textbooks interesting. So that they themselves want to receive these materials, so that they themselves want to study the multiplication table, comprehend the basics of mathematics, algebra, geometry, read books that are interesting to them.

Why have canceled homework in schools in Russia. Fresh material as of 08/18/2018

Now every summer we force children to read a whole list of literature from 40-50 works. But they read a maximum of 2-3 works. Of course, there are children who fully master this. But the main thing now is to entice children to receive positive information that will be useful to them in life. Not to teach them to read, but to make the process of reading interesting. And no matter how: from a book, from a smartphone, from a tablet. Do whatever it takes to make learning fun for them. This is the main and the main objective Russian education today.

Lots of Russian schools switch to similar experiments. They somehow try to conduct lessons in such a way that there is no homework for schoolchildren. And what should modern homework be like today, if it exists at school?

“Schools all over the world are skipping homework, and there is nothing wrong with that. Homework is. We already force children to be at school or in some classes all the time, ”says Chernyshev. According to the parliamentarian, any load after school negatively affects children, not only homework, but also sections.

The Commissioner for Human Rights is sure that the excessive burden on the child in connection with doing homework is not right, because children should have the opportunity to rest. In addition, homework is not regulated by any normative act.

The fact that our schoolchildren work too hard is even aware Western experts. According to the latest study by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Russian children are in second place in the world in terms of the length of time spent on homework. On average, a child spends about 10 hours a week on it. However, researchers note that the situation is still gradually improving. In 2003, for example, young Russians were self-studying 13 hours a week. Only the Chinese are ahead of the Russians in domestic work - 14 hours a week. In Finland on self-training Lessons for children take 3 hours a week, in Japan - 4, in America - 6.

The implementation of my proposal will allow the child to exercise the right to free time, private and family life, full development(everyone needs a break) not only within the limits of the norms established by law, but also in reality! Also, from a health point of view, it will only benefit the development of the child.

As you know, the education system in Russia needs colossal changes. And these are not empty words, this fact has been repeatedly confirmed. Why was the EGS introduced so that children simply remember correct options answers? In the near future, the schools of the capital are going to connect the Internet, as if this is not enough at home. And now another “good” offer has appeared.

Boris Chernyshov, deputy chairman for education, suggested something that would obviously not improve the mental abilities of children. He believes that students need to spend more time outdoors and play sports. Chernyshev also claims that children are now heavily overloaded.

The deputy chairman suggested canceling homework - this information is shared with us by the Izvestia portal. In his opinion, it is not easy for schoolchildren to study at school, and even when they come home they have to learn lessons, this causes them complete negativity and a lack of desire to attend an educational institution.

Upon learning this news, I immediately had a question: “Is Chernyshov in his right mind?” If you follow his opinion, then how can you go to work, because this is a huge burden and constant stress. While we get to work, we become participants in more than one conflict situation, and besides this, there is no good nutrition, eternal experiences, and also because of work, the family is invisible.

The deputy chairman of education also referred to the fact that many children attend various sections and circles. But here I would like to hear statistics in percentage terms. Personally, I think that after 10 years old children generally stop attending any sections, and spend all their time on the net. There is just a lot of "useful" waiting for them. What now, maybe we will allow the opening of stalls with alcohol and cigarettes right next to schools, because the turnover will obviously not be small.

Yes, a lot of things can happen at home. But here some will talk about proper education, and so on. I have a different opinion, often among the intellectuals, who now and then were engaged in education, invested and gave knowledge to the child. And he leaves the house and goes to drink beer with friends and smoke around the corner, and his parents may not even know about it. Not always everything depends on upbringing, the social circle and character influence a lot.


And here the cancellation of homework, this can be regarded as a limitation to new knowledge. Lessons are an accustoming to discipline and responsibility. These are inalienable qualities. I think now in schools, on the contrary, it is necessary to tighten the rules.

For example, we can cite the situation: a young man does not want to serve in the army or simply does not know how to file a file. And what would happen if he got into the army, when they beat him for a dirty filing. Here some will say that this is a mockery. But I think otherwise. If a soldier has a dirty lining in the neck area, he can catch a serious disease (for example, scabies), since this part sweats a lot and gets dirty.

This is what should happen in schools, if you don't do your homework, get 2 and go. Only in this case, the children will think about doing or not doing homework. And if you get deuces more than once, make it “dark”, and all the desire not to learn lessons will disappear by itself, everyone in the class will begin to help and support each other.

But our government thinks otherwise, including Mr. Chernyshev, assuming that lessons are a burden for children. Now, if this initiative is supported, then there is no need to go to school, they won’t teach anything anyway.

"Poor kids": who schoolwork made miserable. Can Russian schools cancel homework?

Modern schoolchildren study too much, say their parents, who believe that their children do not have time for rest. However, there are those who believe that a large study load is a guarantee that the child will not spend all the time at the computer.

In Russia, the question arises quite regularly about the need for homework, as well as the allegedly excessive workload to which Russian schoolchildren are subjected. According to Boris Chernyshov, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education and Science, they take too much energy from modern students. They need to give more free time for walks in the fresh air.

Point of view Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education and Science Boris Alexandrovich Chernyshov.

A lot of Russian schools are switching to such experiments. They somehow try to conduct lessons in such a way that there is no homework for schoolchildren. And what should modern homework be like today, if it exists at school?

B. Chernyshov: My opinion is not so much the abolition of homework, but the fact that the child must cope with the academic load within the walls of the school. How to do it? First of all, to significantly reduce the bureaucratic burden on teachers. This is the first.

Second. Reduce the number of students in the class to 10-15 people, and the teacher to devote time during the lesson to the children, so that they deal with all issues within the school. Then this will have a more positive effect than homework, which the child simply copies from the solution books and the Internet, receiving ready-made answers there. The child is not interested in studying such a subject. And if you interest him inside the school with a lot of work with a teacher, he will become more interesting subject and he will deal with homework, but by self-education, receiving information, materials from books, articles already at home, reading additional knowledge to oneself, extracting it on one's own. It will be right.

V primary school the main stumbling block for parents is the simple learning of their child of the multiplication table. To be honest, as a parent whose child is in elementary school, I have little idea how he can be forced to learn the multiplication table in class. I think it’s completely fair when a child comes home and spends an hour or two on repeating the material, learning something new, trying to find some moments on the subject on his own. If we deprive children of this, their future success seems rather doubtful to me.

B. Chernyshov: I'm not saying that students should not do anything at home. This is on the one hand. And on the other hand, if you remove the homework, then the children will sit on the Internet at the computer all the time. But they are already on uninteresting lessons with uninteresting teachers on the Internet on their smartphones, tablets, and there is no difference.

But, on the other hand, we need to do everything now to make education for modern children based on modern textbooks interesting. So that they themselves want to receive these materials, so that they themselves want to study the multiplication table, comprehend the basics of mathematics, algebra, geometry, read books that are interesting to them.

Now every summer we force children to read a whole list of literature from 40-50 works. But they read a maximum of 2-3 works. Of course, there are children who fully master this. But the main thing now is to entice children to receive positive information that will be useful to them in life. Not to teach them to read, but to make the process of reading interesting. And no matter how: from a book, from a smartphone, from a tablet. Do whatever it takes to make learning fun for them. This is the main and main goal of Russian education today.

program "Actually" leads Dmitry Chernov.

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