Minecraft how to tame all mobs. How to tame mobs in minecraft without mods and without command blocks

reservoirs 03.07.2020
A wild cat, that is, an ocelot, can be the best pet for you. What will be attractive to a cat? An excellent option here would be a fish caught in a pond. Catch 5-10 fish for one ocelot. Going in search, remember that wild cats live mainly in the steppes. Once you've spotted an animal, don't run towards it - approach it carefully or just stand still until the ocelot approaches.

Then give him the fish. If it didn’t work out the first time, don’t be discouraged - you will have many more attempts left. After the ocelot is tamed, it will have a red collar. If you installed a mod on furniture, he can take a nap on the couch.

How to tame a wolf?

A wild dog will be called a wolf. Since wolves love bones, the best way to tame a wolf is to give him some bones. In order to get bones, it is enough just to hunt skeletons at night. Having typed, as for an ocelot, 5-10 bones for one dog, go look for a wolf. You can find it by the scattered sheep's wool after a hearty wolf meal, or by the sound when the wolf shakes off the spray. Once you have located the animal, carefully approach it closer and click on it with the right mouse button. If the taming was successful, then the wolf will have a red collar.

The wolf is a useful acquisition, because he can protect you from the invasion of wild animals, and he will always be your faithful ally in the fight against your enemies. Do not forget to feed the animal raw meat from time to time.

How to tame a cow?

Cows are domestic animals, so there should not be any particular difficulties with taming them. To tame them, you need to lure them into a paddock with wheat in your hands. After they are in the paddock, you should quickly close the car. If you feed cows with wheat, they will soon bring you offspring. Don't forget to equip your paddock with greenery, wheat and a small pond.

How to tame a pig?

Since they feast on carrots, the best option to tame them is to give them some carrots. Take plenty of carrots with you and go looking.

How to tame a chicken?

There is nothing new to say here - take wheat seeds or watermelon seeds with you and go in search of a chicken. They can be found almost everywhere, but most often they live near water. It is worth noting that it will be necessary to propagate only with the help of wheat seeds.

How to tame a horse?

If you are tired of chickens and cows, and you want to tame a noble animal - nothing is impossible! There are two surefire ways to tame a horse: either mount it repeatedly, in which case you'll need a saddle and an inexhaustible supply of patience, or you should just feed it. You can feed with bread, but it is best to use an apple.

How to tame a dragon?

Looking for something truly exotic? Like having a pet dragon? So, it's time to move on to the most curious taming.

It is worth noting that in order to tame enemy mobs, you should install the Mo'Creatures mod. Installed? Get on with the job!
The process of training a dragon comes down to riding it. But first you need to call it. To do this, enter the /dragon command in the game chat. This pleasure will cost you 7500 gold coins. After you have summoned the dragon, find it in the game world: for this you just need to enter the /dragon locate command and follow the direction indicated by the arrow. Once you find the dragon, enter the /dragon command, thereby saddling it.

In addition to the usual friendly animals in minecraft there is tameable animals, as well as . Their trick is that when taming these animals, they will follow you and attack the enemy you attack or who attacked you.


Health: 4 hearts in the wild; 10 hearts for the tamed.
Attack: 0.5-1 wild heart; 2 for the tamed.
Experience gained from killing a wolf: 1 to 3
Wolf can spawn in lit areas in forest or taiga biomes. By itself, the wolf is neutral in relation to the character, but if you hit the wolf, then his eyes become filled with blood and he starts to attack you. In addition, nearby wolves will also start attacking you. Wolves that have become hostile towards you can no longer be tamed.
What would tame the wolf, you need to approach him holding a bone or meat in your hand, thereby his attention will switch to the player, and feed him. When the wolf is tamed, hearts will go around and it will change to a more friendly look. In addition, he will have a collar.
Wolves can give birth: for this you need to feed two individuals with meat.
The wolf can be made to sit or stand by right-clicking on the wolf.

  • If the player accidentally damages himself with an arrow, the tamed wolf will start attacking the player.
  • A wild and tamed wolf will not give offspring.
  • If you are playing in multiplayer and you have wolves, then they will attack other players that attacked you.
  • If the player is far away from the wolves, they will teleport to the player. Teleportation will occur if the distance between the wolf and the character is more than 32 blocks. If the wolf is sitting, it will not teleport to the owner.
  • Wolves will not teleport to hell after the player.

Keep an eye on the tail of the wolf - this is an indicator of his health. The higher the angle of the tail, the more health the wolf has.


Health: 5 hearts.
Experience gained from killing an ocelot: 0 to 2
An ocelot can spawn in a lighted area in the jungle biome. The ocelot is also neutral to the player, but with sudden movements of the player, the ocelot can run away from you and hide in the grass for a while and follow.
To tame an ocelot, we need to take it in our hand. This will attract the attention of the future cats and she will start moving towards you. When the ocelot comes up to you and sits down, this is where you need to feed him the fish, but the chance of taming is 40-50%, so stock up on fish. During taming, it is not recommended to move - this can frighten away the animal.
After taming, the ocelot turns into a cat, while he can change his color to red, black or Siamese. Less often, a Siamese color may appear.
The cat follows the player, but like the wolf, he can be planted.


  • If the cat notices the chicken, then it will begin to sneak up on it and attack.
  • When the cat is in the house, she can jump on the bed, on the cake, or on the stove that fries something.
  • If you feed a fish to a cat, it will start to purr.
  • Creepers run away from cats in fear, so a cat can become an indispensable companion when exploring caves.
  • If the player is far away from the cats, they will teleport to the player. Teleportation will occur if the distance between the cat and the character is more than 32 blocks. If the cat is sitting, it will not teleport to the owner.
  • Cats will not teleport to hell after the player.

To have cats offspring appeared, it is necessary to feed raw fish to two individuals. Moreover, the cub accidentally takes on the color of one of the parents and follows him.

There are a lot of villages in the virtual world of Minecraft. They have a wide variety of inhabitants. Their main occupation is trading and they can provide goods that are rare but necessary for a productive strategy. Sometimes it is very important that one of these residents is somewhere nearby. To do this, he needs to be tamed.

Taming in Minecraft: option 1

This process is simple. But you need to know a few important points that can make it easier:

  • it happens that a resident in the essence of a zombie attacks the rest of the inhabitants of the city.
  • sometimes zombies try to break through doors to kill a resident or turn him into a similar creature;
  • all residents have houses that reliably hide them from zombies every night;

One way to tame is to destroy all the houses in the found village. Then the inhabitants will be left without a roof over their heads and will start looking for a new shelter.

If you build only one house within the same village, then all merchants will start entering it.

Then you can disperse them evenly around the entire perimeter of the house and make fences in the form of blocks, and then they will no longer be able to escape.

There will be an opportunity to trade at the most convenient moment, since you do not have to look for a new trader every time. A lot of the inhabitants you need will come together.

Taming in Minecraft: option 2

  • There is also another option. There are residents who have changed the entity to a zombie. One of the options for their appearance is in the form of simple mobs, and the other is at a meeting with the dead.
  • As a result of such a collision, merchants usually cease to be themselves and become the same zombies. It is possible to return such residents to their previous state with the help of a special potion or a golden apple. Take the first component from the 1st level.
  • You need to use this necessary gizmo in the following way: throw an exploding potion at the zombie merchant; give him an apple to eat.
  • If successful, the dead man will tremble, and red sparks will begin to come out of his body.
  • As soon as the villager is cured, he has a job. Now he is ready to trade.

However, the 2nd option is much more complicated than the first one and it has its own minus. To carry out the treatment, you will need to prepare a potion and make a golden apple from a normal one by mixing with gold. This gives the process its own hassle. The most important inconvenience is still ignorance of what exactly the resident will be able to sell after recovery. But it makes it easier to move around. The merchant himself will go in the right direction.

To move the merchant to the house, you need to have a special mod. Cannons that can create a portal and move any item are very useful. But this mod does not work in all versions of the game, but only in 1.5x, and also in 1.6x.

The trick to taming mobs is that they will be able to follow you and, if necessary, attack the enemy that is attacking you or that you are attacking. Such mobs can be an ocelot and a wolf.

The health of the tamed wolf is higher. So if a wild one has 4 hearts, then a tamed one has 10. When killing a wolf, you can get experience in the amount of 1 to 3 units.

The wolf spawns in taiga or forest biomes in lighted areas. To tame it, you need to approach it with meat or bone. When he eats meat or bone, his appearance will change to friendly, hearts will go, and a collar will appear around his neck. It should be remembered that if you hurt yourself with an arrow, then a tamed wolf will attack you, the same will happen if you injure yourself with a needle while you embroider, having read various useful articles from the site http://www.hobbyshop.com.ua/dir. php?id=556 .

An ocelot has a health of 5 hearts. When killing an ocelot, the experience gained is 2 units.

Ocelot can be found in the jungle biome in a lit area. He is neutral to the player, if you use sudden movements, he will run away and hide in the grass and follow you.

To tame an ocelot, you need to take raw fish in your hand. The fish attracts attention and he will move towards you. Once the ocelot has approached, feed it the fish. It must be remembered that in order to tame an ocelot, you need to have a large supply of fish, and not make sudden movements.

Since the animals in the Minecraft game perform many very important and useful functions, they must be kept in the household. If your character can tame animals, they will make his life much easier. But remember that tame animals far from all, but only a few wild ones. These are ocelots, horses and wolves. All other animals without taming will follow you if you pick up certain food.

How to tame a wolf in minecraft?

If you tame wolves, they will be of great help to you during the hunt, as they will attack the monster along with you. To tame a wolf, right-click on it while holding bones in your hands. As soon as the animal becomes tame, it will sit down and you will see that it has a collar around its neck. To make the wolf follow you, right-click on it.

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How to tame an ocelot in minecraft?

To tame an ocelot - a wild cat that lives in the jungle - you need to be extremely careful. Any awkward or abrupt movement of yours will frighten away the beast, and he will run away from you. You need to carefully lure the ocelot closer, for which you can use fish, and with its help taming occurs. You need to click on the cat with the right button, holding the fish in your hand. A hand ocelot will get a different color and will look like an ordinary cat. Ocelots are used to drive creepers away from the house and into caves during mining.

Taming a horse in minecraft

A wild horse can be tamed very easily, and no tricks or additional resources are required for this. It will be enough to click on the horse with the right mouse button. And yet there is one feature. The horse will not become tame the first time, it will reset the character. But each new attempt at taming will increase your chances of success until the horse eventually resigns itself. Now you can put a saddle on the animal, this will give you the opportunity to control it.

Why do animals need to be bred?

Domesticating animals is only half the battle. You need to breed them. The peculiarity of reproduction is that the offspring that ocelots and wolves will give will not need to be tamed again, but with foals, the taming process will need to be repeated. Reproduction is an important part of the game, because as a result, you can get the necessary resources from animals, such as wool, milk, food. In addition, animals are able to fight for you and drive away monsters.

How to breed animals

For breeding, you will need two individuals of the same species and a specific food. For example, wolves use meat, cats use fish, horses, and cows and sheep need wheat. Chickens need any grains, and pigs need carrots.

Now right click on the animal. If hearts begin to appear from it, it is ready for reproduction. Then click on the second individual. After that, the animals will look for each other, and when they meet, a baby will appear next to them. For another 5 minutes, the animals will be able to continue breeding. Remember: you can only breed adult animals, and wolves must have maximum health.

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