Chelyabinsk region. History of the Chelyabinsk region. Chelyabinsk

Engineering systems 22.09.2019
Engineering systems

The history of the formation of Chelyabinsk goes its roots in the XVIII century. It was founded on September 13, 1736 on the Miass River as a watchdog fortress on the way from Zauralye to Orenburg. In 1743, Chelyabinsk became the center of the major Izeta province. In the fortress there were an Isset provincial office, the management of the sread Cossacks (from 1799 it was part of the Orenburg Cossack troops), spiritual board, a living room. In 1781, Chelyabinsk received the status of a county city.

In the first half of the nineteenth century, a trading and craft layer, which is destined to turn it into a major trading and industrial center, begins to form a trade and craft. Already to the middle XIX century Chelyabinsk took a durable place in the fair trade of the Urals.

Fame Chelyabinsk acquired in 1892 with the end of the construction of the Samaro-Zlatoust railway, when the movement from Moscow was opened to Chelyabinsk. In 1896, was commissioned railway on Ekaterinburg. Chelyabinsk became an important intermediate point of movement, a peculiar gate of Siberia.

In a matter of years, he turned into one of the largest shopping centers Russia and took leading positions on trading bread, oil, meat and tea. For several years, the population of the city has grown significantly (1897 - OK 20 thousand people, 1910 - more than 60 thousand, 1917 - approx. 70 thousand), and the territory increased by a third. There are many villages around the railway station.

Industry and education began to develop rapidly. The spiritual school opened (1830, in 1873-78 a new building was built), women's deflection (1870), a real school (1902, from 1905 in its own building), a trade school. The People's House and Club of the Railway Assembly were built. Chelyabinsk quickly entered the All-Russian and global market. The city operated about 1,500 commercial and industrial institutions with an annual turnover of up to 30 million rubles. Trade offices, agencies, representation of foreign companies selling machinery and equipment opened.

After october revolution The power of the Councils of Workers and Soldiers' Deputies in Chelyabinsk was introduced both in peaceful and armed. Only in the second half of 1919 the authorities were finally restored: a revolutionary committee was created, elections were held in party committees. In September 1919, Chelyabinsk became the center of the independent Chelyabinsk province established by the decision of the Central Executive Committee, transformed in 1924 in the Chelyabinsk District of the Ural Region. On January 17, 1934, the city became the regional center of the Chelyabinsk region.

During the first Soviet five-year plates, Chelyabinsk turned into one of the largest industrial centers in the country. If by 1919 only two enterprises operated in the city, then from the beginning of the 1930s, tractor, abrasive, ferroalloy, machine-tool, zinc plants began their work.

Chelyabinsk played the most important role during the Great Patriotic War as a rear city. His population has grown from 270 to 650 thousand people. On the basis of evacuated enterprises that merged with local industries, the giants of the industry were created - ChCPZ, ChmK, ChTPZ. Already at the beginning of the war, Chelyabinsk found the second, unofficial name - Tankograd. After connecting the capacity of the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant with two evacuated enterprises - the Leningrad Kirov and Kharkov Motor-Building - all this commander switched to the release of tanks. During the war years, 18,000 combat vehicles were produced at the plant, which is the fifth of all issued in the country. Chelyabinski gave the front T-34 tanks who later became known to the world. And at the factory them. Kiliacienko was mastered by the production of the installation of the BM-13 - famous "Katyush".

In the post-war, Chelyabinsk was also of great importance for the country. It became a supplier of equipment, technicians, personnel resources for the restoration of Stalingrad, Donbass, Dneprogacy and other territories of the USSR. The industry grew rapidly, the city was burly, the boundaries of its territory were expanding. At the beginning of the 50s. There were also over-storey dwellings of the first five years. But in 1947, a new development plan was approved, which provided for a multi-storey building center and areas adjacent to industrial enterprises.

The industrial potential was finally formed, which determined the structure of the modern economy of Chelyabinsk. Automation was actively introduced at the enterprises, production was modernized. So, since 1954, the cars with the brand of the cigachenko plant came to the world market and were delivered in 40 countries of the world. At the pipe rolling factory in 1956, the first phase of the world's largest pipe -eplex welding shop was commissioned. At the metallurgical plant over the decade, 18 new workshops came into order, and in 1958 a domain oven No. 5 was launched - the All-Union Percussion Komsomol construction site was completed in Chelyabinsk. During this period, the FMZ (now the ChmK) becomes the flagship of the Black Metallurgy of the USSR.

Successes in industry could not be so noticeable if Chelyabinsk did not have its own engineers and scientists if there was not a close union of science and production. In 1951, the Chelyabinsk Mechanical Engineering Institute was transformed into the Chelyabinsk Polytechnic Institute (now - SUURGU). His graduates engineers were especially valued as highly qualified specialists. By 1960, about 15 thousand students had already numbered in Chelyabinsk. The first classic university in the South Urals - ChelSu was founded in 1976 to the 80s. The capital of the Southern Urals has become a major scientific Center Countries: 7 universities operated here and about 40 research and design institutions.

The beginning of the 70s. For Chelyabinsk, it was marked by the development of health and education. The first visitors are accepted by the sanatoriums and the CHTV and CHTPZ pretention, the city student hospital appears, large medical institutions. IN short time The northwestern part of the city was built up, new quarters of high-altitude houses on the chate and northeast appeared. On October 13, 1976, a millionth resident was born in Chelyabinsk.

By 1980, the city's enterprises give more than half of the world-united production of stainless steel, the fifth of domestic pipes, a third of ferroalloys, up to 40% of road machines.

At this time, there is a rapid development of the cultural life of Chelyabinsk. A drama theater opens at 1200 places, the Chelyabinsk Puppet Theater acquires all-Russian fame. In 1986, Chelyabinsk celebrated the 250th anniversary of its foundation. A geological museum, chamber and organ music and numerous monuments of monumental art were opened to the anniversary of the city (monument I.V. Kurchatov, "to a new way" and others).

The first half of the 90s. became the most complicated period for the whole country: bankruptcy of enterprises, non-payment of salaries, underfunding social programs. Only from the second half of the decade, the reforms began to give their fruits: the industry earned in Chelyabinsk, the revenues of citizens gradually began to grow, which resulted in an increase in fertility. In the city, which retained its status of a large industrial center, despite the closure of a number of enterprises, modern production technologies began to develop. Many combines and factories have reached the world market. In terms of telephones, Chelyabinsk hit the top five among large cities Countries actively developed cellular communication, Internet. On the eve of the 260th anniversary of Chelyabinsk, the opening of the zoo was held, and by 2004, a pedestrian street of molding was built, which became a favorite site of Chelyabinsky's walks and city guests.

In the second half of the 2000s. In Chelyabinsk, a full-scale reconstruction and expansion of roads began, the construction of modern transport junctions. The municipality conducted a revision of the entire infrastructure of the city and took on his balance hundreds of kilometers of networks, which ceased to be serviced by departments and enterprises since the 80-90s. New and repaired many were built social objects Education and healthcare.

In 2014, Chelyabinsk became a pilot city in which the reform of local self-government began. For the first time in modern history, in fact, and legally, the city was divided into internal regions. From one municipality in Chelyabinsk formed eight. The powers are divided into a territorial basis, which made it possible much faster and qualitatively to solve issues related to the infrastructure and quality of life of Chelyabinsk.

Chelyabinsk has become a powerful industrial and cultural center of the Southern Urals, a city with a million population, among whom - representatives of hundreds of nationalities. Read more about Modern Chelyabinsk, you can read in the heading

Because of the geographical position, it is often called the gateway to Siberia, which accurately reflects its role as an important transport hub and a link between the Russian regions. The history of the creation of Chelyabinsk and its transformation into one of the most important industrial centers of our country is interesting for everyone who is interested in our homeland. Therefore, in the article we will tell about it in detail.

History of the name Chelyabinsk

On the this moment The most attractive version is considered the version according to which Toponym occurred from the Turkic word "Chelebi", which is translated as "Tsarevich" or "educated". There is also an opinion based on the stories of the descendants of the first-stems that the Fortresses of Chelyaba were called so because of a border, that is, "Silly" ("Wpadina") on Bashkir. Latest version Indirectly confirmed by the notes of the famous medieval German traveler Johann Gmelin, who visited the Chelyabinsk fortress in 1742.


The need for a fortress located on the border of the Urals and Siberia arose at the beginning of the XIX century.

It is officially assumed that the year of the foundation of Chelyabinsk - 1736th. It was at the place of the largest Bashkir village of Chelyabi, Colonel A. I. Tevkelev (Kutlu-Muhammed) laid a Russian fortress. She began to build with the consent of the land owner of Tarkhan Timas Shaimova. This was the reason that over time, Bashkirs were exempt from the applied. Later, the management of the construction of the Chelyabinsk fortress was assigned to Major Ya. Pavlutsky, who, according to some reports, a few years earlier, on behalf of the command, was looking for a place for the foundation of the city.

In the first half of the XVIII century

As already mentioned, in 1742, Chelyabinsk (the history of the city contains many amazing facts) visited I. G. Gmlin. He made up the first description of the fortress. According to this document, it was located on the southern shores of the Miass River, and in the fortification was similar to Myskaya, however, had large sizes. At the same time, she had only wooden walls of lying logs, each of which was about 60 seedlines (160-170 m).

In the spring of 1748, the construction of the first stone temple began, which became the main cathedral of the Iset Province. Soon the city began to actively expand, and various public institutions appeared there.

In the second half of the XVIII century

One of the most significant events in his history occurred in 1774, when Voevod A. Verevkin was able to withstand the siege of Pugachevtsev. However, a few months later, the rebels were able to enter Chelyabinsk and dealt with the representatives of the authorities. The liberation of the city was helped by General I. A. Decolong, who arrived with reinforcement.

If you are interested in what year of the founding of Chelyabinsk, like cities, then it is 1781th - in 45 years after the foundation of the fortress. It is so much time it took that the Bashkir village with the fort turned into a major settlement. This fact was marked by the assignment of the status of the county city. In addition, the decree of Empress Catherine Theme was approved by the coat of arms of Chelyabinsk, at which a novel camel was depicted at the bottom of the provincial shield.

In 1788, a global event occurred in Chelyabinsk: a group of doctors, headed by S. Andrievsky, studied the symptoms of Siberian ulcers, gave the name to this disease and invented the serum capable of protecting a person from a deadly disease.

In the XIX century

The new century was marked by the development of trade and crafts. Due to its geographical location and location on traditional caravanways (the coat of arms of Chelyabinsk is a reflection of this circumstance) by the middle of the 19th century the city firmly took one of the leading places in the fair trade of the Urals. However, his rapid growth occurred after 1892. It was associated with the completion of the construction of the railway, which connected Chelyabinsk with the European provinces of the Russian Empire. It is known that Alexander Third himself intervened in the case, who has canceled the previously proposed project, involving the railway through Kazan - Yekaterinburg - Tyumen, bypassing the city. Since 1892, the Trans-Siberian Highway was continued, further, east. The commissioning of the railway on Ekaterinburg in 1896 was further facilitated by the occupation of the Chelyabinsk leading position in the field of interregional trade. Suffice it to say that for several years the local exchange has become the first in Russia in terms of the volume of purchase / sale transactions of bread and the second - on trade in import tea.

Chelyabinsk by the beginning of the 20th century

In 1897, the population of Chelyabinsk was approximately 20,000 people. At the same time, his sharp growth was observed, which was associated with the appearance of all new villages around the railway station ( detailed information This can be found about this by visiting the Museum of the City of Chelyabinsk).

In parallel with this, educational institutions were modernized in the city and opened different profile, such as a spiritual school, women's deflection, real school, trade school, etc. Club of railway workers and people's House. As for the field of entrepreneurship, about 1,500 chartering and industrial institutions operated in Chelyabinsk, the total annual turnover of which was about 30 million rubles. Commercial offices and dozens of representative offices of foreign companies engaged in the Russian Empire are constantly opened in the Russian empire.

For quick development dynamics and accelerated growth Chelyabinsk (history of the city in the XVIII-XIX centuries is presented above), even began to call the Saralsky Chicago. Already by the 1910th year, the population of the city tripled, and by 1917, up to 70,000 people increased.

History of Chelyabinsk during revolutionary events and in the early years of Soviet power

After October 1917, the city, like the whole Russian empire, was in the whirlpool of events. According to the preserved historical documents and memories of eyewitnesses, the power of the Councils of Workers and Soldier deputies was introduced not only by peaceful, but also armed.

It is noteworthy that among representatives of historical science it is assumed that the full-scale civil war began on May 14, 1918 after the railway. Stations of Chelyabinsk. And even in conditions of political instability, the city continued to evolve. In particular, in 1918, the Chelyabinsk elevator was commissioned, which was supposed to play a crucial role in providing a region of grain.

By the middle of 1919, in Chelyabinsk finally restored and created new authorities, and from September 3, 1919 he became the provincial center, later - district.

In the pre-war period

In early 1934, the Chelyabinsk Region was formed by the VCIK Resolution. The city became its administrative center, and in 1937, miraculously escaped renaming to Kaganovichgrad.

At the same time, the industrial development of Chelyabinsk was not ceased for a minute. It is enough to say that if by 1919 only 2 enterprises operated in the city, since the beginning of the 1930s, abrasive, tractor, ferroalloy, machine-planning and zinc plants began to work.

The Great Patriotic War

During the years, Chelyabinsk (the history of the city at the end of the 20th century will be told next) he played an important role in providing the current armored armored equipment.

From the very beginning of the war, the city took several hundred thousand evacuated citizens. As a result, the population of Chelyabinsk rose 2.5 times, reaching 630,000 people. On the basis of more than 200 evacuated enterprises, by merging with local industries, industrial giants of the CCPZ were created, ChmK, ChTPZ. In addition, from 1941 to 1945, Chelyabinsk (history of the city during this period is a story about a massive work feat. soviet people) He became the placement of the drug industry, ammunition, average engineering and power plants.

During this period, there was connections to the capacity of the local tractor plant with evacuated Kharkov Motor-Building and Leningrad Kirov plants. This made it possible to establish the release of T-34 tanks in record short time. During the Second World War in Chelyabinsk, 60 thousand diesel engines were released for combat trampoons. In addition, the Kolovikhenko plant mastered the production of famous Katyush. Chelyabinsk enterprises In 1941-1945, diesel engines, ammunition, electrical equipment for armored vehicles, parts for CIS cars and tanks, as well as other products needed for victory were also produced.

After the war

After the victory, Chelyabinsk became a supplier of equipment, equipment and work force For the restoration of Donbass, Stalingrad, Dneprogacy and other destroyed settlements and important industrial and energy facilities of our country.

In 1947, a plan for the development of the city was approved. As a result of its implementation, new neighborhoods and industrial enterprises appeared.

By 1960, the highest higher educational institutionsAnd in 1976, the ChelSU opened there, which became the first classic University of the Southern Urals.

A particularly stormy industrial growth in Chelyabinsk was recorded in the early 80s, when his enterprises occupied leading positions in the production of stainless steel, pipes, ferroalloys and road vehicles.

The city has developed in culturally. In particular, in the 80s, the new DramaTheater building was opened there for 1,200 places, the chamber and organ music hall, the Geological Museum, as well as the monuments "to the new way" and I. Kurchatov.

Modern period

The first half of the "Lidh" 90s has become difficult period For Chelyabinsk, as it was marked by the bankruptcy of enterprises, non-payment of salaries and underfunding programs social sphere. Fortunately, this situation lasted relatively long, and by the end of this decade, the industry resumed the work of the industry, and many factory and plants reached the world market. There was a revival and other fields. In particular, a zoo was opened in 1996. In 2004, the history of Chelyabinsk streets was replenished with a new page, since the famous molding became a pedestrian and turned into a favorite place for tourists and citizens. Two years later, he moved to a new building of the South Urals, a new building was opened, and in 2009 - the Ice Arena "Tractor", which accommodates 7,500 spectators.

Of famous eventsIn Chelyabinsk in the last decade, the fall of the meteorite can be noted, when 7,320 buildings were injured from the explosive wave.

Day of Chelyabinsk

In 2016, this holiday was special. After all, the city turned 280 years old! Day of the city Chelyabinsk celebrated on September 10, lush celebrations and folk festivities. A total of 60 events took place. Since it was impossible to fit them in 24 hours, the festival was stretched for several days and many metropolitan stars took part in it.

Now you know what interesting events took place in Chelyabinsk. Today he refers to the number of industrial giants of our country and confidently looks to the future.

If you are interested in the history and traditions of Chelyabinsk, be sure to visit this city, where your curiosity can be satisfied by visiting museums and talking to the locals.

Archaeological finds indicate that in the middle of the II millennium BC, the products from the Ural metal appeared in the Volga region, the cexed-earth, competing with the products of the Caucasus and Carpathians. For a long time, the landmarks for the mountains and the events were the remains of the ancient mines, the so-called "moon copy". The most ancient findings in the Urals are stone casting forms designed to cast weapons and household items. The indigenous population of the Urals before the arrival of the Russians - Bashkirs, Siberian Tatars, Mansi, lived predominantly along the rivers. They were engaged in mainly hunting, fishing, borrothematics, less often agriculture and cattle breeding.

Southern Uralssince ancient times attracted people favorable to habitat conditions. Certificate of this - the numerous parking lot of the stone century, the village of Bronze and Iron centuries opened by archaeologists. In the Middle Ages in the South Urals, the Golden, Blue and White Horde, Kazan, Siberian and Nogai Hugs, then Bashkir tribes and Kazakh zhuzov took place.

Ermak broke the troops of the Siberian Khan Kuchum and joined Siberia to Russian possessions. From this point on, the resettlement of Russians to the Urals and in Trans-Urals began. The development of the territory was accompanied by the construction of cities and fortified towns. They became the centers for collecting Dani with local population. The increase in the cargo exchange of the central part with the Urals and Siberia delivered the task of building a short path. Through the forests and swamps, the road was laid, which reduced the path of more than 1000 miles. Gradually B. beginning of XVII A century was built cities, settlements on the banks of the rivers were formed, handicrafts and crafts developed: blacksmith, pottery, weak. The peasants grown rye, wheat, oats, barley, buckwheat, flax. Easily accessible deposits of brown railway allowed from the middle of the XVII century Building railway plants in the Urals. Iron on them melted directly from ore with a rapid method (in mining) with the use of manual fur.

Administrative formation of the territory of the Chelyabinsk region started in the XVIII century and was the continuation of the policy of Peter I on the development of the productive forces of Russia and the expansion of its borders, which was reflected in the activities of the Orenburg expedition. The expedition in military trading founded a number of fortresses, among them - Verkhne-Yaitskaya (1735), Chebarkulskaya, Miaskaya, Chelyabinsk (1736).

Intensive construction of factories in the Urals began with 1722. For 12 years, more than 20 plants were built. This is due to the activities of the Demidov, which was transferred to the stateless Nevyansky factory. The overwhelming majority of the plants of that time were located on the rivers: Chusovoy, Iseti, Tagil, Neuba. By shipping Chusovoy loads transported to the central part of Russia.

On August 13, 1737, the Iset Province was formed (on modern Map - Northern part of the Chelyabinsk region and the Kurgan region). Since 1743, the provincial Center - Chelyabinsk. On March 15, 1744, the Orenburg province was formed, which included the Inetskaya and Ufa provinces.

TO mid XVIII century The Middle Ural became the largest metallurgical Center countries. His share accounted for 67% of the smelting of cast iron in Russia, and Nikita Demidov became the sole supplier of iron to the admiralty. The quality of the Ural Iron is highly valued all over the world. In the middle of the XVIII century, another 24 plants were built, which even more strengthened the status of the Ural as the supporting edge of the Power. The copper industry has developed, gold mining began. By producing 81% of the Russian iron, 95% of copper, the Ural was the only area of \u200b\u200bgold mining. Mechanical factories for the production of steam boilers and steam engines appeared.

In the second half of the XVIII century The active formation of the mining and factory zone of the Southern Urals began. Mountain plants are laid - future cities.

At the beginning of the XIX century The main part of the territory, now occupied by the Chelyabinsk region, was part of the Orenburg province. In the middle of the XIX century, in connection with the creation of a "new line", the fortresses are actively mastered by the Orenburg Cossacks of the Steppe districts of the Southern Urals. Arising here settlements Names related to places of battles and victories of Russian troops are given: Varna, Fersamphenauaz, Borodino, Paris and others.

The second half of the XIX century marked by the introduction to the economic turnover raw Resources The Southern Mining District of Russia, who pushed the Ural to the background. Competition with southern areas forced the Ural mining supplists to update equipment, introduce new technologies, to carry out production concentration. New copper smelters were built, gold mining grew - the Ural gave the sixth part of the country's gold. Agriculture had a grain specialization. Gray bread prevailed.

At the turn of the XIX-XX centuries The territory of the Urals included Vyatka, Orenburg, Perm and Ufa province. Their territory was 3.3% of the All-Russian. The Urals were divided into 6 mountainous districts led by mining engineers. The population in 1897 was over 9.9 million people. and accounted for 7.5% of the total number of the country. The total number of cities in the Urals - 39, the largest - Orenburg.

New impetus in the development of the industry of the Urals started in the XX centuryAnd then during the first five years. The old ones were upgraded, new industries arose. The engineering, chemical, forest and woodworking industry was renovated. High-quality changes in black metallurgy has undergone. Non-ferrous metallurgy Expanded its capacities and product range, including due to nickel and aluminum.

In 1919, the Chelyabinsk province was formed as part of the Chelyabinsk, Trinity and Verkhneural Counties. In accordance with the WTCIK decree on November 3, 1923, the Ural region was created with the center in Yekaterinburg as part of 15 districts, among which were Chelyabinsk, Zlatoustovsky, Verkhneuralsky and Trinity.

On January 17, 1934, the Ural region was disassembled, as a result of which the Chelyabinsk region was formed. In the future, the area of \u200b\u200bthe region has repeatedly decreased. So, in the period from 1938 to 1943, seven districts were submitted from the Chelyabinsk region to the Sverdlovsk region.

After transferring 32 districts to the newly formed Kurgan region from February 6, 1943, the boundaries of the region practically did not change.

The concentration of production increased significantly during the Great Patriotic War at the expense of enterprises escaped from various Western and southern regions of the country. It is impossible to call differently than the heroism of the work of workers, adolescents, women overcoming the hunger, hunger, deprivation of military years, made it impossible to achieve victory at the front.

In modern territorial and industrial division The Ural Economic Region includes several areas (Perm, Orenburg, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk) and republics (Bashkiria, Udmurtia). And the latest political reform 2000 - the creation of federal districts - combined 4 areas in the Urals Federal District (Kurgan, Sverdlovsk, Tyumen and Chelyabinsk) and two autonomous District (Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenetsky).

It is especially necessary to say about the natural resources of the Ural region, his "underground storehouses" are truly unique. Still rich in vegetable and animal world, heavily affected in the process of industrial development of the Urals. But the main wealth of the Ural Territory is his people. Intelligent and hardworking, they were with the tremendous efforts to turn it into the largest economic district of Russia, in the "Power Supplement Region", where her fate was repeatedly caught.

From the Iset Province to Chelyabinsk province.

Iset Province (1737-81), administrative-territorial education in the southeast outskirts of Siberia and Zauralskashkiya in the composition of Siberian, and from 1744 Orenburg province . The name comes from the Iset River, crossed the land of its northern, most oblivious and populated distributors. Had their coat of arms. The decision on the creation of the ISetaProvia from Okunevsky, Shadrinsky and Isline Districts of the Siberian province was taken at the meeting (gene. Council of executives) Orenburg province from osprey V. N. Tatishchev on July 14, 1737 in Menzelinsk. Decree of the Empressmen of John dated August 13, 1737, the creation of ISETSKAskins was approved. She included all the lands of Zauralskashkashkiya from the Verkhovyev r. Yik and to r. Ah, stretching in for. 300 miles. On the east, its composition was part of the Russians still in 17 centuries. The outskirts of the Siberian District on the border with the Yalutorist District. Northern Iset Salads was limited to the Yekaterinburg Office, Krasnoslobodsky District and Tyumen County, in the West - Ufa Province South Border of the Iset Province after the creation of the Uyan line of fortresses (Kon. 40-Gg. 18 century) was held by p. Ui In 1756, 2 new Districts of the Iset Province were formed on these lands: Uvevsky and Kurtamysh. The near District of Chelyabinsk is named Chelyabinsk county.

Coat of arms of the Isetian province . The emergence refers to the beginning of existence Iset Province(k. 30s. 18th century). The initiator of its creation was the famous Russian historian, a geographer and the stateman V.N. Tatishchev who, using the book "Symbols and Emblems" (1705), was 2 projects of the Herbaisentic province: "In the black floor of the wallstone white as a sign of this country approval by newly built fortresses, to the wall of the dog in the sign of conquest Bashkir ... "; "In the black field, the White Palisade, before whom the camel is tied to joke, means the same, above the same Crown Tatar or Count, and above her camel head." The political recruitment of Tatishchev's church is due to the fact that at the time of their creation he took part undercar bashkir uprising1735-1740g.



In the manufacture of the printing of the Ieta province, the 2nd coat of arms with significant changes was taken over its foundation. The official symbol of the Ietska province speaks to the Chelyabinsk questionnaire, compiled at the request of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences in 1761: "And the coat of arms, although there is, Tokmo is not one of the Chelyabinsk fortress, but consisting on the whole warm province; for it is the warm-old provincial office only printing, but It marks: in the shield of the standing camel, and near that shield on the sides of the sign of military weapons and banners, and over the shield of the state crown, and near the crown and weapons around the inscription is such: "Her Emperorsky Majesty's seal, or the Zauralsky province." The coat of arms of the Isetian province existence to its abolition in 1781. Academician I.G.Gmelin.

Base of Chelyabinsk

Base of Chelyabinsk(September 13, 1736), occurred during the work of the Orenburg Expedition, who accelerated the process of Russian-picking up Bashkiria and Zauralye. Bashkir uprising in 1735 revealed the lack of reliable communications between the Orenburg under construction on the Bashkir lands and Russian Volga and Sarala who served as a support for the Orenburg expedition are known for 2 unsuccessful attempts to send food deposits to Orenburg from Teschenskaya Sloboda (now the village Russian mecha Chelyabinskiewist) in 1735. In this Sloboda, there was a chief preparatory point where Zauralsky monasteries and state peasants were overlooked bread for the Orenburg expedition. July 16, 1735 Hence left to Orenburg, transporting 16 thousand powders rye flour (more than a thousand peasant fit). The conversation was accompanied by an armed convoy of 100 people. Near Lakeukla Karagai (south-west of the modern s. Uysky), the conversation was attacked by several hundred armed Bashkir. They immediately captured 44 models, having killed 4 submariner pea and ranks 14. Then Bashkirs blocked the way and tried to take it by the attack. The Siberian Dragun Regiment approached 469 people with 5 guns, as well as a detachment from Orenburg with a number of 700 people. The efforts of these military teams were released on August 15 and after 2 weeks. Arrived in Orenburg. Back to the Teschenskaya Slobod, the Oblase traveled from September 7 to October 8 and due to early colds lost many horses. For wintering, the garrisons of Orenburg and Verkhoyatski (Verkhneuralsk) needed an additional garbage, therefore, on December 2, the 2nd conveyance was sent from the Tesch Sloboda. It was 642 peasant vehicles, loaded with flour and forage for horses, and 376 people. Hidden armed-bones with 3 guns. Dec 22 In 60 versts from the Verkhoyatsky Pier, the conversation was again attacked Bashkir. Using the numerical advantage, Bashkirs were forced to turn back and travel, and an argent admission coming to help him. Jan 23 1736 Towings returned to the Tescen Slobod. As a result, the entire garrison of Upnevytsky died from hunger, out of 800 people, evacuated from Orenburg for the same reason, died 558 people on the way, and 230 frost. On the entire 300-verst route from Teschenskaya Sloboda to the Verkhoyatskaya Pier there was only 1 Russian village -B Rodokolmak, located 20 versts from Sloboda. Therefore, the construction of the fortress, under the protection of which the sumizers would be able to make their daily transitions, became an obvious necessity. In addition, the fortresses would contribute to the best protection of the Russian border from the raids of steppe nomads. Built in 1736. Chelyabinsk Fortress he served to perform the specified tasks and was one of the french constructed in 1736-42 on the way from the Tescen Sloboda to Verkhneytsk. August 26, 1736 on the right bank of r. Miass, approximately 1 verst from the sign of recaller, from the Mias Fortress arrived a detachment of Colonel. I. Tevkelev, consisting of 600 people with 5 guns. During the week, preparatory work (arbitrariness of the timeland, clearing of the territory, the workpiece of materials), and on September 2 (September 13, by n. Art.) The bookmark of the Chelyabinskiy will occur. Unlike most of the South Ural fortresses built from the Earth, people. It was wooden. Most likely this happened due to lack of time, as earth construction could not be completed by the winter in stock by the forces

Chelyaba - Center for Iset Province

In 1737-38 The construction of the South Ural fortress line was completed. They were merged in the Iset Province. The venovascal and provincial government was appointed Chebarkul fortress. But as the capital of the province of Chebarkul was uncomfortable. First, because I was lying away from the shopping trail. Secondly, numerous Bashkir and Tatar settlements were located next to him, in which at that time it was restless. Therefore, only the governor settled in Chebarkul. At first, I. N. Tatishchev (Brother of the City Planner) was appointed, then Petr Bakhmetyev. The Board of the province continued to remain in the Tesch Sloboda.

Such separation of the capital lasted until 1743. This year head of the Orenburg Commission I. I. Nepnev got the task to design the connection Orenburg and Siberian fortress lines. When designing Nepnev special attention Delighted the administrative device.

For acquaintance with the state of affairs, the head of the commission drove along all the fortresses of the Iset Province. Driving Chebarkul, he noted that it is not entirely well located for hostilities. A close neighborhood with the forest and the lake did a fortress unprotected from the attack. In addition, it did not allow it to develop as a city. The location of the Mias Fortress in High Hills made it impossible to use artillery to conduct hostilities.

And here Chelyabinsk Fortress It was built on the stony plateau, which was convenient for further urban planning. Water city provided the river flowing nearby.

At the same time, the swamp surrounded by a stone plateau made it difficult to attack the enemy's equestrian detachments. There were no obstacles to the use of artillery. The geographical location of Chelyaks was successful - in the middle between Yekaterinburg and Orenburg. The city could be a comfortable transshipment and shopping point. Therefore, the choice of non-mercy fell into the Chelyabinsk fortress. "She is a resident of everyone with satisfied and spacious, and both to Bashkiria, and to Russian residents a more expensive," he wrote to the Senate, offering to transfer center for the province of Chelyabinsk.

In addition to the proposal for the transfer of the Center for Neptev, provided legislators a regular schedule of provincial rule. He recommended to appoint a governor of Orenburg colonel P. Bakhmetyev, Assistor Captain Arehev, introduce post office director, copyists, secretary and even a translator from Bashkir and tatar languages. To protect the provincial rule, he proposed to create a company in a hundred people. Neptune thought about strengthening economic significance Chelyabinsk Fortress. To this end, he considered it necessary to organize a fair market.

All offers of Ivan Neplulyva, directed in March 1743 in the Senate, were already approved in August.

After that, Neptev ordered the Ietsky governor to build a new fortress wall, disintegrate it with fallen and slings, and in front of the fortress to build three towers with a travel gate.

The arrangement of the new fortress was engaged in a hundred people. By the spring of 1744, the new fortress was built. Inside the fortress on the Square of Yaroslavsky (now the area in front of the Opera and Ballet Theater) was built the house of the governor and the Office.

In 1744. The county board moved to Chelyabinsk. After some time, the spiritual board was also moved here, which was located in the department of Tobolsk bishops.

After Nepnev organized a postal tract between Chelyabinsk, Trinity and Orenburg, life in the county capital was noticeably revived. Through the chelyabu, caravans with products and weapons went through the South of the Orenburg Territory. A fair opened at which he spent his money the official and servicing people. Bashkirs began to flow to the bazaar with the surrounding villages, offering hunting trophies.

In this way, Chelyabinsk gradually became a real city, Center of the Iset Province.

Catherine II provincial reform

Pugachev uprising showed the weakness of imperial power. One of the activities aimed at strengthening this power was the provincial reform. During this reform The Iset Province was attributed First to Perm, and then to the Ufa province. Secure this position of things must be the coat of arms of the province.

For approval by Empress Catherine, several variants of the coat of arms were provided (see) June 6, 1782 The final version of the coat of arms was approved: the shield separated into two parts. In the upper half Shutting the firing cuckor running through the green field. She was a symbol of the Ufa province and in the coat of arms of the Isetian province pointed to the coinlap. In addition, the image of the curtain spoke about the development of fur fishery in the Urals forests. Cute, forest hunter, symbolized also the spirit of the ancient inhabitants of the mining zone of the Urals - forest hunters and fishermen. The fiery color served as an indicator of courage and courage, shown by the Urals during the years of the Patriotic War of 1812. In the lower half of the shield On a silver background, a golden navigated camel was depicted. He stood on a green steppe field. A camel for a long time served as a symbol of trading, laying new paths, caravan trail. He became a reminder of the Slopes of the Ural Mountains from Perm and to India itself an ancient trading path.

At that time, the camel was also a symbol of trade with Asian countries. And this was seen the purpose of the old chelyak. The gold color camel was and now remains a symbol of wealth, and the silver background is the attribute of purity.

The crowns at the Isetian coat of arms were decided not to do, since the province did not possess an independent control, but submitted to Ufa.

The coat of arms of the Isetian province predetermined the path of the development of the Chelyaks as a shopping and merchant city.

On March 23, 1797, Ufa governance was renamed the Orenburg province, and in May 1865 it was allocated from her Ufa Gubernia.

chelyabinsk appears its coat of arms

In 1781, by decree of the Empress, Chelyabinsk became the county city of Ufa Province and received the highest approved coat of arms. He reflected the main feature of the city, showed his role and importance in the state.
On a white and silver background at the top of the coat of arms, a running cuckor is depicted, and in the bottom - loaded by the brother camel. And the cunnic, and the camel are depicted among the shagles, almost flat terrain. The cuckitus symbolized the richness of the edge of the fur, camel - caravan walking paths through the city.
"In the upper part of the shield, the coat of arms of Ufa. In the bottom - the novel camel, as a sign that in this city they are pretty pretty with goods." "Highestly approved: 6th Iian 1782 years."

In 1785, Chelyabinsk became the county city of Yekaterinburg Province of Perm (then Ufa) vicarity. City Magistrate and Zemsky Court were opened, and then the city council, the city deputy meeting. In the city practiced the doctor S.S. Inderevsky. Developing methods of combating mass diseases, he in 1788 made himself vaccinating Siberian ulcers.

The city gradually grew. In 1801, there were 500 courtyards in it, and in the I860 G. - 656. They were engaged in the citizens of all kind of handicraft, partly agriculture and trade. The first school appeared in 1780, the first county school - in 1833, the first in the Urals of the Women's School - in 1861, the real school - in 1902

Industrial importance Chelyabinsk began to acquire in the middle of the XIX century. After the opening of the deposits of stone coal. Its intensive development began with the launch of the Samara railway - Zlatoust. In 1842 he earned the mechanical plant "Such and K °" (subsequently plant of road vehicles). By 1881, 18 factories had already operated, a Public Bank was established (1866).

Evidence of the cultural life of the XIX - XX centuries. There was a discovery of a public library, the Tatar-Bashkir library, a bookstore, typography. The estate representative was diverse. According to the census of 1870, there was a male person: Meshan - 1185, military - 424, peasants - 366, nobles - 174, merchants - 152, clergy - 49. There were 5 churches and a female hostric monastery in the city.

Soviet power in Chelyabinsk was established on November 8, 1917 at the head of the Military Revolutionary Committee stood V.K. Blyukher. In the years civil War The city was the troops of Admiral A.V. Kolchak.

In 1919, the Chelyabinsk province was formed, then the district as part of the Ural region, and in 1934, the Chelyabinsk region.

Modern Chelyabinsk and Chelyabinsk region

Chelyabinsk region, in the Russian Federation, an area of \u200b\u200b87.9 thousand km 2. The population of 3656.4 thousand people (2001), urban 81%. 30 cities, 30 urban-type settlements.

Administrative center - Chelyabinsk. Other major cities: Magnitogorsk, Miass, Zlatoust. Educated January 17, 1934. It is part of the Ural Federal District, to the Economic Ural District.

Map of Chelyabinsk region

Coat of arms of Chelyabinsk region was adopted on January 8, 2002. In the sperm (red) field of a navidated silver dugorby camel with golden folds. The shield is crowned with a golden land crown and is surrounded by two ribbons of the Order of Lenin. The coat of arms of the region is based on the historical coat of arms of the Isetian province, on the lands of which the territory of the modern Chelyabinsk region is located. The red field of the field was consonant with the work of metallurgists, machine builders, founders and energy, the technological processes of which are associated with thermal reactions. This complements the coat of arms of the region as an industrialized region. Gold in the coat of arms shows the South Ural nature, the wealth of the depths of the region. The historic land crown indicates the status of the Chelyabinsk region as a subject of the Russian Federation. Two tapes of Lenin Order, which the Chelyabinsk region was awarded in 1956 and 1970, show the merits of the region.

Council of Museum MOU SOSH №104.

Technical editor Zabestskaya E.V.

Editor Korototch N.I.

The city of Chelyabinsk was founded more than 260 years ago (in September 1736) on the Miass River, as a watchdog fortress on the way from Zauralye to Orenburg. Since 1743, he was the center of a major Izeta province. From February to April 1774, the Chelyabinsk fortress moved to the side of Pugachevtsev. Until 1781, Chelyabinsk was a military settlement, the inhabitants of which were Cossacks.

For more than 100 years, until the revolution of 1917, Chelyabinsk was a small and unremarkable county town of the Orenburg Territory. Cossacks left him, founding nearby small villages. Some of them later entered the city trait. In the Patriotic War of 1812, the Cossacks of the Chelyabinsk District participated in the composition of the 3rd Orenburg Regiment. They participated in battles near Leipzig, fought for Paris and took part in other battles.

During this period, Chelyabinsk was known as a place of political reference. Through it were held, sown on stage in Siberia, convicts. In the Chelyabinsk reinforcement, they visited well-known in the subsequent Bolsheviks: I. Stalin, A. Bubnov, E. Preobrazhensky and others.

Fame Chelyabinsk acquired in 1892 with the end of the construction of the Samaro-Zlatoust railway, when the movement was opened from Moscow to Chelyabinsk. In a matter of years, he became one of the largest shopping centers of Russia and took one of the first places on trading bread, oil, meat and tea.

In 1896, the railway on Ekaterinburg was put into operation. For several years, the population of the city has grown several times. Many villages appeared around the station, the area of \u200b\u200bthe city increased by a third.

Around the railway station at this time there was a migrating town. It covered his own church, hospital, residential barracks and others necessary facilities. Chelyabinsk became an important intermediate point of movement of the population, a peculiar gate of Siberia. Industry and education began to develop rapidly.

Women's gymnasium, real and spiritual college, trade school began to operate. The People's House and Club of the Railway Assembly were built.

During Russian-Japanese war (1904 - 1905) Chelyabinsk played a big role in servicing military units. During the First World War (1914 - 1918), Chelyabinsk was one of the centers for the preparation of army reserves: in three military towns, training was trained and the formation of military units.

During the civil war, near the city between the parts of the 3rd Red Army under the command of Tukhachevsky and the army of Admiral Kolchak, a battle occurred, which ended with the victory of red.

In 1919, the Chelyabinsk province was formed, transformed in 1924 in the Chelyabinsk District of the Ural Region. Subsequently, the province was enlarged, in connection with which, on January 17, 1934, the Chelyabinsk region was formed. In the current borders, the region has existed from February 6, 1943, after the Kurgan region was allocated from its composition.

During the first five-year plan, Chelyabinsk turned into one of the largest industrial centers in the country. If by 1919 only two enterprises operated in the city, then plants came into effect: tractor, abrasive, ferroalloy, machine-tool, zinc.

In the 1930s, Chelyabinsk was known for the entire country in the construction of the giants of the industry. During this period, many famous people visited the city, among them: Molotov, Voroshilov, Kaganovich, Bubnov. By 40 years in Chelyabinsk, dozens of enterprises produced products.

Of great importance had Chelyabinsk during the Great Patriotic War, like a rear city. During this period, the Ural was a support of the army. Many plants from the center of the country were evacuated here. In Chelyabinsk produced, which later became known to the world, Katyushi and T-34 tanks.

In the first fights under Grodno (June 1941), the entire 85th Chelyabinsk Division died. In the fall, several regiments of night bombers formed in Chelyabinsk flew to the front.

In 1943, 4 artillery breakthrough divisions, 6 artillery brigades, several artillery regiments were formed in the city and region of volunteers; 4 severe self-propelled artillery regiments, staffed by graduates of the Chelyabinsk Tankotechnical School.

In the post-war, the Chelyabinsk region was also invaluable for the country, in February 1954 the first detachment of the Komsomol residents of the region was sent to the virgin.

In subsequent years, Chelyabinsk continued to good and grow. The industry developed a rapid pace, in particular, in 1984 a millionth tractor was released at the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant. There were changes in the cultural life of the region: new cinemas, museums opened, developed a whole network educational institutions Art and culture. From the provincial town of Chelyabinsk turned into a powerful industrial and cultural center of the Urals.

In 1987, historical discovery was made by archaeologists: on excavations in the southern part of the region a unique monument of the bronze century Arkim was discovered. It is a fortress of the so-called country of cities (consisting of twenty fortresses) and refers to the times of Mesopotamian and Egyptian civilizations. Excavations on the territory of the Chelyabinsk region, at the beginning of the twentieth century, N.K. Minko. In the vicinity of Chelyabinsk, they were opened and partially studied several hundred Sarmatian Bronze Centers. On the shores of Lake Smolino, Isakovo and Sineglazovo N.K. Minko and his followers were discovered a greater number of Kurgans. The archaeological find of 1987 and other finds only prove that in deep antiquity the territory of modern Chelyabinsk and the region was caught by ancient people.

In almost three centuries, the population of Chelyabinsk has grown more than 1080 times. And if the first residents of the watchtorm fortress were Cossacks, then by the XXL century - the city is populated by representatives of about a hundred nationalities.

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