Cooling the apartment without air conditioning. Natural recuperator or free air conditioner for a country house How to cool a house with folk remedies

Encyclopedia of Plants 04.03.2020
Encyclopedia of Plants

How to escape from the suffocating heat? Here are some simple and practical tips to help you cool off in the hot summer weather.

1. Change bedding

Sleep on silk bedding, as this material is breathable and hypoallergenic. However, pure silk is quite expensive. Therefore, you can use a little talcum powder, sprinkled on a cotton sheet. This will help absorb sweat and keep you cool throughout the night.

2. Cool your wrists

Monkeys often lick their wrists to lower their body temperature. The same principle can help you too. You can keep your wrists in cold water for 10 seconds. This lowers the body temperature for at least an hour.

You can also wipe the so-called "hot spots", including the back of the neck, knees and feet with a cool, damp flannel. Flannel can be placed in the freezer before use.

3. Remove metal jewelry

Heavy metal accessories absorb heat, which is then absorbed by the body.

How to save yourself from the heat?

4. Cooling fan

You can make a home air conditioner with a fan and water. Place a container or bottles of chilled water in front of the fan. This speeds up the cooling process in the room.

5. Turn off appliances

Many appliances in the home, including the TV, generate a lot of heat. Turn them off when not in use.

6. Sleep on the floor

Warm air rises, so if you're feeling hot in bed, it's best to sleep on a mattress on the floor.

7. Try yoga breathing

Curl your tongue and inhale through your mouth. Exhale through your nose. Repeat several times.

8. Eat Spices

Spicy foods actually have a cooling effect. Hot curry or hot chili increases perspiration, which cools the body as it evaporates.

9. Replace ice cream with yogurt

Instead of ice cream, eat yogurt, which has a higher water content, which will keep you cool.

10. Eat small meals

Overeating leads to an increase in body temperature. End your meal with a piece of fruit with a high water content, such as melon or pineapple.

11. Cucumber mask

Cut the cucumber into circles, lie down and put them on your face.

12. Refreshing spray

Brew mint tea and chill it in the refrigerator. Fill a spray bottle with it and use as a body spray.

13. Cooling the body

Dip the T-shirt in cool water, wring it out and put it on. As moisture evaporates, you will cool off.

Edema in the heat

Many people suffer from swelling in the heat, which causes severe discomfort. In hot weather, the body has a harder time removing fluid from tissues, including the skin, which can cause swelling in the feet, hands, and ankles.

14. Less salt

Reduce the amount of salt in your diet, avoid salty foods such as chips, salted nuts, sausages.

15. More water

Drink more water. It may defy logic, but water helps the kidneys to excrete fluid better.

16. Nettle decoction

Nettle, rich in potassium, calcium and magnesium, fights swelling and poor circulation by ridding your body of excess fluid. Try soup or nettle tea.

17. Vitamins

Vitamin B6, B5, calcium and vitamin D help to get rid of excess fluid.

18. Physical activity

Move more as a sedentary lifestyle contributes to poor circulation.

Summer heat in the absence of air conditioning can create considerable discomfort. To cool off and feel good without air conditioning, you can use various tricks using water, fans, light clothing, cool drinks and food, psychological tricks, and so on. You can also naturally cool the whole house, preventing heat from stagnating in it. With the right approach, you will successfully escape the heat while saving money on air conditioning.


Use of water for cooling

    Drink more water. The body will be cooler if its water balance is in order. Try to drink about 230 ml of water every hour. Adding mint leaves or orange, lemon or cucumber slices to your water will make it more refreshing. You may also find it easier to drink water if it has a slight flavor.

    Spray yourself with cool water. Fill a spray bottle with cool water and set it to a fine mist. For an immediate cooling effect, irrigate bare skin with a spray bottle.

    Chill a damp handkerchief in the freezer and apply it to your neck, forehead, arms, or legs. Applying a cold cloth to your skin will help you fight the heat. When the fabric is warm, simply rinse it and put it back in the freezer.

    • You can also apply an ice pack to the back of your head.
  1. Pour cold water over your wrists. Soak your wrists and other areas of the body with large blood vessels under the skin, such as the neck, inner crooks of the elbows and knees, in cold water for about 10 seconds. This will lower your body temperature slightly.

    Wet your head. Wet hair helps to cool the body, so try this step for an instant cool down. You can wet both the whole head and just the hairline. Evaporation of water will cool the head (however, it can make previously styled hair curl if it is naturally curly).

    • Put a water-soaked bandana on your head and walk around in it.
  2. Fill the tub with cool water and soak in it. Once you get used to the water temperature, turn the water off a bit and add more cold water. Keep doing this until you're cool enough. When you get out of the bath, your body will remain cool for a long time.

    • If you want, you can take a cool shower instead of a bath.
    • You can also put your feet in a bucket of cold water. The body mainly radiates heat from the hands, feet, face and ears, so cooling any of these places will effectively cool the whole body. Shallow children's pools are also good for cooling the feet of adults.
  3. Go for a swim. Visit the swimming pool, go to the river, lake or sea and unwind. Immersion in water will cool you down in an incredible way. When outdoors, be sure to use sunscreen to prevent sunburn, which can further heat up your body.

    Install a house fan. It will drive hot air towards the attic, where it will be blown out through the attic vents. To cool the house, open the door to the basement, make sure that all other internal doors between the basement and the room containing the fan are also open. Turn on the fan at night, while opening the windows of the lower floor, so that it can effectively cool the house. However, be sure to make sure the attic vents are working properly beforehand, otherwise the attic may not be able to handle the heat dissipation.

    • If you don't have attic vents, make them. You can’t even imagine how amazingly a cool attic affects the temperature of the whole house.

Fighting the heat

  1. Avoid peak heat hours. Try not to go outside between 10:00 and 15:00, when the sun's rays are at their strongest. This way you avoid sunburn. Try running or exercising outdoors in the early morning or late evening. Usually early mornings and evenings are cool enough for you to enjoy walking, running, hiking, biking, gardening or yard work.

    Wear summer clothes made from natural fabrics. Wear low-density natural fabrics (cotton, silk, linen) rather than polyester, synthetic viscose and other synthetic fabrics (with the possible exception of specially designed breathable sports fabrics).

    • Choose light-colored clothes. Dark-colored clothing absorbs heat better from the sun and stays warm longer than light-colored or white clothing, which reflects light and heat better.
  2. Walk barefoot. Take off your shoes and socks, especially on days when the humidity is extremely high. Wearing boots with socks in these conditions will make your feet sweat, generally raising your body temperature. Try to walk barefoot as often as possible (if possible).

    Fill your freezer with frozen fruit treats. Use ice cream sticks (you can find them in the supermarket) or just grab a bag of frozen fruit wedges like watermelon, pineapple, or lemon. Refrigeration can be delicious!

  3. Take advantage of mint. Mint refreshes the skin and leaves a feeling of pleasant coolness. Smear on mint lotion (avoid your face and eyes), shower with mint soap, do a mint foot bath, or soak with other mint-infused powders. In addition, there are some delicious mint recipes that you can also try:

    • smoothies made from watermelon yogurt and mint;
    • Irish chocolate drink with cream and mint;
    • mint truffles.
    • During peak heat, the municipalities of some cities organize "cooling centers" with working air conditioners, which can be visited by anyone. If you don't have air conditioning in your home (and especially if you're old or have a medical condition), call your city's help desk to find out if cooling centers are available.
    • If you have a garage at the base of your house under the living quarters, leave your warmed up car outside to cool it down before putting it in the garage.


    • Heat is often an essential companion of drought. If your area imposes water restrictions due to drought, be sure to check them out before using the water cooling tips mentioned in this article.
    • While drinking too much water is rarely a problem for healthy people, it can be dangerous for people with heart, liver, or kidney problems. If you have any of these serious conditions, be aware of how much water you drink, as your kidneys may not be able to properly process the excess water.
    • Babies, children, pregnant women and the elderly are more susceptible to overheating. Be sure to keep an eye on your family members, work colleagues and neighbors who are in this risk category.
    • If you notice symptoms of heatstroke or dehydration, call an ambulance or go to the doctor yourself to get qualified medical care. Body temperature above 40°C is life-threatening, but if it rises to 42.5°C, it will be fatal.

Here are some simple and practical tips to help you cool off in the hot summer weather.

1. Change bedding

Sleep on silk bedding, as this material is breathable and hypoallergenic. However, pure silk is quite expensive. Therefore, you can use a little talcum powder, sprinkled on a cotton sheet. This will help absorb sweat and keep you cool throughout the night.

2. Cool your wrists

Monkeys often lick their wrists to lower their body temperature. The same principle can help you too. You can keep your wrists in cold water for 10 seconds. This lowers the body temperature for at least an hour.

You can also wipe the so-called "hot spots", including the back of the neck, knees and feet with a cool, damp flannel. Flannel can be placed in the freezer before use.

3. Remove metal jewelry

Heavy metal accessories absorb heat, which is then absorbed by the body.

How to save yourself from the heat?

4. Cooling fan

You can make a home air conditioner with a fan and water. Place a container or bottles of chilled water in front of the fan. This speeds up the cooling process in the room.

5. Turn off appliances

Many appliances in the home, including the TV, generate a lot of heat. Turn them off when not in use.

6. Sleep on the floor

Warm air rises, so if you're feeling hot in bed, it's best to sleep on a mattress on the floor.

7. Try yoga breathing

Curl your tongue and inhale through your mouth. Exhale through your nose. Repeat several times.

8. Eat Spices

Spicy foods actually have a cooling effect. Hot curry or hot chili increases perspiration, which cools the body as it evaporates.

9. Replace ice cream with yogurt

Instead of ice cream, eat yogurt, which has a higher water content, which will keep you cool.

10. Eat small meals

Overeating leads to an increase in body temperature. End your meal with a piece of fruit with a high water content, such as melon or pineapple.

11. Cucumber mask

Cut the cucumber into circles, lie down and put them on your face.

12. Refreshing spray

Brew mint tea and chill it in the refrigerator. Fill a spray bottle with it and use as a body spray.

13. Cooling the body

Dip the T-shirt in cool water, wring it out and put it on. As moisture evaporates, you will cool off.

Edema in the heat

Many people suffer from swelling in the heat, which causes severe discomfort. In hot weather, the body has a harder time removing fluid from tissues, including the skin, which can cause swelling in the feet, hands, and ankles.

14. Less salt

Reduce the amount of salt in your diet, avoid salty foods such as chips, salted nuts, sausages.

15. More water

Drink more water. It may defy logic, but water helps the kidneys to excrete fluid better.

16. Nettle decoction

Nettle, rich in potassium, calcium and magnesium, fights swelling and poor circulation by ridding your body of excess fluid. Try soup or nettle tea.

17. Vitamins

Vitamin B6, B5, calcium and vitamin D help to get rid of excess fluid.

18. Physical activity

Move more as a sedentary lifestyle contributes to poor circulation.

People, as a rule, are anxiously waiting for the approach of summer, because during the winter they manage to miss the warmth and the long day. But let's not forget that with the summer comes a sweltering heat, from which it can be very difficult to escape. Some people prefer to go to the beach to cool off somehow, but others have to stay in the hot city and do their job somehow. Whether you're one of the latter or just looking for easy and quick ways to cool off, here are a few tricks to help you feel much better during the heat.

Freeze your favorite fruits

Frozen fruits like bananas, grapes, watermelon, blueberries are a healthy and refreshing snack.

Buy a fan that connects to your phone

With convenient smartphone-powered fans, you'll always have cool air at your fingertips.

Install a water sprinkler near your home

You can make it yourself using a hose, a drill and some PVC pipes. What's more, you can make a sprinkler even using a regular plastic bottle.

Use the fan correctly

If you want the cold air from the fan to spread as far as possible, try directing it towards the wall. Theoretically, the air will bounce off it and spread further than if you sent a fan into the room.

Make a paper fan

There are many ways to make a paper fan, and some of them are quite difficult. But to provide yourself with extra coolness, you need the simplest fan. All you need to make it is thick decorative paper and ribbon.

Cool down your body

Cooling some parts of the body right away will help you feel better. Leave a damp paper towel in the freezer for a while, and then wrap it around your wrists, on the back of your neck, or on the inside of your elbow. You will immediately feel relief.

Buy a cooling pad

Some ingenious companies have started making cooling pads that don't get hot from your head while you sleep. Although often their price is quite high, but they are worth it to sleep comfortably all night.

Make popsicles

The easiest way to make popsicles is to freeze your favorite yogurt. To do this, you just need to pour it into molds and leave it in the freezer.

Spray your face with water or sprays

The modern cosmetic market offers many different face sprays that moisturize the skin while protecting it from dehydration. But you yourself can prepare such a remedy by mixing water with essential oils and relaxing herbal decoctions. Even a small amount of this spray can immediately cool your face.

Use bottles to help keep your drink cold

Buy a good bottle for water and other drinks that will allow you to keep various drinks or even plain water chilled for a long time. Such a bottle can be left on the beach, in a hot car or used on a hike without fear that your drinks will heat up.

Cook meals that don't require cooking

If you use the stove or oven to cook dinner, they will significantly raise the temperature in your home. To keep the coolness you need, use recipes that do not require cooking.

Apply a cooling mask to your face

There are many options for preparing a cooling face mask. You can buy pre-made ones that contain cooling agents, or you can make your own using aloe, peppermint, and essential oils. You can also cool the mask that you are used to using by leaving it in the refrigerator for a while. You can also use chilled cucumber slices for the eyes.

Go shopping or watch a movie at a local cinema

Most shopping malls are air conditioned. Even if you don't have the money to buy anything, walking through the mall is a great way to take a break from the summer heat. The same can be said about cinemas.

Heat? It's time to find the right and effective way to cool the apartment, at home! And so how can you achieve coolness in the house? And anyway, how to cool off in the heat? We will talk about this in this post. When you are at home, you want to feel comfortable. But what if the heat burst into the house and being in such an atmosphere is simply unbearable? In this article, you will learn how to escape the sweltering heat and regain your sense of comfort.

How to cool down a house

In the modern world, there is a reliable solution to how to drive the heat out of an apartment - this is a well-known air conditioner. But how to cool the house in the heat without air conditioning? Indeed, everyone chooses such a simple solution, as they are afraid of drafts and harsh cold air.

Not everyone can afford to buy such an expensive way to solve their problem. And everyone is interested in the question of how to get rid of the heat in a cheaper way. And how can you not harm your own health and the health of our dear children, because you don’t want them to get sick. And yet how to cool off in such unbearable heat? We will tell you about this in our article.

There are 3 ways to fix the problem with high air temperature in the house:

  1. Cool the air with water, since water effectively absorbs heat, while reducing the temperature of the air.
  2. Close the windows in the house to prevent the sun's rays from entering the room.
  3. Do not allow warm air to enter the apartment.

Grandmother's advice will help to cool the air in your house to a comfortable temperature:

  • A fan will come to our aid, if a bowl of cold water and ice is placed in front of the fan, the air will circulate and thus cool the room, eliminating excess heat. A humidifier can also come in handy.
  • Notice the windows. Our thin lace curtains let light and heat into the house well. Therefore, it is recommended to replace them with blinds or reflective film. They are fastened very easily and quickly and do not allow direct sunlight.
  • It is recommended to do wet cleaning more often in the apartment, to remove all the bark from the floor. Walking on a chilled surface is more pleasant than walking on a warm carpet.
  • It is also advised to regularly cool the air. You can achieve the desired result by spraying cold water around the house, you can also hang a wet weave so that evaporation occurs much faster.
  • It is worth noting such a method as replacing conventional light bulbs with fluorescent or LED ones, as they give off less heat and save energy.
  • Use less appliances that generate heat (stove, oven, hair dryer).
  • Try not to open windows during the day. The air heats up and enters the house through the open window.
  • Make it a rule to turn off electrical appliances that you do not use from the mains.

How to escape the heat

Here we are talking about how to cool off in the heat at home. The above methods are good, but the effect is not long. In this case, it is worth adhering to some tips that can cope with the sultry heat in your apartment:

  1. Take cold showers as often as possible. Cold water will help you cool down and deal with overheating of the body.
  2. Wear wet clothes at home. You can wrap a cool towel around your neck and head.
  3. It is also worth abandoning metal jewelry on your body. Metals heat up very quickly.
  4. Change your daily routine. Important and more active things should be done in the morning or postponed until the evening.
  5. Use as little cosmetics as possible that clog pores, prevent skin from breathing and make sweating more difficult.

Rules for eating in hot weather

Organize proper nutrition that will help you better cope with the unbearable heat in the summer.

  • In the heat, it is worth filling your menu with vitamins B6, B5, calcium. In this way, you will be able to avoid swelling and consume less fluid.
  • Protect yourself from drinking alcohol.
  • It is recommended to drink teas, clean cool water (but not ice cold) in small sips. Tea should be drunk hot as it organizes heat exchange between the body and the environment.
  • To maintain the water-salt balance in the body, it is worth eating vegetables and fruits.
  • Eat small meals. Large meals cause fever.
  • You can suck on ice cubes between meals.

How to cool off outside in the summer

How to make being outdoors more comfortable? In this situation, some tips will also help.

On the street, an old and well-known way is in a hurry to help you - this is a fan. It is very convenient and efficient to use and will not take up much space in your purse or pocket. The fan can be used even in public places.

  • Do not forget to bring wet wipes with you so that if necessary you can wipe the hot parts of the body (face, hands, neck).
  • Sprinkle yourself and your clothes with cool minty water before you go outside.
  • Don't forget to wear a hat when you leave.
  • Wear light-colored clothing as it attracts less sun rays.
  • Take a bottle of cold water or tea with you.
  • Think over your way through the shaded parts of the city, village.

How to save yourself from the heat in the summer at night

The main reason for poor sleep in the summer is discomfort from the heat. The key to good sleep is the air temperature in the room. To quickly and easily put yourself to sleep, here are some of our tips:

It is worth replacing cotton bedding with silk. If this is not an option for you. Then you can simply sprinkle bed linen with talcum powder or powder.

Put the bed linen in the freezer for a short time to cool it down.

To fall asleep faster. Hold your wrists under running cold water for a couple of minutes, this will give you a feeling of coolness for about an hour.

Organize yourself a sleeping place on the floor, as it is cooler there.

Leave windows and doors open at night. Remember to protect yourself from insects with mosquito nets or regular tulle curtains.

Summing up

Now you have learned how to quickly cool off in the heat. Surviving a hot summer is easier outside the city, near water bodies. Spend more time on the beach. Our tips will help you survive any hot summer, even in the absence of expensive assistants.

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