Mineral resources. Mineral resources of Kamchatka Territory

Encyclopedia plants 22.09.2019
Encyclopedia plants

Kamchatka is a peninsula located in the north-east of Eurasia. This is the only place in Russia, where volcanic eruptions occur. Under their influence, special effussed rocks are formed.


It depends largely on geological structure territory. So, the faults are elongated along the peninsula, all the ridges and lowland strips are also located along the eastern shore. Mountains are also acting or extinct volcanoes. They can be seen on the map of the peninsula called Kamchatka. The relief and minerals of this region are interrelated, since many mineral resources are concentrated in the area of \u200b\u200bvolcanoes.

The slopes of them have a false nature, there are landslides here. The active volcanoes are located in the eastern part of Kamchatka. The largest of them is the Klyuchevskaya Natka. Here often encounter boiling lakes and hot keys. The famous Valley of Geysers is located in this area. There are mud volcanoes. In river valleys, among which there is a river Kamchatka, there are alluvial and deluvial deposits.

On the Volcano Tobachik, new unique minerals of Kamchatka were opened. The photo of one of them is presented above. This is a mineral thaorite.

At the beginning of the last century there was a statement that Kamchatka, minerals of which are numerous, cannot be a significant area for the mining industry. Subsequently, this opinion was not confirmed. On new maps, such minerals were deposited as copper, coal, graphite, silver, molybdenum, lead, zinc, oil. It also had information about amber and various gems. Later was allocated among other Korfski coal deposit. His mining began in 1929. In the future, many more deposits of coal, oil, natural gas and other minerals were explored.

Geological structure

The eastern part of the Kamchatka was formed in the interaction of two lithospheric plates: oceanic and continental. Here is the immersion of one plate under the other. This is evidenced by the deep vpadina, the borders of the peninsula, - the smoke-Kamchatsky deep-water chute. There are volcanic activities, earthquakes often occur. This territory is made in such rocks as basalts, andesites, rhyolites.

The rest of the peninsula has more ancient origin. His western half is composed by Cenozoic sedimentary strata. In the southern Peninsula there are granites, porphyres, shenietites and other intrusive breeds. In tertiary clays and sandstones there are fossils of ancient marine animals, which indicates that the territory was covered with water. Also, there are coal layers with trees trunks, leaf traces and petrified resin - amber.

Minerals Kamchatka

What else can I say on this topic? Minerals of the Kamchatka Peninsula are diverse and numerous. There is oil and natural gas. The most promising reserves of these hydrocarbons have a Kolpakovsky oil and gas area in the western part of Kamchatka. There are also stoneware stocks brown coal. IN east Half Peninsula is Korfskoye and Khalin brown deposits. In the West there are the following coal manifestations: Tigil, Krurtogorovskoye, Gorelovskoye, rampage. There are huge peat deposits.

The Kamchatka has gold reserves of both ore and axle. They possess four large indigenous fields: Amethystovaya, Aginskoye, Asachanskoye, Rodnikovskoye. It lies about 198 tons of gold. There are also axles of this precious metal, they are numbered 42. Silver is present in these four fields to a greater extent - 655 tons. And the placer platinum is open.

There are deposits of cobalt, copper and nickel in the median crystal massif of the peninsula.

Kamchatka, minerals of which are associated with volcanic activitiesIt has the largest field in the Far Eastern region - Ilyinskoe.

In Kamchatka, there is also significant reserves of native sulfur. The number of its manifestations found exceeds two hundred. Common stocks make up 106 thousand tons.

Developed deposits

The mining industry in Kamchatka is only developing. Recently, there is a decrease in the amount of mineral raw materials produced. This is explained by the fact that the deposits of precious metals are depleted. Coskih Gaza deposit is currently being developed. There are also several small manifestations of stone and brown coal. The thermal waters for the production of electricity are constantly used.

Practical application of mineral resources

For the fuel and energy complex, there are reserves of oil, gas, stone coal and brown. Peat is used in economic activity. In the future, it can be widely used in the processing and chemical industries.

Precious metals and minerals used in the jewelry industry are produced. This is primarily gold, silver, platinum. There was a raster variety of pomegranate - deuntoida rare variety.

Also used in jewelry chrysolite. In addition, there are rubies, amethysts and sapphires. There are diverse stones - Jasper, Marble Onyx, Obsidian, Nephritis, Agat. These gems are used for decorations and other decorative purposes. There is also a blue obsidian extracted in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Ichin volcano.

Provided building materials Kamchatka. Minerals, such as volcanic tuffs, sand and gravel mixtures, construction stone, slags, brick clay, construction sand, Perlites and zeolites are in abundance. We are promising for the construction of the first-hand tuffs. Perlites are used to purify water and added to cement. In ecology, they are used to purify the soil and water bodies from contamination by industrial waste.

Underground waters that have a unique composition are widely used. Among them are mineral, and hydrothermal sources. They are used in food Industry And for the heat and energy needs.

Kamchatka, minerals of which are very diverse, is a promising area for mining mineral raw materials.

In 1923, a mineral card was drawn up on which the following minerals were allocated and the number of manifestations: used: mineral sources; Inspected: Copper (Commmors), Coal, Graphite, Mineral Sources; Famous by unverified data: iron, silver-zinc, mercury, molybdenum, copper, coal, oil, sulfur, mineral springs. In addition, there were information about Kaolina, plaster, amber, precious and diverse stones. Of course, these were only information about minerals, often even untested. Neither the exact location nor the quality nor the parameters were studied.
The region has richest reserves mineral resources: Gas, coal, native sulfur, thermal waters, indigenous and plaque gold and silver, nickel, copper, platinum, tin, lead, zinc.
When conducting a polist geological survey in 1962 in the territory of the territory of the west of Yelizovo, the weights of gold in the sluffs were discovered - up to 22 g per cubic meter. Favorable geographic and economic position of the placer, good transport network, proximity to the city - all this allowed you to quickly start mastering the field. Already in 1964, the first 36 kg of gold was obtained on the view, and the weight of individual nuggets reached more than 200 g, the planers of the Rivers of the Goltzov, Kameshkova, the Captain, Creek of Judumich and others were opened. In the north, in Penzhinsky district.
More than 400 gold and ore manifestations and mineralization points, for example, amethyst, Baranjevskoye, Golden, Kungurtsev and Cumoroge deposits, but most of the presents existing on the peninsula remain unpleasant. In the future, there is the possibility of creating large gold mining enterprises that will play a significant role in Russian gold mining. So far, about 11 tons of gold, with an estimated total reserve of more than 200 tons produced for all years of operation of deposits.
The forecast gold reserves on the peninsula are estimated at 800 tons, while the potential of the Kamchatka has been studied not yet fully. Until most of These deposits remain untouched.
As geological exploration shows, the gold deposits of Kamchatka belong to the category of large - they contain from 30 to 70 tons of metal. The conversion coefficient of forecast resources to confirmed is almost one to one, and the content of gold in a ton of ore is recorded. For example, at the Aginsky field it reaches 38 grams. For comparison: the average gold content in a ton of ore on a dry log in Siberia is 2.7 grams. The resource base of Gold Kamchatka is 380 tons of gold. The main objects of work are the Baranjevskoye and Kymorroy deposits, as well as a group of deposits in the area of \u200b\u200bAginsky Gok.
Platinum on Kamchatka began to look back in the 50s. However, to no avail. When an interest in the search for her is at all ugas, it turned out that the prospect in fact is. In 1990, loyal deposits were discovered during the shock testing of the River Levtyrimany. The platinum content reached 1.22 g per cubic meter. During 1991-1992, exploration was revealed by a productive reservoir with a capacity of up to two meters with a platinum content to 8 g per cubic meter. In 1994, 662 kg / 21.3 thousand ounces / platinum were produced simultaneously with the exploration. In total, about 20 tons of / 643 thousand ounces / precious metals over the years were mined in two placers over the years.
In accordance with the projects of subsoil users by 2018, the production of ore gold on the peninsula will reach 18 tons, platinum - 3 tons per year and will be maintained at this level to 2025, as well as in subsequent years.
The region has large predictive and significant explored reserves of ore and valuable non-metallic minerals. Balance reserves of major minerals are estimated at $ 15 billion. Annual absolute rent in the Mountain Industry of Kamchatka can range from 30 to 50 million dollars. The giant reserves of environmentally friendly fresh and various minerals are estimated for the same value of the potential absolute rent. underground water Peninsula.
There is a deposit of mercury ores (Okhotsk Strait), coal and non-metallic minerals are extracted in Corfer - Perlites, Zeolites, Gravel, PGS, clay, etc.
The region is rich in a variety of building materials. The balance sheet includes 64 fields of volcanic slags and pumice. The complex geological and economic assessment of mineral resources shows that the potential of the peninsula without taking into account water and fuel and energy resources, sulfur, mineral raw materials of local importance in world prices is estimated by more than $ 20 billion.
The general forecast resources of non-ferrous metals in five objects of Kamchatka Territory are: 1295 thousand tons of nickel, cobalt - 31.6 thousand tons, copper - 3053 thousand tons. And if we talk about the hydrocarbon potential of Sushi Kamchatka, it is estimated at 1.4 billion tons in the oil equivalent.
Gas reserves on land Kamchatka are relatively small: in the late eighties of the last century, four gas-condensate deposits with total explored reserves in category C1 of about 16 billion cubic meters were opened here. M - Kshukskoe, Nizhne-Kvakchikh, Middle-Kunjan and North Kolpakovskoye.
The West Kamchatka shelf has significant gas resources. Common gas reserves on the shelf can be about 10 trillion. cubic meters
Kamchatka today is one of the few large regions In the country, and all over the world, where the primary natural structure of landscapes and ecosystems has been preserved. At the same time, the pace is dialing in the mineral resource (primarily gold). Still, without an attempt to integrate the problem, there is a bet on the large-scale development of hydrocarbon raw materials and minerals of Kamchatka and the Kamchat shelf in the Okhotsk and the Bering seas.

Kamchatka Territory is one of the richest territories in the world in stocks natural resources. Kamchatka is the richest mineral resource province of Russia. Resource potential Peninsula is estimated at 65 billion dollars.

The objects of the most close attention in the first stages of the development of the region's mineral resources include deposits noble metals and nickel. To date, 63 gold deposits (11 indigenous and 52 places) are identified in the Kamchatka Territory. As of the beginning of 2012, in Kamchatka Territory, the balance reserves of gold 206 680.9 kg.
In 2006, industrial gold mining at the Aginsky field began, in 2011 the first gold was mined at the Asachansky field. In total, 3033.44 kg of gold was mined in 2011. In subsequent years, gold mining will increase.
In the region's balance sheet, 5 platinoid deposits (4 axilines and 1 are indigenous (copper-nickel deposit Schostuch) are taken into account. The total reserves of platinoids at the beginning of 2012 were 1176.6 kg, off-balanced reserves were taken into account in the amount of 1184.8 kg. In place of placer deposits 54 , 5% balance reserves.
Here are the exploded deposits of ore and stammer gold, platinum, silver, ferrous metals, nickel, copper, tin, lead, zinc, mercury.
The activities of the Kamchatka Territory mining complex are largely determined by enterprises included in the Renov Group of Companies, managed by Korakgeoldobych CJSC and OJSC "Gold Kamchatka". CJSC Kajiangeoldobych enters the top three leaders in the volume of platinum production in Russia. Over the past ten years, the company mined at least 2.5 tons of platinum annually.

CJSC Karyakgeoldobycha has the following licenses:

Rouch Linverenaya Rules Plant Fields;

Deposit Levtyrinavyum (Platinum);

Ametic deposit (Gold, Silver).
OJSC "Gold Kamchatka" owns 100% of the shares of the largest gold mining companies in the region - CJSC KAMGOLD, CJSC "KGD - Amethystovaya", CJSC "Bystrinskaya Mining Company" and Camchatka Gold CJSC.

The license fund of the company's group is distributed as follows:
CJSC "Camgold"

Aginskoye deposit (gold, silver), production in 2008 amounted to 1400 kg;

Kopylin Square (Gold, Silver);

Oganchinsky ore field (gold, silver);
CJSC "Kamchatsky Gold"

Ore field gold (gold, silver);

Baranjevskoe deposit (gold, silver);

The "Byustrian mining company" is being carried out by a license for the geological study and the development of the Kumorochian ore field (gold, silver).

The second largest company mastering the gold deposits of the region is CJSC Alarm Zarla - a subsidiary of the British Trans-Siberian Gold (TSG). "Anxious glow" belongs to the license for the development of gold deposits Asachansky and spring. In 2008, with some delay, the construction of the mining complex of the Asachansky deposit was conducted. Industrial mining at the Rodnikov deposit should begin by 2013.

Industrial production of indigenous gold began in the Kamchatka Territory in 2006 at the Aginsky Field of the Bystrinsky district (the projectile of the mine is 3 tons of metal per year). The amount of ore mining for the first 9 months of 2006 amounted to 81733 tons, for the first 9 months of 2007 - 11,4869 tons, which amounted to 140.5% of the same period of the previous year. Design mining level of at least 3000 kg of gold. Currently, 630 people work at Aginsky GOC, 80% of them are residents of Kamchatka Territory.

In the Kamchatka Territory, the placer gold is mined in the amount of 100-150 kg per year. In 2007, prey and exploration work at the architect deposits of the region were carried out by two enterprises:

CJSC "Artel prospectors" Kamchatka "developed an ardent of forest and hryvnia streams and rivers Right burned. At the field of forest handle. 28 kg of gold was produced, the loss during mining was 2 kg, the increase in stocks -10 kg. From the place of the hand. Grivna produced 38 kg of gold , Losses during mining amounted to 5 kg, the increase in reserves -11 kg. Balance reserves of the placer r. The right burner was completely worked out in 2006, in the reporting year, the operational growth of reserves was 46 kg of gold (42 kg was produced, losses - 4 kg) .

In 2007, CAYANKGEOLDOCHA CJSC in 2007 was produced by 2 kg of gold, reserves amounted to 1 kg. At the initiative of the subsoil user, the right to use subsoil, the license is canceled, the remaining reserves are transferred to the unallocated fund.

In accordance with the projects of subsoil user companies to the currently currently operating enterprises - Platinum (Galmienan) and the Golden (Aginian GOK) until 2015, 6 more enterprises will join.

At the Asachanskoye Department of the Elizovsky district, CJSC "Anxiety Zarla" already leads the construction of a mining and processing enterprise with annual productivity - 3 tons of gold. The annual performance of the Baranjevsky GOK is 3.2 tons of gold. The amethyst deposit is planned for GOK with annual performance - 2.5 tons. The first stage of the Okenerovsky GOK at annual performance - 3 tons. At the spring field, the performance of the GOK is also 3 t. At the Kumoroch field, a GOK is planned with annual performance - 2.5 tons. On Mutnovskoye deposit The planned commissioning of GOK - 2015 at annual performance - 2.5 tons.
British TRANS-Siberian Gold (TSG) defended in the GKP stocks of the Spring Department in Kamchatka in the amount of 30.888 tons (993.1 thousand ounces) of gold and 258.3 tons (8.3 million ounces) of silver by category C1 + C2, according to Company communications.
The total amount of ore is 5.8 million tons with an average gold content of 5.3 g / t, silver - 44.6 million tons with onboard content of 2 g / t.
The GKZ also approved a preliminary feasibility study (TEO) of the spring
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The fact that gold should be gold on the distant peninsula, people have been assumed for a long time. Even at the beginning of the thirties of the last century, the famous Soviet engineer Sergei Ovizko in the book "The main wealth Kamchatka region"Indicated the presence of a precious metallol in the basins of some rivers of the peninsula and the village of Nicho.

And then about Kamchatsky gold forgot to forgot - at this time "fevered" by Kolyma, and many enterprises led the prey of precious metals in those places. And only in 1964, geologists took a sample from quartz veins in the upper reaches of the Agi River, which showed the richest gold content in ore - 200 grams per ton. So the famous Aginsky field appeared.

Precious work

For more than 10 years, the Agian Mining and Processing Plant is operating in this place, which is part of the Gold Kamchatka Group of Companies, one of the largest gold mining companies in Russia. She first started the extraction of ore gold on the peninsula and today is the leading manufacturer of this precious metal in the region. Along with the fish industry, gold mining becomes strategically important for the development of the entire region.

Gold Kamchatka owns nine licenses for the development of gold deposits with a common resource base of more than 375 tons of gold. All production is based on two enterprises: Mining and processing plants "Aginskaya" and "Amethyst." Only last year about 800 thousand tons of ore were revised. 5.4 tons of gold were produced.

In Kamchatka, precious nuggets under their feet, unfortunately, are not lying. The process of gold mining from ore is very time consuming and requires maximum professionalism from all employees of the enterprise:

Today, manually, as shown in old films, gold is almost not mined. Nowadays, the technology has greatly advanced, and the mining of the precious metallol is carried out by sorption leaching - says head of the processing factory Alexander Drozdov. - Rudny material will be crushed into small fractions using special mills, then pass ore through the SIT system. After the difficult starts chemical process Gold extraction from ore by sorption of precious metals. The next stage is electrocolizes, obtaining a cathode sediment, which contains gold. Then, by melting gold-containing precipitation, a gold and silver alloy is obtained - Dore, which is later sent to an affinent plant outside the peninsula to obtain pure gold.

The working process. Photo: Provided by the advertiser

The remains of ore in the professional community are called "tails", and all enterprises have special polygons for their storage. In general, the maximum environmental friendliness of production is one of the key priorities for the "Gold Kamchatka". The best technology available technologies apply in the plant to reduce the impact of production on environment. The company's environmental service consists of qualified specialists who are continuously monitored by compliance with all environmental norms. For example, in early June employee Dmitry Romanenko ranked third on the regional competition "Ecologist of the Year".

Based on perspective

All production of the gold mining company is based on three nodes: Northern, Eastern and Central. The northern knot is the area of \u200b\u200bthe Amethyst deposit. The activities of the newly built mountain and processing plant are designed for at least 15 years - in these places a very rich mineral resource base. Its modest is a priority task in this production unit.

In the central node, gold mining is carried out in several fields: Aginsky, South-Aginsky, Gold, Oganchinskomi Kungurtsevsky. Special attention is paid to the development of the Baranjevsky field: there is a task to provide logistics, build a road. It is planned that in the next year ore of the Baranjevsky field will begin to replace the resources of the reaching out of the active development of Aginsky.

On the Eastern Node, the Kumoroch field is studying in full swing, which geologists consider very promising object. We are talking about 100 tons of gold stock in these places. Of course, without the development of infrastructure, it will be impossible for them:

Now in Kumorochie, geological exploration and design and survey work is carried out, and in the next three years the field will be prepared for development. In this place it is planned to build an enterprise that will produce 3500-4500 kg of gold annually. This will increase the annual gross regional product of Kamchatsky Territory by 12 billion rubles, - shares plans director of Interaction with Government Bodies Yuri Garaschenko. - Because of climatic and other natural features, the start of drilling work on facilities with a weakly developed infrastructure begins only now, in a favorable summer field season.

The lack of infrastructure complicates the process of gold mining. Photo: Provided by the advertiser

In general, the lack of infrastructure significantly complicates the process of gold mining in our region, therefore the construction of roads, the cost of electricity and fuel consists of almost 35% of the cost of the final production product. And yet, we are confidently looking into the future - we develop the transport infrastructure of deposits, special attention We pay geological exploration. Intelligence in our company are engaged in real professionals of their case, which apply modern and high-performance equipment at facilities, - notes cEO "Gold Kamchatka" Alexey Golubneko.

For the benefit of the edge

For any region, the activity of such a large enterprise is a serious help for the local budget. In the Government of Kamchatka Territory, notes that last years More and more private investments come to the region, and it has a significant impact on the regional economy, contributes to its development. In these positive changes, definitely, there is also the merit of "Gold Kamchatka". Due to its activities, at the end of last year, gold production on the peninsula increased by more than 80%.

In addition, the development of the mining industry has an important socio-economic importance in part of an increase in the level of employment of the population and raising the standard of living in a number settlements. The company is engaged not only by gold mining, but also conducts socially responsible policies, helping residents of remote Kamchatka villages, financing sports, environmental and cultural and educational events, supporting regional social programs.

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